View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Gestalt: best pair for a wizard

2019-06-16, 06:49 PM
Hi Ground,

I’d like to have your recommendations for a gestalt build.

Main class is a Diviner Wizard, and my first thought was to pair it with a base unchained rogue.

Do you have any other suggestion for a better second class?

Thank you.


2019-06-16, 07:39 PM
Alchemist is a good choice, getting you the other two good saves (Fort and Reflex.) Bombs supplement your spellcasting well, giving you ways to affect foes that are resistant or immune to spells. Alternatively, if you want to be a gish build, consider the Metamorph archetype, which trades out the alchemist bombs and extracts for long-duration shapeshifting into humanoid, monstrous humanoid, and giant forms - all of which can perform the components needed for your wizard magic.

If you don't mind the fort save being weak, consider also the Investigator, especially the Empiricist archetype - this lets you be a very skilled character and apply your high intelligence score to a bunch of new skills like Perception or Disable Device.

Slayer also gets you good fortitude and reflex, plus high skills, d10 HD and full BAB. Armor interferes with your casting though so this one might be a better fit for something like Psychic.

Unchained Rogue is fine too.

2019-06-17, 09:09 AM
Actually the PC is only an elf diviner wizard with ability 7,18,12,20,11,7 but due to the lack of players it could became a gestalt.

Adventure is a dungeon crawling kind of Tomb of Horrors/Rappan Athuk.

The idea was to have a battlefield controller wizard.


2019-06-17, 09:14 AM
Actually the PC is only an elf diviner wizard with ability 7,18,12,20,11,7 but due to the lack of players it could became a gestalt.

Adventure is a dungeon crawling kind of Tomb of Horrors/Rappan Athuk.

The idea was to have a battlefield controller wizard.


That's even more reason to cover off on multiple bases (all good saves, better skills, BAB etc) with your gestalt, so I'd say my recommendations stand. If you die to a trap or a fort save, you won't live to control the battlefield.

I would probably go with Trapbreaker Alchemist over Rogue as the other half here given the module you're running. Setting off some traps at a distance is crucial in Tomb of Horrors or anything like it.