View Full Version : [PF] Magic item creation help

2019-05-31, 01:09 PM
So I found a spell, a simple level 1 spell that has some implications that I wanted to has out with people with a bit more experince with custom magic items. So player wants to make a Moment of greatness item like a horn or a banner. This would be a continuous effect costing 4k gold by my calculations.

His question was what would this allow the bonus to continue past one dice roll? example would be a morale to strength would this deal increase the bonus to attack and damage? or just the attack roll.

Ken Murikumo
2019-05-31, 01:42 PM
I would say yes for him, but no for any players caught in the initial burst. Once used, the effect is discharged and so would technically create a new burst because of the continuous effect (it ends then immediately restarts).

Personally, as a Dm, i would have to tweak a few things to make the item run more smoothly and fit the bill of a 4K item. Something like making it an action to initiate the burst and the user and any allies can discharge it whenever they want for the bonus. The user would have to refresh his or his allies MoG effect by spending an action to do so.

Also, putting this in the right sub-forum may help greatly.

2019-06-01, 04:58 PM
Making a continuous item reminds me of Persistent Spell, which can't be used on dischargeable spells. There's a lot of grey area that a DM will have to decide/rule on as to what can be done to reset the magic item and whatnot. Depending on the discharge benefit, I wouldn't allow that spell to be used for item creation.

2019-06-02, 09:15 AM
The continuous effect price modifier is the same as that of an infinite-use use-activated item. I'd say for the sake of simplicity make it use-activated instead of continuous. Make it a warhorn or something that applies the effect of the spell when used (as a standard action), and the effect does not reset or refresh until the warhorn is used again.
Bearing in mind that the modifiers listed on the custom magic item creation table are guidelines and not so much rules, in the case of an item based on a spell like this one which is meant to discharge after being used once rather than extending to its full duration, I'd say that it's easily justifiable to make a continuous effect variant of the item cost significantly more than (maybe twice as much as) a use-activated variant. So make the horn that costs 4k, but also give the option of the banner that doubles morale bonuses of any ally who can see it within 50 feet and does not discharge on use for, say, 8k or 10k.