View Full Version : Best. Video Game Kills. Ever.

2007-10-08, 03:02 PM
Talk about the coolest kills that you or others have caused.

While playing Halo 3 with my dad, he tried to blow up the defence turrets on Snowbound. I had the Spartan Laser, and decided to experiment with its sniping functions. I hit him square in the head, and would have meleed is corpse like always if that wasn't the match's last kill.

2007-10-08, 03:08 PM
Ooh this sounds like an entertaining thread..

Let's see, once in Battlefield 2142 I ran up under a Battle Walker, planted C4 on its legs, ran away so as not to be killed by my own explosion.

After I ran, an enemy APC drove up next to it, I set off the C4, it blew the walker up, and the Walker death explosion combined with the C4 near it blew up the APC.

I got 7 kills, and an Explosive Gallantry Badge, AND Explosive Badge: Silver, AND a Distinguished Combat Medal (Forgot the name of some of the badges), oh and Recon Service Badge: Bronze.

It's been hard to top.

2007-10-08, 03:11 PM
In a match of Goldeneye 007, I stuck 4 remote mines to someone's head. :smallamused:

2007-10-08, 03:11 PM
Nice kill. I also remember how I punched out this Covenant warrior with a hammer who was unaffected by my guns. I put his hammer to good use, juicing many grunts and smashing one Covenant enemy into a bloody puddle.

2007-10-08, 03:25 PM
I beat Mephistopheles in Hordes of the Underdark with nothing but a chicken... He was a barbaric chicken though... The dagger beak was quite sharp...

2007-10-08, 03:27 PM
This I've not seen directly, but according to one of my friends, a guy sniped the pilot off a flying airplane in Battlefield 1942. Feel free to assume it as a lie, but I laughed hard at it anyway.

2007-10-08, 03:33 PM
Back when it wasn't hideously old, I was playing a Tribes mod. It had a Sniper Rifle. I look up and way up in the sky, is a teeny set of pixels (lets say 4) that I identify as an enemy, what with that it was moving at a reasonable speed.

I aim up, leading a little because it was moving after all. Somehow I managed to actually hit the thing, and I get a little message saying that I killed him.

It was kind of scary actually.

[Insert Neat Username Here]
2007-10-08, 03:38 PM
Some Halo kills:

In the "silent cartographer" level, I managed to get a Warthog into a narrow-passaged area where warthogs aren't intended to go.

Shortly afterward, I found myself at a closed door with a big covenant behind it. You know, one of those gold-armored ones. I threw a grenade at the door before opening it. Didn't even have to fight him.

2007-10-08, 03:43 PM
Back when it wasn't hideously old, I was playing a Tribes mod. It had a Sniper Rifle. I look up and way up in the sky, is a teeny set of pixels (lets say 4) that I identify as an enemy, what with that it was moving at a reasonable speed.

I aim up, leading a little because it was moving after all. Somehow I managed to actually hit the thing, and I get a little message saying that I killed him.

It was kind of scary actually.

I was playing a Tribes mod once, and I had the laser rifle. I just wanted to see what it would do, so I fired off into the night sky in the direction of the enemy base.

I then found out I'd headshot someone who was getting ready to jump over to assault us. Even so, I can top that.

Counterstrike, pre-Source. I was a T on cs_siege, and I had my 'lil Steyr Scout. I ran out as the match started and set up to see 8 CT's coming around the corner. Drew a bead on the first and pulled the trigger, only to find I'd gotten three headshots with one bullet. I then proceeded to snipe the rest of the CT's and single-handedly win the round.

Three times. Half their team bought AWP's the fourth round and actively tried to hunt me down for the rest of the map.

Rigel Cyrosea
2007-10-08, 03:59 PM
Was watching a friend play Mercenaries. (Awesome free-form 3rd person shooter for the PS2) He had a sniper rifle, and was on a bit of a rampage with it. 250ft away, a North Korean jeep is driving towards him. He lifts the rifle, and pegs the driver in the head without zooming in. The character actually said "What a beauty..." in game.:smallbiggrin:

2007-10-08, 04:12 PM
well, 2 of my friends were playing red steel for the wii, and one got a headshot from across the map with a revolver. that became his catchphrase.

also, this one is preprogrammed in, but...

(not for the faint of heart)

2007-10-08, 04:28 PM
Luckiest stick in Halo ever.


This man's will be done.


