View Full Version : Hellbreaker IC

2019-05-30, 09:18 AM
As you flow down the river of souls, you feel as if every cell in your body is being ripped apart over and over again. Your mind cycles through nightmare after nightmare, but then something changes. You awaken, but you feel yourself being pulled under. You cling to land as the current tries to wrest you free. Despite this, you are slowly and surely able to pull yourself out of the flowing river of souls.

You look around, seeing a blasted wasteland in all directions with a few dead trees dotting the landscape. The air burns in your lungs, smelling of suffer, and the sky is red, yet lacks any celestial bodies. Instead, shadows flicker across it, like a flame. Strange beings seem to be carrying souls and dumping them into the river. For the moment, they do not see you, but you do not know how long that will last.

As you examine yourself, you feel different, but do not quite understand how. Your mind is hazy, and you can only recall snippets of your life. Particularly, you remember your death, and a new anger comes over you. Resentment at being struck down. Soon, you see three others emerge from the river and they look to be in the same dilemma you are.

2019-05-30, 02:45 PM
"Ugh.....my head.....what the heck hit me last night......." A young looking man slowly begins to collect himself as he lays on the dry crusty earth. "Ok......go through the checklist.........Name.....Pyr Odrugan...good I haven't forgotten that. Next.....you work as a pit fighter......that's right a damn good one too. Alright.....now yesterday.....what happened.......I was in a fight......big bruiser of a guy, nothing new or special......he got me pinned up against the edge of the circle......I was about to knock his feet off when." Pyr suddenly opens his eyes, the memory of a sharp pain stabbing him in his back rocketing him to his feet. "I remember! Those bloody BACKSTABBERS! They can't knock me off THAT easily!" For the first time, Pyr actually takes notice of his surroundings. The desolate wasteland before him is drastically different than the muggy underground arena he was in previously. Blood drains from his boyish face when he looks up at the sky and sees shadowy figures flying across a blood red horizon. "Those bastards........they actually succeeded......how could they do this to me.....why?" Pyr's sudden shock at his realization over his demise is overtaken by an alien sense of anger and desire for violence. It builds in his gut, provoking and mixing with his own fury. A cry of rage bellows forth, his face going red as he bellows toward the sky.

2019-05-31, 12:03 PM
A man in armor pulled himself out. "Those tricky bastards," he muttered to himself. "Banish me to Hell, will they? I will ensure they will not live long enough to enjoy their conquest of my territory." He grins as a new power flows through him and a blade of fire briefly manifests in his hand. "Especially since they seem to have strengthened me in the process."

2019-05-31, 09:30 PM
Kvolk closed his eyes as the axe came down upon his neck. He hadn't been a very good person. Hopefully hell wouldn't be too bad to him.

He almost got a grin in before his head was severed, rather gruesomely, from his body.

And he was surprised to feel pain. Excruciating pain. Worse than anything he had felt in life. He had to grit his teeth -if he could even be described as having teeth right now- to find the focus to even think. So this is hell. he thought to himself. This is what my feats in life have gotten me.

And he consigned himself to an eternity of torment in this strange river. Days passed. Weeks. Months. And five long years of unimaginable torment later, by some grace of God, Kvolk found himself washed up on the beach of the stream.

He lay there, in shock eyes closed. After what felt like an eternity of torment in the river of souls, not being in pain was almost as bad as the torture. Almost. Finally he opened his eyes and gave himself a look over.

His hair had grown down to his waist, and he found from his chin a beard a little too long. And his nails. Around him he saw three others, and the environment around him. He began to realize. That river hadn't been hell. Tha five years was little more than an appetizer. Now it was time for the main course.

Kvolk looks to his companions. Well kids, looks like we've been damned.

2019-05-31, 10:01 PM
Coming out of the gate last, a girl in a loose floppy brown robe and hat. She takes a few steps out, before yawning and sitting down on the floor. "I guess I should have checked the papers properly.." She murmers to herself, letting out a yawn as she looks to the others around her. "You get blown up too?" she asks before laying down without even waiting for a response.

2019-06-01, 08:26 AM
You have only a short time to regain your bearing as you hear barking, like a dog, but hollow, as if it were passing through a tube.

