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View Full Version : 3rd Ed 3.5 List of minor magical items - official and homebrew

2019-06-21, 10:11 AM
I am looking for general utility magical items for 3.5 that are likely to be used by people in a magical society, based on spells of 0th and 1st level spells. Both official and homebrew.

For example: A magical hairbrush that cleans and untangles hair magically (prestidigitation based). A mug that purifies the drink (or even food!) that is consumed from it (purify food and drink based). A tiny carving of a waterfall, which produces the sound of water falling off the waterfall when activated, to help in putting oneself to sleep (ghost sound based). A motion sensing light for the home (light based). A +1 bonus on a skill check for a profession or craft (guidance based).

I could have sworn I have seen stuff like this posted, but I can't find it now. Feel free to post any of your own stuff. I am particularly interested if the items are fully costed.

2019-06-21, 11:27 AM
A reclining, overly-plush, very heavy and comfy chair/throne which has a continuous unseen servant active to cater to the needs of the person sitting in it. Slotless, but can't actually be carried around, so ad-hoc negation of the x2 slotless cost. 2000 gp for continuously-active hour-long duration spell at level 1 CL 1. 2000 gp total (plus any excessively gaudy or luxurious material costs).

A painted wooden spoon that is normally white, but which turns green when touched to spoiled food or drink. Built using detect poison, but specificlaly and meticulously flawed to ignore alcohol. Command-activated 0-level spell at will, CL 1: 900 gp.

A 3 ft diameter cushion on a wooden platform that hovers between 6 inches and 3 feet off the ground, and can support up to 100 lbs. Useful as a pseudo-wagon or portable shelf, or as an ottomon, or, for particularly light characters (children and halflings and gnomes), a portable seat or step-stool. Based on floating disk, it costs 4000 gp (due to the x2 multiplier for being slotless). Every additional 4000 gp spent increases its carrying capacity by 100 lbs.

Pretty much every home that isn't destitute will include running water that can produce up to 2 gallons every six seconds (and likely has a cistern that stores a larger amount that it just refills). The mechanism would be a command-activated (via lever) trigger to produce the two gallons on demand. Either triggered by turning the faucet on (for small, portable models) or by the floating trigger (think of the ballcock in your toilet tank) falling below a certain mark. Like the chair above, it's slotless, but the household version is immobile, so ad hoc negates. 900 gp for the household model; 1800 gp for the slotless portable model. Add those prices again for every extra 2 gallons of water you want to create per activation/six seconds.

For an additional 900 or 1800 gp, ray of frost can be added as an option to make ice.

The sonic screwdriver that can be tuned to any material to fuse it back together is based on mending and would be 900 gp, command-activated. (Slotlessness is irrelevant, here; put it on a ring if you must, but you have to hold it in hand, and can take it off if it's a slotted item; not worth the slotless x2 multiplier here.)

The stabilizing shot is a command-activated hypodermic needle that gives either 1 hp of healing (if the victim is below 0 hp) or 1 temp hp (if the victim is at or above 0 hp). 900 gp (based on cure minor wounds and virtue)

Eye-Devices: small, hand-held placards or tablets enchanted with mildly-entertaining illusions that play out before the eyes of the watcher. Usually given to small children or others who need to be kept calmly distracted. People will stare at them for hours in a fugue of mildly dazed amusement. Casts daze on the observer. Useful in prisons and in schools. But I repeat myself. Also by overworked and overstressed parents. 900 gp.

Copper Talker Pots are shaped like small clay jars or urns, but made of copper and have little wires coming out the bottom. A 900-gp pair transmit anything spoken into one to the interior of the other (giving a slightly hollow sound to it by the time it's heard out the opening), as long as they're within 110 ft. of each other. 900 gp for a basic pair. More expensive sets add 900 gp per additional pot, and transmit the communication to all of them. They also add 10 ft. to the range for each additional pot. Based on message.

