View Full Version : Tales of the Library: A rocky business, The Brutes, the Cunnings and the Wise[3.5IC]

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2019-06-13, 03:54 PM
@ Alth

Outside the window is raining you can hear the wind blowing from cracks on walls, it whistled, even though some winter breeze manages to infiltrate in the room the big cooking fire in the center irradiate both a good smell and enough warm to forget about the upcoming storm. On the cooking fire a soup is boiling, the name of the Inn fitting well the place The bottomless couldron legends and stories around here speaks of this place, there are no memories of the cauldron to be empty, and besides was never washed or cleaned the soup flavor keep on improving every year, you think that this legend might be stupid and every now and then the Innkeeper with the favor of the night keep alive the cauldron. Anyway, the soup is superb unfortunately the ale is not good quality and its bitter. You are drinking and eating alone, lately, you notice that all of the customer and the innkeeper are slightly intolerant towards you. You notice not far from your table another person alone, a human and he look misplaced, his clothes are too much elaborate and elegant for this place, also he is not having dinner next to him only a steaming kettle and a mug, he is writing a book and from time to time he looks at you.

@ Gunnar, Thelia, Sarah and Jeremi

you have traveled all the way from Fireshear to Luskan, you have managed to avoid the city and now you are not far from Mirabar, the river Mirar is on your left and you are proceeding on Blackford Road, Raziel has rented a cart and a mule, on the cart he manages to disguise Oscar as an old full plate armor, Raziel takes advantage of the fact that the construct is already hollow inside and also with spell's parchments Sarah is helping him casting disguise spell from the scrolls.
During travelling, Raziel's plan is explained

he has set a meeting in the Inn called "the Bottomless Cauldron" with a delegation from The Order of the Broken Blade, an order loyal to Tempus, the delegation has been invited to a tournament in the Khedrun valley and the prize is, of course, the Stone.
in order to get the stone, he needs to find a way to let you join the tournament so his plan would be to convince the Order of the Broken Blade to let you join the tournament instead of them.

religion check if you want

it is late afternoon and the weather is cloudy and cold, there are no travelers the road and there are no villages ahead for at least the next two days.

you decide to set camp not too far from the road, it's full moon and wolves are howling in the distance. During Thelia's Watch, before dawn she hears screaming and running, the person is running along the road you notice she is panicking and looks very tired

Help! Help she screams Help please its a massacre, those beasts! when she sees you she smiles and on her face, you can see finally peace she faints and hit the road with her head

2019-06-13, 04:09 PM
Sarah was wide asleep and trying to hear the scream.


2019-06-14, 11:10 AM
Thelia had hoped for an uninteresting watch where she could think about The Order of the Broken Blade, but apparently it wasn't to be. At the mention of beasts, she called the alarm and nudged the others awake.
"She said something about beasts and a massacre," she said as she headed towards the girl, checking her out for any wounds, old and new, but keeping an eye on the surroundings for any beasts.

religion check: [roll0]

heal check to see how the girl is: [roll1]

spot check: [roll2]
listen check: [roll3]

2019-06-14, 01:01 PM
Gunnar formed the habit of sleeping in his chainshirt when on the road, seeing as he would bet the discomfort of chainmail links over his clothes were minor compared to being stabbed to death. Actually, the closer they get to Mirabar, the more ready for trouble he became.

When Thelia calls the alarm, he rises - half asleep - babbling- "It was not my fault!"

Reaching for his shield and arms, he looks around confused, wondering if he should be relieved or more afraid for hearing the word "beasts".

Religion Check (+5) - [roll0]

Spot (+0) - [roll1]

Listen (+0) - [roll2]

2019-06-14, 05:50 PM
As much as he would rather eat alone, Alth is just getting a little annoyed with the man constantly staring at him, so he finally just goes up to him to ask him for some explanation.

2019-06-16, 01:36 PM
Upon waking up (or being woken up), Jeremi pulls out his fancy new instrument. "Pirates upriver, or is this another threat?" He doesn't appear particularly surprised by this turn of events.

To wake up on his own: [roll0]

once awake:
spot: [roll1]

2019-06-17, 01:33 AM
@ Thelia, Gunnar, Sarah and Jeremi

thinking about the order of broken blade recall you an order of Tempus, this order is devoted to the god of battles but cannot fight anymore since its members simply are not fit enough to participate any battle.

Thelia Examine the girl, she has no injuries, but she is boiling so you presume that the girl is exhausted, maybe she looks for help for a long time, after a while the girl gets up she is dressed like a huntress with a leather armor, she carries a bow and arrows has a pretty face and she is not more than 30 yrs old
all of you look around for signs of any foes but it is calm and no one is approaching.

After a while, she gains consciousness again

I was hunting in the woods and hears some battle noises, then I saw a pack of wolves overwhelming a group, the group was carrying a banner of Tempus, the wolves fought fearlessly but their behavior was unnatural they have killed and massacred all of them no one was spared and moreover they were not hunting for food... but rather ... fun she pauses to take her breath again
if you want to go to see the place, it is not far away, I've run for 3 straight hours before reaching you


As much as he would rather eat alone, Alth is just getting a little annoyed with the man constantly staring at him, so he finally just goes up to him to ask him for some explanation.

you go next to the writer which is busy writing so when you approach him he doesn't notice you.
Ehm ... Ehm... you cough. at this point, the man looks at you. you see the man face he has a big and red nose, dark eyes a pair of curved mustache and big beard, he doesn't look young but neither old, he produces a very big smile at you
Ehi Little fellows, please join me for a nice cup of tea, let me introduce myself, I am Volothamp Geddarm a story teller, what's your name little fellow? asks you with a smile

2019-06-17, 10:05 AM
Thelia gave the woman some food and water.
"I wouldn't mind, but I'm not sure if we can," she said, while looking at the others and at Raziel. He had 'hired' them so to say, so it would be more his call.
"What's your name," she asked the girl, "mine's Thelia."

2019-06-18, 01:35 AM
"And I'm Jeremi." Turning to Raziel, he continues, "doesn't the group you wanted to help us follow Tempus? Bringing them a lost banner might win them over." He continues with something about safety in the area under his breath.

2019-06-18, 11:07 AM
"Hello, lady, my name is Gunnar. Are you from around? Is there somewhere safe for you to stay? I mean... You've been running for a while. Are your far from home?"

Checking for Sense Motive (+1), spending 1 Inspiration Point into Cunning Knowledge (+ Factotum level = +2):

Looking at the others and at Raziel - "So... Do you think we should take a look? It surely seems to be related to our quest. Moreover, if it's a pack of smart wolves and we're travelling through their territory, we can be surprised later to find them prowling around our camp the next time we try to rest." - He looks around the open road - "I'd rather take the fight to them than find out later we're being hunted by them on their terms..."

2019-06-18, 11:18 AM
"Ma'am are you ok?" :eek: Sarah was very concerned of the woman.


2019-06-18, 11:07 PM
My name is Alth, Mister Volothamp. May I enquire as to your purpose here today? As Alth starts talking, he pulls up a chair, attempting to get comfortable, as he tries to start a conversation, albeit awkwardly

2019-06-20, 03:00 AM
Thelia gave the woman some food and water.
"I wouldn't mind, but I'm not sure if we can," she said, while looking at the others and at Raziel. He had 'hired' them so to say, so it would be more his call.
"What's your name," she asked the girl, "mine's Thelia."

Raziel nod, and you give her some water and some food, slowly but still shaken the woman accepts My name is Irina

"And I'm Jeremi." Turning to Raziel, he continues, "doesn't the group you wanted to help us follow Tempus? Bringing them a lost banner might win them over." He continues with something about safety in the area under his breath.

she drink water and you notice that the girl is craving water and she must have been thirsty,
in this particular period I live in my hunting lodge, not far from here
when you asked the question to Raziel he mumbles for a while and then answers
Oh please no! the group the girl is talking about might be our contacts if all of you agree we should go there and have a look

"Hello, lady, my name is Gunnar. Are you from around? Is there somewhere safe for you to stay? I mean... You've been running for a while. Are your far from home?"

Checking for Sense Motive (+1), spending 1 Inspiration Point into Cunning Knowledge (+ Factotum level = +2):

Looking at the others and at Raziel - "So... Do you think we should take a look? It surely seems to be related to our quest. Moreover, if it's a pack of smart wolves and we're travelling through their territory, we can be surprised later to find them prowling around our camp the next time we try to rest." - He looks around the open road - "I'd rather take the fight to them than find out later we're being hunted by them on their terms..."

While the woman is eating and drinking she gains again strength, Raziel think upon your question for a while and then answer you I think we should take a look, these lands are full of wolves moreover there are mountains not far from here, it would be wise to check
you study the woman and she is telling the truth and she is shaken about the last event.

"Ma'am are you ok?" :eek: Sarah was very concerned of the woman.


Irina look to Sarah whit a piece of cured meat in her mouth she slowly finish to consume her food yes , now I am starting to feel better, well if you need to investigate I might be able to take you back to the place, even though I am scared with you I feel safe

"My name is Alth, Mister Volothamp. May I enquire as to your purpose here today?" As Alth starts talking, he pulls up a chair, attempting to get comfortable, as he tries to start a conversation, albeit awkwardly

the human gives you a wide smile, I am glad to meet you Mister Alth, is not common to met people from your kind, I am a writer and a Storyteller, and right now I am working on a books called Talk, food and wine: a Guide to Inn, Innkeeper, and Guests so mister Alth what you are doing for living, I notice that you are though for a Gnome, are you in the military ? or are you an adventurer ?

2019-06-20, 01:32 PM
Not sure if that's a good idea, Thelia thought, but she didn't say anything. About that in any case.
"Well, then I guess we better go and have a look," she said, "too bad we don't have our druid with us anymore. She would probably have been able to get through this a lot easier. Well, as it's almost dawn, let me do my morning prayers, clean up and then we can go. We can eat on the road."

2019-06-20, 03:48 PM
"Yes, she would've been a great help for us. Unfortunately, people move on to better things in life. I wish her all the best." :frown: Sarah starts to frown because she misses the druid.

2019-06-20, 04:12 PM
Not sure if that's a good idea, Thelia thought, but she didn't say anything. About that in any case.
"Well, then I guess we better go and have a look," she said, "too bad we don't have our druid with us anymore. She would probably have been able to get through this a lot easier. Well, as it's almost dawn, let me do my morning prayers, clean up and then we can go. We can eat on the road."

"I'd rather travel by day, anyway." - Gunnar eats something and gets ready to leave as soon as Thelia and the others are finished.

2019-06-20, 04:22 PM
Alth readies himself "I am simply a student of my own weapon, and I go wherever it may take me, be it adventure, or the military. Presently, I am working as an adventurer, though I am still quite new to this life, if I am being honest. As for my kind, my specific kin are rare even amongst many gnomes, so it makes sense. We are the forgotten of the forgotten folk."

2019-06-21, 04:58 PM
Upon hearing this group might be Raziel's contacts, Jeremi is surprised. "Perhaps they are. Would be worth checking." He gives Irina some more water before helping to pack up camp.

2019-06-22, 03:59 AM
"If it's really that group, we won't have any problems convincing them to let us take their place," Thelia said to the others as she finished packing.
As soon as she had packed, she turned to Irina.
"Are you ready," she asked, "otherwise, if you can give clear directions we should be able to find it ourselves."

2019-06-22, 04:22 PM
"I agree. Let's check the place out." Sarah spoke in a calm voice.

2019-06-24, 03:35 AM
Alth readies himself "I am simply a student of my own weapon, and I go wherever it may take me, be it adventure, or the military. Presently, I am working as an adventurer, though I am still quite new to this life, if I am being honest. As for my kind, my specific kin are rare even amongst many gnomes, so it makes sense. We are the forgotten of the forgotten folk."

Interesting, you are indeed one of a kind, please stand still while I am trying to sketch your portrait
Says Volo while grabbing a pencil and draw you, you stay still has he requested.
you may have heard of me, I am the Author of Volo's guide to the north he continues while looking to you, unfortunately, you have never heard of the book and neither you have heard the name Volo in your lifetime.

it is dawn when you leave your camp, Irina is leading the way after some good eating and drinking she looks totally fine, even though she will not have enough resources to help you in a fight. All of you feel. It is midday when you arrive at the campm the main tent is near a big oak tree, all around a small green glade, four logs and a campfire, four bodies lay on the ground, you can recognize their banner Tempus. the camp is a total mess, all the equipment and goods of the expedition have been scattered all over the place, the tents have been destroyed, the main thing that strucks you is the fact that the bodies were not eaten and all the food has not been touched.

please roll : Search (bodies, camp or tracks), Heal (trained only)

2019-06-24, 04:02 AM
"Well, I am sorry to say I've never heard of you before, mister Volothamp. Though, I would be greatly interested in your book. Perhaps I may read it one day." Alth says, as he begins to hold still so the author can take a sketch of him.

2019-06-24, 05:44 PM
Interesting, you are indeed one of a kind, please stand still while I am trying to sketch your portrait
Says Volo while grabbing a pencil and draw you, you stay still has he requested.
you may have heard of me, I am the Author of Volo's guide to the north he continues while looking to you, unfortunately, you have never heard of the book and neither you have heard the name Volo in your lifetime.

it is dawn when you leave your camp, Irina is leading the way after some good eating and drinking she looks totally fine, even though she will not have enough resources to help you in a fight. All of you feel. It is midday when you arrive at the campm the main tent is near a big oak tree, all around a small green glade, four logs and a campfire, four bodies lay on the ground, you can recognize their banner Tempus. the camp is a total mess, all the equipment and goods of the expedition have been scattered all over the place, the tents have been destroyed, the main thing that strucks you is the fact that the bodies were not eaten and all the food has not been touched.

please roll : Search (bodies, camp or tracks), Heal (trained only)

"Hmmm... Let's take a look around, people. Be ready for trouble."

