View Full Version : PTU Kalos

2019-06-20, 12:29 PM
It’s the first day of summer, and trainers from all across Kalos have gathered in Vaniville Town for the annual festival that marks the start of many trainers’ formal careers.

The quaint little town has more than doubled in size for the event. Hotels bear glowing “No Vacancy” signs, so many local families have put up visiting trainers in spare bedrooms or sleeping on couches. Other trainers stay in tents clustered at the outskirts of town.

As soon as the sun rises, the town bursts into activity. Aspiring trainers descend on the market square at the town’s center. The Pokemon League has set up a bunch of booths. New trainers are checked in, any pre-existing Pokemon are registered, and your photograph is taken for your official Trainer ID. Each of you receives a Pokedex from the last League official, before being escorted through to a series of brightly colored booths. Each sponsor has a booth where a representative greets new trainers and gives both a package of equipment and their starter Pokemon.

The League itself has three booths, one green, one red, and one blue, giving out their Grass, Fire, and Water starters. The Restauranteur’s Association has laid out a light breakfast for its trainers. Coffee, tea, and a variety of Berry juices are arranged on one table, while another is piled high with elaborately decorated pastries. A young man and woman, each in bright red-orange suits with matching mirrored sunglasses survey the crowd from the Team Flare booth, while a woman in a white jacket interacts with the trainers. The Press and Media booth has screens showing the news and both local and international newspapers on display, but most of the trainers already have their Pokedexes out, snapping selfies with their starters or furiously taking notes on everything going on. The Laverre Gym booth is a sensory overload, its bright colors paired with cheerful singing and a half dozen competing floral scents. It’s clear the gruff trainers working the neighboring Snowbelle Gym booth are quickly growing tired of their neighbors.

The area quickly becomes congested as linger to greet their starters and chat with the representatives of their sponsor. A League official with a megaphone calls out,
Keep the line moving please! Once you have received your Pokemon, please proceed towards the Route 1 Fairgrounds!

GM Note: Feel free to be a little timey-wimey and RP the above part if you wish. I didn’t want to linger too long on it because I figured there’d be more opportunity below:

Route 1 is a relatively short path, just a few short miles connecting Vaniville to its northern neighbor, Aquacorde Town. Unlike some of the wilder routes in other parts of the region, the area has been completely developed and landscaped. The gentle hills are dotted with trees, and the ponds along the path are too regularly shaped to be natural. Low wrought-iron fences separate this parkland from thicker trees to the east and west.

The whole route has been converted into a massive fairground. Hundred of new trainers are spilling out from Vaniville Town, but they are not alone. Many friends and family members have gathered to celebrate their loved ones’ achievement. Older trainers have come to reunite with former traveling buddies, and thousands of tourists have descended from every corner of the world to take part in one of Kalos’ most famous traditions.

Noteworthy locations include:

A vast, open air bazaar. Some vendors sell basic equipment like Poke Balls and Potions. Others have racks of clothing (for people and Pokemon), handmade crafts and souvenirs, and all manner of other goods. Groomers, fortune tellers, and others offer their services as well.
Organizations and companies from across Kalos have tents showcasing their work, handing out flyers and swag. All the sponsors also have a presence here, as well as other organizations
A number small fields for Pokemon battles, where new trainers are already getting their first experience with their starters. A handful of battlefields are set up for less conventional battles. Ducklett ponds and reflecting pools have been converted so Water Pokemon can fight in an ideal environment, and two elevated platforms tower above the route, allowing for Sky Battles. Some rings feature trainer combat, with observers closely watching to make sure things don’t progress beyond friendly sparring.
Not far from the battlers, a massive pink tent, easily the size of a football field, bears the logo of the Pokemon Center, providing services to Pokemon and human alike.
A variety of amusement park rides, including a Ferris wheel, have been set up throughout the route.
Stages have been set up at various points along the route. A rotating series of musicians, actors, and other performers cycle through. The largest stage, near the Aquacorde end of the route, is being set up for Pokemon Contests.
A large paved pavilion has been converted into a massive food court. Offerings range from pushcart vendors selling simple snacks to full service restaurants, complete with white tablecloths and four-course menus.
Though most of the new trainers quickly begin to disperse into the fairgrounds, you notice a handful peel off towards the edges of the route. One by one, they hop the fences, heading into the woods beyond.

Despite the League’s efficiency, the registration process still takes a couple hours, so its somewhere around 10-11 AM when you get onto the fairground. The fair will last all day. Tomorrow morning, the reigning Champion, Diantha, will formally welcome trainers, and lead them across Aquacorde Bridge as the first steps in their Pokemon Journey.

Feel free to pick an area and head off and explore. Hopefully you start to run into the other players. For the battle option, if two of you would like to battle each other, we can do that, otherwise you’re welcome to face off against NPCs.

2019-06-20, 05:48 PM
Veronica had been lucky enough that some family friends had offered to let her stay with them in Vaniville for the festival. Although she had had a comfy bed to sleep in she had not got much sleep as she was too excited about the big day. Yawning as she gets ready for the day Veronica can't help but feel excited about what she would see at the festival.

