View Full Version : TIAAMMAAAAAAAATTTTTT Vanquished!

2019-06-05, 10:38 PM
(Note: This is solely a brag/ success story. There is nothing more substantive here : )

Our table fell apart between the weird couple who would make out at the table and another guy who foolishly picked up the job I turned down last year, and now has to work 85 hours a week.

It's down to just the DM and myself, so we've been running through a series of high-level enemies with a party of lvl 20 characters. My team is a Hexblade/ Mystic (12/8), a Shadow Sorcerer/ Fiendlock (15/5), a straight Life Cleric, and a straight Samurai.

The Hexblade/ Mystic is my favorite character, and can unleash INSANE damage per turn. She pulled off 198 damage in one turn, and could have done so several more turns... but she was dead by the fourth round : /

The Cleric cast Holy Aura, which was helpful for a couple rounds, but she went down in the 3rd round of combat.

I was really looking forward to unleashing the Sorcerer... until the DM kept telling me that my spells just fizzled upon hitting Tiamat. Eventually he told me that she's simply immune to any spell below 7th level, and has advantage on all others... meaning my Sorcerer was functionally useless (not nearly as many support spells as a wizard).

The real MVP-- and the only reason I won-- was the Fighter. Between four attacks-- each at advantage due to Fighting Spirit-- and GWF, he was dishing out ~80 dmg/ turn (he has a "custom" greatsword that does 3d6 base damage).

So, it was getting down to the wire: I had whittled her down to around 50 health, but the Cleric and Hexblade were both unconscious, the other two were low on health, and the DM was destroying me with breath-weapon legendary actions...

I considered "taking matters into my own hands" with the Sorcerer, but the DM kept targeting the fighter AND the two unconscious characters with the breath attacks... ... ... and realized too late what that meant:

With only final icy breath attack, the Fighter was reduced to ONE HP, the Hexblade and Cleric both failed their third saving throws, and thus died... removing them from the turn order... reducing the number of legendary actions. This allowed the fighter to wail on Tiamat one good time. She responded with yet another legendary breath attack, which should have knocked him unconscious... except that Samurai are ****ing amazing.

Strength Before Death.

The samurai stood back up and pounded Tiamat in the face until she died. It was awesome!

That is the only purpose of this post. I am just very excited and wanted to share this. Also, don't underestimate Samurai. I originally built this character as a "challenge" to play something I expected would be a sub-par build; I was wrong.

2019-06-05, 11:00 PM
My paladin of Torm recently liberated Tiamat from Avernus with the full blessing of Torm and Bahamut in our continuing alliance with the Chromatic Dragons against Asmodeous and Orcus.

2019-06-06, 12:15 AM
We hit Tiamat with several legendary-save-sucking spells, and then a Banishment (assisted by a Cutting Words from the Bard) in the first turn, and then just high-tailed it out of the temple so as to keep the concentration for a full minute. At which point, since she's a Fiend, she went straight back to Hell. After months of plotting to escape, she got to enjoy the Material Plane for all of six seconds.

2019-06-06, 12:21 AM
@OP congratulations :)

2019-06-06, 04:03 AM
I was really looking forward to unleashing the Sorcerer... until the DM kept telling me that my spells just fizzled upon hitting Tiamat. Eventually he told me that she's simply immune to any spell below 7th level, and has advantage on all others... meaning my Sorcerer was functionally useless (not nearly as many support spells as a wizard).

This is an interesting thing to hear. Sunbeam would probably be a good source of damage normally, and I wonder if it was cast with a 7th level slot whether it would count as a 7th level spell considering there's no effect to upcasting it. Alternatively there are spells like Whirlwind and Crown of Stars that are 7th level.

2019-06-06, 04:31 AM
We hit Tiamat with several legendary-save-sucking spells, and then a Banishment (assisted by a Cutting Words from the Bard) in the first turn, and then just high-tailed it out of the temple so as to keep the concentration for a full minute. At which point, since she's a Fiend, she went straight back to Hell. After months of plotting to escape, she got to enjoy the Material Plane for all of six seconds.

That's pretty impressive that you burned through 5 legendary resistance in a single round, spending 7th+ level spells and still had enough to cast a 7th+ level banishment with her taking a legendary action between each of your parties turns.

I'm curious which spells you used and how Tiamat acted between turns. How many 13th+ level casters did you have in this party? Also, unless I'm missing some crucial information, Cutting Words doesn't affect saving throws. Not that it matters, creatures immune to being charmed (Tiamat is) are also immune to cutting words.

I'm thinking your DM either made a mistake running Tiamat or didn't want you guys to fail and gave you the win.

Sorry to be a buzzkill, it just jumped out at me as being unlikely. OP's situation, however, sounds heroic and worth telling. Heroes sacrificed their lives in a near suicidal attempt just to stop an avatar of Tiamat from remaining in the material plane. Only through sheer force of will and determination was one man able to give death the finger for a minute so that he could end things. Hits my bias for underdog stories pretty strong.

This is an interesting thing to hear. Sunbeam would probably be a good source of damage normally, and I wonder if it was cast with a 7th level slot whether it would count as a 7th level spell considering there's no effect to upcasting it. Alternatively there are spells like Whirlwind and Crown of Stars that are 7th level.
Upcast spells count as spells of the level of the spent slot so even if they don't gain any other benefit. For example, if you absolutely need to cast a shield and you're worried that an enemy spellcaster might attempt to counterspell it you can cast it using a spell slot of 4th or higher level to hopefully have them roll a check and fail.

2019-06-06, 11:52 AM
That's pretty impressive that you burned through 5 legendary resistance in a single round, spending 7th+ level spells and still had enough to cast a 7th+ level banishment with her taking a legendary action between each of your parties turns.

I'm curious which spells you used and how Tiamat acted between turns. How many 13th+ level casters did you have in this party? Also, unless I'm missing some crucial information, Cutting Words doesn't affect saving throws. Not that it matters, creatures immune to being charmed (Tiamat is) are also immune to cutting words.

I'm thinking your DM either made a mistake running Tiamat or didn't want you guys to fail and gave you the win.

Sorry to be a buzzkill, it just jumped out at me as being unlikely. OP's situation, however, sounds heroic and worth telling. Heroes sacrificed their lives in a near suicidal attempt just to stop an avatar of Tiamat from remaining in the material plane. Only through sheer force of will and determination was one man able to give death the finger for a minute so that he could end things. Hits my bias for underdog stories pretty strong.

Well, effectively two rounds, since we'd readied actions for spells on the previous rounds, plus most of our initiative rolls were higher than her's. Also, we'd fulfilled enough conditions to where she wasn't invulnerable to everything 6th level or lower.

As to the number of characters, we only had four, but our DM had the various allies we'd been recruiting either in the background at other places in the caldera or represented as a commander and a squad right there with us (one such set-up per player). For example, I had the devil Cocytus as my backup. Another player had a Thayan archmage who turned out to be Szass Tam (this was revealed before we got to Tiamat).

As for specific spells, I don't remember most of them (though I do remember one attempt was a Plane Shift where the caster was trying to take himself and her to Heaven's front gate (you know, trying to let the entirety of Heaven's armed forces have fun with her)). You might be right about the Cutting Words; I'd have to ask.