View Full Version : Annette Waters and the Bracelets of Devotion {HSHC} IC

2019-07-03, 02:04 AM
Chapter One

The Journey From Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters

The trip to King's Cross went about as well as you could have hoped for. Muggles coming into the station meant a bit of a queue at the entryway to the platform, and eventually a pair of wizards from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement began distracting the muggles from students and parents as they went through the entry. As usual, you took the trip at a bit of a run, having never quite gotten used to the idea of running into a wall.

As usual, once you got to the platform proper, you are greeted by the sight of the scarlet Hogwarts Express. The train lets out a whoosh of steam that drifts across the platform. Friends call out to you, some of them coming over to you and asking how your holiday was as they themselves get their things aboard the train. Parents of nervous first years help their children get their things aboard, or are in the middle of teary good-byes. All very usual. All very ordinary.

And that is when you see her. She is lifting her trunk onto the train. Her auburn hair falls in curls behind her as she lifts her trunk into the carriage. And then another blast of steam from the engine obscures your view, and when it fades, the girl is gone.

You don't know who she is. You don't even know anything about her, except that you saw her, and you have to get to know her.

But how do you find her?

Opposed luck roll. Winner gets +1 VP, and you will find her carriage in the order of your roll results.

2019-07-03, 03:42 AM
Elizabeth sees the new face - an oddity, since Hogwarts doesn't get very much transfer students - and takes it as an opportunity to make a new friend...or hopefully, at least a good first impression. She'd see most of her friends in the Great Hall anyway, and the new girl might get sorted elsewhere. Elizabeth supposes that the girl would've worked down one direction from where she entered until she found a non-empty compartment, so Elizabeth would just do the same. But which way to go, towards the engine or caboose?

After a moment's hesitation, Elizabeth picks a direction and starts walking down the train, knocking on doors and looking for empty seats.

Luck, obviously. Neutral roll, no powers modifying, so just +0 with no frills.

2019-07-03, 08:45 AM
Faith walks quietly through the crowded, noisy station, pushing her overstuffed bag on a trolley in front of her. Everything from her posture to her gaze is cool, closed off; she nods silently to anyone who calls out her name and ignores any whispers that may follow in her wake, focusing on getting to the prefect carriages and stowing her bags. Her new prefect's badge glitters on her lapel.

The sight of the auburn-haired girl stops Faith in her tracks for just a moment. The glimpse of the girl is the only thing to cause a hiccup in her stride, but a moment later she continues on as if nothing has changed. Faith walks steadily to the prefects carriage and carefully stows her many books and accouterments away in the overhead compartments.

A few moments later, Faith knocks on the compartment closest to the prefect's carriage. Her bright red hair is swept away from her face, the prefect's badge on her chest clearly (but not ostentatiously) on display. "Excuse me, but have you seen a girl with curly auburn hair? She looked to be about in fifth year. The professors wanted a prefect to welcome her to our school on the train," Faith states to whatever student opens the door, no expression showing in her voice or her pale blue eyes.

Luck; attempting to get a +2 from Poker Face, but otherwise Neutral with no powers modifying.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-03, 12:11 PM
Carmen sighed as she saw the train. Another stupid year of school, wasting her time and teaching her about mostly useless stuff. Which wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't so stupid. Or taught by stupid people. Who didn't even know how to use a phone. But whatever. She's almost done, just one more year of milking whatever useful tricks she could out of the place and she can return home and start putting it into effect. Making cards invisible, enchanting dice, forcing the ball to stop on a certain number, Carmen licked her lips in anticipation.

Well, well, well, Carmen murmured spotting the auburn haired girl. She scowled at the blast of steam that let her get away. Stupid train should be electric. Whatever. Having to track her down might be fun as well. She walked down the train, keeping her ears sharp as she listened for any rumors about the exchange student.

Luck, strong trait so I get a +1 to the roll.

2019-07-03, 12:29 PM
Laura is slightly panicked as she is running late. Between traffic at home and the queue for the platform growing long enough to require distractions, the girl’s heart was pounding. As she exits the pillar, a single person seems to catch her eye among the hundreds of students and family members, and just as quickly, she's gone. Laura puts the thought out of her mind, but as she makes her way into the train, decides to see if she can find the mysterious girl - it wasn’t as though she had been planning to sit with anyone in particular on the train this year.
Luck (-1)

2019-07-03, 02:17 PM
Lauren, her panic over being late rising to a fever pitch, hurriedly gets her trunk on the train and climbs up onto the train with a hurried goodbye for her family.

Lauren begins looking for a seat, and, as luck would have it, the first compartment she checked seemed to be empty. No, wait, not empty. There is a girl in the compartment. The girl, the one she just managed to glimpse. The one who looked unfamiliar.

Yeah? Help you with something?

Her accent... American?

But before you can really say anything, another student (Carmen), shows up and walks into the compartment

Carmen boards the train, puts her things in the luggage car, and goes looking for the brunette. She actually isn't that hard to find, and you arrive just seconds after another student opened the very same compartment door you were looking for.

You hear her address the other girl, and hear the same American accent. Yeah? Help you with something?


Faith, having put her things in the prefect's carriage, decided to see if she could find the brunette girl, the one who gave her pause earlier. If she could cause Faith to miss a step from that far away, surely, she would be even more beautiful up close?

Faith arrives after two other girls, and nods familiarly at them. Once of them, (Lauren, you think,) you recognize from classes. The other is a Slytherin. You remember that, but not much else about her, since the Slytherins still tend to keep to themselves. A lurch from the engine jolts through the train as you begin to depart the station.

Umm, yes? Can I help you?

She spoke to you!


Elizabeth wanders the train for some time, even as the train begins to depart from the station. It takes some time, but at last she manages to find the compartment. The brunette opens the door, and asks Need something?

2019-07-03, 06:16 PM
”Just looking for a place to sit. I’m Lauren. Nice to meet you,” she says, stepping in and setting her trunk to the side. “I don’t think I’ve met any Americans at Hogwarts before. Are you new?”

2019-07-03, 07:01 PM
Faith pauses for just a bit too long, frozen on the door way. Finally, she steps smoothly into the compartment. "Please pardon my intrusion. One of the professors asked me to check in on our new transfer student," she answers, speaking as though her pause never occurred. "My name is Faith O'Leary, and I am a prefect of Ravenclaw House. I can answer more general questions when we arrive at Hogwarts, and give you a tour of the grounds if you so choose, but for now I simply wanted to make sure that there was nothing you needed on the trip and to answer any preliminary questions you might have."

2019-07-03, 07:36 PM
”Just looking for a place to sit. I’m Lauren. Nice to meet you,” she says, stepping in and setting her trunk to the side. “I don’t think I’ve met any Americans at Hogwarts before. Are you new?”

Well, Lauren, I don’t have a need for all this space. Why don’t you join me?

Yeah, she goes on after Lauren seats herself. My mom got promoted by the Congress to be the US liaison with your Ministry of Magic. So, we moved to London, and someone somewhere got me transferred to Hogwarts. Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Annette.

Faith pauses for just a bit too long, frozen on the door way. Finally, she steps smoothly into the compartment. "Please pardon my intrusion. One of the professors asked me to check in on our new transfer student," she answers, speaking as though her pause never occurred. "My name is Faith O'Leary, and I am a prefect of Ravenclaw House. I can answer more general questions when we arrive at Hogwarts, and give you a tour of the grounds if you so choose, but for now I simply wanted to make sure that there was nothing you needed on the trip and to answer any preliminary questions you might have."

Annette blinked. Uhh. I’m fine? I guess? And you don’t have to lie if you want to talk to me. Professor McGonagall told me that I wouldn’t be disturbed on my ride to Hogwarts. So I doubt that any professor on board asked you to look in on me. They probably would have done so on their own.

Annette, having delivered her retort, changed her countenance to something more neutral.

Care to try again?

2019-07-03, 07:54 PM
“Pleasure to meet you, Annette.” Lauren offers a hand out to the other girl. “I didn’t expect to be going to school with such esteemed classmates.”

”Hey Faith. Congratulations on the prefect position,” Lauren says, moving her bags to make room.

“Oh! So what was the school in America like?”

2019-07-03, 08:40 PM
Annette blushes at the compliment. Oh, cut that out. My moms the important one. I’m just the tag along.

2019-07-03, 08:48 PM
Faith blinks, then nods. "Sorry, that was rude of me." She thanks Lauren for the congratulations and sits down. "You seemed new, and the first trip on the Hogwarts Express is disorienting enough even with the buffer of being among fellow first-years. Part of the duties of my position includes looking out for new students, and I wasn't sure that my queries to your location would be answered by other students based upon my authority alone." She pauses to consider for a moment. "I suppose that could be considered abuse of my position; I will try to refrain from doing so in the future."

Faith settles carefully onto her seat, content to let Lauren handle the questions for now.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-03, 10:32 PM
Annette blinked. Uhh. I’m fine? I guess? And you don’t have to lie if you want to talk to me. Professor McGonagall told me that I wouldn’t be disturbed on my ride to Hogwarts. So I doubt that any professor on board asked you to look in on me. They probably would have done so on their own.

Annette, having delivered her retort, changed her countenance to something more neutral.

Care to try again?

Carmen had taken a seat without asking permission, and was so far listening silently, until this little exchange happened.

Ha! Carmen laughed. So you're here with your mother? Any other friends or family come along? Oh, and I'm Carmen, it's a pleasure to meet you, she said, holding a hand out to shake.

2019-07-03, 11:11 PM
Carmen had taken a seat without asking permission, and was so far listening silently, until this little exchange happened.

Ha! Carmen laughed. So you're here with your mother? Any other friends or family come along? Oh, and I'm Carmen, it's a pleasure to meet you, she said, holding a hand out to shake.

Annette looks over to Carmen, as though seeing the other girl for the first time. Then her manner seems to change. You can't quite figure out what she does, but you can hear the difference in her voice. Yes. A pleasure.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-03, 11:38 PM
Annette looks over to Carmen, as though seeing the other girl for the first time. Then her manner seems to change. You can't quite figure out what she does, but you can hear the difference in her voice. Yes. A pleasure.

Carmen leaned forward, grinning, as she watched Annette closely, trying to figure this mysterious girl out.

2019-07-04, 12:45 AM
Lauren backs up from the other girl, rather unnerved by her... unusual behavior.

2019-07-04, 01:43 AM
Annette looks over to Lauren, and sees the effect the conversation seems to be having on her. Her expression softens, and she reaches over to set a hand on Lauren's knee. Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you!

2019-07-04, 09:53 AM
Elizabeth enters the compartment and absentmindedly lifts her things to the racks above, before flushing lightly at a sudden realization. "Oh, uh...terribly sorry, I don't suppose you'll mind if I join you?" she asks, mostly directing the question to Annette.

2019-07-04, 01:37 PM
Annette pulls her hand back as yet another girl comes in. Why not? I mean, we’re already moving. It would terribly rude of me to tell you to take the stuff you’ve already put away and tell you to get out. Besides, she adds with a pointed look toward Carmen.

I’m not that rude.

2019-07-04, 02:11 PM
Annette pulls her hand back as yet another girl comes in. Why not? I mean, we’re already moving. It would terribly rude of me to tell you to take the stuff you’ve already put away and tell you to get out. Besides, she adds with a pointed look toward Carmen.

I’m not that rude.

Elizabeth isn't sure how to respond to that, even though moving her things wouldn't be difficult. She takes a seat and her first thought comes out just as a matter of course: "What courses are you taking? I ean, what electived. Obviously you're taking core curriculum...well, probably, I've heard of some people dropping classes prior to OWLs, but only as rumors?" She shuts up as soon as she realizes she's babbling a bit.

2019-07-04, 02:18 PM
Oh, you know... Annette says, lazily waving her hand in the hair. A bit of this, a little of that...

2019-07-04, 02:23 PM
Oh, you know... Annette says, lazily waving her hand in the hair. A bit of this, a little of that...

Elizabeth nods, eyes mostly in her lap. "What's your favorite subject?" she asks, if only to keep the conversation momentum flowing. "Oh! I'm Elizabeth Dodderidge, by the way. Realized I hadn't introduced myself..."

2019-07-04, 02:45 PM
Favorite? Oh, I don’t know. Alchemy, I suppose. What about you?

