View Full Version : DM Help Magic wooden dagger

2019-06-07, 12:19 AM
Howdy folks, a little while back i asked for some input about a ladybug themed shield and got tons of awesome ideas!

So now i come cast my rod once again, hoping to hook some more interesting ideas :smallwink:

This time for what seems like a simple wooden dagger, something that would be used for training, or perhaps a child's toy,

i don't care how strong or weak your ideas are, everything is welcome, if for no other reason then i have no idea myself where to start with what it could do :smalltongue:

i look forward to any thoughts on this subject.

2019-06-07, 07:22 AM
How about a +1 dagger :
When ever you hit creature with that weapon that creature gain imunity to all Damage from this attack. The dagger then magically teleport into the victims hand while yelling "tag, you're it"

2019-06-07, 07:37 AM
A training weapon you say.

How about: Master's Disappointment

As an action, choose a humanoid within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or have their confidence in their martial prowess be shattered. For one minute the target loses their proficiency bonus on attack rolls made with weapons. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Charisma saving throw. On a success, the effect ends on the target.

Alternatively you could make the target frightened by remembering their old teacher, but that's not as goofy.

2019-06-07, 07:41 AM
I like the "tag" dagger idea.

I once came up with magic practice swords that pass harmlessly through creatures while making dramatic pain sounds. Then when you would have done enough dmg to kill a creature with it, it makes overly dramatic dying sounds. They reset to zero after that or if you switch targets.

2019-06-07, 07:43 AM
Roman rudis? Roll with advantage on all checks against spells that limit the ability of the character to act freely? So sleep, hold, grappled, etc... That's fairly powerful and fairly specific while still being broad enough to be useful.

2019-06-07, 08:00 AM
I know this is a dagger not a sword, but this song comes to mind (Wooden Toy Sword): https://youtu.be/eTocIuWA2mo

I think of it like a lesser Paladin's Oath, in this case. Perhaps use the song's story as the origin of the dagger in question for a family heirloom.

2019-06-07, 08:02 AM
Have it grow in sync with it's attuned user's skill. Maybe scale it's damage die off character level. D4>D6>D8. This way, it won't exceed the power of it's user's own abilities, say damage cantrips, but it's still an option. I couldn't see martial classes using a weapon statted this way.

2019-06-07, 08:04 AM
You could limit the damage to 1, per successful hit and color the struck area in red. That would be handy for training.

Another idea is to make the dagger do 0 damage, but impose disadvantage to the opponent's first attack in his next round. (maybe with a save?)
This could remain useful for an adventurer, similar to Vicious Mockery, while also serving a training purpose.

2019-06-07, 08:24 AM
You could limit the damage to 1, per successful hit and color the struck area in red. That would be handy for training.

Another idea is to make the dagger do 0 damage, but impose disadvantage to the opponent's first attack in his next round. (maybe with a save?)
This could remain useful for an adventurer, similar to Vicious Mockery, while also serving a training purpose.

Your first idea is fantastic and I love it (though admittedly in DnD I can't see it being viable). As for you second idea, that I like much more, though I would take it further and say that it imposes disadvantage on all attacks they take on the next turn (limit it to 1 target though per turn). Still does no damage total, but something that could be useful in specific circumstances.

2019-06-07, 08:50 AM
Two ideas I had, 1: when you hold the dagger it allows you to cast disguise self at will. You can only take the form of children though 2: when you hit a target with the dagger they revert to a child like state dropping a size category and taking a debuff to their physical stats

2019-06-07, 08:54 AM
I feel it needs to do extra damage against Vampire and Vampire Spawns. It is a wooden stake after all.

2019-06-07, 08:55 AM
To me, if you're making a wooden dagger magic it is for one of two reasons:

Hiding it from searches / Passing metal detection

For a training themed dagger, I like the red tag scenario, although I'd make it deal full damage. I'd also make it require attunement, and once attuned to it, you'll always know its location. That serves a dual purpose of never losing the darn thing (which is useful when you're learning to throw it) and a more combat-effective use of being able to hide it in/stab it in to a creature, cart, or ship as a tracking device.

Training Dirk of Location
Weapon (Dagger), Finesse, Thrown (20/60), Common (Requires Attunement)
This weapon only deals non-lethal damage to living targets, and each location hit on a target glows faintly red to the bearer and any other characters within 5 ft of the bearer. Once attuned, the bearer always knows the exact location of this item.

For the latter, it is clearly an attempt to be an ultimate hidden weapon, so lets make it that.

Veiled Ironwood Blade
Weapon (Dagger), Finesse, Thrown (30/70), Uncommon
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
This weapon is made of ironwood - While remaining natural wood in almost every way, ironwood is as strong, heavy, and resistant to fire as steel. The bearer has a +1 bonus to any skill check involving making sure the weapon remains hidden (Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Deception, etc), and does not appear when viewed by a spell from the divination school. In addition, any hit you score against an undead creature that is a vampire is a critical hit.


I feel it needs to do extra damage against Vampire and Vampire Spawns. It is a wooden stake after all.
That's brilliant, adding it to the to the latter one.

2019-06-07, 09:27 AM
Your first idea is fantastic and I love it (though admittedly in DnD I can't see it being viable). As for you second idea, that I like much more, though I would take it further and say that it imposes disadvantage on all attacks they take on the next turn (limit it to 1 target though per turn). Still does no damage total, but something that could be useful in specific circumstances.

