View Full Version : Group World Building: By Cardgame?

2019-06-06, 02:27 AM
I have a campaign coming up that's going to be all about traveling from one place to another, so I'm planning on running session zero as a group world building game.

I've tried a similar thing before, where we just went around the table and everyone added a new element to a towns history, but people didn't seem that interested in it, so I thought I would try running it as a card game!

I'm imagining a map with the starting location on one side, and the destination on the other, then as we go around the table each person would draw a card. The cards would have stuff like:
"Draw a forest and name it"
"Erase a town and redraw it's boundaries, then explain why it got destroyed/reconstructed"
"Your character has always wanted to go to a certain festival, where is it, what time is it, and what about does your character find so interesting?"

I was also thinking I would have a set of 'Obstacle Cards', like a swamp, set in front of me where the players can see, and throughout the game I'll use them to prevent the players making too easy of a path from the start to their destination, but I would only have so many of these so it would make the card game a bit more interesting.

Still a work in progress, but I was wondering if people had any ideas for how to make this whole game more fun? I would also really appreciate ideas for cards!

2019-06-06, 04:29 AM
sounds like a cool way to immerse your players!
You could sort the cards into different types.
i.e plot hooks, obstacles, towns, etc.

2019-06-06, 01:07 PM
Cool idea! I always thought Settlers of Catan would be a good way to hold a collaborative world-building game and build towns and cities in logical places with stories behind them, and this sounds like a great plan!

2019-06-06, 01:24 PM
I have a campaign coming up that's going to be all about traveling from one place to another, so I'm planning on running session zero as a group world building game.

I've tried a similar thing before, where we just went around the table and everyone added a new element to a towns history, but people didn't seem that interested in it, so I thought I would try running it as a card game!

I'm imagining a map with the starting location on one side, and the destination on the other, then as we go around the table each person would draw a card. The cards would have stuff like:
"Draw a forest and name it"
"Erase a town and redraw it's boundaries, then explain why it got destroyed/reconstructed"
"Your character has always wanted to go to a certain festival, where is it, what time is it, and what about does your character find so interesting?"

I was also thinking I would have a set of 'Obstacle Cards', like a swamp, set in front of me where the players can see, and throughout the game I'll use them to prevent the players making too easy of a path from the start to their destination, but I would only have so many of these so it would make the card game a bit more interesting.

Still a work in progress, but I was wondering if people had any ideas for how to make this whole game more fun? I would also really appreciate ideas for cards!

This sounds like a really neat idea, and I'd very much want to see the final project.

Suggested other cards: Place a ruin. Give two to four legends about where the ruin came from or associated to the ruin.

Choose a town or city and place a temple to a deity in that town. Discuss the connection of the town to that temple. (You may use an existing deity or introduce a local deity).

Place a monastery. Give some details about the monastic order or orders present there.

Add a river starting at a mountain range and ending at an ocean, sea or major lake. Remember that rivers flow downhill and do not generally run parallel to mountain ranges.

Add a current national border and name the nation.

Choose a current nation and describe their historical government and current government.

Choose a technological development. Choose a city or nation. That city or nation becomes a center of that new technology. Depending on the technological level of the setting, reasonable technologies could be the printing press, corned gunpowder, schooner rigging for ships, truncheons for cannons, plate mail, telescopes, or watches.

Choose a city which has been placed on a port. List their major imports and exports. Then either describe the local smuggling and pirate activity or describe the local navy presence.

Choose a city or town. Describe a prominent family in that town, such as a noble or merchant family.

Choose a city or town. Add a mage's tower to that town and describe the mage.

Choose a forest. Describe the fey associated with that forest or describe a druidic order associated with that forest.

Choose a city. Describe a guild, trade association, or large corporation associated with that city.

Choose two cities. Describe how they are connected. This can be either physically by drawing a highway, or a political or economic or cultural connection or rivalry.

Draw a ley line on the map. The ley line should go through at least two natural features. Add one magical location somewhere along the ley line. If there is already at least one ley line present and the new line intersects one of the existing lines, then the magical location should go at one of the intersections. Describe the magical location; giving two to four legends about the location.