Four strange quadrupeds begin bounding towards you as a taller figure emerges from behind them. The beasts have a skull for a head and the rest of the body is skinless, showing exposed muscle. Unlike a normal dog's paws, their legs end in fully articulate hands. They ooze a black sludge from their mouth, but you can sense it is salivating in hunger. As for the other figure, he appears to wear a black cloak, but closer observation reveals it is a pair of enormous wings. His face is half skeletal and the other half is that of a very attractive man.

The figure speaks, his voice gutteral and deep, but with the same tinny sound the "dogs" have. "Wonderful, it has been some time since my hounds got a chance to feed. Your souls shall be a much anticipated meal for them."

Pyr Odrugan = [roll0]
Zefir = [roll1]
Kvolk = [roll2]
Taidana = [roll3]

Enemy = [roll4]

2019-06-01, 09:22 AM
Pyr stares at the sudden arrivals, his anger only growing at the sight of them. "You think I'm gonna be easy pickings for your mutts?" His eyes flash brightly as a cruel sneer pulls back his face. Cracking his knuckles, he lowers his stance as he prepares for the hunkered monsters. "Bring it, I've got a fire in my belly, and it'll only be quenched with your blood."

Standard Action: Demoralize [roll0] Attempt to Demoralize the 'hounds'
Move Action: Martial Flexibility(Shark Style)
Swift Action: Shark Style(Unarmed Strikes can do piercing, piercing unarmed strikes deal +1d6 Bleed)

2019-06-01, 02:50 PM
The hounds begin to close, though one that was originally targeting Pyr veers off to the side and attacks Kvolk along with it's packmate. They all attempt to use their powerful jaws to bite their targets.

H1 (Shaken) charge attacks Kvolk [roll0]
Crit? [roll1]

H2 charge attacks Kvolk [roll3]
Crit? [roll4]

H3 charge attacks Zefir [roll6]
Crit? [roll7]

H4 charge attacks Taidana [roll9]
Crit? [roll10]

The winged creature slowly approaches, his gaze fixed on Pyr, the eye socket on the skeletal half of his face flashes a bright viridian light.

Winged Skeleton (WS) ranged touch attack (Ray) on Pyr [roll12]
Crit? [roll13]
Damage [roll14]

Save vs Stun (DC 14) [roll15]

2019-06-01, 10:11 PM
Taidana sighed as the villain shows up loudly announcing that his evil plan was to feed them to his dogs. At the dog snaps at her she groans, holding her head. "Stop.." she says. Her mind begins to focus on an image of a creature to fight the dog biting at her.

Casting Summon Monster two to create a akata (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/akata)to fight

2019-06-01, 10:53 PM
Kvolk eyes the winged skeleton, looking for any valuables. Of course, he would still murder the bastard if he had nothing to his name, but some good loot would make the killing so much sweeter.

"Aye, Skellyman-guy. I'm gonna 'ave a good time ripping your valuables from your bony body. Kvolk swings his hammer down with one hand as the first beast charges him, fending off the second one with his shield.

TWFing with Earthbreaker and Klar, Power Attacking
Earthbreaker on 1: [roll0] to hit.
Crit conf [roll1], x3 crit
[roll2] damage.
If crit, add [roll3] damage.

Klar on 2: [roll4] to hit.
Crit conf [roll5], x3 crit
[roll6] damage.
If crit, add [roll7] damage

Hopefully I didn't mess up the formatting on mobile

2019-06-03, 01:52 PM
Zefir grins at the hound in front of him. "You made a mistake challenging me." He summons a blade of fire crackling with lightning and then swings it at the hound in front of him.

