View Full Version : Monk magic item idea

2019-07-06, 02:13 AM
Hey all, i had a quick idea for a special monk item, I'm about to head to bed so I'll skip the flavor and all that and just pitch the mechanics for you all.

Large metal wrist bands that cut your speed in half (a big price for a monk), but increases your offensive abilities,

The benefits I'm thinking would be you gain 5 more ki points, and ether your martial arts die increases by one stage (meaning if you're doing 1d6, you instead do 1d8 ect.)

Or an unarmed version of great weapon fighting/Sharpshooter (-5 to hit for a +10 damage boost)

Not sure which one i like better or if i should just add both offensive boosts, having both seems like a lot, but again giving up half speed for a monk is a lot to ask,

So, thoughts?
Talk to you all in the morning, thanks for any impute everyone :)

2019-07-06, 02:27 AM
what if your martial arts dice is at d10?

2019-07-06, 06:31 AM
It is not usual for DnD magic items to convey a debuff unless the item is cursed (at least in 5e, donmo about others). So carefully consider whether there really is a need for a downside. A movement debuff sounds harmless at first but can lead directly to less fun for the user because it greatly limits their options in combat.

2019-07-06, 09:08 AM
Headband of Bodily perfection

Kinetic Transfer: Whenever you make a melee attack (before rolling) you may spend any amount of your remaining move for the turn. For each 5' of move spent, you may increase the damage of the attack by 1. You must move a minimum of 10' from either the start of your turn or your last attack to use this ability.

Body fuels the Spirit: as a bonus action, you may spend a hit die. Roll it, take that much necrotic damage. This damage may not be reduced. You gain Ki equal to half the damage taken, but never more than your maximum Ki.

2019-07-06, 09:32 AM
It is not usual for DnD magic items to convey a debuff unless the item is cursed (at least in 5e, donmo about others). So carefully consider whether there really is a need for a downside. A movement debuff sounds harmless at first but can lead directly to less fun for the user because it greatly limits their options in combat.

Well they wouldn't be cursed, so if they need the speed they can just take them off.

The idea came from how some martial artists undergo rigorous training to improve their bodies, as well as a different types of styles/stances, which was a mechanic i was thinking of adding, like you use a free or bonus action to go into the iron fist stance, ever see kung-fu hustle?(it's a great movie btw) There's a character who fights with a wide, sturdy stance to put more weight behind his fist and to generate more powerful punches, while wearing heavy iron rings on each arm, it's pretty much the inspiration for this idea,

The weight would cause the monk to "focus" which would help channel their ki energy ( giving them the 5 point boost, which now that i think about it might be better if it's equal to your proficiency bonus) and the wide stance is what cuts the speed,
How does that sound?

With this line of thinking what would you add?
The upgraded martial arts die?
The -5/hit +10/damage ability?
Or both?

2019-07-06, 09:45 AM
Headband of Bodily perfection

Kinetic Transfer: Whenever you make a melee attack (before rolling) you may spend any amount of your remaining move for the turn. For each 5' of move spent, you may increase the damage of the attack by 1. You must move a minimum of 10' from either the start of your turn or your last attack to use this ability.

Body fuels the Spirit: as a bonus action, you may spend a hit die. Roll it, take that much necrotic damage. This damage may not be reduced. You gain Ki equal to half the damage taken, but never more than your maximum Ki.

The "Kinetic transfer" seems like it'd be a lot to remember and track (for my players at least lol) plus i could see some shenanigans with tabaxi and haste/other speed boosts options, but it's a cool idea, i might still use it for something down the line, so thanks!

But the "Body fuels the Spirit" thing is awesome! I love that, not sure if I'll make it it's own magic item, maybe a new monk feat, or my players go carousing a lot and there's one result that involves you waking up in the middle of selling your soul, i could see that as something that could be acquired through those means :P

2019-07-06, 01:05 PM
Well they wouldn't be cursed, so if they need the speed they can just take them off.

The idea came from how some martial artists undergo rigorous training to improve their bodies, as well as a different types of styles/stances, which was a mechanic i was thinking of adding, like you use a free or bonus action to go into the iron fist stance, ever see kung-fu hustle?(it's a great movie btw) There's a character who fights with a wide, sturdy stance to put more weight behind his fist and to generate more powerful punches, while wearing heavy iron rings on each arm, it's pretty much the inspiration for this idea,

The weight would cause the monk to "focus" which would help channel their ki energy ( giving them the 5 point boost, which now that i think about it might be better if it's equal to your proficiency bonus) and the wide stance is what cuts the speed,
How does that sound?

With this line of thinking what would you add?
The upgraded martial arts die?
The -5/hit +10/damage ability?
Or both?

Maybe you could allow the player to toggle between normal and the stance, which removes the monk's movement bonus feature but adds damage for every 5 foot of movement lost?

I also like Quoz's idea of allowing the player to convert movement into damage.

Either of those give the flavour you are after (namely, a more grounded stance which makes the PC stronger but less mobile), while not giving the player a direct debuff.