View Full Version : Roleplaying Roleplay advice needed.

2019-06-10, 07:31 AM
I love the conquest Paladin and want to play one in our next game. I would like some advice please.

The setting is one in which the Winter Queen has taken over our "world" entirely. The world is covered in ice and snow and she has banned all religions that do not worship her.

We are part of the resistance that is trying to over throw her.

What I would like is ideas on how you would role play a conquest paladin in this situation.

Character details if they would help are as follows.
Fallen Aasimar that was born to normal parents. He may or may not have some genetic memory from his angel ancestor. He grew tired of the idea that he was a prophecy and turned against this earning the ire of said ancestor. Later in life he yearned for order and joined the order of the Winter Queen. Some time later he became disillusioned with the way things are going.

Since a resistance is the opposite of law and order I'm having issues with how to role play this. Any ideas would be lovely.

2019-06-10, 07:40 AM
Some ideas.
A. He's been convinced to embrace the prophecy that he is destined to overthrow the queen.
B. He just straight up thinks he'd be a far better leader than the ice queen, he'll do what he needs to to make it happen.
C. He worships a diety that has been banned. What the people need is (insert diety) not some snow cone princess
D. His only goal is personal power. The ice queens rigid regime prevents his continued growth. You know who does need a strong Hand? This rebellion.

2019-06-10, 08:08 AM
Resistance is a military organization, at least in part. You could play the drill sergeant. Your task is to make good soldiers out of the people that were entrusted to you (ie the other pc's). It helps if you pair a foulmouthed demanding character with a support build. :p
My conquest paladin has inspiring leader. First time I used it (first session, pc's were travelling through a desert, only having met hours before during their escape from a gladiator arena where they were prisoners), it went like this: ''Listen up you maggots, I am in charge here. And I say, we keep following him (she meant the druid, who was trying to guide us through the desert; there was an argument whether he was capable or not of finding the way to an oasis). So you do what I say or else I'll kick your butts! Got it?''. After short rests or at the start of the day she would go (because of course she would wake up first and exercise for an hour before everyone else woke up): ''Wake up you maggots, gear up! Glory awaits!'', and stuff like that. Now, it's only ''maggots!'' (at this point I don't even have to remind to anyone to add the temp hp, when they hear ''maggots'' they know it's that time) in the most ridiculously over the top voice I can master, because repetition is tiring.

Lay on hands is slapping an unconscious ally shouting ''get up, the fight is not over, now it's not the time to rest!''. Or ''stand up straight, like a man!'' accompanied by her basically forcing the injured member to not stand up and pretend not to be worried about his wounds. Toughening them up and stuff. Lesser restoration and even revivify will follow a similar pattern.

Bless is basically shouting commands and praises to her allies during combat (which I actually do). Magic weapon (had to use it one time) was actually grabbing her ally's weapon mid combat and shouting at him ''don't try to kill it, just do it!'', followed by a ''ready, aim, fire'' when it was his turn.

ps: Oh, I forgot. Used heroism once. The barbarian was about to get into a bar fight, but he backed out the last moment. My character approached the barbarian, and told him ''My grandpa told me, that a man who had an argument with another man without throwing a single punch, is not a man!'' (lol). That messed with the barbarian's ego who immediately threw himself into a brawl with the npc's that were previously messing with him (while profiting from heroism).

Edit: Such a character wouldn't work at every table though. Whatever rp you come up with, communicate it with the other players just in case, because it can be tricky to fit a conquest paladin into a party.

2019-06-10, 11:48 AM
Could do the ol' Force Awakens Unleashed plot:

You are allied with the Queen, and are tasked with gathering up the resistance under the ruse of being a part of it. Otherwise, they'll all stay in hiding and refuse to die, like cockroaches. Once they're all gathered up, you are supposed to crush them all in her name.

The catch is, you gained a heart along the way, and actually learned to believe in the values of the resistance.