Zefir takes a swift action to use Arcane Pool to make his Kinetic Blast a +1 Frost Kinetic Blast, then uses Spell Combat as a full-round action, first defensively casting Shocking Grasp with Spellstrike and Kinetic Blade, then making another melee attack with Kinetic Blade. As Kinetic Blade is paired with Fire Blast, the attacks target touch AC.
Shocking Grasp concentration check: [roll0]
Spellstrike attack: [roll1]
Spellstrike damage: [roll2] fire damage and [roll3] cold damage
Spellstrike confirmation (if necessary): [roll4]
Spellstrike critical damage (if necessary): [roll5] fire damage and [roll6] cold damage
Shocking Grasp damage: [roll7]
Shocking Grasp critical damage (if necessary): [roll8]
Kinetic Blade attack: [roll9]
Kinetic Blade damage: [roll10] fire damage and [roll11] cold damage
Kinetic Blade confirmation (if necessary): [roll12]
Kinetic Blade critical damage (if necessary): [roll13] fire damage and [roll14] cold damage

Realized after making this post that I traded out Spell Combat.

2019-06-03, 01:59 PM
Zefir enhances his Kinetic Blast with Arcane Pool, making it a +1 Frost Kinetic Blast. He then uses Spellstrike to cast Shocking Grasp through a Kinetic Blade.
Attack roll:
Damage: [roll1] fire damage, [roll2] cold damage, and [roll3] electricity damage
Critical confirmation roll (if necessary): [roll4]
Critical damage (if necessary): [roll5] fire damage, [roll6] cold damage, and [roll7] electricity damage
Concentration check: [roll]1d20+14

2019-06-03, 02:01 PM
Shocking Grasp concentration check: [roll0]

2019-06-03, 05:32 PM
While the others try to penetrate the defenses of the hounds, Zefir slays one with a devasting blow, unleashing an onslaught of elemental energy. The body of the beast begins to dissolve rapidly in a pool of fetid meat and blood.

2019-06-03, 08:18 PM
Pyr deftly dodges out of the way of the strange creative's eye beam. "HEY! WHY YOU!" In intense anger, Pyr charges at the Winged , pumping his arms furiously as to runs over. Just as he is about to reach the fiend, he winds back his arm, preparing to smash his fist through the bony houndmaster. His hand lights up with a burning inferno, though in his intense rage and focus, Pyr doesn't even notice. When he connects with his opponent, the fire on his fist burst onto the skeletal monster, engulfing it in flames. "Woah! Did I do that?" Pyr asks, stunned at the outcome and his still gently smoldering fist.

Charge the Winged Skeleton(+2 Attack, -2 AC)
Attack: Kinetic Burning Fist(Burn Cost: 1)(Rolled a 30, non crit)
Damage: [roll0] piercing + [roll1] Fire + [roll2] Bleed
Infusion specialization(-1 Burn)
Burning Infusion(Sets target on Fire, 1d6 Fire damage/rd until extinguished)
Searing Flame(-X Fire Resistance for 2 rds whenever Burning Damage is taken, X equals unmodified Burning Damage)
Total Burn: 0
Shark Style: 9/10 rds left

2019-06-03, 08:55 PM
The winged figure reels back in pain.

Burning = [roll0]
Bleed = [roll1]

He opens his wings rapidly, which buffets Pyr and extinguishes the flames burning his body. Beneath the wings, his body is similarly decayed as his face.

Bull Rush vs Pyr [roll2]

Hey draws a wicked scythe seemingly out of nowhere and attempts to slash at Pyr.

WS takes 5 ft step if he succeeds in knocking Pyr back with his wings.

WS attacks Pyr [roll3]
Crit? [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
If Crit, add [roll6]

2019-06-04, 07:45 AM
One of the remaining hounds moves to flank Kvolk as it and it's partner attack.

H1 (still shaken) takes a 5 ft step to flank, and the both attack.
H1 attacks Kvolk [roll0]
Crit? [roll1]
Damage [roll2] if crit add [roll3]

H2 attacks Kvolk [roll4]
Crit? [roll5]
Damage [roll6] if crit add [roll7]

Meanwhile the hound pestering Taidana attempts to bite her again.

H4 attacks Taidana [roll8]
Crit? [roll9]
Damage [roll10] if crit add [roll11]

2019-06-04, 04:23 PM
Taidana growns huffing at the dog bites her rather easily. Trying to picture something and bring it forth was going to be more work for her than practically anything else. picking up chip out of the folds of her robes, she raises her hand and creates a powerful cutting attack at the beast.