When she arrived in the square she quickly headed for the registration desk, a large smile on her face showing her excitement of going on her journey. Once she received her ID and Pokedex from the League officials she knew exactly where she wanted to go and with a little difficulty from the massing crowd managed to get to the Laverre Gym's booth. Greeting the girls running the booth Veronica is handed the Laverre Gym kit and the Pokeball containing her first official Pokemon.

When the League Official tells everyone to move out to the fairgrounds Veronica hurries out the gate onto the route to get out of everyone's way and to meet her new Pokemon. Seeing a nearby hill with a nice tree to sit under she goes over and sits under the tree to have her first meeting with her new Pokemon. Once she arrives there she lets Calanthe out of her ball and says to the young Ralts, "Let's meet our new friend Calanthe, but before we do I'd like you to hang back a little bit as the Gym people told me that this one is very cute and soft, two things you love to latch onto so try hold back OK?"

With the little talk finished and Calanthe hugging onto her from behind and peeking around her Veronica lets out the new member of their team who once fully materialized shakes its body a bit before spinning around in a circle for a few seconds before catching sight of Veronica and Calanthe watching it in glee. Letting out a yip of surprise the white Vulpix jumps back a bit before seeing that the new people aren't chasing it settles down. Once the little fox pokemon had settled down Veronica slowly approached it holding out a hand for it to sniff at with Calanthe gripping tightly to her, "Hi there little one I'm Veronica and gripping onto me here is Calanthe, welcome to our little group of friends. I think a beautiful name for such a pretty Pokemon would be...Eirwen, yes Eirwen seems perfect for you"

When Veronica calls Eirwen pretty she feels a little hit from Calanthe and turning slightly to the Ralts who was pouting at her she says, "Of course you're pretty too Calanthe you and I both know that. I'm lucky to have two Pokemon that are as beautiful as you two are" Giving the little Vulpix a scratch under her snout, something which she approves of greatly as her eyelids droop a bit in enjoyment at it. Turning to her two Pokemon Veronica says, "Shall we head for the battle area to see what Eirwen can do?" The two Pokemon give her a nod (and a little bark from Eirwen) before the trio heads off to see what they can do there, Calanthe following along behind her and occasionally trying to get into the bag she carries before being shooed off by Veronica and Eirwen who is being carried by her Trainer.

2019-06-20, 08:41 PM
Sakura yawns as she wanders around the festival in a haze. Being summer and further north than Kanto, morning came earlier than she had really expected, and the exhaustion was clear on her face. Clinging to her shoulder, the small Tyrogue Taekyun taps her on the head and points to the stand with snazzy looking folks in red. His trainer, too tired to argue, and a foggy memory of "Team Flare will be the well dressed adults with red-orange suits" rattling around in her head, turns and takes a deep breath, now trying to wake herself up and make a modicum of presentability to her benefactors.


The woman seemed been nice enough, Sakura's accent apparently hiding some of the fatigue. "A Pancham," she had said. "Bit of a mischief maker, but if you raise it right, it will be a strong, reliable ally." As the woman gets Sakura's other things together, Sakura looks through he Pokédex for the mon's entry.

They does their best to be taken seriously by enemies, but lack the glare to be sufficiently intimidating. Chewing on a leaf seem to be their trademark, but there's no clear point to it, aside from an effort to look cool. They are mischievous, and so not well suited to inexperienced trainers.

Handing the device to Taekyun, Sakura walks around to get a feel for the festival while the small Fighting-type looks in awe at the electronic screen in its hand. Exactly what she said. And not suited for inexperienced trainers. Perfect... Looking at the other stands and having watched what the woman put in the bag, she was rather surprised at the minimal amount of medical supplies. Five potions ran out pretty quickly on a bad day, and Weedle and Butterfree... exist. Well, in Kanto they did. She hadn't read up too much on what wild Pokémon to watch out for here, but there were almost certainly Pokémon that employed Poison and Paralysis, so she makes her first stop one of the shops.
Purchasing 5 Fresh Waters, 2 Antidote, 2 Paralyze Heals, and 3 Bandages

Assumed that assorted survival gear included a lighter, a water filter, and a flashlight. Please correct if wrong.

Continuing to wander around, Sakura is naturally drawn to the battles, and watches a few go back and forth, but quickly becomes bored. Most of the Pokémon were too young to know any of the flashier moves that they would learn later, and things quickly become Tackle battles. Hm... Let's test out how well the other novices can protect their selves... Most of the other trainers there were probably better at conducting a battle than her, especially if any of them had Pokémon with a ranged attack, but how many could hold their own if a Houndour decided that they were maybe an easier target?

...she looks fun. Sakura heads over to the toned girl with half a dozen hair accessories (Veronica). "Hey, you look like you know your way around a scuffle. Want to have a little spar? Looks like most of the others here wouldn't last a minute if they tripped over a Geodude."

