View Full Version : Which Makes More Landmass, Wish or True Creation or Wall of Stone or...

2019-06-14, 06:21 AM
If spell level, gp, and xp dont matter, what spell is best for just flat out making landmass?

If one applies thebStronghold Builder's Guide rules for land ownership and uses those prices to let Wish just make landmass how much does one get?

Is it significantly more than a casting of True Creation or Wall of (material)?

Same question as above but for water both seawater and fresh.

Is stealing material from an infinite plane even more efficient? Acheron's iron cubes, elemental water and earth, etc?

Animate Objects or Minor Servitor to animate the material then Greter Plane Shift or G. Teleport to relocate it could work.

Or just build portals using the alt portal rule from the Underdark book that let's them move non-magical material.

How much material flows through a gate at the bottom of a sea/desert/volcano?

EDIT: It occurs to me to wonder what spell can modify ornsculpt the largest landmass?

2019-06-14, 09:08 AM
I mean arguably woudn't Wish make more if you ask for more, since Wish includes things beyond the finite things it suggests, only that it recommends the DM twists the wish.

So hey you now have a continent or two appearing from nothing, it's just radioactive, or full of whichever inevitable prevents unexplained landmasses popping into existence.

2019-06-14, 09:41 AM
I don't believe Polymorph Any Object has an upper-limit on the size of the resulting object so it should be rather effective at this task.

2019-06-14, 11:26 AM
Wish. The magic item creation clause doesn't care about mundane value, only enchantment cost xp. If xp is not a factor, you can Wish up an arbitrarily high value magic item. A flying castle in the SBG is made as a magic item, and so can be arbitrarily large once you dump xp cost considerations.

2019-06-15, 03:28 PM
Including Wish doesn't really seem fair to the other options since it can do just about anything if unchecked.

Of the remaining options, assuming a caster level of twenty, Wall of Stone. It wins because its an inch thick per four caster levels, meaning its five square feet per level is more than True Creation's one cubic foot per level at CL twelve. For comparison, Wall of Iron is one inch thick, period, though you can double the thickness by halving the length. By level twenty, Wall of Stone nets you forty-one cubic feet and one eight-inch-thick square foot of stone.

2019-06-15, 03:38 PM
Use Call Weaponry to call a planet, which is a viable weapon for Hulking Hurlers.

2019-06-15, 03:56 PM
Who needs spells? Wish for a nuclear bomb and use it to create your own country. With blackjack.

2019-06-15, 03:58 PM
If spell level, gp, and xp dont matter, what spell is best for just flat out making landmass?

If one applies thebStronghold Builder's Guide rules for land ownership and uses those prices to let Wish just make landmass how much does one get?

Is it significantly more than a casting of True Creation or Wall of (material)?

Same question as above but for water both seawater and fresh.

Is stealing material from an infinite plane even more efficient? Acheron's iron cubes, elemental water and earth, etc?

Animate Objects or Minor Servitor to animate the material then Greter Plane Shift or G. Teleport to relocate it could work.

Or just build portals using the alt portal rule from the Underdark book that let's them move non-magical material.

How much material flows through a gate at the bottom of a sea/desert/volcano?

EDIT: It occurs to me to wonder what spell can modify ornsculpt the largest landmass?

Elven High Magic is what you're looking for!

2019-06-15, 04:40 PM
Elven High Magic is what you're looking for!

Am not sure exactly what you mean.

2019-06-15, 05:07 PM
If neither spell level nor xp nor gp matters the best spell is wishing for a contingent twinned wish for a contingent twinned wish and so on infinitely and every three layers there is a wish that creates landmass mixed in.
thanks to that you make an infinity of landmass in 6 seconds.
If you are ready to use epic spell crafting rule you can create an epic spell that is infinitely mitigated(needs an infinity of participants spending their spell slots to cast) which takes -infinity days to create and spawns an infinity of resources thus being significantly faster than using wish(takes a negative time rather than a positive time).