Just use the fluff from the first idea and apply it to the second one.
I would not cause disadvantage on all attacks of the target, that would be massively overpowered. Consider an adventurer wielding that dagger in his offhand. No need for a fighting style, because it doesn't deal damage anyway and a nearly free source of constant disadvantage. Overpowered.

2019-06-07, 03:46 PM
Once again, brilliant ideas guys and gals! I'm really liking the training weapon ideas, the groups i run for really like world building so something that isn't exactly a super powered weapon would probably be more interesting to them actually lol,

And if there's some place else i should be making these types of specific posts, please let me know, i have a bunch of items I'm trying to come up with ideas for so all this impute is really helpful and appreciated :)

Also if anyone knows how to post a saved picture on here then I'd be glad to share the original images that spark my curiosity in what these items could do.

2019-06-07, 04:48 PM
Once again, brilliant ideas guys and gals! I'm really liking the training weapon ideas, the groups i run for really like world building so something that isn't exactly a super powered weapon would probably be more interesting to them actually lol,

And if there's some place else i should be making these types of specific posts, please let me know, i have a bunch of items I'm trying to come up with ideas for so all this impute is really helpful and appreciated :)

Also if anyone knows how to post a saved picture on here then I'd be glad to share the original images that spark my curiosity in what these items could do.

This is the sort of thing that edges the line between the 5e forum and the Homebrew forum with a 5e tag on it. Since you are looking for ideas more than comments on a pre-made item, I think posting it in here is perfectly fine. I don't mind either way though (though I'm not an admin to make the real decisions).

2019-06-07, 04:55 PM
The Blades of Imagination

These wooden toy daggers are roughly carved, but well-used enough the splinters and cracks have been worn smooth. When you toss one to a non-hostile humanoid, the creature is filled with a sense of childlike wonder and they immediately appear dressed and armed as soldier, pirate, hunter, hero, swashbuckler, or ninja, based on their favourite childhood swordfighters. The clothing and gear are clearly illusory (no check required). If you have the second dagger, your appearance likewise changes.

You both feel the urge to have a mock battle (no compulsion). Your appearances change randomly as the battle progresses, the toy daggers do no damage but each strike leaves illusionary wounds, until one of you 'dies' in a no doubt dramatic or heroic manner.

This fight will likely cause the other's attitude towards you to become friendly. The DM may grant you advantage on Persuasion rolls with this creature for a short while, or the creature may grant a favour or even form a bond which may develop into friendship in the future.

The daggers are not foolproof. The DM may rule that some creatures, such as sourpusses, grinches, creatures without hearts or those who never had a childhood to be immune to these non-compulsory charm effects.

2019-06-09, 02:36 PM
I get the idea of a child's toy developing it's own magic.

Perhaps a child tried to use it to protect someone, but died in the attempt? Now It's infused with that desire, and it'll come to life to defend you if you're unconscious or ensnared or such. It does no real damage, but it's interference negates the advantage for anyone trying to hit you.
You could have this effect last for a limited number of rounds.
The dagger may or may not work as a real dagger, magical or not.

Or a wooden dagger made by a child with a grudge after being treated most horrendously. The dagger is crude, having been shaped by grinding it against rough stones, but it's strangely effective, having had that grudge worked into it with every tear that fell on it. It'll work like a normal dagger, but against anyone with similarities to the one humanoid or creature the grudge was directed at, it'll leave even more terrible wounds.

2019-06-09, 04:27 PM
Make it a "dagger of undead of slaying" that does extra damage to undead and when an undead is killed with it they die instantly, ignore abilities that vampires and zombies and other undead have. Yes I am basically making it a vampire slayer stake.

2019-06-09, 05:08 PM
Make it a "dagger of undead of slaying" that does extra damage to undead and when an undead is killed with it they die instantly, ignore abilities that vampires and zombies and other undead have. Yes I am basically making it a vampire slayer stake.

That is pretty much what I was going to say.

As a Buffy fan, I'd name it "Mr. Pointy."

2019-06-09, 11:15 PM
How about a "dagger" made from the heart of an Assassin Vine that grants you a sort of vine hookshot ala a modified Vine Whip.

2019-06-09, 11:29 PM
It's the first dagger. :smallcool: It is "immortal."

Oh, it can be lost, forgotten, damaged, or "destroyed," but it will always reappear somewhere else again in the world. And it can never be stored away -- it will always find itself into the hands of another novice with a dream out there. It likes inspiring, teaching, and being used. It is the first of its kind and understands its big responsibility to set an example for other daggers. :smallwink:

So it does its job quietly, and then always moves on... :smallsmile: (You could even have touching reunions with past users, reminiscing about their first dagger "looking just like it.")

2019-06-10, 01:13 AM
My idea isn't as creative as all the others. But I thought it would be interesting that a Wizard would have a wooden dagger that is actually a wand. People would laugh when he or she flourishes it. That is, until they let fly the Fireball! Never bring a wooden dagger to a sword fight? HA!

2019-06-10, 07:50 AM
Training Dagger? It does no damage (or 1) but casts faerie fire on hit. No concentration lasts until the wielders next turn.

It'd be a good training weapon, can't lie about being hit, but it'd have a place in certain real fights in a pinch

2019-06-10, 07:53 AM
Training Dagger? It does no damage (or 1) but casts faerie fire on hit. No concentration lasts until the wielders next turn.

It'd be a good training weapon, can't lie about being hit, but it'd have a place in certain real fights in a pinch

Not only in a pinch. That would be an incredible off hand weapon for a rogue or first attack for a fighter. Your dagger hits to grab advantage on all other hits for the rest of your turn.