Search (+10) check, spending 1 Inspiration Point into Cunning Knowledge (+ Factotum level = +2):

Heal (+1) check, spending 1 Inspiration Point into Cunning Knowledge (+ Factotum level = +2):

2019-06-25, 11:39 AM
"Well, I am sorry to say I've never heard of you before, mister Volothamp. Though, I would be greatly interested in your book. Perhaps I may read it one day." Alth says, as he begins to hold still so the author can take a sketch of him.
Volo is studying you closely trying to catch your attitude, your experience, and your face, while is charcoal is moving on the paper

Though time to travel alone ? in this particular period, at the beginning of winter wolves start descending mountains and roaming into forests and plain, maybe what might be more dangerous than beasts are the barbarian tribes roaming the Khedrum Valley. the Barbarian themselves are not dangerous, they live scattered in tribes, but I wouldn't trust either Black Raven tribes nor Gray Wolf, they usually are not friendly and they have always thirst for battles and blood. Coming back to wolves, yesterday was full moon and it is rumored that not far from here some clerics has been attacked and none of them survived, all of the bodies were heavily injured but the beasts hadn't eaten a single bit of them when Volo is telling you this story you have a bad feeling in your guts

"Hmmm... Let's take a look around, people. Be ready for trouble."

Search (+10) check, spending 1 Inspiration Point into Cunning Knowledge (+ Factotum level = +2):

Heal (+1) check, spending 1 Inspiration Point into Cunning Knowledge (+ Factotum level = +2):

Gunnar examines the injury, all of them has been killed with multiple hits, their death has been bloody and slow and the wolves might also have been bigger than you thought judging by the distance of "scratches" while looking closer to them all of their equipment has been destroyed or now it could be used to smelt new iron bars. in their pockets, just junks and religious things while one of them has two sealed letters and a note

2019-06-25, 11:50 AM
Thelia looked at the bodies, trying to figure out what they had died of and what kind of wolves they were. As Gunnar was already looking through their pockets, she decided to have a look around the camp.

heal: [roll0]
search: [roll1]

2019-06-25, 12:23 PM
Thelia looked at the bodies, trying to figure out what they had died of and what kind of wolves they were. As Gunnar was already looking through their pockets, she decided to have a look around the camp.

heal: [roll0]
search: [roll1]

Looking at the wounds of the deceased body you don't find any new information but you will deduct the same hints as Gunnar, you wander around the camp and beneath some clothes you find a wooden chest, it is seventy cm long and 30 cm tall it is 50 cm wide, there is a big padlock and it is closed

2019-06-25, 01:38 PM
"Hey, look here," Thelia said as she took the chest out, "Anybody knows how to open this, or should I use the old and tried method of applying a hammer or rock to it?"

2019-06-25, 11:12 PM
"Found a couple of sealed letters and a note..." - Gunnar reads the note. After reading it, he hands the letters to Thelia - "Why don't you take a peek at these while I check the chest?"

Taking 20 in Open Locks (+5) for a total of 25. Takes 2 minutes.

2019-06-27, 11:54 AM
Jeremi picks up the banner, carefully and slowly. "We had wolves attack the sheep when I was growing up," trailing off as he turns the banner over. He then looks slowly around the camp. "What did the wolves eat here?"

Search [roll0]

2019-06-27, 11:57 AM
"I wonder what the letter says? It must be very important information in it."

2019-06-27, 02:02 PM
"Sure, I'll have a look," Thelia said, taking the letters and trying to read them. She hoped it was a language she understood, as she hadn't prepared Comprehend Languages today. Of course, she could Always prepare it the next day, but it would be easier if she could do it right now.

2019-06-28, 12:34 AM
Sorry it took so long to respond, some stuff came up, and I wasn't entirely certain as to how to respond when I first saw it. So, uh,I guess I'm gonna stay true to my race.Laughs uncomfortably
Alth stays silent, unsure of how to respond

2019-06-28, 12:42 AM
"Sure, I'll have a look," Thelia said, taking the letters and trying to read them. She hoped it was a language she understood, as she hadn't prepared Comprehend Languages today. Of course, she could Always prepare it the next day, but it would be easier if she could do it right now.

"If you're having trouble reading the letter. I'll be happy to read the letter for you if you want." :smile: Sarah smiled.

2019-06-28, 11:04 AM
As Gunnar is working on the Chest Thelia open and read out loud

Meet Alth, Inn : "The bottomless couldron", he is not very tall and he is a person of few words, you will found him easily
Brother Litius,

The Upcoming tournament will be held in the Khedrum Valley, I've sent you a letter of presentation that gives you the right to let your five chosen champions to participate in the tournament, please be prepared to what is about this tournament for our order, we are not interested in the prize at all, but our aim is to demonstrate the true god of battle is Tempus. We as the order of the Broken Blade are proud to participate in this tournament.Remember to join your forces with Alth, he is waiting at the Inn along the way, he is crucial to our victory. May your sword be always drawn, your opponent always is might and may your victory upon him be mightiest.

Tempus Thank you.

the second letter is written very badly, there are grammar and syntax errors, it looks like t has been written by a person who has learn how to write few days ago, when you open a peeble falls on the ground, you reach for it, and it is very smooth, on one side a bronze dragon is painted

Formal invitation to my turnment, prize the shinning stone, take this token as a proof, show the chief the token and you earn the wright to join our side.

when you open the third letter it is a Map with the precise location of the encampment and all the direction to help you to find it.

While Thelia is reading this letters Gunnar manages to open the lock, he check also that there are no traps and then reveal the inside. As he search he finds : Clerics clothes with a Tempus sign painted on it, a book describing Tempus rite's and three Parchment with inscription, Gunnar is not sure what is written on it.

if you want you may roll 3 times spellcraft

2019-06-28, 11:32 AM
"Alth huh and a tournament. Sounds exciting. I remember back when I was a little girl my father took my older brother and I to a tournament to watch. There were so much competition and blood. Very violent. Ah, good times." Sarah reminisces her memories with her father and older brother to a tournament to watch.

2019-06-28, 05:00 PM
"OK... Found some stuff here... Priestly garments, a book and some parchments." - Gunnar studies the parchments - "Hmmm..."

As instructed, three Spellcraft (+6) checks:




2019-06-28, 05:23 PM
"I also remember watching the tournament with my friends and boyfriend as well. I also believed one of my friend's father who also competed in the tournament. So many memories." :smile: Sarah sighs calmly and smiles at all the great memories she has watched the tournament with her friend and her boyfriend.

2019-06-30, 09:46 AM
"I guess we won't have to persuade them to drop out for us anymore," Thelia noted after she read the letters, "we might want to go to this inn and see about this Alth person though, even if it's just to let him know the people he was supposed to meet aren't coming. And as the tournament is for five, maybe ask him to join us instead. If it's a frontline fighter, the gods know we can use one of those."

2019-06-30, 09:50 AM
"I guess we won't have to persuade them to drop out for us anymore," Thelia noted after she read the letters, "we might want to go to this inn and see about this Alth person though, even if it's just to let him know the people he was supposed to meet aren't coming. And as the tournament is for five, maybe ask him to join us instead. If it's a frontline fighter, the gods know we can use one of those."

"He'll be very useful in our team. Plus this will be my very first time competing in the tourney." :smile: Sarah was excited for the tournament.

2019-06-30, 05:23 PM
"Sure, why not." - Gunnar extends the parchment pieces to the others - "Anyone want to make sense of these?"

2019-06-30, 07:18 PM
"Sure, why not." - Gunnar extends the parchment pieces to the others - "Anyone want to make sense of these?""I'll do it." Sarah got the parchment.

Spellcraft 1: [roll0]

Spellcraft 2: [roll1]

Spellcraft 3: [roll2]

2019-07-01, 04:21 AM
Gunnar reads the Scrolls but cannot grasp anything out of it, Sarah gets near him and with a quick look a spark got in her eyes, she can easily identify all the spells written on the scrolls

Arcane: Enlarge person x1
Divine: Bull's Strenght x1
Divine: Shield on Others x1

you stood in silence while the artist is still painting your figure, while you freeze customers start to leave the place you start to grow tired.

thank you, my good sir, here take a look!

Volo hands you a piece of paper, you took it, the draw is not far from reality, he was able to catch some glimps of your fierce and strong nature, but somehow there is a hint of your silence in the sketch.

My fellow gnome, I will tell you a story and ask you a question, based on your answer you will get a reward for your patience

here it comes:

in the middle of a valley surrounded by hills lives a halflings tribe, this tribe, we will call them "Golden Tribe"
the Golden was living peacefully the valley was fertile and the land always rewards hard labor with plenty of goods. War days seem so distant and battle stories became legends. the Golden stops being fit and start to be fat, weapons and armors rust and walls crumble, when the last warrior of their tribes die a big funeral was made and with him, their war tradition was broken. They were not worried about these things and they lived happily and with their full bellies. One day another tribe approach, we will call them the silver tribe. Silvers fewer in numbers but Fitter and trained for war, all of them wearing shining armours and sharpened weapons astonished by this fertile valley they decide to claim for themselves, the result of the battle was obvious the Silvers manage to kill all of them and claim the land, on his last breath the Golden tribe chief spoke his regrets, and with the golden wisdom the Silvers manage to hold the valley until the ends of time.

what do you think the Golden chief last words were?

"if only my warriors were fittest, we would have won"
"if only our weapons were sharp, we would have pierced your armours"
"if only our walls were taller and stronger we would have hold the valley"

pick your choice

he smiles at you waiting for your answer

2019-07-01, 04:28 AM
"The three scrolls said Enlarge Person, Bull's Strength and Shield On Others. The first Arcane spell is Enlarge Person and the two divine spells are Bull's Strength and Shield On Others."

2019-07-02, 05:09 AM
Jeremi picks up the banner, carefully and slowly. "We had wolves attack the sheep when I was growing up," trailing off as he turns the banner over. He then looks slowly around the camp. "What did the wolves eat here?"

Search [roll0]

Surprisingly all of the bodies have been heavily injured, some of them has been dismembered and disfigured but there is no sign of eating whatsoever, you deduct that the pack played with preys for a while and then lose interest and leave on the ground.

2019-07-02, 09:13 AM
"Those could be useful," Thelia said to Sarah, "Can I see the divine ones, please?"
As the only divine spellcaster, it would be sort of logical for her to have a look at the divine spells.

She decided to do a quick read magic spell, making it easier to confirm that the scrolls were indeed divine magic.

2019-07-02, 11:53 AM
"Those could be useful," Thelia said to Sarah, "Can I see the divine ones, please?"
As the only divine spellcaster, it would be sort of logical for her to have a look at the divine spells.

She decided to do a quick read magic spell, making it easier to confirm that the scrolls were indeed divine magic.

"Sure Thelia. Here you go." :smile: Sarah smiles and give to the two divine scrolls to Thelia.

2019-07-05, 02:15 PM
"OK, people, we've got to decide the next step." - Gunnar looks at the others in turn - "Let's bury these poor people and then what? Do we look for the inn? Do we look for the wolves? Going straight to the inn would be safer, if we are sure this Alth dude would join us... But then we would be looking over our shoulders the whole trip. So what say you all?"

The young man gets close to the bodies and takes a last look at them - "That's nasty..." - Looking back at Raziel, he asks - "Are there shovels in the cart?"

As soon as possible, Gunnar goes to work digging a hole for the bodies. He'll try to put all the dismembered parts of each body together and wrap them with a cloak or some other large piece of cloth, like their tents, in a makeshift shroud. He tries to be dutiful and precise, but he's clearly shaken while working on the mangled bodies. In the end, the dirt and blood are mixed with his sweat and some tears. He sits there for a while and then looks at Jeremy - "So... Uh... Do you know a dirge or something?"

2019-07-05, 07:20 PM
"If only our walls were higher" Alth answers simply, keeping his reasons to himself

2019-07-06, 01:06 PM
Gunnar's question startles Jeremi, who looks up from the corpses. "What? Oh, yes, that would be appropriate." Jeremi pulls out his new instrument. "Although, I'd like to point out these wolves seem to have played with the bodies, instead of eating them. It's bizarre." He steadies himself, and begins to solemnly play a lyric-less tune. After finishing, he turns to help Gunnar wrap up and bury the bodies.

2019-07-06, 01:26 PM
Gunnar's question startles Jeremi, who looks up from the corpses. "What? Oh, yes, that would be appropriate." Jeremi pulls out his new instrument. "Although, I'd like to point out these wolves seem to have played with the bodies, instead of eating them. It's bizarre." He steadies himself, and begins to solemnly play a lyric-less tune. After finishing, he turns to help Gunnar wrap up and bury the bodies.

"What do you mean by played with the bodies?" :confused: Sarah is confused and curious of Jeremi comments.

2019-07-06, 09:59 PM
"Yes, I noticed this..." - Gunnar stands up and walks away from the burial site, as if not wanting to disturb the bodies anymore - "Also, the bite marks show they are bigger than usual..." - He cleans some dirt from his neck with a piece of cloth - "Smart, big and sadistic wolves... That sounds awfully dangerous."

"If we're done here, I wish we could leave this place..."

2019-07-07, 08:35 AM
"If only our walls were higher" Alth answers simply, keeping his reasons to himself

if only our walls were higher Volo mumbles upon your answer then he searches inside his backpack and reaches for a small vial with a blue liquid, the ampoule is finely crafted and the liquid inside is crystal clear resembling a smelted sapphire. Here my good friend, your wisdom might be your guidance in your next adventure, now if you excuse me, i have my daily ritual with this from his pockets an exquisite crafted wooden pipe emerge, he fetches some tobacco and start to smoke, he puffs a very thick white cloud and his face disappears, the smell is fruity and you can feel some hint of cedar wood-burning and incense. you look at him in silence and after a while he gathers his things it was interesting speak with you my little fellow, may our path cross again and may the blessing of our smiling lady brighten your future

Raziel takes a shovel out of his cart , you start to dig and to reassemble the broken bodies, all of you are helping each others with this grevious task and right before midday you manage to finish it, Thelia recites all of the prayers required to allow these souls a safe passage to the afterlife. you are ready to resume your travel it is now clear that it is time to leave and to meet this person, Alth.
Jeremi, which knowns this lands he knows the inn and also he knows a shortcut safe and faster, with his guidance you manage to reach for the inn late in the night, while you are walking on the pathway you met a silent traveler in the dark of the night his only light is his pipe which is glowing red and emits smoke puffs from time to time, when both of yours paths crosses he exchanges with all of you a polite goodnight travellers and safe journey, may Tymora smile upon your path!
Thelia and Gunnar get a thought about this traveller, even for a small instant both of them have got the intuition to have seen him already.

2019-07-07, 07:17 PM
"I hope this Alth person is very nice."

