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2019-06-06, 05:26 AM
You spot each other in the crowd. A heavily muscled bugbear, a thin human hunter, a lizardman, a dwarf strong enough to jump straight above the crowd and a slim half-elf. You huddle together. The game starts now.

2019-06-06, 06:39 AM
So, time is a wasting. Says the Human Hunter in a loud unsubtle voice. You all presumably have some adventure to seek out, otherwise what’s the point in all this, what do we hunt first!

2019-06-06, 12:04 PM
"Vermin laddie. There's Kobolds infesting the sewers o' this city, stealing people's property an' bringin' disease along with 'em. I aim to clear them out an' make sure they can't come back in th' same way again."

The dwarf seemed stout enough, he wore a suit of scale mail and carried a single battleaxe at his belt. The battleaxe held a small yellow crystal fitted to the pommel but was otherwise unadorned. Nothing else seemed to stand out on the dwarf as any other gear seemed to be stashed in his pack.

With a scowl, he spoke again. "Ach! Where are me manners? I am Durgen of the Bronzebeard clan."

2019-06-06, 12:49 PM
"It's a pleasure gentlemen," the half-elf paused for half a second, doing a double take as Keyle approached, "and ma'm. Innil Lackman, at'cher service, but more colloquially, 'Brick', if you like." He approached the others with a wide, excited smile, pushing misbehaving hair, clay colored to match his nickname, away from his face. "Sounds like a fine place to begin to me. Nearby, pressing, certainly valorous. I have a lead as well- but I've had it a while. I don't believe it'll be poached on us if we let it keep for later." He patted the bag at his belt, thinking of the scrap of paper inside that he'd been meaning to have a chance to look into for well over a year now. And finally, a proper company, and excuse, to do so.

2019-06-07, 02:27 AM
Much as sewers have little appeal to me I suppose tracking down those tricky buggers is as good as start as any. I say we make haste and start with it.

While we’re doing introductions, I am Gustav Ferehorn of the Oakbridge Ferehorns (A minor and quite obscure titled house) I am a tracker of monstrosities, and with bow and blade quite a slayer of monstrosities if I do say so myself.

2019-06-08, 02:38 AM
The dwarf studied the others for a moment, trying to appraise their strengths and weaknesses. He seemed grumpy for some reason, though he didn't elaborate on it.

"Best we be gettin' ta know each other a bit 'afore we dip our toes in, methinks. Don't want tae' go off half sheathed. May'aps a drink tae' loosen the tongues a bit aye..."

2019-06-08, 06:13 AM

2019-06-08, 08:01 AM
Brick was more than happy for a chance to get to know the group better and establish a plan- though he hardly seemed to need a drink to get talkative. Even on the way there, he was ready to chatter. "My, but aren't we a motley company. Meant purely as a compliment, mind- I came here hoping to see some strange sights, and its' already delivered. I imagine you lot must all have quite the stories." The ginger half elf seemed in great spirits, and quite genuinely curious of the party. In particular, he seemed less afraid than in awe of the two of monsterous races throwing their lots into the group.

Short, and almost scrawny, he moved with a great deal more acuity than his pallor implied, constantly looking around and fidgeting or attempting to keep long shocks of bright hair in place. His clothing was plain- loose brown and gray garments that almost, but not quite, hid the leather armor under them, and a regular pack that looked a bit large on his frame, and a shortbow and rapier besides. Though at the bar, he excused himself from the rounds and simply asked for milk. "I'm a bit of a lightweight you see- and I imagine we'll want our wits about us soon enough. But, more to the point, if we're speaking tactically here, I am a bit of a dabbler myself. Grew up on the streets, and acquired a few less reputable, but quite useful, talents before I put myself to the right side of the law. I am a general assistant and junior scholar for the local university. No mage, myself, yet at least, but they've employed my talents for... acquiring presently-unowned items many a time. Right, the sewers though- in a fight I'm afraid I may pale a bit as a soldier, but I have a keen eye for where a brute ill-wants a bit of steel, if provided an opening to supply it." Taking his milk as he arrived, he finally stopped speaking at rapid fire to take a large swig, grinning about the table as he wiped away a milk-mustache. "But that's far too much and more 'bout myself, 'pologies for monopolizing the air. How did you all come to be here? You in particular sir- I don't think I've caught your name yet? I've never had the pleasure of working beside a member of your species before." He addressed the lizardman, while scanning over the party, in particular skimming his memory for more information about the Ferehorns and Bronzebeard clan.

2019-06-08, 09:02 AM
Brick realizes the milk - isn't. Rum and almond? You hear snickers. Roll me a DC 10 con save.

2019-06-08, 09:14 AM
Constitution Saving Throw:


2019-06-08, 09:30 AM
Brick starts to feel ever so slightly woozy. He knows what that means.

In about 5 minutes, disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.

2019-06-08, 01:49 PM
Durgen smiled slightly as he watched the bartender pour Brick's drink. Then, as the elf was coughing off the taste he clapped him heartily upon the back.

"Aye lad! Now that's th' way! Never trust anyone yet never 'had a drink with me ol' pappy used to say. Maybe avoid the Troll's Milk next time though, eh? Or at least take smaller sips."

For his part, Durgen had ordered a tall dwarven stout and was taking his time to thoroughly enjoy it. As the others found their seats, or stools, the dwarf got to business.

"Until recently I were a member o' the city watch. I tended to work down in tha' poor districts mostly, an' that's where I came ta' suspect a Kobold infestation. We 'ad a rash o' break-ins always at night and never far from a sewer grate, though th' last took me a while to catch. Sometimes I found a scale, other times the only things taken were worthless, knick-knacks an' child's toys."

At this point a scowl lowered across the dwarven features.

"I reported my suspicions t' the chief o' the watch, had evidence an' all, but 'e refused to accept any o' it. 'E said, 'Never been a kobold in the city, and there never will be.' Told me to drop the case an' let some'at else take over. I jus' kept diggin' in me free time. Till they got tired o' me anyways. Now 'ere I am, lookin' tae finish th' job."

