View Full Version : Brand new holiday I am inventing!

2007-10-05, 11:06 PM
Friends, countryman, lend me your ears (or at least your attention for a few minutes),

I hereby initiate a new holiday. It takes place throughout the whole month of October. The purpose of this holiday it to celebrate how nice beards are.

I call this month long spectacle "Octobeard." During the festival of Octobeard you are hereby forbidden from shaving your face.

Serious devotees the Octobeard cause may even consider stopping shaving the hair on the legs, armpits, or other places to further the cause of hair growth.

So my companions, join me in casting down the razor for the month and give that baby face a break. Grow a beard for a good cause. That is, beards.

*This message brought to you by the Octobeard for the People foundation. All proceeds go to people without the ability to grow beards.*

2007-10-05, 11:09 PM
Friends, countryman, lend me your ears (or at least your attention for a few minutes),

I hereby initiate a new holiday. It takes place throughout the whole month of October. The purpose of this holiday it to celebrate how nice beards are.

I call this month long spectacle "Octobeard." During the festival of Octobeard you are hereby forbidden from shaving your face.

Serious devotees the Octobeard cause may even consider stopping shaving the hair on the legs, armpits, or other places to further the cause of hair growth.

So my companions, join me in casting down the razor for the month and give that baby face a break. Grow a beard for a good cause. That is, beards.

*This message brought to you by the Octobeard for the People foundation. All proceeds go to people without the ability to grow beards.*


but I don't look good with a beard.... i mean... its like giving my avie brown should-length straight hair... with a BEARD!!! eck....... (everything besides the beard is what i look like:smalltongue: )

Sorry, im not a beard kind of guy!
I'm so on for the holiday though, we can always use another day of celebration!! (To beards??????):smallbiggrin:

2007-10-05, 11:15 PM
I hereby swear not to shave my face for the whole of the month of October!!!!!


2007-10-05, 11:19 PM
I hereby swear not to shave my face for the whole of the month of October!!!!!


Uh oh, its the bearded lady.

2007-10-05, 11:22 PM
nice call.

but october has the day of ascension, a day when we followers have to be clean shaven :(

2007-10-05, 11:23 PM
Well in the interests of gender equality. I think it should be amended to no shaving period. :smalltongue:

I hereby swear not to shave my face for the whole of the month of October!!!!!


2007-10-05, 11:24 PM
Uh oh, its the bearded lady.

Nuh-uh. :smalltongue:

2007-10-05, 11:24 PM
Followers of what?

Regardless, I am glad to hear support in general for my beautiful holiday of beards!

2007-10-05, 11:25 PM
I vote for "Octobear" instead. During the entire month, you are forbidden from being killed and eaten by bears.

In general I think it's a very sound idea and most people would support it. The advantage is that failing to celebrate the holiday correctly would be its own punishment.

2007-10-05, 11:25 PM
Well in the interests of gender equality. I think it should be amended to no shaving period. :smalltongue:

Seriously, if you are devotee like my OP says....you gotta stop it all.

2007-10-05, 11:27 PM
Well, once winter hits, there is little reason for shaving legs either. :smallbiggrin: But as it is not yet winter...the face is all I can promise.

2007-10-05, 11:30 PM
We already used to have this tradition in Canada: when the playoffs start, nobody shaves their beard. That fell by the wayside a long time ago when everyone realized how horrible beards are. :smallyuk:

2007-10-05, 11:31 PM
I miss the play off beards. Even if they are bloody itchy.

2007-10-05, 11:35 PM
We already used to have this tradition in Canada: when the playoffs start, nobody shaves their beard. That fell by the wayside a long time ago when everyone realized how horrible beards are. :smallyuk:


Don Julio Anejo
2007-10-05, 11:40 PM
Bad timing! It`s Thanksgiving in Canada right now. Yay for unplanned trip home though! I didn`t even know I had 3 days off rehearsals and I don`t have class till Tuesday (which I`m skipping) and then till Wednesday night!

PS: playoff beards are cool as far as beards go, but there`s too many complaints during making out :frown:

2007-10-06, 06:51 AM

Hair is bad.

2007-10-06, 11:50 AM
I throw my support into this holdiay!
sadly we Kobolds do not have beards, or any hair for that matter, as a compromise I shall stop oiling my scales

Ego Slayer
2007-10-06, 12:01 PM
So, October is now about beer and beards? Hmmm...


Hair is bad.

Beards are bad.

2007-10-06, 12:03 PM
So, October is now about beer and beards? Hmmm...

Beards are bad.

That they are. :smallsigh:


2007-10-06, 12:07 PM
So, October is now about beer and beards? Hmmm...


Beards are bad.

Beer, beards, and baseball. It's a very alliterative month.