2019-07-08, 09:15 AM
Alth gives a short blue to the man, before going back and finishing his food, before retiring for the night
assuming it is night

2019-07-09, 02:21 AM
"We'll have to see that," Thelia said to Sarah as she turned back to see the traveler she thought she knew.

intel check to remember: [roll0]

2019-07-09, 02:59 AM
Thelia mumbles and thinks over about the traveler she glances back to see if she can catch up with but he is already disappeared in the mist, now she realizes that your path crossed with Volo, you now remember his portrait from the book.
It is late in the night when you reach The bottomless couldron , the Inn is made entirely of wood, from its chimney smoke rises and the air near the building smell strongly of venison stew, near the entrance there is a wooden patio and a person is sitting on a rocking chair behind him a great sword. From the windows, bright light emerges and you can see figures drinking and eating inside

the person notices you and stands up, now in the light you can notice she is a woman very big and muscular she is at least two meters tall she looks towards you, and while doing this she lights a torch to see you better
In this late our two elf, and three human looks for shelter to The bottomless cauldron, be welcomed and behave or my wrath will knock you down she cracks her knuckles while looks at you

2019-07-09, 01:07 PM
When on the road to the inn, upon meeting the traveler, Gunnar replies - "Blessings upon you too, mister."

Later, at the inn's front step, recognition comes to him - "Wait a minute, wasn't that the wizard dude from that book?"


Upon meeting the warrior at the inn, Gunnar gets clearly intimidated - "Uh... What?... I'm sorry... Uh... We want no trouble, miss, just lodging... And we're looking for a person..." - He looks around, hoping to meet the eyes of someone more welcoming.

2019-07-09, 05:31 PM
"We're looking for a gnome named Alth. Do you know a person by that name?"

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2019-07-09, 08:47 PM
"My name is Thelia, cleric of Labelas Enoreth," she said, "we're just here for a meal, someplace to sleep and to search for our companion, as my companion already said."

2019-07-11, 10:45 PM
Jeremi is baffled by the woman. "In addition to that, who are you? I don't think I've seen you before, and I live nearby." he peers past her cautiously.

Jeremi's own sense motive: [roll0]

2019-07-16, 01:46 AM
The Woman looks on your little traveling party, all of you perceive the good intentions of the bumper it's late in the night and try to keep out troubles is her duty. she relaxes her face when you state your name and your intentions
No offense, I am new around here that's why you might not have seen me before, you can go in, please enjoy the Cauldron and don't cause any trouble or else ... she steps aside and opens the door for you to allow all of you to get inside the place.

as Jeremi remembers the Cauldron is a warm place, fire is cracking vividly and upon it, a big cauldron is boiling. The smell in the air is full of venison stew and it's for sure coming from the Cauldron, walls and floors are made of fir wood while tables, chairs, and counters are made of oak wood. On walls hangs game trophies like deers, boars wolf and bears heads.

Behind the couldron a though man two meters tall and very muscolar he is stirring he stew, next to him two pumas are relaxing next to the couldron. Jeremi remembers that Sagar (innkeeper's name) used to be a hunter and a very successful one.

when Sagar raises his eyes he looks towards you especially Jeremi For the Dirty boots of Lathander! finally a worthy prey to hunt, again "Jeremi the Homesick" is crawling back home, go get them boyswith his fingers pointing at you the two Pumas swiftly charges you but when they both arrives near you they started to ask for cuddles and purrs, as you can remember he is always welcoming you in this way and you always find a sagacious answer

2019-07-16, 07:45 AM
"Hello sir." :smile: Sarah smiles at Sagar as she greeted him.

2019-07-16, 08:58 AM
Thelia was surprised when the cats charged Jeremi and she put her staff up, only to stop when she noticed they weren't really attacking. Clearly this was something that had happened before.
"Sorry about that," she said, blushing as she put her staff down, "Nice cats."

2019-07-16, 09:45 AM
Upon seeing the cats advance, Gunnar hides behind his shield. When they start acting likes pussycats, however, he relaxes - "By The Green Goddess, does everything and everyone around here likes to pretend they will kill you just for giggles?" - He says, with some frustration in his voice.

"Good evening, mister." - The young man says, as he looks for a seat, with his back to a wall - "May I have some of that stew and a mug of ale to wash it down?" - He stays silent for a bit, then remembers why they're here in the first place - "Oh... We're also looking for someone... A fellow named Alth. Do you know him? He was supposed to be here. We've got some bad news for him... A tragic thing happened on the road." - He says these things while looking around for other patrons.

2019-07-16, 01:24 PM
"Far you've fallen, to find a musician a worthy foe," Jeremi laughs as he pets the panthers. As an aside to the party, he mentions "don't worry about Sagar, he's not a threat to anyone paying." He's clearly more as ease here than he was in the large city, and is less tense than any point since the funeral.

Jeremi heads over to greet Sagar properly. "I'm travelling through from Fireshear," he explains. "Is everything going alright? You seem to have gotten a new guard."

2019-07-16, 01:32 PM
"Far you've fallen, to find a musician a worthy foe," Jeremi laughs as he pets the panthers. As an aside to the party, he mentions "don't worry about Sagar, he's not a threat to anyone paying." He's clearly more as ease here than he was in the large city, and is less tense than any point since the funeral.

Jeremi heads over to greet Sagar properly. "I'm travelling through from Fireshear," he explains. "Is everything going alright? You seem to have gotten a new guard."

"I didn't say he was a threat. But thank you for letting as know. By the way the Panthers are cute. What are their names?" :redface: Sarah blushed as she pet the panthers.

2019-07-19, 01:39 AM
"Far you've fallen, to find a musician a worthy foe," Jeremi laughs as he pets the panthers. As an aside to the party, he mentions "don't worry about Sagar, he's not a threat to anyone paying." He's clearly more as ease here than he was in the large city, and is less tense than any point since the funeral.

Jeremi heads over to greet Sagar properly. "I'm traveling through from Fireshear," he explains. "Is everything going alright? You seem to have gotten a new guard."

He explodes in a very loud laughIt's very good to see you, and looks like you have grown up a little bit since the last time I saw you. he is speaking loudly while he takes bowls and mugs, the business is good here, a lot of travelers, hunters, and thugs, but lately roads have become dangerous that's why I have hired extra muscles, but besides from her emper she is a kind heart. He fills the bowls and tastes the soup Maybe a little bit more of nutmeg he mumbles then he calls Sarah Come here young lady, taste it! Sarah tastes the soup which is delicious already. You can distinguish amongst tastes, venison, onions, carrots, potatoes, salt, pepper, rosemary, bay and a small hint of nutmeg. What do you think? more nutmeg ? by the way, Puma's names are: Ginger and Cinnamon

A fellow names Alth, yes he has a room upstairs, he is a silent little fellow, muscular, I might say a soldier if it's bad news for him, do you need me to wake him up or will you wait for the morning?

2019-07-19, 02:50 AM
"No need to wake him," Thelia said, "we can arrange everything tomorrow. Maybe just, should he be awake before us and would like to leave, ask him to stay until we can talk with him."

She looked at the others.
"And for me just the soup and then a nice bed," she added.

2019-07-19, 07:34 AM
"Taste good. A little nutmeg will. Ginger and Cinnamon. How cute. You name them after the food ingredients. My mother is a good cook. She got her culinary skills from my grandmother. Right before she died. But anyway. I'm interested in that recipe. I want to share it with my mom." Sarah is very interested in the recipe.

2019-07-19, 09:32 AM
"No need to wake him," Thelia said, "we can arrange everything tomorrow. Maybe just, should he be awake before us and would like to leave, ask him to stay until we can talk with him."

She looked at the others.
"And for me just the soup and then a nice bed," she added.

"Sounds good to me." - Gunnar will eat and have some ale. If nothing else of importance happens, he will try to have a good night of sleep indoors, after being so long on the road.

2019-07-19, 12:50 PM
"I suppose I had to grow up fast on my own," Jeremi looks a bit crushed, as if remembering something horrific. "I'm sorry to hear about the roads. Is my family safe?"

2019-07-21, 08:28 AM
"I suppose I had to grow up fast on my own," Jeremi looks a bit crushed, as if remembering something horrific. "I'm sorry to hear about the roads. Is my family safe?"

Sagar looks towards you these are tough times, but luckily you managed to keep on tracks, I am glad to see you. Regarding your family, they're all good. Do you want me to tell them that I saw you? While he is talking he is serving the soup to all of you than he disappears behind the counter and emerges with a small keg of ale and some mugs. well the soup is gonna get cold, eats and drinks its on the house then he tosses a bunch of keys on table rests well feel free to takes the room on the second floor, I will not charge you but please leave them clean and make the bed. the atmosphere around the table is joyful and one by one you are overwhelmed by tiredness and go to sleep to your rooms.

2019-07-21, 09:03 AM
"Ok thank you. Cleanliness is my speciality. :smile: Sarah is smiling.

2019-07-21, 02:21 PM
you sleep deeply and it is early in the morning when you wake up, the Sun is rising over the horizon, you open the window and a cold breeze caress your face. From your window, you can see a cart parked next to the inn. A man is polishing a full plate armor like it is his most precious thing, you study him and judging from the size of the full plate there is no way that this man can fight in that you conclude he must be an esquire.
you wash your face and go downstair, the Innkeeper has already finished making breakfast, you take a seat and he serves you bread, butter, milk jam, and ham.

Good Morning mister Alth, last night some adventurers have asked about you, they didn't wake up yet, and they have news for you, but they didn't tell me more
in the meantime you see the esquire enters the place, he sits two tables next to you and he asks for breakfast, one of the waiters serves him his breakfast.

2019-07-21, 03:59 PM
In the morning, Thelia woke quite refreshed. While she didn't mind all that much sleeping outside, she much prefered sleeping in a real bed.
After her morning prayers and preparing of her spells, she went downstairs for breakfast.

2019-07-21, 11:24 PM
Gunnar wakes up and, for a moment, he does not recognize where he is. His mind rushing and confused, he looks around... It's clearly not the windowless rented room in Fireshear. He is on a bed, not a hammock, and the room is not swaying, so it's not the merchant ship, nor the pirate's ship... Not one of the warehouses of Luskan, nor the small room by the kitchen of the manor...

Then it all comes back to him. The southerner, the dungeon, the party, the books, the gold and the road. And the mauled corpses of the priests...

With a bad taste in his mouth, he rises, gets dressed and equipped and goes down to the tavern to eat something in a sour mood.

2019-07-23, 08:07 AM
Sarah wakes up and looks for her team.

2019-07-23, 04:31 PM
you didn't pay too much attention to the Esquire and decide to mind your business, you see approaching him an elf, a human and another elf, in this order all of them are sharing breakfast and some laugh from time to time they look into your direction but you are not sure if their eyes are for you or just checking the surroundings.

you wake up, perform your morning rites (praying, washing or else) the bed was very comfortable and the room was clean, before leaving you clean your room perfectly Sagar would not be disappointed. Thelia is the first to wake up, when she is in the main all she notice Raziel at glance and join him for breakfast, five minutes later Gunnar made his appearance he notices you and decide to join the table, this morning he has a grumpy expression painted on his face. right after Gunnar Sarah wakes up and join you for breakfas. No news from Jeremi so far, it might be sleeping in his room you assume. While you are having breakfast all of you notice a gnome, not far from you having breakfast, his is not paying attention on what is around you , you notich he is slender and muscolar so he must train himself. your first thought is the following , He might be Alth ? the gnome you are looking for ?

2019-07-23, 04:40 PM
Sarah notice the male muscular gnome. "Hello. Are you Alth by any chance?"

2019-07-24, 02:37 AM
Alth looks up at the person with the query, feeling a little relieved that he is finally able to do something.It was last I checked. Is it important to you? the gnome asks back. Despite the gruff content of the reply, he doesn't seem to be annoyed.

2019-07-24, 09:56 AM
"Yes we were looking all over for you. But I'm glad we found you. My name is Saradreza Despana which happen to be my Drow name but I prefer to be called Sarah Diamond because it's very easy to pronounce which my family and friends called me."

2019-07-24, 05:03 PM
Alth looks up at the person with the query, feeling a little relieved that he is finally able to do something.It was last I checked. Is it important to you? the gnome asks back. Despite the gruff content of the reply, he doesn't seem to be annoyed.

"Well... yeah." - The young and wiry looking human that is sitting with a slouch speaks from his table, breaking his silence - "I'd guess it's important to you too." - He sits more upright - "Would you join us? I'm afraid we have bad news for you, if you were acquainted with some clergy from the church of Tempus."

This young man has a forgettable face, framed by dark brown hair and a stubble, and is equipped with a mail hauberk and a buckler that does not show any signs of wear. A longsword and some javelins rest on top of his backpack, by his side.

2019-07-24, 05:57 PM
"I'm debating if I want to contact my family and friends using my Message spell. I don't know if the range could reach that far." :confused: Sarah ponders if her Message spell is even worth contacting her family and friends.

2019-07-24, 10:48 PM
The door to the inn opens, and the pumas bound in; Jeremi closes the door behind them. "Hello everyone," he tells the party. He seems particularly cheery this morning. "What's going on?"

2019-07-24, 10:55 PM
The door to the inn opens, and the pumas bound in; Jeremi closes the door behind them. "Hello everyone," he tells the party. He seems particularly cheery this morning. "What's going on?"

"Where The Nine Hells have you been? I thought you were asleep. :mad: Anyway we found the gnome Alth." :smile: Sarah was angry at Jeremi but calm herself momentarily.

2019-07-24, 11:56 PM
Quickly deciding that the drow seems to be in charge, Alth directs his question towards her Who is this one? he asks, nodding to the latecomer

2019-07-25, 12:36 AM
While keeping an eye on Sarah and the gnome, Thelia went to the innkeeper.
"We found a group of people from the order of Tempus yesterday," she said, "it looked as if they were ripped apart by wolves or other such creatures. While I don't know much about nature, I do know that wolves normally don't attack humans. Do you know any stories about other people who encountered such creatures?"

2019-07-25, 05:48 AM
While keeping an eye on Sarah and the gnome, Thelia went to the innkeeper.
"We found a group of people from the order of Tempus yesterday," she said, "it looked as if they were ripped apart by wolves or other such creatures. While I don't know much about nature, I do know that wolves normally don't attack humans. Do you know any stories about other people who encountered such creatures?"

