View Full Version : How to Valor Bard?

2019-06-11, 11:23 PM
'lo all! I'm participating in a brief "get to know your group" type game, as a hopeful warm-up for a longer-running arrangement. As a result, I'm playing something a little different from my usual, a Bard. Not too different though, still a Dragonborn. Naturally, that means Valor Bard and being a front-line participant. Since we only plan to run a handful of sessions, long-term potential is less valuable than up-front benefit, so I figured I could get some pointers both on what's wise character building, and what's wise play at the (virtual) table. We won't be starting until Sunday at the earliest, and that's most likely going to be Session 0 anyway.

Without further ado, Leoben Nyax'ka, rakish Bard and dashing swordsman! (Trimmed a bit for length.)
Leoben Nyax'ka, level 6 Dragonborn Valor Bard
Dragon breath CON (Lightning)
Background: Parentage - Noble, Fervent Commander (+2 to Perception)
Theme: Sohei

FINAL ABILITY SCORES: Str 13, Con 18, Dex 8, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18.
STARTING ABILITY SCORES: Str 13, Con 15, Dex 8, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 15.
AC: 23 Fort: 18 Reflex: 18 Will: 19
HP: 55 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 18

TRAINED SKILLS: Arcana +10, Perception +12, History +12, Diplomacy +12, Insight +10, Athletics +8
UNTRAINED SKILLS: Acrobatics +5, Bluff +11, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +10, Heal +7, Intimidate +13, Nature +7, Religion +9, Stealth +5, Streetwise +11, Thievery +5

FEATS: Ritual Caster, Heart of the Blade, Bard of All Trades, Battle Song Expertise, Improved Initiative

Theme: Sohei Flurry
Bard at-will 1: Guiding Strike, Vicious Mockery
Bard encounter 1: Shout of Triumph
Bard daily 1: Stirring Shout
Bard utility 2: Clockwork Precision
Bard encounter 3: Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade
Bard daily 5: Song of Discord
Bard utility 6: Revitalizing Incantation

ITEMS: Ritual Book, Farbond Spellblade Longsword +2, Imposter's Finemail +2, Belt of Vigor (heroic tier), Light Shield, Healer's Brooch +1, Talent Shard (level 3), Adventurer's Kit, Chalk and slate, Charlatan's Kit, Drum, Rubbing Kit, Flute, Gray Rain Cloak, Harp
RITUALS: Traveler's Chant, Tenser's Floating Disk, Tongues, Enchant Magic Item

Since the character isn't expected to stick around for more than four or five sessions max, I'm not expecting to reach level 8 and thus have tweaked my ability scores slightly. Sohei gives nice skill boosts (keeping my Insight/Perception very high) and of course the useful Sohei Flurry, but if my DM approves it, would it be better to take Noble instead? That gives a free level 6 armor or weapon, which would allow me to pick up a different level 6 item in its place and that could be really useful. I'm just not sure if some other level-6-or-under item would be more worthwhile in a generic sense. I've tried to keep both combat and non-combat challenges in mind, as I suspect the DM will want to see how the group handles both things.

As an aside, I love that Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade actually will use a blade because of the Farbond Spellblade. I picked up the Swordmage MC to make sure that a Farbond Spellblade could act as all three offensive tools: melee weapon, ranged weapon, and implement. I know that the AC boost version is probably the better feat, but the wasted Arcana training annoys me too much to take it :P (It also feels more appropriate to the character.) Ironically, between that and the Imposter armor, Leo can walk around looking to all the world like just an incompetent fop with a buckler, and within one round he's fully battle-ready.

In roleplay terms, Leoben is the scion of a prominent clan of gold dragonborn (clan Nyax), who attended a fancy school for the rich and well-connected. He was able to live a rather lavish lifestyle as a student, because he merely pocketed the fencing scholarship money he received, allowing his parents to pay for all his basic needs. However, all the extra money has now run dry, and he has grown accustomed to a certain level of sweet wine, rich food, and comely bodies in his vicinity, so now he adventures between bouts of living it up to keep his parents from questioning too deeply into his finances. He actually was a serious student, however, and took both his fencing and his studies as actually worthwhile activities. As a result, even though he is totally a bon vivant who loves a good party, it's not too hard to get him on a jag about ancient cultures or obscure magical factoids. Despite liking to live like a rich person, he generally prefers the rough frankness of the common man.

2019-06-20, 02:52 PM
Have you had a chance to play the character? Your build looks solid with nothing obviously "wrong", but I can maybe suggest alternatives if you felt you were lacking in some areas or disliked certain powers.

2019-06-20, 09:36 PM
Are you committed to a big heavy blade? My preference would actually be to MC Sorcerer with Arcane Prodigy (you don't need INT, so you can actually dump that and start with 16/16 in CON/CHA- or, if you're level 6 and not getting to level 8, even better, 15/17 in CON/CHA) and take a (Dagger) Weapon of Long Range. That makes Rhyme of the Blood Seeking Blade effectively Range 20, so it can be used with relative impunity. But I can see how flavorwise that might not be as interesting. It also helps any other ranged weapon powers you might take, for example Arrow of Warning if you preferred that at 1. Swordmage/Farbond Spellblade are fine, it's just that given your probably low initiative, I prefer something where range isn't an issue, and where you don't have to devote resources to INT if you don't want to.

2019-06-23, 01:32 AM
Have you had a chance to play the character? Your build looks solid with nothing obviously "wrong", but I can maybe suggest alternatives if you felt you were lacking in some areas or disliked certain powers.

We'll get our first combat tomorrow. Had a skill challenge and some investigation scenes, I'm feeling alright with the general pattern of the build but we'll see how it actually shakes out in combat.

Are you committed to a big heavy blade? My preference would actually be to MC Sorcerer with Arcane Prodigy (you don't need INT, so you can actually dump that and start with 16/16 in CON/CHA- or, if you're level 6 and not getting to level 8, even better, 15/17 in CON/CHA) and take a (Dagger) Weapon of Long Range. That makes Rhyme of the Blood Seeking Blade effectively Range 20, so it can be used with relative impunity. But I can see how flavorwise that might not be as interesting. It also helps any other ranged weapon powers you might take, for example Arrow of Warning if you preferred that at 1. Swordmage/Farbond Spellblade are fine, it's just that given your probably low initiative, I prefer something where range isn't an issue, and where you don't have to devote resources to INT if you don't want to.

I might be more concerned if the game were running a bit longer--we're not really intending to gain a level with these guys, so future powers are less directly relevant. The character's academic/mercantile background has been relevant enough that I feel alright about the Int instead of Dex, even though it hurts my Initiative--but I will keep that in mind for the future, should I play another Valor Bard.