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2019-06-25, 03:24 PM

Capital of Qwermish (South Shore)
3 Earth Wakes [April], 431 AC

The spring winds were low, making for a terribly uncomfortable and smelly journey east across the New Sea. You understandably spend the majority of your time above deck, making smalltalk and generally trying to keep busy despite the limited space. This includes debating the various seabirds you spy from a distance and making up stories about other ships you pass. While the features and attributes of various vessels are beyond you, the various flags and pennants they display make for interesting (or at least imaginative) discussion.

On the third night, sailors furl the sails with various lights visible from a nearby shoreline and wait out the night, assuring you the ship has entered Haligoth Bay and that they’ll drop the lateen rigging in the morning and make good time to the city.


By midmorning the crisp air smells of pine, and the dark seawater has lightened to a glorious light blue. Haligoth itself lies due north, and its red-roofed buildings spread across a swath of coastline. There is an astonishing array of watercraft before you; great merchant caravels, plucky old cogs, galleys from nearby coasts, longships from Schallsea, and everywhere are hundreds of fishing boats of every conceivable size and shape. Once safely moored, the ship becomes explosively busy, the sailors either rushing into the city to enjoy leave or working hand-in-hand with a swarm of stevedores who erupt from carts and carriages along the quay.

Your first impression is jarring. You have spent a lot of time in ancient Solamnic cities and Garnet, all fairly clean and orderly, with a certain sense of purpose and similarities of structure and style, but Haligoth is wildly different. For starters, it smells worse. Whatever secrets of sewerage the great Solamnic cities use (of which you only got a glimpse in Caergoth and didn’t investigate further) they certainly didn’t share, including flushable privies. At one point you actually see a great creaking wagon into which men wearing heavy aprons are dumping the contents of chamber pots waiting in doorstep boxes. On the wagon’s side is a flat wooden plate bearing the image of a fly. It’s also far louder, more crowded, more chaotic. People of every description shuffle about, asking for directions, or arguing, or trying to sell things. The locals wear baggy tunics and trousers, or rather shapeless dresses, with heavy belts at the waist and equally formless floppy hats. Their language is familiar – Estwilde – which you heard Lady Attebrooke and her soldiers speak, though you do hear common around the markets and squares. A middle-aged man plays a fiddle, singing with gusto as passersby drop coppers into a kerchief at his feet.


The makeup of the party suddenly feels socially inverted, as few give Grayshore or Valorean a second glance while gazing at the elf-blooded Sorawyl as a real peculiarity.

The docks are still within eyesight of the Flounder’s Founder, a broad three-story tavern/inn pointedly lacking any nautical theme except the blade sign above the door depicting a dead fish. You leave your letter with a frumpy woman missing a front tooth and a certain impatience with those who force her to speak common.

And then you are left standing in a strange new city with every option open before you…

Erendriel sits in a rustic and somewhat dirty tavern in Haligoth, wondering vaguely how to came to be here and just how he was going to go about his plans. From what he’s read, Qwermish is the most civilized province of Estwilde and certainly the best place to start searching for forgotten ruins and secrets. It’s not a great plan, but after years of quiet and orderly monotony, getting back out into the world is a challenge. He sips at his beverage and is thankful that the building has plenty of open shutters, as the sunlight at least allows him to scribble distractedly in his book. What to plan, what to plan, what shall he do?

A strange group stands before him near the bar, certainly not locals, and seemingly in a debate of some sort. Just more travelers, Eren thinks, another stop along the New Sea for restless wonderers. His eyes turn back to his tome and stop. Where his writing ends has appeared words in an unfamiliar hand. … Join them.

OOC: A friendly reminder as this is now the central location of the campaign - Qwermish is essentially Croatia/Slovenia. So always bear that in mind for appearance, flavor, and language.

2019-06-26, 05:42 AM
The sea journey was possibly the worst such experience of Valorean ‘s life. It was with a thankful heart that he stumbled off the ship and onto the Haligoth docks. The smells of the city did nothing to endear it to the draconian as they made their way to the nearby inn; nonetheless, it was a new place with new opportunities.

“Grayshore,” Valorean asked when they had a moment. “If I may return to a previous topic of discussion, do you think it would be possible to find one of your priests or holy men here? I am still interested in learning more about your faith.”

2019-06-26, 02:55 PM
Erendriel Half-Elven (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1925802)

The half-elven man was looking distracted, just doodling and scribbling in the old book (idea for a novel, some sketches, cliff notes versions about some Kender rumours). Going in unorthodox direction still seemed like a good idea. Visiting that Kender village didn't amount to much except lost valuables and tales so outlandish he was almost convinced the whole village was pulling a prank on him. South Shore's Kender density at least was much lower if nothing else, so that was already one point in its favor.

Still, Erendriel hadn't yet found anything promising. Of course there were plenty of tall tales if one cared to listen, but nothing that would really help him. He'd noted everything down nevertheless. Local myths and legends had historical value as well, and it'd be shame if it was lost to time. Chronicling the legends of South Shore wasn't the big thing he'd been looking for though, but he wasn't getting impatient yet. The book laid out on the table in front of him was surely a sign of something big.

Eren was taken out of his pondering by loud noises across the street. That old lady sure had problems with travelers, he idly thought, turning back to his book. When he noticed the words there, he pressed his quill so hard against the book the tip broke. Now this was a sign...

Still perplexed, he stood up, quickly gathering his belongings, and setting his tome to hang on the leather harness from his waist. He took another look at the group, and they certainly were an exotic bunch. A Solamnian, another half-elf, a Draconian (oddly enough wearing Mishakal's symbol) and someone Eren guessed was from one of the nomadic tribes. Not just regular travelers, it seemed...

Eren started making his way towards the travelers. "Greetings! If I'm guessing correctly, you've just arrived in this lovely city. I'm a traveler as well, though I can recommend a very reasonably priced inn if you happen to still be looking for one."

"Now, I do apologize for suddenly intruding, but you happened to catch my eye, and I couldn't help but wonder what your business in Haligoth is." Well, that was natural, Eren thought to himself. Still, he didn't want to just say that a book told him to go join them. It was hard to contain his excitement in fact, but he did his best to keep his face pleasantly curious.

2019-06-26, 04:27 PM
Well now, it's nice to see another half-elf! And I don't know about 'lovely city' just yet, but I suppose one must get used to the smell eventually...

"Oh, we have our reasons..." I equivocate. Then, noting the old, red book on his belt, I say "I, for example, am here to practice my wizardry and refine my skills as a mage. Are you, perchance, also a scholar of the arcane, stranger?"

Assuming he pauses before answering, I take the opportunity to stand, curtsy and introduce myself. "Lady Sorawyl Kassonor, at your service. What may we call you?"

2019-06-27, 12:06 AM
The last time Jason had been on a boat, he had nearly been killed by a mad priest of Zeboim (as if there were any other kind!), so honestly, he found this trip fairly pleasant by comparison, at least from that perspective.

He takes in the city, and seems to like it. It may be chaotic, but in a strange way, he found that comforting. The rigidness of Solamnia just held too many bad memories for him.

Upon meeting the half-elf stranger, he nods and offers his hand. "Well met. Jason Barker. And yes, we did just arrive. As for why, well...a number of reasons, I guess. To learn, to work, and hopefully to do some good. Oh, we're also here to meet a couple of people. Lady Franchesca Attebrooke and Mage Aimie Westfield. Don't suppose you've ever heard of either of them?"

2019-06-27, 05:23 AM
“Greetings,” Valorean said as the half-elf approached and made his own introductions. “I am Imbixtellrhyst Valorean, Cleric of Mishakal. “As my companions have explained, we are recent arrivals here. Are you a resident here? Perhaps you can provide us some news on the going’s-on in the city.”

2019-06-27, 10:32 AM
Erendriel Half-Elven (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1925802)

"Erendriel Half-Elven, at your service", Eren says, bowing lightly at waist. "Eren will do just fine though."

"I am something of a scholar myself, but my interest is mainly in history. The tome is something akin to a wizard's spell book, though I believe I am closer to a mystic than a wizard."

"I'm afraid I haven't been here much longer than you, and I haven't really heard anything useful about current goings. I've mostly tried to learn about history, and even that hasn't lead to much. South Shore has been dreadfully neglected by researchers so far, and I'm here to fix that error. Plenty to be discovered by a curious mind, I believe. Now if you do want lesson about the architecture, I can help with that."

Eren turns to Jason. "I haven't heard of the two ladies in question, are they your employers? Would you mind if I tagged along to meet them? I came to do research, but I haven't found any leads so far, and I could use the extra steel and connections."

2019-06-28, 12:14 AM
"A mystic? You use the power of the heart, like Goldmoon did?" Jason asks, surprised and intrigued. "Did you study with her students at the Citadel of Light? I've never met one before, but I always wanted to see how they can heal without the power of the gods. Anyway, no, they aren't our employers, just friends we've worked with before. Well, they might have a job for us, I suppose. Or at least can help direct us to someone who will have work. I have no objection to you tagging along, I'd be interested in hearing more about mysticism."

2019-06-28, 04:10 AM
This historian seems respectable enough. "I am in favour as well. I see no harm in adding one more to our party. And if you can recommend an Inn, that would be welcome too.

Jason, do you know where we might find Lady Attebrooke and miss Westfield?"

2019-06-28, 08:14 AM
Valorean perked up at the mention of Goldmoon. She had been responsible for bringing Mishakal back-and the rest of the Gods-back into the world.

“Goldmoon is a personal hero of mine, and I am also curious about mysticism.”

Mr. E
2019-06-28, 03:54 PM
Initially, Grayshore says nothing as the half-elf reaches the group, preferring to leave those with a more natural command of the language to do the talking. Scanning the crowd, the Abanasian keeps half an ear cocked to the conversation, even as she mostly devotes her attention to glaring at any pickpockets interested in her compatriot's purses. Even, however, as she shoos away a kender with a somewhat manic gleam in her eye, the conversation turns to her island and Grayshore's attention is suddenly caught once again. Turning back to the group, she abruptly breaks into the conversation, not even bothering to introduce herself to the Eren.

"If you are from the Schallsea, what news? I would know if much has happened since I departed." Keenly focusing on the figure in front of her, she looks him up and down, analyzing him with a slow patience. After all, it would not do to blindly accept another's company, in this seedy city, known for thievery and vice...

2019-06-28, 04:52 PM
"Fantastic", Eren responds and starts moving with the group. These strangers were here for a purpose, perhaps that's why the book had pointed them out. "Lead the way then."

Eren shakes his head lightly as the others start speaking of Goldmoon. "No, unfortunately I haven't had the chance to visit the Citadel, and haven't really trained formally. I've only had these powers for a little over a year, and I'm mostly self-taught. I'm not sure if comparing myself to a mystic is accurate, but I'm certainly not a wizard or a cleric. It could be wild sorcery as well. It is tied to this tome, and I think it is much more than something another mage may have crafted."

The half-elf glances at Grayshore, as she speaks for the first time. "No, I don't really know about the happenings in Schallsea, and I apologize if my introduction was misleading. In fact, I am from Palanthas. But I don't think I caught your name yet, miss...?

2019-06-28, 06:52 PM
"Oh, I see," Jason says, clearly deflated. He attempts to recover with, "But a primal sorcerer...that's interesting, too."

He clears his throat and turns his attention to answering Sorawyl's question. "I remember Lady Attebrooke said she was billeted at the castle, and Mage Westfield said she had a suite at the Haligoth Arms. Since we are looking for an inn anyway, perhaps we should start with the latter?" he asks.

Mr. E
2019-06-30, 04:16 AM
"Ah," Grayshore says as Eren demolishes her hopes, and sighs slightly, before shrugging her shoulders slowly. In response to his question, she pauses for a moment before replying. "I am Grayshore, daughter of Summerblossom, of the Que-Tev village, of the Que-Nal tribe." It is a slightly formal introduction, admittedly, but her mind is once again, elsewhere, occupied by another pressing question.

"I, ah, must ask: if you are a primal sorcerer, does that mean you, ah, are prone to, how-shall-we-say, uncontrolled, ah, outbursts of magic? I must admit that what I have seen of such, uh, mages was impressive, but..."

Grayshore makes a vague gesture with her hands, wondering how to tactfully query whether the slight half-elf in front of them was one hand gesture away from accidentally transforming the group into chickens, or something. Strong in her mind is one of her early sailing experiences, involving a passenger of a similar nature, the cook, and a near infinite quantity of frogs...

Wrenching her mind away from such matters, she turns briefly to Jason. "I think that inn is up on the rise," she says, pointing to the left and dredging up year old memories of the town layout, "but we should probably not trust my directions."

2019-06-30, 04:30 AM
I share Grayshore's concerns. I watch Eren closely for his answer.

2019-06-30, 04:36 AM
"Pleased to meet you." Eren racks his brain, trying to recall if he's ever read of that tribe. (History: [roll0])

Eren shakes his head, a little smile creeping up on his face. "Hah, nothing like that. As someone who calls himself a scholar I should be more ashamed to admit I haven't really done much to figure out the what the source exactly is. I've just been more concerned with how it works, and what I can do with it. My magic is quite controlled, I honestly feel like I am a wizard, except it's all instinctive, rather than learned. I did get to skip years of study on the subject, which is why I don't feel comfortable calling myself one. Perhaps it's best that those more learned in the subject than me decide the label."

@Gorgon: does the inn Grayshore's pointing at happen to be the same one Eren's staying at?

2019-07-01, 12:18 AM
"Hmm, well...primal sorcery, high sorcery...I guess it's all the same to the Conclave in the end," Jason remarks. "So long as you take your Test and all, they probably won't care much. Right, Sorawyl?"

2019-07-01, 03:20 AM
"Hmm. I am not so sure the great masters of the Council see it that way. But as long as Erendiel can control his arcane powers, we should not have too many problems."

Mr. E
2019-07-01, 03:53 AM
"Perhaps we should continue this conversation as we walk," Grayshore suggests, now that she is certain that the party will not suddenly be turned into chickens. "I suspect that we will lose our purses if stand talking in the street till the sun goes down."

Gesturing to the rest of the group, the Abanasian begins to stroll down the street, heading to where she thinks the inn ought to be. "If I may, who are the, ah, conclave, exactly? I understand that they are wizards of significance, but I am not familiar with the, ah, nuances of wizardry hierarchy. I must confess," she continues, with a faintly embarrassed shrug, "that the closest I have come to high mages was the hedge wizard who taught me common." Grayshore pauses, before realizing that this is technically not true, and possibly slightly offensive to one of her companions.

"Oh, and the lady Sorawyl, of course..."

2019-07-01, 05:31 AM
Valorean listened with vested fascination. The life mages chose fascinated him. The Test made theoretical sense, but it baffled him that their organization worked so closely with the apathetic and the evil.

2019-07-01, 06:13 AM
I smile at Grayshore. "No, you may have been right the first time. If your hedge wizard language teacher had passed their Test, they would have been closer to the high mage than I. And who knows? Maybe we will need to sleep under a hedge at some point during this trip." It's not impossible, if we end up on some kind of quest out in the countryside, or something.

I can explain a little about the Orders and the Conclave, if the others are interested. "The Conclave are the leaders of the high sorcery; the greatest and often most powerful wizards in Ansalon, who govern all high sorcerers and administer our laws. They number twenty-one, seven from each Order, so as to ensure balance between the Orders."

If Valorean questions the alliance between the Orders, I would defend it. "Wizards of all three Orders have to stand together, since there is so much ignorance in the world that, if too many evil arcanists abused their power, it is likely that the public would turn on all of us regardless of the source of our power. By bringing the three Orders together, we can prevent the black robes from spreading too much chaos, and force the white robes down from their high horses when the situation demands it. Ensuring a balance of forces benefits all magic users in the long term."

2019-07-01, 01:32 PM

Within an hour you have arrived in center city, where the architecture, streets, and smell are only marginally better. Haligoth Arms is an impressive five-story structure with large windows and exterior moulding and decorative columns, giving it a Solamnic flair. A doorman with thinning hair and a blue doublet frowns mightily at your approach, taking in your weapons and sea-salt crusted clothes. In accented common, he asks, "May I help you?" in a tone that indicates he very much wishes the answer to be "no."

2019-07-01, 09:51 PM
"Two questions, good sir," Jason says to the man. "First, do you have any rooms available? Second, would Aimee Westfield be in? She told us she could be found here."

2019-07-02, 05:36 AM
As they waited, Valorean found that he was looking forward to seeing Ms Westfield. Their brief encounter had left him intrigued; he was the most fascinating person he had met in a while.

To Sora-partially to distract himself and partially out of genuine curiosity-he asked. “If I may ask, what was your Test like? I’ve heard varies accounts.”

Those accounts mostly discussed the terrible price mages paid for their power.

2019-07-02, 06:23 AM
I'm happy to let Jason deal with the doorman. He knows Westfield while I don't, and I'm not exactly looking the part to bull over him with noble privilege right now. I do consider casting prestidigitation to clean our boots before we walk in though...

"Ah, I have not yet taken my test. That was why I have been introducing myself as an 'apprentice' wizard." And why I wasn't offended by Grayshore's previous remarks. "I am not lying when I say that my purpose for travelling is to refine my skills - I would not put myself forward for the Test until I knew I was fully prepared."

2019-07-02, 12:49 PM
"Two questions, good sir," Jason says to the man. "First, do you have any rooms available? Second, would Aimee Westfield be in? She told us she could be found here."

"There are, but we cater to an elite clientele." He waits for recognition of whatever he means by that. To your second questions, he says, frowning even more deeply, "And whom do I say is calling unannounced?"

2019-07-02, 10:32 PM
"What, is steel not good enough for this place?" Jason asks, annoyed by the man's attitude. "And I am Jason Barker and company, here at Miss Westfield's open invitation to visit."

2019-07-03, 01:57 PM
"What tales I've read of the test... It seems very brutal, though I'm sure there's a reason for it. There was a brief period I wanted to become a wizard, but then I met someone who'd passed the test... And just looking at him was enough to change my plans." Eren shivered at the memory of the mage.

2019-07-03, 02:27 PM
Haligoth/The Haligoth Arms

Intentional or unconscious, Jason’s bearing and tone changed, becoming very much the sort of person accustomed to being differed to. The doorman immediately identifies this and judges that even if it’s only an act, he’d better play it safe and at least allow you all in while he sends a runner to Aimie Westfield’s room.

You are left in a large and highly decorated common chamber featuring a large painting of racing dogs. The décor and furnishings are unusual and must be in some high Qwermish style. The boy returns minutes and informs you your host will be down shortly and a girl comes along offering refreshments.

You’re not certain what constitutes “shortly,” but a good twenty minutes pass without any sign of her. That is until she is quite suddenly standing among you, having appeared from nowhere. She’s radiant; all rusty curls, gleaming white dress, and a broad smile. Her accent is blandly Solamnic. “Good afternoon, my adventurous friends. So good to see you again. I’m sorry to keep you waiting, but you caught me slaving over my cauldron and I can’t be seen in public in such disarray. I see some faces have changed – hopefully not through some magical accident. Hahaha! Jason, you look dusty but fit. I very much approve. And who’s this, a lady of society, and another practitioner of the Art, I see. A pleasure, madam. Wherever did your Kender get to? He was so very funny. And who are you, sir?

“I’m afraid I haven’t the time to entertain you for long just now, but you’ve come all this way so the least I can do is allow you to join me for drinks and a light lunch in the tea room. Here we are. Oh don’t mind the animal heads – it’s actually called the Hunt Room, but I have no use for hunting or heads so I call it the tea room. I’m sure it’ll catch on once I’ve soundly enchanted the staff. Hahaha! I’m sure we’ll find time for a proper evening of chitchat in the weeks to come but I’m very busy just now. But here, help yourselves and tell me of your journey and ask what me you will.”


Mr. E
2019-07-03, 11:53 PM
Grayshore does not, she must admit, feel entirely comfortable or suitably dressed in this setting, which is long on carpet and plush fittings but short (in her mind, at least) on comfortable chairs. In the twenty minutes, she samples at least two of them, before eventually settling for standing by the window in frustration. The food samples are bizarre as well, too small to really do anything, except remind you that you have not yet had a full meal.