Jeremi Slams the door, he has a sweaty face, next to him the two pumas are panting Welcome back boy, did you finish to play with the cats already? says Sagar towards Jeremi, then he looks Thelia worried uhm... strange, it might be werewolves, was it full moon last night right? he asked Thelia.

In the meantime, the esquire moves towards Alth Glad to meet you! allow me to introduce myself, my name is Raziel and I am a Historian, well I do not want to bother you, so I will go with the short version of the story here it comes:
We were looking for Tempus cleric's and we found them ... dead. We know that nearby a tournament will be held as far as we know you were supposed to join with them, but since their demise, you might want to join us we can pretend to be the Tempus company. we will split the prize equally and the glory, however among gold and gems there is a particular stone which I am strongly interested in what do you think

now Alth can take a better look to Raziel, he is human and his traits are not from these lands, he is wearing fine clothes suggesting that he might be rich, he has amber skin, brown hair not too long, he also has a beard and his face looks scruffy, he is carrying books written in a language that you can't understand, he looks frail and tired but somehow his smile is genuine

2019-07-25, 08:07 AM
"Oohh gold and gems. I wonder what kind of gems are they?" :biggrin: Sarah is excited to heard Raziel mention the gold and gems.

2019-07-25, 03:02 PM
"From what I heard they looked like regular wolves," Thelia said, "and the bites were like that as well. You know of any werewolves in the vicinity?"

Thelia didn't really care about gems and stuff. Knowledge, that was something else, so if there were werewolves in the vicinity, it was Always good to know.

2019-07-25, 05:56 PM
Seeing the conversations all over the place, Gunnar just sits slouching again and goes back to silence.

Nonetheless, he keeps his attention on Sagar's answers and considerations.

2019-07-26, 08:12 AM
"From what I heard they looked like regular wolves," Thelia said, "and the bites were like that as well. You know of any werewolves in the vicinity?"

Thelia didn't really care about gems and stuff. Knowledge, that was something else, so if there were werewolves in the vicinity, it was Always good to know.

this forest sometimes are hunting grounds , tales and legends around here speaks about a werewolves tribes that moves north to south but no one ever see none before so this are only rumours. In particular circumstances werewolves may lead a pack of wolves , but nothing is sure these are just my guesses Sagar answer Thelia gently while he scratches his head

2019-07-26, 09:45 AM
"Those people from the cult of Tempus won't be able to tell," Thelia said, "is there a temple of Tempus in the vicinity, so I can inform them what happened to their people?"

2019-07-26, 12:14 PM
this forest sometimes are hunting grounds , tales and legends around here speaks about a werewolves tribes that moves north to south but no one ever see none before so this are only rumours. In particular circumstances werewolves may lead a pack of wolves , but nothing is sure these are just my guesses Sagar answer Thelia gently while he scratches his head

Gunnar stands up and comes closer to Thelia and Sagar - "Werewolves, uh? This is troubling... And makes sense... From what we could infer from the evidence in the scene, that was not the work of regular animals... An odd behaviour, that could betray intelligence and cruelty."

Upon hearing Thelia's suggestion, Gunnar nods - "That would be appropriate." - Turning back to Sagar - "So... Uh... Any chance you would know some weaponsmith that works in alchemical silver?"

2019-07-26, 01:18 PM
"I wish my quarterstaff was made of sliver." :sigh: Sarah sighed realize that her quarterstaff is made of wood.

2019-07-28, 07:23 AM
Alth ponders the proposal. Pretend? That seems, well, gray. I've myself no qualms with the idea, though I worry about any problems that may arise because of these actions. He looks around Wait, is this why you wanted to meet with me? The entire group of you, I mean. So you could enter the tournament?

2019-07-28, 11:14 AM
Having gotten some food, Jeremi turns to Alth "I am with this group, since you asked" Sitting down, he continues, "We found a note about the tournament around the bodies, although that wasn't our goal on the way here."

2019-07-28, 04:17 PM
Having gotten some food, Jeremi turns to Alth "I am with this group, since you asked" Sitting down, he continues, "We found a note about the tournament around the bodies, although that wasn't our goal on the way here."

Then what was, if you don't mind my asking?

2019-07-28, 05:02 PM
"I'm actually worried about the werewolves or lycans. I heard once a werewolf bit you, you'll become one of them but only happen in a full moon." :eek: Sarah was worried about the werewolves.

2019-07-28, 10:40 PM
Raziel is studying the conversation, when he finds a spot to join the discussion and answers Alth well that wasn't our plan , but you, my friend if you are going to join the tournament without a party you will have a bad time, from my point of view this is a bit of luck for you, we are experienced adventurers and travelers and our motivation is strong. It's a win-win situation for both of us, why are you so concerned about this opportunity?

in the meantime Sagar takes some moments before answering Thelia well, around here Tempus is worshipped but mostly by Barbarian tribes which roam the area, every now and then you might find some shrines on the pathway, if you are looking for a temple of Tempus you might want to go to Luskan or Mirabar, I'm not sure in which city is, it is very noble from you to let the Tempus clergy be aware of the attack, if I can help my fellow Jeremi I can take the news for you he says with a smile, he looks very touched by your kindness.

Regarding the Alchemical Silver weapon young men, the perfect place to find them is Luskan or Mirabar but then again Tribes have their own Blacksmith and they are very good with forging weapons, they might have some Alchemical Silver in stock and then it will take time to forge a masterwork weapon for you.

2019-07-28, 10:46 PM
Raziel is studying the conversation, when he finds a spot to join the discussion and answers Alth well that wasn't our plan , but you, my friend if you are going to join the tournament without a party you will have a bad time, from my point of view this is a bit of luck for you, we are experienced adventurers and travellers and our motivation is strong. It's a win-win situation for both of us, why are you so concerned about this opportunity?

in the meantime Sagar takes some moments before answering Thelia well, around here Tempus is worshipped but mostly by Barbarian tribes which roam the area, every now and then you might find some shrines on the pathway, if you are looking for a temple of Tempus you might want to go to Luskan or Mirabar, I'm not sure in which city is, it is very noble from you to let the Tempus clergy be aware of the attack, if I can help my fellow Jeremi I can take the news for you he says with a smile, he looks very touched by your kindness.

"Raziel is correct. We're a very well balanced team and it will be an easy win in this tournament. By the way, Raziel are you going to join us in this tournament?"

2019-07-28, 11:46 PM
Upon hearing Raziel calling the group "experienced adventurers", Gunnar sounds surprised - "We are what now?"

As soon as Sagar mentions Mirabar, Gunnar is startled and his attention is fully on the innkeeper and Thelia - "What? No. No need to go to Mirabar... Too long of a trip... Not worth it. Maybe the tribes. I'd rather meet a blacksmith from the tribes... Yes, they are renowned weaponsmiths. - He fumbles for words, grasping at straws.

2019-07-29, 07:35 AM
Thelia had a feeling that Gunnar didn't want to go to Mirabar. She wasn't sure why, but she would not ask in a full inn. Maybe later. she was also a bit surprised at 'experienced adventurers', but she didn't correct anything right now.

"No need," she said to Sagar, "I'll see if there is a cleric at the tournament and tell there. Otherwise I'll write a letter and have that delivered. But thank you for the offer. Maybe if you could let the local law enforcement know about the werewolves, so they can be on their guard, that would be a good idea."

2019-07-29, 07:50 AM
"I guess I could write a letter to my friends and family another time."

2019-07-29, 07:40 PM
Alth nods in agreement, agreeing that this plan is the best course of action

2019-07-30, 04:12 AM
When Alth nods Raziel explode in a big and wide smile Welcome to our marvelous team, I was sure that I made you a good offer he looks in his backpack for a map, then he clears the table Gather around and let me check He mumbles and then he signs one point and he draws a line on his map (https://imgur.com/eKLTC8H)
Folks, we got two possibilities here, either we rent a boat and then we go upstream or we can find woads, cross the river and walk near the Lurkwood forest, let me know what do you think is best

2019-07-30, 09:37 AM
When Alth nods Raziel explode in a big and wide smile Welcome to our marvellous team, I was sure that I made you a good offer he looks in his backpack for a map, then he clears the table Gather around and let me check He mumbles and then he signs one point and he draws a line on his map (https://imgur.com/eKLTC8H)
Folks, we got two possibilities here, either we rent a boat and then we go upstream or we can find woads, cross the river and walk near the Lurkwood forest, let me know what do you think is best

"I say we rent a boat and go upstream. Also, you haven't answered my question, are you going to join the tournament with us?"

2019-07-30, 12:56 PM
"I say we rent a boat and go upstream. Also, you haven't answered my question, are you going to join the tournament with us?"

Of course, I would never let you alone in the pit, I would be up there among the crowd cheering you up guys, I will be your wingman, washing your clothes, prepare your banquet, writing you songs so legends could arise, someone has to do it, and I will take this huge responsibility Raziel answers to Sarah joyfully.

2019-07-30, 12:59 PM
Of course, I would never let you alone in the pit, I would be up there among the crowd cheering you up guys, I will be your wingman, washing your clothes, prepare your banquet, writing you songs so legends could arise, someone has to do it, and I will take this huge responsibility Raziel answers to Sarah joyfully.

"Well I'm happy that you'll support us for this tournament." :smile: Sarah smile at Raziel reply.

2019-07-30, 01:00 PM
Thelia sniggered at Raziel's response.
"I don't know the region all that well," she said, "but aren't boats generally safer than roads. It's a lot less easy to ambush a boat, as far as I understand."

2019-07-30, 01:05 PM
Thelia sniggered at Raziel's response.
"I don't know the region all that well," she said, "but aren't boats generally safer than roads. It's a lot less easy to ambush a boat, as far as I understand."

"Let me guess, you're not a boat person are you?" :tongue: Sarah being stern to Thelia comments.

2019-07-30, 01:11 PM
"I have no idea," Thelia simply said, "I've never been on a boat. I would love to try it though."

2019-07-30, 01:25 PM
"I have no idea," Thelia simply said, "I've never been on a boat. I would love to try it though."

That's understandable. I love boats especially the fancy boats." :biggrin: Sarah smiled.

2019-07-30, 02:46 PM
"Well..." - Gunnar started one of his long-winded considerations with a deep breath - "... As I understand it, our options are really subject to the weather. This is a river that runs between the mountains, and we may find rapids and whirlpools, specially if there are rains along the river... Even a flash flood, if there's significant rain close to the mountains... And that even if the weather seems clear where we are. As far as the information I have goes, there are lengths of the river without proper ports, like canyons and such. In those places, we won't be able to suddenly get out of the river, barring flight or teleportation magic..."

"The Lurkwood, on the other hand, is an easier way to move, but its inhabitants may cause trouble... Orcs, lycanthropes and giants, for starters. By land, we would have to be cautious and stealthy..."

He looks at each one of his companions, ending with the new one, Alth - "I mean... They would not call it adventure if there were easy ways." - He shrugs.

"That being said, if we don't have any troubling weather forecast, I think we should try the river... But I would advise against heavier armors on board."

2019-07-30, 03:20 PM
"Well..." - Gunnar started one of his long-winded considerations with a deep breath - "... As I understand it, our options are really subject to the weather. This is a river that runs between the mountains, and we may find rapids and whirlpools, especially if there are rains along the river... Even a flash flood, if there's significant rain close to the mountains... And that even if the weather seems clear where we are. As far as the information I have goes, there are lengths of the river without proper ports, like canyons and such. In those places, we won't be able to suddenly get out of the river, barring flight or teleportation magic..."

"The Lurkwood, on the other hand, is an easier way to move, but its inhabitants may cause trouble... Orcs, lycanthropes and giants, for starters. By land, we would have to be cautious and stealthy..."

He looks at each one of his companions, ending with the new one, Alth - "I mean... They would not call it to adventure if there were easy ways." - He shrugs.

"That being said, if we don't have any troubling weather forecast, I think we should try the river... But I would advise against heavier armours on board."

The river is our best bet. It'll be great to be on a boat again. I feel like there's going to be a nostalgic flashback for me and my family on my family boat." :smile: Sarah smiles as she remembers great memories that she was on a boat with her family.

2019-07-30, 04:11 PM
Alth is a little taken aback by the reaction from the Esquire, and just keeps silent while everyone else speaks

2019-07-30, 04:30 PM
"So Raziel when are we going to leave here to get to the boat?"

2019-07-31, 11:11 AM
Well if we need to be aware of the weather I would like to know what kind of weather is going to be, anyway whenever you are ready I am ready to leave this place Says Raziel a bit concerned for the weather.

2019-07-31, 11:24 AM
Well if we need to be aware of the weather I would like to know what kind of weather is going to be, anyway whenever you are ready I am ready to leave this place Says Raziel a bit concerned for the weather.

"I'm ready to leave here. I don't know about the rest but I want to be in the boat and see the beautiful ocean." :smile: Sarah smiled.

2019-07-31, 12:18 PM
"It was going to be on a river, not the ocean," Thelia said to the Drow, "if we see the ocean, we went the wrong way. As to leaving, I just need to finish my breakfast, get my stuff and I'm good to go."

2019-07-31, 12:40 PM
"It was going to be on a river, not the ocean," Thelia said to the Drow, "if we see the ocean, we went the wrong way. As to leaving, I just need to finish my breakfast, get my stuff and I'm good to go."

"River, ocean, sea. What's the differences? They're all involved water, aren't they? As long as it involved with water that all it's matter." :annoyed: Sarah was annoyed by Thelia comments.

2019-07-31, 02:32 PM
Gunnar smirks at Thelia's commentary.

"Well, as I said, I believe we should go by the river. I could try to keep an eye on the weather, as I read some naturalist's description of the region and I believe I could know what to expect..." - He pauses - "On a hypothetical level, of course."

Please read my OoC post.

2019-07-31, 02:37 PM
"So it settled then. We take the boat and travelled by the river."

2019-07-31, 04:18 PM
I agree with Gunnar says Raziel First, we should hire a passage on a boat and then goes upstream, it will take some days and maybe from time to time we need to stop the boat and move it on the shore to avoid the bad weather, we could study the weather day by day conclude Raziel if we all agree I suggest to proceed in this way

2019-07-31, 10:26 PM
"I certainly don't disagree with going by water," Jeremi chimes in.

2019-08-01, 11:35 AM
"I agree as well."

2019-08-01, 12:22 PM
"Sure," Thelia said as she finished her breakfast. She went to her room to get her backpack and staff and soon she was back downstairs waiting.

