View Full Version : Help choosing items

2019-06-04, 07:51 PM
So I'm trying to choose a couple magic items for my new Dragon Sorc. I get to choose what boils down to an item of rare quality and one of uncommon. I've specialized my spells down blasting and enchantment for the most part. We are level fourteen. Suggestions?

2019-06-04, 10:47 PM
Ring of spell storing is one of my all-time favorites.

2019-06-04, 10:57 PM
See if you can get an item that gives you more spell options. The big ones are Staff of Power and the Staff of the Magi.
But they might both be Very Rare, can't check right now.

2019-06-05, 02:13 AM
Daern's Instant Fortress is actually too good. It will probably wreck your game.

A Cube of Force is almost too good. So it's at the top of the list.

A Staff of Swarming Insects is fantastic. (Power and Magi are too rare.)

Agree also with Ring of Spell Storing.

An Amulet of Health may be worthwhile unless you already have super high constitution.

For uncommon, it's hard to beat a Cloak of Protection for a dragon sorcerer. (Since you already fly and likely don't wear armour.)

2019-06-05, 06:33 AM
Bag of holding if you aren't that strong and your DM cares about weight (uncommon)
Bracers of Defense for +2 AC (rare)
Cloak of Protection (uncommon)
Elven Chain if you want armor (rare)
Hat of Disguise for social situations (uncommon)
Pearl of Power for extra 3rd level spell each day (uncommon)
Ring of spell storing (rare)
Wand of Fireball, you like blasting well now you can be more blasty (rare)
Wand of the War Mage ups your spell attack (uncommon +1, rare +2)
Wand of Paralysis is pretty nasty if you have a rogue/paladin in the party (rare)