Choose another player. You make a new organization (a family, guild, mercenary group, etc.). The other player then makes 1+1d4 NPCs associated with that organization.

Choose two groups or organizations already created. Explain a connection between those two groups.

Introduce a secret organization. Describe the organization, its goals, what major locations it is associated with, and how secret or obscure it is.

Pick a city and create an NPC who resides in that city. Then, choose a direction, either clockwise or counterclockwise. Going in that direction, each player then creates an NPC who is connected to either the first NPC or the NPC created by the previous player in the circle.

Choose an existing ruin. Describe an additional story about that ruin. Examples are additional information about one legend associated with it or a reports that a specific creature now resides there.

2019-06-06, 03:20 PM
I have done some worldbuilding games with magic cards here in the forums. If you don't want to do a lot of work building a card set you could try to repurpose some Magic The Gathering Cards. Players could even build their own decks before the game starts.

Maybe the rules of one of those games (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?581326-MTG3-OOC-Creating-a-fantasy-world-with-Magic-Cards) could give some inspiration...

2019-06-07, 06:31 PM
Thanks for the ideas JoshuaZ! I stole most of them :)

Here is the list of cards I have come up with so far, multiple copies of them will be in the decks as appropriate for the size of the map we will be making.
Worldbuilding happens in 5 stages, each of which gets its own deck, with the group moving on to the next stage once they have exhausted the deck.
Additionally, for each stage the GM has a set of 'obstacle cards' which they may play on their turn as an alternative to drawing a card. The GM only gets so many of these, but may use any remaining cards all at once at the end of the stage.

Stage 1: Environment:

Draw a new forest's borders and name the forest
Draw a new lakes borders and name the lake
Draw a new mountain and name it
Draw 1d6 mountains
Draw a new river and name it
Draw a new river connecting two bodies of water and name it.
Draw a new river from a mountain to a body of water and name it.
Draw a region of hills and name it
Outline a new plain, decide if it is grassy/rocky ect. and name it.
Add a bay to the coast and name it
Draw an island and name it
Draw a prominent set of cliffs and name them
Describe the character of a natural feature (redwood vs jungle vs temperate forest)

GM's Obstacles:

Draw a swamp, desert, or jungle
Draw a Canyon
Draw a river
Redraw a boarder
Extend a mountain range

Stage 2: Old Magic:

Draw a ley line between at least two natural features, add a magical location somewhere along the ley line, preferably where it crosses other ley lines. Give at least two legends about this location
Choose a natural feature, describe a fey, spirit, god, or other magical being which controls the location, Give at least two legends about this location
Choose a natural feature, describe a magical group which resides there and give at least two legends about the location
Add a tower, castle, temple, or other location controlled by a very old magical being, give at least two legends about the location
Add a tower, castle, temple. Or other location controlled by a group of magical being which was started a long time ago, give at least two legends about the location
Add a ruin that used to be home to magical beings, give at least two legends about it
Choose a natural feature, it is now innately magical, describe its magical nature and give at least two legends about the location

GM's Obstacles:

Choose a location and describe a powerful monster living there
Choose a natural feature, it is infested with monsters and can't be settled
Draw a new magical location and give at least two legends about it
Choose a natural feature, it is now covered by a hostile magic. Describe its magical nature and give at least two legends about the location
Choose a magical being or group then describe how they were defeated and what happened to them

Stage 3: Old History:

Draw a city and name it
Draw a small town and name it
Draw a mining town and name it
Draw a road between two major cities
Choose a city, if it is next to a magical being, explain their relationship, otherwise, add a temple to a new deity and explain that relationship
Choose two cities and describe their relationship, this can be politically, economically, or culturally
Create a guild, religion, mercenary group, or other organization, then describe their relationship to at least three different locations
Pick a city and describe its government
Choose a magical being or group, they have now been either killed or conquered, describe who did it and what happened
Draw a ruin and give at least two legends about it
Choose a city and describe its relationship to a nearby resource
Choose a city and describe its relationship to a nearby magical being or group
Choose a location and give a legend about it
Choose a magical being or group and give a legend about them
Choose a city and describe how it was destroyed
Choose a city and redraw it, explain what happened
Rename a location and explain who or what gave it its new name. The old name is now a legend known to very few
Create a hero and describe what they did