2019-08-01, 03:01 PM
"We might expecting a few sea creatures at the river if not many." :smile: Sarah is smiling.

2019-08-02, 03:32 AM
"We might expecting a few sea creatures at the river if not many." :smile: Sarah is smiling.

Raziel burst in laughs ahahahah! yes, of course, beware of the river monsters! ahahaha after a while he stops all of you felt a genuine laugh and around you, you can feel a joyful environment well, lets get to work, we will meet outside the Inn in a couple of hours, if you have business to conclude here, do it then we will leave south looking for a boat, Gunnar let me know if you need anything for this travel, i will take care of the travel rations he stood up and goes swiftly into his room.

2019-08-02, 08:55 AM
Raziel burst in laughs ahahahah! yes, of course, beware of the river monsters! ahahaha after a while he stops all of you felt a genuine laugh and around you, you can feel a joyful environment well, lets get to work, we will meet outside the Inn in a couple of hours, if you have business to conclude here, do it then we will leave south looking for a boat, Gunnar let me know if you need anything for this travel, i will take care of the travel rations he stood up and goes swiftly into his room.

"I'm good to go... I came down from the room with my stuff already." - Gunnar picks his equipment up from behind the table. As he straps his sword belt around his waist and straights the two javelins on their back quiver, he walks out talking to Raziel - "Hey, buddy, we just need to be sure we have enough ropes and maybe a block and tackle if we are going to get into and out of the river with the boat on our journey... As we may have to take the boat out of the water in a hurry sometimes, it would be good to have some tools to help. There's not much of brawn put together in this group... But we seem to have the brains.

2019-08-03, 05:24 AM
While Raziel was getting ready, Thelia slipped out of the inn and went in search of a city watch, or a sherrif or something like that. She wanted to get some information on what they might expect on the river and when it came to bandits or things like that, you could Always ask local law enforcement. They might not Always know, or choose not to, but it was a start. She also wanted to let them know about the attack on the people from Tempus.

2019-08-03, 10:01 PM
"I have cousins that live on the river near here," Jeremi notes. "We could start by checking up on them."

I don't see an answer to my last question on the OOC thread. Does Jeremi know whether or not his cousins have a boat?

2019-08-07, 12:58 PM
You packed your things and before the tenth hour of the morning you are ready to hit the road again, this time you are moving south, since the inn is on the road and its customers are mostly traveler and merchants the nearest place where to find soldiers or such it might be near the river in one of the fisherman's village. Today the road is empty, the air is fresh and wet and sometimes some cloud passes over you Jeremi is playing the hurdy-gurdy singing popular song, only Gunnar knows some rimes and from time to time they joined in a duet.

please roll performance

it is around afternoon that you arrived in a small village near the shore of the river, the picture in front of you is easy, there are 4 houses in one cluster and not much distant from them five more houses. the construction is very old and damaged a lot of fishing equipment is hanging outside these houses, old women and men are working on nets while the younger are fixing the boats. there is a dock near the shore which consist of no more than two wharves, near one of the wharf a group of children gathers around something they are laughing and playing with something but you can't see it from your position.

2019-08-07, 01:27 PM
"I'm not expecting if the boat is a five-star cruise material as long as the boat decent and clean at least." :annoyed: Sarah thought of something to what to expect what the boat looks like which annoyed her a bit.

2019-08-07, 01:35 PM
"I don't think we have the funds for a five star cruise," Thelia quipped as she went closer to the kids to see what they were doing. She was Always interested in new things and learning children's games was part of that.

2019-08-07, 02:07 PM
"I don't think we have the funds for a five-star cruise," Thelia quipped as she went closer to the kids to see what they were doing. She was always interested in new things and learning children's games as part of that.

"Well that's unfortunate. If I could have brought extra gold pieces it would definitely save us the trouble to afford a top-notch cruise boat. I think the average five-star cruise boat is around 5,000 to 10,000 gold pieces if I'm not mistaken."

2019-08-07, 11:14 PM
You packed your things and before the tenth hour of the morning you are ready to hit the road again, this time you are moving south, since the inn is on the road and its customers are mostly traveler and merchants the nearest place where to find soldiers or such it might be near the river in one of the fisherman's village. Today the road is empty, the air is fresh and wet and sometimes some cloud passes over you Jeremi is playing the hurdy-gurdy singing popular song, only Gunnar knows some rimes and from time to time they joined in a duet.

please roll performance

it is around afternoon that you arrived in a small village near the shore of the river, the picture in front of you is easy, there are 4 houses in one cluster and not much distant from them five more houses. the construction is very old and damaged a lot of fishing equipment is hanging outside these houses, old women and men are working on nets while the younger are fixing the boats. there is a dock near the shore which consist of no more than two wharves, near one of the wharf a group of children gathers around something they are laughing and playing with something but you can't see it from your position.

Gunnar sings a merry tune, following Jeremi's lead. Maybe it's the bard's magical music, but the introvert young man lets his voice go in a way he never did before.

See the roll in the OoC thread.

2019-08-08, 08:09 PM
Jeremi manages well on the instrument playing most of the local songs out. "I'm loving the new one," he remarks between sets.

total of 25 in the OOC thread. That's with +8 performance and +2 circumstance (masterwork)

2019-08-08, 08:14 PM
"Catchy tune." :smile: Sarah smiles and giggles.

2019-08-08, 08:43 PM
Alth quietly hums the tune, it stuck in his head

2019-08-12, 12:36 PM
when Jeremi and Gunnar approach the village all the folks gathered around the musicians and start to dance around them all of you can see on their faces a smile, some of them is missing some tooth.

in the meantime Thelia goes next to the children, she can see what they're laughing about, in a wooden bucket there is a purple river crab, one of the children is poking him with a piece of driftwood, the crabs look defenseless and scared. When Jeremi and Gunnar arriving with their songs the kids lose interest in their catch and run towards them to dance.

one of the elders approach your group, he is blind and he needs help to moves, he is using an old walking stick, what strike your eyes is the old man body, is full of scars eve though he is frail now his muscles are still tonic and he doesn't seems to suffer too much the cold even though he is half-naked. He is wearing mostly rags a pair of worned sandals, a necklace two small hands tied with a red lace

please roll this check

Greetings traveler, what brings you in this place? says the old man towards the whole group.

2019-08-12, 01:01 PM
when Jeremi and Gunnar approach the village all the folks gathered around the musicians and start to dance around them all of you can see on their faces a smile, some of them is missing some tooth.

in the meantime Thelia goes next to the children, she can see what they're laughing about, in a wooden bucket there is a purple river crab, one of the children is poking him with a piece of driftwood, the crabs look defenseless and scared. When Jeremi and Gunnar arriving with their songs the kids lose interest in their catch and run towards them to dance.

one of the elders approach your group, he is blind and he needs help to moves, he is using an old walking stick, what strike your eyes is the old man body, is full of scars eve though he is frail now his muscles are still tonic and he doesn't seems to suffer too much the cold even though he is half-naked. He is wearing mostly rags a pair of worned sandals, a necklace two small hands tied with a red lace

please roll this check

Greetings traveler, what brings you in this place? says the old man towards the whole group.

"We're just looking for a boat to travel. Do you know any boats around here?"

Sense Motive: [roll0]

Knowledge (religion): [roll1]

2019-08-12, 01:03 PM
Not sure what the proper protocol is in the town, Thelia decided not to say anything to the children, but when they ran off, she suddenly became quite clumsy and bumbed the bucket, tipping it over and setting the crab free.

When the old man adressed the group, she looked at him and especially his necklace.
"We seek a ship, venerable one," she said, using the honorific used when talking to elf elders. While he was probably younger than she was, he was still old the way humans calculated such things.

knowledge (religion): [roll0]

2019-08-12, 03:28 PM
with a small kick to the bucket, you set the Little crab free which with haste comes back to the water happily.

Thelia and Sarah recognize the holy symbol of Illmater god of suffering, the broken one, usually worshipped among suffering people.

Sarah can perceive in the man words kindness.

the old man looks both Thelia and Sarah ahh.. such young voices he smiles revealing to be toothless we have ships, if you need a passage to other shores of the river there is no problem you will have passage, if you need a passage upstream of the river I am afraid we cannot afford to dispatch a fishing boat for you, unfortunately, we rely on the fishing boats to gather foods, last the flood damages all of ours nets, hooks lines and crab traps he says lowering his eyes, his voice tremble.

Raziel is listening carefully the old man speaking Indeed elder one he says looking around.

2019-08-12, 03:35 PM
"Ok thank you mister. I noticed that you're wearing a symbol of Illmater, the god of suffering." Sarah was smiling as she was fascinated of the holy symbol the old man was wearing.

2019-08-12, 05:22 PM
Upon finishing the song, Gunnar seems rejoiced. But, when he notices all the people that gathered around, paying attention to him and Jeremy, he suddenly turns self-conscious. Silencing, he immediately slips back to the rear of the group and lets the crowd's eyes turn solely to the bard, who seems more at ease with this kind of attention.

the old man looks both Thelia and Sarah ahh.. such young voices he smiles revealing to be toothless we have ships, if you need a passage to other shores of the river there is no problem you will have passage, if you need a passage upstream of the river I am afraid we cannot afford to dispatch a fishing boat for you, unfortunately, we rely on the fishing boats to gather foods, last the flood damages all of ours nets, hooks lines and crab traps he says lowering his eyes, his voice tremble.

Raziel is listening carefully the old man speaking Indeed elder one he says looking around.

Upon hearing the old man's answer, Gunnar asks - "Is there anyone else around here that could provide a ship apart from the fishermen? We indeed need to go upstream." - He looks around - "Barring that, we would need a guide to the woods that follow the river, if there's such services around."

Muttering to the group - "Or else you'll be all subject to whichever tidbits of knowledge I was able to grasp from the naturalist's book that I read in Fireshear..."

2019-08-12, 05:27 PM
"Elder one. Is there more to the story than what you're telling us?" :confused: Sarah was concerned about trusting the old man words.


2019-08-13, 03:12 PM
"Well, venerable one," Thelia said, "maybe we can do a trade. May I see your damaged nets and such?"

2019-08-13, 03:57 PM
"Well, venerable one," Thelia said, "maybe we can do a trade. May I see your damaged nets and such?"

The eyes of the old man glimpse at Thelia's words ohh it would be very kind from you, Illmater always helps his servants! come on folks these youngsters are helping us with our fishing gear all the other fisherman gather around piling their fishing tools, there are nets, harpoons, hooks and Crab Traps, all of them are in poor condition.

you can either use spell Mending or Craft skill check

In the meantime, Raziel is scribing something on a piece of parchment.

2019-08-13, 04:53 PM
"Mister what's your name if you don't mind me asking also you haven't answered my other question, is there more to the story about the upstream than what you're telling us? It would be very appreciated to us if you answer honestly." :annoyed: Sarah is starting to get a little annoyed when the old man didn't answer her question.


2019-08-13, 09:18 PM
"Mister what's your name if you don't mind me asking also you haven't answered my other question, is there more to the story about the upstream than what you're telling us? It would be very appreciated to us if you answer honestly." :annoyed: Sarah is starting to get a little annoyed when the old man didn't answer her question.


"Hey!" - Gunnar gets between the drow and the old man - "Chill out, Sarah. We're not the guards nor in service to the law here. We have no right to interrogate anyone. If you want to ask questions, do it politely." - He tries not to get angry or overreact, but he can not fathom her behavior at all - "He has no obligation to answer your queries... We are guests in this town."

Gunnar can't shake the notion that this drow must be somekind of noble between her people. She bosses people around like the lords and ladies that he grew up serving.

2019-08-13, 09:45 PM
"Hey!" - Gunnar gets between the drow and the old man - "Chill out, Sarah. We're not the guards nor in service to the law here. We have no right to interrogate anyone. If you want to ask questions, do it politely." - He tries not to get angry or overreact, but he can not fathom her behaviour at all - "He has no obligation to answer your queries... We are guests in this town."

Gunnar can't shake the notion that this drow must be some kind of noble between her people. She bosses people around like the lords and ladies that he grew up serving.

"I was asking a simple question that all. No need to get upset about it. If he doesn't want to answer that fine by me." :annoyed: Sarah starting to think that she couldn't trust Gunnar.

2019-08-14, 10:46 AM
Thelia looked at the material, trying to see what she could repair with her spell.
"Please, I can only repair it tomorrow morning," she said to the people showing equipment, "I have first to prepare the necessary spell."

Then she turned to Sarah and Gunnar
"We won't win anything with bickering," she said to them.

2019-08-14, 11:04 AM
Thelia looked at the material, trying to see what she could repair with her spell.
"Please, I can only repair it tomorrow morning," she said to the people showing equipment, "I have first to prepare the necessary spell."

Then she turned to Sarah and Gunnar
"We won't win anything with bickering," she said to them.
"Ok Thelia. If you want any assistance I can also help you repair the boats." :smile: Sarah is smiling again.

2019-08-14, 12:18 PM
"You know how to repair boats," Thelia asked. For some reason, she didn't thought the drow had that kind of training, but Conath had Always said that people had a way of surprising you.

2019-08-14, 12:24 PM
"You know how to repair boats," Thelia asked. For some reason, she didn't thought the drow had that kind of training, but Conath had Always said that people had a way of surprising you.

"Just one Mending spell and it'll be a snap." :wink: Sarah winks at Thelia.

2019-08-14, 12:50 PM
"Mending can't repair boats," Thelia said, "at least that's what they told me. Only smaller stuff. Well, I can only do it tomorrow as I have to prepare, but if you could prepare as many as you can, that would certainly be a help. Then we can do the repairs early in the morning before we leave. I don't think we can leave tonight anyway."

2019-08-14, 02:18 PM
"Mending can't repair boats," Thelia said, "at least that's what they told me. Only smaller stuff. Well, I can only do it tomorrow as I have to prepare, but if you could prepare as many as you can, that would certainly be a help. Then we can do the repairs early in the morning before we leave. I don't think we can leave tonight anyway."
"Well I can do as much as I can to assist you Thelia."

2019-08-14, 03:09 PM
"If we're staying up until tomorrow and doing this, I can try to help too..." - Gunnar shrugs.

Turning to the old man - "So, mister... No other boats around but the fishermen's? Do you have any idea how long it would take to make the travel upstream the River Mirar on one of them fishing boats?"