2007-10-08, 05:03 PM
Countless knife kills in CS:S GunGame mod, to win. My favorite:

Playing a map with a giant hill in the middle. I'm on knife level, so it's very dangerous for me. I run up the left side of this hill, only to see 4 cts rushing me. I took about 60-80 damage from their guns before I could get back down to where they couldn't see me. Of course, they give chase, but as one crests the hill to where he can see me, all he sees is me rushing straight up the hill.

Slashed his knees to win the map, as the other 3 CTs watched me win.

2007-10-08, 05:09 PM
Counter-Strike: Source, Assault map. I was playing on the Terrorist side, and I was the last one alive. I'd holed myself up in the Hostage room, and had made good use of the available filing cabinets and even the nearby table to block the entrance.

When the enemy found their path blocked, I attacked. I threw grenades in their faces and fired off entire clips of Dual Elite and Machine Gun ammo. In the end, I killed about four of them in the space of around ten to fifteen seconds.


Ah, Starsiege: Tribes. I never was any good at MA kills, but the first time I managed one was completely by accident. Sadly, it involved me not looking where I was going, and ramming a Light Transport straight into a weakened enemy Heavy Transport.

Since I was playing the Team Aerial Combat mod, they died on impact with the ground. Only I managed to survive, taking advantage of the Shield Pack's limited ability to prevent the fatal ground damage for long enough to let me jump onto a low point on the objective platform.

2007-10-08, 05:25 PM
HL2 Deathmatch. Gravity gun. Toilet. Nuff said.

2007-10-08, 05:42 PM
Ah Halo:combat evolved

My and my friend were playing Halo, and we were takng a warthog in palces it shouldn't go. My friend says "Watch out there's a elite hiding nearby." So we we were about to try to make a surprise attack when our warthog gets stuck half-way through the door. we manage to get out and try to unstick using grenades(remember vehcles can't die in Halo 1) after we eventually un-clog the doorway we start looking for the Elite. NO dice. WE keep on searchng until I spot some blood on the ground. I then take a look at the Wall. TO our ut-most surprise, The elite s plastured 3/4 up the wall, eagle-spread in a giant splot of blood so that's what you get for hiding behind a wall:smallamused:

The Orange Zergling
2007-10-08, 05:46 PM
Battlefield 1942, no expansions. I was playing against the computer and there were only a couple guys left on the other side. I was flying a plane which I really didnt know how to fly. So, I saw an Allied soldier, and nose-dived right into him.

I think he died, anyway. Match ended seconds later.

2007-10-08, 05:48 PM
Best I can remember right now was in original CS on amazon (assault?). I was the last CT on the map with about 4 terrs left. I ran up the stairs and ran smack into two of them, but managed to kill em with my M4. Halfway through that quick bout of death another one shows up and I manage to pistol him to death, only to be shot in the back by another, who, by some miracle, didn't kill me. He was knifed on the spot.

2007-10-08, 05:53 PM
I was playing halo 3 on sandtrap and i dropped a tripmine off the crevace in the middle of the stage and it landed on my friend's banshee as he flew by me. The funny thing was that i didnt even know he was there

2007-10-08, 05:54 PM
I just ran over my Dad in the Ghost. I think the wing would have sliced him in half if the game showed that kind of thing.

2007-10-08, 06:51 PM
I was playing Halo with three friends, and one of them had a tank. His team mate was riding on the side. They're coming in my direction but I have stealth so they haven't seen me quite yet. I position myself, and throw my last two plasmas at the tank. The first sticks the guy riding on the side, right in the chest. The second goes through the narrow opening in the front of the tank, where the guy would look out if it showed tanks in first person, and sticks right on his face. Best thing about it is my stealth ended about two seconds later, and I was out of ammo on all my guns. :smallsmile:

Another one was done during co-op (Halo 2 I think) and there's this hunter running towards me. We're in a long, thin corridor, and my friend is on the other side. He has a rocket launcher and a shotgun, I have dual wielded needler/plasma rifle. As the brute comes towards me, I jump over the brute as it's charging and turn around to shoot it full of needles. Just as I did that my friend shoots a rocket off and tells me to jump. So, I jump as I'm finishing unloading my guns into the hunter, and jump over the rocket. The needles and rockets both explode at the same time, causing an awesome explosion.

warty goblin
2007-10-08, 06:54 PM
Anytime I kill a tank with a pistol.

