View Full Version : The Plane of Mirrors is a Xerox Machine

2019-06-16, 10:01 AM
When one enters the Plane of Mirrors a mirror duplicate is created that is identical in every way except that it a) isnt carrying any mirrors carried by the original, b) is of an opposite alignment, and c) is an Outsider.
Oh and it can't leave until it kills it's original.

So, as a minion master this is awesome.
This let's us Xerox our minions by tying them up, chucking them into the mirror, then dominating or controlling whatever walks out, and finally resurrecting our hapless fodder.

What's better, every separate set of connected mirrors can explicitly make a new unique mirror duplicate. Oh and just about any reflective surface can spawn a new mirror plane-let thanks to.the Mirror Walking spell.

So now we can repeatedly make Outsider versions of whatever we toss in. Even ignoring the item duplication this is intriguing.
Simulacrums and Ice Assassins, while amusing and cheap to reproduce aren't as useful since the original cant be resurrected. However if you're setting up shop inside the mirror plane then you can get twice the workforce with a little mind control.
Alternatively, theoretical outsider versions of any creature are now possible with Simulacrum. Or Gate-able too.

Animated Objects and Minor Servitors and Awakened Sands are better just because the corpse of the original can just be re animated with its progenitor spell.
Outsider versions of Animated Objects of special materials sounds especially tasty. Outsiders made of Obdurium or Riverine are just cool.

Undead get kinda weird. Theoretically, you could send in an undead, get the mirror duplicate, kill it, then raise it as the same undead. Right? A neat little bit of potential template stacking there.
Nevermind, "If slain, a mirror-self shatters, along with all items it possesses." Last sentence of the upper-right paragraph on page 205.
Hm. Shattered remaind are still remains. Though doubtful they count as a corpse though.

Zodar farming could be cool. Every mirror duplicate Zodar has it's own iteration of its once per year wish. You've just gotta nab it before it uses said wish to ruin your day is all.

As for how to actually minimize the mirror duplicates I recommend traps. The mirror portals are a bottleneck for entry and egress. Just trap.the crap outta the area inside the mirror plane and without.

This makes me wonder what the cost would be to just put a Monstrous Thrall effect on the gateway mirror itself so that any duplicate that went through got zapped and commanded on it's way out of the mirror plane.

2019-06-17, 12:09 AM
Freakin Int Magic Items being Constructs.
Toss one into the mirror plane then laugh as its Outsider duplicate lays there experiencing an impotent burning desire to slay its originator.

Also funny is tossing in a riverine Minor Servitor and laughing as the two desperately try to damage each other, forever.

An idea, because mirrors aren't duplicated a mirror of life trapping or even a pile of mundane mirrors could shift the balance in your favor against your duplicate self. Just animate your mirrors and viola, a pile of extra actions to trounce your duplicate that they'll be hard pressed to compete with.