View Full Version : Origin of Ogres?

2019-06-14, 02:43 PM
I know that at some point I located a monster in a book that was described as the original race.
The Common Ogres are supposedly the offspring, caused by a curse.
I am requesting assistance with locating them. I do not need page number, merely book.
I thank you for any assistance.
I checked Planar, Manual, and Epic Level.

Nevermind. I found it, thank you.

2019-06-14, 03:05 PM
That sounds like the Dragonlance Campaign Setting. In there, the Ogres are the firstborn of the original 3 mortal races: 'Evil', with Elves being 'Good' and Humans 'Neutral'. At the end of the Age of Dreams, a group of them declared slavery to be wrong, and fled from the Empire when they could not convince the rest. They became the Irda, while the Ogre empire was smashed in a series of cataclysmic events both mundane and magical; the remaining evil Ogres devolved and mutated into the 'classic' ogres seen in the MM 1.

The original High Ogres were the very first mortal race created on Krynn, so I think this is what you are remembering.

2019-06-14, 03:10 PM
Well, the "Giantcraft" Forgotten Realms book by Ray Winninger details a mythology of how Giants and Giant-kin are related, and Ogres sort under Giant-kin, so maybe there?

EDIT: ViperMagnum is probably correct

2019-06-14, 03:41 PM
Yes. Irda are also covered in a splat book.
There are still surviving original recipe Ogres, though I cannot recall the book or their stat block.
It took me a while to locate them (ed: The Irda), but I did so.... Having a copy of every 3.X book can be a bit daunting when hunting for a specific entry.

So, thank you again... Now to find the other one(s) in the myriad tomes of long forgotten lore...

I may have to crack open 2e or older books... This could take a while.
Then I would have to convert them to a more modern Monster... I plan on using one in my campaign as a plot driving device.

There are actually several High Ogre races. So... Fun?

2019-06-14, 06:56 PM
Irda are detailed in the Dragonlance Campaign Setting book. Here's their stats as summarized in my [3.5] LA +1 & LA +2 Player Race List (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?189980)

Irda - medium humanoid (shapechanger) (DCS) -2 Con, +2 Int, +2 Cha, Change Shape, SLAs, Wizard

2019-06-14, 08:55 PM
The Primordial Giant template applied to an ogre is also pretty nice. Even better on an ogre mage, of course. The Ogre Titan template is even better, but that's a bit much for an entire race, perhaps.

2019-06-15, 12:33 AM
The NPC in question is the only surviving Immortal of the Proto-Ogres.
The Historian.
As Humans were offshoots of the Ogres in one of the older storylines (Canon?) he is attempting to bring his race back.
It is an almost entirely homebrewed setting. I just needed an entity to fill the role.
Here is an outline of the background in my campaign world, much of which is old Canon:

"Ogres were created by the Gods of Darkness at the beginning of creation as the first intelligent race.
Before elves, humans, dragons or dwarves.

They were given immortality, and unparalleled intellect, as well as an unlimited capacity for the arcane arts.

They grew their civilization, with magic being used for even mundane matters, down to lighting a candle. They did not need materials nor invocations, their magic was entirely powered by force of will. (Like a sorcerer is supposed to be.)

They reached such great heights in their advancement that they could reshape the world as they desired, or even create entirely new planes for their personal use.

But the other gods returned, and cast the Elder Gods down to the earth (notice no caps).

The creation of the other races followed, but the gods who created them were still alive, though diminished, and began to teach their creations directly. This led to their corruption, and they began to descend into evil.

There was a schism, however, and those that would continue in the old ways (the Neutral ones) were cursed by the Old Ones, giving birth to children that had the potential but lacked the ability to match their parents. These were humans, the humans were then enslaved by the fallen Ogres.

The brutality of the now Evil Ogres continued to worsen. Until some were so disgusted by it that they threw away what had led their people to greatness. They became vegitarians, and fearing their own nature took on a stance of isolation, to protect both themselves and others. They chose to live in harmony with the world.

The Dark Ogres continued their advance. Their great works culminating in removing their gods from power, and granting them their powers in their stead. But what this caused was a catastrophe. Their makers gave them too a Curse in retaliation for their betrayal. Their intelllect, beauty and arcane might all but gone. The Ogres were born."