Halo 1 kill of beauty: Me and a friend were playing through the campaign on PC, switching off every time one of us died. We were going through the Truth and Reconciliation, I was playing and was seriously low on health and was stuck above one of the hanger bays, which was absolutely crawling with elites. We had both died multiple times, both going down into the bay, or trying to snipe them from above with the pistol. It was one of those hangers with the projecting wall through half of it, earlier I had killed an elite in the narrow portion that joined the two halves of the hanger. In a fit of pique I grapped the needler and unloaded the full clip into an elite, who tried to hide behind the dividing wall. But it wasn't enough to save him, nearly the entire clip of needles stuck to him and promptly exploded. Right above the grenade covered corpse of the first elite.
The resulting blast sent that poor elite 40 feet up the hanger wall. About halfway up he ran out of blood. Of course than his buddy unloaded a plasma rifle into my face while we were still laughing our heads off...

Other fun Halo kills- two invisible elites with sniper rifle shot.

2007-10-08, 06:59 PM
I once killed a guy by blowing up his teammates banshee in such a way that the top half of it fell on him. It was all like "splatter!" and I was all like "wtf? yayz!"

2007-10-08, 07:03 PM
In F.E.A.R., my and my friend were taking turns in the single player. We killed a guy with a bolter through the neck, and he stuck to the wall.

If that wasn't awesome enough, he Shotty'd him in the face to teach him who's boss, and... his head spun around like 20 times.

We ROFL'd so hard.

A Rainy Knight
2007-10-08, 07:03 PM
@Ranis: I knew that the "My Will Be Done" Would show up somewhere.

In Gears of War, two enemies (online) downed me and were just standing around mocking my downed body. It was Execution, so I got up, downed one in a burst of Lancer fire, chainsawed the other, and curb stomped the guy that I previously downed. Man, that was lucky! :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Remembered another one. In Halo 3, my dad was on a Ghost, and I had an Energy Sword. He boosted towards me to splatter me, but I sidestepped and slashed him from the driver's seat with the sword. "El Matador!"

2007-10-08, 07:20 PM
Speaking of energy swords:
My friend was desperatly trying to splatter me with his Warthog in Halo 2, knowing it was on Only swords.

I quickly showed him the folly of his ways by, after smacking the end of the car 4-6 times, I managed to rush perfectly and totally killed him.

I did it over and over, and we now know the Sword as the Anti-warthog.

Also, one time in Day of Defeat, My G/f was over and I was demonstrating parts of the game, and I had the Kar98. I was explaining what I meant by "bolt-action", so I fired off a shot randomly into the horizon to show her the bolt-action animation. She looked at me strangely, because I stopped mid-word and stared at the screen. She said "What?"

I had managed to hit an enemy that was trying to flank up to our spawn with a headshot. ( Think it was a HS. 1 Hit kill either way.:smallwink: )

2007-10-08, 08:24 PM
One day I was playing with some friends in BF 1942, we just mess around and kill each other. I was in a plane coming up one them and they were in a jeep. Too far away to shoot them with my machine guns, I swoop down and Land on them. They explode, and I pull up and keep on flying. My friends and I laughed so hard.

Another time I was having fun clicking randomly with my mouse. I get a bazooka, randomly click and it goes and pegs straight through a friends chest. He explodes.

2007-10-08, 09:03 PM
Back in CS 1.5? 1.6? I was playing on a server playing one of those custom maps that are pretty good for steyr scout masters and to combat long range weaponry they left some jeeps lying around. So Im looking around through the scope for a little bit and my team sees a jeep full of Ts driving up a ramp to some sniper spot.... Then the jeep sorta tips off the side of the ramp and lands upside down killing everyone in the jeep. Not a true kill per se, but one of the most amusing things I'd ever seen on a CS server. Needless to say, the next 45 minutes were spent trying to duplicate the manoeuver, but none succeeded where fate had intervened. :(

2007-10-08, 09:15 PM
AvP 2: as the Predator i got a head shot with the spear gun on Rykov in the final battle, unzoomed

Desert Combat: Repeatedly killing Helicopters with MBTs

HalfLife 2: Killing a Gunship without it blowing up, unfourtantly it ended up blocking the road and i had to do a lot of gravity gun work to get the buggy over it

2007-10-08, 09:30 PM
I had some friends over and we were playing Timesplitters FP in Siberia (the map, I dont live in Russia) and one of them took the brick and threw it off the wall fort thing at one end of the map. He just looked up, and threw it, and he head shotted me. :(

2007-10-08, 09:55 PM
I was playing on Mercenaries, and was on a random killing/blowing up spree. I was out of bullets, and was being chased by a gunship, which was about to kill me, as I had just 20 health left.

So I plant a C4, grab a car, and drive it onto the charge. I then lure the gunship towards me, till it's right above the car. I then detonate the C4, launching the burning skeleton of the car up into the gunship, destroying it instantly.:smallbiggrin:

I love the screwed up physics in that game.