2019-07-04, 03:51 PM
Favorite? Oh, I don’t know. Alchemy, I suppose. What about you?

"Arithmancy. A nice blend of more...practical divinations and elements of spell design."

Forum Explorer
2019-07-04, 04:02 PM
Annette pulls her hand back as yet another girl comes in. Why not? I mean, we’re already moving. It would terribly rude of me to tell you to take the stuff you’ve already put away and tell you to get out. Besides, she adds with a pointed look toward Carmen.

I’m not that rude.

Is that so? Carmen says, leaning back, her gaze never leaving Annette's face. Well I wonder what House you'll end up in with your attitude.

2019-07-04, 07:44 PM
Attitude? Me? Remind me again who just walked in, sat down, and started asking about my family?

Annette turned away from Carmen.

And I already know my house, thank you very much.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-04, 09:07 PM
Attitude? Me? Remind me again who just walked in, sat down, and started asking about my family?

Annette turned away from Carmen.

And I already know my house, thank you very much.

That's the attitude I'm talking about, Carmen said, smirking. If you wanted me to **** off, you shoulda said so earlier. Cause your little attempts to avoid our questions has just gotten me curious.

2019-07-04, 10:08 PM
Oh, is that all you want? My life story? Well it is t for you to know, you bi-

But before she can finish her sentence, she is cut off by the trolley woman, with her sweets.

“Anything from the trolley, dearies?”

Maybe this is a chance to change the mood to something more pleasant?

Unnoposed roll!

Allure D6: Show off your charm and bring the conversation around to more pleasant topics! +1 VP

Skill D8: Diplomacy works. Try it and see! +2VP

Conflict D6: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop this behavior now, or else... +1 VP

Forum Explorer
2019-07-04, 10:29 PM
Hahahaha, Carmen laughed as if Annette had just told an absolutely hilarious joke. I see you've already got me figured out. Go ahead, help yourself to anything or everything on the cart. She said, gesturing to the treats. That goes for the rest of you as well. Enjoy!

Allure I guess. No modifiers at all. But I am activating Dazzling Display, so everyone else needs to roll twice and take the lower result.

2019-07-04, 11:22 PM
”Hey now, there’s no reason to... Ooh, anything you said?” Lauren says, quickly distracted by prospect of sweets.
Skill (+1)

Will fail, but need result for potential use with Down and Dirty

2019-07-05, 03:07 AM
Elizabeth narrows her eyes at the exchange and speaks up a bit louder than before once the trolley has left, not taking Carmen up on her offer. "A pity for you there's no manners on that cart for sale, Carmen; you could use some," she replies coolly. "However, I think you'll find it sensible to offer an apology for your nosiness - a real apology, not a bribe," she clarifies, tapping her wand agitatedly on her thigh, almost unconsciously. She stares the girl down. "It's a long year, and it'd be a shame to make a terrible first impression on the new girl and get on the headmistress' bad side before you've even reached the school." She shrugs with a smile. "Or don't. It might be more fun that way."

Conflict. Armed & Dangerous +1/+2(?), Terrifying Presence +2, total +3/+4(?).

I'm of the opinion that a wand wielded by a fairly skilled student counts as an especially threatening weapon but I realize this might be considered a bit cheesy. :smalltongue:

2019-07-05, 07:57 AM
Faith has been watching the increasingly heated conversation coolly, her expression still. Inwardly, she chides herself for putting unfair expectations on someone she just met, and reminds herself that those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones; her own first words in meeting Annette were a lie, after all.

Everyone manipulates the situation for their own best interests. I should know that by now.

The arrival of the sweets trolley is a welcome distraction, and Faith turns towards it. "Two pumpkin pasties, please," she says after a momentary pause at the Slytherin girl--Carmen's--grand gesture. "Oh, and I had heard from Professor Trelawney that you had picked up some of Honeydukes' best chocolate for the trip this year; did you still happen to have some with you?"

As the Hufflepuff girl--Elizabeth--begins to seemingly threaten Carmen, Faith quietly adjusts her prefect's badge to make sure that it is fully in display, but says nothing.

Skill; Strong attribute, Activating Deep Freeze for +2, attempting to activate Connections for another +2, for a total of +3/+5.

2019-07-07, 11:17 PM
Hahahaha, Carmen laughed as if Annette had just told an absolutely hilarious joke. I see you've already got me figured out. Go ahead, help yourself to anything or everything on the cart. She said, gesturing to the treats. That goes for the rest of you as well. Enjoy!

Allure I guess. No modifiers at all. But I am activating Dazzling Display, so everyone else needs to roll twice and take the lower result.

Annette looked like she was going to start shouting something else at the girl, but instead she turned to the trolley woman as she looked into her pouch. "I don't suppose you take dragots, do you? No, oh well..." She takes note of the offer made by Carmen, and for a moment, she looks like she is ready to say something, but instead huffs to herself, and, as she looks out the window, asks, You just saying that, or are you serious?

”Hey now, there’s no reason to... Ooh, anything you said?” Lauren says, quickly distracted by prospect of sweets.
Skill (+1)

Will fail, but need result for potential use with Down and Dirty

Lauren, distracted by the tempting offer of the sweets, plainly misses anything else going on in the compartment.

Elizabeth narrows her eyes at the exchange and speaks up a bit louder than before once the trolley has left, not taking Carmen up on her offer. "A pity for you there's no manners on that cart for sale, Carmen; you could use some," she replies coolly. "However, I think you'll find it sensible to offer an apology for your nosiness - a real apology, not a bribe," she clarifies, tapping her wand agitatedly on her thigh, almost unconsciously. She stares the girl down. "It's a long year, and it'd be a shame to make a terrible first impression on the new girl and get on the headmistress' bad side before you've even reached the school." She shrugs with a smile. "Or don't. It might be more fun that way."

Conflict. Armed & Dangerous +1/+2(?), Terrifying Presence +2, total +3/+4(?).

I'm of the opinion that a wand wielded by a fairly skilled student counts as an especially threatening weapon but I realize this might be considered a bit cheesy. :smalltongue:

Annette eyes the wand, wondering just what kind of person would go that far without actually jinxing her opponent. But when she sees that nothing is going to happen, probably, Annette loses interest and goes back to looking out the window.

Faith has been watching the increasingly heated conversation coolly, her expression still. Inwardly, she chides herself for putting unfair expectations on someone she just met, and reminds herself that those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones; her own first words in meeting Annette were a lie, after all.

Everyone manipulates the situation for their own best interests. I should know that by now.

The arrival of the sweets trolley is a welcome distraction, and Faith turns towards it. "Two pumpkin pasties, please," she says after a momentary pause at the Slytherin girl--Carmen's--grand gesture. "Oh, and I had heard from Professor Trelawney that you had picked up some of Honeydukes' best chocolate for the trip this year; did you still happen to have some with you?"

As the Hufflepuff girl--Elizabeth--begins to seemingly threaten Carmen, Faith quietly adjusts her prefect's badge to make sure that it is fully in display, but says nothing.

Skill; Strong attribute, Activating Deep Freeze for +2, attempting to activate Connections for another +2, for a total of +3/+5.

This causes Annette to turn back in to see what happens. You aren't sure exactly what caused her sudden interest, but you can feel her deep brown eyes watching you.

"No, dearie, I'm sorry, but I did not get anything special from Honeydukes'. I do have some other things special this year though. Some of Madam Rosemerta's homemade butterbeer, some teas from Madam Puddifoot and the like. Would you care for any of that?"

Forum Explorer
2019-07-07, 11:51 PM
Annette looked like she was going to start shouting something else at the girl, but instead she turned to the trolley woman as she looked into her pouch. "I don't suppose you take dragots, do you? No, oh well..." She takes note of the offer made by Carmen, and for a moment, she looks like she is ready to say something, but instead huffs to herself, and, as she looks out the window, asks, You just saying that, or are you serious?

I'm never serious, but I'm not lying either, Carmen said, chuckling. I'll prove it. She pulls out a bag of galleons and hands over enough money to buy everything on the trolley twice over to the trolley lady. Here, payment up front for these fine ladies. Keep the extra as a tip.

She turns her attention to Elizabeth when she spoke up, Oh, I always prefer to do things the fun way, Carmen practically purred. In fact, why not make a bet of it? Go ahead, cast whatever curse you like. I won't stop you. Carmen added, pulling out her own wand and idly handing it over to Annette, if she'll take it, one of the other girls if she won't. We'll go tell our dearest headmistress what happened, and we'll see which one of us ends up on her bad side. If you win, I'll do whatever you say for a week. If you lose, well, I haven't decided yet. I'm sure I'll come up with something...suitable.

2019-07-08, 07:30 AM
As mentioned, Lauren is pretty well distracted by the sweets, and is halfway into a scone before the word “curse” reaches her ears. ”Um... could we not do that?”

2019-07-08, 07:45 AM
Faith nods, hiding her disappointment. "Very well; I will take a cup of mint tea, please. Is it loose-leaf?" I can always practice my tea-reading.

She turns back to the rest of the group. "The butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks is rather famous," she says to Annette, accepting her pasties and tea from the trolley with a nod of thanks, "and while I have never been to Madame Puddifoot's myself, her teas are excellent. When we are able to go to Hogsmeade, it is well worth your time to visit the Three Broomsticks and pick up some tea if you enjoy the drink, although entering into Madame Puddifoot's restaurant itself is... awkward for those without romantic entanglements."

Carmen's comment forces her to turn to the other girl and speak directly. "Please stop trying to instigate a conflict, both of you," she says to both Carmen and Elizabeth, her prefect's badge fully displayed. "I would prefer not to begin our O.W.L. year by suggesting a punishment for my fellow students... or rushing one or more students to the hospital wing."

2019-07-08, 09:43 AM
I'm never serious, but I'm not lying either, Carmen said, chuckling. I'll prove it. She pulls out a bag of galleons and hands over enough money to buy everything on the trolley twice over to the trolley lady. Here, payment up front for these fine ladies. Keep the extra as a tip.

She turns her attention to Elizabeth when she spoke up, Oh, I always prefer to do things the fun way, Carmen practically purred. In fact, why not make a bet of it? Go ahead, cast whatever curse you like. I won't stop you. Carmen added, pulling out her own wand and idly handing it over to Annette, if she'll take it, one of the other girls if she won't. We'll go tell our dearest headmistress what happened, and we'll see which one of us ends up on her bad side. If you win, I'll do whatever you say for a week. If you lose, well, I haven't decided yet. I'm sure I'll come up with something...suitable.

Elizabeth rolls her eyes. "You're either an idiot or you think I am. Either way, I'm not taking your 'offer' and I'm not going to explain what I meant. Make your apologies, or don't, and the consequences will follow through either way."

Forum Explorer
2019-07-08, 01:28 PM
You're leaving me high and dry here, Carmen said, relaxing as her grin faded. She makes no effort to reclaim her wand. Great, now I'm all riled up. she sighed, closing her eyes and leaning back.

2019-07-08, 02:36 PM
You're leaving me high and dry here, Carmen said, relaxing as her grin faded. She makes no effort to reclaim her wand. Great, now I'm all riled up. she sighed, closing her eyes and leaning back.

Elizabeth shakes her head, but doesn't reply. She takes out a notebook and starts doodling some rune structures.

2019-07-08, 03:03 PM
I'm never serious, but I'm not lying either, Carmen said, chuckling. I'll prove it. She pulls out a bag of galleons and hands over enough money to buy everything on the trolley twice over to the trolley lady. Here, payment up front for these fine ladies. Keep the extra as a tip.

She turns her attention to Elizabeth when she spoke up, Oh, I always prefer to do things the fun way, Carmen practically purred. In fact, why not make a bet of it? Go ahead, cast whatever curse you like. I won't stop you. Carmen added, pulling out her own wand and idly handing it over to Annette, if she'll take it, one of the other girls if she won't. We'll go tell our dearest headmistress what happened, and we'll see which one of us ends up on her bad side. If you win, I'll do whatever you say for a week. If you lose, well, I haven't decided yet. I'm sure I'll come up with something...suitable.

You know what? Annette asks suddenly, looking back over to Carmen. I can’t figure you out. You walk on here, expect me to answer every detail of my life to you, get pissed that I don’t, then try and buy my friendship? That really isn’t how that works.