Eventually, and thankfully prior to the end of Grayshore's patience, Ms. Westerfield swaggers into the room, before completely ignoring both her and Valorean. This, Grayshore admits, is entirely in character, as both her and Valorean lack (or at least, Grayshore prefers to assume so) his, ah, assets. Still, as a morsel of comfort, it was not as if they needed to remain in her company for any longer than necessary.

"Good afternoon," Grayshore says politely, shuffling her previous train of thought aside, "Darrik left us before we crossed to Haligoth. He was called away on, ah, business relating to his faith, though I know not the details. Our new companions are Eren, a chronicler, and the, uh, Lady, ah, Sorawyl." It occurs to Grayshore that she does not understand the ranks of nobility to know if she has described the wizard's title with sufficient accuracy, and looks in Sorawyl's direction, hoping for rescue by one with a better grasp of etiquette.

2019-07-04, 01:31 AM
Jason takes a seat. Although he does not seem the type who would be comfortable in such opulent settings, he does appear to at least be used to it, as if it was something he's done before. "Thank you for seeing us. Sorry to have bothered you during such a busy time. But we only just arrived here in Haligoth, and I figured you'd be easier to reach than Lady Attebrooke. Speaking of which, is she in town, do you know?"

He continues, "In any case, after our encounter in Caergoth, Darrik and I, along with Grayshore and Valorean, continued on to deliver our cargo to Garnet, and meet up with our other companion, Sorawyl here. As Grayshore said, Darrik was called away for a mission from his god, Habbakuk, so the rest of us made our way to Restglen, had a very strange encounter with the mayor, and then hopped on a boat to here. We ran into Eren on the way to the Arms, and he decided to join us as he, too, is looking for work. And that is why we are here--well, other than to visit you and Lady Attebrooke, of course--to find work. You both did say Qwermish was a perfect place for people like us, with unique skills who want to help. We hoped either you or Lady Attebrooke might be able to give us a lead or two."

2019-07-04, 03:04 AM
I think I like this mage. It's not so often you meet a wizard with a sense of humour, so I can't help but giggle at her jokes. "I pleasure to meet you, my lady. As they say, I am Sorawyl Kassonor, adventurer, wizard, problem solver, et cetera. A shame that I could not meet you sooner, but I was unavoidably detained in Palanthas while Jason and Darrik were on their excursion to Caergoth..."

2019-07-04, 01:25 PM
Eren looked around the inn, admiring the decor, before sitting down. He didn't wait for long before he took his book out and started reading.

"Erendriel Half-Elven, at your service. At least I'd hope so", Eren says, giving lady Westfield a small bow as he stood up. "I happened to run into your friends, and heard there might be some work available... I'm a scholar of history, but I do have some skill in magic, which I imagine will be more useful to your cause." At least, going by how heavily the traveler's were armed, Eren guessed the work didn't involve much studying, but the book had spoken, and they seemed interesting bunch besides. And he hadn't come all this expecting or even hoping to just sit in a library reading.

2019-07-05, 07:59 AM
At her invitation of tea, Valorean settled into one of her heavily cushioned chairs chairs. So nice to visit someone who enjoyed the finer comforts.

“We surely thank you for the invitation,” he said. “And thank you for your help during our last encounter. We’ve come a long way since then. I trust you are well?”

2019-07-05, 01:17 PM
Haligoth/Haligoth Arms

Aimie sits and does her level best to make conversation with everyone. “You replaced a Kender with a chronicler? I guess I can still get some good stories, then, though maybe not as thrilling! A historian for the Conclave, eh? I’d heard of your group but never had the pleasure. Maybe you’ll allow me to pick your brain sometime?”

“You do look uncomfortable, Grayshore. Would you like some wine, maybe? Or put your feet up. Go ahead – it’s not our table, after all.”

“Palanthas! I’ve never seen it myself. Oh, paint a picture for me. I can’t make up my mind whether I find it amazing and lavish or shallow and decadent.”

“Oh, I’m doing very well, thanks. I may be a stranger here, but many people have need of magic, so work is plentiful. … And on that note, I have no idea if Francesca is in the city. She lives at Castle Kelpenhelm – that’s the king’s castle in the city – and you can leave word for her there, though she’s always going about her important duties. It’s tedious, but she seems to like it for some reason. Not for me, thank you. The tedium of being dutiful … At any rate, you say you’re looking for work. I’ve hardly uncovered all the kingdom’s secrets in just a few months, but you should definitely start at the central market. It's a good place for rumors, as are taverns. And there’s a work board there just for your sort. Qwermish has even got its own adventurer’s guild, though I don’t know the details.”

2019-07-06, 12:12 AM
"How do you like this inn? Is it worth it to get rooms here? The guy at the front desk was pretty snooty," Jason asks.

2019-07-06, 10:16 AM
To Jason, I suggest that "we might be better served by a slightly more affordable inn. I doubt the doorman is the only person here with that sort of attitude." Really I'm saying this for the benefit of our newer companions. Perhaps they wouldn't realise that I can tolerate modest lodgings at least for a while. As long as I have my own room.

“Palanthas! I’ve never seen it myself. Oh, paint a picture for me. I can’t make up my mind whether I find it amazing and lavish or shallow and decadent.”

My take on this is that it can be both, at different times. "It is such a large city, after all, with so many people." I try to 'paint a picture', explaining the city from my perspective, praising its order, diversity and openness; "one can find very nearly anything one might want there." Not that it would do to stay within the walls every day of one's life.

2019-07-07, 02:34 PM
"I'm not actually affiliated with the Conclave, or any other organisation at the moment. Just your everyday independent, adventuring historian. Not sure if there's much to pick with my brain really, it's just filled with old, boring stories"Eren says, smirking a little.

"Well, I'm already staying somewhere. It's not as nice as this one, but there's roof and beds at least."

Eren would have sought out a Modest inn, somewhere he could have his own room and a desk.

2019-07-07, 09:24 PM
To Jason, I suggest that "we might be better served by a slightly more affordable inn. I doubt the doorman is the only person here with that sort of attitude."
"Fair point," Jason concedes. He could probably personally afford to stay here, but if the 'welcoming' from the front desk was any indication, he wouldn't want to. And it's probably better if the group stays close together anyway.

2019-07-08, 05:33 AM
“We would love to stay here!” Valorean blurted, then -seeing his companion’s faces-quickly added. “But I think it best we seek more modest means.” He gently caressed the plush chair. A modest inn would be more affordable to be sure, he thought glumly.

2019-07-08, 01:10 PM
Haligoth Arms

Aimie takes a sip of wine and says pointedly to Sorawyl, "But you're here. So what didn't you find?"

To Eren; "Don't discount yourself. One could say old boring stories saved my life. What sort of adventure are you seeking now, that bring you to South Shore?"

At Valorean's uncomfortable self-correction, Aimie laughs full throated and quickly puts down the wine before spilling any on her dress. "You only live once (usually). Make some money and enjoy some luxury. You're not the first draconian I've seen in the city; I think you'll find you don't stand out so much as you did back west. Don't let people bother you about staying here if that's what your preference. I don't know if there are rooms available, but appearance matter more than race or status here; wealthy merchants, nobles, and diplomats stay here, so employ a good tailor and nobody will second-guess you." The last comment was delivered with feline satisfaction.

2019-07-08, 03:13 PM
To Eren; "Don't discount yourself. One could say old boring stories saved my life. What sort of adventure are you seeking now, that bring you to South Shore?"

"Now that doesn't sound like a boring story." Hearing her question, Eren becomes a little more animated. "Ah, now that's a good question! South Shore has a very rich and interesting history, but it's been neglected far too long by scholars, who just prefer to leaf through old tomes, instead of going out and learning. Well, the oldest tomes went with Astinus, and the history isn't going to write itself!"

"South Shore's history is rich because of the centuries of conflict, but it's also lead to lack of organization among the scholars here. A great library would be a good starting place, but I have to do with chasing rumors for now. I just know there's something here, hidden. And I will be the one find it..." His hand moves to clutch the book hanging from his waist, his voice growing quieter, more contemplative. He finally sighs. "I've been on the road for a while now, and maybe I should try to stop searching, and see what happens. Have faith that Gilean will guide me."

"So, if you know the directions to an ancient tomb of a long-dead king... I'm all pointed ears." Eren says to Aimie and smiles wryly.

2019-07-09, 10:57 PM
"I don't know about king's tombs, but I did have a conversation on the boat ride here with a local who said something about some ruins not far from here...Gwan, I think she called it. Dated back to before the Cataclysm," Jason offers to Eren. "Not sure if that's something you'd be interested in."

2019-07-10, 06:42 AM
Aimie takes a sip of wine and says pointedly to Sorawyl, "But you're here. So what didn't you find?"

I give a small shrug. "I was curious to see more of the world. I feel that it is not good to spend too long in one place, regardless of where that place is."

Regarding exploring ancient ruins: "that was profitable enough the last time, but I would remind you that we did almost die. Perhaps we should check the work board at the market first, in case there is anything less risky on offer...?"

2019-07-10, 12:30 PM
"I don't know anything about musty old tombs, but it sounds like you know more about this country than I do already. If there's anything else I can help with, please don't hesitate. Oh, and let me know where you're staying so I can invite you to a proper dinner."

She hands you a small brass cylinder of ornate design; a canister for delivering letters. You swear she didn't have it a moment ago.

2019-07-10, 03:52 PM
[COLOR="#008000"]"You only live once (usually). Make some money and enjoy some luxury. You're not the first draconian I've seen in the city; I think you'll find you don't stand out so much as you did back west. Don't let people bother you about staying here if that's what your preference. I don't know if there are rooms available, but appearance matter more than race or status here; wealthy merchants, nobles, and diplomats stay here, so employ a good tailor and nobody will second-guess you."

"Indeed? I would be curious to meet others of my kind. I haven't actually talked with another of my kind since I left my birthplace."

He nodded at the Sora. "I agree. Ruins sound interesting"--and dirty--"but I'd like to look for an opportunity to make a difference in people's lives. In the meantime, thank you for your hospitality. I look forward to enjoying more of your company once our lodging is settled."

Standing, he took the small cylinder that appeared in her hand.

2019-07-11, 02:52 AM
"I don't know about king's tombs, but I did have a conversation on the boat ride here with a local who said something about some ruins not far from here...Gwan, I think she called it. Dated back to before the Cataclysm," Jason offers to Eren. "Not sure if that's something you'd be interested in."

"Gwan... Thank you master Barker, I'll have to make a note of it. It does sound interesting..."

Then, hearing the reluctance of others, Eren adds. "...but I'm sure it can wait. I hardly think the ruins will be going anywhere." Eren also mentions the name of the inn that at least he is currently staying at.

2019-07-11, 04:07 AM
"I'd also agree," Jason remarks. "Ruins are interesting, but I'd rather focus on helping the living right now. The ancient dead aren't going anywhere. At least...I certainly hope not." He looks at the cylinder. "What's this? You want us to send our missives to you in this?" he asks. "In any case, thank you again for taking the time to meet with us."

2019-07-11, 11:06 AM
(A letter cylinder may seem a little formal, but it keeps letter safe and whole no matter the weather or danger while also clearly identifying it came from a known source - since she gave it to you.)


As you leave the Arms, some of you are interested to note a glimpse of a side room in which a well-dressed couple steps onto a platform, an ornate iron gate is closed, and the platform begins to rise, pulled by some unseen source.

At any rate, Haligoth is a sizable port city, so finding an inn to your liking is simple. You can return to the Flounder's Founder if you like, though some of you will find it rather below your expectations (Poor; the Arms is Wealthy). Once you've found a location to your liking (either choose what you know or making something up) you head to the market.

Some of you are outright shocked by the chaos of this place. Though you certainly recognize it as a market square, the noise and smells and overall disregard for personal space are jarring. People of various race and stripe shout in their native languages and common, selling garments, fruits, meats, and spices, tools and baubles and oddities. Chickens and goats, a horse and oxen, a towering and muscular mastiff next to a box of puppies and some sort of screeching monkey all add to war on your senses. Charlatans and jugglers and musicians perform against each other in a cacophony of clashing styles.

You eventually find the public message board, a man-height box to keep posted notes sheltered from the sun and rain. There are rotted old bits of paper and several new-looking hand-sized clippings of vellum … all bearing writing in familiar characters but unknown language. Likely Estwilde.

And yet with all this you somehow get the sense that something is missing...

OOC: Perception rolls if you like...

Also, while you figure out how to read the notes, somebody please give me three separate d20 unmodified rolls.

2019-07-12, 09:50 AM

Each of you has the niggling suspicion something is missing, yet the noise and distraction make it hard to place... for a few minutes. Each of you is looking for something in particular, and that's what you suddenly realize...

Sorawyl reaches out and whispers silvery words, the tingle of magic settling over her eyes and in her mind as she reads over the three freshest-looking notes...

A group of tavern owners have placed a bounty on a well known thief.

A monastery is being harassed by mountain tribes.

A wealthy merchant desires something retrieved and safeguarded on a voyage from Sanction.

You consider for a moment which you prefer and how to describe each to your fellows, and when you turn back you note a young man in a vest and shapeless felt hat standing silently and awkwardly behind Jason, his hands seemingly working without motion near your friend's changepurse. The man catches your eye, freezes, and in a blink steps away vanishing into the crowd. You instantly lose any sign of him.

It occurs to you that a city of this size should have a significant presence from the Holy Orders, and yet aside from some small structures and shrines near the docks, you've seen no sign of any major temples.

You are on edge the moment you enter this city, and walking its loud, busy streets you wonder if maybe there's quite a lot to be said for the staid and orderly life of urban Solamnia after all. You are alert for dangers, but witness only what must be domestic issues between family members or angry arguments over the price of some knickknack. Surely nothing even the local guards should worry over ... and that's when you look around the market and realize you've only seen spear-wielding uniformed guards, wearing maroon jerkins with a red sash and belt, a few times all day, and they were all near the main businesses on major thoroughfares. You don't see a single one here in the market.

My goodness what a busy place! Bazaars such as this have long been common in Khur and other eastern nations, stretching back long before the rise of Istar. Why, they were the primary places of trade in many early cities before proper trade pacts and organized road travel were developed ... [blah blah blah]

2019-07-12, 10:23 AM
"Jason, darling, you might want to check your coinpurse. I see some suspicious characters hanging around here."

I then describe the three bills. I expect Valorean will be interested in helping the monastery, seeing as how he's been banging on about doing good works. Part of me thinks tracking down a thief might be more... intellectually stimulating... but I recognise that the group overall is probably better suited to dealing with mountain tribes. I'll lead with that one.

A monastery is being harassed by mountain tribes.

A group of tavern owners have placed a bounty on a well known thief.

A wealthy merchant desires something retrieved and safeguarded on a voyage from Sanction.

2019-07-12, 11:45 PM
Blinking a bit in confusion, Jason instinctively grasps at his coin purse at Sorawyl's warning. "You'd think after all that time around a kender, I'd be more careful. Actually, I was just noticing that there don't seem to be any guards at all in this area. You'd think the marketplace would be better watched."

Upon being told of the three jobs, he thinks it over. "Is there a way we can get more information on any of them? I'm curious as to what kind of monastery this is, what the object from Sanction is, or why tavernmasters specifically are after this thief."

2019-07-13, 07:15 AM
Sora's warning brought Valorean's attention back to his companions. The back of his mind still pricked with idea that there were no major temples in the city. It could simply be that this area didn't have enough followers of a particular god to support a large temple, though that also seemed unlikely.

Nonetheless, for now, he turned his eyes to the crowd, and seeing no one, he glanced back at the board.

"Naturally, I am curious about the monestary's plight; however, I believe we could start with the tavern owner's thief. If he is dangerous enough to warrant a bounty, he may be a threat to others as well."

2019-07-13, 04:38 PM
The place seemed interesting, and it was refreshing to finally see the place he'd only visited in books. The market was much livelier than in Palanthas, at the very least. Might be fun to browse it later, though Eren would likely have to prepare to be scrounged. The street merchants always seemed to be able talk him into paying too much or getting him to buy some 'authentic relics'.

"Well, the thief should have stolen something valuable to warrant a bounty. I'd just feel ridiculous chasing after a poor kid who stole a loaf of bread..." Eren comments, scratching his beard. "But it might be a good chance to make some contacts and friends in the city."

2019-07-14, 04:13 AM
They pay should be decent, too, if we're working for a mercantile guild... "Shall we look into this job for the Taverners, then?" I copy down the details on the bill onto a piece of parchment.

"Before we present ourselves to prospective employers, perhaps we should get set up with some lodgings and tidy ourselves up? I suggest we meet up again in a couple of hours, by the place noted on this bill.

Where did you say you were staying, Erendriel?" I'll take a room there, if one is available.

2019-07-14, 01:50 PM
"Yes, first impressions are important, of course", Eren responds, nodding. He tells the name of the inn, and leads the way there.

To a modest inn

2019-07-14, 08:52 PM
Jason looks at Sorawyl quizzically, then lifts his arm and takes a little sniff at the pit. He jerks his head back suddenly, making a face. "Hmm, perhaps that is a good idea," he agrees and follows after Eren.

2019-07-15, 05:30 AM
A small grimace crosses the draconian’s face as Jason sniffed his armpit. Valorean had assumed the would stay in the same inn as Aimee, then he thought they would head to Eren’s inn rather than traipse around the market smelling of three days of ship travel.

Nonetheless, they appeared to be heading toward a nice bath (he hoped) and a good rest.

2019-07-15, 12:22 PM

You find yourselves a modest inn in short order (make up a name) that seems to cater more to out-of-towners than others (at least the staff speaks heavily-accented Common and doesn't outright scowl or tell you to get lost if you speak Solamnic). You take some time to get the cramps out and the stink off, and ponder the unexpected strangeness of this place.

Two hundred miles might as well be two thousand, it seems. Solamnia is fairly homogenous and has been enjoying increased trade and plenty for years. Garnet is a dwarf city, true, but has long been allied with Solamnia and is its single greatest trade partner. Sorawyl was comfortable enough in far-off Nordmaar, as it's a Solamnic ally with heavy western influences. But here, much closer, is a far more rugged land that seems to have intentionally set itself culturally apart from what you're familiar with.

Hours later you gather at a building, the second floor of which is home to the Sunset Guild - whatever that is. Inside a fairly empty (of people) office you are greeted by a single surprised, middle-aged man. He frowns at the odd group of you but welcomes you in Common. "Good day, strangers. I am Vletlic, secretary of the Sunset Guild. You are here for a work, da? Which work, and why do I hire you?"

OOC: Remember everything is Slavic, so his name is pronounced VLET-leech.

2019-07-16, 05:54 AM
Clean and dry, clean and dry. Was off the the dirt and be clean and dry Valorean thought to himself after they had taken some much needed down time. As they dealt with more (surly) locals, he was slowly beginning to realize how different Haligoth was. He admitted that, as a cleric of Mishakal, he had gotten used to expecting a certain base level of respect that was not afforded him here. A challenge put forward by his goddess, he was sure.

He spent the walk to their perspective employer attempting to take note of any cultural or religious cues he might use to help integrate himself and introduce his goddess.

Valorean is going to leave opening negotiations to Sora or Jason but I would like to make a religion and insight check to see if he notices and particular cultural habits or religious iconography that would be a clue for the part alter some of their behaviors (like they find handshaking offensive or the color orange has some significance)

Insight [roll0]
Religion [roll1]

2019-07-16, 10:36 AM
The Qwermish are an animated people - they gesticulate a lot when they talk, which they do loudly and laugh often. The food stands and eateries you see (and smell) focus on cabbages, beets, and potatoes. Tangy stewed beef and rabbit.

As the day goes by, Valorean pays closer and closer attention to these details and becomes increasingly unnerved. He sees no iconography, no streets named for gods or their tenets. Though there's a language barrier, he'd still understand common greetings by gods' names and context, or see hand gestures for luck, well-wishings, or prayers.

He doesn't.

Aside from the ramshackle temples and shrines near the docks, he sees no sign of veneration of the gods (or any entities at all) in Haligoth.

2019-07-16, 12:25 PM
While the others clean up, Eren tells retreats to his room, to just ponder things over. He was still wondering, what fate might have in store for him. There was a cleric of Mishakal in the group, and Eren really hoped his purpose wouldn't be to clash with the Draconian. Well, it probably wasn't anything as awful as that, he'd seemed nice.