GM's Obstacles:

Add a city and name it, then give at least two legends about it
Destroy a city and describe how it was destroyed
Destroy a road and describe how it was destroyed

Stage 4: Recent History:

Choose a port city and list their major imports and exports, then either describe the local smuggling and pirate activity, or describe the local navy presence
Choose a city and describe a prominent family in that town
Choose a city and add a mage's tower to it and describe the mage
Choose a city and describe a guild, trade association, or large company associated with that city
Draw a road between two major cities, then connect up to four nearby towns to that road
Draw 1d6 roads between either two locations or a location and a road
Pick a city that is not connected to any roads, describe why it's isolated.
Choose two cities and describe their relationship, this can be politically, economically, or culturally
Choose two groups or organizations and explain their connection
Choose another player. Create a new organization, then the player creates 1d6 NPCs associated with that organization
Choose a city and create an NPC who lives there, then go around the table clockwise. Each player creates an NPC who is connected to either the first NPC or the NPC created by the previous player.
Choose a city, it is now the center of a new industry or technology, describe this industry/technology and how it has affected the city
Choose a ruin and give a new legend about it
Choose a magical location and give a new legend about it
Choose a significant figure and give a new legend about them
Choose an organization and give a new legend about them
Choose a natural location and give a new legend about it
Choose a city and give a new legend about it
Choose a previous legend and alter it, the old version is now known to very few

GM's Obstacles:

Draw an encampment/fortress controlled by a hostile group, then give at least two legends about them
Destroy a road and describe how it was destroyed
Kill an individual or group, then describe who/what killed them and what the aftermath was
Choose a city to be either destroyed or conquered and describe the event

Stage 5: Character Interests:

Your character has always wanted to go to a certain festival, what is its location/time, and what does your character like about it so much?
Your character is invested in the rivalry between two groups, either previously existing, or new groups if none fit your character. Why is your character invested in the rivalry/what is so interesting about it?
Your character has always wanted to see a traveling group of musicians/performers/circus/artists, what is so interesting about them, and where are they currently?
Your character has always wanted to see a certain location, which location and why?

The idea is for the cards in stage five not to lock players into having an unwanted character trait, but to help them integrate their characters into the world, while also letting their characters influence the world. (I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with these)

I would love any more suggestions. Tell me what you think!

2019-06-07, 07:15 PM
Thanks for the ideas JoshuaZ! I stole most of them :)

Here is the list of cards I have come up with so far, multiple copies of them will be in the decks as appropriate for the size of the map we will be making.
Worldbuilding happens in 5 stages, each of which gets its own deck, with the group moving on to the next stage once they have exhausted the deck.
Additionally, for each stage the GM has a set of 'obstacle cards' which they may play on their turn as an alternative to drawing a card. The GM only gets so many of these, but may use any remaining cards all at once at the end of the stage.

Stage 1: Environment:

Draw a new forest's borders and name the forest
Draw a new lakes borders and name the lake
Draw a new mountain and name it
Draw 1d6 mountains
Draw a new river and name it
Draw a new river connecting two bodies of water and name it.
Draw a new river from a mountain to a body of water and name it.
Draw a region of hills and name it
Outline a new plain, decide if it is grassy/rocky ect. and name it.
Add a bay to the coast and name it
Draw an island and name it
Draw a prominent set of cliffs and name them
Describe the character of a natural feature (redwood vs jungle vs temperate forest)

GM's Obstacles:

Draw a swamp, desert, or jungle
Draw a Canyon
Draw a river
Redraw a boarder
Extend a mountain range

Stage 2: Old Magic:

