View Full Version : Help with High Level Urban Adventure

2019-06-17, 05:50 PM
The party is a trio of 13th level characters and they are insanely powerful. We've decided to do some "downtime" mixed in with a little bit of urban adventuring in between big quests. Here's the scoop:

The Mage: A blast / social caster with insane social skills and magic affinity. I'd like to emphasize her expertise in Arcana and Persuasion during this adventure. Any ideas for social encounters / challenges for 13th level characters?

The Sniper: A ranged attacker and highly skilled infiltrator, this character is especially good with techno-gadgets, stealth, and also has some divine magic. I'd like to provide this character with crime, heist, and tech related opportunities that don't feel boring for a 13th level character. Ideas?

The Brute: An insanely fast and mobile melee fighter with a high athletics score and some intimidate skill. I want to try to engage this character in die-rolling and narrative fun but I'm not sure how to do this in an urban, somewhat downtime-ish session.

The Adversary: I'd like to try to stat up and flesh out an NPC who is spearheading an inquisition into who is responsible for destroying a temple of Heironeous several months ago (hint, the PC's did it). I'd like this character to be an inconvenience to them and to be actively trying to oppose their efforts in some way. I'd like to have this guy hunting down cultists and persecuting wrongdoers harshly, but I'd also like to give the players a lot of latitude on how they want to deal with him (maybe they want to fight him, slip under the radar and evade his notice, or foil him politically, economically, or legally in some way).

I want to give this guy some rock solid paladin-ish stats and powers that would make him a real challenge for the party in all of these arenas. Any suggestions on how to do this? Stats I should look at or anything like that?