Mud Puppy
2019-06-10, 12:17 PM
Could do the ol' Force Awakens plot:

You are allied with the Queen, and are tasked with gathering up the resistance under the ruse of being a part of it. Otherwise, they'll all stay in hiding and refuse to die, like cockroaches. Once they're all gathered up, you are supposed to crush them all in her name.

The catch is, you gained a heart along the way, and actually learned to believe in the values of the resistance.

I'm sorry, I feel like I haven't seen The Force Awakens.... I think your plot hook is great, but how on earth does that relate in any way to TFA? Finn?....

2019-06-10, 12:19 PM
I'm sorry, I feel like I haven't seen The Force Awakens.... I think your plot hook is great, but how on earth does that relate in any way to TFA? Finn?....

Sorry, The Force Unleashed. Old console game where you played as Vader's apprentice. You are the most Force-powerful thing in the cosmos, at one point grabbing an entire battleship with the Force.

Mud Puppy
2019-06-10, 01:08 PM
Sorry, The Force Unleashed. Old console game where you played as Vader's apprentice. You are the most Force-powerful thing in the cosmos, at one point grabbing an entire battleship with the Force.

Now THAT one I get.... That game was awesome, and the fact that you referred to it as an "old console game..." means that I too must be starting to get older... for reference, Juno Eclipse was the first NPC I ever had a crush on...The graphics were never that great for Lara Croft when I was younger but that game got me right in the feels....the sequel wasn't bad either....I loved that you could go dark side or light side and have a slightly different experience. Back then, that was groundbreaking.

Bringing the conversation back onto topic, your hook is a great one and I would love to see the RP of that reveal, when the heroes enter the throne room to face the BBE-Queen and she says, "Well done, my faithful servant. You've brought the resistance heroes here to me so I can crush them and the rest of the rebel scum." The faces of the other PCs in that moment would be amazing. AND the Paly in question could then either turn on the party and help her crush them or turn on his liege...


2019-06-10, 01:12 PM
Now THAT one I get.... That game was awesome, and the fact that you referred to it as an "old console game..." means that I too must be starting to get older... for reference, Juno Eclipse was the first NPC I ever had a crush on...The graphics were never that great for Lara Croft when I was younger but that game got me right in the feels....the sequel wasn't bad either....I loved that you could go dark side or light side and have a slightly different experience. Back then, that was groundbreaking.

Bringing the conversation back onto topic, your hook is a great one and I would love to see the RP of that reveal, when the heroes enter the throne room to face the BBE-Queen and she says, "Well done, my faithful servant. You've brought the resistance heroes here to me so I can crush them and the rest of the rebel scum." The faces of the other PCs in that moment would be amazing. AND the Paly in question could then either turn on the party and help her crush them or turn on his liege...


I mean, the PS2 IS kind of obscure at this point, considering it's about 15 years old. The Force Unleashed was released 11 years ago.

Mud Puppy
2019-06-10, 01:22 PM
I mean, the PS2 IS kind of obscure at this point, considering it's about 15 years old. The Force Unleashed was released 11 years ago.

I played on 360 (which I still have sitting next to my Xbox One) and it feels like it has been MUCH longer than 11 years... I forget they're on what? PS4 now?

2019-06-10, 01:32 PM
I played on 360 (which I still have sitting next to my Xbox One) and it feels like it has been MUCH longer than 11 years... I forget they're on what? PS4 now?

They're working on the PS5 now. I'd expect it in two years.

2019-06-10, 01:40 PM
As a conquest paladin in the resistance, you're not opposed to law and order in general. Just this particular manifestation of law and order.

2019-06-10, 04:42 PM
Thanks guys!

2019-06-10, 06:52 PM
Yeah Conquest Paladins are pretty badass.

Maybe you feel your order would be better imposed in the populace.
If the queen isn’t strong enough to keep her reign, it’s only natural that you, the stronger, would dominate the lesser.
And if you can’t beat her then you just simply were too weak to rule to begin with.