2019-06-20, 09:23 PM
Veronica had been scouting out what the trainers already at the battle area when she was approached by Sakura and turning to the newcomer held out a hand and replied, "Oh yeah a lot of them do look like that, a good fight might be good. My name's Veronica what's yours?"

2019-06-20, 10:01 PM
”Sakura, and this little one with me is Taekyun,” the redhead says, shrugging the shoulder with the Tyrogue. “Still a bit tired from the trip here, but that’s part of why we came over here.”

2019-06-20, 11:44 PM
Venturing out into the world like this was not a comfortable move for Gregory. He was used to being taken care of, a safe environment. Although after having met Xerosic, he was so energized to start his career as a Pokemon trainer. It made the entire experience, the booths, the horde of new trainers, the sponsors, the welcome gifts, so special to him. He was overflown with happiness just from having made the decision to do this.

The absolute first thing he would do was to train his Pokemon, just like Xerosic instructed him. Afterwards he immediately ventured out to Team Flare's booth. They gave him the standard package, but spotted two Pokeballs hanging from his belt. When Greg noticed them staring at it, he immediately started apologizing "Oh yeah Xerosic already gave me my Grimer. Sorry I should have mentioned, I'm not trying to get more from Team Flare than I already have. You guys are so awesome. Well I should say ... we are awesome right ..." They didn't seem very amused, facial emotions are not that obvious when wearing sunglasses all day, after all.

+7 EXP to Jive & Grubs
Both are now Focused
Gregory didn't know what to do at the festival. He didn't know anyone so far and he was still a bit insecure. Aside from that he didn't exactly told his family or friends that he was about to do this. He regretted that though, seeing all those happy families celebrating with each other. Mothers and fathers being proud of their daughters and sons, taking the first steps on their journeys. He lingered around at Team Flare's booth for a couple of hours. Until one of the sunglassed sponsors got annoyed: "Kid ... we're sponsoring a bunch of new trainers. But we have high expectations. We cannot accept the typical laziness that is portrayed by the nobels, who sit in their towers all day doing nothing. Now I'm not saying that you are lazy. But you are gonna have to prove yourself to us."

Panic was the first emotion driving through Greg's body and mind. "Sh*t sh*t sh*t ... they think I'm a loser ..." He nodded and walked away, looking at the trainers along the road battling one another, trying to figure out what he should be doing. Then he caught a glimpse of a couple of red cloaked trainers hopping the fence into the woods. Even though it looked dangerous, he didn't wanna get left behind by Team Flare, he wouldn't want them to reject them as well, like his dad did.

"Wait for me!" He shouted from a distance as he ran after them.

2019-06-21, 01:22 AM
The air is filled with the sounds of happy new pokemon trainers, and their proud families, excited and happy to be going on their first adventure. On the outskirts of this joyful celebration a black car pulls up, and the girl who climbs out, dragging a large piece of luggage behind her, is not happy. Movement in the car suggests someone is waving to her behind the tinted windows, "Make us proud, dear." To which she simply responds with a glare before making her way towards registration, muttering curses in French under her breath. She musters herself long enough to take a decent photograph for her trainer ID, before stomping her way over to the Restauranteur Association booth, snatching a cup of coffee from one of the tables and continuing on to the fairgrounds without a backward glance. Coffee acquired she seems a little less outwardly hostile, though still a far cry from the happy faces surrounding her. She takes a few moments to take in the sights of the festival, with a glance at the Bazaar she looks down at her PokeGear and her account balance and wrinkles her nose in disgust, Only $2500, what can I even get for that? Instead she makes her way to where she can see trainers battling, determined to make a start on earning more money and showing her parents up. "How hard can battling be?" Choosing some harmless looking kid almost at random she points at them imperiously, "You, I shall allow you to battle me."

2019-06-21, 04:37 AM
"Well then shall we get this battle started?" Veronica says as she carefully places Eirwen on the ground at her side and waited for the answer to her question.

2019-06-21, 07:47 AM
”I am if you are.”
Do we want a map, or just theater of the mind?
I think we’re both Speed 12, so... coin flip for who goes first?

2019-06-21, 10:05 AM
Adalene Chastain (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rcZ_Gzavs2gedj5h3enSWF-SqDwfBNXfYAtEFuaDYns/edit?usp=sharing)
Green Chef


Adalene had only just arrived the night prior, but thankfully her sister's initial reservation for the hotel was transferable. She had slept well despite the nerves and excitement. It wasn't uncommon for her to wander the trails outside the city on her own when she went out looking for ingredients, so the traveling didn't have her worried. She was never really alone anyway. Ginger was always with her.

The morning was a mad rush of preparations. The young chef busily whipped together a breakfast for the bellsprout and herself while making sure she had everything she needed. Checking her pokedex, she couldn't help but take a picture of Ginger on their way to the booth to receive their new companion. She had already sent her choice to the Restraunteur Association. It simply had to be a fire type. Ginger might not like the idea, but the utility of a ready heat source for cooking out on the road was too good to pass up. That and it covered a massive gap in Ginger's own defenses. This was about more than just cooking. Adalene had to remind herself of that as soon as she saw the table filled with treats.

