View Full Version : Thri-Kreen Grappling

2019-07-03, 03:54 PM
How would a Thri-Kreen's extra arms affect its grappling? For reference, I'm using this (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DXNGhG-ztHrgc_ineon71lKqSKsv2iHKi2lGGVmfCsk/edit#heading=h.a2ykpn99aq8) Version of the race (since I'm pretty sure there isn't an official race entry). Hell, do they allow for extra attacks? I'm really not sure.

2019-07-03, 04:19 PM
It lists a few stipulations on what sorts of weapons the arms can weild, then says they're normal arms for all other purposes. That would include grappling.

As written, one of those tri-kreen could world a halberd in his normal arms, a shield in one of his smaller arms, and grapple with the other. It's not the sort of Homebrew I would approve of for my table.

2019-07-03, 04:33 PM
To be more constructive, here's how I would give thri kreen their extra arms.

Four Arms- instead of the two arms typical of a humanoid, you have four. As such, you weild weapons differently: shields and most weapons require two arms to weild effectively. Two handed weapons require four arms, and you need 4 arms to benefit from versatile weapons' extra damage. Light weapons require just one arm. Your arms each count as normal arms for other purposes.

2019-07-03, 06:59 PM
You can grapple an enemy (size restrictions do apply, but assume same size creature) for each free arm your character has.

You could theoretically grapple 4 enemies as a 4 armed thri keen. Don't forget that all grapple does is reduce an enemy's speed to zero. So you now have up to 4 enemies that have very limited choices in who to attack. (the grappling thri keen seems perfect)

2019-07-03, 07:47 PM
So theoretically, you could grapple four creatures. And with the grappler feat restrain them, imposing disadvantage on dex saves. Then sword burst, while concentrating on cloud of daggers. Sounds like a good EK build!

EDIT: oops! You couldn't exploit cloud of daggers while restrained.. Sword Burst seems to work just fine.

2019-07-03, 09:29 PM
When it comes to grappling, the grappler feat is a bit underwhelming. You can use another grapple check to try and pin a creature you are grappling. If you succeed, both you and your opponent are restrained. You've sacrificed your whole action (possibly multiple attacks worth) to impart the restrained condition on you and your quarry.

"A restrained creature's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage. The creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws."

If you have three other grappled creatures, they now have advantage on their at acks against you.

You're better off (even as a non-thri keen) to just use an attack to shove the grappled opponent to the ground. Now they're prone and can't get up as their movement is 0.