View Full Version : Cavalier Pounce!

2019-07-01, 07:49 AM
So one of my players is playing an arachnid centaur. Basically, think a human version of a drider. Or just a spider monster girl. Anyway, her race's culture is based on honour and chivalry. She's currently a Lv 7 Knight with eyes on the Cavalier prestige class, however she's very interested in getting the Pounce ability. Suggested Barbarian Lion Totem, but it wouldn't work for her character. Very lawful. Anyway, she counts as being mounted atop her Large size spider body and so has based her combat style on charging. In general, are there any non-PHB feats you'd recommend for her? And, most of all, what's the best way for an honourable knight spider girl to get pounce.

P.S. I looked at the Pounce thread already, but found it really confusing.

2019-07-01, 08:45 AM
Get a custom item of Lion's Charge.

2019-07-01, 10:51 AM
The “ways to get pounce” thread is focused on the mechanics of pounce; specifically, being able to make a full attack in the same turn that you move. Thus a lot of the things mentioned there don’t provide pounce specifically, but rather some other way to move and full attack in the same turn.

Is the desire to have that capability, or have pounce for fluff/narrative reasons? If it’s mechanical then anything suggested there should work. If not, I’d suggest removing the alignment restriction from barbarian (assuming you’re the DM).

2019-07-01, 11:43 AM
Consecrated Harrier might be a decent prc to look at, it does give Lion's Charge. If she is going two weapon fighting then two weapon pounce might give her pounce depending on the reading, alternatively she could pull Dire Charge out of Epic and just give it a BAB requirement.

Otherwise she could instead take powerful charge and greater powerful charge feats from Eberron Campaign Setting and just focus on one really powerful hit...