She smiled and thanked the Association's rep upon receiving the ball. Ginger wavered along to stand behind her leg as she released the fire type. The black and orange canine yawned and stretched before sitting and tilting its head slightly at Adalene. She held up the pokedex and hit the scan button. The computer chirped to life.

"Houndour: It cooperates with others skillfully. When it becomes your partner, it's very loyal to you as its Trainer and will obey your orders."

"Oh that's so cool. I know we're going to be perfect partners!" Adalene knelt down and dug in her bag. The houndour sniffed for a moment and approached. Ginger stepped out as if ready to defend Adalene. "No need to fight. We're all a team. To celebrate, I made you snacks!" She held up two small jars and opened the lids, setting them in front of both Pokemon. It took a few moments for both to take their eyes from the other and focus on the food, but once done, they quickly devoured it and seemed content. "See? We'll get strong if we stick together and work as a team."

"Hmm... it looks like a lot of the trainers are already starting battles. I think we should train first and then see if we can get another team mate." The houndour barked in agreement. "Oh! I almost forgot. I had already thought about it when I asked for a fire type, but I'm going to call you Saffron." She patted the canine's head and stood up while putting her bag on her shoulder. She walked toward the fence that she saw others hop.

Adalene froze in her tracks when she heard the shout. "You!" She turned around to see a face that she recognized. She gave an small awkward wave to Margeux. "What are the chances?" She scratched her head a bit. "Were you challenging me just now?"


Adalene used an item! Babyfood given to Ginger. (9/10)
Adalene used an item! Babyfood given to Saffron. (8/10)

2019-06-21, 12:48 PM
Some of the steam Margeux had been building up dissipates, "Ah yes, you." Who is that? She looks familiar? One of the servant children, no that can't be it... Something about... Contests? Food? Courmaline? Ah hah! Yes! That's it! "Adelaide! I didn't expect to see you here! Yes I suppose I was challenging you just now. It's fine if you don't want to, I'm probably pretty intimidating." She seems to have recovered some of her confidence, she takes another sip of her coffee.

2019-06-21, 01:01 PM
Adalene Chastain (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rcZ_Gzavs2gedj5h3enSWF-SqDwfBNXfYAtEFuaDYns/edit?usp=sharing)
Green Chef


Adalene pursed her lips at being called the wrong name. She smiled and shook her head. Not everyone could be expected to remember her, not yet anyway. "I had planned on trying to catch another team member, but training now should be fine. They have a Center tent here anyway. A standard single battle agreeable?" She held a pokeball in her hand as she looked toward Margeux, as if she had already decided the pokemon she would be using.


2019-06-21, 01:12 PM
Margeux briefly looks surprised before returning to her mask of confidence, "Of course." She pulls a black and silver pokeball from one of her pockets, summoning a Gothita, "Shall we?" The Gothita brushes some dust off herself, looking up at Adalene with mild interest.

2019-06-21, 01:43 PM
Adalene Chastain (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rcZ_Gzavs2gedj5h3enSWF-SqDwfBNXfYAtEFuaDYns/edit?usp=sharing)
Green Chef


Adalene hits the button on the standard pokeball, releasing the houndour. It looks over it's shoulder toward it's new trainer. She gave a firm nod and it lowered it's body and growled loudly at the pokemon across the field. "Alright Saffron, it's your first battle! Let's give it everything!" The canine barked in agreement.

"The Sun gave your food it's power Saffron, you can use that to strengthen yourself!" The houndour seemed to recognize her directions and become more energized as it released a blast of flame at it's opponent.


[Trainer Initiative: 10]
Adalene uses Sunlight Within! (2 AP bound)

[Pokemon Initiative: 18]
Houndour uses Ember!
Attack: [roll0]; burns on 18+
Damage: [roll1] Special / Fire

2019-06-21, 02:49 PM
"Since you challenged me I'll let you go first" Veronica says and stands ready for her opponent to do their thing.

2019-06-21, 03:04 PM
Smirking, Sakura adopts a mobile stance and hops into the air, aiming a roundhouse kick toward the other trainer’s chest.
Move Action: Flutter - AC increases by 3, immune to flanking
Standard Action - Rolling Kick
AC 4: [roll0] 15-20 Flinch
Damage: [roll1]
If crit: +[roll2]

2019-06-21, 08:56 PM
Trainer Initiative: 11
Pokemon Initiative: 8

Lisette has a Sp.Def of 10 so takes 23 damage, leaving her on 16 HP, with 2 Injuries, if my calculations are correct, this is going to be a quick one :smalleek:
Lisette the Gothita cringes as the flames burn her severely, Margeux's confidence wavers slightly, "Hang in there, Lisette! Use your psychic attack!" Lisette responds by looking back at her incredulously, seeming to shrug before aiming a pulse of psychic energy at Saffron the Houndour, which passes over him harmlessly. Margeux watches on in ironic confusion and mounting horror. I'm going to lose...
Does Confusion's extra effect still happen if Saffron's immune to the damage? Let's roll anyway: [roll0]

Lisette was always losing this fight, her physical attack is pretty miserable.