Well, Carmen really has made an impression on Annette, that much is obvious.

The trolley lady pulls a few coins from the bag, then hands the rest over back to Carmen.

“I can’t really accept all this, dearie. I took enough to cover what you and your friends bought, and not a Knut more.”

Faith nods, hiding her disappointment. "Very well; I will take a cup of mint tea, please. Is it loose-leaf?" I can always practice my tea-reading.

She turns back to the rest of the group. "The butterbeer from the Three Broomsticks is rather famous," she says to Annette, accepting her pasties and tea from the trolley with a nod of thanks, "and while I have never been to Madame Puddifoot's myself, her teas are excellent. When we are able to go to Hogsmeade, it is well worth your time to visit the Three Broomsticks and pick up some tea if you enjoy the drink, although entering into Madame Puddifoot's restaurant itself is... awkward for those without romantic entanglements."

Carmen's comment forces her to turn to the other girl and speak directly. "Please stop trying to instigate a conflict, both of you," she says to both Carmen and Elizabeth, her prefect's badge fully displayed. "I would prefer not to begin our O.W.L. year by suggesting a punishment for my fellow students... or rushing one or more students to the hospital wing."

“It is,” the trolley lady says. “Perfect for just a cup or two.” She hands over the tea, and you note she doesn’t ask for payment, apparently because of Carmen’s generosity. The transactions finished, the trolley lady begins moving on, pushing her cart along down the train. The compartment door slides shut, leaving you all to your thoughts.

You're leaving me high and dry here, Carmen said, relaxing as her grin faded. She makes no effort to reclaim her wand. Great, now I'm all riled up. she sighed, closing her eyes and leaning back.

And whose fault is that? You’re the one who decided to up the ante. And I have no idea why all of you are getting so worked up over this. Not everyone gets along. It’s the way it is.

And with that remark, Annette goes back to looking out the window.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-08, 03:53 PM
You know what? Annette asks suddenly, looking back over to Carmen. I can’t figure you out. You walk on here, expect me to answer every detail of my life to you, get pissed that I don’t, then try and buy my friendship? That really isn’t how that works.

Well, Carmen really has made an impression on Annette, that much is obvious.

The trolley lady pulls a few coins from the bag, then hands the rest over back to Carmen.

“I can’t really accept all this, dearie. I took enough to cover what you and your friends bought, and not a Knut more.”

And whose fault is that? You’re the one who decided to up the ante. And I have no idea why all of you are getting so worked up over this. Not everyone gets along. It’s the way it is.

And with that remark, Annette goes back to looking out the window.

I'm either really simple, or really complicated, Carmen says, shrugging. You'll figure it out. Or not. It doesn't really matter I suppose. She sighs.

She blinked in surprise when the trolley lady returned the money. Ah, um, thank you. she stuttered. That's very...nice of you. she says politely.

Carmen pulled out a deck of cards, and began shuffling them. Riled up maybe isn't the best word. Carmen said. I'm excited. And her not continuing is...a let down to put it politely. She sighs again. Great, now I'm going to end up all melancholy and frustrated. she grumbles under her breath, even as her hands fly through trick shuffling methods.

2019-07-08, 05:03 PM
Lauren shrugs. ”We’re not all open books. The last thing I expect a new student to want is a bunch of us interrogating her for a life story.” The girl takes out a few of her books and begins reading the first chapters for some of her classes, figuring that conversation had turned tense and died.

2019-07-15, 02:21 AM
I'm either really simple, or really complicated, Carmen says, shrugging. You'll figure it out. Or not. It doesn't really matter I suppose. She sighs.

She blinked in surprise when the trolley lady returned the money. Ah, um, thank you. she stuttered. That's very...nice of you. she says politely.

Carmen pulled out a deck of cards, and began shuffling them. Riled up maybe isn't the best word. Carmen said. I'm excited. And her not continuing is...a let down to put it politely. She sighs again. Great, now I'm going to end up all melancholy and frustrated. she grumbles under her breath, even as her hands fly through trick shuffling methods.

That sounds sad, somehow. That you can't just let it go.

Lauren shrugs. ”We’re not all open books. The last thing I expect a new student to want is a bunch of us interrogating her for a life story.” The girl takes out a few of her books and begins reading the first chapters for some of her classes, figuring that conversation had turned tense and died.

Thank you. Annette says. After a moment, she looks over to Lauren. Anything good?

Forum Explorer
2019-07-15, 02:30 AM
That sounds sad, somehow. That you can't just let it go.

Thank you. Annette says. After a moment, she looks over to Lauren. Anything good?

How so? Carmen asked, confused.

2019-07-15, 12:48 PM
"Not much right now. I'm taking Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes, and Divination together this year, so that's what I'm mostly reading right now. I thought they seemed like they would have a lot of overlap between them, which should help with understanding. Astronomy also focusing on the Jovian moons this year seemed rather fitting with Arithmancy as well."

2019-07-16, 07:37 PM
How so? Carmen asked, confused.

You know what, forget it. I really don’t feel like trying to explain it to you.

"Not much right now. I'm taking Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes, and Divination together this year, so that's what I'm mostly reading right now. I thought they seemed like they would have a lot of overlap between them, which should help with understanding. Astronomy also focusing on the Jovian moons this year seemed rather fitting with Arithmancy as well."

Uh-huh. And do they? Overlap, I mean.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-16, 07:44 PM
You know what, forget it. I really don’t feel like trying to explain it to you.

Carmen shrugged, and distracted herself with card tricks.

2019-07-16, 08:24 PM
"Sort of. Both are means of prediction by observation of natural phenomena - those that are induced as in some of divination, and those that sit to be observed as in arithmancy. They're the least 'magical' of any of our classes, which leaves someone like me who has less familiarity with the wizarding world no less behind than anyone else. Plus, runes, astrology, and the muggle cousin of arithmancy, numerology, meanwhile come in and out of vogue in the muggle world, so I'm not starting from nothing. I was never particularly into any of them before I showed talent, but when I found out I would be going to the same school my dad did, I instantly started paying attention to little bits of magic that muggles still are aware of, even if they get parts of it wrong. It's not illegal to look at the stars and planets, or to observe numerical relations, the same way it is other magics we learn at school, so I can study them all over the winter break with my family. ...I may have also learned a little bit already from my dad. Things looked like they would go well today, for example," Lauren says, looking back and forth between Annette and her book as she speaks, blushing a little as she speaks. Her voice speeds up as she goes on, and throughout her speech occasionally dips into a slightly lower register before correcting. It's at those moments that she looks into her book.

"Please stop me if I'm rambling."

2019-07-17, 12:35 AM
Lauren is so engrossed in what she is talking about that she doesn't realize that at some point Annette's eyes seem to glaze over, and the girl is just nodding her head and saying things like Yeah? and That's interesting. at appropriate times, mostly when Lauren stops to take a breath.

But at the end, Annette snaps out of her stupor, and glances out the window to find herself surprised by the passage of time.

Oh, my. The time really is going by isn't it? We should probably change. Annette reaches up to her things and begins pulling out her robes. She then excuses herself and heads off to find somewhere a bit more private to change.

Annette has gone off to change. What could possibly go wrong?

Unopposed roll!

Allure D8: Oh, no. Your bra hook has become somehow entangled in your clothes and you can't get it undone. Call to Annette for assistance before some boy sees you. +2 VP
Skill D8: Persuade Annette to (for some reason) let you change with her. Perhaps everywhere else is full? +2 VP
Luck D4: Annette appears to not have latched the door to the WC properly, and... wow... +1 VP

2019-07-17, 07:27 AM
Lauren, absolutely not wanting to be seen changing, just tries to pick a pick a place to change that will be ignored by the other girls. And by boys.

Auto fail, but potentially charging Down and Dirty

2019-07-17, 09:08 AM
Faith finishes her tea in silence, swirling around the tea leaves at the bottom of her cup and inspecting the contents. Her divination knowledge fails her; perhaps she is simply too distracted, but she finds nothing to divine in the damp tea leaves on the bottom. She gets up with a sigh at the mention of changing into their robes, disposing of her tea leaves and moving quickly back to the prefect's carriage to grab her bags. Getting back to the location of Annette and the rest, simply picking a WC door at random and opening it up.

Luck Roll; using Work Ethic's +2 to cancel out my -2 from Deep Freeze and make it a straight roll.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-17, 09:22 AM
Carmen stretches and wanders out to get changed. She glances at ever open door, wondering which one she should change in.

I'll activate Graceful to automatically take a 4 on this Luck roll.

2019-07-18, 07:31 PM
Elizabeth takes her book with her and reads while she waits for it to be her turn. She gets so caught up in this chapter, though, that she loses track of time a bit, and when she realizes how long it's been, she rushes in to try and change before they arrive.

Straight luck roll

2019-07-22, 01:49 PM
Lauren, absolutely not wanting to be seen changing, just tries to pick a pick a place to change that will be ignored by the other girls. And by boys.

Auto fail, but potentially charging Down and Dirty

Lauren manages to easily find a private place to change, and she changes so fast that the line of boys and girls waiting to change wonder if she didn't use magic. One of them, a Griffyndor with hair a pale shade of violet asks her what spell she used to change so quickly, and if she could do that, why didn't she just do that in her carriage instead of taking up a room.

Elizabeth takes her book with her and reads while she waits for it to be her turn. She gets so caught up in this chapter, though, that she loses track of time a bit, and when she realizes how long it's been, she rushes in to try and change before they arrive.

Straight luck roll

Fortunately, by the time Elizabeth realizes how much time she has lost, there is hardly any line at all, and she is able to easily change without being bothered. Though there is some whispers among the students still hanging around and chatting just outside the bathrooms about some kind of craziness that happened earlier...

Carmen stretches and wanders out to get changed. She glances at ever open door, wondering which one she should change in.

I'll activate Graceful to automatically take a 4 on this Luck roll.

Carmen, going from door to door, and trying them all, gets quite an eyeful when she tries the handle on one particular door and it opens to reveal curly brown hair reaching down a pale back that can only belong to one girl. Her hands are reaching around her back, and she seems to having trouble with the clasp for her bra, which, you note, happens to be a very lovely shade of sky blue. The color reminds you of her eyes, those eyes that have that same sky blue color. Then she manages to get the clasp, the bra unhooks, and she turns around, only to see Carmen watching her.

W-What are you doing! Get out!

Annette pulls her shirt up, holding it in front of her to cover her bare chest. But before Carmen can do anything else, a sudden lurch in the tracks causes the door to slide shut with a click as the door latches. moments later the door slides open again as Faith opens the door intent on changing in the room.

Faith finishes her tea in silence, swirling around the tea leaves at the bottom of her cup and inspecting the contents. Her divination knowledge fails her; perhaps she is simply too distracted, but she finds nothing to divine in the damp tea leaves on the bottom. She gets up with a sigh at the mention of changing into their robes, disposing of her tea leaves and moving quickly back to the prefect's carriage to grab her bags. Getting back to the location of Annette and the rest, simply picking a WC door at random and opening it up.

Luck Roll; using Work Ethic's +2 to cancel out my -2 from Deep Freeze and make it a straight roll.

Faith, not really paying attention, to what she is doing, opens a door, not really hearing the voice of Annette yelling at Carmen to get out. Then there is a lurch, and you see a door that had been wide open slide shut. Figuring it was as good a place as any, and likely empty too, seeing as the door was just wide open, you open the door and reveal quite the scene.

Carmen, standing there, in front of a half dressed Annette, who is holding her shirt up to cover her nakedness, and her face red enough to burn to the touch.

2019-07-22, 03:42 PM
Faith stands frozen at the open door for perhaps a moment or two longer than is entirely appropriate. Very slowly, her cheeks begin to turn pink. "I'm sorry, I thought this was--but that isn't important. I should go," she says finally, her calm, collected voice going a little wobbly around the edges. Reaching out with one arm, she places a hand on Carmen's shoulder, aiming to pull the other girl out into the corridor of the train so that she can close the door and give Annette some privacy.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-22, 04:23 PM
Carmen just laughs. She laughs and laughs as she allows Faith to pull her from the room. Hahahahaha, I'm sorry, sorry, she manages to gasp, her eyes shining brilliantly as she waved, before the door closes between them. She looked at Faith, her cheeks rosy, and a genuinely joyful grin on her face. Well that was fun. But we really should get changed our ownselves. she said. She grabs Faith by the hand and begins to pull her into a nearby empty compartment to get changed.