Still, he was interested in where he was headed, so a little divination wouldn't hurt, though Eren wouldn't change his course no matter the results. About ten minutes before he was going to leave for the guidl, Eren sat on his bed, cross-legged, and laid the tome in front of him. Then the half-elf took out a silvery chain that had been tugged under his shirt, wrapping it around his hand. The odd metal of the chain seemed to glitter even in the dim room. He took deep breath and closed his eyes, starting to chant in the language of magic he didn't really understand.

After ten minutes, Eren opened his eyes and flipped the book open at a random spot, letting the spell to guide his hand. He eyed the page, looking for a sign. The contents of the book seemed to change overtime, lot of it seemingly seemingly meaningless. What he wrote usually stayed longer, though it might appear on a different page. When he cast the spell, he could get some indication what the near future might hold for him, though often the result wasn't definitive, if he even got a response.

Cast Augury (https://roll20.net/compendium/dnd5e/Augury#content) concerning the job they were about to accept.
Didn't use any special materials with the spell, though I've deducted the spell cost in any case.

On the way to the guild hall, Eren kept reading. He'd picked another book, and held it before him even as he walked, apologizing absentmindedly if he happened to bump into anyone. He put way his reading material only when they reached their destination. For now, he decided to keep quiet and observe, his hands crossed behind his back, letting someone else speak for the group.

2019-07-16, 05:02 PM
I curtsy to Vletlic and say: "Indeed we are looking for work, good sir. My name is Sorawyl Kassonor, and these are my associates Jason, Valorean, Grayshore and Erendriel. We saw this notice posted in the market Square -" I show him the copy I made - "regarding a bounty on a certain thief. I have some experience in tracking down thieves, and so I have come to inquire about the details of the bounty. If it should please you, sir."

I aim to convey confidence and competence with my manner and bearing. More so than usual, even.

Let's see what the dice have to say about our fortune...


2019-07-18, 11:46 AM
The pages flip seemingly of their own accord and Eren's finger lands upon the word, "from," which makes no sense, so he reads the entire sentence: "My initial reservations were proved out, as the baseless guesswork once again fails in producing the desired effect while more deliberate experimentation is a success."

There are a number of ways to interpret this.

Vletlic is impressed with the look of you all. "You catch thieves before? This is good. This one is a pain in ass for months. Sit, please. You tell me experiences and I decide if you can do what Watch does not, eh?"

2019-07-18, 04:26 PM
I chuckle as I take my seat. "From what I can see, the Watch does not do much at all - I should be quite ashamed if we cannot offer you more than they!

Myself, I am a wizard; a diviner." I create a minor illusion of a crystal ball and wave my arms around it dramatically to illustrate the point. "No one can hide from me for long: I can see what is invisible, hear a man's very thoughts should the need arise. Not that I am wholly reliant on magic. Let me tell you the tale of the Brass Cat.

Last year, I was in distant North Keep, tasked with the recovery of a valuable work of art, a sculpture called the Brass Cat. With nothing to go on but our wits and powers of deduction, my then-companions and I found the object in less than 48 hours - and uncovered a plot to use a replica of the statue to deliver poison gas to a gathering of very important individuals. Of course, unlike a city Watch, which must adhere to its procedures and protocols, we were able to take quick and decisive action to track down and subdue the would-be murderers. Thus, not only did we recover the stolen goods, but we also saved dozens of lives."

Of course, none of the other four people here were part of that. I turn to Jason, since I know him a good deal better than the others. "Jason, that work we did for your man Sanford... are we at liberty to discuss that here? I imagine it would constitute relevant experience..."

2019-07-19, 12:43 PM
Haligoth/Sunset Guild

Whatever his position at whatever this place is, Vletlic is a commoner with seemingly little to no experience with adventures in exotic lands or the stuff of magic. Sora can also tell he's quite taken by an attractive lady, and her oratory skills have improved by the past half-year of of intense lessons with the younger apprentices.

He applauds. "Oh, wonderful. I don't know what the rest of you do - maybe chop? - but you can maybe do what we need, da. But the Watch isn't without skill. Do not insult them. They are worth every copper - this thief is very good.

"In two months, five of our businesses have been robbed, all taverns. Odd. No damage and no ideas. People know faces of regulars, and strangers have been asked and they have ... eh ... people say they were someplace else, da? Maybe magic tells you what people cannot? You catch or kill thief and give proof, guild pays 100 steel. You do this and get back stolen stuffs, you maybe get bonus."

He gives the names of the five taverns (just use your own ideas from the OOC thread, cuz who cares) and waits for other questions.

Mr. E
2019-07-19, 03:01 PM
Grayshore stands in the back rank of the party, largely happy to let Sorawyl do the talking. Even now, with clean and with her head freshly shaven, she suspects that she is not quite respectable. However, she listens attentively to Vletlic, and, when he pauses for questions, moves forward to face him.

"What kinds of, ah, goods, where taken? Just gold and valuables, or more, how-do-you-say, mundane things?"

2019-07-19, 03:15 PM
"If there was something very unique that was taken, I might be able to track it... Provided we are in the vicinity", Eren adds.

Mr. E
2019-07-19, 03:26 PM
"Not only that," Grayshore notes, half-replying to Eren and half informing Vletlic, "but the amount that was taken will tell us how many thieves are, uh, involved. The more goods stolen, the more thugs it would have required to move them."

2019-07-19, 03:42 PM
"And even if our magic cannot track the goods, knowing the details would surely give us some clues to follow up on. Yes, we need to know exactly what was stolen, and on which days. Times of day even, if you can narrow it down that far.

But I have another question: 100 steel? Between the five of us that is but 20 each. I daresay our skills are more valuable than that, not to mention expenses... in fact, you are a guild of tavern-owners, yes? Could you perhaps provide us with supplies of food and drink for... say 10 days... in addition to our fee?" At least that way, we won't be out of pocket while we're searching for the thief.

2019-07-19, 05:04 PM
Vletlic is both astonished and insulted that you think 100 steel isn't enough. "That's months wages. If you're so very good, you find thief in a day, you make lots of money. You do this, I put in good word with wherever you're staying. And find all stolen and get bonus. All very nice."

He opens up a ledger and recites the dates, telling Grayshore he obviously deosn't know the number of thieves. He also says he doesn't have any exact numbers or details about what's stolen - forestalling an argument about his competence by explaining it's partially because owners are only required to pay dies - not percentages - so they don't report their total income. Also, the thief has managed to steal each tavern's entire strongbox undetected, so there's likely all sorts of uncatalogued items missing.

2019-07-20, 10:06 PM
"So the thief or thieves must be using magic, right?" Jason reasons. "I mean, nobody is that good. Is there some way we can trace it somehow?" he asks Sorawyl.

2019-07-21, 04:11 AM
"It is certainly possible. A worth foe, then! Aye, we will find your thief, Vletlic, dead or alive.

Now, I know you said your previous investigations had turned up no ideas, but... was anyone from the Watch involved in those? I may want to get their thoughts on the case as a starting point."

2019-07-23, 01:13 PM
Vletlic provides directions to the nearest Watch House and a note of introduction.

Within ten minutes you find yourselves at a large, white, ill-kept structure with a flag hanging at the front door; crossed spears on an open field. Very inventive.

Inside is an extremely overweight officer at a desk in a smelly office, polishing a tin mug from a basket of other random tin items at his side. There are benches for waiting and nothing else. Two sets of double doors are behind him, alighting your curiosity. As you approach, he frowns several chins deep and wearily grunts, "Shto?"

Upon reading the note, he tersely answers any questions he can while saying Watch officers are still on the case...

2019-07-23, 01:19 PM
'Worth every copper,' eh? I get the feeling the guild isn't contributing very many coppers here. I try to make us sound as un-threatening as possible. "May we please... speak with these officers? We would like to help catch the thief, and it would be a shame if we had to duplicate the work they have already done."

2019-07-23, 03:30 PM
The officer scowls flabbily and spits something in Estwilde before saying, "They aren't available. You think to do Watch's work, you are so smarter than Watch, then go - do Watch's work." He immediately, if a bit angrily, returns to his pile of tin.

2019-07-23, 04:00 PM
"Now, I don't believe that's what Lady Kassinor implied. I'm sure we'd all just like this thief to be caught as soon as possible, no? The longer they're free, the more trouble they'll brew. And I'm sure the Watch has no shortage of work even without this." Eren tries to speak in a calm, neutral voice. "We may not have the insight and experience your people have, but we can focus solely on this one task, and perhaps bring a new perspective into the case."

"But back to the point, could you tell us when those officers would be available?"

Persuasion: [roll0] to get the officer to soften up a bit.

2019-07-24, 05:36 AM
They seemed to be getting nowhere with the watchman.

“Perhaps,” he said, adding to what Eren said. “Perhaps you could give us an additional note of introduction so that we are not accosted by your watchmen while we perform our own investigation of the scene? Surely, that much is reasonable?”

2019-07-24, 12:13 PM
The fat man shrugs and waves you out. "Note says we leave you be - we leave you be."

2019-07-24, 01:37 PM
I walk out, not especially perturbed. "Not to worry, people, we can do this without them. I suggest our next stop is to visit each of the places that were burgled, unless anyone has any better ideas..."

2019-07-25, 05:46 PM
“Yes, I think investigating the scenes would be a good start,” Valorean agreed. “Perhaps we should interview the tavern staff as well.”

Assuming the Watch was competent, he guessed they had already enhanced their search with magic. But their group had plenty of magical power and Sora’s cando attitude. What could go wrong?

2019-08-06, 01:01 PM

Three straight days of investigations commence …


While Sora doesn’t debase herself with actual flirtation, she quickly finds the need for effusive courtesy. The people of South Shore don’t seem to care that you are outsiders, but they obviously don’t much like Solamnics and respond poorly to being addressed in their language. Of course, a pretty face doesn’t hurt either. That does not translate to getting information about local thieves and fences – you’re an unknown with no money, so nobody opens up about illegal activities. They are not comforted by your nomad “bodyguard,” who also obviously has no local affiliations.

For Grayshore’s part, she finds herself distracted. Hours of questioning lazy cityfolk about illicit activities and criminals begins to give you a headache as whispered voices increasingly gripe snidely about what pathetic and dishonorable people these are, and why are you wasting your time in this stinking city to begin with? By all rights you should be resting at home, deeply pregnant!

The staffs at these places are longtime employees, deeply entrenched in their work and neighborhoods. Taverning is good work, and the owners know how to reward loyalty. Turnover isn’t common. After some in-depth questions with staff at different locations, you learn they mostly serve regulars, but it’s not uncommon to see new faces in a city this size. You realize it’s a commonality not everyone would recognize, so you also inquire about new faces or those who began frequenting the taverns shortly before they were burgled. You get the descriptions of several men who may match this profile.

You find no sign of the places having been physically broken into (to the best of your untrained eye). Within the offices where the strongboxes were kept she finds no evidence of the use of magic, which is odd, because she expected some sign of Transmutation; or at least the trace leavings of common components. On a hunch you try searching the common areas for the same, but these are cleaned daily. Oddly, the second place’s owner keeps his office locked and here you do just see a fresh scratch within the lock’s teeth


Valorean finds no signs of damage or tampering on doors, windows, or locks, much to his annoyance, and finds that while people don’t generally mind that he’s a draconian, they keep mistaking him for a particular loudmouth who’s been slumming around the city for the past few months. He makes little headway in his investigation until he starts using more leading questions. In particular, there’s some resentment toward the Watch for letting this happen to “loyal, dues-paying guildmembers,” which sounds to you suspiciously like the guild bribes the Watch for extra attention. A Zone of Truth confirms this, and that for these payments the Watch often has members spend their off-duty hours at businesses in good standing. Few are aware this is an actual policy, but it certainly works as a crime deterrent. The Watch officer you speak with confirms (under magic) he’s seen one of the men Eren has been told of…

Eren learns little from staff or patrons besides some vague descriptions of strangers (you think one somewhat inebriated fellow is actually describing you), and has no luck with the first owner, but the second sees something to the utility of magic, even if he doesn’t necessarily trust your motives, and describes a silver letter opener that once belonged to his father. Locate Object has no result; either the description isn’t good enough or it’s out of range.

Together, you ask the Watchman who else has seen this man, and he points (grudgingly) to another current patron. This fat little rat of a man practically spits in annoyance and tries to rush out, but Jason grabs him and pins him to a table, spilling ale all over him. Rat-man, knife to his throat (the Watchman doesn’t seem to mind this; Rat-man isn’t a paying member is good standing!), says the man’s got greasy brown hair, a birthmark above his brow, and a brass ring on his left pinky. Birthmark had been in weeks ago, “making pointless chatter, forgettable stuff, and refusing to play dice. Or cards, or anything, and he was watching the bartender like a hawk.”

2019-08-08, 01:08 AM
"Should we regroup with the others, and compare notes?" Jason asks his companions after they are finished.

2019-08-08, 09:14 AM
"Should we regroup with the others, and compare notes?" Jason asks his companions after they are finished.

OOC: Let's just assume that's exactly what you are doing now.

2019-08-08, 03:44 PM
The search for clues has been far more frustrating than I'd have liked, so I'm hoping Valorean, Jason and Erendriel have come up with something. Before we get together to compare notes, I do my hair up in an extra tight bun and put on one of my best dresses (the long black one I got from Berrican Brellis), in an effort to revitalise my mental energies a bit.

"Good to see you all. It has been a long three days, eh? Who would like to start?" I'm not keen to go first, having uncovered only (what I consider to be) relatively slim pickings. Perhaps hearing what the others have to say will enable me to synergise something though...


2019-08-08, 04:56 PM
"We found plenty of corruption, which does not endear me to this city," Valorean said once they were all back together. He wasn't so naive as to believe that that this sort of "protection" was uncommon in most of Ansalon; nonetheless, its blatant practice (or a least barely hidden acknowledgment), irked him mightily. "I believe me may also have a person of interest."

He went on to describe the man with the greasy brown hair, a birthmark above his brow, and a brass ring on his left pinky, allowing Jason and Eren to interject their own interpretations.

Mr. E
2019-08-09, 04:11 AM
"The, ah, small finger is an odd place for a ring, is it not?" Grayshore asks, trying to remember how non-Abanasian's wear their jewelry. "A criminal symbol of some kind, perhaps?" She shrugs, idly trying to remember whether any of her sailing acquaintances wore such a thing. "It sounds as if you have had, ah, more productive days than my own. I do not remember seeing anything more interesting than pickpockets and drunkards..."

2019-08-09, 02:11 PM
"I didn't unfortunately learn anything too useful. I did get the description of one stolen item, but it was either out of my divination's range, or I couldn't imagine the item well enough. I can try it again later, once we have more leads." Eren says, shrugging. As the group talked, he was sitting with yet another different volume in his hands, idly leafing through it.

"Hmm, this man with a birthmark does sound to be the best lead by far. But we should be careful about asking around, if he hears someone's searching for him, he might just go in hiding... Or send someone to slit our throats in the night."

Eren tries to recall if he's heard of a ring being worn on the pinky having any particular meaning
History, maybe: [roll0]

2019-08-09, 03:08 PM
"Hmm, it is interesting that you mention a man with the birthmark and the greasy hair. I also heard about a man of that description as being someone who had patronised one of the establishments I visited - a new customer who showed up shortly before the burglaries. We must endeavour to find this character...

Beyond that, I could find no trace of magic at any of the scenes. Perhaps we were too late, but I think it more likely that the thief did not use magic. A good thing, I suppose. The last thing I have to report is that I saw one door that may have had its lock manually tampered with, so I suspect we are dealing with a skilled fingersmith. Now, what would be the best way to track down our person of interest? Do we even know his name?"

2019-08-09, 10:21 PM
"If he's not using magic, he's either working with a well coordinated team or just the world's greatest thief, since he managed to make off with multiple taverns' entire strongboxs on his own without leaving behind any clues," Jason observes. "And no, we never got a name. Maybe the brass ring on the pinky is a lead? It's an odd place to wear a ring. Maybe it has some kind of significance."

2019-08-11, 03:53 PM
"If not magic," Valorean said to Jason, "then would it seem likely that he had help from inside the Watch or the taverns themselves?"

He felt that they had questioned the individuals they spoke to throughly, but perhaps they had asked the wrong questions.

2019-08-12, 03:50 AM
"You may well be right, but it will be difficult to get them to admit as much if that is the case. The people here do not trust us, and the corruption that you mention works to protect them from our honest efforts," I observe. "Perhaps we would have better luck trying to target the criminal community, rather than questioning the taverners... Or if we can figure out where the thief or thieves will strike next, we could lay a trap..."

2019-08-12, 11:17 PM
"Do you think there may be some pattern to which taverns the thief has hit so far?" Jason asks Sorawyl.

2019-08-16, 02:15 PM
"I'm not sure about a pattern myself... Perhaps I'll just try to go after the Birthmark. I hope I'll at least learn if the finger on the pinky has any significance here", Eren says. "Anyone want to come with me?"

2019-08-16, 02:28 PM
“I’ll accompany you,” Valorean said. “Perhaps we can ask around at some of the other taverns.”

This seemed a good opportunity to learn more about their new companion as well as gain new information.

Persuasion [roll1]

Valorean is going to ask around about Birthmark and if other taverns have been hit. He’ll also want to investigate any leads from the Persuade.

2019-08-17, 10:25 AM
I agree that the man with the birthmark is our best lead, but it doesn't need all of us going out and asking around. We need a plan B, and probably plans C and D as well. I wish Eren and Valorean "good luck. While you do that, I will try something a little different. Maybe I will run into Mr. Birthmark if I can cover enough ground. We have to assume he is still at large in the city, after all." My thought is to go out for an evening, using three castings of invisibility to move around freely for three hours (i.e. tailgating people through doors, being able to stare at people without seeming suspicious). In that time, I'll visit as many taverns as humanly possible and have a quick look around to see if Birthmark is there. If I find him, I'll try to follow him as far as possible, or at least take note of what he's doing and where.

Wisdom (Perception): [roll0]
Wisdom (Perception): [roll1]
Wisdom (Perception): [roll2]
Dexterity (Stealth): [roll3]
"Meanwhile, is there something Jason and Grayshore can do?" I ask this to them. "Do you think there could be any profit in mingling with the dockside crowd?"

Mr. E
2019-08-17, 09:00 PM
"I think it would be wise," Grayshore replies, brow furrowed in thought, "if one of us returned to talk with Vlatlic, I think his name was? It may be that this individual is known to the guild already, and they may be able to tell us where to find him." She shrugs her shoulders expressively, then continues. "We might also visit the docks, but all the sailors have their own, ah, styles and symbols. Looking for this individual and his compatriots would be like looking for a - I think the saying is - needle in a haystack? But we may as well try, if nothing else is of use. Your thoughts, Jason?"

So Grayshore's plan is basically to go back and ask Vletlic whether he recognizes either the man and his birthmark, or the symbol of the ring on the pinky finger, and thus find out who he is or where he can be found. Failing that, Grayshore will happily hit the docks and look for/ask for the individual in question or others like him.

I'm not quite sure what kinds of rolls will be required, but I presume perception, insight, and a couple of persuasion checks will come in handy:

Perception: [roll0]
Insight: [roll1]
Persuasion 1: [roll2]
Persuasion 2: [roll3]

And yes, by the way, the misspelling is intentional

2019-08-18, 10:59 PM
"Sure, I can check out the docks," Jason answers. "Not sure if I'll find anything, but maybe I can grease a few palms to find out something."

2019-08-22, 06:21 PM
Haligoth streets

After four or days (total now) walking the streets, you all start to get a much better idea of the size of Haligoth. While in no way comparable with Palanthas (for those of you familiar with it) it seems to have a far larger population than Garnet, more akin to Caergoth than not…

Sorawyl can cover only so much ground by herself, even though she finds walking invisibly through the dark or loud drunken crowds is ridiculously easy.

Eren and Volorean thus spend another day getting to know this city’s surprising array of taverns – monster themed, knight themed, plenty of downtrodden locals’ taverns full of regulars, taverns welcoming merchants, farmers, or people of specific regions (Taman Busuk, Abanasinia, Ergoth – but seemingly not Solamnia). Asking about some of the more itinerant drinkers in town, those who are well-known but don’t have one particular watering hole, they learn a man matching that description seems to be doing much the same – they never see him at one place more than one night in a row.

