View Full Version : Scythe matter can you give me advice.

2019-06-01, 05:03 AM
Just give your comment and suggestions as well as violent reaction

Type: Simple Weapon
Damage: 1d8 Slashing
Properties: Heavy, Two Handed, Arcane Spell Focus(staff) , Holy Symbol for Death Domain Clerics and OathBreaker Paladins, Druidic Focus

Kusari-Gama (form 1)
Type: Martial Weopon
Damage: 1d4 Slashing or 1d4 bludgeon
Properties: Reach ,Two handed, special#

Kusari-Gama (form 2)
Type: Martial Weapn
Damage: 1d4 slash
Damage: 1d4 bludgeon
Properties:Light, Special#,Special##

Kusari-Gama (Form 3)
Type:Martial Weapon
Damage: 1d4 Slashing
Properties: versatile(1d6) Special#

1) The weapon convert from form1 to form2 or back, those proficient it doesn't cost an action if your proficient with it bonus action if your not, you can only change it once per turn.
2) The weapon convert from form 3 to form 1 or form or back as a bonus action if your proficient with it or one action if your not, you can only do it once per turn
You can use either 1 or 2 each turn but not both in one turn

You use this as two light weapon one in.each hand , one does.slashing one does bludgeon , you must have both weapon in your hands

War Scythe is treated as Glaive
Kama is treated as Sickle

Dance of the Crescent Blade
Requirements: must be proficient at least of one of these Scythe Glaive Sickle or Kusari-Gama

Note ability only work if you are proficient with such weapon.
+ Scythe Glaive Sickle or Kusari-Gama gain finesse property
+ increase damage die on a critical hit
Scythe 1d8 to 2d6 slash
Glaive 1d10 to 2d8 slash
Sickle 1d4 to 1d8 slash
Kusari-Gama 1d4 slash to 1d8 slash
1d4 bludgeon to 1d6 bludgeon
Kusari-Gama. Versatile (1d6 slash to 1d10 slash)

2019-06-01, 05:42 AM
looks good.

No brains
2019-06-01, 07:01 AM
You should watch out for your feat because it makes a glaive with polearm master and great weapon master even more powerful when its already one of the most powerful options. It doesn't need finesse, extra crit damage and the extra damage die.

I also don't like how a regular scythe is heavy, since that keeps small creatures from being effective spellcasters/ attackers with it as a focus.

I have the bias of never liking scythes as a weapon because they were never widely historically used nor even niche successful. Also the imagery of death with a scythe intentionally implies that effort or skill is not a factor in death coming for someone.

2019-06-01, 07:50 AM
Dance of the Crescent Blade
Requirements: must be proficient at least of one of these Scythe Glaive Sickle or Kusari-Gama

Note ability only work if you are proficient with such weapon.
+ Scythe Glaive Sickle or Kusari-Gama gain finesse property
+ increase damage die on a critical hit
Scythe 1d8 to 2d6 slash
Glaive 1d10 to 2d8 slash
Sickle 1d4 to 1d8 slash
Kusari-Gama 1d4 slash to 1d8 slash
1d4 bludgeon to 1d6 bludgeon
Kusari-Gama. Versatile (1d6 slash to 1d10 slash)

The feat looks like it's a bit too busy with a whole lot of separate qualifiers. "weapon A gets this, weapon B gets this, weapon C gets this... etc"
Assuming you're upping the dice size with the intention of those in turn being doubled as per the common critical hit rules, maybe just simplify it to:
"When you score a critical hit while wielding a [insert weapon list], you deal an extra 2d4 slashing damage to the target."
Will produce a similar end result with less complexity.

Type: Simple Weapon
Damage: 1d8 Slashing
Properties: Heavy, Two Handed, Arcane Spell Focus(staff) , Holy Symbol for Death Domain Clerics and OathBreaker Paladins, Druidic Focus
The 'arcane focus/holy symbol/druidic focus' property you could probably just outright cut. That would fall in the realm of customizing weapons, which from what games I've seen so far is fairly standard for players to convert their primary items/weapons into spell focuses just for convenience, and I'm yet to come across a DM that bans such things. And if they did, they would have probably already banned this weapon from being used as written.

If I can, I'd also like to direct you to the Deathpact Angel (Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica, p191). They wield a scythe which might suit your needs. Ignoring the extra necrotic damage it deals, the scythe can be reverse engineers to get the properties: 2d4 slashing, two-handed, reach, finesse (Deathpact Angel attacks using Dex). And if you want to get really fancy, you could say it qualifies as a polearm.
1d8 weapons are already pretty common. If looking to have different weapon types, it's a good idea to go for more unique properties so it has a different mechanical presence to the others.

2019-06-01, 09:57 AM
The feat looks like it's a bit too busy with a whole lot of separate qualifiers. "weapon A gets this, weapon B gets this, weapon C gets this... etc"
Assuming you're upping the dice size with the intention of those in turn being doubled as per the common critical hit rules, maybe just simplify it to:
"When you score a critical hit while wielding a [insert weapon list], you deal an extra 2d4 slashing damage to the target."
Will produce a similar end result with less complexity.

The 'arcane focus/holy symbol/druidic focus' property you could probably just outright cut. That would fall in the realm of customizing weapons, which from what games I've seen so far is fairly standard for players to convert their primary items/weapons into spell focuses just for convenience, and I'm yet to come across a DM that bans such things. And if they did, they would have probably already banned this weapon from being used as written.

If I can, I'd also like to direct you to the Deathpact Angel (Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica, p191). They wield a scythe which might suit your needs. Ignoring the extra necrotic damage it deals, the scythe can be reverse engineers to get the properties: 2d4 slashing, two-handed, reach, finesse (Deathpact Angel attacks using Dex). And if you want to get really fancy, you could say it qualifies as a polearm.
1d8 weapons are already pretty common. If looking to have different weapon types, it's a good idea to go for more unique properties so it has a different mechanical presence to the others.

Actually I thought of it just following the avatar of death of of the deck of many things 😊

2019-06-01, 12:03 PM
Weapons are never, by default, usable as a spellcasting focus. An arcane focus, for instance, costs a lot more than a quarterstaff, implying that there's something special that needs to be done to make a staff into a focus: Carving runes into it, or incorporating a crystal into the tip, or doing a special ritual on it, or making it out of the wood of a special magical tree, or something. So you probably could have a scythe that could serve as a spellcasting focus, if you did those special things to it, but it wouldn't apply to just any random weaponized scythe.

2019-06-01, 01:45 PM
Whatever you’ve been told, scythe doesn’t matter it’s all about the way you reap.