He noticed that Brick was starting to change color and scowled once more. Then laughed, and raised his hand for attention. "BARKEEP! Better bring a pot 'round quick if'n ye don't want to clean this up! It's alright laddie, we'll 'ave tae start late anyhaps, the buggers won't come out o' hidin' till after dark. Plenty o' time tae get yer feet back under ye'."

2019-06-08, 02:44 PM
Well good as this vermin hunting is... can you tell me what are kobolds? The knee high dog-faced fairytales and silverware thieves? Is that what we’re going to for true valour?

2019-06-08, 05:06 PM
Bridled at the implication, the dwarf really scowled at the elf now. "What can be more valorous than protecting people's livelihoods an' property? Bloody elves! Th' world is never as clean as th' politicians like t' make it seem. Th' real problems are always hidden under th' surface an' ye don't fix 'em without gettin' dirty ye'self."

2019-06-09, 02:23 AM
I’m a human, just to start with and as grand as hunting down in the sewers to retrieve teddy bears and silverware sounds this is not the most important thing. You say no-ones seen them and they haven’t been violent so they aren’t a real problem are they? I’m not saying we can’t hunt them down but come off it. This is more about getting to say ‘I told you so’ than saving lives isn’t it.

2019-06-09, 04:24 AM
Whoops, mistook convo colors already, my bad..

"Pah, human, elf... Ye' head he stuck in the sky when the ground is about tae' fall out from under ye'. Kobold infestations always seem small enough at first. But dinnae' deal with it quick enough and pretty soon ye' cannae kill 'em fast enough. There's been dwarf outposts been overrun by th' bleedin' beasts fer ignorin' 'em."

Durgen suddenly leaned over and spat on the floor in disgust. Then he looked back up. "If'n ye 'have summat better, best lay it out then. I'm not adverse to doing what needs done. Jus' dinnae' like bein' talked down tae' fer wanting tae finish a Job I already started."

2019-06-09, 05:06 AM
History is long and boring, I’d challenge you to name a beast that hasn’t helped finish off a city or two in the ancient years. At this point Gustav has drained his stein and became somewhat boisterous. He loudly slams his stein back onto the table.

Still, suppose we’ve gotta do it to avoid the pissing matches. If nothing else agree let’s get these rascals rounded up quick-ish. Then we can move on to the big stuff with little delay.

2019-06-09, 12:29 PM
Durgen grunted and went back to his ale. He looked at the other members of their group expectantly.

2019-06-09, 02:11 PM
Coughing a little and licking his lips with the taste coming in slowly, the half-elf decided against making a ruckus over the sabotaged drink- he ordered a bit of bread and some cheese instead, sipping lightly and hoping putting some padding in his stomach would lighten the slowly onsetting inebriation.

"It is right nearby," Brick said reasonably, looking between the arguing two and quirking an eyebrow at the comment about elves. He wanted to help though- and he was far too curious about the situation to let it go. Mayhaps it was just some kobolds they could prevent from turning into a bigger problem, stopping an unseen threat before it could turn to more and reclaiming their companion's honor would certainly make an act worthy of a tale. But if it wasn't just the vermin- well. Unless there was some troublemaking on Durgen's part missing from the tale, something was odd about the absolute and stern response in the rogue's mind. No sense raising concern over an unfounded conspiracy theory though. "Ahem. Mmm. We... will need to wait to receive response on our requests for other leads, so having something to pursue already gets us a leg up. I'd say we ought to set a plan and stake out the point we want to watch before the light is gone"

2019-06-11, 02:13 PM
The lizardman starts to snore and slumps on to the table. Light shines upon the mottled cloak of the local rangers on his back. At least he should be able to track you without issue.

And track you he must... Durgen traced the kobolds to just outside Phlan, and you spend this day in his footsteps. Night falls not far from a large camp off the dirt road, travelers clustered together with not an adventurer in sight - they must all have taken the coach. Scent soaking the camp, a large pot bubbles on the fire, full of the contributions of the assembled throng. Just as you're about to sample it a well-dressed man steps forward.

"All of you, steer clear of the iron route. The Grey Patriots are back and they're not the worst of it this time. Dragon worshippers with a Kobold legion at their back.

Yes, you heard right. The two of them are fighting. Does that make you feel better? Apparently the Regent does. He's not going to lift a finger, the best we could get out of him was a bounty on Krulek." He levels a look at your well-muscled, heavily armed group. "Anyone who wants to do something about it, follow me." He walks away to a explosion of conversation and shouted questions.

2019-06-11, 08:43 PM


"Can you prove you're not another one of Krulek's fools?"

2019-06-12, 06:13 AM
I frankly don’t give a damn about this Kruleck of yours, but if you’re asking if we can solve this my money’s on there being nothing down there we can’t drive out.

2019-06-12, 07:16 AM
He looks at the dwarf. "I asked what you can prove."

2019-06-12, 11:58 AM
(Back at the bar)Durgen watched the Lizardman slump over with a grunt of disgust. He clapped Brick on the shoulder once again and smiled at him. "Ach! At least ye 'old yet liqueur better'n that'n laddie."

Then he stood up and looked around the table. [Color=olive]"If this's can't catch up, that's 'is own fault. We'd best get to it then, eh lads?(/Back at the bar)

Durgen was surprised to find that the Kobolds had all left through an old forgotten sewer grate. He made note of it, and did his best to block off their entry hole as they continued to track the beasties into the wilderness. Apparently it wasn't hard, they'd gone in a large mass and sloppily so. It was a good trek away when they came upon the gathering of travellers. He listened to the speech and followed the man to see what he was going on about.

He was offended enough by the question, though he had another way of responding to it. "Ye want proof? What is this, an intelligence test? Ye' got some desks 'round 'ere, maybe some old cracked quills? How 'bouts a lil' demonstration instead?"

Durgen drew his axe, moving to give himself some room. As he began to practice with the weapon a green flame began to emit from the blade, wherever he 'struck', the flame would fly off a few feet in a different direction before fading away. Then he lowered the axe and raised his hand, which emitted sparks of electricity, miniature lightning bolts arcing between his fingers.