2019-06-21, 11:18 PM

"Hello Rototubers, this is Marley Knowles, on the first day of a wonderful Pokemon trainer journey. We," Marley said as he pulled the two Pokeballs from his other hand - his main one has a firm hold on the selfie stick right now - right by his face for the camera, playing them with his fingers a little bit, putting a little whimsical on the screen. "are at the New Trainer Festival -- or maybe there's a formal name that I didn't know, pardon this ignorant foreigner, haha. Anyway, we are in Vaniville Town of Kalos, a small quiet town currently overwhelmed by the crowd. I asked some of the locals and they said this was the busiest time of the year. No surprise. Anyway, let's go and check out the what's we got around here. Don't worry, I did not forget about introducing my Pokemon, I just figured we can meet them later on, this place is a bit too noisy to do proper introduction." He looked around at his fellow sponsored trainers, who were very into selfies or reporting. Between the the constant flashing lights and the crowded noise, he really believed he made the right decision. Either way, he recorded himself walking around and taking pictures - alongside the video - around the Press and Media booth so he could do some post commentary later on.

As he left the booth, he found a quiet corner - which admitted was very hard to find in this place, took him a long while of walking - and took a deep breath. Man, it's not easy being a Rototuber. My hand is sore and I feel like an idiot talking to the camera. Marley has mixed feeling inside himself right now. He was never a very outgoing person. He used to be when he was younger, but being a modern day hermit for many years have quite shut down that part of him. Darn it, he remembered how easy he was on the stage performing for his drama club, now he was feeling shy in front of a camera. Oh, the sweet irony.

He took the moment of tranquil peace to rest and decide his next move. First, he checked his bag and put the sponsor's starting package into the right part of his bag...after his took a few pictures of it. He almost forgot about that and luckily he only put in the first Pokeball before he realized he should have did that. It's all a new routine for him and would likely take him some time to feel natural with them. He sighed as he looked at his current inventory, the only thing he got of use was the Pokeball tool box he brought with him. He might still need to get some other stuffs before leaving town.

"Hello again, so, I found a quiet little corner away from the crowd. I think this is as good as a place to introduce my Pokemon, so let's start." Marley lightly tossed his Pokeball on the ground and a Mudbray popped out of it. "And I also just received a Pokedex from my sponsor," He showed the Pokedex to the camera before taking aim at the obedient Mudbray. "let's give it a test to see how it works."

"Mudbray, the Donkey Pokeon. Possessing mighty power, Mudbray can be loaded with 50 times its own body weight and will be totally fine." "Oh cool, it has voice function too. Here's what it shows on the screen." The Mudbray was as curious as the possible audience aas it took a few strides to get closer to Marley and looking like he wanted a peek on the screen. "You want to see it too? Here you go." Marley lowered the Pokedex to Mudbray, who curiously studied the screen. "This Mudbray was with me from Unova. Breed for racing from a stable that, from what I understand, has a lot of electronic tools as well, so I guess he's more aware and understanding of these tools than a regular Mudbray." He continued to narrate while gently stroking the back of the Mudbray's head. "His name is Deep Impact -- I know, sounds weird for a pet name, but I have decided to keep his racing name because well, that's his name, why change? He might not be in the racing business anymore, but I still want him to shine with an unique name people will remember. Right, Deep?" The Mudbray looked back at his relatively new owner, but did not give out much emotion. "And he's too used too all-kind of training with no feedback, so he's kind of reserved. But he is a good boy, a true workhorse who work hard and never complaint. Happy to have him as my starter." He petted the Mudbray with a warm smile before taking out the next Pokeball.

"Here we go, the one from my sponsor, Lumiose Press, Radio, and Media Institute. Meet our new friend, Deep." The aspirant Rototuber threw the other Pokeball out and what popped out of it was a cute little fish standing on her very tiny legs. She studied her environment with utmost curiosity. "Chinchou, the Angler Pokemon. Its two antennae glow softly to lure in prey, making it a useful Pokémon for night fishing." Marley pondered for a few seconds there as to why he was given this. "Ah, very useful for night photoshooting and lighting purpose. Granted, I bought a very good camera this trip as well as a smartphone with great camera. Both of them have a function for dark environment, but extra helps are always welcomed." The Chinchou took a few steps closer after she got comfortable with the surrounding. As there were no other human around her, she just assumed the lone human was her owner. She was well-trained to be a starter so she knew the drill and was very comfortable with human and other Pokemon. The Mudbray, however, did not look too happy at his so-called new friend. No surprise, as that thing was clearly a water type, something a ground type like him would be very careful of. The Mudbray was not smart enough to get that thing was an electric type as well, or he probably would have been scared of her even more. The Chinchou did not understand and tried to approach the Mudbray more aggressively, and turning this in a little round chase around Marley.

