View Full Version : Cloud strife v.s. squall lionheart

2007-10-07, 08:42 PM
I say both are level 99 have the best weapons and have say high lvl summons and magic cloud has stuff like knights of the round and bahamut 0 and squall has bahumat and eden

2007-10-07, 09:16 PM
....Cloud ftw

2007-10-07, 09:29 PM
Shadow wins.

End of thread.

2007-10-07, 10:09 PM
wtf is shadow that's sonic i think

2007-10-07, 10:11 PM
wtf is shadow that's sonic i think

Le sigh; Shadow is a character from Final Fantasy VI. Know your roots, son!:smallwink:

Incidentally, Cloud wins. Both can destroy the other in one round, but Cloud has an insta-revive mechanic (Final Attack-Revive), while Squall lacks this tactical edge.

2007-10-07, 10:27 PM
Who would win this battle? Squall easily, he has fully equipped ultima spells on defense, all the GFs so he has all the abilities, always crits, casts aura and holy war so he always limit breaks and takes no damage and is generally in a broken system.

Who is the better Character? Niether, they are both angsty soulless losers that suffer from a lack of personality or developement. I would take Tidus from FFX over either of them, and I truly did not like him for the most part. About the only characters that I know of that had less personality in an FF system where the characters in Final Fantasy (the original, you know, generic fighter, generic Black mage, Generic black belt, etc.) Personally I like Zidane from Final fantasy IX as my main character or Vivi (FFIX) or Balthier (FFXII) as my supports, because they were cool. Now, I will say I have not played Final Fantasy 2 thru 6 at all, and could not finish final fantasy 1 (ye gods, the game took forever just because of the random battles which took forever) but there you go.

2007-10-07, 10:33 PM
Who would win this battle? Squall easily, he has fully equipped ultima spells on defense, all the GFs so he has all the abilities, always crits, casts aura and holy war so he always limit breaks and takes no damage and is generally in a broken system.

Who is the better Character? Niether, they are both angsty soulless losers that suffer from a lack of personality or developement. I would take Tidus from FFX over either of them, and I truly did not like him for the most part. About the only characters that I know of that had less personality in an FF system where the characters in Final Fantasy (the original, you know, generic fighter, generic Black mage, Generic black belt, etc.) Personally I like Zidane from Final fantasy IX as my main character or Vivi (FFIX) or Balthier (FFXII) as my supports, because they were cool. Now, I will say I have not played Final Fantasy 2 thru 6 at all, and could not finish final fantasy 1 (ye gods, the game took forever just because of the random battles which took forever) but there you go.

How'd you manage to reduce the damage to that extent? To my knowledge, the best spell to put on defense is Meltdown, and you can get Auto-Protect and Auto-Shell, which halve all damage.

I've never had the damage dealt to me by a boss be really negligible (though I will admit that the only real challenge at the end was Ultima Weapon, I had excellent healing techniques, not actual physical imperviousness).

2007-10-07, 10:36 PM
Cloud would win, because I am an FFVII fanboy. :smallwink:

2007-10-07, 10:38 PM
I mostly just remember (granted I have not played since it came out in what, '98 or so?) that ultima on elemental defense gave you 100% absorption or 05 damage or something obscene at ful equips, and the aura thing or that you could always limit break with low HP or aura because it was random chance, and one of my friends mentioned (while we were talking about why it was just a broken system) that the spell holy war made you impervious to damage, and with that and aura you just won. again, it has been forever since I played it, but I do remember it being just a plainly abusable system.

Edit: Did a bit of checking, and it is actually a few items that do this, Holy War made the party invulnerable, and Hero made one character as such.

2007-10-07, 10:48 PM
We talkin' FF7 Cloud or Advent Children Could?

2007-10-07, 10:50 PM
Squall, His stats can all be maxed out much higher than Cloud's. Therefore Squall goes first and becomes invincible.

2007-10-07, 11:28 PM
Actually, Squall's invincibility's harder to pull off than that, as Hero/Holy War tends to negate the Aura spell. I say tends to because it's a bit glitchy.

The way the games work is that characters tend to dish out a lot more damage than they can take...with a max of 9999 HP, whomever lands an Omnislash/Lionheart or Knights of the Round/Eden first wins, so it really comes down to initiative. Which Squall wins because he has 100 Hastes junctioned to his Speed, Auto-Haste, and Initiative.

As presented, Squall. Squall without GFs vs. Cloud without Materia might be fairer.

In the end, though, they're both losers for being poorly-written characters.

2007-10-07, 11:41 PM
Actually, Squall's invincibility's harder to pull off than that, as Hero/Holy War tends to negate the Aura spell. I say tends to because it's a bit glitchy.