2019-06-12, 03:58 PM
He nods. "I want you to cut off the head of the snake. Both snakes. The dragon ****ers - that's the easy bit. Seems they're led by a Dragonwoman who can also cast spells - she's been doing sacrifices. No other scalies we've seen in their forces - kill her and maybe it will all be over.

Krulek's the real problem. You see, a couple years ago, Krulek got on the wrong side of Lord Dech and would have been hung if it weren't for his knight friends freeing him, and what's more the whole lot of them went to ground to try to organize a rebellion against our dear regent. They started well... you could travel freely if you didn't work for Dech or the Regent. People joked about joining them back then, and some did. But then they started robbing other nobles, merchants, collecting taxes... if you ask me a fair few of them just want to get out with the plunder. Gods know why they're back now... Ha! I'll bet it's because of the Valor challenge. Yes, they could use 10000 gold pieces.

Look, I'll wager without him, there will be no Grey Patriots. And that's no bad thing, with what he's willing to accept. But there may be others who can take his place, and I want them dealt with as well.

One of the patriots was captured by House Sokol, and now he's upriver, in the Imsheck brothers prison. Their house is poor enough to care about the bounty and too amateur to get it, so you'll have to question him yourselves. And do it fast, the Imshecks aren't the most trustworthy wardens.

House Cadorna will pay you 75 gold for each of their heads, and the Regent's promised another 100 gold for Khulek. You'll see the wanted posters soon enough. My name is Braden Yil. Do we have a deal?"

2019-06-13, 02:32 AM
OK, I was worried there for a second but if both have already been tried and sentenced that’s fair enough. Well, I’d question why we got into this if not for villains to slay and for valour and money alike to win. I’ll give my bow and blade to such a worthy cause.

2019-06-13, 01:01 PM
Durgen listened to the monologue with interest for a long moment. It seems they'd stumbled onto a larger problem than he'd expected. At the information that the dragon lady had spells of her own his curiosity piqued. "It seems we'll be workin' on this. Ye say th' dragon lady has spells o' her own? Can ye' give any details? Might 'help us deal with 'er."

2019-06-13, 04:15 PM
"Ask the prisoner. What are your names and what do you call yourselves?"

2019-06-14, 01:36 AM
"Durgen of the Bronzebeard clan. I cannae say we 'ave a name as a group though. Silly thing tae be worryin' about anyways. I s'pose we should find this prisoner first eh? May'aps ye c'n point us in th' right direction laddie?"

2019-06-14, 03:20 AM
"Name yourselves or be named, i warn you." He takes a small scroll out of his pocket and passes it down to the dwarf. "Our mapmaker was quite drunk when he made this, but it should do."


(Gonna assume you all name yourselves)

"You can find our offices in Phlan's merchant quarter. Farewell."


It's a damp and foggy trek to the Imsheck jail, with your stomachs rumbling as you spot turrets adrift in the haze.

You arrive to a dilapidated tower, clinging like a drowning man to the rocky bank of the Stojanow River. Rotten timbers sag from holes in the tower’s stone walls, and its outbuildings stand in ruin. Rooks nest in the crenels of the tower’s battlements.

Before you lies a large gate house set within broad walls encircling the tower, and a slatted peephole of human height lies in the iron-bound door.

2019-06-14, 04:35 AM
Gustav turns up his nose at the unrelenting stink of rotting wood and guano but advances with everyone else anyway. Wordlessly he walks up to the door and knocks thrice on the heavy door.

2019-06-14, 05:12 AM
Muffled footsteps are heard, drawing closer. They pause outside the door, and you hear somebody climbing a creaking foot ladder. The peephole snaps open, and a pair of bloodshot eyes squint at you.


2019-06-14, 06:10 AM
"That will be ten gold." The eyes flicker across the group. "Each."

2019-06-14, 06:39 AM
Gustav steps back and softly mutters to the others. I have no questions beyond the obvious for this criminal, I’ll wait outside while you can go pester them.

2019-06-14, 08:24 AM
Durgen strikes his best watch pose, only lacking the uniform, though his armor is clean and the hand resting on the head of his axe seems quite comfortable there.

"Demanding bribes? Now there's a classic case o' corruption if'n I ever saw one. What, are ye' tryin' tae take advantage o' the challenge tae make a bit o' extra coin? Now laddie, ye' wannae be hauled up before a magistrate tae explain yer'self? Let us in an' we'll be gone again a'fore ye know it.

2019-06-14, 09:58 AM
The eyes narrow. "This is a private prison," he sneers. "It will be 20 gold for you, son."

2019-06-14, 10:53 AM
He’s right you know, most who end up in prison rather than the pillory or the gallows do so as there’s money to be made of them. Why else would you feed the scum and pay for gaurds and the like? Though, most of them are a little more professional, even when you'reaccusing ‘em.

Gustav meanwhile has deposited most of his gear in a small heap on some of the drier ground, on as dry a patch as can be found, a fair distance from the walls. He readies himself to perhaps go hunting by the river while the others seek to gain entry.

2019-06-15, 02:07 AM
"Pah! I'll not be swindled by th' likes o' ye! This piece o' rubble will fall down about yer' ears' afore ye' see any o' me gold. 'Prolly no better'n bandit's yer'selves."

Durgen walked away from the building and leaned against a tree to wait.

2019-06-15, 09:59 AM
"Done." The shutter cinches, there's a rasp as the ladder is pulled aside and the lock clicks. The thick door groans ajar, leaving room for you to squeeze through.

Beyond is an overgrown courtyard, with ruined stables on either side occupied by a pair of crossbowmen tracking you. Glancing up at the tower you glimpse eyes watching you from an arrow slit, and glancing down you see the crumpled, beer-smelling halfling who let you in. He immediately shoulders the door shut and locks it, and rubbing his shoulder with one hand holds out the other for your gold. He bites it, pockets it, and walks up to the tower.