Grayshore has no luck with Vletlic – not that he’s unhelpful (though it’s true) but that he doesn’t know anything. He’s a bit resentful that he’s hired you to find the thief only for you to come and ask him about your suspect. This man is accustomed to dealing with businesspeople and merchant representatives and that sort rather than thieves and adventurers, so his brusque demeanor doesn’t appear to be intentionally insulting.

Together you hear several rumors about a ring worn on the pinky: A band of cutpurses a couple years ago wore a copper band as an identifying mark; a wealthy merchant who disappeared one day was known to wear a silver band with a diamond; sailors (pirates) from Carthay are well-known for displaying any adornment imaginable.

OOC: At this point it seems you are hot on his trail, but even ruling out the most poorly-off taverns you visit (7) and those already victimized (5), you learn of at least 12 others that are about the same quality as previous targets. Where he’ll appear next may just be a matter of luck, unless you want to try another tactic or refine your plan. Unless I hear of such in the next couple days, I will literally roll randomly to see if any y’all run into him by chance over several days.

2019-08-23, 02:05 AM
Eren was scribbling into his book as the group compared their findings. "It seems our suspect doesn't care much about laying low, though apparently he still doesn't like to drink in a same tavern more than once. Perhaps that means he's at least somewhat afraid of being spotted..." Eren mused, scratching his beard.

"Perhaps by scouring more watering holes we might run into him, but I'm wondering if we could lay a trap. We know places where he is likely to strike, though there are too many that we could watch effectively... But perhaps we could lure him to one. Spread a rumour that a particular inn has acquired something valuable, then stalk the place like a hunter leaving a rotting carcass to attract predators."

2019-08-23, 12:36 PM
"Setting a trap would be ideal," Valorean mused. "Sora, you've used your magic to glimpse the future before, can you use a spell to guide use to the correct location. I can pray to Mishakal to aid you as well."

If they couldn't come up with a coherent plan to capture this particular thief, then perhaps they could inquire more about the band of cutpurses they hear about. For now, though this seemed the best solution.

Me, the player, is not sure exactly how whatever spell Sora might cast works, so I am offering to either cast Guidance or use the Help Action. Whichever is relevant and possible.

2019-08-25, 12:24 AM
"That could work," Jason agrees. "And if the thief doesn't take the bait, well, all we've lost is time, really."

2019-08-26, 02:38 AM
"I can turn myself invisible, though the time is somewhat limited... But I do have another way of monitoring a location without myself being seen."

Eren closed his hand into a fist, and then opened it. As he did, a raven appeared, standing on his palm. "Behold! My bird. If I'm close enough, I can see through its eyes, so I could monitor the outside of the tavern without too much suspicion."

"Now which establishment should we choose? Perhaps one of the wealthier ones, to make the bait more enticing and believable. We could say a noble from a distant land has come to visit, and is keeping some valuable item in the inn's strongbox, for safekeeping. That way the thief might feel pressured to act fast, and perhaps be sloppier than usual..."

2019-08-26, 11:07 PM
"Whoa!" Jason says in surprise at the sudden appearance of the bird, taking a step back. Once the surprise wears off, he regains his composure. "Wow, some kind of familiar? Neat trick. Yeah, that sounds like a good plan to me."

2019-08-28, 05:29 AM
“I believe that is the best we can do given our current knowledge.”

He tickled beneath the bird’s chin. “Can you feel that?...Ahem...I can use magic to hold him in place, should the thief arrives. Then we can secure and deliver him to the authorities.”

2019-08-28, 06:28 AM
"Ah, familiar, that might indeed be the correct term..." Eren glances at Sora. "A magic bird in any case."

"Oh, not really..." Eren grins at Valoran, scratching his beard, from the same spot. "Sounds like a good idea... I think I know the spell, I can make it a little harder for our thief to resist it."

2019-08-28, 09:16 AM
"Yes, familiar is the term," I confirm. Odd that he would have a familiar without knowing the name of the spell, but I suppose it isn't really important. "As an aside, do you find it useful? I have been considering getting one myself..."

2019-08-28, 09:32 AM
"Ah, well it is certainly useful if you want to concentrate on reading a book while moving, and need someone to watch the road. Unfortunately my raven seems to have a preference for sitting on my head instead of on my shoulder, so it's not quite the image I envisioned." Eren takes out his tome, flipping to a page where he'd copied the spell and hands the book to Sorawyl. "If you can make anything out of my notes, feel free to copy it for yourself."

On the page Sora can see indeed something that looks like a spell, with some notes saying "smart bird spell".

2019-08-28, 12:15 PM
Haligoth – The Dravic Inn

The plan is simple enough; spend an evening at a few taverns dropping hints of some “special item” in safe keeping – maybe something you want to appraise, or is famous for some reason – and keep eyes on the target tavern for the mark to arrive.

And arrive he does on the following night, though you think he stands out more for the unhealthy greasiness of his hair than his small mole and thin ring. You confront him as a group the moment he returns from the latrine, five people and an embarrassingly-propped bird. “What’s this? Who’re you and wadda ya want? Leave me be, ya bastards. I ain’t done nothin’ to you.”

2019-08-28, 04:09 PM
While my more muscular allies close in, I hang back, giving a predatory stare. And also not getting too close to any unpleasant smells that may or may not be present. "Nothing to us, to be sure, but maybe to certain influential others, hm? Perhaps you would like to discuss this further, somewhere a little more private...?"

2019-08-29, 05:17 AM
By Mishakal’s grace, their plan succeeded. Jason and Grayshore closed in on the man, while the three spellcasters hung back.

Valorean positioned himself on the opposite side of Sora, but away from the door, so that if the man ran, he wouldn’t need to try and grab him. The man appearing to be made partially of grease and the other of dirt.

2019-08-29, 05:57 AM
"Yes, I think it would be best if you complied, I'm sure all of would prefer things go smoothly..." Eren was glad he could cast spells nowadays, just so that he could contribute without needing to touch the man. By Gilean, you could grease up a wagon axle with the man's hair.

2019-08-29, 10:14 AM
You're getting no small amount of attention; this is a fairly nice place, and quiet, with muter conversations between friends and associates and lovers rather than bawdy revelers. All eyes are on you, especially the fat, broken-nosed man behind the bar, livid at the interruption and whose eyes seem to be screaming, "Go away!"

For his part, the target sizes you all up and gives no trouble, only continuing to squawk about his innocence.

OOC: Where are you taking him and what do you do? It's early evening, not even seventh bell.

Majin - Please take Inspiration for your recent posts. Entertaining.

Ninja - I see zero reason you cannot try to make something of Eren's magical tome. He seems rather out of his depth, but you've been studying magic for many years.

2019-08-30, 01:06 PM
Haligoth Streets

You leave the tavern with the overweight owner glaring and practically shoving you out the door while your greasy captive unravels a quilt of expletives even the former soldier Jason finds impressive. Taking alleys in this city in no way means you aren't seen. Many streets here are small and dirty and you catch a number of shady instances; coins and cloth-wrapped items changing hands, low conversations between hooded figures, and several backdoors swinging open to allow quiet exits for men and women leaving gambling halls or brothels.

You don't make it. A pair of town guards sees the angry man amid an armed party and intercepts you with weapons ready and Official Glowers at full throttle. Waving your charter letter and claiming guild business is pretty much enough for them, however. They step back, one speaking to the other in a low voice in Estwilde as you pass.

Back at a private inn room, having made quite a ruckus in front of dozens of evening diners and drinkers, he says, his voice really shaking now, "Just what in the bloody Abyss do you want from me? Why drag me along through the city? Trying to make some point, showing off for the Sunset Guild? You're a bunch of thugs... you're not gonna kill me, are you? Oh, have mercy. You - draconian - you wear the medallion of Mishakal. Mercy, please. You can't just go killing a fellow."

2019-08-30, 01:31 PM
Upon reflection, they could have made use of some subtlety, vestigial appendage such as it was for their group. Nonetheless, they had succeeded.

Valorean was taken aback for a moment by the man's invocation of his Goddess in this godless city. "We have no intent to harm you. As long as you cooperate and answer our questions honestly, I swear by the Light of Mishakal that you will not suffer at our hands."

A blue glow infusing his golden scaled hands, Valorean clapped his hands together and spread his arms apart, palms down. The glow swelled outward filling the area with a pleasant tingling sensation, then faded to a barely perceptible haze.

"Let's start with something simple. What is your name?"

Valorean casts Zone of Truth - DC12 Charisma Saving Throw for everyone within a 15 foot radius sphere

Charisma Save [roll0]

2019-08-30, 03:40 PM
When he brings up Valorean's medallion, I draw my wand and start flicking through my spellbook. It's no coincidence that I'm wearing red and black today...

I make ready to cast detect thoughts, but hold on to it just for the moment. It doesn't last as long as zone of truth, so I really want to make sure it's in play during the most intense spell of questioning.

2019-08-30, 03:51 PM
Eren makes sure to stay a safe distance away from Valorean, as he didn't suddenly want to start speaking the truth suddenly. For now though, he was content to just listen, hoping the cleric's spell would work, quietly standing apart, hands behind his back. Eren had sent his familiar to watch the streets, to look out for any suspicious figures. Occasionally his eyes glazed over as he viewed the street with the raven's senses.

2019-08-30, 11:37 PM
Something about this whole thing didn't really sit well with Jason. Granted, they were hired to do this job, and they had good reason to suspect this man's guilt. But in essence, they essentially just kidnapped a man and are now interrogating him--not under the authority of any government entity, but of a guild's.

"Trying to make some point, showing off for the Sunset Guild? You're a bunch of thugs."

The words echoed in Jason's head, making the pit in his stomach grow heavier. Even if the man is a criminal, is this right? He remembers back when he was accused of theft by Captain Chu'it. Is what he is doing now any different?

Jason remains quiet, wrestling with these inner thoughts, and lets his comrades do the questioning. Regardless, they've committed to this path. He just wanted it over with as soon as possible now.

2019-08-31, 11:36 AM
He looks nervously among you, vaguely feeling about his chest as if searching for whatever curse you just laid upon him. "I'm Jarrus of Saltcove. Why did you bring me here if you don't even know my name? What's this all about?"

OOC: Yes, anybody responding or participating please make your DC 12 Cha save. It's not a big room.

2019-09-02, 03:45 PM
"Jarrus," Valorean said. "We were hired to investigate the robberies of several taverns in the city. You appeared to be a person of interest." He gently lifted the man's hand and indicated the ring encircling his finger. "This is a sign of the gang to which you belong, yes?"

2019-09-02, 04:13 PM
Valorean feels a strange otherly insight and knows instinctively that the magic has taken hold of Jarrus ... and some of his own companions.

The man is utterly confused. "Don't know anything about any robberies. This? It's just a ring. Had it for years. I haven't been in Haligoth long and had no idea there were gangs that wear rings. Is this all a mistake, then? Can I be on my way?"

2019-09-03, 03:09 AM
"Not quite yet, I fear. If we are fully satisfied that you are not in any way involved, then you will be free to leave." I say, truthfully. "So then, can you swear that you did not open the strongbox at The Inn on the Bridge? You stole nothing from The Flying Lancer or any of the other taverns that have been attacked recently?" I list each of the taverns, just to be sure.

And I'll cast detect thoughts at this juncture, I think. The real questions are starting now.

We never actually named any of the taverns that were hit, did we? I just pulled a couple of names off that list from before.

Mr. E
2019-09-03, 04:50 AM
Grayshore frowns as she stands in the back row, hammer resting on the ground in front of her, and folds her arms, resting them on its wooden butt. She glares at Jarrus, skin prickling faintly from Valorean's magic, uncomfortable and on edge. The ancestors move restlessly under her skin, eager to reach out and shake the truth out of the sniveling man in front of her.

She restrains that impulse with an effort, however, and focuses on the questions and responses, adding her own after Sorawyl's.

"Also, if that ring is just a ring, who gave it to you? Why? Does it, or where you wear it, have any, ah, significance, that you know of? That is, does it mean anything?"

2019-09-03, 07:43 AM
Jarrus shakes his head vehemently. “Nope. Never did any of that. What-what’s it with you and this ring? I just found it, years ago. Now I think I’ve been a pretty good sport, but if you’re not going to hurt me, I’m going to be going…” But he doesn’t actually move, as if waiting for inevitable violence…

You discern relief and truthfulness. Then frustration and an instant in which he imagines yanking the stupid the ring off and throwing it at Grayshore. And, of course, an intense desire to be away. He’s extremely afraid for his safety, and thinks if he tries to push past anyone to the door he'll be set upon.

2019-09-03, 02:22 PM
"You were seen near several places where the robberies had taken place, that is supposed to be just a coincidence? What were you doing in the bar tonight?" Eren wasn't certain what to do next. The man had been their only lead, but didn't seem to know anything about the robberies. Perhaps they could go stalk the tavern some more, and hope to catch the real criminals red-handed, but they'd seemed rather elusive so far...

Eren beckoned Valorean and Sorawyl, whispering to them. "Can either of you detect if something's been cast on him? Could someone have prepared for a spell like this with another spell?"

They'd likely have to let the man go soon, but Eren tried to talk him into staying for a few minutes longer. "Now, now, like I said earlier, we all prefer things go smoothly. If you bear with us for a few more minutes, I'll buy you a pint downstairs."

Persuasion to calm the man: [roll0] if it's possible.

2019-09-04, 05:14 PM
"Yeah! And having a pint. Nothing wrong with that!!! If this is you trying to be nice, you're a bunch of bastards. Good riddance." If nobody physically opposes him, he squeezes between you and leaves. Quickly.

2019-09-06, 07:33 AM
Valorean watched him go, glumly. Had they really just accosted and accused and innocent man? Mishakal taught compassion and understanding. Justice under the clear light of the law. They hadn't injured the man--physically anyway--but Valorean couldn't help but think that they should have known better.

"Well," he said, "That was an unpleasant undertaking. I'd suggest we make amends, but I suspect keeping a dragon's distance between us will be enough." He sat heavily on the chair their captive had just vacated. "What now?""

2019-09-07, 01:25 AM
Jason sighs. "Not only did that go badly, but we are out of leads now, aren't we? We're back to square one."

2019-09-07, 04:19 PM
I am upset to see him escape - even if he didn't actually commit the robberies, I feel sure we could have squeezed some other lead out of him, somehow. I plop myself down on the floor and wrack my brain for ideas. "Ugh... it cannot have been coincidence that he was at each of the crime scenes - and that he turned up right on cue tonight. Maybe... maybe someone else placed him there in order to frame him, or as a distraction... which means... we should go back to the tavern we took him from! Whoever is committing these burglaries is (or was) almost certainly there tonight." I sigh. They've probably figured out by now that it was a trap. "Did any of you notice anyone acting strangely when we abducted Jarrus?"

2019-09-07, 10:51 PM
"The innkeeper was glaring daggers at us," Jason remembers. "But that was probably just because we were causing a ruckus in his inn."

2019-09-10, 05:49 AM
“Agreed. Our behavior was....” he trailed off into silence. Mishakal has to have a reason to send them after Jarrus.

He scratched ideally at an itch under his scales. “He initially thought we were members of the Sunset Guild. Less, I think than a solid lead, but if they are involved with the city underworld, we could see if they have heard anything.”

2019-09-10, 08:14 AM
I roll my eyes. "Do you not recall? We are working for The Sunset Guild. That is the name the taverners operate under.

...although, if the Guild was the first thing that sprang into the head of that man, he must have reason to be fearful of them. Gah, there is so much we do not know!"

See here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24032753&postcount=59).

2019-09-10, 05:51 PM
Haligoth/The Sunset Guild

The following day you are called back to the guildhouse, and the moment you enter you realize something is amiss. Vletlic is present with the angry-looking fat man from The Dravic Inn. He assails Vletlic with angry Estwilde.

“He says you take a man away last night, but patrons say you spread rumors that he is holding something expensive, and then strongbox is stolen in the night. He is very angry. He says he wants 100 steel for his weekly earnings, a new strongbox, and a public apology, or he asks guild to hire a barrister and sue you.

“This is very bad. You do not make a good reputation and you damage the guild’s.” He sounds bitter and resentful, and looks like he regrets trusting outsiders.

"What happened to this man? Was he not the thief?"

2019-09-11, 04:14 PM
Well, the last night had been rather disappointing, with their only lead turning out to be false. Eren was more disappointed the tavern owner had managed to pinpoint the rumors to them. He didn't look forward to paying the sum, though as the idea about the rumors had been his, Eren supposed it'd be decent to offer to as much as he could of the fine. He'd have to see if he could talk his way out of it first.

"I am sorry to hear that. I do recall discussing a matter like that with another patron, though saying we started it is a rather heavy accusation, not to mention holding us responsible... "

Deception: [roll0]

"We thought the man we talked to might have been linked with the robberies, seems that was false... Apparently he knew nothing. His name was Jarrus, of Saltcove." Eren eyes the guildmaster, if he happened to give away any sort of reaction. Jarrus had certainly seemed to have had a run in with the guild before, and not a very pleasant one it seemed.

Insight: [roll1]

"We'll of course continue to chase the thieves, but I don't think us loosing resources would help our progress. Once the thieves have been captured, everyone should have their money back, and the satisfaction of justice being served. A court process against a group actively trying to find the thieves would to me seem to be almost aiding them. After all, if the thieves are free, who's to say they won't strike again, even at the very same tavern? They've certainly managed to work without leaving evidence" Eren spoke with a calm, reasonable tone, looking in turn at the guildmaster and the man who must own the tavern owner.

Persuasion: [roll2]
Use star chain to get advantage: [roll3]

2019-09-12, 05:01 PM
Jason remains quiet for now, and lets the others handle it. Aside from the fact that he can't help but feel anything he did say would somehow only make matters worse, the truth was he couldn't think of anyway to fix this. Short of skipping town and hoping for better luck in the next place, he wasn't sure what they could do at all.

2019-09-13, 01:26 PM
Haligoth/The Sunset Guild

Vletlic and the taverner talk a lot while Erendriel makes his case. He sees no recognition of the name Jarrus and the fat man is unimpressed with Eren's defense - though he doesn't argue for your arrest. By Vletlic's following description and translation, you think the man seems far more interested in immediate compensation than fairness or justice.

Whatever decisions you make, the following days prove deeply frustrating. You find no further leads and Jarrus seems to have vanished overnight. There's no sign of him anywhere. Though you note the thefts do indeed stop. You may feel conflicted about all this...

OOC: You each earn 50xp, but owe The Dravic Inn 100 steel and the cost of a new strongbox (quality of your choice). Oh, and he requires an actual public apology from one of you. Vletlic makes it clear that without this - performed here at the Sunset Guild before other guildmember witnesses - there's no deal.

2019-09-13, 04:43 PM
Jason will contribute 1/5th of the coin, so that's 20 steel plus another 3 steel for the lockbox.

2019-09-15, 08:47 AM
It's bitter to have failed so badly, and I am angry at myself for getting outfoxed by the thieves. It's particularly painful, because I lack the liquid assets to contribute to the compensation at this time. If another party member is willing to cover for me, I will promise to pay them back, and I will also give the public apology. The guild people would probably like that best anyway, since it was my words that persuaded them to hire us.

As I see it, the main reason we failed was because we lack local knowledge and contacts. Not knowing the ways of this place, we made mistakes that we wouldn't have made in Solamnia. Therefore, I would be against going to some other new place, since we'd surely encounter the same problem again. What we need now is a simple, low-risk job here that will help us rebuild our reputation. And, hopefully, let me take my frustration out on something flammable...

2019-10-08, 07:09 PM
Qwermish countryside

(I am assuming you are walking, because nobody has said otherwise.)

Having traveled many long miles through Solamnia, you were not entirely prepared for Qwermish. Though separated from the great plains, vineyards, and fruit groves of the province of Heartlund by only a mountain range, you find that, much like Haligoth itself, this place is deeply unfamiliar.

The uncobbled road west winds over and around tall hills and through a smattering of villages close to the city. Hours later you are among old-growth forest is all around. Spruce, hornbeam, and beech trees are in thick stands surrounded by dense wiry shrubs. There are no roadside inns, and there are no standalone houses or sprawling farms – pale stone homes are hunkered behind thick defensive walls alongside barns and stables and coups. The remains of old stone walls and tumbles structures are everywhere; evidence of centuries of conflict.

Birds abound, and you spot signs of bear, wolf, and lynx.

