View Full Version : Using Telekinesis on a screaming locks trap

2019-06-18, 02:51 PM
I'm running the Dragon's Demand game for some players, and they are using the Telekinesis to open the a door or chest with a screaming lock trap, what I did was, as it written before the class was invented, that the trap triggered and moved along the ability to the player and targeted that player, now one of the players is now mentioning that it was a bit harsh as he was using some smart thinking and what not... How would you guys have played it??

2019-06-19, 11:49 AM
We're gonna need a bit more information on what exactly a screaming lock trap is.

2019-06-19, 12:32 PM
I saw your thread yesterday and just dismissed it cause I was on my phone and it'd be too much of a hassle responding.

First: you gotta stop assuming everyone will somehow have that exact supplement on top of their shelves/computer folders for some reason. Tell us the background about the situation. Where is this happening? I'm assuming some sort of dungeon. What does the trap do, and how is it triggered? There's a number of telekinesis spells/powers/special abilities, etc; which are your players using in this case?

2019-06-20, 07:33 AM
Sorry, let me ask it again...

I'm running the Dragon's Demand game for some players, and they are using the Telekinesis to open the a door or chest with a screaming lock trap,

The trap


CR 3 XP 800

Type magic; Perception DC 26; Disable Device DC 26

EFFECTS Trigger touch; Reset none Effect spell effect (ear-piercing scream"M; target is dazed for 1 round and takes 4d6 points of sonic damage; Fortitude DC 16 halves damage and negates daze)

what I did was, as it written before the class was invented, that the trap triggered and moved along the ability to the player and targeted that player, now one of the players is now mentioning that it was a bit harsh as he was using some smart thinking and what not... How would you guys have played it??

2019-06-20, 08:00 AM
Sorry, let me ask it again...

I'm running the Dragon's Demand game for some players, and they are using the Telekinesis to open the a door or chest with a screaming lock trap,

The trap


CR 3 XP 800

Type magic; Perception DC 26; Disable Device DC 26

EFFECTS Trigger touch; Reset none Effect spell effect (ear-piercing scream"M; target is dazed for 1 round and takes 4d6 points of sonic damage; Fortitude DC 16 halves damage and negates daze)

what I did was, as it written before the class was invented, that the trap triggered and moved along the ability to the player and targeted that player, now one of the players is now mentioning that it was a bit harsh as he was using some smart thinking and what not... How would you guys have played it??

Ah, the trap is based off the Ear-Piercing Scream (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/e/ear-piercing-scream/) spell. At 4d6 damage, it appears to have CL 8, for a range of 45 ft. If your player had triggered the trap within the 45 ft range and in line of effect, I would have told them that they were still close enough for the spell to affect them. If they were further away or behind a barrier, I would have just had the spell not affect them at all.

2019-06-20, 02:14 PM
Sorry, let me ask it again...

I'm running the Dragon's Demand game for some players, and they are using the Telekinesis to open the a door or chest with a screaming lock trap,

The trap


CR 3 XP 800

Type magic; Perception DC 26; Disable Device DC 26

EFFECTS Trigger touch; Reset none Effect spell effect (ear-piercing scream"M; target is dazed for 1 round and takes 4d6 points of sonic damage; Fortitude DC 16 halves damage and negates daze)

what I did was, as it written before the class was invented, that the trap triggered and moved along the ability to the player and targeted that player, now one of the players is now mentioning that it was a bit harsh as he was using some smart thinking and what not... How would you guys have played it??

Which class? Details, please.

As far as I know, magic traps shouldn't react to being touched by magic, should them? Can Telekinesis(the spell, cause I don't know if you're using that or something else, from your weird wording) even be used to open locks? Is your player actually using some weird Pathfinder-specific version of 3.5's Microkinesis? Because otherwise you should not allow players to do such intricate movements via Telekinesis.

Maat Mons
2019-06-20, 04:06 PM
Maybe the player is a Kineticist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/alternative-rule-systems/occult-adventures/occult-classes/kineticist) who Picked Telekinetic Finesse as one of his Utility Wild Talents? Otherwise, I got nuthin'.

Edit: On the actual question...

The trap doesn't specify a range. But it's trigger is "touch." So I personally would have ruled that the range was also touch. This would mean the player would not be effected... supposing the trap actually triggers.

But, anyway, since I don't think telekinetically manipulating something from across the room counts as touching it, I would have ruled that the trap didn't trigger in the first place. Out of curiosity, if the player picks up a hot iron with telekinesis, are you ruling that he's burned just as he would be if he'd put his hand on it? Are you letting the player use his telekinesis to deliver touch spells at range?