TK Blast - Kinetic blade
1 burn is already taken care of with Kinetcist.

If Crit: [roll1]
[roll2] cutting damge

2019-06-04, 07:54 PM
When Kvolk misses both of his attacks, his face turns down into a snarl. There were many things he'd wanted -craved- in life, and there were several he found he craved in death as well. Right now, however, there was nothing he craved more than the death of these stupid hounds and their stupid master. With a grunt, Kvolk lashes out at one of the hounds with the blade on his shield. He then, in an impossible feat of strength, swings his hammer over his head one-handed, turning around to land it on the other hound's head.

Against Hound one: Attack with Klar, Power Attacking
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] crit confirm
[roll2] damage
Add [roll3] damage on crit

Against Hound two: Attack with Earthbreaker, Power Attacking
[roll4] to hit
[roll5] crit confirm
[roll6] damage
Add [roll7] damage on crit

2019-06-07, 07:01 PM
Seeing an opening lull, one of the hounds harassing Kvolk breaks off and pounces on Zefir, using its hand-like feet to grab ahold of both his arms and legs. Then, like a spring, it coils up and leaps into the river of souls carrying its prey with it.

Since I have been unable to get a response from RoTWS, I am temporarily disabling him from combat in order to allow the rest of you to keep going. Whenever he gets back, his character can climb out of the river and rejoin the group.

Kvolk technically does get an AoO, but unless he crits for max damage, it won't kill the hound, so I'll just skip that

2019-06-07, 07:31 PM
Pyr cries out in pain as the scythe slashes at him. Shaking his head, he refocused on his opponent, a wide hateful grin plastered on his face. "I'm gonna knock you on your ass if it is the last thing I DO!" Both of his fists light on fire as Pyr attempts to pummel the skeleton.

Brawler's Flurry
Empowered Burning Fist Burn Cost(2): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] piercing + [roll2] Fire + [roll3] Bleed
Crit Confirm?: [roll4]
Infusion Specialization: -1 Burn
Elemental Overflow added +1 to attack
Total Burn: 1

Brawler's Flurry Cont.
Declaring Knockout
Burning Fist Burn Cost(1): [roll5]
Damage: [roll6] piercing + [roll7] Fire + [roll8] Bleed
Crit Confirm?: [roll9]
If first attack succeeds, add +2 to attack roll
Knockout DC 15 Fort, target unconscious for [roll]1d6] rounds if fails
Infusion Specialization: -1
Total Burn: 1

2019-06-07, 09:18 PM
Burn [roll0]
Bleed [roll1]
Knockout Fort save [roll2]

Pyr's fist lands a devastating blow to the Winged Skeleton. While still alive, it falls motionless and unconscious as it burns and bleeds out.

2019-06-08, 02:36 PM
The remaining hounds seem uneasy with their master down for the count. Still, they tentatively attack Taidana and Kvolk, biting at them with their skull-like faces.

H1 attacks Kvolk
Crit? [roll]1d20+6]
Damage if crit add [roll2]

H1 attacks Taidana [roll3]
Crit? [roll]1d20+6]
Damage [roll4] if crit add [roll5]

2019-06-09, 11:23 AM
In the hound's clutches, Zefir forms another blade of fire and ice, though this time without the lightning, then strikes.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1] fire damage and [roll2] cold damage
Critical confirmation roll (if necessary): [roll3]
Critical damage roll (if necessary): [roll4] fire damage and [roll5] cold damage

2019-06-09, 12:22 PM
Taidana wined as she was bitten yet again by the canine, "Stoooop!" she clutched her hat pulling it down over her head. With another wave of her claw at the beast, another blade of energy appeared to strike at it.

Kinetic blade


2019-06-10, 09:42 PM
Kvolk sighs. This fight wasn't going super well for him. Sure, he hadn't been seriously hit yet, but he wasn't putting on a very good show either. Being in the river for all those years likely hadn't done a whole lot of good to his bodily health.

He sighs again as Pyr knocks down the skeleton guy. He'd wanted to get a crack at the bastard, but it looked like that wasn't gonna happen. This "hound" would have to do.

