View Full Version : DM Help Ghosts of Saltmarsh: Clue Advice. SPOILERS, from the book.

2019-06-04, 12:27 PM
Bought my wife Ghosts of Saltmarsh sight-unseen for her birthday, so she wants our campaign to move in that direction (new characters, including one with a Sailor background and an Outlander druid-ranger with coastal background).

It's a family campaign, and my kids are rather basic roleplayers. For one thing, I'm concerned that they'll take the first adventure hook (investigate why the lizardmen are arming up--surprise, it's to attack the Sauhagin, not to attack Saltmarsh) and murderhobo their way through the lizardman tribe. They might get overwhelmed, they might succeed--not sure what's worse for the plot.

Ghosts of Saltmarsh is a very different campaign style from what we've usually done--here's a thing, go kill it.

Thinking out loud--maybe on their way to Saltmarsh from their current location, they get ambushed by something neither they nor a lizardman patrol can handle, but the lizardmen sorta come to the rescue?

Maybe the bandit captain they ran off in their current adventure reappears as a recurring character with information? (The lizardmen's allies try to hire him as a mercenary?