Larger towns are sparse, and the road passes by tall stockades and heavy gates. Passersby are not uncommon, but always appear in groups with carts and wagons, and they eye you suspiciously as they pass. Only near towns do you see any guards or patrols, and they are all attired and armed differently.

Each night you find a rest stop – commonly-used campsites with deep stone fire pits and large, three-sided shelters of questionable upkeep. Here you stay with local merchants and other travelers who open up a little over a hot meal and a few drinks, but nobody is aware of any monastery. “If they’ve locked themselves away in the mountains they must want to be left to themselves. And if they’re praying to some god, I’m happy to leave them there,” seems to be the consensus.

They have, however, heard of the village of Loaz, which they agree is a nice enough place right at the base of the mountains. It’s even got a pretty little fishing lake!

On the third night, as the sun is dropping behind the now-visible Southern Vingaard Mountains, you and a regular crowd wearily ease toward a rest stop. Three covered wagons and a dozen people – merchants and family members – stop ahead of you and all stand in surprised silence. Ahead are three figures, two of them, an angry-looking dwarf and what you can only assume is a bakali (the lizard people are notoriously insular, after all) stare at each other and you with equal trepidation. The third figure is a bearskin-wearing hill giant curled up and snoring thunderously in the shelter.

A middle-aged man takes off his floppy hat and scratches his head. He says something quietly in Estwilde and then repeats it in common. “Vat do ve do?” he asks everybody and nobody in particular.

2019-10-09, 02:06 PM
Erendriel Half-Elven (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1925802)

Eren quickly jogs ahead of the wagons to get a look at the disturbance, even putting away the book he'd been reading. He raises an eyebrow at the situation, wondering exactly what was going on, though it seemed the hillgiant was the likely reason.

"Evening, gentlemen, what seems to be the problem? Anything I might be able to help you with?" Eren asks in a conversational tone. The lizard man was a rather curious sight, and Eren had at first mistaken him for a Draconian.

2019-10-09, 02:14 PM
I've never seen a real, live giant before. I stare for a moment, slightly awestruck, before realising that Eren has started talking at people. I hurry to him. "I daresay the problem here is obvious, Erendriel." To the strangers I offer a slight curtsy: "Evening, sirs. Have you any thoughts about what we might do with this... fine... creature...?"

2019-10-09, 06:50 PM
A little skeptical, thoughts of perhaps a lass of some naive nature, Morhar gruffly points out: "Fine creature? This be na' a sleepin' fawn, miss'ay. I'd just clear out if it were just mahself but a giant is as big a problem as tha name suggests! I cannae even tell ya where the bloody thing came from!"

Going to nudge the sleeping beast with the hilt of his maul, Mohar thinks better of it, not wanting to earn its ire should it wake up.

2019-10-09, 06:56 PM
Jason frowns, remembering an old Solamnic adage about waking sleeping giants. He looks to the man with the floppy hat. "I don't suppose there's another shelter nearby we could push on toward instead?" he asks.

2019-10-10, 12:47 AM

Achuak disliked the brutish hillgiant kind, and then there was that dwarf as well... Of course it'd end in a hushed arguement about what to do.
Personally speaking, Achuak had no interest in poking the sleeping beast. It's common knowledge to not tease the sleeping swamp hydra after all, and the Lizardfolk Cleric was very much sure the same 'saying' could be made use of with focus on sleeping giants.

"This sleeping being, it should not be touched. We do not wish for needless fighting..." The Jarak-Sinn said with a deep, throaty rumbling tone, full of pressure on the S' and thick with the draconic accent of his kind.

His reptilian eyes narrowed as he noticed the approach of others, turning halfway to put a shoulderfront towards the newcomers and towards the sleeping giant, eyes flicking back and forth with a slow calculating motion.
Wonderful, more... softskins.

2019-10-11, 09:54 AM
Qwermish/Endday Road Rest stop

The man shakes his head at Jason, worry deep in his eyes. There's a lot of low muttering, and travel weariness and fear begin to set it. None of you understand the conversation held in Estwilde, but their furtive looks and tone say a lot. They are looking between the dark woods and the even stranger newcomers, and are definitely agitated. They grip small knives, heavy traveling staffs, and work tools. One man reaches into a wagon and brings forth a crossbow...

OOC: For you newcomers, I greatly prefer you make skill rolls of your own volition rather than waiting for me to ask. This format is slow enough. If you feel it's obvious you are using a skill, please include it in your post. Many times it may not be necessary, but in high-stress situations...

2019-10-12, 05:51 PM
"Perhaps we could bribe the beast with some meat? Eren suggests, speaking in a low voice. "I confess I have never dealt with a giant before, but food could be good way to resolve this..."

2019-10-12, 06:11 PM
"I'd say leave it alone," Jason remarks. "As long as it's no threat, there's no reason to antagonize it."

2019-10-12, 06:39 PM
Directing his attention to the more sensible people, Morhar hisses between gritted teeth, "I cannae say the lot of 'em over thar", pointing to the emboldened group preparing their weapons, "are all so willin' ta leave well enuff alone. I...suggest...ya all git ready."

With that, Morhar readies his maul for what feels like the inevitable, attempting to keep an eye out for someone to make the first move. The tension's high and surely someone will panic.

((OOC: Perception [roll0]+3))

2019-10-13, 10:58 AM
When the other travellers are talking amongst themselves, I feel an urge to eavesdrop, so I cast comprehend languages as quickly as I can.

"Unfortunately, I think the dwarf has the right idea. We need somewhere safe to sleep, and I doubt this giant will respond to a polite request. Perhaps if we all co-ordinate our efforts, we can scare it off before it does too much damage..." I steel myself for battle, and hand 3 Potions of Healing to Eren. "Here, you might need these."

Then I back away as far as practicable and prepare to cast chromatic orb II at the giant the moment someone else attacks it.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] fire
Edit: am I allowed the comprehend languages retcon?

2019-10-13, 01:23 PM
Qwermish/Endday Road Rest stop

Sora casts her spell …

“-d never survive a minute with that monster! But all the years I’ve traveled these roads I’ve never seen such a thing. Ours is a wild place, but the roads at least are usually safe.”

“Usually. I’ve been attacked more than once by bandits and barbarians and worse. If I lose another stock of wares it’ll be the end of me. I might as well be the giant’s next meal for all my life will be worth.”

“I agree. It can’t be a coincidence. These wild things show up the same time as a giant? I bet ya they’re working together. They want us to move on to someplace else, away from the road, and attack us all unsuspecting.”

“Sounds like monster thinking, yeah. We can’t keep moving and they’re gonna have a trap for us out there. So what do we do? Kill these two fast before they can signal their friends in the woods and hope the giant doesn’t wake up? What if manage to wake him up before we can kill’em?”

“And what are these other folk gonna do? They’re all armed to the teeth but they’re all outsiders. Don’t speak a word of Estwilde and maybe got nothin’ to gain by helping us. Maybe they’ll make our work that much faster.”

“And the giant?”

“I … I guess we can burn him. We got wood and oil. Kill these two, burn the giant while it sleeps, huh? Easy enough, especially with these toughs. We gotta ask'em to either help out or stand aside, but we gotta do all quiet like..."

2019-10-13, 02:54 PM

With a throaty growl (and to those that knows draconic, it's a curse about softskins being softheaded spoken in Lizardfolk dialect), Achuak moves backwards and away from the others and the Giant that the lot seem to be dumb enough to begin attacking, so for now, distance and not showing hostility to either side might be the best idea.

If needed, will move a full 60ft away in 'that direction'... basically whatever direction is NOT into the middle of thick woods-area, and is in a direction that is away from as many people as possible, as well as that giant.

2019-10-13, 03:13 PM
I roll my eyes internally. These civilians are thinking to attack the dwarf and the lizard-thing? The racket would surely wake up the giant, and then we'd all be done for. I'll whisper the gist of what I'm hearing to Jason and Eren.

I suppose I need to stop this mob before they murder someone. We'll need every hand on deck to deal with the giant, after all. I just hope they're willing to listen to Common. I address them loudly enough to attract at least some attention, but definitely not so loud as to awake anyone who might be sleeping. "Excuse me, fellow travellers... my Estwilde is poor, but did I hear one of you say something about setting the giant on fire? It is said that giants are extremely strong, so it seems to me that you might only succeed in making it angry if you did something like that. And even if you did frighten the monster off, you would surely destroy the shelter in the process. This dwarf, on the other hand, looks like quite a warrior. Would it not be better to join with him and launch a co-ordinated strike against the giant while it still sleeping?"

2019-10-13, 03:57 PM
"I'm not sure the giant is actually a threat," Jason muses. "Why would it choose to sleep in a rest area frequented by humans? Surely it would know that's dangerous. I half-wonder if we should just wake it and ask what it wants..."

2019-10-14, 12:19 PM
Qwermish/Endday Road Rest stop

Their weapons ready but not so threatening, the people turn toward you three with dark eyes and harsh, hushed tones now mostly in Common.

"You vant us to do nothing?"

"You are vorking viss zem!"

"Prove the dwarf is not an enemy like this fancy lady says and tell him to attack the giant!"

"Yes. Kill it while it sleeps. But what of the bakali? Is it an agent against us? It should attack as well!"

OOC: Insight? Anybody… anybody?

2019-10-15, 04:20 PM
Jason points the direction they came and says to the people, "Withdraw a safe distance away. We'll deal with the giant, one way or the other, and when we do, you all do not want to be too close, just in case things go south."

If the giant was violent and a fight was the only way to resolve this, he didn't want these people getting swept up in it. And if the giant was peaceful, these people were only going to make things harder with how jumpy they were.

2019-10-16, 03:29 PM
To be honest, I would have preferred it if the mob was closer to the giant than I was, but I suppose Jason would have a problem with that.

"Are you with ready then, dwarf? And you, lizard-man? We will move this giant on, by force if necessary. Any assistance you can render will be greatly appreciated. Especially if one of you speaks Giant."

2019-10-16, 05:07 PM
With a deep sigh, Morhar exhibits defeat with an admittance.

"I do...I do speak tha words of the giants. I dinnae t'ink it a wise idea, tho. Last man I saw parlay with one got thrown off the mountain for the audacity."

Surveying the situation and looking down to the slumbering brute, he gathers himself and raises his maul. "NEVER. AGAIN. If we're aboot to wake this t'ing up, we're doing it tha ol' fashioned way!"

Feelings of hate and anger rise to the surface as Morhar's eyes turn white as he summons his strength to smite the monster in front of him, images of his brother-in-arms screaming in terror as his voice echoed through the mountain canyon.

Absolutely uncaring to the consequences now, refusing the alternative route of diplomacy, Morhar puts all of his might into his downward swing.

((OOC: Use 'Rage' and 'Reckless Attack'))

Attack: [roll0]+7 or [roll1]+7 (advantage roll)
Damage (if applicable): [roll2]+5

2019-10-17, 03:52 PM
"Whoa, hey, what are you doing?" Jason demands of the dwarf. "We're using violence as a last resort, not a first!"

2019-10-17, 05:15 PM

Standing at a farther distance by now (both to avoid being a natural target by that giant, as well as to be less of an ideal mob-target by those softskin folk that seemed to be angry with him), the Jarak-Sinn almost bristled with distaste at how the softskins seemed to deal with sleeping, very large creatures that can easily be, well, walked around.

"Is it just short, stocky smoothskins that attack sleeping giants, or are all smoothskins, nomatter their size just as stupid?" The Jarak-Sinn uttered in that very foreign way of speaking the common tongue, just as highly influenced by his own culture and the fact that Draconic was his familial tongue, not the Common speech of the softskin lands.
"We do not think it a good idea to attack a sleeping giant smoothskin-dwarf..." The reptilian humanoid uttered loud enough for at least the Dwarf to be able to hear, even with Achuak being a good 30 feet away, but not yelling it so as to make even MORE noise near that Giant.

2019-10-18, 11:04 AM
Qwermish/Endday Road Rest stop

Breathing heavily and ignoring hushed warning, the dwarf stamps forward and stands right before the snoring giant's filthy nose. Willing some inborn fury to strengthen his limbs, he draws back his great mallet and brings it down with incredible effort. With a meaty, crunching thump, the weapon's heavy head smacks into the giant's skull, loudly shattering something and sending a single jet of blood into the air from a crushed artery.

The hill giant gasps in agony and flails, knocking the dwarf flying, and jolts upright, cracking his already damaged brainpan on the shelter's roof. "Paaaahhhhh!!!" he wails, clutching his head and rolling about, apparently having lost his eyesight and any sense of the world beyond agony.

The commoners cheer at the remarkable blow, and whoop as the giant knocks itself flat again, but as seconds drag on and on into a full minute or more of blubbering, mewling despair, they cringe and look away.

Floppy-hat frowns miserably, ashamed, and tells the dwarf, "Oh, for the mercy's sake, pliss fyinish him off."

2019-10-18, 04:05 PM
"I...don't think this is an adult giant," Jason muses. "I think it's a child." He wants to help it, but has no healing powers and doubts the giant will hold still long enough to feed it a potion, assuming a healing potion would even work on something that large.

2019-10-18, 04:26 PM

Achuak had no interest in helping that Hill Giant, what so ever. This was a kill-or-be-killed world after all and it's not like it's a official war declaration where agreements on not harming the clerics as they heal the wounded and give the final rights to the dying. This is more or less a semi intelligent beast that's very big.

He did heft on his shield and clutch at his Holy Symbol hanging from his neck, the moment he reached for it, it just swooshed right into his hand as if magnetically pulled there.

2019-10-19, 03:07 AM
Completely caught off guard by the blow which sent him flying, Morhar gathers his senses and gets up, still angry as all hell, perhaps even angrier. The man's comment stings Morhar with utmost irritation. "ARG KAUW AH GRAWUH FUNNA HAU AAW!" (Of course of gonna finish him off!") The white-hot rage taking away his speech almost entirely but of course it was a total guess as to whether it could be noted he was snapping back at the man or just pre-occupied by his temperment.

Running up to the giant again to deliver what would hopefully be the finishing blow, the disturbingly angry dwarf swings his maul once more, still as reckless as he did before.

Attack: [roll0]+7 or [roll1]+7 (advantage roll)
Damage (if applicable): [roll2]+5

2019-10-19, 03:14 AM
((OOC: Since the one dice roll was critical and I can't edit posts to include the extra damage roll: [roll0]))

The second blow was unusually satisfying to Morhar and felt euphoria even through his heightened state of emotions. Surely THIS would put the giant to rest for good?

2019-10-19, 01:49 PM
Eren sighed. "I suppose killing the giant will be the course of least bloodshed for now, master Barker, whether or not it's fully grown or not. If we wanted to protect it, seems we'd have to fight rest of the caravan."

Not sure if we're in the initiative, or not? But this is Eren's action, if the giant didn't die yet.

Hex the giant, then attack.
Eldritch blast: [roll0]
[roll1] + Hex damage [roll2]

(( EDIT: Since the giant was already dead, guess Eren didn't need to blast it ))

2019-10-19, 01:50 PM
Qwermish/Endday Road Rest stop

With several more meaty thwaks, Morhar finishes what he started, and the giant ceases breathing.

The audience is not joyous about this turn of events, but the people are largely relieved. After some discussion, the hat man says, "Vell, den, hyelp me." Several others, men and women, begin to loose horses and ropes to drag the giant away.

2019-10-21, 01:16 PM

"(Draconic) Huh... it would seem even the giant softskins are indeed just another softskin." Achuak muttered to himself as he approached the spot the Hill Gianted had been brained, sniffing curiously at any lingering smells.

2019-10-21, 04:28 PM
Somewhat surprised to still be alive, I (cautiously) approach the dwarf. "Well, sir, that was... very effective. A shame for the giant, but... needs must." It was a terrifying experience, to be honest, but I have to put a brave face on it. "I am Sorawyl Kassonor, a travelling wizard. You have given us all somewhere safe to sleep, and for that I am in your debt. Might I know your name, so that I can thank you properly?"

2019-10-21, 06:21 PM
Letting the half-elf finish speaking, Morhar's tense stance relaxes and his eyes return to their normal emerald green.

"Morhar," he gruffly commented. "An' ya dun need t' thank me. I'm still haunted by all tha monstahs mah brothas and sistahs have fallen to. This giant ain't tha same as tha ones I'm used ta but a giant either way. This is a terrifyin' thoot, ta think these t'ings can't even keep to thar own land. Wha next? A why-virn? Wolves with teeth each the size of a man's head? I've got enough of a bad day ta be muckin' around and not even walking down the bloody road without a beast every mile and a blasted half!"

Getting completely wrapped up in his tangent, the dwarf is visibly trembling and immediately about-faces to gather his things and make his own way to the shelter for the night.

2019-10-22, 02:00 PM
"Yes, seemed quite effective... If a tad messy." Eren glanced back, glad the onlookers were removing the giant corpse so he didn't need to get his hands dirty. He also stayed a polite distance from the dwarf, in case he'd had bad experiences humans or elves too. "<Dwarvish> But I thank you too, master Morhar."

"Well I certainly hope there isn't any more disruptions, a rest would be quite welcome. Where were you heading before this incident, if you don't mind me asking?" Eren's tone was quite calm and steady, the dwarf seemed to be quite on the edge.

2019-10-22, 03:10 PM
Continuing to shuffle towards some much-needed rest, even dragging his feet a little, his only acknowledgment of the other half-elf is a simple grunt as he doesn't even turn his head, the goal quite clear to put it behind him.

2019-10-22, 05:11 PM
Jason slowly and purposefully puts away his shield and mace and stares at the dead giant for several tense, silent moments before whirling toward the others. "What is wrong with you people?!" he demands passionately. "He wasn't hurting anyone. He was resting in the designated rest area. That is what it is for, isn't it? He didn't even fight back! Why did he deserve to die? Because he was bigger than us? The gods protect you all if any squirrels happen by and decide the same about you while you sleep!"

His fists clenched as his star metal armor shines in the last bit of dying sunlight as the sun sets. "I thought the problem was Solamnia, but maybe it's just people in general. The gods should just hurl another fiery mountain at us and be done with the whole mess!"

He then whirls on his two half-elven companions. "And don't thank him! Killing someone who doesn't fight back and isn't a threat is called murder in my book. You don't thank people from butchering living beings!" He looks to the dwarf. "Are you proud of yourself? Do you think yourself a great hero? Do you think they'll sing songs and tell tales of the great day in history when a noble and brave dwarf slew a helpless and innocent giant?" He then starts ranting something in Solamnic, but even those who cannot understand the language can gleam it's not anything nice or well-mannered.

He then storms off alone, far enough away to not be near anyone, but still close enough to keep an eye on the camp if necessary. He sits and starts polishing his blade and removing his armor, all the while muttering to himself in Solamnic.

2019-10-22, 07:04 PM
Halting in his tracks to the all-assuming verbal assault, Morhar groans in annoyance. Waiting until he was a bit away, he finally turns back to the two half-elves and says, completely in earnest: "I'm not expect'n glor'eh or even a thank ya. But does it seem tah anyone else that humans seem to be so buried in self-righteousness thay cannae see tha rest of tha worl' aren't ALL aboot tha shared goals? Pride 'n' glor'hee 'n'," switching to an annoyed sarcastic tone, "'tookin oot yer prooblems' like a na'evh li'l nancy waitin' for a new t'ing ta rear it's oogly head instead of grabbin' 'er by da horns and RIPPIN' em out!"

"Sor'ray boot I'm nah gonna wait fer tha prooblem to make tha first move. Tha world's a big, nasteh place and if tha's anyt'ing beaten inta mah head, it's we live with na regrets or die by 'em." Realizing he worked himself up again, Morhar grabs his maul nearly at the very head and gestures towards the two. "This...this is joos' tha beginnin' and I'm na aboot to let anyone git hurt again so long as ah can do some'in. Now? I be suggestin' the lot of ye sleep with yer weapons undah ya pill'ers. G'noit, dun let tha creepy-crawlehs boit."

With that, he turns around and resumes what he was doing to prepare for a night's sleep.

