View Full Version : Bard / Crusader gestalt Help In need of ideas for build

2019-06-08, 04:00 PM
I am planning on Making a character around the Feat "song of the white Raven" and need advice on my next class , as this is a gestalt game

For the first side I am thinking something like

Bard (x1) X Crusader (19) is this good?

and for the other half i am unsure of what take?

I was wondering if Dread Necro what work good

2019-06-08, 04:25 PM
If you've got nothing better you want, you could just dip around for charisma things, like paladin 2, battledancer 1, monk and sorcerer with ascetic mage, etc. Otherwise, full arcane casting never hurt anyone, sorcerer into incantatrix or spelldancer to persist some buffs for yourself seems like it'd be good.

2019-06-08, 04:42 PM
For your build, you'll want to go something like Crusader + PrCs 20// Bard 8/ Something 2/ Sublime Chord 2/ PrCs 8.

Do you want to buff your party, or debuff the enemies?

If you're going Necropolitan, if possible say you were made into one by a Dread Necromancer 8+ with at least one level of Wizard (Necromancer) with the Enhanced Undead ACF, with the whole Corpsecrafter line of feats, and in the area of a Fell Energy Desecrate spell. At no cost to you, that gives you the following permanent benefits: +4 enhancement bonus to Str and Dex, +12 hp/level, +4 turn resistance, +2 natural armor, +4 initiative, +10 ft. land speed, and +1d6 cold damage on natural weapon attacks. That's in addition to what you get from necropolitan, and the turn resistance stacks.

If you go the debuffing enemies route, use Desert Half-Orc (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/environmentalRacialVariants.htm#desertHalfOrcs) for your base race, and say you visited the Otyugh Hole in CS to get Menacing Demeanor without spending a feat on it. Trade Inspire Courage for Inspire Awe, trade Countersong for Spellbreaker Song, trade Fascinate for Healing Hymn, and trade Suggestion for Haunting Melody. Max out Intimidate, take the Never Outnumbered skill trick, and the feat Imperious Command. Use the Half-Humans and Humanlike Races variant (RoD p150) to qualify for feats as though you're a human, and take Dreadful Wrath at 1st level. You'll probably also want to eventually pick up Fell Frighten Spell. Also get armor with the Fearsome property in DotU, it's a more recent version than the one in MIC.

This character uses Inspire Awe to make opponents shaken (-2 to all saves and attacks, including checks to resist further fear effects). Dreadful Wrath also inflicts the shaken condition, or escalates a shaken creature to frightened, or a frightened creature to panicked. Per the Rules Compendium, the escalated condition lasts until every effect that contributed to it ends on the creature. With Haunting Melody you have two chances to make a creature shaken (or frightened if both stick) when you Inspire Awe. You can Intimidate an opponent every round (as a move action with the fearsome armor), or use Never Outnumbered to affect all enemies within ten feet of you once per encounter. Intimidated opponents cower for one round and are shaken (or have their condition escalated) the following round thanks to Imperious Command.

For your levels on this build, go Crusader 3/ Half-Orc Paragon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm#halfOrcParagon) 1/ War Chanter 5/ Crusader 11// Bard 9/ Dread Witch 1/ Sublime Chord 1/ Dread Witch 4/ Nightmare Spinner 5. Trade Inspire Greatness with Inspire Hatred, use your prestige classes to advance your Sublime Chord spellcasting.

For buffing allies, use Silverbrow Human for your base race. Still trade Countersong for Spellbreaker Song and Fascinate for Healing Hymn, and trade Suggestion for Song of the Heart. Take Dragonfire Inspiration, Words of Creation, probably Wild Cohort, always include Melodic Casting, and fill out the build with Crusader feats otherwise. Learn the spell Inspiratonal Boost, and get a Badge of Valor asap.

For your levels, go Crusader 4/ War Chanter 5/ Crusader 11// Bard 8/ Sorcerer 1/ Dragon Devotee 1/ Sublime Chord 2/ (Sublime Chord-advancing PrCs) 8. Use Combine Songs from War Chanter to do both a Dragonfire Inspiration version and a normal version of Inspire Courage. Use the Dragonblood Sorcerer 1 substitution level to get Draconic Heritage: Battle Dragon which switches your Dragonfire Inspiration to sonic damage, which you can buff by casting Creaking Cacophony. You can take that Sorcerer dip earlier in the build if preferred, it also allows you to use wands of any spells on the Sorcerer list, so put a Wand of Wings of Cover in a wand chamber of your primary weapon or shield.

2019-06-08, 11:28 PM
Druid dip into Fochlucan Lyricist?

2019-06-09, 06:59 PM
If you went bard 20//crusader 20 would you buff like a level 40 bard with the feat song of the white raven?