View Full Version : Gaining XP by Losing a Level...

St Fan
2019-06-09, 10:52 AM
Okay, now that I've caught your attention with this oxymoronic title...

This is a little exploit that I just imagined today. I don't know if it's any original or if already well studied, but anyway...

Character (probably a spellcaster) lose a level to whatever reason (except from dying and being resurrected), preferably just after having gained this level.

Now, according to the rules, her XP total is halfway between the minimum for the current level and what's needed to regain the lost level.

The character then invests XP in creating magic items, or casting spells with an XP component, almost reducing them to the minimum for the current level (you can't spend XP beyond that limit this way).

The character then receive a Restoration spell (if less than 1 day by caster level has gone by since the level loss) or Greater Restoration (if less than 1 week by caster level has gone by).

This automatically reset her XP total to the minimum for the regained level.

Hence, she's gained close to the equivalent of one-half the amount of XP needed for her previous level in magical items and other spell effects.

Does that work exactly like I think? Do I have to go in hiding from irate DMs now?

2019-06-09, 10:55 AM
Okay, now that I've caught your attention with this oxymoronic title...

This is a little exploit that I just imagined today. I don't know if it's any original or if already well studied, but anyway...

Character (probably a spellcaster) lose a level to whatever reason (except from dying and being resurrected), preferably just after having gained this level.

Now, according to the rules, her XP total is halfway between the minimum for the current level and what's needed to regain the lost level.

The character then invests XP in creating magic items, or casting spells with an XP component, almost reducing them to the minimum for the current level (you can't spend XP beyond that limit this way).

The character then receive a Restoration spell (if less than 1 day by caster level has gone by since the level loss) or Greater Restoration (if less than 1 week by caster level has gone by).

This automatically reset her XP total to the minimum for the regained level.

Hence, she's gained close to the equivalent of one-half the amount of XP needed for her previous level in magical items and other spell effects.

Does that work exactly like I think? Do I have to go in hiding from irate DMs now?

it indicates you regain the lost level but does it says anything about the experience?
maybe you stay at the same experience and just have a new level and will need to gain way more xp before the next level?
If it says you regain the experience then it is not really more intense cheese than thought bottles.

St Fan
2019-06-09, 12:38 PM
it indicates you regain the lost level but does it says anything about the experience?
maybe you stay at the same experience and just have a new level and will need to gain way more xp before the next level?
If it says you regain the experience then it is not really more intense cheese than thought bottles.

The Restoration spell is clear about it:

A character who has a level restored by restoration has exactly the minimum number of experience points necessary to restore him or her to his or her previous level.

You lose whatever XP you gained above the minimum before the drain. That's why I noted it's better using the exploit right after gaining a level.

2019-06-09, 12:43 PM
This is a commonly known exploit. Use summon undead V to summon a wight for the negative levels.

2019-06-09, 02:26 PM
The exploit is so horrible....
I House Rule that instead of Level Lost, characters gain temporary Level Adjustment.
That way, we do not need to touch the experience at all.
If a character is under experience, the would need more experience to catch up.
It is better for characters to use Restoration or similar spells to remove the temporary Level Adjustments.

St Fan
2019-06-09, 05:33 PM
The exploit is so horrible....
I House Rule that instead of Level Lost, characters gain temporary Level Adjustment.
That way, we do not need to touch the experience at all.
If a character is under experience, the would need more experience to catch up.
It is better for characters to use Restoration or similar spells to remove the temporary Level Adjustments.

I'd understand that its a good houserule if you want to avoid abuse of this exploit, especially since it use a current game mechanic...

However, a level adjustment makes it harder to gain XP, while being behind the rest of the party makes it easier. So, you're penalizing twice the poor characters who have lost a level.

Maat Mons
2019-06-09, 06:34 PM
You could always just borrow Pathfinder's thing of making resurrection effects inflict a persistent negative level, that never results in actual level loss, and lasts until you use the right restorative magic.