View Full Version : Bad DM Railroad

2019-06-07, 03:08 PM
Our DM trapped us in a setting where the tarrasque is imprisoned and level 20 NPCs guard him. Every time we try to leave he teleports us back. I was wondering if you all have ever suffered a similar fate.

2019-06-07, 03:19 PM
Our DM trapped us in a setting where the tarrasque is imprisoned and level 20 NPCs guard him. Every time we try to leave he teleports us back. I was wondering if you all have ever suffered a similar fate.

That is pretty strange. Are you there to kill the Tarrasque? Or just leave the area and go adventuring or what? What level are you all?

There is probably more going on in the DM's mind than he is effectively letting on. It may be time to talk with him and try to figure out his story and what his plans are.

Some games are pretty open. Others, you better want to go Vampire hunting in Barovia.

2019-06-07, 03:35 PM
How did the DM trap you in the setting? Is this a case where the DM heavy handedly hinted you had to go there and didn't even entertain any other possibilities or did the party decide to go check out this interesting thing and are unable to leave currently?

2019-06-07, 03:35 PM
Our DM trapped us in a setting where the tarrasque is imprisoned and level 20 NPCs guard him. Every time we try to leave he teleports us back. I was wondering if you all have ever suffered a similar fate.
He probably has a plot hook the party is missing and doesn't have any back ups. Guessing newish DM?
Just frankly ask him/her what you are missing so you can continue.

2019-06-07, 03:36 PM
Eh, kinda?

My first DnD experience involved us getting ambushed by Drow, imprisoned, then blackmailed into acquiring some magical staff for the Drow baroness in the area, or these magical collars blow our necks off if we took too long.

But once we got over that hurdle, everything worked out well enough. Just try what the DM is going for, and wait to throw a fuss until after it becomes a habit.

2019-06-07, 04:03 PM
Our DM trapped us in a setting where the tarrasque is imprisoned and level 20 NPCs guard him. Every time we try to leave he teleports us back. I was wondering if you all have ever suffered a similar fate.

Well, every adventurer that has ever entered Barovia (see Curse of Strahd) suffers that fate by default. In fact, the goal of the entire module could be interpreted as getting out of that prison plane. So the whole 'stuck on a prison plane' thing isn't that unheard of.

In fact, if you are on a prison plane, it would make sense that you can't just walk out. I'd start asking questions -in character- about the how and the why of the teleports. That might very well lead to some plot hooks.

My guess would be that there is some unresolved quest you guys need to complete. My next guess would be that your DM probably hasn't dropped enough hints for you to understand what's going on. Play in such a way that he has plenty of opportunitis to do so. You know, investigate stuff.

2019-06-07, 04:24 PM
Talk to those NPCs. Ask how they got there and how the place works. If that still doesn't lead to anything, tell the DM you have no more ideas and that your characters will just sit around swapping songs and stories. Ask your DM if it is time to roll up new characters. Either they will give you some direction or you will start a new adventure.

2019-06-07, 05:33 PM
Maybe those NPCs are former PCs who left because they didn't like being railroaded? :P

2019-06-08, 01:04 PM
This does sound like bad DMing. But it also sounds like really, really inexperienced DMing. I'd just talk to the DM, ask "What the heck are we supposed to do?" and explain your problems.

Hopefully they'll understand and will end up making a fun game for y'all!

2019-06-08, 01:52 PM
Our DM trapped us in a setting where the tarrasque is imprisoned and level 20 NPCs guard him. Every time we try to leave he teleports us back. I was wondering if you all have ever suffered a similar fate.

Ok, extrapolating from this 2 lines of text and no familiarity with your DM. I would bet what your DM has in mind is that sometime in the past the tarrasque was stopped from one of its rampages and imprisoned in this pocket dimension, setting faithful champions to guard its sleep and ensure that it never wakes again, sparing the future from its rampages. This all sounds good, except that the tarrasque actually fulfills a critical role in the cosmology/keeping the balance/whatever. I think you're there to wake the damn thing up and it will make your way out of there.