It's unlocked to reveal a mess hall, with a halfling that resembles the one next to you crouched over a glass of orange juice out of the light. He winces as the door rattles shut. A corridor slopes off round the left tower wall, another crossbowman in it's mouth, and skirting round the tables you pass a door on the right. Pulling out his enormous set of keys once more, the halfling finds one for the stairwell - clunk - and pulls it open. He waves the guard over, who stands directly behind you aim level with the back of your head. He fiddles with his keys as he starts up the cramped staircase.

You step past an archway on the first floor that reveals dank stone, barred cells and playing rats. The next floor up is much the same, except for a cell reinforced with iron bars and lengths of chain. You come to the end of the staircase on the fourth floor, emerging into a room containing a couple of smoking guards deep in a card game and doors angling off to the left and right. The halfling unlocks the left, and finally you stop, at a half-orc woman in filthy rags, curled in a corner with her wrists and feet chained to the wall, her hair wet and plastered from the rain spitting through the window.

"Half a bell." The halfling walks off, stretching.

"You can't fool me, girl." The woman coughs deeply, curling up tighter. A dry croak; "I know bugbears. What are you, fifteen? Run back to your mother."

2019-06-15, 06:17 PM
You reach for your spear only to feel the crossbow against your head. "Tortures extra."

She rinses some of the rain from her hair into her mouth, and she coughs lightly. "****ing kid. If you knew what it was like to do that you wouldn't be so quick to threaten it. Go."

2019-06-16, 04:08 AM
"Well, if you want to remove bits you'll have to buy her off us, which is a 100 gold pieces, but if you just want to rough her up i can let you in for free."

"You want to play with me girl?" The half-orc rises to her feet.

2019-06-17, 02:41 AM
Gustav has in the interim, shot a wild boar sow as it was drinking from the river. Dragging the hefty carcass back he begins building a fire and cutting meat off the pig.

Hey Durgen, hey.., um guard. You want some pork? There’s more than I can eat here and I’m not dragging it back.

2019-06-17, 06:09 AM
Durgen opens his mouth to reply only for a crossbow bolt to wing past his head and another to go through it. Bolts strike the tree, your hog, whistle past you.

2019-06-17, 06:21 AM
Fear and horror paralysed Gustav for a few seconds before he lept into action, he wasn’t fond of the dwarf but this was to much to quickly. Taking off at a dead run he scooped up his backpack full of kit and sprinted to his riding horse hauling himself into the saddle and stirring the creature into a gallop as he took off down the road.

2019-06-17, 06:27 AM
You gallop several miles away with no sign of pursuit.

2019-06-17, 06:37 AM
After about a mile and a half Gustav brings the horse down to a canter then to halt. Geimshackle jail had broken a slew of laws there, firing upon nobility with no provocation or demand for surrender. Still, he had no hope of bringing them down alone, instead he rode on, tired and hungry to the larger settlements surrounding Phlan where he might be able to report this or gather some other force to his cause.

2019-06-17, 08:31 AM
An hour later, you canter through the wooden fortifications of the town of Polperro.


The Polperro family would lend you their ear, and a local tells you of three taverns; the Baboon, the Rabbit and the Black Dragon. Oddly, there's also a mercenary guild.

2019-06-17, 09:57 AM
Stinking from sweat, swaying from exhaustion and fairly desperate with hunger Gustav rides up to the rabbit, dismounts and looks to pay for a room. Once upstairs he’ll wolf down a set of rations and settle in for a night punctuated only by nightmares. The heads of family breaking apart like pastry, cold iron filling his own chest a horrific swine, akin to the one he filled with those deadly bolts only minutes before now rising to terrify him.

In the morning he took up cold water and made efforts to clear the sweat and grime from his skin. Just after dawn broke he was heading towards the Polperro residence, less disheveled than he was and with the signet ring of his family on the finger.

2019-06-17, 10:30 AM
It's another foggy day.


"What's your business here?"

2019-06-17, 01:48 PM
I am Gustav Von Ferehorn, heir secundus of House Ferehorn of Oakenbridge and Atenbury. I was attacked and my allies murdered by men in the guise of agents of justice. I seek your liege’s aid in ensuring the King’s justice stands and preventing further attacks on the innocent.

2019-06-18, 06:02 AM
"Wait here." The guard disappears into the gatehouse and you hear muffled conversation. He runs out and down the road. Ten minutes later he sprints back, a minute later followed by a finely dressed old man.

Panting, the old man looks at you intently. He hesitates.

"He looks a lot like the old lord..."

The guard, staring, walks up to you. Circles.

"Alright. Tell me."

(Assuming you tell him everything)

The guard looks up. You follow his gaze to a spire poking above the buildings, clothed in green moss aside from a open slice of roof. "We will investigate your claims. Return here by evening and don't leave town."

2019-06-21, 09:40 AM
Teeth gritted Gustav turns from the Castellan, briefly thanks him for his aid and storms away.

A half hour later he enters the mercenary guild at Poperro. ”Alright!” He hollers. By the morning I want a few men ready to get paid for easy vengaance. Criminals came for my life without meaning and my family.” He says flashing his noble ring briefly. Gives men what they’re due, tell your friends I’ll deliver if they’ll help me do so.

2019-06-21, 09:04 PM
Criminals, ay? A tan, foreign, tall man stands up from his chair lifting his drink. He's rather large, spear at his side. Clad in chain mail. He stands out, slick black hair that's fairly long and Tan skin.

...and payment? This sounds acceptable. I shall take this offer.

He raises his mug.

2019-06-22, 03:46 AM
Good to hear it. Gustav replies looking over the mercenary. I’m discussing this issue with the local nobles today and will be moving out tomorrow morning most likely. If you have anything to pack or arrangements to make I suggest you do so.

2019-06-22, 10:50 AM
Arrangements to finish...

Rickard stops for a moment. Ah, yes. Something very important. He smirks.

Rickard raises his flagon and chugs down his drink, slamming the mug on the table.

Ah, all finished!