TWF and Power Attack

Earthbreaker: [roll0]
Crit Conf: [roll1]
[roll2] damage
Add [roll3] on crit

Klar: [roll4]
Crit Conf: [roll5]
[roll6] damage
Add [roll7] damage on crit

2019-06-11, 08:32 AM
Sensing the battle is lost, the hounds withdraw and move to escape. They flee in different directions.

Hounds take the withdraw action to avoid AoO's, but move only up to their speed (50 ft) so, I mean you can try to blast them at range if you want, but they are leaving battle.

The winged skeleton remains face down on the ground, unconscious, burning, and bleeding out.

2019-06-11, 11:50 AM
Pyr looks up from his defeated foe, and sees the others that washed up with him have managed to chase away the skeleton's mutts. "Any of you capable of healing? I wanna get some answers from this guy."

"Great! Let's patch him up!" Put grabs the unconscious body beneath him and pulls it up. He wraps his arms around the creatures arms and wings to keep him in place if it should wake up

Move Action: Martial Flexibility: Improved Grapple
Standard: Grapple the Winged Skeleton.
Let me know if I need to roll

"Hmph, too bad for him then. You shouldn't have messed with us half-face." Pyr lights his fists one more time before bashing in the back of the fallen skeleton's head.

Brawler's Flurry
Burning Kinetic Fist 1 [roll0] + [roll1] Fire + [roll2] + [roll3] Fire
Burning Kinetic Fist 2 [roll4] + [roll5] Fire + [roll6] + [roll7] Fire

2019-06-11, 11:22 PM
Kvolk grunts as his odd hound of a foe ran away. His greed was beginning to flare up. He needed this kill.

Suddenly, he feels a strange power manifest inside him. Something he hadn't felt before. In a surge of instinct, Kvolk drops his Klar and hoists his hammer in both hands. His feet stomp thunderous lay on the ground, and a pillar of rock jolts out from the ground. With a yell and a crack, he slams his hammer into the pole of rock, sending a huge chunk of it flying fifty feet towards the hound.

[roll0] To hit
[roll1] Crit conf?
[roll2] Damage (B, P, S)
If crit, add [roll3] Damage (B, P, S)

The rock pillar and such is just a creative way to tie Kvolk's powers into a large aspect of the character -martial prowess and the big friggin' hammer. If this isn't okay, then a standard "Rocks shoot at his foe" works too!

2019-06-11, 11:34 PM
With a heavy sigh, Taidana slowly stands back up again moving over to the down skeleton. With a flash of energy, she blasts the creature with a blast of healing energy as she forces life back into it. Once she was done, she summons a floating matress and falls onto it, falling back to sleep again.

2 rounds of actions really.. The first is to use kinetic healing to heal the skeleton [roll0] health and takes 1 point of Burn.

Then casting floating disk and laying down on it.

2019-06-14, 02:04 PM
"Thank you! Now that you're awake and able. Why don't you tell us why we shouldn't break your neck and toss you into the river?" Pyr says, tightening his grip on the creative's wings and arms.

2019-06-14, 05:59 PM
The winged skeleton just grins under his beaten face, "What lip coming from one of the dead. Do you think any of this matters? Kill me or not, it's like a puppy pretending to be an attack dog. I'll just reform I Purgatory. I just tend the flow of souls. Your already at your destination, so I've already won." He spits at Pyr, coming out as a greenish yellow liquid, putrid and thick.

2019-06-14, 08:46 PM
laying on her floating matress Taidana shrugs a little. "That just means he's gotta beat you only half way to death.. "

2019-06-15, 07:29 PM
"I would listen to the floating cat? I see no reason not to break a few bones. Heck, if I cripple you, we can keep you around as a pet. That sound fun to you.......I'm sorry I didn't catch your name, I'm Pyr." An awkward time to introduce himself the the mysterious floating caster, but there doesn't seem to be a better one.

Grapple Check [roll0]
9/10 rds left of Improved Grapple
If successful, Damage the wings for [roll1]

2019-06-16, 02:58 PM
The skeletal figure grins and laughs. "Thanks for the name, now no matter where you go "Pyr," we'll be able to find you."