The way the games work is that characters tend to dish out a lot more damage than they can take...with a max of 9999 HP, whomever lands an Omnislash/Lionheart or Knights of the Round/Eden first wins, so it really comes down to initiative. Which Squall wins because he has 100 Hastes junctioned to his Speed, Auto-Haste, and Initiative.

As presented, Squall. Squall without GFs vs. Cloud without Materia might be fairer.

In the end, though, they're both losers for being poorly-written characters.
I agree that their characterization is pretty poor, but I disagree with your idea of the result, as you've left out the possibility of Cloud's "I Win" button (Revive-Final Attack) while keeping Squall's. I tend to think that Cloud's is stronger, so I vote Cloud.

2007-10-08, 02:14 AM
Neither. Cloud would grab his head and start muttering something about a reunion and Squall would pass out and dream he was his father.

2007-10-08, 02:14 AM
Oh right, the only way to beat Ruby Weapon. How could I forget?

Hm. If I remember how uber speed can get in FFVIII, it'd go something like this (note that FFVIII summons have significant time delays, and FFVII's do not. Thus, Squall Renzokukens and Cloud uses KotR)

Squall goes, casts Aura.
Squall goes, uses Renzokuken
Cloud dies, is revived with Final Attack-Revive/Life2/Phoenix.
Squall goes, uses Hero Potion
Cloud goes, casts Knights of the Round. Squall is invincible.
Squall regular attacks, since Hero cancels Aura, and he hasn't taken any damage...

Actually, it's quite feasible for Squall's standard attack to do 9999 damage. Let's say it doesn't, though, as Cloud's in his best armor...wait, let me start over.

Squall goes, casts Meltdown. Cloud has a defense score of 0
Squall goes, regular attacks, crits, does 9999 damage, Cloud dies.
Cloud is revived with with Final Attack-Revive/Life2/Phoenix.
Squall goes, uses Hero Potion.
Cloud goes, casts KOTR, Squall is invincible.
Squall casts Meltdown.
Squall 9999-damages Cloud, he dies.
Cloud is revived with with Final Attack-Revive/Life2/Phoenix.

Cloud delays until Hero runs out, dying and getting re-Meltdown'd several more times, then one-shots Squall with Omnislash. If he hasn't run out of Final Attack uses by that point. You can run out even on a Mastered materia, right?


Thanatos 51-50
2007-10-08, 02:27 AM
Sqaull. He has a much more plausbile bldae for actual sword-work, gets in under Cloud's guard easily and makes small pieces of Cloud Strife on a plate.

2007-10-08, 05:32 AM
Sqaull. He has a much more plausbile bldae for actual sword-work, gets in under Cloud's guard easily and makes small pieces of Cloud Strife on a plate.

Squall's blade is a giant bayonet on an oversized pistol. With a pistol's handle. I seriously doubt that it's easier to wield than Cloud's buster sword (which is not that huge in the game anyway).

Besides, Cloud, while not being the best character from his game, is still fairly cool. Squall is horrible. My vote goes for the spiky head.

2007-10-08, 08:24 AM
Cid of course, he is in all edition's of final fantasy, u can stop them (wiseman take out his mask and show his real identity CID) We are in all the town's, all the game's and all the cereal, u can stop us, u can't opose us, we are the future join us, be one Cid more, or be nothing

muajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaj ajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaj ajajajajajajajaja

2007-10-08, 09:19 AM
Shouldn't squall use doomtrain and reflect with his first moves?:smallamused:
Or just use a Break spell or whatever it was called in 8? Why bother doing damage at all when a status aliment works even better.

2007-10-08, 12:37 PM
I have 4 words to say quadra magic and dispel

2007-10-08, 12:43 PM
Actually, Squall's invincibility's harder to pull off than that, as Hero/Holy War tends to negate the Aura spell. I say tends to because it's a bit glitchy.

The way the games work is that characters tend to dish out a lot more damage than they can take...with a max of 9999 HP, whomever lands an Omnislash/Lionheart or Knights of the Round/Eden first wins, so it really comes down to initiative. Which Squall wins because he has 100 Hastes junctioned to his Speed, Auto-Haste, and Initiative.

As presented, Squall. Squall without GFs vs. Cloud without Materia might be fairer.

In the end, though, they're both losers for being poorly-written characters.

Actually, if you use Aura and the Hero, the aura effect last until hero fades out (if in your game that didn't happened... shame you your disk!)

Edit: Well, I always used holy war and my aura lasted...