2019-06-22, 01:25 PM
A cowled figure lurking in the corner takes notice and stands. He's short, and might have a tail under that cloak?

If vengeance is what you seek
of payment we should speak.

If the price is right
you need look no further for a man for your fight.

2019-06-22, 02:13 PM
A cowled figure lurking in the corner takes notice and stands. He's short, and might have a tail under that cloak?

If vengeance is what you seek
of payment we should speak.

If the price is right
you need look no further for a man for your fight.

Well you can rhyme, so you’ll be half decent bait at least. If you fancy yourself a fighter as well you’ll be rewarded for coming along.

2019-06-22, 05:36 PM
Rickard picks up his gear, shield and spear in hand, and heads by the door. Ready when you are.

2019-06-22, 05:55 PM
"You'll find this frame full of menace.
Under the earth, all enemies serve eternal penance."

He strides toward the door, hands empty but a pack on his back.

2019-06-23, 07:14 AM
As said, the fight begins tomorrow, but if you want to accompany me earlier I won’t begrudge it.

We’ll be up against foes who don’t seem to have much martial might or magics at thier disposal. I had planned to bleed them first from a great distance, plunging in to face them only after depleting their numbers and sending them running for cover. If you have another idea though, you are the warriors here.

2019-06-23, 08:48 AM
A fine plan this may be
if only brave enemies you'll see.

but if behind their walls they cower
they'll be beyond your arrow's power.

You'll find more success
if their options are less.

Sneakily put a rope up the wall
set oil, caltrops and a kindling ball

Arrows from up on top
when the fire they try to stop.

Gaps in the tower you mentioned,
so let's further increase their tension

Set traps inside their hall
Chuckle as we watch them fall

Prison break could be such fun
and make it easier to get our work done

Much of this I can provide
but you'd better pay me double their take or it will come from your hide

Hire a king and glory you'll reap
but nobility like mine does not come cheap

2019-06-23, 08:24 PM
My style is more straight forward He stumps his spear butt on the ground. I crush them. Perhaps I shall simply wait until you have bled them prior to plunging my spear through their gut.

2019-06-24, 04:23 AM
After some hours spent familiarizing yourselves with each other, demonstrating your skill and sharpening your swords, evening approaches. You head to the castle gates where the guard awaits.

"Our local wizard sent a familiar to the prison. From what she's gathered listening to their conversations, your bugbear friend went mad, and they were well within their rights to assume you were planning an attack. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do. We can collect your friends bodies if you wish."

John Cribati
2019-06-24, 10:04 AM
Tinsley didn't say much by way of introducing himself. Just his name, and some of the skills he'd had to pick up on the streets.

He knew his way around a dagger, and he could pick locks if he had the tools. He could sneak about. That was really about it.

That he'd been reduced to a commoner despite once being the scion of the noble Vinjah house was unnecessary information.

But he would rise again.

For now, he slots himself in with the rhyming beast-man and the idiot with the spear.

"I s'pose any coin is good coin, ol' chap, but note that I expect extra compensation if I'm to carry dead blokes about."

He especially couldn't wait to be done affecting that horrid street accent.

2019-06-24, 02:48 PM
"The only question left to ask
Are we still doing this task?"

2019-06-24, 05:12 PM
From out of the shadows by the door, an interesting fellow steps up. He is dressed in dark clothing, and a set of leather armor adorned by a strange crest, that is slit in the back to allow his batlike wings to show. He fixes you with what you guess might be a piercing gaze with his black eyes.

No need to shout buddy, they call me Deero. I'm not doing anything for the moment, and some more coin for my purse sounds a wonderful thing to be doing. Speak your piece.

((EDIT)) it seems like i responded when you were still in the tavern, and then now you're at the prison... so instead of shadows by the door, i tap you on the shoulder and state something akin to the effect of "... Don't think you could get out of the first day's wage by leaving w/o saying anything! "

2019-06-24, 06:43 PM
I am prepared, at your order. Reddick stands at attention.

2019-06-25, 05:12 AM
After walking out of that rather disappointing meeting with thanks given to the nobles but his frustration written clear he walked back out.

Approaching the figures he recruited he had a sad message to give them. Good people, I’m afraid I have taken you out of your way for nothing. It seems Justice today will not exist alongside vengance. While by facts the mission was not meant to have began yet I will still give you something for your trouble. Perhaps to take you drinking tonight. Tomorrow will be a day of sorrow, not danger and my allies were victims of idiocracy rather than ill-intent. I can provide you a little silver, but it seems there is nothing more dangerous left for me than returning home still unproven.

2019-06-25, 08:16 AM
There may yet be another who can shed some light on this, other than this entrenched monarchy who may be in cahoots with those whose transgressions you seek to judicate. You see, I know a guy in the area who may be of some assistance in this matter...

2019-06-25, 10:25 AM
Surely there is a way to extract just consequence from your offenders despite these other nobles objections... Reddick mused with a look of disappointment. If there was one thing he'd learned to appreciate, it was his choice of path and action. A far traveling wanderer, Reddick had encountered his fair share of indentured labor and was not particularly fond of it. Though, he rather enjoyed the structure of taking on a job in which another gave direct orders - his freedom to accept or decline that job was vital to him.

Perhaps our colleagues friend can be of help.

2019-06-25, 11:16 AM
Deero leads you to the Black Dragon, and telling you to wait talks quietly to the barkeep. He looks suddenly frightened; and then the tiefling points at your group, and fright becomes wary interest. He turns and slowly throws his cloth to a barman, then walks inside the kitchen, beckoning you.


"I used to be one of their prisoners. Would have taken years off my life if i hadn't got out when i did. They sold me to a bounty hunter - i thought he'd kill me when he found out i was useless.

If i report it i'll be dead inside a week. Every thief with a bit of coin knows Imsheck Jail is the place to go. And even if i did, the guards would be bribed to find "a lack of evidence". But you - nobody knows you. And you're a lord besides. Maybe you can steal their bribe money? Bring some evidence straight to Lord Polperro?"