2019-07-22, 04:27 PM
Faith allows herself to be led into another compartment, the pink tinge on her cheeks slowly spreading and deepening in color. "Right. Change. Yes," she replies rather mechanically, turning away from the other girl to begin changing; at this point, her face is nearly the same color as her hair.

2019-07-22, 04:36 PM
By the time Carmen and Faith are done changing and return to thier compartment, Annette is already there.

When she sees who is coming in, her face twists with something like anger. Then she abruptly turns in her seat to face away from them. They note, before she turns, that her robes are trimmed in Gryffindor red.

So glad you find seeing me naked funny.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-22, 04:53 PM
Faith allows herself to be led into another compartment, the pink tinge on her cheeks slowly spreading and deepening in color. "Right. Change. Yes," she replies rather mechanically, turning away from the other girl to begin changing; at this point, her face is nearly the same color as her hair.

Carmen politely turns around and starts to get changed as well. What a sight huh? she asked, her voice still brimming with joy.

By the time Carmen and Faith are done changing and return to thier compartment, Annette is already there.

When she sees who is coming in, her face twists with something like anger. Then she abruptly turns in her seat to face away from them. They note, before she turns, that her robes are trimmed in Gryffindor red.

So glad you find seeing me naked funny.

I find it funny that you, of all people, forgot to lock the door. And then not only did I walk in on you, but so did Little Miss Perfect here, Carmen said, slinging an arm around Faith's shoulders. She took a seat across from Annette, bringing Faith along if she lets herself be pulled along. But you're right, I do owe you one. So tit for tat and all that. When would you like to see me naked? she practically purred, smirking.

2019-07-22, 04:57 PM
I find it funny that you, of all people, forgot to lock the door. And then not only did I walk in on you, but so did Little Miss Perfect here, Carmen said, slinging an arm around Faith's shoulders. She took a seat across from Annette, bringing Faith along if she lets herself be pulled along. But you're right, I do owe you one. So tit for tat and all that. When would you like to see me naked? she practically purred, smirking.

Was it your imagination, or did her face (what little of it you can see, anyway) turn a deeper scarlet? Preferably never.

2019-07-22, 05:29 PM
Faith doesn't answer Carmen for a very long moment, focusing on changing. After nearly a full minute, she mutters a very, very quiet "Indeed." She says nothing else for the rest of the time.

Faith has gathered herself back together by the time she finishes changing. She tolerates Carmen's arm over her shoulder for only a moment, sliding out of the other girl's grip and sitting down in the seat she was before. At the mention of the earlier event, her cheeks color slightly but her voice remains calm. "I have given you nothing but a poor impression of myself and of the students of Hogwarts so far. I am sorry for that," she says sincerely, though her detached tone may make her seem insincere.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-22, 06:09 PM
Was it your imagination, or did her face (what little of it you can see, anyway) turn a deeper scarlet? Preferably never.

Aww, you're breaking my heart, Carmen teased.

2019-07-23, 12:54 AM
Faith doesn't answer Carmen for a very long moment, focusing on changing. After nearly a full minute, she mutters a very, very quiet "Indeed." She says nothing else for the rest of the time.

Faith has gathered herself back together by the time she finishes changing. She tolerates Carmen's arm over her shoulder for only a moment, sliding out of the other girl's grip and sitting down in the seat she was before. At the mention of the earlier event, her cheeks color slightly but her voice remains calm. "I have given you nothing but a poor impression of myself and of the students of Hogwarts so far. I am sorry for that," she says sincerely, though her detached tone may make her seem insincere.

Annette turns her head slightly to look at Faith out of the corner of her eye. At least you apologized for it. The girl sighs. And I suppose I haven't been the most gracious at accepting the apologies you gave, either. Don't worry about it, okay?

Aww, you're breaking my heart, Carmen teased.

You can't see her face, but you are fairly certain Annette rolled her eyes as she replies, Yeah? And I am supposed to care?

2019-07-23, 07:32 AM
”No? We’re not supposed to use magic outside of the school grounds. I just didn’t take my time like some people do,” Lauren says simply.

2019-07-23, 12:59 PM
"Well, I don't buy it. Sure, you can say that you were just not taking your time, and, obviously, you weren't. But still, unless you were already wearing half your uniform under your regular clothes, there is no way you could have been that fast."

Forum Explorer
2019-07-23, 02:44 PM
You can't see her face, but you are fairly certain Annette rolled her eyes as she replies, Yeah? And I am supposed to care?

Nah, this is more fun. Carmen says, a strange look passing over her face before she answered, not that Annette could see it.

So Gryffindor huh? Congratulations. she added.

2019-07-23, 05:33 PM
"Well, I don't buy it. Sure, you can say that you were just not taking your time, and, obviously, you weren't. But still, unless you were already wearing half your uniform under your regular clothes, there is no way you could have been that fast."

”Well I’m not trying to sell you on it,” Lauren sighs, now moving to shove her way past. “Why do you care, anyway?”

2019-07-24, 02:30 PM
Nah, this is more fun. Carmen says, a strange look passing over her face before she answered, not that Annette could see it.

So Gryffindor huh? Congratulations. she added.

Yeah. Not like it really means anything. Its just a place for me to keep my things.

”Well I’m not trying to sell you on it,” Lauren sighs, now moving to shove her way past. “Why do you care, anyway?”

"Fine. Keep your secret. But I am going to find out whatever it is." With that, the girl goes off, leaving you with an odd feeling of what she meant by figuring out your secret...

Forum Explorer
2019-07-24, 02:40 PM
Yeah. Not like it really means anything. Its just a place for me to keep my things.

Eh, it comes with a few benefits. A better view, classmates who aren't ********s, better colors for your uniform.

2019-07-24, 02:47 PM
None of which really means anything. Not to me anyway.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-24, 03:31 PM
None of which really means anything. Not to me anyway.

I suppose not, Carmen said agreeably.

2019-07-24, 05:50 PM
Lauren looks back at the girl and stares a little, memorizing her face. She didn’t like the sound of that at all... but, it couldn’t be helped right now. Slightly nervous, the girl makes her way back to her seat, shoulders slightly stiff and discomfort clear on her face to those who cared or knew her.

2019-07-24, 10:17 PM
Annette turns back as the compartment door opens and closes. She doesn't seem to notice the look on Lauren's face, but Lauren can sense that the mood in the compartment seems to match the one she is feeling. Oh. Hey. Welcome back.

2019-07-24, 10:44 PM
"Hey..." Lauren says, slightly listless. "You guys still continuing your spat from earlier?" she asks half interested as she takes her seat and returns to her reading.

2019-07-24, 10:50 PM
No. Right now, I am waiting for an apology for walking in on me while I was changing.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-24, 10:55 PM
No. Right now, I am waiting for an apology for walking in on me while I was changing.

Really? I did already say sorry. Though, I suppose you didn't hear me over the laughter, Carmen said, tapping a finger against her lip. Well, I am sorry. Like I said, I owe you one. I didn't mean to accidentally walk in on you like that.

2019-07-24, 10:55 PM
"Ah..." The girl's head doesn't shift from the book, nor does her gaze wander around to guess who was responsible. "Weird thing to not apologize for. Why would someone not do something so basic to human decency?"

2019-07-24, 11:06 PM
You laughed. At. Seeing. Me. Naked. Annette says, slowly emphasizing each word, anger creeping into her voice. You didn't do anything either. You just stood there and laughed until Faith, who also walked in on me, pulled you away. And you were still laughing. It doesn't matter if you say you apologized, because as you said, I must not have heard it. Over. Your. Laughing.

Annette's face begins to screw up in her anger. And then, to try and make everything better, you walk in here like nothing happened, and offer to let me see you naked? As if that makes up for humiliating me like that!? Who possibly thinks that makes anything better?

Forum Explorer
2019-07-24, 11:40 PM
You laughed. At. Seeing. Me. Naked. Annette says, slowly emphasizing each word, anger creeping into her voice. You didn't do anything either. You just stood there and laughed until Faith, who also walked in on me, pulled you away. And you were still laughing. It doesn't matter if you say you apologized, because as you said, I must not have heard it. Over. Your. Laughing.

Annette's face begins to screw up in her anger. And then, to try and make everything better, you walk in here like nothing happened, and offer to let me see you naked? As if that makes up for humiliating me like that!? Who possibly thinks that makes anything better?

To be fair, I didn't start laughing until Faith showed up. Carmen said, rolling her eyes. And if I seem blase about the whole thing, it's because I don't see what the big deal is. It was an accident, and you've got nothing I haven't seen before. Blimey, ten seconds later, Faith and I got changed in the same room. Carmen shook her head condescendingly.

Christ, you're acting like I groped you or something.

2019-07-24, 11:44 PM
”Different people have different standards for comfort regarding skinship. Americans especially are pretty sensitive to that. Just make an honest apology.” Your fighting is making my reading difficult.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-24, 11:49 PM
”Different people have different standards for comfort regarding skinship. Americans especially are pretty sensitive to that. Just make an honest apology.” Your fighting is making my reading difficult.

I already gave her an honest apology. Carmen said. If she wants an overblown production of an apology, then you know what? **** it, sure. I'll give her one if she wants.

2019-07-25, 09:52 AM
Forget it. If you can’t understand, then just forget it.

The compartment falls into an uneasy silence, but fortunately, before long, a familiar sight comes into view.

Hogsmeade Station, your stop to depart from the Hogwarts Express. Students who have any start placing their pets in cages, games of wizard’s chess, gobstones, and exploding snap get put away.

The train comes to a stop, and you begin getting off. Annette hurries herself off the train and onto the platform, and is soon lost in the crowd of students. Off to the other end of the platform, you can hear Hagrid calling out for the first years. The other students begin to head off for the carriages.

Where is Annette? Should you try and find her? And worse still, can you face her anger?

Unnopposed roll.

Allure D6. Look, what happened on the train stays on the train. +1 VP
Conflict D8. Persuade Annette to share her carriage. +2 VP
Luck D6. Look, everywhere else is full. Mind if we share? +1 VP

Skill D8. Let Annette cool down and enjoy a nice calming carriage ride up to the castle by herself. +2 VP

2019-07-25, 01:42 PM
Lauren, while trying to largely be uninvolved, still notices the tension among the group. A part of her wanted to check on the girl and see what was up, but that also seemed like an easy way start a fight. Annette was a bit of a prickly person, and sometimes it’s just best to leave those people alone.
Skill (+1), Down and Dirty (+7)

2019-07-25, 05:44 PM
Faith, taking note of Annette's anger, decides to see what she can do to make sure the girl's carriage trip to Hogwarts is more pleasant than her train ride has been. Towards that end, she keeps an eye out for the exchange student and, after seeing which carriage Annette chooses to ride in, places herself with her prefect's badge on display and begins directing the traffic around the carriages, telling louder or more rambunctious students that the carriages near Annette were already filled and sending them elsewhere while letting a few of the quieter, nicer, and more respectful students pick carriages within that area.

If possible (if there are any teachers taking the carriages to school, which is admittedly a rare occurrence), Faith flags down a teacher and directs them to Annette's carriage, explaining that the student in there had a somewhat stressful train ride and would appreciate a quiet moment before the feast, and a teacher's presence would be just what was needed to make sure any of the passengers were also quiet and respectful. If there are no teachers nearby, Faith tries to send a reliable other prefect or the Head Boy and Girl to the carriage if they are nearby.

Skill. +1 for inclination, +2 for Deep Freeze, +2 for Poker Face, and aiming to get a +2 for Connections as well (it says teachers and other authority figures). Either a +5 or a +7 in total.

Forum Explorer
2019-07-30, 01:33 AM
Hey Boss, we missed you on the train. A pair of students, the girl in Gryffondor colors and the boy in Ravenclaw's greeted Carmen.

Ah, Ivy, Zach, it is nice to see you again. Carmen said, turning around.

How was the ride? Ivy asked.

Hmm, I'm not sure. I met a girl- Carmen paused, and rolled her eyes at the teasing grins Ivy and Zach were giving her. Enough of that. I met a girl, and she's...interesting. But I admit I'm also kinda disappointed by her. I'm not sure she's worth the effort.