At one point in history, beards were a status symbol. They were the proof a man was wise to the ways of the world, and had the experience needed to take a leadership role in the community, or at least join in as a contributing member of society.

...And then the razor was invented. Seriously, beards are terrible. Perhaps one in every twenty-five or so men look good with beards. And fewer among them are the ones who manage to bridge the gap between good-looking and legitimately attractive. Bleh.

2007-10-06, 12:33 PM

Seriously, no.

2007-10-06, 12:58 PM
YAY! I don't shave anyway.... I TRIM... but that's just for the sake of tidiness


2007-10-06, 02:15 PM
I'm surprised no ones mentined it yet... but it just sounds so much like "THE HOLIDAY OF EIGHT BEARDS!!!"

I would stop shaving... but I wont... cos of reasons...

The Neoclassic
2007-10-06, 03:11 PM
I throw my support into this holdiay!
sadly we Kobolds do not have beards, or any hair for that matter, as a compromise I shall stop oiling my scales

I applaud you Kung_Fu_Kobold.

Yeah, have fun with that holiday, but if any of my real life guy friends decided to celebrate this, I'd give them one heck of a hard time for it.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2007-10-06, 08:37 PM
Wait a minute, why does the 10th month mean Eight-somethingorother

Em Blackleaf
2007-10-06, 08:46 PM
Wait a minute, why does the 10th month mean Eight-somethingorother

Because it used to be the eighth month until July and August were added in the name of Julius and Augustus Ceaser... I think.

I will continue not shaving my beard! :smalltongue:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2007-10-06, 08:51 PM
Bah, im to young to have a beard!

And, yah, that makes sense.

2007-10-06, 09:03 PM
I would stop shaving but i don't have all black hairs so i would look weird with a few black hair on my face, also my face is sorta scratchy

2007-10-06, 09:03 PM
I vote for "Octobear" instead. During the entire month, you are forbidden from being killed and eaten by bears.

In general I think it's a very sound idea and most people would support it. The advantage is that failing to celebrate the holiday correctly would be its own punishment.

Since I have troubl growing any facial hair, I vote for Octobeer. Sounds like more fun.

2007-10-06, 10:07 PM
Because it used to be the eighth month until July and August were added in the name of Julius and Augustus Ceaser... I think.

Almost right. July and August weren't added, they were just renamed in honour of Julius and Augustus. Before that, they were called Quintilis and Sextilis. The Roman year used to start in March, you see. So, September, October, November, December - seven, eight, nine, ten.

Here's a page about where the month names came from. http://www.pantheon.org/miscellaneous/origin_months.html

2007-10-07, 03:25 PM
Is it just me or does the word Octobeard conjure up an weird genetic modification, tenatacle type image? Bit like an illithid?

Ha now I see, this is a secret plot by illithids to take over our beards! We must drink bear to prevent this!:smallbiggrin:

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2007-10-07, 03:28 PM
mmm... drinking bear...

You know what, i prefer my alcoholic drinks with less fur thank you.

2007-10-07, 03:41 PM
The Roman year used to start in March, you see. So, September, October, November, December - seven, eight, nine, ten.

So why did they name a month after the god of looking in two directions if that month wasn't in the middle of something?

According to the Encyclopedia Britanica, back when March was the first month the calender only had 10 months. January and Feburary were then inserted in front of March but March stayed the first month of the year until some major calender revision.

2007-10-07, 03:56 PM
So why did they name a month after the god of looking in two directions if that month wasn't in the middle of something?

Man, you're really making me dredge the ol' memory here. It's been a long time since I studied Roman history. I think -- but don't quote me on this -- that way way back, the Romans divided the year into ten months (March through December) plus an unspecified block of winter that wasn't considered a real month. Then later "winter" was divided up into January and February, given names, and January 1 eventually became the new official start of the year because that was when they held elections and it was convenient that way.

I think the original idea behind the naming of January was that the double-faced god was looking at the boundary between winter and not-winter, not necessarily the boundary between years.

Mr. Moon
2007-10-07, 04:13 PM
I vote it be called Octobert. Go ahead and drink beer and grow your beards, but pay daily homage to Steven Colbert while you're at it!

The Neoclassic
2007-10-07, 04:40 PM
I vote it be called Octobert. Go ahead and drink beer and grow your beards, but pay daily homage to Steven Colbert while you're at it!

Oh, to Colbert? I thought of Dogbert when I saw "Octobert." However, I love both Dogbert and Colbert, so I vote for that as well.

2007-10-07, 06:35 PM
Well, this has nothing to do with beards, but, speaking of new, made up holidays: I was in Target this morning and saw a display for The Sweetest Day or Sweetness Day or something. WTF?!?! Anybody know what that day is supposed to be? The hubby and I were stumped. Neither of us has ever heard of it. :smallannoyed:

I'm da Rogue!
2007-10-08, 10:45 AM
Wait a minute, why does the 10th month mean Eight-somethingorother

Octo is 8 in greek, if that helps.