2019-06-15, 05:09 PM
Twinned Wish is a DM fiat wish, which means you get all of them, but then the landmass falls over your head and crushes you along with every single thing you love.

2019-06-15, 05:10 PM
Twinned Wish is a DM fiat wish, which means you get all of them, but then the landmass falls over your head and crushes you along with every single thing you love.

Wish can create any magical item as a safe clause including a contingent twinned wish which is a magical item.(contingent spells can be magical items that can be built with craft contingent spell)
Of course I want infinite landmass so my loved ones would have necessarily disappeared in an infinite mass black hole.
the thread creator asked for the most landmass not for survival.
This wish I designed have an infinite xp cost but since xp cost does not matters it is valid.

2019-06-15, 06:43 PM
Use Call Weaponry to call a planet, which is a viable weapon for Hulking Hurlers.

Technically I think this wins, actually.

2019-06-15, 06:58 PM
Technically I think this wins, actually.

Technically Hulking Hurlers use improved weapons and their Really Throw Anything skill even specifies they can throw anything (not just weapons). There's a difference between the anything and actual weapons. A book is an improvised weapon for just about anyone and I doubt you can summon a book. You also can't call a specific weapon with Call Weaponry, only a type of weapon. Even if you said improvised weapons you'd summon a random anything in the universe. Finally, they can't actually throw planets because they don't have enough Strength to treat planets as a light load without some infinite shenanigans.

2019-06-15, 07:09 PM
Technically Hulking Hurlers use improved weapons and their Really Throw Anything skill even specifies they can throw anything (not just weapons). There's a difference between the anything and actual weapons. A book is an improvised weapon for just about anyone and I doubt you can summon a book. You also can't call a specific weapon with Call Weaponry, only a type of weapon. Even if you said improvised weapons you'd summon a random anything in the universe. Finally, they can't actually throw planets because they don't have enough Strength to treat planets as a light load without some infinite shenanigans.

there is finite sheanighans involving template +4 legs + warhulk+ a bunch of other things that did reach carry capacity so high it could probably lift a planet.

2019-06-15, 07:19 PM
Technically Hulking Hurlers use improved weapons and their Really Throw Anything skill even specifies they can throw anything (not just weapons). There's a difference between the anything and actual weapons. A book is an improvised weapon for just about anyone and I doubt you can summon a book. You also can't call a specific weapon with Call Weaponry, only a type of weapon. Even if you said improvised weapons you'd summon a random anything in the universe. Finally, they can't actually throw planets because they don't have enough Strength to treat planets as a light load without some infinite shenanigans.

Even a low OP level 25 wizard with no gishing and no infinite loops can get enough strength with a couple epic spells. If you instead use a level 20 Warhulk with four legs, enlarged to Colossal via various methods, enhanced with Bite of the Werebear, and maybe some templating, you can easily hold Earth with two fingers.

Plus, if the DM lets us consider improvised weapons as weapons, we'd be calling for a "Planet" type weapon, not a universal "improvised weapon" category, which includes everything from needles to galaxies(looking at you, Gurren Lagann).

2019-06-15, 07:22 PM
genesis? figure out a way to crash the plane into the material realm.

2019-06-16, 10:34 AM
Figure out whatever level summon spell (or just wish) it is to summon a Groudon from Pokemon? Use it to create all the land you want?

Do one of those caster level boost hijinx and shape earth to raise a continent from below the ocean?

2019-06-17, 06:50 AM
The answer is definitely Genesis. The landmass isn't created on the Prime material plane, but it's still created.

2019-06-17, 07:06 AM
The answer is definitely Genesis. The landmass isn't created on the Prime material plane, but it's still created.

It makes the world you want so I guess you can make an infinite mass black hole but you can make infinite mass black holes with infinite cost wishes so it is a tie since xp cost is ignored.

mabriss lethe
2019-06-17, 08:07 AM
If you don't mind the substance, wall of salt beats out wall of stone at 1 inch/cl