View Full Version : Wild magic mechanic question

2019-06-18, 09:24 AM
When my Wild Magic Sorcerer/Paladin uses a spell level to power a smite, does that allow for/call for possibly rolling on the wild magic table?

2019-06-18, 09:42 AM
No. It's powered by spell slots but it's not casting a spell. You'll be glad for that sometimes since that also means it can't be counterspelled.

2019-06-18, 09:46 AM
Not by Raw, but that would be super fun.

2019-06-18, 11:37 AM
You could talk with your DM about it proccing a Surge on a Divine Smite if you want.

Not sure why you'd want it, bit it could be flavorful.

Monster Manuel
2019-06-18, 01:20 PM
As a DM, I'd let you do it.

RAW, though, I don't think you could. The Wild Magic Sorcerer rolls for a Wild Magic Surge "immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or greater".

You might be using a multiclass spell slot that came from the sorcerer to fuel the Smite, but it's not a sorcerer spell. I think, even if you used one of the paladin smite spells (Searing Smite, let's say), it still wouldn't trigger a wild surge since it's not a sorcerer spell.

But I also think a huge weakness of the wild magic sorcerer is how ambiguous and hard it is to trigger a surge, so if a player came to me and asked if this would work, I'd happily allow it, even if the rules don;t technically support it.

2019-06-18, 01:29 PM
I do believe in interpreting "sorcerer spell" fairly liberally. If you cast from an item and that spell is on the sorcerer list, I would consider that a sorcerer spell. I might make an exception if it's from an item that can't be attuned by a sorcerer like a Bard instrument.