Just as he says that, you notice large shadows moving along the ground. Looking above you, you see 8 more figures in flight circling you, they share a similar appearance to the creature you are interrogating. "Here they come, have fun with that, fighting against us would be suicide if you weren't already dead, now, it is much much worse."

2019-06-16, 03:54 PM
"Oh.. well bye then.." Taidana says, letting out a yawn as she gets ready to fly off in the opposite direcection of the beasties on her floating matress. Running away was usually less work after all than staying around and getting beat on.

2019-06-18, 06:52 PM
Zefir looked at the new enemies. Nine foes might be tricky, but he was confident he could handle the situation. Even being sent to Hell was nothing but a setback, so nine puny devils shouldn't be anything more than a minor inconvenience.

"It doesn't matter if you know our names," he says. "I am Zefir the Unconquered, and none of you could ever hold a candle to me."

2019-06-19, 08:53 PM
Kvolk eyes the nine figures. He couldn't die, if these things were to be believed. At the same time, somehow, he got the sense that failure in this combat might mean going back into the river. Which he definitely did not want to do

He moves up to Zefir, whispering. "Listen, guy. I don't like these guys, you don't like them either. We both seem like competent warriors." Yes, appeal to his sense of pride. "But we are outnumbered. By quite a bit, assuming death hasn't affected my arithmetic skills. Right now, we need to get out of here." He turns to Pyr. "We can come back for revenge later. But right now, we need to keep our lives -deaths?- whatever as intact as possible. We stick together, we stand a much better chance of living comfortably in this hellhole." Plus, Kvolk could use some travelling buddies. Companions could be useful.

2019-06-19, 09:46 PM
Taidana treated the impending doom like they were her responsibilities and ran from them, flying off on her mattress.

2019-06-20, 05:21 AM
"I hate to agree but you're right.......fine, lets get out of here." Throwing the skeleton down, Pyr begins to run. "I'm sure will meet again Bonehead, and next time, I won't be so nice."

2019-06-21, 06:17 PM
"Go if you want," Zefir said. "I won't back down." He advanced on his foes, shield raised and hand ready, confident in his ability to outthink and outmaneuver his enemies despite the seeming numerical disadvantage. Now which equalizer do I unleash first?

2019-06-21, 06:50 PM
Stopping in his tracks, Pyr turns back to the lone warrior preparing his stand. Son of a whore is gonna get himself killed. Shaking his head Pyr walks back and smashes his fist into the first skeleton they faced. "Crazy Bastard....what kind of man would I be if I let your butt get kicked alone? Looks like I got a new fire in my belly."

Coup de Grace WS1
Burning Kinetic Fist [roll0] bludgeon + [roll1] Fire
[roll2] bludgeon + [roll3] Fire

2019-06-21, 06:55 PM
As Pyr's fist slams into the captive skeleton, it discorporates into smoldering ash.

Meanwhile, the others of its kind slowly descend.

2019-06-21, 07:16 PM
Zefir snaps his fingers. As five images of him appear around him, he moves with them, hoping the skeletons will lose the real him among the fakes. A pity he hadn't yet mastered the art of shadow illusions, or the images would actually be able to fight.

2019-06-21, 07:45 PM
Pyr moves toward one of the new skeletons to engage it in battle. Pulling a dirty trick, Pyr jabs his thumbs at the creative's eyes, hoping to blind it.

Move towards WS1
Combat Maneuver Dirty Trick(Deft Maneuvers prevent AoO, adds +2)
If successful, target is blinded for 1 rd + 1/every 5 higher than CMD

2019-06-24, 11:09 PM
Kvolk grimaces. He could flee with the flying mattress lady, or he could stay and fight with the other two.

Friends come in handy. Friends are useful. Plus, these skeletons might have loot on them.

Kvolk turns back and charges one of the new skeletons, bringing his hammer down with a thud.

Charging, power attacking. Hitting one of the skeletons who hasn't been hit yet.

[roll0] to hit.
[roll1] crit conf
If hit, [roll2] bludgeoning damage
If crit, add [roll3] damage

2019-06-26, 10:31 AM
These winged skeletons prove more agile than the first as both Pyr and Kvolk miss. They then take a swipe at them with their scythes in response.