2007-10-08, 01:18 PM
Ok lets say abilities dont stack because this whole invinciblity crap is ticking me off and in my game i had clouds spirit magic strength and speed at 999 and with haste I would almost have a 1 second intreval between turns (NOTE I have been playing this game on the same file since it came out my enitre party Barret,Vincent,Cloud and my original party was Tifa,RedXIII,Cloud so I have nearly evryone at the same stats except Yuffie so with master summon materia and Kotor all of my attacks did 9999 and my defence was so insane that Ruby Weapon could barely hurt me

2007-10-08, 01:29 PM
Squall's blade is a giant bayonet on an oversized pistol. With a pistol's handle. I seriously doubt that it's easier to wield than Cloud's buster sword (which is not that huge in the game anyway).

Besides, Cloud, while not being the best character from his game, is still fairly cool. Squall is horrible. My vote goes for the spiky head.
Has ANYONE EVER seen Squall fire his blade like a gun?

His sword is more of an 'improbable weapon', the 'gunshot' is actually just a mechanism that vibrates his sword, ya know, if you stab someone and violently vibrate the sword like that I think it's overkill.

In any case, Squall and Cloud both have invincibility, but Squall's is 'better', as he is immune to gravity based damage.

Squall will have higher stats, and if I remember correctly Final Attack goes off BEFORE you are dead, so when it comes to Revive it's only useful on other people.

Squall could just cast Meteor for an instant 10K+ damage, and he is much more likely to go first as he can boost his speed much easier than Cloud.

Even if Cloud COULD use Final Attack-Revive to res himself (which I don't think he can), his atb bar would be reset and Squall could just go again, Meteor for the win until Cloud can't bring himself back.

Ok lets say abilities dont stack because this whole invinciblity crap is ticking me off and in my game i had clouds spirit magic strength and speed at 999 and with haste I would almost have a 1 second intreval between turns (NOTE I have been playing this game on the same file since it came out my enitre party Barret,Vincent,Cloud and my original party was Tifa,RedXIII,Cloud so I have nearly evryone at the same stats except Yuffie so with master summon materia and Kotor all of my attacks did 9999 and my defence was so insane that Ruby Weapon could barely hurt me

Sounds like a gameshark to me

2007-10-08, 01:40 PM
Sounds like a gameshark to me[/QUOTE]

HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smallfurious: :smallfurious:

I'm sorry it's just that I CANT STAND when someone accuses me of that I GET ANGRY although it was a little rude I have NEVER owned a gameshark actionreplay or any thing like that crap real players dont need them and for the post after this one it's not cheating you can get the same amount normally and I only used it for Vincent because I couldnt stand him being a crappy charcter so I got ticked and used it for attack and magic

2007-10-08, 01:42 PM
Sounds like a gameshark to me

HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:smallfurious: :smallfurious:
Exploiting a glitch is still seen as cheating, especially duping stat-enhancing items.

You might have well just used a gameshark, it's essentially the same effect.

Kefka wins.
Did Kefka become a GitP meme at some point?

If so can I sign up?

2007-10-08, 01:45 PM
Kefka wins.

2007-10-08, 01:49 PM
Has ANYONE EVER seen Squall fire his blade like a gun?

His sword is more of an 'improbable weapon', the 'gunshot' is actually just a mechanism that vibrates his sword, ya know, if you stab someone and violently vibrate the sword like that I think it's overkill.

You are 100% correct. Which makes his weapon even stupider. It's like fighting with, for example, a giant pair of scissors. Weapons characters in Guilty Gear use have more sense.

2007-10-08, 01:51 PM
Let's go for each character as awesome as we can make them, including years of morphing in the sub.

Cloud: Near perfect evade
Squall: 255% Accuracy - Can Not Miss

In case of death:
Cloud: Final Attack + Revive
Squall: Ultima Junctioned to Luck + Phoenix Pinion

Cloud: Extremely High Speed
Squall: Extremely High Speed + First Strike

Uber Summons:
Cloud: Knights of the Round
Squall: Eden

Limit Breaks:
Cloud: Omnislash
Squall: Lionheart

Cloud: Will hit Squall for 9999 damage
Squall: Will hit Cloud for 9999 damage

Then here comes the deal breaker.
Holy War or Hero.

The fact that Squall has a way to make himself invulnerable (and can go first due to first strike) makes him win.

2007-10-08, 01:53 PM
You are 100% correct. Which makes his weapon even stupider. It's like fighting with, for example, a giant pair of scissors. Weapons characters in Guilty Gear use have more sense.
Yeah but since when did videogame characters need SENSE? Dear lord if they ever actually just picked up a sniper rifle and shot the-

Wait they DID that in FFVIII, that's the funny thing, messed up horribly too.

In any case it doesn't matter how stupid the weapon is, as long as the character looks cool using it.

Which is why no weapon will ever surpass Cloud's Event Horizon(?) in advent Children, Omnislash 2 was just really cool.

Then here comes the deal breaker.
Holy War or Hero.

The fact that Squall has a way to make himself invulnerable (and can go first due to first strike) makes him win.
Has no one heard of the Shield Spell in FFVII?