2019-08-14, 04:00 PM
"Gunnar my apologies for being aggressive earlier. I still have this Drow habit inside of me."

2019-08-14, 05:16 PM
"Gunnar my apologies for being aggressive earlier. I still have this Drow habit inside of me."

"It's all good..." - He sighs - "I'm not very good at this... bonding thing... I overthink things a lot. Sorry if I overreacted... I can't even tell, most of the times."

2019-08-14, 05:22 PM
"It's all good..." - He sighs - "I'm not very good at this... bonding thing... I overthink things a lot. Sorry if I overreacted... I can't even tell, most of the times.""Don't worry about it. Unlike my race (with the exception of my friends and family who's also Drow) I'm very forgiving and I accept your apology." :smile:

2019-08-15, 04:08 AM
At least that was solved, Thelia thought, then turning back to the old guy.
"While I can't mend anything today as I haven't prepared the right spells," she explained, "I could however see if I can help people with health problems. As cleric of Labelas Enoreth I know something about healing."

2019-08-15, 07:25 AM
"I guess I could look around in this town to eat some healthy snacks or I could write a letter to my friends and family. Hmmm..decisions." Sarah was just wondering what she'll do while she here in this town.

2019-08-15, 01:32 PM
"If we're staying up until tomorrow and doing this, I can try to help too..." - Gunnar shrugs.

Turning to the old man - "So, mister... No other boats around but the fishermen's? Do you have any idea how long it would take to make the travel upstream the River Mirar on one of them fishing boats?"

The Elder one looking towards Gunnar Usually the upstream journey will take less than three days but this depends if the weather is bad or the stream is too strong it might take some times. we can't offer to much but a shelter and good fish soup is always a good way to quench your stomach. By the way, Tore is my name and here I am the eldest and my wisdom lead the village
with these words, he greets you one by one. Thelia finds out that she can help some relief some pain from the folks there is no particular need for anything different from your skills, which are more than enough to help them. The Small village is grateful for four your help.

The night falls on the village, slowly all the fisherman come back to the small dock. Tore gave to you keys of one empty house, it is not too much but it has been cleaned up and all the beds have been prepared for you. You Enjoy your dinner and some local stories provided by Tore, he used to be an Illmatari he joined the Broken Ones and a very respected one but slowly the old age starts to take its toll on him and his body.

Before going to bed Raziel ask Tore if he can borrows some carpenter's tool, Tore agrees without asking any question, all of you notice a spark of creativity in Raziel eyes and before going to bed you go and check on Raziel works. with your surprise, he is trying to realize and improved fishing hooks and improved Crab traps, he is following a blueprint designed by him.

2019-08-15, 01:40 PM
"Nice," Thelia said when she noticed the improved traps, "and pretty clever to come up with that so quickly. Hopefully they will provide us with a boat in exchange for my healing, my and Sarah's mending and your improvements."

2019-08-15, 04:16 PM
"Fascniating with the hooks and traps. I agree with Thelia. We'll be able to get this boat in a jiffy. Or as in my language of my race:" Sarah spoke in common.

"It's a snap." Sarah uses Drow Sign Language to communicate.

2019-08-15, 04:26 PM
Jeremy has taken the afternoon to check up anyone he known in the village, and to ask after his family in the area. "I've picked up a bit of my own healing during the last few weeks in Fireshear. I can help with that as well."

Seeing Sarah's use of DSL, Jeremi is intrigued. "So that lets you speak without needing the other person to hear you?"

2019-08-15, 04:58 PM
Jeremy has taken the afternoon to check up anyone he known in the village, and to ask after his family in the area. "I've picked up a bit of my own healing during the last few weeks in Fireshear. I can help with that as well."

Seeing Sarah's use of DSL, Jeremi is intrigued. "So that lets you speak without needing the other person to hear you?"

"I'm sorry if some people don't understand my language. In my Drow Sign Language it means It's a snap."

2019-08-16, 03:04 AM
"I don't think many people know that here," Thelia said as she selected a bed and put her backpack next to it, "in any case, I'm off to bed. We're probably going to have a full day tomorrow."

2019-08-16, 11:22 AM
Gunnar stays up late, sitting outside the house, thinking and avoiding company. Later, he silently enters the house and goes to sleep.

The next morning, he stays around for any help he might be able to give, but watches closely the spellcasting by his companions, making mental notes. His mind works around the gestures, the words of power and the eventual holy symbols and material components, to focus on the magical energy flow and the alterations on the material world brought by that energy. His memory goes back to brief lessons of when he was in his early teens on wizardry and sorcery that were half-forgotten. In his mind, something clicks.

With a half-smile, he goes back to the house and takes his journal to add some notes to previous writings.

2019-08-16, 10:39 PM
"I'm sorry if some people don't understand my language. In my Drow Sign Language it means It's a snap."

"Would it be possible for me to learn it?"

After getting a reply, Jeremi tunes his instrument and turns in for the night.

2019-08-17, 07:08 PM
"Would it be possible for me to learn it?"

After getting a reply, Jeremi tunes his instrument and turns in for the night.
"If you a were a Drow, the language will be very easy to learn. For non-Drow races, it will be a little difficult to learn the Drow Sign Language because not all races don't speak the Drow Sign Language."

2019-08-19, 05:08 PM
Sun is rising on the village, the night passes safely and all of you wake up fully restored, Thelia is the first one to get up and prepare for this day, right after her Sarah emerges from her bed and starts preparation for the rituals. After her prayer, all is set to cast the spells. All the fishing equipment has been arranged on the ground ready to be repaired. when all of you have arrived Thelia and Sarah start casting spells. All the village is astonished by your capabilities, all of them are amazed by you when the spells have been casted a silence fell on you only to be interrupted by joyful noises and applause.

well done heroes says one of the villagers Illmater send his help, praised be the broken one says another one. Tore is smiling and you can notice her face be relieved.

and now we will give this gifts to this wonderful village says Raziel showing his marvelous creations, at first the crowd is curious and skeptical but after a very practical explanation the morale changes to optimism

I can't say enough how much we appreciate your actions, you can take any boat you like says Tore cheerfully.

Without hesitation you salute everyone in the village and decide to leave, you choose the best boat, load all of your belongings and set sail. Only one thing is left to do Gunnar looks up the sky to get clues for the upcoming weather.

please rolls your checks for this

As promised

2019-08-19, 05:16 PM
"Bye everybody! I'm so glad they're still good people in the world, unlike other certain ungrateful people which I don't want to mention." :smile: Sarah smiles very hard not to show her anger by past experience socializing other people.

2019-08-19, 05:43 PM
Sun is rising on the village, the night passes safely and all of you wake up fully restored, Thelia is the first one to get up and prepare for this day, right after her Sarah emerges from her bed and starts preparation for the rituals. After her prayer, all is set to cast the spells. All the fishing equipment has been arranged on the ground ready to be repaired. when all of you have arrived Thelia and Sarah start casting spells. All the village is astonished by your capabilities, all of them are amazed by you when the spells have been casted a silence fell on you only to be interrupted by joyful noises and applause.

well done heroes says one of the villagers Illmater send his help, praised be the broken one says another one. Tore is smiling and you can notice her face be relieved.

and now we will give this gifts to this wonderful village says Raziel showing his marvelous creations, at first the crowd is curious and skeptical but after a very practical explanation the morale changes to optimism

I can't say enough how much we appreciate your actions, you can take any boat you like says Tore cheerfully.

Without hesitation you salute everyone in the village and decide to leave, you choose the best boat, load all of your belongings and set sail. Only one thing is left to do Gunnar looks up the sky to get clues for the upcoming weather.

please rolls your checks for this

As promised

"Well, let's see if Tymora and Eldath will shelter us from the rage of Talos." - Gunnar stands at the ship's bow, to get a better view, as soon as they hit the water.

As mentioned before in the OoC thread, Gunnar will check Survival each day to assess the weather as the party goes. The difficulty is 15 (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/survival.htm) and, with the +3 from the research from the last chapter, plus the +2 from Cunning Knowledge (he can use it 1/day for each skill, but this check is good for 24h anyway), he can take 10 for a net 16, avoiding the necessity for an actual roll, making it just part of the voyage.

2019-08-20, 12:15 PM
"I hope someone knows how to operate a boat," Thelia said as she looked around. She hadn't put on her armour that morning. She knew one thing about water and that was that trying to get out of your armour while sitting on the bottom of a river or lake was not an easy task.

2019-08-20, 12:22 PM
"I hope we won't encounter a river monster." :biggrin: Sarah was grinning and making a joke.

2019-08-21, 04:17 PM
You get on the boat open the small sail and then catch the right wind to go upstream, the river is really calm and slow today, there is not so much strength in its current, with the right wind is easy to go upstream. the weather for the day would be in your favor. Raziel is tired so he fell asleep in the boat.

the morning pass quietly you can see the quiet forest near the shore and the road along the other side of the river. from time to time you can see fishes swim near the boat Jeremi is playing a quiet tone, while Thelia is reading and Sarah is enjoying the landscape. Gunnar and Jeremi are sailing the ship, with this weather for both of them is easy

in the evening you decide to take the boat ashore and start to make camp.

disguise in order to disguise the ship and your camp

2019-08-21, 04:27 PM
"Wonderful view. I wonder if I spot a mermaid or a river monster there."

Sarah was looking at the river if there any river creature there.

Spot: [roll0]

Listen: [roll1]

2019-08-22, 10:36 AM
Thelia hadn't done much during the day, at least not for sailing the boat. She was, as she had said, not a sailor. She had spent most of the time looking out for trouble, luckily not finding any. She had also put her fishhook and line to some good, catching a few small fish.
"So, what now," she asked, as she took out her fishhook again. She really liked sitting somewhere with a hook, waiting for a fish to nibble.

just a roll to see if I catch something.

2019-08-26, 12:53 PM
While sailing Sarah only manage to spot the beautiful environment, near the shore a brown bear is quenching its thirst with his cubs from time to time they look the water for any fish, Unfortunately for them is Thelia that is getting lucky with her fishing skills, Thelia gave a fish to Sarah which tosses a fish to one of the cubs, with a glance its says "thank you".

The second morning Gunnar check the weather and by studying the clouds he is sure that this day would be favorable for sailing. slowly and gently your ship goes upstream until the evening when you decide again to make camp ashore.

The third morning is colder, there are no clouds in the sky and yet the weather is calm, Gunnar forecast is again favorable and you decide to take the waves and sail again. in the evening clouds are slowly moving from the mountains black as smoke rising from a chimney.

2019-08-26, 12:57 PM
"Darn it! It's just a brown bear." :mad: Sarah was upset that she didn't she a river monster.

2019-08-26, 01:01 PM
"It looks as if we're going to get rain," Thelia said, looking at the building clouds, "and maybe more. I hope it will only be during the night. We'll have to make sure the boat is well attached to the shore, or we might lose it."
She had kept up the fishing, as it gave her something to do while watching the surroundings and it was a nice addition to their trail rations, making sure those also stretched a bit longer.

2019-08-26, 01:27 PM
"Yay rain. What can be more exciting than good old rain?" :annoyed: Sarah was being sarcastic.

2019-08-26, 05:42 PM
"It looks as if we're going to get rain," Thelia said, looking at the building clouds, "and maybe more. I hope it will only be during the night. We'll have to make sure the boat is well attached to the shore, or we might lose it."
She had kept up the fishing, as it gave her something to do while watching the surroundings and it was a nice addition to their trail rations, making sure those also stretched a bit longer.

"Let's keep an eye for flash floods... Even if we need to start up river later tomorrow." - He looks at the others - "We should not downplay the danger a flash flood can be while traveling by water... If the weather turns bad for too long, we may try to finish the voyage by foot. If old Tore estimation was correct, we should be really close to the end of our river journey anyways. But let me make a later forecast next morning.".

"Now, let's get our guard duties in order. If there was no spellcasting today, maybe we could make our turns in pairs. If Thelia and Sarah both agree, you could be pairing with us humans and gnome, while we rotate turns more often, as you sleep less and have superior eyesight, letting us sleep a bit more... What do you say?"

2019-08-26, 05:59 PM
"Let's keep an eye for flash floods... Even if we need to start up river later tomorrow." - He looks at the others - "We should not downplay the danger a flash flood can be while traveling by water... If the weather turns bad for too long, we may try to finish the voyage by foot. If old Tore estimation was correct, we should be really close to the end of our river journey anyways. But let me make a later forecast next morning.".

"Now, let's get our guard duties in order. If there was no spellcasting today, maybe we could make our turns in pairs. If Thelia and Sarah both agree, you could be pairing with us humans and gnome, while we rotate turns more often, as you sleep less and have superior eyesight, letting us sleep a bit more... What do you say?"

"I agree. I have no problem with no spellcasting at all." :smile: Sarah is smiling again and abide Gunnar orders.

2019-08-27, 04:25 AM
"Sure, no problem," Thelia said. she didn't have a problem with doing her share of the guard duty and she did see better in low light condition, even if she did need some light.

2019-08-27, 07:52 AM
"Probably we might spot a river monster while we take our shift." :smile: Sarah is smiling.

2019-08-29, 01:52 PM
"You the first part and I the second," Thelia said to Sarah, "or do you prefer it the other way around? Either way is fine with me."

2019-08-29, 03:53 PM
"You the first part and I the second," Thelia said to Sarah, "or do you prefer it the other way around? Either way is fine with me."

"I'll let you do the first part just to be fair." :wink: Sarah winks at Thelia.

2019-08-30, 12:40 AM
"I don't suppose it matters much, as long as you have similar sight." Jeremi Continues, "Although I hope we don't run into anything worse than a bear."

2019-08-30, 06:56 AM
"I don't suppose it matters much, as long as you have similar sight." Jeremi Continues, "Although I hope we don't run into anything worse than a bear."

"Or a river monster." :biggrin: Sarah laughed.

2019-08-30, 10:01 AM
Thelia didn't know what Sarah's thing with river monsters was, but she did hope they wouldn't see one. After putting up her tent, she settled in for the first watch.
"We don't have the same type of vision," she explained to Jeremi, "I need a bit of light to see with, while Sarah can see in pitch black darkness. But as both watches have a part with darkness and a part with a bit of light, it doesn't really matter. And with the clouds coming in, we can't count on any moonlight anyway."

