View Full Version : WoD Advice: First time Mage: Ascension GM in search of pre-made adventure

2019-06-12, 08:20 PM
Hey everyone!
My group is having some burnout on D&D and we are opting to switch over to other game systems that we have played in the past. My college friends and I played a lot of 2nd edition Mage (some Vampire too). I’ve always wanted to try running a game of Mage and with the advent of 20th edition, despite its massive book size, it seemed like a good opportunity. Since I enjoy the system but I do not have nearly enough creativity to come up with a story/Chronicle of my own, I am in need of help.

Does anyone out there know of some pre-made Mage 20th adventures? I know the pickings are slimmer than 5E D&D and a lot of the older ones included in the source material like Loom of Fate are old systems that I don’t really know how to modify due to my inexperience.

Modern day is the only requirement. Cost of an adventure is a non-issue. I’ll take any possible suggestions as searching online has left me high and dry.

2019-06-13, 10:00 AM
I don't know of any newer ones, but the sheer options mage gives makes premade adventures pretty hard to deal with.

2019-06-17, 06:53 AM
Like druid91 said, M20 has a ton of different options so it might be a bit strange putting everyone into an adventure not made for the group. That said, you might want to check out the Storytellers Vault (https://www.storytellersvault.com/browse.php?filters=0_45626_0_0_0_0), which I think has some jumpstarts and adventures for M20 (although I'm not sure how many of them are for the present day).