"Relax, Deep. She," Marley took a quite double check on the gender showed on the Dex's screen. "is with us and will not harm you. She can be good training for you to get comfortable with your weakness, I guess." Marley quickly cut between the two and tried to work them out. "Chinchou, I will call you Chinchou for now. I have this little weird trait that I try to not name a new Pokemon immediately. I want to get to know you a little bit first, I hope that's okay. Either way, let's train a little, shall we?" He was not super eager and desperate to train his Pokemon, and that reason he did this now was to get Mudbray comfortable to Chinchou. He knew Deep was a soldier who listened and followed his instruction no matter what, and a little training can help the two get comfortable being around each other. He set the stick into tripod mode, put it on the side as he did some light training with his two partners. The first half hour was both of them performing all the moves on their moveset - despite the Mudbray has been with him for quite some time, this was the first time Marley get to check out what he could do in battle - and some light duels. The second half hour was spent on them just playing around with each other and some workout gelling as Marley took a break to plan out his next steps. The Mudbray was obedient as usual and the Chinchou seemed timid and willing to listen, so there was never any danger of them wandering off their little space of comfort and made Marley worried.

After all of that, Marley gave his Pokemon a round of praise, some time to rest before he moved onto the fairground. As per his deal with the sponsor, he took some time to travel around the various parts of it to introduce them to the worldwide audience. He kept the bazaar part short because he planned on coming back to it later when it was not as crowded. He did not go back to the sponsor booths as he already did all of that in the very early morning, and there's not many things to talk about now that all the trainers were off and away. The food bazaar he planned to do that later when he was hungry. For now, the joy and adrenaline of this being the first day of his trainer life still kept him going at the moment. His Pokemon were given some snacks after their training so they were okay for now too. He took a fair bit of time with the various battle venues, taking the full footage of a few matches on each of them for some editing work later on. He was not as huge of a Pokemon battler as the many others here, so he was comfortable passing on the opportunity. The stage he took less time on, as he checked with them and the biggest acts were much later to the night. Very logical and typical setup, really. In most of the music festivals he has gone to, the early acts were newcomers and such used to build up the main event around the evening.

What he accidentally realized along the way of recording, was how many trainers were leaping out of the fence. That actually looked like what a trainer would want to do, especially all the trainers on the TV shows were doing just that. Well, he did not want to battle other trainers and the other option was the wild. Sure, he has doubt about his ability to survive in the wild but with so many trainers at this place now, he was quite positive he could send out a help signal and they would be around. This was as safe of a wild environment he could be in, so...let's go!

He starting the video once again as he set up his Mudbray by the fence. [b]"Alright everyone, I am embarking on my first exploration mission to the wild. The fence is a little too high for me so Deep will be assisting me, and before you all say I am abusing a Pokemon or whatever, please go back and check the weight of Deep on the Pokedex. He might be small and still growing, but he is strong and firm and he can easily hold my skinny ass weight for a few seconds. Alright, here we go!" Marley ran as fast as he could and use the Mudbray as the stepping board for a leap of faith...and he got just right above the fence! Oh shoot! But he was just right above, and his knee hit the fence, breaking all his momentum and made him flip right over the fence instead of going over it. With no mental nor physical reflexes whatsoever, the NEET tumbled down real hard onto the ground and even flipped a few laps before he came to a halt. Gah, this hurts. Still realizing that he was filming, he quickly rushed back up and find his eyeglasses(thank Arceus, it's not broken) and the selfie stick. "Well, if you all don't know me yet, now you know I am not the most athletic of person. I am bottom of my class in P.E. since I were a student, but you know, sometime you have to just do it, like I did. A fall is no big deal, you just gonna pick yourself up and be ready." He said this part very slow, even gasping for air a couple time as he tried to brace through the pain all over his body. His Mudbray was making all sort of noise at the other side of the fence. The Pokemon was too heavy to do any kind of jumping but he was very close to just charging through the fence if he could check on Marley. "Alright, relax, Deep. I am okay, just need to take some breathes." He said as he forced a smile on his muddy face. "Thank you for the help, Deep." He was able to move and come close to the fence now. He gave Deep a gentle, warm smile as he petted it over the opening of the fence. The Donkey Pokemon wanted to help clean the mud on the man's face, but Marley mistaken the extended tongue as a sign of emotion and not that. "Alright alright, I see that you are glad I am okay as well. Let's get moving, shall we?" The last part was obviously rhetorical. Marley absorbed Deep back to the Pokeball and starting heading deeper into the wild, still recording at the moment...

2019-06-22, 02:05 AM
Veronica gets the wind knocked out of her but quickly recovers and strikes back with two kicks of her own to Sakura's midsection.