2019-10-23, 07:03 AM

Achuak looked at the collection of Softskins, a bit unsure as to what to do. They were arguing about the death of some Giant Softskin like it really mattered. Did they get upset as well when they hunted for food? These softskins were indeed an oddity.
He didn't feel like he wanted to approach them since those not-armored softskins, they were called 'villagers', yes? Well since those softskins looked rather ill-at-ease at Achuak it just didn't feel like a good idea to try and socialize with them at all. He was also very sure it was not a smart idea to do the traditional show of interaction... raising his chin, hissing, etc. These softskins just did not seem the type of react with proper understanding to it.
So, for now, the Jarak-Sinn kept a little bit away from everyone else. He could hunt for enough food for himself and a whole group of extra people if need be, so eating and drinking was not an issue either.

2019-10-23, 03:55 PM
After removing his armor and polishing it and his weapons, Jason sighs and looks skyward. He hasn't done so in a long time, but he feels like he has nowhere else to turn. So he prays.

"Mishakal, please hear me. I don't know what to do anymore. All I ever wanted was to make this world a better place, however I could. I thought joining the knights would do that, but instead I just wound up complicit in atrocities. I thought I could do better on my own, but nearly everything I've done since has ended in failure. I failed to save Haagra. I failed to provide for my mother and sister. I failed to join the Legion. I failed to save those charmed sailors. So I thought the best thing I could do was stop acting, and just go with the flow. But my passivity resulted in another death today. It feels like no matter what I do--or don't do--someone else suffers for it.

"I feel so alone. Every time I start to get close to someone, they leave. Tarina, Darrik, Val...maybe it's for the best, as they would probably have died on my watch anyway. I feel myself surrounded on all sides by complete and total despair. Please, grant me the strength to keep fighting the darkness before I drown in it..."

2019-10-25, 09:35 AM
Eren listened to Jason's outburst quietly, just scratching his beard. He did actually feel a twinge of guilt. Eren had thought the giant was nothing more than a two-legged beast, that's what he'd thought. But he might have been wrong, and he was after all on a quest for knowledge, not ignorance. Not that he thought the outcome had been avoidable, everyone was far too worked up for that. But still...

"Perhaps... I'll start preparing supper..." Eren muttered, starting to do exactly that.

Later, he was walking with two steaming bowls to where Jason had headed. Eren froze when he heard talking, realizing it was prayer. He waited until it had stopped, then resumed walking, making more noise. He didn't want it to seem like he'd been sneaking.

"Master Barker... Jason... I brought some stew if you're hungry. It's probably not that great, but warm at least." Eren laid down the bowl. "And... I was wondering if you wanted to talk, perhaps?"

2019-10-25, 12:16 PM
Qwermish/Endday Road Rest stop

An hour later the giant is resting safely a hundred yards into the woods and the fire is roaring, rabbits and stew are cooking. Everyone is invited to share, and though the more squeamish prefer not to dwell on the giant's death, merely nodding acknowledgement to the dwarf, several are happy to relive the moment again and again, goading Morhar to add his own exaggerations to an already-growing tale of heroic might. Their simple lives will likely never see such excitement again.

The train leader approaches Achuak cautiously. "Vy are you here, leezard-man? You do not fight giant or save giant. You do not fight us or save us. You are here instead of there," he waves vaguely to indicate wherever you're from. "You are not so scary, but I hope you do not come vith us. Why are you here with people? People will not like you. Unless you tell tales of your home. Or make music. Do you make music?."

2019-10-25, 05:06 PM
Jason seems surprised to see Eren approach. The two of them had not really spoken much or spent much time together since he joined the group. But he doesn't send Eren away. He accepts the offered stew with a muttered thanks then says, "We can talk if you want, but I'm not sure what else there is to say. What's done is done and cannot be undone, I guess."

2019-10-26, 05:27 PM
Completely unsure of how he was even wrangled to join the others by the fire, perhaps just to avoid being annoyed as much as he imagined he would be, Morhar strictly keeps to his story that "It were dere; naow it's not" trying to quell any of the excitement about the incident, visibly displeased by the attention as well as his decline of drink bringing the dwarf to roll his eyes back in frustration as the stereotypes of his kind's sobriety surfaced.

"Ah do na want one, I to' ya! Dulls tha sense and catches ya wit' yer pants doon. Do nah t'ink we're safe. We nevah are."

2019-10-26, 08:11 PM

Achuak had stayed a bit to the outskirts of the softskins during the following trip along the road as well as when the camp was set up, foraging for his own food and water with relative ease.
As the train-leader approached, Achuak put down his dagger that he was in the middle of expertly cutting the meat off of a pair of wild rabits, leaving just the inedible innards which was dumped into a shallow digged hole in the dirt. "It was not Our fight, for one. We.... We are on pilgrimage, the great Zivilyn asked this of Us. We left home to explore the spiritual self, experience the world around, to grow wise with that experience." Achuak said and finished up the carving job.
"Music? Yes, We play the tribal flute of Our homelands It is not like the bards of your land, but it is soothing." the big Lizardman replied with a tilt of the head with curious interest.

He pulled out his flute, which had been handed down by his grandfather's grandfather, from father to son, on and on, until Achuak received it only a few years back. It was finely carved, albeit very tribal-esque, lending more sentimental and cultural value, than any larger monetary value. He then gave the Train Leader a short play, halting after only a good 30 seconds of playing to look at the Train Leader, flute lowered.
(Type of musical play, for reference) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr2VyUvzrwI)

2019-10-27, 03:25 PM
Eren sits down to slowly spoon the stew in his mouth. "Yes, I suppose so... Just wanted say I think you had a point, though maybe master Morhar thought he had too... I think I've been too cloistered my whole life, and I suppose that comes with certain preconceived notions that never really got challenged..." Eren scratched his beard, lost in thought. "I can see why I came across you. Seems you have a great moral character."

Eren glanced at where the lizard man was sitting, taking a while to listen to the haunting tones before speaking more. "Well, I suppose it's rather late...." Eren said, starting to get up. "One more thing... I wouldn't be surprised if the Blue Lady had a plan for you. It might not be the easiest path, and perhaps it'll be filled with hardships, but I'm confident in the end it'll work out. And... I'll be happy to talk if you feel like you need to share." Having finished his meal, Eren was ready to leave, unless Jason had something more to say. He wasn't sure if his words had done any good, but he'd wanted to reach out in any case. Eren had always been good at manipulating people, but not really connecting with them. Books were so much easier...

2019-10-28, 04:12 PM
"Master Morhar?" Jason asks. "Oh, you mean the dwarf," he realizes. He had never caught his name in the chaos earlier. "Anyway, hopefully you're right...about Mishakal having a plan for me. Because right now, it feels like I'm just drifting in the sea like jetsam." He bids the half-elf good night when he leaves.

2019-10-31, 11:50 AM
Qwermish/Endday Road Rest stop

The leader – and others who overhear – are surprised by the sudden loud, low hum of the old flute, but remain frozen with indecision, having never heard anything like it.

For their part someone gets out a hand drum and small guitars, and they play rapidly and haphazardly while eating and chatting in rapid Estwilde. This traditional music is very rhythmic, and people sing along messily, with gusto but no harmony to speak of. It must be quite a thing at local festivals, everyone but Achuak thinks.

As for the bakali’s explanation, the leader only nods, clearly not understanding, but seemingly satisfied he doesn’t mean anybody immediate harm.

The following day everybody packs and moves on readily, and within hours the groups of merchants and travelers have separated down other roads or stopped at their intended villages. The rest of you continue on toward Loaz, and believe you’ve finally found it at the very end of Endday road – appropriately enough – at sundown.

Loaz is an idyllic village behind a low palisade. Low houses are lined in rows along streets made of loose rock. Ranches sit on steplike hilltops, flocks of sheep and goats being managed toward barns and sheds for the night. The roofs of taller buildings can just be seen behind a rise about a half-mile away. A number of guards, wearing identically-bland dun tunics are closing the wooden gate when you approach, and they talk amongst themselves as they wait. All big-boned, ruddy, and dark, they are less colorful than their big-city kin. Two hold crossbows while a third, leaning on a massive flanged mace, says, “You’re not merchants. You have no goods. Vat you vant?”

They give Achuak unpleasant looks.

OOC: I encourage you to do IC discussions before/while approaching Loaz.

2019-10-31, 07:08 PM
Jason, for the most part, kept to himself. Although the worst of his anger had largely subsided, he was still very contemplative, broody, and quiet. The days, while traveling, he spent just staring forward, lost in his thoughts, his legs moving automatically and it would take a few seconds before he would respond to anyone or anything. And once the distraction had passed, he would resume his march and his deep thoughts. At night, he took his meals alone and would pray or just sit and think.

Now, standing before the gates of Loaz, he seems a bit more himself when confronted by the guards. "We are not merchants, we are travelers. We have come to visit the monastery in the mountains. We're only passing through and mean no harm to anyone."

2019-11-01, 12:26 PM
They don't appear happy about it, but they allow you in, pointing generally through the village and saying the road you are looking for lies approximately "thattaway."

2019-11-02, 06:59 PM
Once in town, Jason starts looking for an inn to stay at for the night. No sense in trying to reach the monastery with night falling upon them.

2019-11-03, 12:48 PM
"Hmh, the locals certainly are... succint", Eren said, as he observed the exchange between Jason and the guards. At least they hadn't wanted to start anything.

Eren decides to talk to the lizard man, as he hadn't heard much about him last night, aside from the melody. "Was that you playing last night, with the flute? The sound was most pleasant. Oh, and I see you are a worshiper of Zivilyn's", Eren says and gestures at Achuak's holy symbol. "A great deity, not enough people seem to respect wisdom and knowledge."

2019-11-03, 06:05 PM
"Hmh, the locals certainly are... succint", Eren said, as he observed the exchange between Jason and the guards. At least they hadn't wanted to start anything.

Eren decides to talk to the lizard man, as he hadn't heard much about him last night, aside from the melody. "Was that you playing last night, with the flute? The sound was most pleasant. Oh, and I see you are a worshiper of Zivilyn's", Eren says and gestures at Achuak's holy symbol. "A great deity, not enough people seem to respect wisdom and knowledge."


Achuak looked sideways at Eren as he approached and then listened intently as the softskin began to speak.
"Oh? Yes that was Us. It is an instrument of Our people's Priesthood, primarily. This one tho has gone as heritage from father to son, father to son." the Lizardman replied.
"With no Wisdom, we are but mere animals. Intelligence is about being smart, Wisdom is about a show of control, awareness, understanding." Achuak added in with a nod to Eren for at least understanding in part that there were more to everything than just intellect or brute strength.

2019-11-04, 04:50 PM
"Hmh, the locals certainly are... succinct", Eren said, as he observed the exchange between Jason and the guards. At least they hadn't wanted to start anything.

Jason nods. "The people of South Shore in general don't seem terribly friendly so far," he notes. "Or tolerant of outsiders."

2019-11-04, 05:57 PM
Listening in on Eren and Achuak, I find myself agreeing with what the lizardman is saying about wisdom. I've always thought true nobility required a well-rounded approach to life, after all. "That is an enlightened notion, sir. Is it commonly held in... actually, where in the world do you hail from?"

2019-11-05, 07:32 PM

Achuak looked towards Sorawyl as she spoke. "S... Sir? Ah, We understand now 'honorifics for someone of male gender'... We thank you for agreeing. Sadly, many of Our fellow Jarak-Sin tends to loose themselves into the extremes of Chislev's guidances. They are not wrong in this, however for Us, it must be tempered through the understanding and wisdom that Chislev's honored husband and companion Zivilyn provides. As to where We are from. Up north. More We cannot say. The Qwalmish Swamp Area as you softskins call it is the outer edges of Our home. It is not a place for the weak, nor the unprepared." Achuak replied and sighed a bit, head turning in the knowing direction of where his home would be towards.

2019-11-05, 07:33 PM
Village of Loaz

Over the gentle rise you see a lovely vista sprawled out – village center on the right, more fields and stands of trees abutting a small mountain lake to the left. Houses circle the lake at large intervals, as do handfulls of small fishing boats. The village proper is surprisingly dense, its building tall and thin and seemingly all atop one another. Rows of homes and businesses are punctuated by tiny alleyways even Jason would feel uncomfortably constrained in. There’s a large open square with a sizable pavilion, but no sign of any temple. In the dimming light you can just make out the wall continues on the far side of the lake, and the road disappears through a gate and up a mountainside.

In your immediate area are three taverns, two of them inns. The loner is likely expressly for locals. There are still plenty of people about, though most are cleaning up for the night, and the rush is on for meals. The inns are at opposite sides of an intersection just beyond eyeline of the square, and are very little different from each other, at least to your eyes, and the language continues to prove a barrier; the first shingle bears a large fish, the second an owlbear.

You enter (whichever you choose) and find yourselves in a large open tavern hall lit with racks of candles on the walls, tables, and above the bar, though there's a fireplace at each end. The blank pale stonework is largely hidden behind beautifully crafted wooden panels and shelves festooned with piles of bowls, dishes, bottles, and wooden carvings of every sort. It's warm and friendly but busy to the eye. There are perhaps a dozen people here, getting drinks and awaiting meals. None but a big-boned bartender are dressed like locals, and a rather dandy-looking Kender sitting near the lefthand fire is tuning a lute with scraps of well-worn Solamnic tunes. "I am Trodel, this is my place, and you sit where you like. You vant rooms, ve haf rooms. You eat - be polite. No fighting. No biting," he says pointedly to Achuak, for reasons he can't imagine. The food, when a hefty serving wench passes by, smells much less pungent than what you were served in Haligoth - obviously toned down for visiting palates. You are offered either fried fish or roast chicken with fried potatoes, and a selection of several potently hopsy local beers or vodka (it seems catering to outsiders doesn't extend to the alcohol).

A whip-thin mustachioed man in a fine shirt and embroidered doublet approaches readily and speaks Common. "Good evening, travelers. Gods, you're not merchants, are you? Haha, no certainly. Pierre Sochés, a purveyor of table spices and flavorings. I know it sounds mundane, but you wouldn't believe the amount of salt and pepper the Estewilde import, and it does manage to bring me to lovely little hovels such as this. So what's your business, eh? No business at all, no no. I don't suppose you'd like to play cards or dice?"

2019-11-07, 05:57 PM
A spice merchant, eh? Sounds interesting, and it's nice to hear an accent with less Estwilde in it. "No dice for me tonight, I think. Luck is a valuable commodity and I would rather hold onto mine for now. Perhaps tomorrow though, if you are staying the night?" I leave a pause in case any of my companions want to take up his offer tonight. Assuming he's still open to conversation, I ask "have you been long in Loaz?"

2019-11-07, 08:28 PM
Jason orders the chicken and 'taters, along with a beer he chooses at random as he isn't sure the difference between them all. He also orders a room for the night.

The sight of the kender brings a slight frown to his face, as he is reminded of Darrik and Devil. He hopes they are well, wherever they are now.

To Pierre, he says, "We're heading up to the monastery. We heard the monks there needed help. And sure, I'll do a few rounds of dice with you."

2019-11-07, 10:04 PM

In response to being told to note bite people, Achuak just stared at the softskin saying that with a rather 'does not fully get it' sort of expression. "Are you calling Us a Nighthunting Bloodfeaster, Vampire you call them, yes? We are no such thing, why would we bite anyone?" Achuak replied cocking her head a little to the side in confusion.
"You Bite your enemies, you bite your food, one does not bite without reason. At least We do not. Zivilyn teaches to wait and think before acting.... So Why would We, who is not a bloodhungering undead, nor a beast of nature, nor a frenzied abnormal monstrousity Bite softskins around here?" The Jarak-Sinn continued adding, still sounding as baffled and confused as to why he would be questioned about something like this.

2019-11-08, 12:46 PM
Village of Loaz

"Only a few days, mores the pity," Pierre says. "I'd like to take in some fishing but I fear once the orders are placed I must away and see they are delivered. A set of wagons is leaving for Haligoth in two days' time and I know well that travel is best done in numbers in this country."

He sits and happily plays several games of dice with Jason while idly chatting away about nothing in particular. He's not very good nor very interested - it's merely something to do. He admits to knowing nothing about any monastery despite having visited Loaz at least five times.

The bartender, Trodel, listens to Achuak at first with trepidation, then discomfort, then apparently decides the lizard man is no danger after all and goes about tending to other customers even as Achuak keeps talking. When his vexed complains and questions end, Trodel answers with a sort of impatient "sure, fine, go away" wave.

2019-11-09, 03:46 AM
Still restless from the recent events, Morhar orders 3 orders of chicken and potatoes, diving into the meal with a fervor he has not felt for a meal since he began his sobriety, clearly taking a toll on his demeanour not easily sated. After arranging a room, as well, he approaches the relatively chipper half-elf he'd overheard discussing dice at a later time. Struggling to get the first bit of coherent words out of his mouth and some rough gesturing, he finally manages to say what needs to be said to her.

"Hmm. Ah know dis be a bit bolder d'in a stranger ought ta be b'oot I thoot ta git it oot nawh inst'ah ah later. See'in' ya seem to be intent on some'in importan', ah can only hope to ask what it be aboot. First, tha...? Ahm sorrah ah've been not givin' tha best of impressions. I'm nay a smart man nah a calm one. Ah dunnae what ta do wit m'self since every'tin I luv gets wrenched from me grip anna cannae afford tah do it much more. Not on me own, at least. Ah oonder'tand if tha lot of ya would rather be rid of me. S'pecially tha one lad. B'oot...if'n y'll havvan ah bit low on blades fer yer travels, ah'd 'preccit if ah could be joinin'. At least til ye git tah where ya needin' ta be.

Ah know it should be took'd over wit yer friends so I can certainly be waitin' til tomorrow for tha annsah. Fer now, I shud git to me room. Need a bit o' time ta t'ink what ah need t'do. T'ank ya."

With that, he awkwardly leaves to get his belongings up to his room and wait for the nerve-wracking answer.

2019-11-09, 02:57 PM

Achuak just shook his head in ill-understood acceptance of the way he was being treated, and just fished out a piece of smoked Rabbit-meat and chewed.

2019-11-09, 07:02 PM
Jason is more than content to play low-stakes dice games, for coppers or not even coin at all, if Pierre prefers. He's happy to have something to take his mind off things. "So I take that, like us, you aren't from Estwilde?" he asks Pierre.

2019-11-10, 09:57 AM
I am unable to formulate a response to Morhar before he shuffles off to his room, mostly because it takes me a good minute to disentangle his meaning from his accent. Idly, I wonder if comprehend languages would work for that sort of thing.

He wants to know what we're up to, and to come with us? I'll definitely need to talk to Eren and Jason... I'll get myself a beer and speak to Eren first.

"Say, Eren, what do you think of that dwarf who killed the giant? He has asked if he might travel with us a while... I know he seems a little unhinged, but perhaps his strength would be useful to us...?"

2019-11-10, 11:02 AM
Jason is more than content to play low-stakes dice games, for coppers or not even coin at all, if Pierre prefers. He's happy to have something to take his mind off things. "So I take that, like us, you aren't from Estwilde?" he asks Pierre.

"Goodness no," Pierre says, grinning madly at a particularly good roll despite there being no stakes. "Coastlund originally, though business took me to Sanction and I've been there ever since. Marvelous city, Sanction, once you become accustomed to the sooty smell. My concern is there, dealing with a dozen mining villages throughout the Khalkists and a similar concern in Khur. Years I've spent making the Estwilde route. I know the people can be on the grim side and travel is mightily dangerous compared with home, but one you get used to their ways and ingratiate yourself a bit they are warm hosts and caring, dedicated friends.

"They're self-sufficient to a fault, these folk. Estwilde as a territory has been under siege for two thousand years, you see. A harsh land of monsters and ogres and barbarians, the people have to work hard to survive, and then comes Istar trying to conquer them a dozen times, and Solamnia a few more. South Shore's a little different - the Dragonarmies descended and used it as a fortress and recruiting site, and Solamnia never came to their aid, they say. Even the gods forgot the people here, so they got fed up and decided if they had to be on their own, they'd embrace it. Qwermish didn't become South Shore until the War of the Lance, when a hundred petty lords and village mayors and such saw banding together was the only way to expel the Dragonarmies.

"But trade is a universal language. Well, so's Common, but you understand. They do love their salt and pepper, so here I come every year."

2019-11-10, 03:37 PM
I am unable to formulate a response to Morhar before he shuffles off to his room, mostly because it takes me a good minute to disentangle his meaning from his accent. Idly, I wonder if comprehend languages would work for that sort of thing.

He wants to know what we're up to, and to come with us? I'll definitely need to talk to Eren and Jason... I'll get myself a beer and speak to Eren first.