2019-08-31, 03:39 AM
You take the boat ashore and make camp in a nearby flat land next to the river shore, as fast as you make camp the clouds move towards you. It starts to rain slowly and slowly begin to increase the winds start blowing and as you have predicted the rain became a storm with strong clouds, thunders and heavy rain. there is no chance to go out for hunting and you rely on your rations. outside there is no possibility to start a campfire. The night passes calmly the only sound you heard is the storm, creature, and beasts doesn't dare to go out their dens. It is morning, it still rains slowly and the river has become bigger and more impetuous, Gunnar takes a look to the clouds, it is going to get better in the afternoon but it will rain until then and also the river is getting bigger.

2019-09-01, 01:12 PM
In the morning, Gunnar leaves his tent hiding under his wool cloak. Walking up to the river, he looks up to the sky, shielding his eyes from the rain with his new buckler.

Back to the camp, he announces to the others - "Well... It looks like it'll rain for a few hours still. I think it'll clear in the afternoon. But, by then, it may be hard to travel up the river, specially since no one here is an experienced sailor. What do you people think about making the rest of the trip on foot? By the old man estimation, we should be close now.".

DM, I'm taking 10 on Knowledge (geography), for a net 15, and Knowledge (local) (with the +3 from research from last chapter), for a net 18, to judge how far we are from our destination and how long it would take to go on foot or to wait for the river to be safe to sail again.

2019-09-01, 01:17 PM
In the morning, Gunnar leaves his tent hiding under his wool cloak. Walking up to the river, he looks up to the sky, shielding his eyes from the rain with his new buckler.

Back to the camp, he announces to the others - "Well... It looks like it'll rain for a few hours still. I think it'll clear in the afternoon. But, by then, it may be hard to travel up the river, especially since no one here is an experienced sailor. What do you people think about making the rest of the trip on foot? By the old man estimation, we should be close now.".

DM, I'm taking 10 on Knowledge (geography), for a net 15, and Knowledge (local) (with the +3 from research from last chapter), for a net 18, to judge how far we are from our destination and how long it would take to go on foot or to wait for the river to be safe to sail again.

"Well I can't speak for everybody else in this group but I'm fine to continue travelling on foot."

2019-09-01, 02:43 PM
"Sure, if the river is unsafe to travel on, we best use other options," Thelia said, "I do hope we're past that forest that could have been a problem."

2019-09-01, 04:15 PM
"Sure, if the river is unsafe to travel on, we best use other options," Thelia said, "I do hope we're past that forest that could have been a problem."

"At least we don't need to worry about river monsters at the forest there. But what about forest monsters? That may be a problem to worry about." :eek: Sarah was starting to worry about forest monsters.

2019-09-02, 03:50 PM
In the morning, Gunnar leaves his tent hiding under his wool cloak. Walking up to the river, he looks up to the sky, shielding his eyes from the rain with his new buckler.

Back to the camp, he announces to the others - "Well... It looks like it'll rain for a few hours still. I think it'll clear in the afternoon. But, by then, it may be hard to travel up the river, especially since no one here is an experienced sailor. What do you people think about making the rest of the trip on foot? By the old man estimation, we should be close now.".

DM, I'm taking 10 on Knowledge (geography), for a net 15, and Knowledge (local) (with the +3 from research from last chapter), for a net 18, to judge how far we are from our destination and how long it would take to go on foot or to wait for the river to be safe to sail again.

Judging by the Flora and Fauna of the place you are not far from the Tournament camp, it will take two days by walk and just half day by the river. Unfortunately, the flash flood has already started and you need to wait until it ends, it will take another full day to the river to recover from the heavy rain. Judging from all of this element the choice is between waiting one more day, and then the next day might rain again. you pack your things and hit the pathway in the forest. You send the boat back with the flow, it should reach naturally the fishmonger village.

It is raining slowly and the rains mingle with some gusts of winds now and then. no beasts are roaming around and the forest is still and silent. While you move you notice some wolf tracks in the mud, not far from the pathway there is a wounded deer next to him a couple of Snow wolf with their cubs the family is enjoying breakfast, you don't want to disturb the wolves and the animals ignores you. As foreseen by Gunnar in the afternoon the rain stops and the sun makes its way out of the clouds, now you can see the forest clearly, tall fir trees and pines tree are dominating the environment and now you can hear bird's songs again. You stop for lunch and then hit again the road, It is afternoon when you arrive on a top of a hill, you shouldn't be too high but it is possible to have a clear view of the valley below and the mountains behind.

The valley is a lush green carpet and not far away you can recognizes a small group of tents even from this distance it is possible to see the Tempus's Flag, that should be your destination, no more than one day of travelling

2019-09-02, 05:58 PM
"I'm going to check and see if there any forest monsters in the forest. You may never know where they pop up." Sarah check to see if there any forest monsters in the area.

Spot: [roll0]

Listen: [roll1]

2019-09-03, 12:38 AM
Thelia just nodded and looked at the distant campsite.
"We made good time," she said, "but I'll be happy if I'm there."

2019-09-03, 10:21 PM
"Let's camp and rest now... We need to be fresh when we meet them. We should be early on our way tomorrow, the sooner the better. I say we keep the same watch arrangements." - Gunnar starts to make camp and get's ready for his watch.

2019-09-06, 12:22 AM
"Okay for me," Thelia said as she started to put up her tent as well. As they were away from the river, she could put the fishing line out and she didn't have the equipment for snares, although maybe her fishing line could work there as well. But she decided not to bother.

2019-09-14, 12:23 AM
"I'm okay with this as well." Jeremi sits for a moment. "Looks as if we're almost there though."

2019-09-16, 03:22 PM
"I'm going to check and see if there any forest monsters in the forest. You may never know where they pop up." Sarah check to see if there any forest monsters in the area.

Spot: [roll0]

Listen: [roll1]

Thelia just nodded and looked at the distant campsite.
"We made good time," she said, "but I'll be happy if I'm there."

"Let's camp and rest now... We need to be fresh when we meet them. We should be early on our way tomorrow, the sooner the better. I say we keep the same watch arrangements." - Gunnar starts to make camp and get's ready for his watch.

You decide to set camp on the hill, it took you one hour to find a suitable spot to make camp hidden from any external menace. You gather some woods to burn and with some ration you eat supper, Sarah took her time to check if there is no menace around you, luckily the rain has put all the beasts in their lairs, Jeremi is cheering you up with a story and some jokes, the atmosphere is joyful and relaxed when you have finished supper you decide who will go first for the night's watch.

please decide your watch order

It is not too long that you have left Mirabar looking for answers, there are rumors that Barbarian Tribes gather in the Khedrum Valley to hold a tournament, it is known that these tribes are loyal to Uthgard and Tempus, or at least this is what your mentor told you. Fascinated by his Tales regarding this kind of martial tournament you are eager to join the tournament, however, you have no information regarding the exact location and it has been one month of lonely striding into the forest, you have survived thanks to your skills. You decide to follow the river Mirar and here you notice an empty fishing boat going with the flow, the gentle stream is carrying the boat towards Mirabar, what strikes you is the fact that there is no one on the boat, you follow it with your eyes, you notice black clouds in the horizon, you study the weather and then decide to keep moving. After some times a Thunder announce that it is time to stop for today, you find shelter inside an hollow tree. It rains te whole night and the next morning, when it stops you resume your journey. it is sunset when you arrive on a hill, below you the green plains of the Valley and near the horizon you can see a small cluster of tents, it is not so far, within six hours you should be able to reach the place, but this mean travel during the night.

Please roll Survival and Spot Check, if you need any help on how to roll your dice is 1dX :smallwink:

2019-09-16, 03:42 PM
"Where it's a good thing there is no monster here. I guess this is the perfect time to tell all of you why I get so jumpy when it comes to monsters. A long time ago when I was little my parents used to tell me stories about a monster from the Underdark. I was so scared to visualize what they're like in real life. My older brother and his friends used to pull pranks to frightened me. And I still remember to this day. That's the reason why I'm afraid of monsters."

2019-09-16, 03:46 PM
"What kind of monsters," Thelia asked, before she realised that this might not be the best thing to say, "Sorry, I've been taught to Always learn and Always question and this might not be the best time for that."

2019-09-16, 03:51 PM
"What kind of monsters," Thelia asked, before she realised that this might not be the best thing to say, "Sorry, I've been taught to Always learn and Always question and this might not be the best time for that."

"From what I remember correctly. Driders, Mind Flayers, Duergars (Evil dwarves.), Orcs, Kobolds, Earth elementals and that about it."

2019-09-16, 05:34 PM
You decide to set camp on the hill, it took you one hour to find a suitable spot to make camp hidden from any external menace. You gather some woods to burn and with some ration you eat supper, Sarah took her time to check if there is no menace around you, luckily the rain has put all the beasts in their lairs, Jeremi is cheering you up with a story and some jokes, the atmosphere is joyful and relaxed when you have finished supper you decide who will go first for the night's watch.

please decide your watch order

"Keeping up with our previous arrangements, why don't I start the first watch... Maybe with Thelia? This way, Sarah can get the monsters out of her mind and trance a little." - He looks at the others - "Let's keep one of our elven friends paired with we humans and gnome like last time. Decide between yourselves who will I wake up next, please."

2019-09-16, 05:39 PM
"From what I remember correctly. Driders, Mind Flayers, Duergars (Evil dwarves.), Orcs, Kobolds, Earth elementals and that about it." "Oddly, I've mostly heard monster stories about your folk," Jeremi notes. "Although they don't seem to have been very accurate," he adds, quickly.

"Keeping up with our previous arrangements, why don't I start the first watch... Maybe with Thelia? This way, Sarah can get the monsters out of her mind and trance a little." - He looks at the others - "Let's keep one of our elven friends paired with we humans and gnome like last time. Decide between yourselves who will I wake up next, please."

"Same arrangements until something changes, I suppose," Jeremi notes. He then turns to the gnome. "I think you're most of the change right now. How well can you see in the dark?"

2019-09-16, 05:41 PM
"Keeping up with our previous arrangements, why don't I start the first watch... Maybe with Thelia? This way, Sarah can get the monsters out of her mind and trance a little." - He looks at the others - "Let's keep one of our elven friends paired with we humans and gnome like last time. Decide between yourselves who will I wake up next, please."
"Ok that sounds like a very reasonable idea. Ohh...by the great Boccob. I still remember my older brother wore that Drider costume to scare me." :sigh: Sarah shudders a bit as she remember the horrific childhood memories of her older brother scare her with the Drider costume.

2019-09-19, 10:43 AM
Thelia took some rations for her evening meal and then did a little tour around the campsite to check things out, so she knew how it looked around the campsite.

2019-09-19, 11:02 AM
"Oddly, I've mostly heard monster stories about your folk," Jeremi notes. "Although they don't seem to have been very accurate," he adds, quickly.

"Same arrangements until something changes, I suppose," Jeremi notes. He then turns to the gnome. "I think you're most of the change right now. How well can you see in the dark?"

"Yes Jeremi. My parents even mention my race is being evil and did so much stupid stuff back in the day. I'm not really proud of what my race did an I'll apologize for that. Although that is some good Drow out there. Which is pretty rare. The only good grows that I know is myself, my family and friends, back home."

2019-09-20, 02:18 PM
You decide to set camp on the hill, it took you one hour to find a suitable spot to make camp hidden from any external menace. You gather some woods to burn and with some ration you eat supper, Sarah took her time to check if there is no menace around you, luckily the rain has put all the beasts in their lairs, Jeremi is cheering you up with a story and some jokes, the atmosphere is joyful and relaxed when you have finished supper you decide who will go first for the night's watch.

please decide your watch order

It is not too long that you have left Mirabar looking for answers, there are rumors that Barbarian Tribes gather in the Khedrum Valley to hold a tournament, it is known that these tribes are loyal to Uthgard and Tempus, or at least this is what your mentor told you. Fascinated by his Tales regarding this kind of martial tournament you are eager to join the tournament, however, you have no information regarding the exact location and it has been one month of lonely striding into the forest, you have survived thanks to your skills. You decide to follow the river Mirar and here you notice an empty fishing boat going with the flow, the gentle stream is carrying the boat towards Mirabar, what strikes you is the fact that there is no one on the boat, you follow it with your eyes, you notice black clouds in the horizon, you study the weather and then decide to keep moving. After some times a Thunder announce that it is time to stop for today, you find shelter inside an hollow tree. It rains te whole night and the next morning, when it stops you resume your journey. it is sunset when you arrive on a hill, below you the green plains of the Valley and near the horizon you can see a small cluster of tents, it is not so far, within six hours you should be able to reach the place, but this mean travel during the night.

Please roll Survival and Spot Check, if you need any help on how to roll your dice is 1dX :smallwink:

After the long days of travel, Morgran is eager to finding the Khedrum Valley and participating in the tournament. Seeing a set of tents, he thinks it is a good opportunity to gather information. "I think it's better to travel at night and reach them at first light" - he tells himself. As Morgran quickens his pace, his mind goes back to the fishing boat who was going with the river flow and he wonders why someone would waste a good boat.

Survival(+5):[roll0] Spot(+1): [roll1]

2019-09-20, 05:38 PM
"Well I'm going to trance a little bit just to keep the scary monsters off my mind."

2019-09-22, 01:04 AM
"Yes Jeremi. My parents even mention my race is being evil and did so much stupid stuff back in the day. I'm not really proud of what my race did an I'll apologize for that. Although that is some good Drow out there. Which is pretty rare. The only good grows that I know is myself, my family and friends, back home." "Still, I'd rather not tar your family and friends with the same brush." Jeremi begins a slow, relaxing melody, to help sarah take her mind off the monsters, and himself relax.

Performance (String Instruments): [roll0]

2019-09-22, 03:38 AM
"Very nice," Thelia said as she came back from her tour around the camp and heard Jeremi play. He was clearly very talented, while she could hum a bit with the hymns they did during services and that was it.

2019-09-22, 08:57 AM
After the music ends, Gunnar stands there in silence for a while, enthralled, hardly breathing. A few moments later, he exhales, saying in a hushed voice, trying not to startle Sarah - "By the flaming harp of Milil, man... That was a marvellous melody, if I ever heard one... You may want to tone it down a bit though. I've heard of fey that would take away musicians who played such as you in forests and woods to sing and play at their courts... And we need all the help we can get on our quest." - He ends this with a silly grin.