Well do what you want Boss, that's what you always do. Zach said, shrugging. Carmen shrugged, looking towards the carriages. She frowned when she saw Faith directly traffic away from Annette's carriage.

Well, I'm not going to allow that to stand, Carmen said, angrily. You two force your way in. I'll create a distraction and join you later. The pair nodded and headed off. Carmen looked around and grabbed a young Ravenclaw, her hand sinking into her shoulder.

Hey kiddo. I'm going to do you a favor. You see that girl up there? She's your new Prefect. And as such she's supposed to help you with your problems right? And you have so many problems to talk to her about don't you? Or do I need to give you some?

So going for Conflict. Using Fearsome Reputation for a +2 to my roll. And since the threat is physical, can I say that I'm using Bruiser for another +2 for a total of +4?

In either case, on a failed roll I will use Hired Muscle to pass anyways.

2019-07-30, 01:54 PM
Elizabeth follows...somebody, one of the ones that wasn't making a giant fuss...to the carriages, wanting a bit of peace and quiet while she finishes reading her introductory text for this years Divination studies; after a near fail the year before, she was going to need to put in the legwork to get a O.W.L., and after that she should probably just drop it to focus her attentions in other more grounded studies...

Skill. Strong 1, Honor Student +2, total +3. Foresight (odd), and putting Just As Planned on Lauren.

2019-08-01, 12:35 PM
Faith, taking note of Annette's anger, decides to see what she can do to make sure the girl's carriage trip to Hogwarts is more pleasant than her train ride has been. Towards that end, she keeps an eye out for the exchange student and, after seeing which carriage Annette chooses to ride in, places herself with her prefect's badge on display and begins directing the traffic around the carriages, telling louder or more rambunctious students that the carriages near Annette were already filled and sending them elsewhere while letting a few of the quieter, nicer, and more respectful students pick carriages within that area.

If possible (if there are any teachers taking the carriages to school, which is admittedly a rare occurrence), Faith flags down a teacher and directs them to Annette's carriage, explaining that the student in there had a somewhat stressful train ride and would appreciate a quiet moment before the feast, and a teacher's presence would be just what was needed to make sure any of the passengers were also quiet and respectful. If there are no teachers nearby, Faith tries to send a reliable other prefect or the Head Boy and Girl to the carriage if they are nearby.

Skill. +1 for inclination, +2 for Deep Freeze, +2 for Poker Face, and aiming to get a +2 for Connections as well (it says teachers and other authority figures). Either a +5 or a +7 in total.

Students grumble about being told where to go, but by and large, they don’t want to go against a prefect.

Things are going really well, and Annette should be able to enjoy a nice, quiet ride, until....

Hey Boss, we missed you on the train. A pair of students, the girl in Gryffondor colors and the boy in Ravenclaw's greeted Carmen.

Ah, Ivy, Zach, it is nice to see you again. Carmen said, turning around.

How was the ride? Ivy asked.

Hmm, I'm not sure. I met a girl- Carmen paused, and rolled her eyes at the teasing grins Ivy and Zach were giving her. Enough of that. I met a girl, and she's...interesting. But I admit I'm also kinda disappointed by her. I'm not sure she's worth the effort.

Well do what you want Boss, that's what you always do. Zach said, shrugging. Carmen shrugged, looking towards the carriages. She frowned when she saw Faith directly traffic away from Annette's carriage.

Well, I'm not going to allow that to stand, Carmen said, angrily. You two force your way in. I'll create a distraction and join you later. The pair nodded and headed off. Carmen looked around and grabbed a young Ravenclaw, her hand sinking into her shoulder.

Hey kiddo. I'm going to do you a favor. You see that girl up there? She's your new Prefect. And as such she's supposed to help you with your problems right? And you have so many problems to talk to her about don't you? Or do I need to give you some?

So going for Conflict. Using Fearsome Reputation for a +2 to my roll. And since the threat is physical, can I say that I'm using Bruiser for another +2 for a total of +4?

In either case, on a failed roll I will use Hired Muscle to pass anyways.

“I didn’t before. But I do now.” The student goes off and runs up to Faith. “Hey! Prefect! You have a problem! There’s this girl just over there,” she points back the way she came. “She just threatened to beat me up if I didn’t, I don’t know, something about problems. I think she wants you distracted for some reason.”

And sure enough, as Faith turns back to directing traffic, she hears a familiar voice.

QWhat the hell? Why are you following me? Haven’t you done enough?

Lauren, while trying to largely be uninvolved, still notices the tension among the group. A part of her wanted to check on the girl and see what was up, but that also seemed like an easy way start a fight. Annette was a bit of a prickly person, and sometimes it’s just best to leave those people alone.
Skill (+1), Down and Dirty (+7)

Lauren gives a look up to Annette, and for just a second thier eyes meet. As Lauren continues on, Annette gives a nod of her head and a silently mouthed, Thank you.

Elizabeth follows...somebody, one of the ones that wasn't making a giant fuss...to the carriages, wanting a bit of peace and quiet while she finishes reading her introductory text for this years Divination studies; after a near fail the year before, she was going to need to put in the legwork to get a O.W.L., and after that she should probably just drop it to focus her attentions in other more grounded studies...

Skill. Strong 1, Honor Student +2, total +3. Foresight (odd), and putting Just As Planned on Lauren.

Elizabeth, her nose deep in a book, fails to notice anything unusual going on, though she does hear Annette’s exclamation as she gets an unexpected visitor in her carriage.

2019-08-01, 06:07 PM
”See you at the Hall,” Lauren calls over, somewhat quietly. She expected it to be drowned out, but expressing the sentiment mattered more than it actually carrying, especially with her wanting space.

2019-08-01, 09:32 PM
Faith turns to the other student and listens carefully to her complaint before nodding and moving to deal with it. When she sees who caused the complaint, she takes a deep, steadying breath and walks purposefully forward.

"I cannot technically prevent you from sitting where you like, Miss Carmen, but I can and will report your threatening behavior and harassment to Professor Slughorn once we reach the castle," Faith says to the Slytherin girl first, her tone clipped and formal. She then turns to Annette. "It is not fair of me to ask you to move when you are not the one causing the problem, but if you would like to there are a few mostly full carriages that should only be able to accept one more person." She indicates where they are (if any indeed are left open), then inclines her head. "I am sorry for the intrusion."

Turning, Faith makes her way to a carriage herself, deliberately moving away from both Annette's current carriage as well as the ones she indicated. There is no need to continue her already poor showing any longer than she has to.

Forum Explorer
2019-08-06, 06:06 PM
Faith turns to the other student and listens carefully to her complaint before nodding and moving to deal with it. When she sees who caused the complaint, she takes a deep, steadying breath and walks purposefully forward.

"I cannot technically prevent you from sitting where you like, Miss Carmen, but I can and will report your threatening behavior and harassment to Professor Slughorn once we reach the castle," Faith says to the Slytherin girl first, her tone clipped and formal. She then turns to Annette. "It is not fair of me to ask you to move when you are not the one causing the problem, but if you would like to there are a few mostly full carriages that should only be able to accept one more person." She indicates where they are (if any indeed are left open), then inclines her head. "I am sorry for the intrusion."

Turning, Faith makes her way to a carriage herself, deliberately moving away from both Annette's current carriage as well as the ones she indicated. There is no need to continue her already poor showing any longer than she has to.

Like I care, Carmen snorted, not paying any attention to Annette Besides do you really think you're one to talk after abusing your status to try and give her a private carriage to the castle? Once Faith leaves, Carmen simply walks away, heading off to a different carriage, confident that her two minions would now be in Annette's carriage.

2019-08-10, 01:18 AM
Talking is pretty scarce once the horseless (or not) carriages start moving.

Soon enough, the castle of Hogwarts is in view. As you arrive at the castle, you proceed through the entryway and into the massive Great Hall. The tables are all set up, gleaming plates on the tables, though, as is customary, there is no food yet. You all get seated at your tables, separated by House, and await the start of the evening.

Chatting amiably with your housemates or the various ghosts, you hardly seem to notice the passage of time, and then the Hall grows silent as the first years are brought in for their Sorting, led by Professor Ada Ancercell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and current Head of Gryffindor House.

A wooden stool is produced, and Professor Ancercell places the Sorring Hat upon it. As it always does, the Hat seems to gather in those before it, and the Hall at large. Then it opens a rip at it’s seem, and speaks.

“Though my duty be to divide you hence,
Friends cannot be found upon a fence.
Jealousy can widen cracks,
And fear can throw you off your tracks.
But remember these words of mine and you will see,
Time moves far too quick to enemies be.”

The rip settles shut, and silence rings in the Great Hall.

Then Professor Ancercell steps in front of the first years, and your stomach, having remembered where you are and when, grumbles in complaint at having to wait for food.

Professor Ancercell calls out the first name, “Abernathy, Sarah.”

And the sorting begins.

No roll for this transitory scene. Just continuing to build the world around you. Feel free to interact with housemates, come up with a couple of names (not too many, please) and basically have a little fun.

2019-08-10, 09:35 PM
Lauren finds a carriage with some of the other Ravenclaw Quiddich team members, the Ravenclaw seeker (and seventh year) Brant, as well as the talented second year that he began coaching last year in replacing him, Aminah. The friendly faces cause Lauren to smile, and the two quickly scoot over to make room for her. "Hey Lu- Lauren! How was the summer?" the older student says once the carriage begins moving. "Hope four months in the muggle world hasn't dulled your chasing abilities."

"Hey now, my father has an office in Diagon Alley - I'm not muggle-born. And even if I was, my mother is the one cheering me on more, so I doubt she would let me slip," Lauren says, skin prickling slightly but just moving on. "Besides, I'm not the one who everyone has to rely on. You two been making sure that our team isn't going to be high and dry next year?"

The two students next to Lauren couldn't look more different. Brant was a tall boy, easily a head above most of the other students. If he let his hair grow out, it would be blond, but he always kept it short - "an aerodynamically efficient hairstyle" he would always say if anyone commented on it. To Lauren, he almost looked like he belonged more in a military as an officer, not at a school of teenagers. Aminah by contrast was a short girl, easy to lose in a crowd, doubly so when her dark hair would help her disappear among the robes of other students. But, that small size and general quickness caught Brant's eye as he was sitting in on a flying class in spring, and now the girl was effectively his apprentice.


The group banter and catch up, only going quiet once the sorting hat begins its song. "What do you guys think this year's song was about? The beginning is clearly about unity, but time and enemies?"

2019-08-12, 02:56 PM
Elizabeth has barely had time to settle into her seat before she's swept up in a huge from an enormous girl. "Liiiiiz where were you? You didn't join us on the train I was so worried!"

Elizabeth extracts herself from the python embrace. "Hi Vicky. I appreciate the concern, but uh...there's a new girl and I thought she could use some company that isn't insane at least for the train ride."

"What, hanging out with a firstie over me? I'm hurt, Liz," she jokes as she takes a seat.

"That's the thing," Elizabeth said in a low, conspiratorial tone. "She's actually our age...and from America, I believe. And she's pretty cute," she added with a giggle.

Vicky rolls her eyes. "Now it makes sense. Ditched for a pretty girl," she replies, wiping a nonexistent tear from her eye. "Ugh, new topic! So dad and I spent most of the summer abroad - spent maybe a month living with his cousin in Florence, and we got to see the sights..." she launched into her vacation story, with Elizabeth nodding along and occasionally asking questions. It was easier to talk about than more local news, and Victoria certainly loved to talk.

Forum Explorer
2019-08-12, 04:36 PM
Well well well, if it isn't the Mudblood *****. Did you have the decency to wipe you feet this time, or will you continue to track your filth all over our esteemed school?

Carmen sighed, rolling her eyes. Already at it, you blond bimbo? she asked, turning to address the girl speaking to her, an attractive blond student, a prefect badge on her chest. Well congratulations, she said, glancing at the badge. Your knees must be so sore from how many ***** you sucked to pull that off. You should be proud, not everyone can hold their breath for so long.

The blond girl went red, advancing and poking Carmen in the chest. Don't think you'll get away with what you pulled last year Mudblood. she hissed. You almost single handedly lost us the House Cup, and I'm not going to let you do that again! Carmen grabbed her wrist, stepping closer and staring down at her.