Draw a ley line between at least two natural features, add a magical location somewhere along the ley line, preferably where it crosses other ley lines. Give at least two legends about this location
Choose a natural feature, describe a fey, spirit, god, or other magical being which controls the location, Give at least two legends about this location
Choose a natural feature, describe a magical group which resides there and give at least two legends about the location
Add a tower, castle, temple, or other location controlled by a very old magical being, give at least two legends about the location
Add a tower, castle, temple. Or other location controlled by a group of magical being which was started a long time ago, give at least two legends about the location
Add a ruin that used to be home to magical beings, give at least two legends about it
Choose a natural feature, it is now innately magical, describe its magical nature and give at least two legends about the location

GM's Obstacles:

Choose a location and describe a powerful monster living there
Choose a natural feature, it is infested with monsters and can't be settled
Draw a new magical location and give at least two legends about it
Choose a natural feature, it is now covered by a hostile magic. Describe its magical nature and give at least two legends about the location
Choose a magical being or group then describe how they were defeated and what happened to them

Stage 3: Old History:

Draw a city and name it
Draw a small town and name it
Draw a mining town and name it
Draw a road between two major cities
Choose a city, if it is next to a magical being, explain their relationship, otherwise, add a temple to a new deity and explain that relationship
Choose two cities and describe their relationship, this can be politically, economically, or culturally
Create a guild, religion, mercenary group, or other organization, then describe their relationship to at least three different locations
Pick a city and describe its government
Choose a magical being or group, they have now been either killed or conquered, describe who did it and what happened
Draw a ruin and give at least two legends about it
Choose a city and describe its relationship to a nearby resource
Choose a city and describe its relationship to a nearby magical being or group
Choose a location and give a legend about it
Choose a magical being or group and give a legend about them
Choose a city and describe how it was destroyed
Choose a city and redraw it, explain what happened
Rename a location and explain who or what gave it its new name. The old name is now a legend known to very few
Create a hero and describe what they did

GM's Obstacles:

Add a city and name it, then give at least two legends about it
Destroy a city and describe how it was destroyed
Destroy a road and describe how it was destroyed

Stage 4: Recent History:

Choose a port city and list their major imports and exports, then either describe the local smuggling and pirate activity, or describe the local navy presence
Choose a city and describe a prominent family in that town
Choose a city and add a mage's tower to it and describe the mage
Choose a city and describe a guild, trade association, or large company associated with that city
Draw a road between two major cities, then connect up to four nearby towns to that road
Draw 1d6 roads between either two locations or a location and a road
Pick a city that is not connected to any roads, describe why it's isolated.
Choose two cities and describe their relationship, this can be politically, economically, or culturally
Choose two groups or organizations and explain their connection
Choose another player. Create a new organization, then the player creates 1d6 NPCs associated with that organization
Choose a city and create an NPC who lives there, then go around the table clockwise. Each player creates an NPC who is connected to either the first NPC or the NPC created by the previous player.
Choose a city, it is now the center of a new industry or technology, describe this industry/technology and how it has affected the city
Choose a ruin and give a new legend about it
Choose a magical location and give a new legend about it
Choose a significant figure and give a new legend about them
Choose an organization and give a new legend about them
Choose a natural location and give a new legend about it
Choose a city and give a new legend about it
Choose a previous legend and alter it, the old version is now known to very few

GM's Obstacles:

Draw an encampment/fortress controlled by a hostile group, then give at least two legends about them
Destroy a road and describe how it was destroyed
Kill an individual or group, then describe who/what killed them and what the aftermath was
Choose a city to be either destroyed or conquered and describe the event

Stage 5: Character Interests:

Your character has always wanted to go to a certain festival, what is its location/time, and what does your character like about it so much?
Your character is invested in the rivalry between two groups, either previously existing, or new groups if none fit your character. Why is your character invested in the rivalry/what is so interesting about it?
Your character has always wanted to see a traveling group of musicians/performers/circus/artists, what is so interesting about them, and where are they currently?
Your character has always wanted to see a certain location, which location and why?

The idea is for the cards in stage five not to lock players into having an unwanted character trait, but to help them integrate their characters into the world, while also letting their characters influence the world. (I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with these)

I would love any more suggestions. Tell me what you think!

this is amazing!
can I use it?

2019-06-09, 03:20 PM
Glad to have helped. I'll be very interested in hearing how well this works.