The Great Skenardo
2007-10-08, 10:13 PM
So I'm playing a game of Facet Fighter, and I've gotten to the Shinobi Rose stage which involves making your way through this weird japanese castle/forest. I've gotten a few of the moves down, so I try for a wall run up to the first battlement, when it turns out that there's a sentry standing right there. I completed the last part of the wall run up his face and then managed to back-kick him right off the wall and into the moat full of eels below by rebounding off the wall behind him.

Another part of the level involves getting launched by a gigantic firework into the sky and trying to steer it back to the castle while archers fire at you. I'm just reaching the end of the course, when I'm supposed to tangle with the giant demon-samurai below when I manage to leap off the rocket from about 150 feet up and aim a rocket pin-point kick at the guy. The targeting for the kick is really screwy, and it's hard enough to hit someone ten feet below you with those things, but if you do...your damage is proportional to the height you fell from to get there!
So the Samurai exploded. :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-08, 10:19 PM
I was playing UT2004 on Grendlekeep in the finals of a 2v2 competition at a LAN. I was on the curved staircase after having just picked up the lightning gun and I was some movement where the wall met the platform above me, it was only a few pixels, but I flicked my mouse and got a headshot on an enemy who'd just spawned there.

Another time I was playing Halo 2 at my friend's place on Coagulation. I'd positioned my self on one of the cliffs and began to sweep the area with my sniper rifle. I saw someone speeding across the map in a warthog and I fired just as he hit a hill and went airbourne; a headshot from across the map out of mid-air. Fortunately, someone was screen cheating from me at the time, othewise no one would have believed it.

2007-10-08, 11:08 PM
One of my favorites was playing Halo 1 online with Rockets on Longest. I was up on one of the balconies on the outer sides of the hall, when I saw another player running past. I don't know how, but I somehow knew he was coming towards me, so I waited at the top of the ramp and timed a rocket to greet him at the bottom. I was fully expecting it to be a wasted shot, but the guy came around the corner and instantly took a rocket to the face.

Another favorite was one time when I was playing Tribes, and a guy on the other team was flat-out the best on the server, repeatedly coming into our base and single-handedly killing half my team before my teammates wore him down. I was so terrible at actually shooting things that I just wandered around with a repair pack fixing up the mess afterwards, until one time he was spotted en route just as I saw a Command Station. Curious, I activated it, and learned that I could use it to control the base's turrets...including the heat-seeking missile turret that until then had been totally silent because it wouldn't automatically fire at targets on the ground. But it would do so if controlled manually. One shot from half the map away later, that guy was officially made into a total nonfactor :smallbiggrin:

My absolute favorite, though, was not a kill on another player, but on a system. Once me, my brother, and two friends were playing Goldeneye with Power Weapons in Facility and got into a massive RCP90 firefight in one of the bottle rooms. Our N64 just couldn't keep up, and got slower and slower until it locked up entirely.

2007-10-08, 11:28 PM
Something that was quite funny.

In BF 2142, I was playing as a sniper, and I was lost. So, I see an air transport. I decided to shoot it in a feat of logic. Now, I did this in such a fashion that at the same moment someone else shot it. So it blew up exactly when I shot. It's one of those funnies.

Another one is, I was playing Halo 2 against my friends. Humorously, every time they killed me, I'd manage to throw a plasma at the very last second for a kill :smallbiggrin: (we play with no shields)

2007-10-08, 11:32 PM
Ah tribes man that was a fun game, and at the time my computer was absolutely ****, and lagged like hell online when things got "heated". Anyway my brother was playing a game and had bordered an apc with a few others and a demo pack. He gets out and throws the demo pack, activates it just as he's killed, and we're treated to a lag induced slow mo countdown of the pack as a teammate is moving back and forth over the it. It did not end well for him. :smallredface:

2007-10-09, 04:42 AM
Oh, I have a fair few

Half-Life Single Player (can't remember if it was 1 or 2), an enemy was falling off a bridge, so I shot him for no real reason. I nail his foot to the bridge and his body hangs from the ankle. He's not dead yet, so he spasms. It's somewhat funny

Battlefield 2142, I'm in a Rorsh. They're base defence guns, intended as anti-tank weapons. Not very accurate, but lots of damage. Now a fun little feature of the Rorsh is you can knife someone who's inside of them. It's really fun actually. So I hear the customary 'schick' noise of a knife missing he, I swivel and nail the guy right in between the eyes. He tried to get me kicked from the server for hacking.

2007-10-09, 09:29 AM
Really, anything from Dark Messiah M&M looks gorgeous.