Oh please, she said, squeezing her wrist painfully, causing the girl to go white. You? Doing something about me? When push comes to shove, you'll get on back and spread your legs like the *****. You. Are. Carmen released her, letting the girl stagger backwards. But you are in luck. I'm sure by now the teachers have realized how pointless it is to take points away from me. So you'll get your shot at the cup. But cross me, and I'll make sure you regret it. The girl looked away in fear, and as Carmen looked around at the rest of her classmates, she saw them do the same. She scoffed and sat back down, turning her attention to the Sorting and seeing if any of the new Slytherins would be worth recruiting as minions.

2019-08-13, 10:42 AM
Faith takes a seat at the Ravenclaw table, ignoring the murmurs around her as she fixes her gaze on the Sorting Hat.

"They gave her the Prefect badge? Wow..."

"Guess it pays to be the teacher's pet, even if you're..."

"As if we'll trust the infamous Faith Smythe. Oh, right, that's not her real name, is it?"

As the first stanza of the song concludes, Faith unconsciously raises one eyebrow. That was a clear warning, but it seems uncertain as to the danger. The Sorting Hat has been oddly prophetic before...

2019-08-13, 12:27 PM
Lauren looks over to Faith. ”You seem pretty interested in the song as well. Care to analyze it with us?”

2019-08-13, 12:37 PM
Faith blinks and looks over at Lauren in surprise. "...It may still be reacting to the repercussions of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's attack and defeat two years ago," she begins after a short pause, "but from what I understand the Sorting Hat generally gives warnings oriented towards the future. Perhaps inter-House rivalry will become unusually intense this year?" Faith suggests, shrugging her shoulders slightly.

2019-08-16, 07:41 PM
After the last of the first years was sorted into her house, (Yanda, Evelyn, Gryffindor), the Sorting Hat was removed, and Professor McGonagall stood to address the school.

“To our new students, welcome. And to our returning student body, welcome back. Before we begin the feast, there are a few announcements to make. Firstly, I have once again been reminded that the products of Weasly’s Wizarding Wheezes are still banned items for all students. These include the Skiving Snackboxes, which will result in strict disciplinary action should it be found you are distributing or consuming.

“Second. Heads of House will set dates for Quidditch team tryouts, and it should be known that we have increased the strength of the defensive spells on the school’s broom cupboards, should any of you attempt a repeat of last years attempt to steal the school brooms for your tryouts.

“Third, as we have continued on in the efforts of rebuilding our school, we have had to leave certain parts of the castle’s defenses active as some lingering effects of Dark magic still linger. I advise all of you to avoid those areas, lest you get yourself or others injured.”

With that, McGonagall clapped her hands, and called out, “Now, let the feast begin!”

She swept her arms out as she spoke, and the tables sagged and groaned as massive dishes heaped with food appeared before you. Students immediately began scooping massive amounts of food into their plates, or filling goblets with juices of all kinds. A few students got up from the tables and went to eat with friends.

And in the chatter and movement, you are certain that one girl won’t be going anywhere.

The feast is always a great time, make sure Annette has a good time too!

Allure D6. Find a pleasant topic to chat about. +1VP
Conflict D6. Save your favorite dessert for Annette. +1 VP
Luck D6. You still have a couple of Chocolate Frogs from the train. Share a moment with Annette opening them. +1 VP

2019-08-17, 11:42 AM
As the table fills with food, Lauren makes a bee-line for several of the deserts, namely the fruit tarts, before getting the rest of her food. They go fast, after all.

2019-08-21, 06:16 PM
Faith takes a moment to try and center herself as the tables fill with food, feeling rather drained already from the events of the day. She gathers a random assortment of foods before turning towards where Annette is currently sitting. I've already made a fool of myself multiple times in front of her, and she doesn't like talking about herself, so maybe I should just leave her alone, but... people like to talk about things that interest them. She said her favorite subject was Alchemy, though she wasn't very enthusiastic... still, maybe...

Hesitantly, Faith sits down across the table and slightly to one side of Annette, leaving her plenty of room to ignore her if the other girl so desired. "Um, hello again," she begins quietly, fidgeting slightly. The noise and bustle of the Hogwarts Opening Feast always got to her slightly, and due to the somewhat chaotic events of that day her defenses against it were lower than usual. "You mentioned Alchemy was your favorite subject before," she continues abruptly. "Hogwarts offers Alchemy as a class in sixth and seventh year, so I don't have any personal experience with the subject, but I had the chance to speak with Professor Bacon about the subject last year, and he had some interesting things to say about the alkahests his students were then developing in their classes."

My information on Alchemy at Hogwarts came from a quick Google search and The Harry Potter Lexicon, and I couldn't find a name for the Alchemy professor so I chose the last name of a historical alchemist. If any of these are stepping out of line, I can remove them.

Going for Allure, and Activating Thaw Out to give myself a +2 to the roll.

Since I'm only referencing an authority figure, I'm assuming that Connections does not apply to this roll; if it does, that's another +2, for a final bonus of +4.

Forum Explorer
2019-08-21, 09:19 PM
Carmen ate sedately, her nerves taunt. She hated the great feast. Every time somebody would try-that! Carmen spun in her seat her hand clamping down on a boy's wrist, who had been about to dump an ice cream sundae down her back. You're lucky I caught you, she snarled, her hand tightening around the boy's wrist. If you had dropped that things would have gotten...messy. Now since I saved you some serious trouble you owe me a favor. You see that Griffindor girl over there? You're going to take this ice cream and give it to her, all while singing her praises. Because if you don't, then I'll have to do something else to get even with you, something much more painful. Understood?

Conflict, +2 for bruiser, +2 for Fearsome Reputation

2019-09-01, 11:50 AM
As the table fills with food, Lauren makes a bee-line for several of the deserts, namely the fruit tarts, before getting the rest of her food. They go fast, after all.

Lauren does indeed get quite a few of the pastries before they are gone. And as she does, she sees a young Ravenclaw boy going over to talk to Annette. And, oh boy, this probably isn’t going to go well...

Faith takes a moment to try and center herself as the tables fill with food, feeling rather drained already from the events of the day. She gathers a random assortment of foods before turning towards where Annette is currently sitting. I've already made a fool of myself multiple times in front of her, and she doesn't like talking about herself, so maybe I should just leave her alone, but... people like to talk about things that interest them. She said her favorite subject was Alchemy, though she wasn't very enthusiastic... still, maybe...

Hesitantly, Faith sits down across the table and slightly to one side of Annette, leaving her plenty of room to ignore her if the other girl so desired. "Um, hello again," she begins quietly, fidgeting slightly. The noise and bustle of the Hogwarts Opening Feast always got to her slightly, and due to the somewhat chaotic events of that day her defenses against it were lower than usual. "You mentioned Alchemy was your favorite subject before," she continues abruptly. "Hogwarts offers Alchemy as a class in sixth and seventh year, so I don't have any personal experience with the subject, but I had the chance to speak with Professor Bacon about the subject last year, and he had some interesting things to say about the alkahests his students were then developing in their classes."

My information on Alchemy at Hogwarts came from a quick Google search and The Harry Potter Lexicon, and I couldn't find a name for the Alchemy professor so I chose the last name of a historical alchemist. If any of these are stepping out of line, I can remove them.

Going for Allure, and Activating Thaw Out to give myself a +2 to the roll.

Since I'm only referencing an authority figure, I'm assuming that Connections does not apply to this roll; if it does, that's another +2, for a final bonus of +4.

Annette doesn’t say anything at first. In fact, it seems like a painfully long time before she does speak.Look, I appreciate what you’re trying to do. Really, I do. But why are you doing this?

But before Faith can respond, a young Ravenclaw boy squeezes between the two of you, and sets down an ice cream.

“H-hi. You’re so pretty, I just had to say hi.”

And before another word could be said, the boy suddenly turns and runs out of the Hall.

What the hell was that?

Carmen ate sedately, her nerves taunt. She hated the great feast. Every time somebody would try-that! Carmen spun in her seat her hand clamping down on a boy's wrist, who had been about to dump an ice cream sundae down her back. You're lucky I caught you, she snarled, her hand tightening around the boy's wrist. If you had dropped that things would have gotten...messy. Now since I saved you some serious trouble you owe me a favor. You see that Griffindor girl over there? You're going to take this ice cream and give it to her, all while singing her praises. Because if you don't, then I'll have to do something else to get even with you, something much more painful. Understood?

Conflict, +2 for bruiser, +2 for Fearsome Reputation

The boy, a Ravenclaw, just nodded before rushing off. You watch him as he goes. He presses between Annette and Faith, says something to her, and then he rushes off.

2019-09-01, 12:27 PM
Lauren watches the interaction and, confused, gets up to run after the boy.

Forum Explorer
2019-09-02, 12:52 PM
Carmen gives a small smile as she sees the boy run away, and finishes her plate of food. She wanders off to go check on some of her favorite places to hang out in the castle.

2019-09-03, 09:42 AM
Lauren watches the interaction and, confused, gets up to run after the boy.

Lauren watches as the boy runs out of the hall. But before she can follow the boy, there is the sound of a spoon rapping on a goblet to get everyone's attention.

Carmen gives a small smile as she sees the boy run away, and finishes her plate of food. She wanders off to go check on some of her favorite places to hang out in the castle.

Carmen, pleased with the night's events begins to get up from the table, but doesn't get much farther than standing before a spoon raps on a goblet to get everyone's attention.

"May I have your attention please!" calls the voice of Professor McGonagall. "A few last words before we turn in for the night."

"Mister Filch has informed me of several new items that have been added to his list of forbidden objects. I note that the majority of them are from Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. SHould you desire to see the list, he assures me he has a most comprehensive list posted to his office door."

"Quidditch tryouts will be held two weks from now, your Heads of House and the Captains will post exact times in you House common rooms."

Professor McGonagall seems to gather herself for a moment. "As you all know, the events of the last few years have been trying. On all of us. The war against Lord Voldemort, the subsequent rooting out of his Death Eaters. The Battle of Hogwarts. But we emerged triumphant, and the rebuilding of our school is a symbol to the rest of the Wizarding world that we will not let the darkness claim us. As we begin our new term, I urge all of you to continue building your friendships. Forge new friends here in your time at Hogwarts. Strive to be everything I know you have within each of you to be. Yes, even you Devlon." This last remark was in response to a snigger from Devlon Haimes, a sixth year who had a penchant for finding trouble with at least four teachers every year.

"Do not forget. This year marks the start of our new future. A future free from the shadow of ark magic that has plagued us for nearly a quarter of a century. So. Make this year a good one. For you, for your friends. For your school. For your families."

"Good night."

2019-09-03, 10:14 AM
Lauren pauses to listen to the headmaster's speech, before quickly running out of the room after the boy. (If you want a check, Lauren does have Athletic)

Forum Explorer
2019-09-03, 01:01 PM
Carmen grins, Well it'll be a good year for me at least. she murmured to herself, before heading to Filch's office. The man had an eye for quality wizarding goods, and his list was the best way to know the top stuff on the market.

2019-09-04, 12:36 PM
Faith opens her mouth to answer Annette's question, but no sound comes out. After far too long, Headmistress McGonagall stands up to make her speech, and Faith excuses herself, murmuring something about her duties as Prefect just in case anyone was listening.

Stupid. Stupid. Why did I do that? I've been nothing but a bother to her all day. Why would she want to talk to me now? Faith thinks to herself as she begins calling together the Ravenclaw first-years with the other Prefect. It was already too late; and now... now she'll hear about me.

2019-09-16, 07:07 AM
Lauren pauses to listen to the headmaster's speech, before quickly running out of the room after the boy. (If you want a check, Lauren does have Athletic)

Unfortunately, by the time the headmistress is finished and you dash out, the boy is nowhere to be seen. Fortunately, there are only so many ways to get to Ravenclaw’s dormitory. You’re fairly certain you know what the boy looks like, and so all you do is hope to make it there before... Ah! There he is!

Carmen grins, Well it'll be a good year for me at least. she murmured to herself, before heading to Filch's office. The man had an eye for quality wizarding goods, and his list was the best way to know the top stuff on the market.