2019-06-25, 01:47 PM
So they’ll be deceivers and torturers as well then, and near slavers to boot. The only gaurd they have is deceit, not justice. Yes, I’ll pay to see this done and with a smile as well.

With a small flourish he turned back back to the others.

So what do you say to this then? A little more cunning, with luck a little less danger perhaps a little more time. Are you all still ready for this task at hand?

John Cribati
2019-06-25, 02:08 PM
Tinsley flicks his knife out of his sleeve, spins it around his fingers a few times, and then slides it back up.
"Subtlety is more my area of expertise. I'm in."

2019-06-25, 02:26 PM
Aye Reddick says with a smirk. Though i may not be the man for the subtle portion of the job, im sure a strong arm will be welcomed.

2019-06-25, 05:29 PM
flexing his wings a bit, shaking them out, Deero leans towards his boss and whispers to him. You see, there is always more to the story than meets the eye! HAH HA, and now we'll have ourselves a bit of fun, and perchance also strike a blow against injustice at the same time!

then, looking back at the others, How about that beer?

to the bartender he simply nods and pats the man on his shoulder, And for you as well sir, justice.

Perhaps if the moon cooperates tonight, some scouting might be in order. And his wings shake again as he smirks and walks back out to the bar.

2019-06-26, 07:22 AM
The moon cooperates...

2019-06-26, 10:34 AM
Having drank mostly water the entire evening, due to this mission, Deero was still ready to go scouting. A slight nod to the innkeeper and a knowing wink was all it took to get the "special" brew, and so appear to everyone else to be getting largely into his cups all night long, but still keep all his mental faculties intact.

Weaving out of the bar with the rest of the group he headed back to their own inn, and then just kept walking out of town and into the darkness. After a short while he was all alone in the dark with not a soul nor light in sight. Making sure what little gear he had brought this evening was tied down securely, he took wing and headed in the direction of the prison to see what might be seen.

2019-06-26, 11:14 AM
A tower that's worse for wear, encircled by broad walls maybe 15 feet tall - a guard manning them, another drinking tea in the gatehouse. Every now and then the arrow slits flicker with torchlight; four all told, working their way from the top to the bottom. One light at the top burns constantly. A couple of ruined stables lie inside the walls, and there are five collapsed outbuildings.

2019-06-26, 12:58 PM
staying overhead long enough to confirm the patrol routine and make sure there aren't any anomalies, Deero then heads off. First going away from town on the off chance these simpletons might see him, he then wings over and flies back to the clearing before walking back to the inn.

on the way a plan formed in his head. if the kobold is light enough, he should be able to carry him and drop him on the walls to ambush the lone guard. then a knock at the gate would distract the only other threat who could then be knocked out or elimated if need be, granting them access to the prison proper to carry out whatever big brain plan the boss had in mind.

heading up to their room, he taps the password knock on the door, and goes in to get some sleep. the morning will be soon enough of a time to share ideas, and give the rest of the day for planning...

2019-06-26, 01:39 PM

2019-06-26, 09:08 PM
For taking out the watchman, this one is game
But for the distraction, I'm thinking of using a bit more flame.

2019-06-30, 05:36 AM
Gustav packs up and arms himself, then rallies the troops heading out to the castle, on th way he’ll discuss the eventual plan with the others.

2019-06-30, 06:04 PM
Night falls...

You've crept through the woods to the prison unnoticed. Fire arrows at hand, you watch Deero tuck in his wings and dive, leveling out into a glide as he comes up to the walls and lightly places Kss'Ka down, unnoticed. He continues arcing down gracefully towards you, setting down and taking his position without a beat missed.

2019-06-30, 08:03 PM
Reddick remains back so as to not spoil the elusiveness of the group with the clanging of his armor.

2019-06-30, 08:28 PM
Kss'Ka moves quickly. He scatters caltrops where he landed, then moves 10 ft toward the gatehouse and ties a rope down the outside of the wall.

Next, some oil soaked straw with a minute fuse next to the gate house. Must time it carefully...

Kss'Ka silently heads toward the tower to enter through one of the gaps and make further mischief.

Stealth: [roll0]

2019-07-01, 03:58 AM
Kss'ka makes it to the second floor. Rats squeak and run off over dank stone, sleeping prisoners in the cells on either side and footsteps not too far away. Many of the cells are unlocked and unoccupied.

2019-07-01, 06:58 AM
Kss'Ka goes up the stairs a little, then scatters caltrops. Behind them, he places the remaining straw, pours 2 flasks of oil, pees on it to make the smoke thick and foul smelling. Kss'Ka then lights the brew and ducks into one of the empty rooms.

Smoke rises... The guards in the top of the tower should be pretty distracted soon.

2019-07-01, 08:13 AM
*silently tapping his foot* excuse me sir, shouldn't we get moving? that rat has been in there awhile, he's going to need us to get a move on..

sigh, always have to keep the boss types moving things along

2019-07-01, 09:59 AM
Kss'Ka goes up the stairs a little



Kss'ka 12

Guard 7

2019-07-01, 10:05 AM
Sensing the guard before he makes his way forward, Kss'Ka slips out his dagger and goes in for the kill.

Attack (advantage due to darkness, just use first roll if guard has night vision): Best of [roll0] or [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]+3 + (if crit) [roll]1d4/roll]

2019-07-01, 10:57 AM
You jump into the torchlight and stab the shocked guard as high as you can - the leg. He screams and kicks you back, swinging wildly with his mace only to smash against the walls.

Surprise round! You may all take a action.

Reddick 13

Kss'ka 12

Deero 11

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Tinsley 5

2019-07-01, 11:37 AM
...So much for the element of surprise. Reddick says to himself after hearing the guard scream as he begins into the building behind the group.

2019-07-01, 12:20 PM
"Tis tis, you've raised the alarm
I guess all that's left it to harm
Triggering things out of turn
You'll have to burn!"

Kss'Ka pours a flask of oil on the guard's feet and torch and steps back from the flames as it catches.

