View Full Version : Setting-specific Races/Classes: Refluffing Outside the Box

2019-06-21, 03:05 AM
So, a lot of more recent 5e books (Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Wayfinders Guide to Eberron) include some races, classes and background options that are very grounded in that particular game world. of course, this has hardly ever stopped a player/DM from wanting to explore a particular idea. So, how would you fit some of the more setting-restricted options into your game world?

For me, I've been working on LudicSavant's Ancestral Nightmare build, and I am a player in a setting that isn't Ravnica, therefore, why am I a wall climbing tentacle monster?

A wizard did it: possibly the least setting specific answer ever, all this assumes is that there are powerful and eccentric people doing strange things. From the Red Wizards of Thay in Faerun, to the Sorceror-Kings of Athos, or experimentation from a extremist of Eberron's House Vadalis.
The character is the spawn of - or influenced by - something terrible and eldritch: This option is good for emulating some of the odder races of older editions, such as Eberron's Daelkyr-Spawn, someone altered by a Kraken, like a Deep One or Sea Spawn, or just a really weird Tiefling.
You are cursed: A curse has a lot of storytelling potential: who cursed you, and why? Was it an inherited curse, knocking around your family tree, or did you wrong someone personally? Can this curse be undone, and if so how?
You are just straight-up a furry: Considerably odder, but a Simic Hybrid's mutations can be specifically chosen to emulate an animal, or even another not yet official race. Combine a climb speed with natural armour for a gecko-person or climbing insect, aquatic adaptation and tentacles for an octopus mermaid. The sky is pretty much the limit here.

A number of these can also be used as a fun justification, in-universe, for your class abilities: maybe the touch of Limbo grants you both your wild magic and your casual disregard for gravity, or your rage is merely unleashing the fury of your aberrant ancestors.

So, how do you reflavour the Simic Hybrids, Warforged, Shifters of your world? Or the Ravnican guilds, Sword Coast faction agents, or Purple Dragon Knights?