For more wealthy households, the Cradle of Restful Slumber. Casts sleep on whoever's placed within it when activated. The cheapest version does it only 2x per day - for bed time and nap time - and costs 720 gp. The most expensive version does it as often as the parent or nanny wants to put the baby to sleep, and costs 1800 gp. Sure, the spell only enforces slumber for a minute or less, but the baby's asleep, so as long as you don't wake him....

2019-06-21, 10:15 PM
I usually like to buy / craft Gloves of Scholar Touch, to instantly read a book or paper, no time to waste.
Also Amanuensis pages that can copy another page automatically should be pretty cheap.

2019-06-23, 09:32 AM
Can you check if my costings for these items are correct? I got a bit stumped on the costs.

These items use a homebrew item creation feat called 'Craft Magical Trinket'. Its a lower powered version of craft wondrous item. The costs are the same.

Brickmakers’ Charm
This charm is an amulet in the shape of a tiny flat-head trowel. It gives the wearer a +1 competence bonus on Profession (brickmaker) whenever a check is made for that skill. To benefit from this charm, the wearer must have at least one rank in Profession (brickmaker).
Faint divination (or faint clairsentience); CL 1st (or ML 1st); Craft Magical Trinket (or Craft Psionic Trinket), guidance; Market price 90 Gp. Cost to create 45 Gp, 3 XP.

Slave’s Mop
A slave’s mop is just that – a magically or psionically enhanced mop that is very effective at cleaning the surfaces it touches. A slave’s mop (and items that do similar things and cost the same to create, such as an animal handlers brush or tool) is deployed when there is great need for cleanliness, such as in a bath house or slave latrines, so as to prevent the outbreak of disease. The cleaning ability of the slave’s mop is subject to the cleaning limitations of the prestidigitation spell, that is the user of the slave’s mop can clean items or areas in a 1-foot cube each round. To deploy the abilities of the mop, the user must still go through the motions of cleaning with the mop. The magical or psionic ability of the slave’s mop can be used for one hour per day and need not be used up in one session.
Faint universal (or faint indeterminate); CL 1st (or ML 1st); Craft Magical Trinket (or Craft Psionic Trinket), prestidigitation; Market price 200 Gp. Cost to create 100 Gp, 8 XP.

2019-06-23, 09:48 AM
Can you check if my costings for these items are correct? I got a bit stumped on the costs.

These items use a homebrew item creation feat called 'Craft Magical Trinket'. Its a lower powered version of craft wondrous item. The costs are the same.

Brickmakers’ Charm
This charm is an amulet in the shape of a tiny flat-head trowel. It gives the wearer a +1 competence bonus on Profession (brickmaker) whenever a check is made for that skill. To benefit from this charm, the wearer must have at least one rank in Profession (brickmaker).
Faint divination (or faint clairsentience); CL 1st (or ML 1st); Craft Magical Trinket (or Craft Psionic Trinket), guidance; Market price 90 Gp. Cost to create 45 Gp, 3 XP.

Slave’s Mop
A slave’s mop is just that – a magically or psionically enhanced mop that is very effective at cleaning the surfaces it touches. A slave’s mop (and items that do similar things and cost the same to create, such as an animal handlers brush or tool) is deployed when there is great need for cleanliness, such as in a bath house or slave latrines, so as to prevent the outbreak of disease. The cleaning ability of the slave’s mop is subject to the cleaning limitations of the prestidigitation spell, that is the user of the slave’s mop can clean items or areas in a 1-foot cube each round. To deploy the abilities of the mop, the user must still go through the motions of cleaning with the mop. The magical or psionic ability of the slave’s mop can be used for one hour per day and need not be used up in one session.
Faint universal (or faint indeterminate); CL 1st (or ML 1st); Craft Magical Trinket (or Craft Psionic Trinket), prestidigitation; Market price 200 Gp. Cost to create 100 Gp, 8 XP.

A skill item is 100x(bonus)2, so the market price for the amulet is 100 gp.

The mop is, by the rules, a 900 gp item, though an ad hoc 1/3 reduction is not out of place for its limits; I’d put it at 600 gp.