2019-07-01, 12:26 PM
not waiting on this daft lordling to get into the fight, Deero quickly pounds on the gate's door, "OPEN UP, LORDS BUSINESS, OPEN THE DOOR YOU GOB BLASTED IMBECILE!!" and then jumps back into the air to come down on the other side of the wall, in order to come up behind the guard.

2019-07-01, 01:45 PM
Oil gutters into roaring life as it spills over torch and guard and his scream is ear-shattering. He runs up the stairs [roll0] [roll1]+3 + (if crit) [roll2] and you hear his body bang onto the floor.

John Cribati
2019-07-02, 03:17 PM
"Well, this's gone to hell in a handbasket"

Tinsley draws his dagger and follows at the back of the group.

2019-07-02, 03:22 PM
Gustav readies an action to fire a bolt from his heavy crossbow at any guard that shows their face (Using Sharpshooter)

[roll0] or [roll1] (If I have advantage from still being unspotted) for [roll2]

2019-07-05, 12:41 PM
Your shot is wind-veered and a moment later the guard jumps straight on to his back in shock. His crossbow reels out above the wall swinging wildly into a potshot that goes well wide.

Guard 18

Reddick 13

Kss'ka 12

Deero 11

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x4 6

Tinsley 5

Guard 5

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-05, 05:02 PM
Reddick smirks at the oncoming guards, finally...head on. This felt more comfortable to him.
Lets get it started! He shouts, readying his shield in front and spear pointing at the oncoming enemies. He lunges forward, displaying quite the mastery of his spear with a heavy thrust, followed by a spinning swing of the hilt of his weapon.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]
If Crit: [roll2]

PAM Hilt strike

Attack: [roll3]

Damage: [roll4]
If Crit: [roll5]

2019-07-05, 05:34 PM
Kss'Ka pours oil on the stairs above the empty cell door (so he can still get in and out). He ducks out of sight behind the cell door and palms another oil flask.

2019-07-05, 05:55 PM
You can see the white of the guards eyes as you clamber atop the battlements and he scrambles to his feet, reloading - your thrust digs through his boiled leather for a deep cut and your hilt socks his jaw cleanly, staggering him backwards.

2019-07-06, 01:29 AM
staying aloft just long enough for the guard to come out of his shack and open the gate, Deero drops straight down on the man. Aiming to knock him out, and capture him, instead of kill. Someone will need to stand trial for this farce afterall.

2019-07-06, 05:20 AM
The shack guard runs out towards the battlements, only for Deero to land with a flying kick that smashes him to the ground and leaves him open for a kick to the ribs. The guard spins up with his mace catching you in the ribs, and as you double over uppercuts you, breaking your neck.

Above Kss'ka there's the pounding of many footsteps, and the sizzle of steam...

Guard 18

Reddick 13

Kss'ka 12

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x4 6

Tinsley 5

Guard 5

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-07, 05:08 AM
Gustav reloads and fires again

To hit: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

2019-07-07, 02:41 PM
The bolt buries itself in the stumbling guards left bicep and he howls demonically. Tinsley is blasted off the wall by a bolt coming the other way. Another zips from the tower catching Reddick square in the chest. You fall to your knees, and the world begins to go dark. Gustav glances at Tinsley only to see lifeless eyes.

Ksska hears the hiss of water and through the cloud of steam sees a guard rush past him and down the corridor.

The gatehouse bursts into flame as the stable guard emerges on the battlements. The wall sentry points and he snaps off a shot at Gustav, piercing your thigh (6 points of damage). From behind a parapet the sentry takes a shot himself with his good arm, but doesn't come close.

Kss'ka hears footsteps thundering below...

Guard 18

Reddick 13

Kss'ka 12

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x4 6

Guard 5

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

The current turn is bolded in Initiative. Reddick, make me a death saving throw.

2019-07-07, 06:17 PM
Kss'Ka waits for the guards to pass and whispers:

"Didn't slip, more's the pity
Must be dexterous or my placement's sh****
Looks like the plan's gone to crap
Let's see if there's a way to fight out of this trap."

Kss'Ka goes over to the nearby occupied cell and attempts to pick the lock. If he hears any noise, he ducks back into one of the cells and pulls the door shut quietly.

Sleight of Hand: [roll0]

"If you want your freedom the time is right.
Get up if you can. It's time to fight."

2019-07-07, 07:36 PM
"Give me that."


A skinny man with a nice moustache pulls you into the cell and hides you behind him. His hand plucks the dagger from your belt and the other palms you the pick. Thankfully the rattle of his chains is lost amidst the din of confused and panicked prisoners.

"How many of them are there?"
"One here!"
"Spread out!"

A guard clatters down the stairs and the burnt one follows him.

Guard 18

Prisoner 14

Reddick 13

Kss'ka 12

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x4 6

Guard 5

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-08, 04:01 AM
Gustav fires again, then moves 30ft further away

[roll0] for [roll1]

2019-07-08, 05:57 AM
The bolt spins the sentry out of sight, his crossbow thwacking the ground as Gustav vanishes deeper into the woods.

"One of you down here! Watch the stairway."

Kss'ka hears the guard rooting around on the other side of the tower. Whoever's guarding the stairs is out of sight, maybe ten feet back from the corner of your cell.

Reddick is shoved to the ground by the stable guard, who stoops to his knees and starts to staunch the blood with his hands. "We have a lot of questions, friend..."

Prisoner 14

Kss'ka 12

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x4 6

Guard 5

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-08, 11:37 AM
Kss'Ka whispers as he works on the lock for the hand manacles with the pin.

"Let's see
If I set this tumbler free."

As the chain comes loose, he holds out his bag of oil flasks and torches.

"Hold out your hand
I've weapons for this kings band
If you see a guard with a light
Toss one of these and you'll see him take flight.
This is our chance to make a stand."

Kss'Ka attempts to unlock the chain for their hand and distribute 6 of the remaining oil flasks and 6 torches. If a guard is soaked in oil, they take 5 extra fire damage if hit with flame. Hitting someone with a lit torch deals 1 fire damage. Will hold off on lighting the torches until we are either spotted or their legs are free though.