Standard Action - Double Kick
AC3: [roll0] if both rolls hit Damage Base is doubled
Damage: [roll1] single hit
[roll2] both hit
Crit: [roll3] single hit
[roll4] both hit

2019-06-22, 03:08 AM
Sakura gracefully dodges the first kick, but isn’t able to avoid the second, but manages to hold her ground. ”Hah, I was right, you’re no softy!” Sakura takes a moment to regain her stance before deciding how to follow up the kicks. Against someone else, she would focus more on wearing her opponent down, but after that kick, this girl was clearly no slouch. The martial artist goes for a sweep this time, aiming to take the other girl off balance.
Shift Action - Flutter - Evasion increases by 3
Standard Action - Low Sweep
AC 2: [roll0] Lower Speed 1CS on hit
Damage: [roll1]
If Crit: +[roll2]

2019-06-22, 04:01 AM
Veronica wasn't ready for the retaliation and hits the ground hard, losing consciousness once she's on the ground. Calanthe and Eirwen rush to her to make sure she's alright,

2019-06-22, 10:01 AM
Oh jeez, she’s already down? Sakura rushes to turn the girl over and gives her a couple light smacks on the cheek. ”Hey, up-and-at-em.” Taekyun meanwhile cheers from the side, trying to (unsuccessfully) copy the kicks that Sakura employed.

If the girl doesn’t wake up or has trouble, Sakura and Taekyun help her up and toward the Pokémon Center.

2019-06-22, 05:55 PM
A few seconds after she fell Veronica comes back around and with a little help from Calanthe manages to get back on her feet. Rubbing the back of her head she says, "Ow, must've hit my head on a rock or something. Aside from that last part the fight was good"

2019-06-22, 08:04 PM
Adalene Chastain (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rcZ_Gzavs2gedj5h3enSWF-SqDwfBNXfYAtEFuaDYns/edit?usp=sharing)
Green Chef


Adalene watched as the other trainer seemed to have a panicked moment. She thought about offering her a chance to withdraw, but quickly dismissed the idea. She’d rather not hear some kind of snide remark, and besides, she had gotten Adalene’s name wrong. "Keep up the pressure, stay focused on the goal!"

Saffron barked as it gathered more flames in its mouth, blasting out at the injured psychic type.


[Trainer Initiative: 10]
Adalene uses Focused Training!

[Pokemon Initiative: 18]
Houndour uses Ember!
Attack: [roll0]; burns on 18+
Damage: [roll1] Special / Fire

2019-06-22, 08:42 PM
A few seconds after she fell Veronica comes back around and with a little help from Calanthe manages to get back on her feet. Rubbing the back of her head she says, "Ow, must've hit my head on a rock or something. Aside from that last part the fight was good"

"Hey, you weren't half bad," Sakura says as the girl dusts herself off. "Good form, good power. Precision is your only enemy, but that's always the hardest thing, and I'm working on that myself. Where did you study?"

2019-06-22, 10:06 PM
"Yeah, my teacher did tell me I should work on that and I studied up north in my hometown of Laverre" Veronica says as she bends down to give Eirwen a reassuring pat on the head as the little white Vulpix was looking up at her still worried about her.

2019-06-23, 01:13 AM
:smalleek: So even ignoring that that was actually a crit, with her Sp.Def of 10, Lisette takes at least 21 damage, has 16 HP left soo...
https://media1.tenor.com/images/4f395f29df1f007063ffb4ed05948ff8/tenor.gif Also she's burnt, though I think that's not really relevant at this stage.Despite being clearly outmatched, Lisette stands her ground against yet another onslaught of Saffron's fire. As the flames dissipate, for a moment it seems like she's fine, if more than a little burnt, then she unceremoniously collapses completely defeated.

Oh no. Oh no no no. I'm doomed. A few seconds of shocked realisation later, Margeux collapses like a puppet with all it's strings cut. My parents abandoned me, I'm a failure. Tears form as she starts to cry, for once not the dainty crocodile tears that have gotten her out of trouble on more than one occasion, proper ugly tears. I'm going to die out here, penniless and alone... She remains kneeling on the ground, tears running her make-up, dirt already staining her stockings, her coffee spilled on the ground beside her, entirely heedless of her surroundings.
These are thoughts by the way, in case that was unclear she's basically just on the ground sobbing.

2019-06-24, 09:11 AM
Adalene Chastain (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rcZ_Gzavs2gedj5h3enSWF-SqDwfBNXfYAtEFuaDYns/edit?usp=sharing)
Green Chef


"Oh... hmm." Adalene watched Lisette stand firm against the attack only to suddenly crumple. The houndour came back to her and she knelt to give him a good petting and praise.

As Margeux collapsed into a sobbing mess, Adalene cursed her own actions. There really had been no reason to go for the throat and now she had made the girl cry. "Don't feel bad Margeux. It was just a bad draw. A young psychic type without a chance to grow into more attack options against a dark type... it's nearly impossible." She moved toward the girl offer a hand to help her off the ground. "I think of a loss like a failure in baking. It's just the wrong combination of ingredients. Toss it out and get new ones to try again. Once you succeed, you don't ever worry about the ones you threw out."

