View Full Version : Will alcohol kill a violet fungus?

Falcon X
2019-06-10, 06:07 PM
We have an awakened violet fungus that some dwarves are going to try to get drunk.
What will happen?

I know in real life, alcohol isn’t exactly healthy for a fungus, though you usually use upwards of 60% to try to kill it.

[edit] Will it get drunk?

2019-06-10, 06:14 PM
Arms and Equipment Guide has rules for treating booze as a mild poison.

Is it immune to poison or Fort saves? If yes then it wont get drunk.

If it can be poisoned then it could get alchohol poisoned.

2019-06-10, 06:17 PM
Common drinks? The game treats it both as food and poison, so a fungus would actually enjoy the easy to digest liquid. Fungi don't easily die from contact with alcohol, we use it to prevent microfungi from setting in and growing. A large fungus is basically imune to anything but prolonged complete submersion in concentrated alcohol - and it lasts much longer than a human or dwarf would anyways. Fungi are Plants with Plant Traits, so your Violet Fungus will outdrink all of them and then joke about their inability to deal with a little poison much weaker than his own.

Falcon X
2019-06-10, 06:31 PM
That sounds pretty smart Kayblis, so I’ll assume it’s correct. Thanks!

Now I just have to figure out if it gets tipsy. The rules on awakening plants aren’t too specific....
Maybe i can find somewhere that talks about ents or mycanoids drinking....

[edit] Just read that Tolkien’s ents could get drunk.

2019-06-10, 06:59 PM
Alcohol functions as a poison (Arms and Equipment Guide, page 32). Plants have poison immunity. Violet Fungus is a plant.

2019-06-10, 07:21 PM
Alcohol functions as a poison (Arms and Equipment Guide, page 32). Plants have poison immunity. Violet Fungus is a plant.

There it is. Was afb so couldn't cite the source.

Mike Miller
2019-06-10, 07:30 PM
I never noticed that DR before : DR 15 / Alcohol