2007-10-08, 12:18 PM
Well, this has nothing to do with beards, but, speaking of new, made up holidays: I was in Target this morning and saw a display for The Sweetest Day or Sweetness Day or something. WTF?!?! Anybody know what that day is supposed to be? The hubby and I were stumped. Neither of us has ever heard of it. :smallannoyed:

Sweetest day is a relatively new "hallmark" holiday. It's pretty much identical to Valentines Day.

On topic: I fully support this Octobeard, cause I rarely shave anyway. Besides I look much better with a beard than clean shaven, so I've been told.

2007-10-08, 12:50 PM
Since some of us can't wear beards due to our occupations, I cannot support this holiday. Support Mustache Mayhem instead.

2007-10-08, 12:53 PM
Wait a minute, why does the 10th month mean Eight-somethingorother

Because Julius Augustus Ceasar invented 2 new months, named July, and August. It is possible he removed two old ones from later in the year, and added the 2 new ones to coincide with events he was fond of.

2007-10-18, 08:15 PM
Just checking in with everyone. How are the beards coming? Me personally, I want to take my face and upper lip off with a cheese grater right now. But I'm not doing this for comfort or fashion, I'm doing this for principle. And for beards.

2007-10-20, 11:41 PM
*stands on a soap box* RALLY OH DENOUNCER OF BEARDS!

I personally can't stand my facial hair, on one hand if I shave it I almost always cut myself on my bony chin but on the other hand I have this annoying fuzz that annoys me whenever I'm thinking and make me look like I'm over 25, so then i end up looking like a pedophile in my own high school. :smalleek:

Beards FTL!

2007-10-31, 07:56 PM
As promised here are the pictures of the Octobeard and the shaving.


Voila. Let's see em guys!

2007-10-31, 08:06 PM
I don't have much facial hair, but I do have the beginnings of a goatee and mustache going, does that count?

2007-10-31, 08:34 PM
I have celebrated Octobeard ever since I was born!

...And, every other month for that matter. I'm 13, I don't shave yet. I do have a small amount of fuzz growing on my upper lip now, though. :smallbiggrin:

Ego Slayer
2007-10-31, 08:39 PM
Gertt, you just gave us picture proof as to why you guys look better without a beard. :smallwink:

I do have a small amount of fuzz growing on my upper lip now, though. :smallbiggrin:
Shave it off now while you can! Before it takes over... Aaaah...


2007-10-31, 08:45 PM
I'm in total agreement E.S. Notice the smile in the last picture.

That smile is because now that I shaved my fiance will kiss me again.

2007-10-31, 09:18 PM
Well, other then for interviews I haven't shaved in 2+ years (since getting out of the military, where it is mandatory to shave daily). However, i will agree that most men cant pull off a beard. Lucky, if mine is kept neat, the salt and pepper of age look good in my beard.

But I would like to point out 1 fault in your new holiday. Today is the last day of the month. So, people only don't have to shave today?

Nominates No-vem-beard for the official bearded holiday!!

2007-10-31, 09:30 PM

This totally doesn't work for people with enforced shaving. Like me, per se. :P

2007-10-31, 10:01 PM
Well, other then for interviews I haven't shaved in 2+ years (since getting out of the military, where it is mandatory to shave daily). However, i will agree that most men cant pull off a beard. Lucky, if mine is kept neat, the salt and pepper of age look good in my beard.

But I would like to point out 1 fault in your new holiday. Today is the last day of the month. So, people only don't have to shave today?

Nominates No-vem-beard for the official bearded holiday!!

No no, if you read the thread you don't shave for the whole month of October.

If you are not pleased with your Octobeard you shave it off at the end. Octobeard is not a holiday about fashion or good looks, but commitment, determination, principle, and beards.

2007-11-01, 03:41 AM
Oh, I read it all, and understand. My point is that I have a beard year around, and that since I didn't join until the very end of October and have thus missed this one, we should do another in November, just for the love of the beard.

2007-11-01, 08:49 AM
Oh, right on. Knock yourself out on that one, but I wont be joining you!

2007-11-01, 01:20 PM
*reads the thread while idly shaving*
... blame society, not me.
Next year though! I shalt have a beard that Dorukan would be proud of!

2007-11-01, 05:45 PM
*reads the thread while idly shaving*
... blame society, not me.
Next year though! I shalt have a beard that Dorukan would be proud of!

Not that Dorukan had a beard...Durkon on the other hand.

May your beards be ever soaked in ale and not vomit.

2007-11-01, 09:57 PM
Not that Dorukan had a beard...Durkon on the other hand.

*grins slyly* Exactly, therefore I won't have to work too hard!