View Full Version : XGtE classes for Goblinoids?

2019-06-28, 02:00 PM
Normal AL has a PHB+1 rule, which prevents having Volo's races using XgtE classes.

Eberron AL, on the other hand, allows PHB, XgtE and the Goblinoid races from Volos (Goblins, Hobgoblins and Bugbears).

So, which XgtE classes do you think would be the most fun for a Goblinoid?

My initial thoughts were a Drunken Master Goblin [Dex based] or Bugbear [Strength based] or a War Magic Hobgoblin.

Any other ideas?

2019-06-28, 02:31 PM
Any caster goblin is a hell of a lot of fun - cast and hide, cast and hide, cast and hide.
I have a druid that enjoys wreaking havoc while barely seen throughout the fight.

With bugbears, an ancestral guardian barbarian with a polearm can reach suuuper far and apply the disadvantage on attacks from a safe distance without resorting to ranged attacks.

This may be non-stat optimal but a hobgoblin paladin (conquest seems to make sense) will almost never, ever fail a save between saving face and aura of protection. Get's really silly really fast.

2019-06-28, 02:32 PM
goblin cavalier—A traditional goblin wolf-rider, with a few tricks to make your wolf more durable.
hobgoblin samurai—The concept of Fighting Spirit plays well with the hobgoblin's cultural idea of never showing weakness.
bugbear conquest paladin—Striking fear into the hearts of men is basically the cultural identity of bugbears.
gloom stalker—I actually feel like this is a nice approximation of the Stonedeath Assassin: the only goblinoid prestige class in all of v3.5.
goblin scout—Probably the most thematic archetype for a goblin.
goblin shadow sorcerer—I envision this as being "favored by Maglubiyet". The shadow hound is the main draw here.

No brains
2019-06-28, 02:47 PM
There's something I like about the idea of a hexblade bugbear. I love the idea of walking up to someone unarmed, stopping 15 feet away and then, oops! Glaive in your face!

Though technically EK works better since I think it's faster to pull out a bonded weapon than a pact weapon.