Kss'Ka sleight of hand (with tool): [roll0]

2019-07-08, 11:59 AM

"Check the kitchen!"


That came from upstairs

Prisoner 14

Kss'ka 12

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x4 6

Guard 5

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-08, 02:59 PM
Gustav reloads and lets another bolt fly as he continues backing away from the fight in the castle

[roll0] for [roll1]

2019-07-08, 06:55 PM
Bursting through the foliage the bolt lodges in the guards skull. He collapses on top of Reddick.



Kss'ka can feel the stones trembling. You hear the guard near the stairs rush up, and then you see the one across the tower pound over white in the face. Still more beat up the stairs.



The prisoner turns, nods, and takes the bag.

Walharrow 19

Prisoner 14


Kss'ka 12

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x3 6

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2
You're back on death saves. Pls roll.

2019-07-09, 10:53 AM
Kss'Ka goes to work on the prisoner's leg manacles.

"The stones of the entire tower have shaken
I think we should away before our lives are taken
This Walharrow fellow seems quite the threat
and will keep the guards busy I bet
so let's observe and run before our luck's forsaken"

Sleight of hand with tools:

2019-07-10, 05:04 AM
A grin curls his moustache still further as the manacles clunk to the floor.

Through the foliage Gustav sees the glint of metal and patches of skin flicker into view on the walls. Two guards? Then nothing.

Walharrow 19

Prisoner 14


Kss'ka 12

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x3 6

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-13, 04:59 AM
Gustav just goes to wait for another chance for a shot, even one through a window or open door

[roll0] for [roll1]

2019-07-16, 01:27 PM
You hear a thunderous lowing from above, followed immediately by a yell and something rattling the ceiling on the other side of the tower. You're picked up as the prisoner bolts and quietly hurries down the stairs. The ground floor - nothing. Slowly the prisoner moves towards the open door and peers beyond - two guards hunched behind the walls, daring the occasional peek out. Without hesitation he creeps towards the south wall. Unnoticed, he sets you down as he takes in the wall's handholds and takes a step back -

- a slab of stone blasts out of the tower walls and strikes the ground next to you

- a guard whirls

- only to collapse with an arrow through his knee.

Walharrow 19

Prisoner 14

Kss'ka 12

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x3 6

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-16, 05:43 PM
"Well, this is a right mess
Still, I work best under stress
Nothing like a quick climbing test
To show this king is the best."

Kss'Ka attempts to scale the old wall and hang down the other side for cover. If it doesn't go well, he takes cover behind the rock.

Stealth: [roll0]
Acrobatics: [roll]1d20+3[/roll

2019-07-17, 03:37 AM
Darting up there's a yell from the prisoner. Swinging over the wall you see him clutching his side below.

Walharrow 19

Prisoner 14

Kss'ka 12

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x3 6

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-20, 04:09 AM
Gustav continues to cover the castle, looking for opportunities to shoot in

[roll0] for [roll1]

2019-07-20, 09:02 AM
The guard still standing takes an arrow in the ass. While he's distracted, a guard runs out of the tower with a prisoner braced under his arm. They reach the wall and pass you before the mustachioed man, teeth gritted, pulls himself over and runs without a second glance.

Walharrow 19

Prisoner 14

Kss'ka 12

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard x2 6

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-21, 08:18 PM
Kss'Ka takes one last look at the prison before dropping down and making a break for it.

"No sign of employer
I think this raid's over
No loot to be had
Overall, tonight's gone pretty bad
Still, prisoner seems an interesting fellow
So I'll guide him till dawn's eye searing yellow.
After all, I feel my dagger's lack
And would rather like it back."

Kss'Ka sprints away from the prison into the brush, leading the prisoner through the forest into cover using his superior night vision.

2019-07-22, 03:40 AM
Torches are cast into the wood, and leaves begin to smoulder.

Walharrow 19

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard 6

Imsheck Brother 3

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-22, 04:14 AM
Gustav slips away from the flaming torch and fires again at the closer of the two visible gaurds.

[rol]1d20+7[/roll] for [roll0]

2019-07-22, 05:01 AM
You hear a cry from one of the faint silhouettes, and a muffled scream carries from beyond them. The silhouettes vanish. There's a rattle of the gate opening and closing.

Walharrow 19

Guard 10

Guard 7

Gustav 6

Guard 6

Imsheck Brother 2

2019-07-22, 12:54 PM
As Kss'Ka guided his human prize through the underbrush, he looked back at the prison. The guardhouse was still burning merrily, smoke was still wafting from his efforts in the tower and now even the guards were lending their efforts to the inferno's cause. It was... Beautiful.

Somewhere 22 dimensions and 6 parallels to the left, the grand construct of reality cracked from the strain of running time. It was a minor crack, hardly perceivable on a cosmic scale and certainly not something anyone on an Important reality would notice. However, it was about to have a somewhat significant effect locally.

Staring into the flames (his eyes starting to inexplicably glow), Kss'Ka received a mesmerizing revaluation. He had struggled for so long, employed so many tricks and tools. In so many ways, he had championed the cause. But really, at the end of the day, with all else stripped away, there was one shining truth. The real fire was in him the whole time.

Kss'Ka stopped leading the human away. He was far enough to make it on his own. Instead he turned back, and with all his soul and all his will, he asked all of reality one simple thing: He would like that guard be on fire. In an event that was likely to have adverse effects on Kss'Ka's mental health for the rest of his life... the universe obliged.

Kss'Ka become a level 1 mystic!
Kss'Ka uses a bonus action to shift his focus to his fire discipline.
Kss'Ka spends 2 power points to cast Combustion at the nearest guard (DC 13 con save to halve damage and not catch on fire). The guard takes [roll0] fire damage on a failed save and 1d6+2 fire damage at the end of each of it's turns until the fire is put out.
Kss'Ka moves to cover, heading toward where he left the rope down the wall if suitable cover is there.

"Now I see
that my kingdom is all of reality
Till the light of day
It's time to play"