View Full Version : Feats for a Gargoyle Warblade?

2019-07-01, 11:40 PM
Hey all! I am a DM, currently preparing a Gargoyle Warblade to serve as a boss-or-ally for my PCs that are nearing his location.

He will have 8 levels of Warblade, which coupled with his 4 RHD, give him a total of 12 hit dice.

I have built a lot of characters recently, and am starting to get some minor burn out. I was wondering what you all might think would be a good idea? He will have several allies if he fights the PCs, so building him as White Raven focused would be a potentially good idea.

I would like some basic build stubs, with a couple suggested feats and maneuvers, if that isn't too much trouble. It's okay if he's relatively gimmick-y.

Potentially important notes: (These are optional for any build stubs)

- I am using Inevitability's Level Adjustment, which gives the Gargoyle LA +0, so his ECL is also 12.
- He has the following stats: STR 22, DEX 16, CON 28, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 6
- He will be accompanied by a quartet of Gargoyle Fighter/Barbarian multiclasses. Yes, I realize that this would not be optimal for a PC. But since these are merely beatsticks, it will be alright.
- He will be using no magical armor, for setting reasons.
- A two-handed +2 greathammer (homebrewed, 2d6 bludgeoning damage, crit 20x3) will be used as his primary weapon.
- The character sheet can be found here: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1948622

2019-07-02, 01:24 AM
Flyby Attack, definitely. Interrupting a move action with a standard is great for a flying initiator.

Wingover, Improved Flight, and maybe Hover, if needed? Better flight means better use of Flyby Attack.

2019-07-03, 11:31 PM
I like Pulverize Foe for melee hammer users, but doesn't really jive with maneuvers, unless you're using Combat Reflexes and the stance that makes foes provoke AoO whenever they attack anyone who isn't you.

There's 2 handed warhammers in Races of Stone, Planar Handbook and MM4, just curious why the home brewed one?

2019-07-04, 12:00 AM
Because I don't have any of those three books.

2019-07-04, 02:30 PM
Because I don't have any of those three books.

There you go. Goliath greathamer is 2d6 med, 20x4. 2 handed bludgeoning, 30 pounds. Races of stone
Great horn minotaur Greathammer. Same thing, but 1d12 damage, grants +2 to attack rolls made to sunder a weapon or shield. Mm4
Ramhammer from planar handbook is a reach weapon like a long spear, requires exotic weapon proficiency, but 10' reach and the ability to bull rush with a hammer strike from 10 feet away makes it loads of fun.

2019-07-04, 02:39 PM
Seconded on the Hover and Flyby Attack. Also possibly Power Attack as you have the Strength and BAB to hit decently well (provided the no magical armor limit applies to the PC's as well)

2019-07-04, 04:19 PM
Instead of gargoyle, go strongheart halfling, take Ancestral Relic as your extra feat, get a (cursed, so it can't be removed) periapt of change (A&EG) as your relic, and take +4 levels in something else, like crusader for self-healing? You can stay a gargoyle like that if you like, but 4 RHD is pretty awful for pretty much anything but dragons.

Maybe upgrade the periapt to a psychoactive skin of proteus later on.

2019-07-05, 04:44 PM
What does a periapt of change do, and why would this be equivalent to a gargoyle?

2019-07-05, 08:49 PM
What does a periapt of change do, and why would this be equivalent to a gargoyle?An inexpensive necklace in A&EG that is 1/day polymorph that lasts all day. Just polymorph into a gargoyle and you get (nearly) all the benefits and none of the drawbacks. You miss out on the DR 10/magic (which is nearly useless against most enemy types, especially at these levels) and the freeze ability, which can be emulated with the Bluff skill. (Darkvision is granted by the monstrous humanoid type, which is granted by polymorph.) In exchange, you gain 4 levels of class abilities, with (possibly) a better chassis, to boot.

Mike Miller
2019-07-06, 08:11 PM
Instead of gargoyle, go strongheart halfling...

Maybe it is just me, but the chosen race of the OP seemed... set in stone.