View Full Version : What is This Feat?

2019-06-04, 11:40 AM
Another way might be using halastar's fetch which works like summon monster but the creature stays permanently after the normal duration is up (But isn't under your control). With the feat that lets you select an additional evil type monster to be on your summon monster list and select a fiendish slaymate.

Seems like a neat way to gain minions. Anyone know what feat is being referenced?

2019-06-04, 11:51 AM
Fiendish summoning specialist from planar handbook

2019-06-04, 12:10 PM
I don't know how much it matters, but slaymates can't be fiendish. You can't apply the fiendish template to undead creatures.

2019-06-04, 03:48 PM
I don't know how much it matters, but slaymates can't be fiendish. You can't apply the fiendish template to undead creatures.

Vile Death specifically adds the fiendish template to a corporal undead. So fiendish slaymates are a thing.

2019-06-04, 03:53 PM
I don't know how much it matters, but slaymates can't be fiendish. You can't apply the fiendish template to undead creatures.

It doesn't matter at all. The feat only requires the creature added to the list to have evil alignment, not to have the fiendish template or evil subtype.

Sidenote: The feat says under the "normal:" section that "adding a creature to your summoning list requires you to remove one that is already on the list". I remember seeing a rule like that somewhere, but couldn't find it right now. Thought it was in PHB 2, but I dunno. Anyway, if that's correct, then this feat isn't worth taking because every level of summon monster probably has some garbage fiendish animal or crappy outsider that you won't miss, in which case you can just replace those for free.

2019-06-04, 04:09 PM
It doesn't matter at all. The feat only requires the creature added to the list to have evil alignment, not to have the fiendish template or evil subtype.

Sidenote: The feat says under the "normal:" section that "adding a creature to your summoning list requires you to remove one that is already on the list". I remember seeing a rule like that somewhere, but couldn't find it right now. Thought it was in PHB 2, but I dunno. Anyway, if that's correct, then this feat isn't worth taking because every level of summon monster probably has some garbage fiendish animal or crappy outsider that you won't miss, in which case you can just replace those for free.

I don't believe there is such a blanket rule. Many monsters that are added to your summoning list replaces a specific summon.

2019-06-04, 10:49 PM
Fiendish summoning specialist from planar handbook

Oh. Bleh. I’m not a huge fan of rules that rely that heavily on DM fiat. Thanks for the quick response!

It doesn't matter at all. The feat only requires the creature added to the list to have evil alignment, not to have the fiendish template or evil subtype.

Sidenote: The feat says under the "normal:" section that "adding a creature to your summoning list requires you to remove one that is already on the list". I remember seeing a rule like that somewhere, but couldn't find it right now. Thought it was in PHB 2, but I dunno. Anyway, if that's correct, then this feat isn't worth taking because every level of summon monster probably has some garbage fiendish animal or crappy outsider that you won't miss, in which case you can just replace those for free.

That wording did interest me actually yeah. Maybe something in the DMG?

2019-06-05, 05:23 PM
There are rules either in the PHB or the DMG that are optional which refer to the DM and the player working together to swap one option from a summon spell's list for another for a particular character. It relies HEAVILY on DM fiat, because it's an agreement between player and DM, not a hard and fast rule.

2019-06-05, 06:33 PM
It doesn't matter at all. The feat only requires the creature added to the list to have evil alignment, not to have the fiendish template or evil subtype.

Sidenote: The feat says under the "normal:" section that "adding a creature to your summoning list requires you to remove one that is already on the list". I remember seeing a rule like that somewhere, but couldn't find it right now. Thought it was in PHB 2, but I dunno. Anyway, if that's correct, then this feat isn't worth taking because every level of summon monster probably has some garbage fiendish animal or crappy outsider that you won't miss, in which case you can just replace those for free.

Yes, I remember that. However, as Segev mentioned, this rule is totally dependent on the DM. The creatures officially presented as replacements on each Monster Manual and some other books are totally legal to have, but the ones outside that are completely DM fiat. AKA: you only get it if the fighter gets to be superman and the BBEG gets to be Thanos, at which point it's meaningless.