2019-06-23, 02:21 PM
These items use a homebrew item creation feat called 'Craft Magical Trinket'. Its a lower powered version of craft wondrous item. The costs are the same.

Craft Trinket is a feat from Kingdoms of Kalamar Villain Design Handbook. It doesn't get talked about much, because it doesn't actually say how to use it.

Also, prestidigitation is can do just about anything you'd want a household appliance to do. It can make your food taste better, brush your teeth, wash and comb your hair, the list goes on and on. Also, if you're going with all spell lists, for 1,800 go you can have dimension door teleportation circles, which would be nice in a large estate. Also, either endure elements of control temperature if you can afford it.

For that matter, I'm under the impression that fancy clothes were a pain to put on back in the day, swift ready might be nice in those cases. And of course, Psionic Minor Creation can conjure up any simple tool, or even just make a footstool.

2019-06-23, 05:44 PM
I vaguely remember that from the villains handbook. I had some Dark Sun homebrew that I wanted to do so I came up with my own version, which is somewhat like a combination of the Imbue ability of a warlock and craft wondrous item.

Craft Magical Trinket [Item Creation]

You can craft magical trinkets of a minor sort. This feat is the foundation of magical item creation. All Athasian spellcasters get this feat at 1st level as a bonus feat.

Prerequisite: Caster level 1st.

Benefit: You can create magical trinkets just like the Craft Wondrous Item feat, except you may only craft magical trinkets based on 0th level and 1st level spells, with a caster level not exceeding 3rd level. The costs are the same as the Craft Wondrous Item feat.
If you do not know the spell to craft the magical trinket, can substitute a Use Magic Device check that may be used untrained for this purpose only.

A divine caster makes a check of DC 15 + spell level for divine spells in place of a required spell he doesn’t know or can’t cast. A divine caster can make check of DC 15 in place of a required 0th level arcane spell but cannot make a check emulate arcane spells of 1st level. Emulated arcane spells are simply divine versions of the arcane spell.

An arcane caster makes a check of DC 15 + spell level for arcane spells in place of a required spell he doesn’t know or can’t cast. An arcane caster can make check of DC 15 in place of a required 0th level divine spell but cannot make a check emulate divine spells of 1st level. Emulated divine spells are simply arcane versions of the divine spell.

A spellcaster with at least 1 caster level in both arcane and divine classes make a check of DC 15 + spell level for arcane spells or DC 15 + spell level for divine spells in place of a required spell he doesn’t know or can’t cast.

If the check succeeds, you can create the item as if you had cast the required spell. If it fails, you cannot complete the item. You do not expend the XP or GP costs for making the item; Your progress is simply arrested. You cannot retry this Use Magic Device check for that spell until you gain a new level (in any class).

Craft Psionic Trinket [Item Creation]

You can craft psionic trinkets of a minor sort. This feat is the foundation of psionic item creation. All Athasian manifesters get this feat at 1st level as a bonus feat.
Prerequisite: Manifester level 1st.

Benefit: You can create magical trinkets just like the Craft Universal Item feat, except you may only craft psionic trinkets based on 1st level psionic powers, with a manifester level not exceeding 3rd level. The costs are the same as the Craft Universal Item feat.

If you do not know the psionic power to craft the magical trinket, can substitute a Use Psionic Device check that may be used untrained for this purpose only.
You must make a check of DC 15 + psionic power level for the psionic power that you do not know or cannot manifest. A psionic manifester can make check of DC 15 in place of a required 0th level divine or arcane spells but cannot make a check emulate divine or arcane spells of 1st level. Emulated arcane or divine spells are simply psionic versions of the arcane or divine spells.

If the check succeeds, you can create the item as if you had manifested the required powers. If it fails, you cannot complete the item. You do not expend the XP or GP costs for making the item; Your progress is simply arrested. You cannot retry this Use Psionic Device check for that spell until you gain a new level (in any class).

2019-06-24, 09:02 AM
Thanks for the replies. Here is what I have so far. I think the costings are correct. They use some cost reducers. The cost reducers are specified in the text.


