View Full Version : DM Help Looking for Robert Travis

2019-06-24, 01:18 PM
I just stumbled upon this amazing character sheet (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sSFLQ8C681ccCo7TWkqdIrakeGae-zsH/view?fbclid=IwAR1eeANq2mWEDzb-DXrRYbc8WwejU6IyMtS1R_y7CyQMKZ53yWuj0nQD32c), but I have no idea where I can contact the creator. The sheets are watermarked for "Made by Robert Travis. June 3rd, 2019" but a google search gets me nowhere, and I'm not seeing anything on DMsGuild. Anyone know where he's posting his content?

2019-06-24, 01:29 PM
I just stumbled upon this amazing character sheet (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sSFLQ8C681ccCo7TWkqdIrakeGae-zsH/view?fbclid=IwAR1eeANq2mWEDzb-DXrRYbc8WwejU6IyMtS1R_y7CyQMKZ53yWuj0nQD32c), but I have no idea where I can contact the creator. The sheets are watermarked for "Made by Robert Travis. June 3rd, 2019" but a google search gets me nowhere, and I'm not seeing anything on DMsGuild. Anyone know where he's posting his content?

Not 100% sure if it's the same guy, but, after a bunch of searches, I found a Robert Travis Hildebrand who is very familiar with Critical Role and Matt Mercer, including some of Matt's other campaigns. He has a Facebook that you could probably leave a message for.

Also had to double check to see if personal information was against the forum rules, but...it doesn't look like it. But if there's a problem (not sure, FB is public info), then just let me know (or scrub it).