The list, as promised, is hanging on a rather thick nail tacked to Argus Filch’s door. And it would have to be that way too, considering how much parchment needs to be held up. There has to be at least sixteen or seventeen feet of parchment on the door. And worst of all, it seems that this year, Filch has redone the list without any care for organization. There are things on this list that you are certain have to have been made up. But you do spot a few things you recognize. U-No-Poo, Skiving Snackboxes, Spellcheck Quills, Vanishing Heads, in fact, reading through it, you recognize most of the Weasley’s inventory on the list.

Faith opens her mouth to answer Annette's question, but no sound comes out. After far too long, Headmistress McGonagall stands up to make her speech, and Faith excuses herself, murmuring something about her duties as Prefect just in case anyone was listening.

Stupid. Stupid. Why did I do that? I've been nothing but a bother to her all day. Why would she want to talk to me now? Faith thinks to herself as she begins calling together the Ravenclaw first-years with the other Prefect. It was already too late; and now... now she'll hear about me.

You begin, along with the other prefects, to show the first years up to the Ravenclaw common room.

You warn them about moving stairs, and you aren’t sure if they quite heard you talking about skipping certain stairs. And then you are sure they didn’t hear you as several of them get stuck in them. After extricating these poor little kids, who, for some reason, just don’t look old enough to be going to Hogwarts, you continue on your trek up toward Ravenclaw Spire. As you reach the fourth floor landing, the Ravenclaws go one way, and the Gryffindors go the other. As you turn back to make sure the right students are going the right ways, you spot Annette, talking with one of the Gryffindor prefects. She reaches the landing, and as she looks both ways, trying to acquaint herself with the layout, she sees you. And you’re pretty sure you saw a smile as she turned to follow her fellow Gryffindors up toward their tower.

2019-09-16, 10:15 AM
"Hey, what were you in such a rush to leave about?" Lauren says as she spots the other student. "You started talking to my friend out of nowhere and then scampered off."

2019-09-16, 05:26 PM
"--several intangible, adhesive, or otherwise inadvisable steps situated throughout the building," Faith was explaining to the younger students as they made their way steadily upwards. "It would be an inefficient use of time to point out or otherwise explain them all. You are Ravenclaws, members of the House that prizes intelligence above all others; bend your mind to the task and I am certain you will..."

...Had she smiled?

...at Faith?

Faith clears her throat. "Ahem, will be able to mark and avoid the steps yourselves in short order. Ravenclaw tower is further along and up, we are nearly there now." She turns and begins leading the group with perhaps a little bit more spring in her step than a moment before.

2019-09-17, 09:13 PM
"Hey, what were you in such a rush to leave about?" Lauren says as she spots the other student. "You started talking to my friend out of nowhere and then scampered off."

“I... well, what’s it matter to you?”

"--several intangible, adhesive, or otherwise inadvisable steps situated throughout the building," Faith was explaining to the younger students as they made their way steadily upwards. "It would be an inefficient use of time to point out or otherwise explain them all. You are Ravenclaws, members of the House that prizes intelligence above all others; bend your mind to the task and I am certain you will..."

...Had she smiled?

...at Faith?

Faith clears her throat. "Ahem, will be able to mark and avoid the steps yourselves in short order. Ravenclaw tower is further along and up, we are nearly there now." She turns and begins leading the group with perhaps a little bit more spring in her step than a moment before.

You arrive at the entry to Ravenclaw Spire. You reach up and grasp the knocker. When you release it, the eagle head in the door opens its beak.

You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy.

“Oh, great,” says the other prefect. “Looks like it’s going to be a year of riddles again. You have any idea?”

2019-09-17, 09:47 PM
"Because she's my friend, and she didn't seem to know the person who ran up to her, and promptly ran away. We're in the same house, so if this is going to be a problem later, I want it to be cut out sooner than later, before it reflects badly on the rest of us."

Forum Explorer
2019-09-17, 10:50 PM
I wonder if he misses them, Carmen mused out loud, memorizing the more interesting sounding of the prank items.

2019-09-22, 10:37 PM
Faith thinks for a moment before nodding to herself. Then she turns to the assembled first years. "Does anyone here have an answer?"

She waits politely for anyone to offer. If there are no takers (or if no one comes up with the correct answer), she turns back to the door. "The correct answer is a candle."

2019-09-24, 02:00 PM
"Because she's my friend, and she didn't seem to know the person who ran up to her, and promptly ran away. We're in the same house, so if this is going to be a problem later, I want it to be cut out sooner than later, before it reflects badly on the rest of us."

The boy gives you a look, as though gauging what to say. After a minute, he says, “I’m not the problem.”

Then without another word, he turns and walks away.

Faith thinks for a moment before nodding to herself. Then she turns to the assembled first years. "Does anyone here have an answer?"

She waits politely for anyone to offer. If there are no takers (or if no one comes up with the correct answer), she turns back to the door. "The correct answer is a candle."

“Quite,” the knocker says. “And kind of you to offer others the chance to answer.” The door to the common room swings open, allowing you entrance to the common room.

2019-09-24, 03:50 PM
”The hell is that supposed to mean!?” Lauren yells after him. It that she expected a response. If he was being this secretive, nothing but a few choice spells would get him talking, and she wasn’t going to go that route on day 0 of her year here... ”Guess I have unpacking to do anyway...” she sighs to herself.

Forum Explorer
2019-09-24, 03:56 PM
Carmen wander the school aimlessly. She didn't really want to head back to her dormitory yet, but she'd didn't really have anything to do either.

2019-09-29, 10:40 PM
"Thank you," Faith responds evenly. She found it was simpler just to be polite to anything capable of speech. "The riddle will change periodically," she says to the assembled first-years. "One answer will open the door for anyone waiting, so cooperation will be to your benefit. Welcome to the Ravenclaw Common room." Gesturing to her fellow prefect to lead the way inside, she moves aside for the first-years, entering the common room last.

2019-10-04, 04:36 AM
A rather uneventful night (compared to the rest of the day prior) you awaken and head down into the Great Hall. There, as you make your way to your tables for breakfast, you are greeted by your head of House, whereupon you are given your course schedules.

Time to compare!

How many classes do you share with the target of your affection?

Unopposed skill roll!


1-4: You have one class with Annette. 1 VP
5-6: You share 2 classes with the Gryffindor. 2 VP
7-8: 3 classes? What luck! 3 VP
9+: How is this possible? We share almost the entire day! 3 VP plus a +1 bonus to your next Skill roll.

2019-10-04, 10:45 AM
Lauren takes her schedule and a plate of food, and quietly sits near some of the current Ravenclaw Quidditch players, comparing schedules. She had already planned her classes out, and even helped make sure she shared classes with some of her teammates who had trouble, so that they could work together.
Skill (+1), Do Your Best (+2, +2 to all people using their strong roll), Practiced Grace (Auto 4)

I’d try to finagle Athletic, but I’m pretty sure that flying is a first year course, and the ability requires actually doing the activity, or just being tied to it

Forum Explorer
2019-10-04, 12:22 PM
Hmm, if I skip on the first day, I wonder if I can convince my proffessor that I dropped out? Carmen muttered to herself as she read her schedule.

I got nothing. Skill (weak roll -1)

2019-10-04, 01:01 PM
Faith walks distractedly to the table after accepting her schedule, scanning over her list of subjects. With the O.W.L.s this year and plans for future careers coming up, she knew that even her (mostly excellent) grades would be tested, so she needed to be prepared. Healing seems like a productive field, and Alchemy is a requirement. I spoke about Alchemy with--no, focus on this now...

+1 for Strong attribute, +2 for Do Your Best (thanks Lauren!), -2 for Thaw Out; +1 is my final bonus.

2019-10-23, 12:42 AM
Lauren takes her schedule and a plate of food, and quietly sits near some of the current Ravenclaw Quidditch players, comparing schedules. She had already planned her classes out, and even helped make sure she shared classes with some of her teammates who had trouble, so that they could work together.
Skill (+1), Do Your Best (+2, +2 to all people using their strong roll), Practiced Grace (Auto 4)

I’d try to finagle Athletic, but I’m pretty sure that flying is a first year course, and the ability requires actually doing the activity, or just being tied to it

Professor Flitwick, moving up and down the table, the top of his hat being the only real indicator where he is, finally gets to Lauren. He hands her a scroll of parchment, taps it with her wand, and then remarks, "Quite the list this year, mm? Trying to keep your options open for careers?"

At that moment, you hear a muttered, "Really? Divination? And in the morning? Uggh."

Risking a quick glance over toward the Gryffindor table, you see a slightly disgruntled, yet remarkable beautiful Annette holding her own piece of parchment. You look down and see that your own divination lessons, with Professor Firenze are right away in the mornings.

Faith walks distractedly to the table after accepting her schedule, scanning over her list of subjects. With the O.W.L.s this year and plans for future careers coming up, she knew that even her (mostly excellent) grades would be tested, so she needed to be prepared. Healing seems like a productive field, and Alchemy is a requirement. I spoke about Alchemy with--no, focus on this now...

+1 for Strong attribute, +2 for Do Your Best (thanks Lauren!), -2 for Thaw Out; +1 is my final bonus.

"Alchemy? No, no. That is N.E.W.T. level here at Hogwarts, my dear," says Professor Flitwick. "Now, I do hope you are prepared for a rather difficult year. O.W.L prep is not easy."

Hmm, if I skip on the first day, I wonder if I can convince my proffessor that I dropped out? Carmen muttered to herself as she read her schedule.

I got nothing. Skill (weak roll -1)

"Hah!" A voice guffaws next to you. You recognize the voice, a really annoying girl named Zelia. "You know you can't drop a subject until after O.W.L.s"

2019-10-23, 07:19 AM
”Yeah, still not really sure where I want to go or what I want to do, so I’m just taking a bit of everything and seeing what sticks.” The girl’s ears perk up as she hears her crush’s voice. Looking around and seeing that class wasn’t particularly busy, with most students just comparing schedules, Lauren heads over to Annette’s table. ”Hey, sounds like we share a class or two.”

Forum Explorer
2019-10-23, 09:57 PM
"Hah!" A voice guffaws next to you. You recognize the voice, a really annoying girl named Zelia. "You know you can't drop a subject until after O.W.L.s"

You're adorable, Carmen says, smiling as she ruffled Zelia's hair. But ya got a point. It's not the first day I should be skipping. The boring BS doesn't start until a week or two in.

2019-10-24, 11:10 AM
Faith blinks up at Professor Flitwick in surprise. I did not know that Professor Flitwick was an accomplished Legilimens. Or was I inadvertently speaking aloud?

"Of course, Professor," She states calmly, choosing to ignore the slight pinkness on her cheeks.

2019-10-24, 12:25 PM
”Yeah, still not really sure where I want to go or what I want to do, so I’m just taking a bit of everything and seeing what sticks.” The girl’s ears perk up as she hears her crush’s voice. Looking around and seeing that class wasn’t particularly busy, with most students just comparing schedules, Lauren heads over to Annette’s table. ”Hey, sounds like we share a class or two.”

Do we? Well, I can’t say that it bothers me. I mean, I got a tour over the summer, but I can’t say I know my way around all that well. Maybe since we share so many classes you can help me out for a while?

But before Lauren can answer, Professor Flitwick comes up to you again, pressing something hard into your hand.

“Oh, Miss Taylor! I almost forgot! Coleridge and his family have moved to Hong Kong. Which means that this,” You look down and see the blue embossed Ravenclaw Quidditch Team Captain’s badge in your hand. “Is yours now.”

You're adorable, Carmen says, smiling as she ruffled Zelia's hair. But ya got a point. It's not the first day I should be skipping. The boring BS doesn't start until a week or two in.

Zelia mumbles something as you ruffle her hair. You think it sounds like, “I’m older than you are,” but you can’t make it out.

Faith blinks up at Professor Flitwick in surprise. I did not know that Professor Flitwick was an accomplished Legilimens. Or was I inadvertently speaking aloud?

"Of course, Professor," She states calmly, choosing to ignore the slight pinkness on her cheeks.

“Oh, not a problem at all. I know how so many, as they get along in their coursework start to think about how to make money. And with alchemy, you literally do, make money. There is at least one other student interested in the subject, and I think with at least one or two more, we can persuade someone to teach it next year. Well, I must be getting on, I have a first year charms class to get ready for!”

And with that, Flitwick vanishes in the crowd. But you hear his voice over the general din of students, “Oh, and you should remember to congratulate Miss Taylor! She’s the newest Quidditch Captain!”