It's pretty much invulnerability, though Gravity based effects bypass it *cough*Supernova*cough*.

2007-10-08, 02:03 PM
Or just use a Break spell or whatever it was called in 8? Why bother doing damage at all when a status aliment works even better.Ribbon. The preemptive cure for what ails you.

Has no one heard of the Shield Spell in FFVII?Or now that the subject of overlooked materia has come up....Sneak Attack materia?

2007-10-08, 02:07 PM
Ribbon. The preemptive cure for what ails you.

Or now that the subject of overlooked materia has come up....Sneak Attack materia?
Either character can be made to win really.

So it's really just whomever you want to argue for.

Hell if I wanted.. to make Cloud win..

Weapon: Speed Plus-Speed Plus Speed Plus-Speed Plus Speed Plus-Speed Plus Speed Plus-Speed Plus
Armor: Speed Plus Speed Plus Sneak Attack-KotR Speed Plus Speed Plus

Cloud goes first.

2007-10-08, 02:26 PM
Either character can be made to win really.

So it's really just whomever you want to argue for.

Hell if I wanted.. to make Cloud win..

Weapon: Speed Plus-Speed Plus Speed Plus-Speed Plus Speed Plus-Speed Plus Speed Plus-Speed Plus
Armor: Speed Plus Speed Plus Sneak Attack-KotR Speed Plus Speed Plus

Cloud goes first.OK, replace one of the Speed Plus with Mime, and a pair of Speed Plus in the armor with Fire + Elemental. And...Sprint Shoes as his accessory, we'll say.

Sneak Attack works at the beginning of combat regardless of initiative concerns, so even if Squall has First Strike and is thus guaranteed to start ready to act, he's preempted by the initial KotR. He's dead, very little to question.

If Squall gets revived by Phoenix (which isn't a certainty), Cloud will ready to act before then, because Squall's action bar will start at the bottom after being revived. So, Cloud uses Mime to KotR again, or simply casts KotR if Mime doesn't work with Sneak Attack commands (don't remember). Squall's down again.

If Phoenix revives Squall again...Cloud has all this speed and unless I remember the game wrong, even a bit of a head start before the summon animation starts. So Cloud goes first. Cloud Mimes. Repeat ad nauseum.

Because of the Fire + Elemental, Cloud isn't harmed by Phoenix's flames. This last step can continue indefinitely, until Phoenix fails to revive Squall.

Squall's an unfortunate victim of the disparity between the magic systems of the two games.

2007-10-08, 02:30 PM
You don't even need materia to absorb fire.

Just equip him with the Fire Armlet.

2007-10-08, 02:34 PM
You don't even need materia to absorb fire.

Just equip him with the Fire Armlet....I forgot that armor other then Wizard Bracelets exist once you acquire them. I was thinking I'd rather switch two materia then switch equipment.

2007-10-08, 02:38 PM
...I forgot that armor other then Wizard Bracelets exist once you acquire them. I was thinking I'd rather switch two materia then switch equipment.
Wizard Bracelets?

Bleh, I hate those things for some reason, also as a note, you wouldn't have to remove materia if you wanted to add Elemental-Fire, as there were only six for armor, Wizard Bracelets have eight if I remember correctly. To be honest I was imagining Cloud with the Mystile.

And damnit I need to play FFVII again.

2007-10-08, 02:57 PM
Wizard Bracelets?

Bleh, I hate those things for some reason, also as a note, you wouldn't have to remove materia if you wanted to add Elemental-Fire, as there were only six for armor, Wizard Bracelets have eight if I remember correctly. To be honest I was imagining Cloud with the Mystile.So noted.

Wizard Bracelets indeed have eight slots. Four pairs, normal growth. Very low on physical defense though, which might be why you hate it.

2007-10-08, 03:38 PM
Ah the old sneak attack and the crappy change overs they do from game to game ahhhh the good old days when games didnt rely on graphics and instead on quality sorry I just went insane and after considering how crappy the new games are in comparison now what would be funny both with no materia no weapons execpt for the starter ones and no accesories or armour that would be a fight

2007-10-08, 03:55 PM
As long as you just admitted that the SNES Final Fantasy games were better than VII and VIII, I think I can leave this topic happy.

2007-10-08, 04:01 PM
I know I can admit that if anything:smallbiggrin:

2007-10-18, 06:51 PM
Optimus Prime would stomp both of them

2007-10-19, 10:19 PM
Optimus Prime would stomp both of them
Yeah but we all know Godzilla took a bite out of Optimus Prime like Scruff McGruff took a bite out of crime.

Hell Puppi
2007-10-19, 11:33 PM
They make out and I win.


...yes i added nothing to the conversation....