"Say, Eren, what do you think of that dwarf who killed the giant? He has asked if he might travel with us a while... I know he seems a little unhinged, but perhaps his strength would be useful to us...?"

Eren had ordered himself a wine, and was just leafing through his book quietly. He had listened to the dwarf's proposal too. "He is, maybe even a little dangerous. But perhaps so all of us are, and we certainly could use a friendly blade. It does seem he does intend well, even if his judgement is... rash. I don't think it a coincidence we met him either. Though perhaps extracting a promise from master Morhar that he'd behave himself wouldn't hurt."

Eren looks at the lizardman's direction. He'd not yet heard Achuak was going to be doing. "And what of you, master Achuak? Are you traveling anywhere in particular?"

2019-11-10, 05:12 PM
After arranging his things and stepping towards the bed, Morhar takes a knee. It'd have been decades since he had last done so, faith never having been strong within him, despite desperately wanting to do his mother proud and assure her that he wasn't going to be lost in the darkness.

Finding his voice, he closed his eyes and began to pray.

"Tha gods that be, moih'tay beyond all mortals, honor'd an' wise til tha end ah days. Please...be grantin' this lonelay soul some peace. Ah'm nay the same as ah thoot ah was 'cuz I 'no me mind is slippin' farth'r 'n' farth'r. Ahm gunna lose all ah evah was 'n' am if'n ya don't guide me for woonce in mah bloody loife. Family, be it blooh'd, adoopt'd, ah otherwise, was all ah ever had 'r wanted an' it jus' seemed like yer tryin' to push mah hands away from evah holdin' it too long lest ah know tha taste of what happiness truly be. What did ah EVAH DO to be barred from all of yer embrace? Eh? Ah've nevah heard nary a whisper or dreamt a dream 'n all mah loife. It be all endless black that feels ta be swallowin' mah very soul ahn still ya forsake one of yer children?!"

The rage courses through his body as he throws the bedside table across the room. Thankfully, he'd not yet lit the candle so there was no...fiery repercussions, though it was certainly heard from the next room over. Upon realizing what he'd done, he'd taken his place again and paused.

Stopping as his sobbing finally broke free, tears streaming down his young but weathered face, clenching his eyes even tighter yet, he mustered his will to continue his prayer.

"Ah jus'...(sniff) be needin' ta kna I shood ev'n keep goin' or I jus' be wastin' mah time wit tha lot of ya! Tha pain...(gulp) nevah heals ev'n a touch nah do I wanna go on like dis. But ah will. Ah will if'n ya don't t'ink me too fah from grace. Jus' show me sum, just SUM, grain o' hope. I s'pose if ya don't (hacking/coughing)...ah cannae be blame'n ya for abandon'in' me if ya were nevah dere ta start wit. I wan'ta believe there be some'n so please...let me see tha loit. I dun' wanna be jus' anotha one ah tha mons'tahs ah lay low. Ahm afraid...ahm so, SO afraid."

With that, and a few minutes to compose himself before standing up, Morhar begins readying for bed. He looks over to the table across the room and just shakes his head, disappointed in himself yet again and just leaves it there but sets the candle upon the tray and lights it, setting it on the windowsill.

Once he undresses and places one of his handaxes under his pillow, he finds enough comfort to drift off to sleep. The dwarf has been through a long day and is physically sore, mentally fatigued, emotionally drained, and spiritually exhausted.

2019-11-10, 06:03 PM
"They may be self-sufficient, but by only relying on themselves, I wonder what they've lost in the process," Jason muses. "What about North Shore and Midland? Ever get up there? Are they much the same as South Shore?" he asks Pierre.

2019-11-11, 01:52 PM
"They may be self-sufficient, but by only relying on themselves, I wonder what they've lost in the process," Jason muses. "What about North Shore and Midland? Ever get up there? Are they much the same as South Shore?" he asks Pierre.

"Oh, that I don't miss. You need to travel some more, young man. Solamnia's a fine place, but that arrogance is one of the reasons we tend to be disliked away from home. As if it's the only bright spot in a dark an dismal world. We've been lucky in many things, friend Jason. That's all.

"I've watched these folk toil against fate. They're to be admired. My miner friends in the Khalkists work through blistering heat in hardscrabble mountains, eating rabbit and goat on the spit and with their families at their sides are proud of a good day's work. The great caliphs in Khur maintain gleaming cities in a sea of burning sand. They don't look at Solamnia and ask, 'Why can't we be more like them?'

"Sanction is a jewel all its own, and I've come to appreciate it. Taken a local to wife. As for Estwilde north of us? Nah. There's nothing there worth risking your life over. Ancient roads swallowed up by swamps and caravans swallowed up by dragons." He shakes his head and sips some wine.

2019-11-11, 04:32 PM
"Oh, that I don't miss. You need to travel some more, young man. Solamnia's a fine place, but that arrogance is one of the reasons we tend to be disliked away from home. As if it's the only bright spot in a dark an dismal world. We've been lucky in many things, friend Jason. That's all."
"I haven't been in South Shore long, but from what I've seen so far, they have far more in common with the Solamnics than they probably care to admit," Jason comments, remembering how quick that mob was to go all 'torch and pitchfork' on that sleeping giant. It reminded him all too well of the atrocities he witnessed while serving the Solamnic Knights. That deep, uncritical hatred of anything 'other' or different that seems to have lasted since the days of Istar.

"Sanction is a jewel all its own, and I've come to appreciate it. Taken a local to wife."
"Sanction, up in Taman Busuk?" he asks. "I've never been, but I've heard stories of how much it's changed since I was a kid. I might like to see it some day. Your wife lives up there then? Do you get to see her much, with so much time spent on the road?" he asks.

"As for Estwilde north of us? Nah. There's nothing there worth risking your life over. Ancient roads swallowed up by swamps and caravans swallowed up by dragons."
Jason almost chokes on his beer. "Dragons?! Not like the Overlords, I hope? I heard they were all wiped out."

2019-11-11, 08:11 PM

Looking towards Eren, Achuak cocked his head a little in thoughtful contemplation. "We are.... We are wandering, here and there. We have a destination, however Our final stop is not yet known. We only know that we are to travel, experience the world and then return home from time to time, bring the wisdom outside the Qualmish, as you call it in your Tongue. One can say that it is the travel, not the destination that is important." The Jarak-Sinn replied with a measured tone.

2019-11-13, 04:40 PM
Eren nodded to Achuak's explanation. "I think there's wisdom in that, though I could offer a temporary destination at least. Me and my companions are traveling to a local monastery to offer some protection, as apparently they've been target of several attacks recently. We find ourselves lacking several friendly swords, and I certainly would appreciate help. There's of course monetary compensation in it as well." Eren wasn't certain, but thought the lizardman could hold his own in a fight, and of course a cleric was always a valuable ally in any battle. "...I suppose if my companions agree to taking another member for this job." Eren glanced at Sorawyl. Jason seemed still tied up with the game, but he hoped the warrior wouldn't oppose these possible new companions.

2019-11-13, 09:39 PM

With a thoughtful cough-like hiss, Achuak seemed to mull over that offer from Eren. "We had been seeking a temporary goal in any case.... However, We do not trust easily, even the softskins here treat us like a rotscale-victim..... a Pariah, without reason. We have never broken rules, nor have We behaved unbefitting for this 'civlized place'. Nature has treated Us better than softskins like yourself." Achuak replied to Eren, clearly hesitant to just accept a stranger's offer of work, just out of the blue.

2019-11-14, 01:54 PM
To Eren: "certainly I am in favour of expanding our party. I am expecting this job to be dangerous, and I have had quite enough near-death experiences for one lifetime already."

Regarding Achuak, I do agree that he hasn't done anything to deserve the hatred he's been shown, at least in the day or so I've known him. My feeling is that it isn't fair to judge him by anything other than his own actions. On that basis, I'm willing to give him a chance, plus he seems somewhat different from the stereotypical depiction of a Jarak-Sinn.

Perhaps it would be best to get to know him a little better, before going any further. I try to sound neutral, and to ignore his strange mannerisms. "Well, Achuak, temporary goals aside, your overarching aim is to serve Zivilyn, yes?" I have no problem with that, for sure. "Do you have any kind of long term plan for how you are going to do that?"

2019-11-16, 06:43 PM
To Eren: "certainly I am in favour of expanding our party. I am expecting this job to be dangerous, and I have had quite enough near-death experiences for one lifetime already."

Regarding Achuak, I do agree that he hasn't done anything to deserve the hatred he's been shown, at least in the day or so I've known him. My feeling is that it isn't fair to judge him by anything other than his own actions. On that basis, I'm willing to give him a chance, plus he seems somewhat different from the stereotypical depiction of a Jarak-Sinn.

Perhaps it would be best to get to know him a little better, before going any further. I try to sound neutral, and to ignore his strange mannerisms. "Well, Achuak, temporary goals aside, your overarching aim is to serve Zivilyn, yes?" I have no problem with that, for sure. "Do you have any kind of long term plan for how you are going to do that?"


"Yes, to serve Zivilyn is Our reason of life and goal. As for a longer term goal.... no. We do not have a goal to reach. It is about the journey and to experience what happens during the Journey. We guess the goal is to return home some day with a greater wisdom, to use that wisdom and improve the life and cultural existence of Our people." Achuak said with a thoughtful hiss to the words.
"Does that answer your question sufficiently? We do not really know how to explain it much deeper since it was a divinely inspired choice to leave Our homelands and see the wider world."

2019-11-17, 01:28 PM
Pierre knows nothing specific of dragons, relaying only a handful of wholly unsubstantiated rumors and tall tales.

You continue to spend a nice warm evening in the tavern and eventually find yourselves some very very small but loudly adorned and comfortable rooms. The beds are on the small side and rickety, but are piled high with down pillows and colorful quilts.

The next day beckons. What is your next move? Plan?

2019-11-17, 05:24 PM
Jason will pack up his gear, get dressed and cleaned up, and prepare to head out to that mountain trail to take them up to the monastery.

2019-11-17, 06:42 PM

Being a newcomer to the group, Achuak will primarily just follow the others' lead for now. As well as observe and learn. These are all softskins after all and he is yet to trust any of them beyond basic pleasantries... Well, THEIR kind of pleasantries like talking, or exchanging information, etc.
Had it been his homelands, it'd have been a lethal fight to see who won and that way you might be able to establish a brotherhood-feel for your fellow comrades. Or you'd end up dead, or possibly make an enemy for life.

2019-11-19, 01:34 PM
First thing this morning, I'll prepare my spells for the day. I opt for a more combat-focussed selection, since we don't know what we might be facing. After breakfast, I lace up my new dwarven boots and pull on my dark coat, ready for the road. Before we leave though, I'd like to see if any of the locals know anything about what's been going on at the monastery. Just some polite questions for anyone who doesn't seem busy - maybe people loitering at the inn or waiting to meet someone in town, or even children if they can understand me. Questions like whether they have any dealings with the monks, what they're like, who (if anyone) they worship, how long the monastery has been there, what their experiences with the mountain tribes has been, if there have been any attacks on travellers, etc.

Charisma (Persuasion) if required: [roll0]


2019-11-19, 09:56 PM
Sorawyl, having gotten some hints about the mindset of the Qwermish people over the past two weeks, and with the additional insight of the merchant Pierre last night, sees an opening; they're proud and strong, but under that warm and thoroughly committed to community and mutual support.

Amongst the people, early in the morning setting up their stands and opening their shops, she leads with subtle praise and questions about their wares and workday, slowly working toward more "intrusive" questions about the community at large.

It seems the monastery, while not especially remote, is seen as an alien establishment on their soil which is tolerated because the monks largely keep to themselves and are otherwise seen as a rarely-observed benefit. She learns that a small group comes to town every few days to deliver vast loads of eggs and takes away fish. Maybe sometimes other things, such as simple tools and cloth.

Nobody asks about godly worship, though they usually wear loose robes of red and yellow. The monastery has been there for as long as anybody knows, but they don't give it much thought. As for the mountain tribes ... they're a horrible, savage, cannibalistic, brutal, warlike bunch best avoided. It's known they sometimes come sneaking down to kill and pillage and steal, but that's what great walls and hired guards are for. Loaz hasn't suffered a real attack in many years, and the people are happy for it, but the middle generation has memories of a terrible battle.

As for direction, you are pointed toward the back of town; the broad gate at the mountain road is what you seek. Three guards are on duty here, sharing bread and a basket of bacon. They note you with curiosity but allow you to without question.

You wonder how far off this place must be, but you don't have to wait long, as it's about two miles away. That said, the road wraps long and upward, so while it's close, it's also a steep incline rising a good thousand feet above the land you approached from, and the village of Loaz is lost from view within minutes. While you haven't traveled far, you're winded and the terrain appears entirely different, from forested hills to scraggly rock peaks in an instant, and to your right is a complete panoply of the countless tortured miles of the Dargaard Mountains. It's quite a view.

As is the monastery itself. Set in the depression of a small, steep peak, it's naturally protected on three sides. A great stone building, three stories tall, sits before you, intentionally wedged between the surrounding stone. Once inside, you will see the depression and gatehouse, as its called, form a circle around several lovely and well-tended acres. The gatehouse leads to a half-dozen other wings. In the middle are gardens and fountains, and chickens and goats and more chickens abound everywhere else. A twenty-foot wall surrounds the entire facility.

Still, you are not yet inside, and pulling a heavy rope at the massive front door, you hear a low bell toll within, and a shaggy head appears in a window far above you. "State your business, strangers," he says in Common.

2019-11-20, 01:25 PM
I'm pleased with this information, and share it with Jason and Eren. And with Achuak and Morhar, given our conversations last night. "So that is the situation. If the mountain tribes are even half as bad as these folk make out, the monks deserve to be protected from their depredations. We will need to be on guard as soon as we are outside the walls of Loaz, of course, but if all five of us stick together, I expect we will be able to protect each other."

I wonder, do the red and yellow robes mean anything to me? Intelligence (Religion): [roll0]

2019-11-20, 04:20 PM
The next morning Eren went to talk with Jason. "Master Barker... I was already thinking that we were rather short on man-power, for our current mission, and last night master Morhar, the dwarf, offered to accompany us. Lady Sorawyl and I were ready to accept him, seeing that he does seem to posses martial skill, even if his temper does seem to be rather... short. On the same note, I invited master Achuak as well. He does seem to be after some noble pursuits in my humble opinion, and clerical aid surely will come in handy, should we need to face the bandits in battle."

"I know there was the incident, but I don't think master Morhar is evil, but more likely misguided in his rage. I'm not saying you should forgive him, but perhaps offer him a chance of redeeming himself? Perhaps he could learn compassion and wisdom to temper his passion, should he travel with us." Eren does his best to sound calm and even-tempered.

2019-11-20, 05:38 PM
"If the mountain tribes are even half as bad as these folk make out, the monks deserve to be protected from their depredations."
"Still, let's not jump to any conclusions until we have the full picture," Jason says.

"I know there was the incident, but I don't think master Morhar is evil, but more likely misguided in his rage. I'm not saying you should forgive him, but perhaps offer him a chance of redeeming himself? Perhaps he could learn compassion and wisdom to temper his passion, should he travel with us."
"I've no issue with the Jarak-sinn, and he's welcome as far as I'm concerned. But even if you're right, and the dwarf is not evil, just misguided, well...I didn't see any remorse on his part for what he did. Redemption requires effort on his own part. It's not something we can thrust upon him, or hope will just happen naturally.

"And even ignoring all that, is that the sort of person you want to trust to watch your back? How can you be sure he'll watch over and protect you while you sleep and he won't just 'lose his temper' and slam his axe into your skull like he did with that giant? I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be able to sleep at all with someone like that in my camp. He's more of a danger to us than any enemy we would face, because we at least know what to expect from an enemy."

"State your business, strangers."
"We have heard stories that your monastery has suffered recent attacks, and you are seeking aid," Jason calls out to him. "We are here to offer that aid, if you still require it."

2019-11-20, 11:27 PM
Upon hearing the occasional raid trouble, Morhar hangs his head in deep thought, stroking his vastly trimmed beard as he recollected his own memories dealing with raiders and other such nuisances. Mostly airing his concerns a decent bit away from Jason, still respectfully cautious of his perception of the dwarf's recent actions, he feels relatively at ease with most of the others.

"Ah know tha despahra'shun of git'n wut ya need but ahn'ay self-respect'n moon'ten dwellahs ought ta nah bettah than go all wild on anyt'ing more den beasties 'n' cut-throots. Unless dey be dem demselves...." Morhar ponders the point. Granted, the barbarians he was raised among were more in tune with fairly basic living aside nature and let nothing go to waste but it all seemed like common sense to him.

"Yah. Senseless greed's and rabid madness from livin' nay but a thread from death's tha only t'ing that comes ta mind with a stor'hay like dat. We used'ta say "bettah we let da cold winds an' tha snow strip our flesh ta spare our brothas 'n' sistahs from turnin' as well". 'Course...then agiiiiiiiin [shrugging his shoulders with raised palms]...tha shamans were nevah too keen of oos not t'ussin' da elements tha firs' kill o' tha new moon anym're since we cou' nah affor' ta. Idlin' thoots, ah s'spose."

With that, the dwarf looks his gear over and double-checks everything he might need is ready on-hand. Most of it is basically very niche or simple compared to most travelers' needs. Even the slight variance that does exist in his inventory doesn't seem practical even for creative scenarios but as a man who hates to be unprepared for having reverted 'mostly' to his base instincts and barbarian training, it would be foolish to purge anything at the moment.

"'Ah'summin' all t'ings can be set aside...[alluding to the understanding there may be more vocal concerns regarding Morhar's presence]...once we get really gon' 'n' goin' throo dis first bit 'n' all, dunnae s'pose we be havin' any 'vantage points shud we be forced ta rest, ey? Ah dinnae t'ink it wise to let us be sa'roondid, stooped ah naw. Ah know most'uv tha folk who were raised in such a land may well be wook'in on air for all dere werth."

2019-11-21, 01:20 AM

Achuak has spent an hour of morning prayer to both give thanks to his patron god, along with Chislev since she is the overaching patron deity of his kind, so she deserved some focus as well, but only after the primary focus upon Zivilyn first and foremost.
With all that done with, Achuak would venture downstairs to see if he newfound, well.... Travel companions would be the most correct term right now, well he was checking if they were still down there or had left him behind.
From what it all seemed, it was clear they were still here, so Achuak'd just take a seat at a table nearby and fish out a piece of smoked and dried meat-of-unknown-origin and cut small pieces from it and ate while listening to the folk around him.

2019-11-23, 06:24 PM
Back at the inn:

"It's not the ideal situation, master Barker... But... Jason... If there are innocents at the monastery, I believe they'd need all the help they can get. None of us can really tell master Morhar not to come, if he so wishes, unless we wish to physically confront him. I don't believe we are in danger from him either. The fight with the giant was unfortunate, but I don't think it was avoidable. Perhaps we should talk more about this later, but I'll need to go prepare for the journey." Eren tried to sound compassionate, but he just couldn't make himself to feel as strongly about the giant's death as Jason. As he left, Eren did wonder Jason lacked pragmatism, or if this was just a flaw in Eren's own character.

At the monastery:

Eren waited for the shaggy man to respond to Jason, hands clasped behind his back. He did remind himself to talk with Morhar later, about how they'd try to handle the possible attackers.

2019-11-24, 05:37 PM
"If there are innocents at the monastery, I believe they'd need all the help they can get."
"If there are innocents at the monastery, do you really want to risk unleashing a mad dwarf on them? Who is to say he won't lose his temper and just start slaughtering them all? You're putting an inordinate amount of faith in someone we not only just met, but whom the only real detail we know of about him is that he has a habit of going on murderous rages sometimes," Jason points out.

"None of us can really tell master Morhar not to come, if he so wishes, unless we wish to physically confront him."
Jason exhales a defeated sigh. "No, I suppose that's true enough. But if he tries to murder anyone, I won't hesitate to cut him down myself if need be." He shakes his head sullenly. "I won't just stand by and watch again...like last time."

2019-11-25, 11:50 AM
Monastery of the Forgotten Mind

Shaggy disappears and you are left standing along the side of a mountain. It really is quite a stunning view, entirely different from the green Vingaards overlooking the glistening Bay of Branchala and the bustling wagon wheel that is Palanthas; or the rugged and bare Garnet range, all dusty, jagged and orange stone.

