View Full Version : (3.5) Wild shape and transmutation spells

2019-06-20, 10:46 PM
Can you combine wild shape and transmutation spells? If I have Girallon's Blessing and Bite of the Werebear active at the same time as being wild shaped into a T-Rex, am I now a four-armed T-Rex/ bear hybrid?

If you can combine them, how do you work out which takes precedence? Girallon's Blessing gives you four claw attacks dealing 1d4 base damage, Bite of the Werebear gives claw attacks of 1d8 and a bite of 2d8, and being T-Rex gives you a bite of 3d6. Do you take the best in each case or does one have priority?

Also, how do you work out which is the primary attack if there's a conflict?

Finally, if you have natural attacks you received from spells does the base damage increase if you assume a form larger than your normal one, either via wild shape or magic which increases your size?

If any of these questions don't have definitive answers, how would you rule them?

Thanks in advance for any help :smallconfused:

2019-06-21, 05:44 AM
I would allow overlapping in order, so you would have to wild shape first, werebear 2nd and girallon last in order to work, last change is the definitive. Of course size would increase damage, since it is always based on medium size or creature size. Primary attack would be bite in my case, since it feels bigger. However bite of spells won't make you humanoid if you have an eagle shape it would make the eagle look like a hybrid of eagle and the spell animal for example. You would also need hands and mouth to get the natural attacks.

2019-06-21, 12:48 PM
I would allow overlapping in order, so you would have to wild shape first, werebear 2nd and girallon last in order to work, last change is the definitive. Of course size would increase damage, since it is always based on medium size or creature size. Primary attack would be bite in my case, since it feels bigger. However bite of spells won't make you humanoid if you have an eagle shape it would make the eagle look like a hybrid of eagle and the spell animal for example. You would also need hands and mouth to get the natural attacks.

for the most part I agree with Climowitz, the spells are based on medium and the damage should be adjusted to the correct size, also you would need to wild shape first before casting spells. However, I don't think there is any logic in the spell order. Finally remember the rule specific trumps general, in this case, we define general to specific based on when things were done. So wild shape T-rex says bite is primary then bite of wearbear says your claws are primary so they are now the primary, if you cast a third spell that gives you say a primary slam then that becomes your primary.

2019-06-21, 07:47 PM
Thank you. Why do you think you'd have to be wild shaped first for the spells to work?

2019-06-21, 10:10 PM
Thank you. Why do you think you'd have to be wild shaped first for the spells to work?

Because those spells and abilities alter your body, so if you create two more arms, you take the hybrid appearence of a bear, and lastly you change into a horse, you would end up as a horse alone, losing previous transformation, since wildshape is a complete transformation, not partial like the other two.