2019-09-22, 09:08 AM
"I'm very calm now. I'm not thinking about monsters anyway. That melody helps me a lot. Thank you, Jeremi." Sarah is calm now and she no longer thinking about monster anymore.

2019-09-23, 03:15 PM
@ Morgran

After the long days of travel, Morgran is eager to finding the Khedrum Valley and participating in the tournament. Seeing a set of tents, he thinks it is a good opportunity to gather information. "I think it's better to travel at night and reach them at first light" - he tells himself. As Morgran quickens his pace, his mind goes back to the fishing boat who was going with the river flow and he wonders why someone would waste a good boat.

Survival(+5):[roll0] Spot(+1): [roll1]

You resume your journey, the night is growing and slowly the stars rise, there is no full moon tonight, and it is easy to see the stars there are no clouds to shroud the sky. After a couple of hours, you realize that you are no longer on the path but you are wandering into the wilderness, judging from your sense of direction you are heading the right way. It is around the second hour of the night that you stop in a small plateau, you notice from the distance a rock in the middle of the the plateau. The breeze moves the grass carpet beneath you, and the light of the moon illuminates the rock which is in fact a massive Stag caracass lying on the ground, you get closer and judging from the body temperature it was killed recently. You stand up, take your weapon and look around if there is a prey, there must be predators around! from the woods two wolves emerge and now you notice one behind you and two on your flanks. the wolves studies you, the bigger stays behind another wolf which walk slowly towards you, on your sides right and left you have one wolf for each side and there is another behind you. the three wolves start to walk in circles keeping a distance from you, only one wolf walking towards you while the bigger keeps the distance with you and start howling

Please roll initiative

@ Sarah Jeremi, Gunnar, and Thelia

You are still discussing around the fire and preparing for the shifts, not far from you you hear rumors of running, Thelia and Sarah are able to glance to a massive stag running through the wilderness behind you, it is followed by something swift. This is the wilderness hunt, chasing and to be chased. When Jeremi conclude is divine melody, your relax is interrupted by a distant crying, you concentrate your ears toward the sound these are howlings coming from the same beast, not more than a hundred meters away from your camp.

Skills check : Knowldege nature, Listen and Survival check

2019-09-23, 03:27 PM
"What was that?!" Sarah was startled. So she tried to listen and get a closer look.

Listen: [roll0]

Spot: [roll1]

2019-09-24, 12:18 PM
As she had first watch, Thelia had kept her armour on. When she heard the noise and then the howl, she looked up towards the sound, while she grabbed her staff harder. She hadn't forgotten the tales of werewolves they had heard before they reached the city.

knowledge(nature): [roll0]
survival: [roll1]
listen: [roll2]
spot: [roll3]

2019-09-24, 06:39 PM
@ Morgran

You resume your journey, the night is growing and slowly the stars rise, there is no full moon tonight, and it is easy to see the stars there are no clouds to shroud the sky. After a couple of hours, you realize that you are no longer on the path but you are wandering into the wilderness, judging from your sense of direction you are heading the right way. It is around the second hour of the night that you stop in a small plateau, you notice from the distance a rock in the middle of the the plateau. The breeze moves the grass carpet beneath you, and the light of the moon illuminates the rock which is in fact a massive Stag caracass lying on the ground, you get closer and judging from the body temperature it was killed recently. You stand up, take your weapon and look around if there is a prey, there must be predators around! from the woods two wolves emerge and now you notice one behind you and two on your flanks. the wolves studies you, the bigger stays behind another wolf which walk slowly towards you, on your sides right and left you have one wolf for each side and there is another behind you. the three wolves start to walk in circles keeping a distance from you, only one wolf walking towards you while the bigger keeps the distance with you and start howling

Please roll initiative

@ Sarah Jeremi, Gunnar, and Thelia

You are still discussing around the fire and preparing for the shifts, not far from you you hear rumors of running, Thelia and Sarah are able to glance to a massive stag running through the wilderness behind you, it is followed by something swift. This is the wilderness hunt, chasing and to be chased. When Jeremi conclude is divine melody, your relax is interrupted by a distant crying, you concentrate your ears toward the sound these are howlings coming from the same beast, not more than a hundred meters away from your camp.

Skills check : Knowldege nature, Listen and Survival check

"Crap, traveling at night may not have been the best decision" - Morgran tells himself as he grabs his shield and wields his axe - "That Haela guide me".
Initiative (+1): [roll0]

2019-09-24, 11:14 PM
"What in the Nine Hells was that?"

Survival (with research bonus) +4:

Knowledge (Nature) +5:

Listen +0:

2019-09-25, 03:56 PM
The wolf is quicker than you and it runs fast towards you, luckily your instincts saves you from the wolf bites you manage to use your weapon to deflect the attacker which lands not far away from you, you have now the chance to fought back while all the other wolves are still walking in circles or just stare at you for your next move.

"Crap, traveling at night may not have been the best decision" - Morgran tells himself as he grabs his shield and wields his axe - "That Haela guide me".
Initiative (+1): [roll0]

Thelia hear some noises in the distance, like a distant rambling, while Gunnar identifies the howling as the Alpha wolf crying for help, as Gunnar remember when a large pack goes for hunting usually it splits into two or three subgroups, only the Alpha wolf is able to cry for the whole pack to gather, this happens when the pack face a difficult foe or when the Alpha male life is at stake. Unfortunately, Jeremi and Sarah are not able to hear anything in particular

2019-09-25, 04:56 PM
"Can anyone find out what it is?" :confused: Sarah wondering what is that sound.

2019-09-25, 10:57 PM
"Sounds like a wolf pack hunting..." - Gunnar rises from his seat - "I think that was an alpha male calling the rest of the pack..." - He retrieves a javelin from its quiver - "They either are closing in for the kill or the alpha is feeling threatened. That sounded awfully close to our camp. Better we stay ready for trouble, people."

2019-09-25, 11:02 PM
"Sounds like a wolf pack hunting..." - Gunnar rises from his seat - "I think that was an alpha male calling the rest of the pack..." - He retrieves a javelin from its quiver - "They either are closing in for the kill or the alpha is feeling threatened. That sounded awfully close to our camp. Better we stay ready for trouble, people."

"Wolves are nothing. Ha. They're definitely not monsters." :tongue:

2019-09-26, 10:44 AM
"Maybe, but I heard something else," Thelia said, taking her staff and starting towards the sounds, "I'm going to have a look. You guys coming?"

2019-09-26, 10:56 AM
"Maybe, but I heard something else," Thelia said, taking her staff and starting towards the sounds, "I'm going to have a look. You guys coming?"

"I'm coming."

2019-09-26, 11:21 PM
"Let's go, then." - Before leaving, Gunnar retrieves one of the two torches that are sticking out of his backpack by his feet. Walking by the campfire, he lights the torch quickly, barely stoping. With a javelin on his right hand and a torch on the left, he walks up to Thelia and speaks in a hushed tone - "Lead the way."

2019-09-27, 10:35 AM
"Sure," Thelia said as she started towards the sounds she had heard. She hoped it wouldn't be too much trouble. Of course, normally wolves didn't attack humans, but if these were not normal wolves… She stopped that line of thought and moved on through the forest, keeping her ears and eyes wide open and looking around for nasty surprises, but soon she was thinking again about what they were probably going to face. It might be a nice thing to describe for the temple.

I'll do a listen and spot check. As she has the absent-minded trait, this is a good way to roleplay it out.
spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2019-09-28, 11:16 PM
The wolf is quicker than you and it runs fast towards you, luckily your instincts saves you from the wolf bites you manage to use your weapon to deflect the attacker which lands not far away from you, you have now the chance to fought back while all the other wolves are still walking in circles or just stare at you for your next move.

Thelia hear some noises in the distance, like a distant rambling, while Gunnar identifies the howling as the Alpha wolf crying for help, as Gunnar remember when a large pack goes for hunting usually it splits into two or three subgroups, only the Alpha wolf is able to cry for the whole pack to gather, this happens when the pack face a difficult foe or when the Alpha male life is at stake. Unfortunately, Jeremi and Sarah are not able to hear anything in particular

Morgran moves to strike the wolf that attacked him, testing the strength of his enemy.
attack(+6): [roll0] \ Critical check(20): [roll1] / Damage(1d10+3): [roll2] / Critical Damage(x3): [roll3]

2019-09-30, 04:09 PM
Morgran moves to strike the wolf that attacked him, testing the strength of his enemy.
attack(+6): [roll0] \ Critical check(20): [roll1] / Damage(1d10+3): [roll2] / Critical Damage(x3): [roll3]

the wolf if fast enough to dodge your blow, with its reflex it ducks and avoid your mighty blow. The ferocious beast reacts at your hit with a bite luckily for you manage to deflect it with your weapon. you feel ready to hit the foe

you start walking towards the distant sound, the more you move in its direction, the more it grows, likes a distant battle, judging from the noises it shouldn't be more than a hundred meters in front of you. The Howling is also growing.

2019-09-30, 04:36 PM
"I think we should sprint into action. That person might need some help."

2019-09-30, 10:32 PM
"You heard people? I just heard the wolves. The pack must be attacking someone, then... Probably some traveler." - Gunnar picks up the pace - "Let's go all together, at the same speed, to avoid being singled out and overwhelmed." - The young man holds his torch in front of him and runs ready to throw his javelin at the first sign of trouble.

2019-09-30, 10:37 PM
"You heard people? I just heard the wolves. The pack must be attacking someone, then... Probably some traveler." - Gunnar picks up the pace - "Let's go all together, at the same speed, to avoid being singled out and overwhelmed." - The young man holds his torch in front of him and runs ready to throw his javelin at the first sign of trouble.
"Where wolves always finds it prey they mostly attack people or animals. So I assume it's pretty obvious. And to answer your question no but I do have a gut feeling that the wolves attacking people but I could be wrong."

2019-10-01, 05:51 AM
"I heard the sound of battle," Thelia said as she too picked up the pace. She was also wondering what was going on, as wolves normally didn't attack people. Well, first see what was going on, then figure out the why and the what and the how and so on.

2019-10-01, 06:29 AM
"Then I suggest we should run for it and see what it is. All this guessing is leaving me in suspense."

2019-10-02, 11:06 AM
"Good idea," Thelia said as she started to run, at least as fast as her armour would allow. She also hoped it wouldn't be too far, as long distance running had never been her strong point.

2019-10-02, 11:14 AM
Sarah is running and following Thelia.

2019-10-04, 09:12 PM
the wolf if fast enough to dodge your blow, with its reflex it ducks and avoid your mighty blow. The ferocious beast reacts at your hit with a bite luckily for you manage to deflect it with your weapon. you feel ready to hit the foe

you start walking towards the distant sound, the more you move in its direction, the more it grows, likes a distant battle, judging from the noises it shouldn't be more than a hundred meters in front of you. The Howling is also growing.

Obstinately, Morgran tries to hit the wolf again.
attack(+6): (1d20+6) \ Critical check(20): [ROLL]1d20+6 \ Damage(1d10+3): [roll1] / Critical Damage(x3): (3d10+9)[roll2]

2019-10-07, 05:02 PM
You prepare your stance with precision, the wolf jump towards you, his mouth wide open and blood in his eyes. You hold your grip on your weapon and in a blink of an eye you cut in two pieces the wolf. The beast emits a broken cry. and you can feel its warm blood soaking your armor, your hair and your beard. The bigger wolf has his eyes on you, while the two wolf which was flanking you decide to attack you.

you manage to dodge the wolf coming from your right, while for the wolf on your left you are too slow and he manages to land a bite on your calves, luckily your armor protects you from very serious damage.

Now you have two opponents against one, even though you feel the odds against you, you would never back down from a challenge, you catch your breath and react

you took 3 damages

all of you start to run towards the noises which intensify. you ran as fast as you can, after a while, you can see wolf attacking something, two of them are on the creature in the middle, while there are more coming

you see a dwarf in the middle, two wolves laying on the ground dead and a big wolf observing the situation and dark vision

Spot check only for Sarah and Thelia with -5 since you are running

2019-10-07, 05:08 PM
"I think we're getting closer on whatever it is. Keep running everyone." Sarah is continued to run on whatever so she'll have a closer look.

Spot: [roll0]

2019-10-07, 08:13 PM
You prepare your stance with precision, the wolf jump towards you, his mouth wide open and blood in his eyes. You hold your grip on your weapon and in a blink of an eye you cut in two pieces the wolf. The beast emits a broken cry. and you can feel its warm blood soaking your armor, your hair and your beard. The bigger wolf has his eyes on you, while the two wolf which was flanking you decide to attack you.

you manage to dodge the wolf coming from your right, while for the wolf on your left you are too slow and he manages to land a bite on your calves, luckily your armor protects you from very serious damage.

Now you have two opponents against one, even though you feel the odds against you, you would never back down from a challenge, you catch your breath and react

you took 3 damages

all of you start to run towards the noises which intensify. you ran as fast as you can, after a while, you can see wolf attacking something, two of them are on the creature in the middle, while there are more coming

you see a dwarf in the middle, two wolves laying on the ground dead and a big wolf observing the situation and dark vision

Spot check only for Sarah and Thelia with -5 since you are running

Morgran feels the warm blood of the wolf dripping down his face and the sharp pain in his calf. So he takes 5-foot step trying to get out of the flanking while he spins his axe to hit another wolf.
Attack (+6): [roll0] \ Critical check(20): [roll1] \ Damage(1d10+3): [roll2] / Critical Damage(x3): [roll3]

2019-10-07, 10:06 PM
Gunnar keeps the pace, trying not to outrun Thelia, who is in heavier armor and slower. He can hear something now and takes the front of the group, two paces ahead of the frailer elves, but not more.

He holds the torch in front of him, hoping to see something and that the fire will make any beasts to hesitate. His breathing is heavy with tension.

2019-10-08, 10:39 AM
Arriving at the clearing Thelia saw the wolves. 'Just great,' she thought as she went into a combat stance.

I'll start with a initiative roll as I assume it will be important soon enough: [roll0]

2019-10-11, 09:37 AM
you try to hit the wolf unsuccessfully, they both react at your attack they coordinate badly their timing and you managed to avoid all of their attack

please roll spot and listen

Thelia, Gunnar, Sarah and Jeremiplease roll initiative exept for Thelia, i will take her initiative

2019-10-11, 09:45 AM
Initative: [roll0]