The Southern Dargaards are sharp and dark and surprisingly full of life. Nets of black lichen and green vines weave across murky-colored stone, small forests of short trees and big, messy shrubs abound, making at appear as if the peaks rise out of shadow. From experience, you'd guess the tallest peaks reach perhaps five thousand feet.

You wait quite a while, but eventually you heard a thunk and heavy grinding, and the great doors part as if on well-oiled rails. Within is an open, austere hall replete with handworked art, unassuming furniture, and potted plants of a hundred varieties. A tall, dark-skinned bald man in red and gold walks toward you with purpose and a palpable inner strength. He's unfazed by the makeup of the party. "Good morning, travelers. I am Brother Windmark. You claim to come to our aid. If true, I thank you for this. Please come in and tell me of yourselves, and I will, in turn, tell you of our plight."

The Ergothian, for that's what he surely is, invites you to sit upon plain seats and share hot tea. You note men and women of several races doing chores and working at any number of tasks throughout the huge building and outside. Though not for all of you, it's incredibly peaceful, and everybody goes about their daily routines with a satisfied and a visible ease in their strides.

"The Monastery of the Forgotten Mind has stood here for nearly fifteen hundred years; one of the few remaining ancient citadels to The Master of the Mind. Here we live simply and dedicate our lives to quiet study, farming, and self-improvement." He grins and shrugs. "It's not for everybody, I know, but some find peace in a simplicity of purpose.

"We've always had trouble with the local tribes. They're a hard people who live off the land and by the sword, unforgiving as nature. When they aren't raiding to the west or east, they warring with each other. And when they aren't doing that, perhaps once a decade, they come here to prove themselves and take whatever they can carry. Before you ask, simply giving them whatever goods they desire isn't enough. It's been tried. They want to fight for it. It's unfortunate, but violence one day every decade in exchange for thirty-six hundred days of sunny solitude seems fair enough.

"Unfortunately, for whatever reason, a single raid isn't enough this time. I suspect the leader of the tribe is trying to prove something, and has whipped his people into a fury. In the past month they have struck three times and killed seven acolytes. Our walls are tall and strong, but they don't defend themselves. We require help to defend ourselves or turn them back."

2019-11-25, 03:24 PM
"Well met, Brother Windmark," Jason says in greeting. "I am Jason Barker of Palanthas. So what did you have in mind for us to do then? Help defend the monastery if another attack comes, or to seek out these mountain folk and get them to de-escalate?" he asks.

2019-11-26, 11:16 AM
"I have no mind for battle. I know only that previous attempts at diplomacy have failed, and they seem intent on our destruction this time. We need them stopped or deterred - how to accomplish this I leave to you. You are all armed and responded to our call, so I assume you are more capable in this regard than a company of academics and theologians."

2019-11-26, 04:19 PM
If the tribesmen have attacked three times in the last month, it seems likely that they will attack again soon. That being the case, I would prefer to stay at the monastery. It'll be safer and if we want to negotiate, it'd be better to do it from a position of strength (i.e. the monastery's walls) than isolated in the mountains. Plus it'll be more comfortable!

Still, a few things don't quite add up... these "academics and theologians" have already turned back three assaults, and the raiders seem to consider it enough of a trial to attack the monastery that it would "prove" something. The monks must have some kind of defensive capabilities aside from us. Brother Windmark could also stand to share a few more details about the situation, I feel, so I speak up: "Sorawyl Kassonor, wizard. A pleasure to meet you, brother. I have a few questions, before we agree to terms."

I ask the questions as they come to me, waiting after each to allow him to respond. "First of all, what do you know about the mountain tribe - how many warriors can they muster, where are they camping, are there any spellcasters amongst them? Besides that, what is the condition of your defenses? Were the walls damaged in previous attacks? Are any of your brethren available to aid the defence? How much ammunition do you have to hand? How long has it been since the last raid?" Really, what I want to understand is the scale of the problem.

2019-11-26, 05:34 PM
Throwing in a question of his own along with Sorawyl's, Jason asks, "How far away is this tribe from the monastery?" He'll also look around the area, trying to get an idea of how defensible the place is. He'll use his experience as a soldier to look for good choke points, spots to set up traps, and overall get a good feel of the monastery's design.

2019-11-28, 12:22 PM
Windmark merely shakes his head. "How many? I have no idea. This is the third time I've seen this, and I could not even tell you if the attacks are being perpetrated by the same tribe. I estimate they come in a force of between fifty and one hundred each time - this is the first time they've attacked more than once, so I think I have recognized one or two of them from earlier.

"We rarely stray from our compound unless it is to trade with the village below. Though foraging for the goats is common enough, we never leave sight of it. A reasonable constraint on our mobility given the barbarian's wandering ways and the appearance of dangerous creatures. We lost a brother and sisters as well as a herd of goats to a dragon not five years ago.

"I have never noted obvious spell-wielding among them. Perhaps they prefer to rely on pure strength. And the occasion has not arisen to discuss their religious practices. A shame, really. They do make use of a sort of warrior-skald, pounding out beats on drums and hooting on ram's horns.

"The walls have suffered some scores and burns, but again, they have no powerful magic and their lifestyle prohibits the use of siege engines, so our greatest fear is ladders and ropes. They attacked eleven days ago, though we've seen them sitting and walking up on the nearby peaks, watching us, daily. We have crossbow bolts and spears, but we've used over half our stockpile.

"There are - or were - fifty-one of us here. Only three are mendicants - holy warriors - and most of the rest are simply students of the Mantis and of life. Others study the discipline of the mind and fist, and can, will, and do defend ourselves, Miss Kassanor, but it does not make us warriors. We raise arms only in the defense of the innocent. We do not make war or shed blood to to prove something." He is by this point gently scrutinizing Jason.

For his part, Jason notes even the nearest peaks are too far off for any but the most long and lucky ranged attacks (though the compound was not constructed to defend against air assault). He sees a number of locations he would fortify though because the barbarians are still watching, he thinks they are still planning. The earlier strikes may have only been probes.

2019-11-28, 06:19 PM
Jason turns to the others. "Well, we can either try and fortify this place up and ward off the next attack when they come. Or we can try and take the fight to them, or at least figure out why they keep attacking so we can put an end to it. I'm inclined to the latter, myself. It will help keep the monks and monastery out of danger, but also...I have a feeling they are gearing up for a much larger scale attack. I think these last few times they might have just been testing out the place's defenses. It's possible this place won't survive the next attack, so it might be better if we can stop that from happening in the first place."

2019-11-28, 08:57 PM
Keeping mindful of the information aired thus far, Morhar finally chimes in.

"Wit' tha mos' re'cen attacks, have the lot of ya spotted dem goin' ova the same parts or do thay just be seemin' to go at 'er willy-nilly? I be t'inking that we shud be makin' plans for any breach-points, ya get me? Even wit'oot any sieg'in doohickeys, enuff warriors goin' afta tha same spots be getting me ta t'ink it could be a bit too easy to get tha ropes 'n' ladderes up in tha firs' place."

Morhar looks around, not entirely confident that catapults and trebuchets couldn't also be part of any future attacks but is willing to let go of that for now.

"Not only dat boot if'n dey DO git up an' all, tha preem'tar: can eet be blocked off any or na 'fore thay just git down inta tha t'ick o' t'ings? A few traps ta slow 'em doon can be buyin' time ya not be havin' ootha'wise.

An' nah jus' traps but a bit o' trickery, eh? I be havin' some ram horns, me'self. D'ya know woot any o' tha commands mean or is it being pretty straight 'n' ferwerd? Contrary orders 'n' all dat, y'see, can be really confoozlin' on tha battleground 'n' if dey hafta ques'hun everyt'ing dey hear, we might be gettin' ta tha boot'm a' all dis wit who be leadin' dere charge. When a warleader or da like not be havin' full grip o' what's what, the mos' reazz'n'ble t'ing dat dey be comin' ta iz findin' who t'inks dey're tha one in charge and slittin' his throot PERSHUN'AH'LAY, don'tcha know?"

2019-11-30, 06:59 AM

Achuak felt very out of place here at the monastery, to a much higher degree than when he'd been with the others at the tavern. The wider world was still very new to him after all, so rather than be overly listening to what the others were talking about with the Brother of the Monastery, being much more interested in the architecture, the visuals of everything, and how much of a difference it all held compared to a deep-forested or swamp touched land like his own homelands to the north.

2019-12-01, 03:23 PM
Eren greets the monk respectfully as well, introducing himself, and then staying quiet to listen to the battle plans.

"Traps sound like an excellent idea, master Morhar... I can send my familiar to scout, he shouldn't draw as much attention as any one of us." Eren immediately summons his bird, giving it a telepathic message to go look for large gatherings of humanoids nearby, and report back to him.

Eren looks at Jason. "I don't believe with so few of us we can really make effective head on strikes, though perhaps we could do some sabotage... Unless you were thinking of assassinating the leader who seems intent on causing this trouble. That could indeed work, though I'm still uncertain how we'd get close to them..." Eren scratches his beard in thought, looking into the woods.

2019-12-01, 05:58 PM
"Traps sound like an excellent idea, master Morhar."
Jason leans toward Eren and whispers, "Wait, did you understand any of that? I can't even tell what language he's speaking..."

"Unless you were thinking of assassinating the leader who seems intent on causing this trouble. That could indeed work, though I'm still uncertain how we'd get close to them..."
"Assassinate? Maybe as a last resort, but no, I was talking more about finding out why they have changed their behavior. Perhaps they are being coerced or there has been some kind of misunderstanding. Barbarians these people may be, but still people, which means they could be reasoned with, at least in theory. Even if diplomacy fails, it might be a good idea to scout them out and learn more about their numbers, formations, and tactics."

2019-12-02, 05:32 PM
I nod. "And Brother Windmark said that there had been "previous attempts at diplomacy", so it must be possible to treat with them. Maybe not wise..." After all, if the monks couldn't do it, with all their wisdom and familiarity with the mountain tribes, I sincerely doubt we can.

I ask the brother: "purely out of interest, please could you explain how the previous attempts at diplomacy were conducted? Perhaps we can find a different angle that will produce better results."

2019-12-02, 08:10 PM
Windmark sips at his tea and describes to Sorawyl what he knows - that masters have many times set out when seeing an approaching horde and declared peaceful intent to talk, and been set to flee before arrows and axes (when able to escape - some simply never returned). He knows of one instance in which mendicants used their godly magic to sway their minds and return to the mountains peacefully. Though an undisciplined rabble, they were many, and only a few were affected. "Obviously," he says, "assassination is not our way, and so it has not been attempted. I wouldn't want to use that method, given a choice. Of course, here the choice is yours."

2019-12-03, 05:27 PM
"I agree with Brother Windmark," Jason adds. "I feel there has been enough death as it is. If we can solve this without it, we should. I'd rather save killing as an absolute last resort."

2019-12-03, 05:59 PM
It's clear that any kind of long-term solution will require a peaceful, negotiated settlement - it's not as if we can or would eradicate an entire people on behalf of this monastery, and the monastery isn't moving any time soon either. Still, though... "that is all well and good, but how do we bring the mountain tribes into a parley? Our approaches will surely be chased off slings and arrows unless we can prove to them that talking will be more beneficial than fighting..."

2019-12-04, 04:06 PM
"We could use more information, on this tribe's culture and beliefs. It might help us find some kind of leverage to get them talking," Jason speculates. "I don't suppose your magic could help us learn more?" he asks Sorawyl.

2019-12-05, 11:56 AM
Eren nods in agreement. "Perhaps a peaceful solution would be better for long-term... You don't happen to have any books concerning the history of these tribes? Or anyone in your monastery who might have studied them?"

2019-12-05, 03:25 PM
To answer Jason's question, I describe some of the things my magic could do: "it depends... most of my spells are too small in scale to divine high-level information about the tribes.

If their warrior-skalds are utilising any kind of magic, I could use detect magic to see what is going on.
Whatever language they speak, I can understand it using magic.
You have seen detect thoughts in action - and how it is not always easy to interpret the information gained.
I would be able to see any tribal warriors who have somehow made themselves invisible, though I doubt they possess that capability.
If, by some strange quirk of fate, their leader is being influenced by a cursed artifact... and if we were able to capture that item, I could use identify to gain a full understanding of it.
That is about the limit of my abilities at this time, and I have precisely... none of those spells prepared today, since I was expecting to be ambushed on the road and therefore gave priority to combat spells."

2019-12-05, 07:57 PM
"Those first two--detecting magic and thoughts--sound pretty good for this situation," Jason agrees. "But on the other hand, having some combat spells ready would be good, as well. We don't know what kind of reception we might get, and might need to defend ourselves if things go south."

2019-12-06, 08:48 AM
Monastery of the Forgotten Mind

Windmark will allow Eren to interview and research as he wishes, but says he’s been at the monastery for over thirty years. Shown to the library, Eren realizes he should have put this place at the top of his list for research sources. The library is ancient and huge! Windmark wasn’t kidding about the Forgotten Mind being undisturbed for centuries. The library is a massive vault leading deep into the mountainside, with rows and rows of shelves surrounded by smaller alcoves for specific subjects or individual work spaces. There are monks here at this moment, transcribing and reading.

Meanwhile, Windmark is pleased you’ve all enjoined this discussion with such fervor without bringing up payment, but he hesitates to continue without first satisfying a (at least verbal) contract. He obviously would rather you commit to some mission out of the goodness of your hearts, but understands if life requires payment of some sort, and asks your preference.

At some point Windmark finds a moment with Jason alone. “You seem a young man with heavy burdens. If you’d like to speak your peace, I would like to help relieve your doubts. In this place we consider all questions, and none are more important than those which weigh upon our own souls.”

2019-12-06, 08:12 PM
"Sorawyl, you're the one hurting most for money, right? Maybe you should negotiate the price," Jason tells her. He then leans in and whispers, "Just remember, these are monks. They probably aren't swimming in coin as it is."

“You seem a young man with heavy burdens. If you’d like to speak your peace, I would like to help relieve your doubts. In this place we consider all questions, and none are more important than those which weigh upon our own souls.”
"That obvious, huh?" Jason shakes his head. "I'm not a follower of Majere myself," he admits. "But there is a lot weighing on my mind." He looks around the room and scratches the back of his head. "Things haven't been going well for me. Seems like everything I do ends in failure. That lots of lives get ruined or even destroyed because I do the wrong thing or don't act quickly enough. I sort of feel adrift. Like I have nothing to work toward anymore. And isolated." He shrugs. "I don't know, it just feels like there is so much corruption, ignorance, and hate in the world. I want to help, to make a difference, and I just can't seem to do much of anything, aside from make things worse."

2019-12-08, 11:23 AM
Windmark smiles, refills Jason’s tea, and asks him to follow along as he walks. “Your troubles are easy to see for those not preoccupied by their own. And Majere doesn’t require devotion to take interest in a man wishing to better himself. Introspection is his purview.

“This is a place for self-analysis, reflection, and learning. The Forgotten Mind is not a forgetful mind, but one that is lightened and enlightened by leaving behind worries and regrets. Some say Majere is aloof and uncaring, but I think he is an example for how to live a more dedicated and free life. Do not weigh down your spirit with concerns beyond your ability, with actions beyond altering. Don’t forget the lessons you’ve taken away from your experiences, but lay aside pain you bear. Those things are done – you cannot change them.

“As for the world… it’s a big place. Perhaps you merely need a change of perspective. Consider your journey here. It must have been long. Did everyone you meet betray you or steal from you? Did your eyes never rest upon a kind act, or a beautiful moment, or something that impressed you?

“In my youth I was an orphan commoner and a stable boy. My life was literally s#!t. I could choose to look back on those awful years, wretched and smelly and hopeless, believing hot stew once a week was the only thing worth living for. Easy enough, yes? Instead I recall that my menial tasks served a greater purpose, and that the horses at least appreciated my efforts.

“I’ve been here thirty years. And do I focus on the terror and loss of the barbarian attacks? No. I have enjoyed eleven thousand days of tranquility. Three days of fear is a small price to pay. True I am no soldier, as you appear to be, but I have certainly seen the worst of people, and the violence they are capable of. And I have seen the beauty, joy, and frailty of even the smallest of lives.”

He stands upon a balcony and takes in the majestic view of dark, lush mountains. Monks exercise in the gardens and lounge with the goats. “This moment is a good one. I won’t spoil it with thoughts of the bad ones to come. They’ll come nonetheless, and end one way or the other. We can speak more, if you like, once you’ve taken to your task. And yes, you face danger, but isn’t this tea delicious?”

2019-12-08, 05:05 PM
"I can relate on the bad childhood thing," Jason says. "I wasn't an orphan, but I am a bastard. And before you say anything, I mean the literal kind. Never knew my father. And I had to grow up under Dark Knight occupation, too. That's why I joined the Solamnic Knights. I wanted to help people. To make a difference. But instead, I just wound up committing atrocities in the name of Markham's ego."

He shakes his head. In a way, he was surprised he was telling the monk all of this. But perhaps because he was a stranger, it made it easier, in a way, to let this all out.

"Ever since then, it seems like every decision I've made has had the opposite intended effect. I became a sellsword to help my family, but my sister was married off to a man she barely knew and my mother all but said to my face that I had failed them both by leaving the knighthood. I tried to join the Legion of Steel, but wound up getting duped by someone who had no ties to the group at all. This sort of thing just...keeps happening. For awhile, I thought the problem was me. So I started taking a more passive role in things...figured I couldn't muck things up so much if I wasn't doing anything directly. But that led to a literal sleeping giant being murdered in front of me."

He sighs and looks out through the window. "Good tea and beautiful vistas are nice, but I can't ignore all the suffering around me to enjoy them. Helping others is the only thing that gives my life meaning, but I can't seem to ever do it right."

2019-12-08, 06:02 PM
I'm surprised by how much it hurts to hear Jason describe me as "hurting for money." I very nearly slap him in the face, but manage to stop at just a furious glare. He's a commoner, I remind myself; he doesn't understand. And I do currently need to replenish my coinpurse.

When it comes time to discuss payment, I wonder how much the monks can afford. They must have some material wealth, to be able to build and maintain a monastery of this size, and for it to be worth it for the tribes to raid them. I also know that I owe Valorean 20 steel (assuming I can track him down to repay him) and want to make at least some profit from this trip... "Well Brother, it seems that my companions and I are willing to undertake to defend your monastery. We will require payment for our services, but we are sympathetic to your humble way of life here... I can offer you a price of 3 steel per day, each, plus room and board at the monastery for the duration of our employment. If our efforts result in the cessation of the attacks: a lump sum bonus of 100 steel. If one of our number should die in service: an additional sum of 50 steel to cover burial and other expenses. I would propose an initial contract to employ us for ten days, with the possibility of extension if required or your money back if you are not satisfied."

Does that sound reasonable?

2019-12-08, 06:09 PM
Windmark's response is cheerful. "Ah, so at least you know what you're about.

"You're a man of principle, and such a man can't possibly satisfy the expectations of everyone else. You also question your actions and motives, and seek to do better. These are the foundations of Majere's faith. Be better and do better.

"Assuming you and your companions are able to keep us all alive, I think you would benefit from a stay here. Remain and study with us for a time. Perhaps a little distance from what you perceive as failures will prove enlightening."

To Sorawyl he says, "Room and board are easy, and I think I have the steel pieces for your suggested daily allotment - assuming you are making yourselves useful and not merely resting upon our limited resources. The hundred steel is a different matter; we usually barter with the village of Loaz. But I'm sure I can accommodate your price in fungible goods of one sort or another. If that suffices, you have yourselves a deal."

2019-12-08, 07:31 PM
"I'll think about it," Jason tells the monk. But in truth, he's skeptical of the idea. Spending an extended period of time cooped up in a mountain monastery, meditating all day--or whatever it is these monks do--doesn't seem like it would do anything for him, except maybe drive him up the wall. Besides, he doubts he could convince his companions to just wait around for however long while he is here.

2019-12-09, 08:00 AM
"Of course we will not sit idle while raiders threaten your walls - I am sure we will need every available moment to prepare the defences." Besides, that's what the money-back clause is for. I don't know Morhar, Achuak or Eren especially well, so I figured it would be prudent to include that. "Fungible goods will be acceptable, as long as they are reasonably portable."