View Full Version : Brainstorming Pranks Committed By An Evil God

2019-07-05, 02:59 PM
I'm running a room escape in a couple weeks. One of the features is a speaker system thru which an evil god speaks to the players, and the goal of the room escape is to re-trap the god so he can't wreak havok on Earth again.

One of the things he does is tell stories about the awful pranks he's committed over the years under the various guises of other gods (he's been known as Coyote, Loki, Anansi -- any trickster god is a face of his.) But his sense of humor is terrible -- this is the kind of prankster who makes you slip on ice and die, and thinks it's hilarious.

I'm trying to come up with a small list of these kinds of pranks for him to relay over the speaker system. He can take credit for past disasters on Earth, imply responsibility for various historical ****-ups... trying to come up with some good stories to tell in this regard. They can also be small, petty things.

2019-07-05, 03:39 PM
First, I'd recommend not linking the character to any event that has direct, present-day ramifications. Otherwise, you risk alienating people or just plain pissing them off. If you're running a public event, you don't know who'll go into the escape room, and a funny joke to one person might get you punched by another.

Here's some suggestions:

I killed the dinosaurs because they didn't laugh at my stand-up. Who's laughing now? Me. It's me. Ha. Ha-ha.
Ice ages are great for snow sports. I'm not saying I caused the last one, but... Hey, want to go skiing this weekend?
I'm a true friend. My buddy Nero didn't have enough light to read the music, so I lit a fire for him. He plays so wonderfully!
I went on this great European vacation one year. Saw all the sights. Had the sniffles, but it was great hanging out with all of my rat friends anyway.
Back in the 60s, NASA kept trying to land in my backyard but I wouldn't let them. Kept sending them on to Mars. I think they ended up making some stuff up about it.

2019-07-11, 04:22 PM
These are great! Thank you!

2019-07-22, 11:17 AM
The room escape was a great success! Everything was taken in good fun. They managed to release the evil god into the world instead of trapping them, so I'm glad I took a light touch on how malicious he was: https://twitter.com/tduringer/status/1153194535792472065

2019-07-26, 11:04 AM
*He canceled the original Star Trek
*Got [unpopular politician] elected
*Sank the Titanic
*Popularized the use of tobacco, a recreational drug that doesn't get you high
*Invented reality TV
*everything from the song Sympathy For The Devil
*He broke up the Beatles
*He's the reason why your computer and cellphone slow down after you've had them for a year or two
*He invented flesh eating bacteria
*He's the reason why all pop music sounds the same

oops. too late