She tried to be reassuring. "Let's go get her healed up at the Center." She returned Saffron to his ball and started toward the Center tent, glancing to Margeux to make sure she was coming along. The hunt for a third team member could wait for the moment. She smiled, thinking of how her helping someone would have made Gabi happy.


2019-06-24, 12:52 PM
"Yeah, my teacher did tell me I should work on that and I studied up north in my hometown of Laverre" Veronica says as she bends down to give Eirwen a reassuring pat on the head as the little white Vulpix was looking up at her still worried about her.

”LaVerre. I studied in Saffron; Father runs the Dojo there,” Sakura says with a bit of pride. “Well like I said, let’s get you to a center.”

2019-06-24, 02:00 PM
They threw me out, worthless... Margeux barely acknowledges Adalene as she offers assurances. They expect me to fail, to come crying back home. She looks up from her sorrow at the offered hand, sniffing back more tears she pulls herself back to her feet with Adalene's help, returning Lisette to her pokeball. "Thank you." She mumbles, looking at the ball in her hand, her other wiping away tears, streaking her make-up a little more. "I'm sorry. Could... could you help me? Succeed I mean? Like you said?" She doesn't look up, all her earlier blustering confidence gone, one trembling hand reaching out and grabbing the handle of her luggage. Her fingers grip the handle in a white-knuckle grip, I'll show them. I'm not a failure. I'm going to win.

2019-06-24, 02:30 PM
Adalene Chastain (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rcZ_Gzavs2gedj5h3enSWF-SqDwfBNXfYAtEFuaDYns/edit?usp=sharing)
Green Chef


"For sure! If your parents are anything like my mother, they half expect you to not last a day. We'll stick together and show them!" Adalene had seemed kind and thoughtful earlier, but speaking about her mother brought out a fiery and slightly bitter streak.

"If I remember, you had Lisette even when you came to Coumarine for vacation... so what kind of Pokemon did you get as a starter then?" As they got close to the Center, she leaned a bit closer to Margeux, motioning to a set of girls that was also headed toward the tent. One looked worse for wear. "See, everybody has a tough go of it every now and then."

She smiled and gave a friendly wave to Sakura and Veronica as they approached closer. "Wow, did you guys have a full contact battle to start? That's intense!"


2019-06-25, 01:55 AM
Hearing a voice call out to her and Sakura Veronica turns her head slightly and with a smile and a thumbs up says to Adalene, "Yeah, we did and I came out second best in it. Next time I'm sure I'll do better" Noticing Margeux she continues, "Your friend alright there? Looks like she's had a bad time to me"

2019-06-25, 05:05 AM
Margeux seems a little better now after the walk and assurances, resolve seemingly overpowering her earlier despair. "If I remember, you had Lisette even when you came to Coumarine for vacation... so what kind of Pokemon did you get as a starter then?" "Oh, my parents arranged for me to get this one," She holds up a second ball, similar to Lisette's, "She's an Igglybuff, her name is Suzette." She wipes away the remnants of her tears, "I probably would have been better off using her earlier." At the sight of the two bruised and battered girls, she raises an eyebrow, feeling a little better about her loss earlier. At least nobody hit me...
"Your friend alright there? Looks like she's had a bad time to me" Margeux looks up at the new girl, her eyes now filled with more determination than sorrow, "I'm fine." Then after a pause, like she had to remind herself, "Thank you."

2019-06-25, 09:36 AM
"We'll see about that," Sakura chuckles. Seeing the crying girl, she kinda tilts her head. "Hey, what's wrong? Some boy tell you he didn't want to travel with ya? Need us to go kick some sense into him?"

2019-06-25, 10:41 AM
"No, really. I'm fine. I've just been having..." Margeux blinks back more tears, "A bad day." She glances down at Lisette's pokeball in her hand, "Adelaide and I were just taking my Pokemon to the Center tent."

2019-06-25, 11:58 AM
Adalene Chastain (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rcZ_Gzavs2gedj5h3enSWF-SqDwfBNXfYAtEFuaDYns/edit?usp=sharing)
Green Chef


"I'm Adalene and this is Margeux. Nice to meet you both." It appeared as if Adalene hadn't even noticed that Margeux had gotten her name wrong that time.

"Yeah, we're just going to make sure everyone is all healed up so we can go look for more Pokemon for our teams. We've already learned how important options are when facing a type disadvantage, right?" She smiled toward Margeux and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Can't bake a cake with just one ingredient!"

"So both of you are fighters? I don't think I've ever really met one before. It isn't a thing in Coumarine. Are you both from Shalour City?"


2019-06-26, 04:20 AM
As the foursome continues to the tent to get either themselves or their Pokemon healed up Veronica answers Adalene's questions by saying, "I'm Veronica Clelland nice to meet you, and I learned how to fight in my home city of Laverre"

2019-06-26, 10:09 AM
"Sha-ler?" Sakura asks. "Nope, never been there before. I'm from Saffron, in Kanto... Am I the only outsider here today? My family made it sound more normal to go to leagues outside of one's home region."