View Full Version : DM Help How much of a threat is brush fire to lvl 1 characters?

2019-07-04, 04:49 PM
My players will be travelling the great, flat region, covered in dry grass. Soon, fire will follow. I'm wondering how much of a threat is such a thing to lvl 1 party and am taking any ideas on how to shape this encounter?


2019-07-04, 04:57 PM
It depends entirely on what ruules you attach to it, but I think it would be an almost assured TPK unless someone can fly.

Even 1d4 damage per round from surreounding fire means even the toughest Barbarian would only be able to survive it for around 6 rounds.

2019-07-04, 05:18 PM
With this one, you're really playing with fire...

Jokes aside, as long as you control the spread (e.g. maybe it's slow-ish in narration or at specific points in the initiative order), the damage and the landscape (is there water? a cave? a grotto?), it's as dangerous as you choose. (And maybe it's far enough away for the main fire, at least at the start, that they're dealing with fire-related effects rather than the flames themselves. Maybe it's the smoke or the heat or the distortion of visibility or the threat isn't as much to their lives as it is to something in the environment at the start.)

2019-07-04, 05:22 PM
I guess it would also depend on how smart are the players vs. how smart are the characters? Are any of the PCs druids or rangers who would/should know about the dangers of brush fires and how quickly they can spread?

2019-07-04, 05:49 PM
Depends greatly on terrain, time, and what powers the PC's have. Somebody with an hour and mold earth could make a fire break and keep the whole party safe. Can they find a cave or a lake? Is there large patches of bare rock? Do they have mounts to outrun it?

2019-07-04, 06:28 PM
Really depends on a lot of factors, but the most important one is the wind.

Wind is the #1 factor in Rate of Spread calculations for wildfires. Wind is responsible for almost every single wildland firefighter fatality (due to fire, not, for instance, vehicle accidents).

So, how windy is it?

From a game play perspective, you could easily make it threatening without being overwhelming. For narrative inspiration, check out the book "Young Men and Fire". There's some description of what it's like to be running for your life from fire. Also check out the Yarnell Fire incident, and the South Canyon Fire.

Those are all relatively recent stories of wildland fire entrapment and fatalities that other firefighters study in order to avoid the same thing happening to them. You can find out a lot about the risks due to terrain, weather and training.

2019-07-05, 04:23 AM
If any of the players have either Control Flame or Mold Earth cantrips then it is no threat at all, create water is a 1st level spell that could also massively change the encounter.

2019-07-05, 05:31 AM
If they run away from the fire, especially if there's a wind whipping it up as it follows them downwind, then it's a threat.

If they run into and through the fire, and especially if they have a mild amount of absorbtion, buffer or healing, then they should easily emerge from the fire into the area beyond where it's exhausted all the available fuel.

Grass fires are quick, but there's not much fuel and they flare and burn out quick.

If a character has Survival Proficiency you should consider making him aware of this.

2019-07-05, 08:17 AM
Because brush fires are fast burning I would have it last 1d6+4 rounds through the area they are standing in. To keep ahead of the fire I would have them take a run/Con test. A fail would take 1d4-1 damage from inhaling smoke. A second failed test means the fire has caught them doing 1d6 damage the first round. A third failed test 1d10 damage as they are in the hottest part of the fire. If they think to run opposite direction fire is going then drop it to 1d4 the next round and if they are smart enough to put themselves out none the next. Then give a level of exhaustion.