2019-10-24, 06:15 PM
”Yeah I-“ is about all the girl can manage before being interrupted. As the badge is shoved into her hands, the most that Lauren can stammer our is “I’m the- no, this is a joke, right? I’m not really the most senior player, am I?”

2019-10-24, 07:45 PM
“Perhaps not,” Flitwick squeaked. “But I am hardly going to name a Beater as our Captain, am I? No, I think you’re the girl for the job. So, the team is yours. Good luck!”

The current members of the Quidditch team are:

Keeper: Henry Valda, Fourth year.
Chaser: Lauren Taylor, Fifth year.
Chaser: Samantha Greenwich, Third year.
Chaser: Open.
Beater: Amanda Cumberland, Sixth year.
Beater: Open.
Seeker: Open.

Forum Explorer
2019-10-25, 02:14 AM
Carmen dismissed Zelia from her mind, and walked away from the breakfast table. If she was going to bother with her classes today she might as well get there early. Her hand began drumming against her leg as she walked, a familiar restlessness building in her bones.

2019-10-25, 08:57 AM
”Well... did not expect that kind of responsibility this semester... alright. Well, we’ve got some holes to fill, guess I’m going to be scouting out new talent these coming weeks.” Despite the optimistic words, Lauren’s tone clearly carries nervousness at the new responsibility. “Are you much of a Quidditch player, Annette?”

2019-10-29, 10:28 PM
Faith internally notes Flitwick's comment on "at least one other student" interested in Alchemy. Hmm... this may be worth developing.

She nods politely to Flitwick again as he leaves, looking over to spot Lauren in the crowd. Finally, she catches sight of the other Ravenclaw... sitting next to Annette. ...I will have another class with her; she is in my year, after all. I can speak with her then, Faith quietly decides, slowly finishing up her breakfast.

2019-11-04, 12:09 PM
Carmen dismissed Zelia from her mind, and walked away from the breakfast table. If she was going to bother with her classes today she might as well get there early. Her hand began drumming against her leg as she walked, a familiar restlessness building in her bones.

Carmen begins heading out into the castle. As usual, there are whispers and pointed looks cast her way by those who think they know anything about the strange girl.

”Well... did not expect that kind of responsibility this semester... alright. Well, we’ve got some holes to fill, guess I’m going to be scouting out new talent these coming weeks.” Despite the optimistic words, Lauren’s tone clearly carries nervousness at the new responsibility. “Are you much of a Quidditch player, Annette?”

Me? Not really. I mean, I used to play with some other kids when I was younger, but I was never really that good....

Faith internally notes Flitwick's comment on "at least one other student" interested in Alchemy. Hmm... this may be worth developing.

She nods politely to Flitwick again as he leaves, looking over to spot Lauren in the crowd. Finally, she catches sight of the other Ravenclaw... sitting next to Annette. ...I will have another class with her; she is in my year, after all. I can speak with her then, Faith quietly decides, slowly finishing up her breakfast.

Faith finishes eating, and seeing that the time was getting on, decides to head toward her first class for the day.

And so the day goes, some classes you are sharing with Annette, some you don't, but the one where you all find yourselves in the same room with her again is toward the end of the day, when you are listening to Professor Binns, who unsurprisingly, just continues his History of Magic Lessons from where he left you off last year. After about three minutes, you see that half of the class has fallen asleep due to his monotonous voice, half of those that are left are doodling or passing notes, or just keeping themselves awake by any means possible.

And then, there is Annette. She seems to be one of the few who is actually unfazed by the droning voice of Professor Binns and is paying attention to his topic for today, the Goblin Insurrection of 1307.

Get Annette's attention, and stay out of trouble. This is an Opposed Allure roll, Highest total gains 3 VP.

2019-11-04, 08:43 PM
The only way Lauren would likely be able to get her attention is to stay out of trouble, so the girl does just that - studiously take notes for class. Allure, no modifiers

2019-11-05, 12:07 AM
Growing up in a Muggle household, Faith actually had a natural interest in History of Magic, even if Professor Binns was severely... lacking in presence. Despite his lackluster teaching style and his utter inability to deviate from his set patterns, there was one aspect of teaching in which Professor Binns excelled: he was a living (or rather, a once-living) history textbook, having memorized his dates and times so thoroughly that his notes were nothing more than a formality at this point.

Accordingly, Faith attempts to take advantage of that encyclopedic knowledge when she can. She takes careful notes and generally keeps her head down, but occasionally when Professor Binns pauses between paragraphs of droning text she softly interjects with a brief clarification question, always on the point at hand. If Professor Binns simply doesn't notice her questions or ignores them, she is unperturbed; she jots down the question at that point in her notes to look into later and continues with her diligent note-taking. Having spent four years prior to this in Professor Binns' class, she knows that he would rarely respond to questions, but he did seem gratified when a student showed a genuine interest in his subject, and Faith tries to build that storehouse of gratitude when she can.

Allure; +2 for Thaw Out (after this, Thaw Out ends).

Attempting to activate Connections, suggesting that Faith has been quietly asking for clarification and generally showing an interest in Professor Binns' classes for most of her prior Hogwarts career, and so his more expansive answers to her questions are able to (very slightly) liven up the class and paint Faith in a good light.

If Connections activates, total of +4 to the roll; if not, total of +2 to the roll.

Forum Explorer
2019-11-10, 10:54 PM
Carmen was sleeping in class. As a matter of fact, she had completely slept through her own History of Magic class, and was technically not supposed to be there at all. Still no one bothered her in her corner, an enchanted quill dutififully taking down an abridged version of Biggs lecture as she slept.

Allure, no modifiers.

2019-11-17, 01:03 AM
The only way Lauren would likely be able to get her attention is to stay out of trouble, so the girl does just that - studiously take notes for class. Allure, no modifiers

Even though Annette wasn't that far away, Lauren decided to play it safe and take notes. Which means that, while she didn't catch Annette's attention, she at least has a good chance of passing this section of her History of Magic OWL if it comes up during the exam...

But! It doesn't take long, before she is surrounded by the other Ravenclaws. And they all have only one question on their minds When are the Quidditch tryouts?

Carmen was sleeping in class. As a matter of fact, she had completely slept through her own History of Magic class, and was technically not supposed to be there at all. Still no one bothered her in her corner, an enchanted quill dutififully taking down an abridged version of Biggs lecture as she slept.

Allure, no modifiers.

The two hours pass by so slowly, and you awaken feeling incredibly refreshed... and completely alone. Apparently, no one bothered to wake you up, and you didn't hear the bell toll to mark the end of the class.

Growing up in a Muggle household, Faith actually had a natural interest in History of Magic, even if Professor Binns was severely... lacking in presence. Despite his lackluster teaching style and his utter inability to deviate from his set patterns, there was one aspect of teaching in which Professor Binns excelled: he was a living (or rather, a once-living) history textbook, having memorized his dates and times so thoroughly that his notes were nothing more than a formality at this point.

Accordingly, Faith attempts to take advantage of that encyclopedic knowledge when she can. She takes careful notes and generally keeps her head down, but occasionally when Professor Binns pauses between paragraphs of droning text she softly interjects with a brief clarification question, always on the point at hand. If Professor Binns simply doesn't notice her questions or ignores them, she is unperturbed; she jots down the question at that point in her notes to look into later and continues with her diligent note-taking. Having spent four years prior to this in Professor Binns' class, she knows that he would rarely respond to questions, but he did seem gratified when a student showed a genuine interest in his subject, and Faith tries to build that storehouse of gratitude when she can.

Allure; +2 for Thaw Out (after this, Thaw Out ends).

Attempting to activate Connections, suggesting that Faith has been quietly asking for clarification and generally showing an interest in Professor Binns' classes for most of her prior Hogwarts career, and so his more expansive answers to her questions are able to (very slightly) liven up the class and paint Faith in a good light.

If Connections activates, total of +4 to the roll; if not, total of +2 to the roll.

Faith, dutifully taking notes, is amazed, as always, by the history of the Wizarding World, and the lengths they have gone through since they started having to disappear from the eyes of their fellow humans. It was sometime in the second hour of the class, right after Professor Binns answered a question you had about why one of the thirteen Mugwumps of the European Philosopher's Society would have disputed the opinion of the other Mugwumps about the cause of the goblins' claims of unfairness, that it happened. A parchment flower, a lily of some kind, you think, floats into your lap. When you pick it up, it begins to unfold itself into a note written with a neat hand.

Never pegged you for a history nerd. Nothing wrong with that, but I mean, c'mon, this stuff is so ancient, it doesn't even matter anymore. But then again, from what Ive seen, you're busting your ass in every class. Why? It's the first day, is it really worth it to try so hard already?


P.S. If you want to reply, wipe the letter with your wand, write it down, and then give it a tap on the star in the corner while you say my name.

Looking at the parchment, you do indeed see a little star that looks almost like a doodle drawn with a color changing ink. As you look at it, it pulses, and shifts color as it draws in on itself and then expands out again, this time in a different pattern.

2019-11-17, 05:00 AM
With a sigh, Lauren closes her book, mentally playing forward what she wanted to say. ”This Saturday - when there are no classes and so we have plenty of time and nobody feels rushed. I want to be able to judge everyone at their best,” Lauren says to the small crowd of black cloaks with blue badges. “So rest up Friday night. Tryouts will start first thing in the morning. For those who are seriously interested, practices will start after last class next Monday, so plan accordingly. I don’t want to take on someone who seems talented but won’t be able to handle balancing classes and immediately getting to practice after that.”

2019-11-18, 11:16 PM
Faith pauses from her careful notes to examine the lily appearing before her. Her lips twitch, once, as she takes out her wand and quietly wipes the paper. Surreptitiously placing the paper over her notes as though it were a loose sheet of parchment, she bends her head to write once more.

Certainly it doesn't matter anymore to most witches and wizards, but many goblins still hold grudges from the rebellions. A goblin enemy is a long-lived foe, one I would prefer not to face.

The O.W.L.s are this year, and one's career choices depend almost entirely upon one's O.W.L. scores in Hogwarts, it seems. Besides which, I have a--

Faith pauses for a moment, then shakes her head.

I have a enjoy learning; I am a Ravenclaw, after all. And what better place to learn than in class?


Forum Explorer
2019-11-18, 11:46 PM
Carmen stretches her arms and yawns. She glances at the time. Huh. Well I guess I'm skipping today after all. she said, shrugging. She wandered from the classroom, and began to head off.

2019-12-05, 12:14 PM
With a sigh, Lauren closes her book, mentally playing forward what she wanted to say. ”This Saturday - when there are no classes and so we have plenty of time and nobody feels rushed. I want to be able to judge everyone at their best,” Lauren says to the small crowd of black cloaks with blue badges. “So rest up Friday night. Tryouts will start first thing in the morning. For those who are seriously interested, practices will start after last class next Monday, so plan accordingly. I don’t want to take on someone who seems talented but won’t be able to handle balancing classes and immediately getting to practice after that.”

"All right, Lauren. We'll hold you to that!"

Faith pauses from her careful notes to examine the lily appearing before her. Her lips twitch, once, as she takes out her wand and quietly wipes the paper. Surreptitiously placing the paper over her notes as though it were a loose sheet of parchment, she bends her head to write once more.

Certainly it doesn't matter anymore to most witches and wizards, but many goblins still hold grudges from the rebellions. A goblin enemy is a long-lived foe, one I would prefer not to face.

The O.W.L.s are this year, and one's career choices depend almost entirely upon one's O.W.L. scores in Hogwarts, it seems. Besides which, I have a--

Faith pauses for a moment, then shakes her head.

I have a enjoy learning; I am a Ravenclaw, after all. And what better place to learn than in class?


The letter floats off, and you wonder if anyone is noticing it making its way back through the air. Or if they even care... It is History of Magic, after all, the class is practically famous for your ability to do pretty much anything so long as no one else comes into the room.

Which is why, after another few minutes, yet another lily lands in Faith's lap.

You can't start a sentence like that and then just cross it out! You have a what? A condition? A disability that prevents you from not studying everything in front of you?

2019-12-27, 12:33 AM
Faith shakes her head again, this time in mild annoyance. She considers for a long moment, then wipes the paper and begins to write.

It was a mental slip. I had a name to uphold. Not anymore.