WS1 attack vs Pyr [roll0]
Crit x4? [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
If Crit add [roll3]

WS2 attack vs Kvolk [roll4]
Crit x4? [roll5]
Damage [roll6]
If Crit add [roll7]

As the combat continues, two more of the creatures land, ready to attack.

2019-06-27, 09:37 AM
Pyr doesn't know how long he can last, that last hit was really intense. But with a defiant roar, Put swings a burning fist at his opponent.

Move Action: Martial Flexibility changes to Weapon Focus(Close)
Using Combat Expertise(-2 Attack +2 Dodge Bonus to AC)
Standard Attack: Burning Kinetic Fist [roll0] Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] Fire
No Burn

2019-06-27, 09:54 AM
Meanwhile, taidana was being a master of avoiding working and also death as her mattress sped away from the conflict

2019-06-28, 10:28 AM
Kvolk winces as he gets scythed by one of the skeletons. A few more of those and he would be forced to retreat. For now, though, he would see if he could stand his ground.


Earthbreaker: [roll0] to hit.
Crit conf: [roll1]
[roll2] damage
If crit, add [roll3] damage

Klar: [roll4] to hit.
Crit conf: [roll5]
[roll6] damage
If crit, add [roll7] damage.

2019-07-02, 12:50 AM
The skeletons continue to amass their numbers, but as the next two land, a pale blue light shines at a nearly blinding intensity, vaporizing both those on the ground and those flying above.

As the group's eyes adjust, standing amidst them is a humanoid being of unnatural beauty clad in gold and pearl armor. As he steps forward, two more beams of light shine down, though they are much dimmer and white. Out of those walk two more humanoid beings, also clad in armor, but have a less regal air about them then the other. Flowing behind each of them are what appear to be tendrils made of light, the same color as the light they appeared from. The main being has what appears to be twelve of these tendrils and the others have six. The two also have, what appears to be multiple faces, yet at the same time appear singular, despite each looking in a different direction.

The first one speaks, "What have we here, hmm? Damned souls causing trouble for the psychopomps? I see. Well, you are already at their intended destination in Hell, yet why do you seem more . . . fleshed out than the others?

Interesting, I may have use for you. My name is Samael, an Archangel, and the others are seraphim, my . . . attendants, you might say. I may have a job for you, if you are interested. I cannot tell you what it is, due to Heaven's rules, you see, as arrangements of my kind must be accepted on faith. I'd say it is difficult and dangerous, but seeing where you are, I'm not sure that would sink in as much as it should. No pressure, if you decline, I will simply leave, though wandering through Hell, even in Avernus, can be quite hazardous, especially for anomalies such as yourself."

2019-07-06, 08:38 AM
Seeing the light, curiosity eventually won out over the desire to escape and do nothing. Taidana decides she is going to go back for just a moment and take a peek, and if there was still fighting left to be done, she'd put some real effort in escaping this time around. Coming back around to the group, she yawns for a bit, blinking as she looks to the thing.. "Is.. that an angel?"

2019-07-07, 02:46 PM
"Archangel, actually," Samael corrects Taidana, his voice remaining soft and calm, yet sounding as if he is standing directly next to her. "These two who joined me are angels. It is rather difficult for my kind to manifest here, though Avernus presents the least difficult layer to visit."

2019-07-14, 08:40 AM
Taidana pauses looking to her wrist for a moment, then to the other three that have been standing around. "Well.. I think they broke. Are you here to take them away? Its like too much stuff here to do." she says, even the slothful sin she was, she couldn't wait much longer herself. After all, she wasn't going to find snacks down here too easily without some sort of special hellbound delivery service.

2019-07-14, 10:32 PM
Kvolk stares, mesmerized, at the beings before him. Angels, huh? It made sense, he supposes. If there were devils, demons, and hell, it would make sense for there to be angels too.

He shakes himself from his fascination, then clears his throat. "Ahem, uh, yes. A job, you say. Um, would there be, uh, payment... involved?" He didn't want to anger the divine being before him, but his greed wouldn't let him go without knowing what was in it for him.