View Full Version : Dragonborn battlerager

2019-05-30, 04:47 PM
Been experimenting with grappler builds recently in a couple of one-shot/short-run games and really been enjoying the play style. Got an opportunity to join a longer campaign with some friends that is going to be run a bit looser with more left to the gm's call, we're all old school friends so things are relaxed and rule of cool takes precedent.

I'm still relatively new to the game however so would appreciate some feedback on this build both on a thematic level and from an effectiveness level.

The idea behind the character is a dragon born brawler, however through ancestry or mutation he has a more human stature and facial structure but scaled skin that has boney protrusions like a thorned devil. The weighting towards human attributes has left the body less able to cope with the draconic elements, the spikes and draconic fire in his belly have caused a pain that he's had to learn to deal with (a fluff explanation for the rage and racial resistances). Going to try to show this through actions throughout the campaign such as drinking milk to ease the "indigestion" if they drink alcohol they may lose control of their breath ability and through taking the healer feat and kit due to the times they've had to patch themselves up as a result of their spikes. The character tends towards careful and polite to avoid drawing even more attention than their appearance already garners and a sympathy to others in pain, however when pressed they will fly off the deep end in their rage doing a complete 180 in their character due to the release of repressed pain and emotion.

Mechanically I want to play this as a dragonborn battlerager/thief, but I'm unsure of some of the class mechanics, an also hope to get some concessions from the dm both for the sake of effectiveness and flavour. I'd appreciate feedback on both my understanding of the rules and whether my changes are reasonable. Obviously I will discuss the changes with the dm and group but it would be nice to get feedback on which changes are reasonable and better alternatives.

First question is whether the 3 damage is just on the initial grapple or on each successful grapple check? The only rules I've read make it sound like just the initial round but I've seen several forum posts suggesting the the latter.

Secondly can you make normal attacks with the battlerager armour as well as the bonus one? The wording says you can attack with the battle rager armour which suggests yes, and and would be great to allow me to keep both hands free for grappling without taking tavern brawler.

Changes I'd like:
. Dragonborn to be able to to take the battlerager subclass.
. Self explanitory

. To be able to count the unarmoured defence as the spiked armour.
. A big ask but it's in keeping with the nature of the character and that he doesn't use stronger weapons gives some balance.

. Grappler feat can do the restrain action by replacing a single attack for an additional grapple check.
. I like the risk reward nature of the the feat and how it can benefit the group but its just too uneconomical woth actions especially if trying to grapple two opponents.

. Eventually develop an oil that can burn longer than two turns.
. This will become clear in a moment.

. Either make the breath attack a bonus action or a feat that does so.
. Yes this is a lot of wish listing but when all the parts come together it will allow for a pretty horrifying combat of grappling 2 victims , dousing in oil, restraining both then igniting with breath attack. Will be pretty effective but only doable once a short rest on large or smaller opponents. This is the character gone well over the edge and wouldn't be able to set up till level 9 at the earliest due to needing 2 attacks, the thief use item bonus action and a couple of feats.

Other out the ordinary actions I'd like to carry out.
. Use the healers kit with thief's fast hands to do something other than cause pain 😁
. Use the dex bonus to jump height to clear 10feet high jump for the 1d6 dmg and autoprone as a throw for grappled opponents.
.just realised I lied earlier I would like to use a dagger for sneak stack on grappled opponents as a misercordia named mercy, to put them out of their misery after previously described actions have taken place.

Sorry for length but would appreciate any feedback of how people would feel dm'ing or playing with this character.