Other than that, I remember playing Halo 2 with my friends: Banshee flied straight from above towards player. Result: Player died and flew as a stick to the other end of the map. We have still to find out what really caused that.

2007-10-09, 09:53 AM
In Halo 2, campaign mode, in Old Mombasa, near Sniper Alley. I have a beam rifle. I turn a corner and see a Jackal. It doesn't see me, so I zoom in to try to hit it perfectly. I guess it saw me just before I fired, and turned, taking it's head out of the line of fire. The beam missed, hit the wall behind it, bounced, and hit the thing in the back of the head. I literally shot someone who was facing me in the back of the head. That was funny.

2007-10-09, 09:58 AM
My friend tells the story of Halo 2 multiplayer. He was being pestered by this really annoying Banshee pilot in the desert arena, and he's looking up at it, trying to outdance its shots. It hovers near one of the walls... and suddenly a Warthog bursts from the tunnel way up on the wall, soars through the open air propelled by momentum, and crashes directly into the banshee. Both explode. Much shock and laughter ensued.

I think my favorite kills were always in the Lucasarts games. In KotOR 2 (which, to me, had no value as an RPG but much value as a game of "I am powerful enough to do whatever I want"), I used to make a sport of seeing how quickly I could kill an entire room full of Sith in the last area. A room of five or six of them. I counted it as a win if I could kill the last before the first finished sagging to the ground. (Jedi Weaponmaster.) As a Sith Lord, I then came back and took over the minds of the most powerful melee beast in the room, and let him kill my enemies for me. Then Crushed him. This was standard practice.

In the original Jedi Knight, I was facing Gorc and Pic (the former a huge but slow brute who really hurts if he hits and whose only power is Force Grip, the latter a tiny but speedy little cuss whose only power is Invisibility). I killed Pic (he was always the easiest), and then Gorc grabbed me with Force Grip. My screen filled up with "You are taking Grip damage!" I shouted at my moniter, "GRIP THIS!" and unloaded a railgun in his face.

In Jedi Outcast multiplayer, my friend and I were co-oping against the highest-level bot enemy. After a twenty-minute hunt/fight, I finally hear my friend fighting him, grab the missile launcher, and turn around. My friend has the Desann unit Force Gripped, and is currently struggling to lift him over a Bottomless Pit(tm), but the wall keeps getting in his way. It gives me just enough time to lock a homing missile on him. My friend tossed him over the edge, and the missile hit him halfway down.

2007-10-09, 10:13 AM
My favourite BF 2142 kill: Destroyed a fully loaded transport ship with a tank...he was flying low, one shot and BOOM !!!

My favourite kill frenzy: Serious Sam 1 & 2...can never have enough enemies to turn into a bloody pulp with the cannon :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-09, 10:26 AM
The Day of Defeat map dod_charlie is a recreation of the (in)famous beach assault in WW2. Of course, in order to give a semblance of balance to the game, the Axis team starts in the barracks and has to run some distance to deploy in the bunkers and on overlooking trenches while the Allies charge up the beach, picking up explosives to blow the earthworks and walls blocking their way.

Whenever I play Axis, I have this unwholesome fondness for their M-42 heavy machine gun. Maybe it has something to do with the following:

When starting a round on Charlie, I chose the Axis gunner, and rushed up into the trenches overlooking the beach. Knowing full well that I'd have mere seconds before the Allied snipers put a bullet through my head, I deployed the M-42 and hosed down the entire beach. Without looking, without caring, full auto until the barrel overheated.
I wiped out the entire first attacking wave. Including the snipers hiding in the water.

2007-10-09, 11:45 AM
In timesplitters: future perfect shooting a zombie's head off with the harpoon gun while diving off a building without aiming
or shooting someone straight in the head just as they come round a corner towards me

I once managed to get about 80 headshots in a 50 kill match

2007-10-09, 11:54 AM
on X-Wing Alliance i was flying toward this Stardestroyer who had decided to start its hyperdrive we wereheading head to head and as i got near i released a space bomb which launced toward it just as it activated the hyperdrive,

It then accelrated into the bomb and the whole thing exploded, unfortunatly being an old game it suddenly from going really fast stopped dead and started to tumble in its death throws, still it looked good :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-09, 12:07 PM
Playing multiplayer against my younger brother in Halo 2 on Coagulation, I had a sniper rifle with 2 bullets and he was in a Ghost (which he's really good at driving)
He was fairly far away from me, and fired at him with one of my bullets, not expecting any results, but I only had 2 shots and he already knew where I was. Next thing I know, it says he's dead. Apparently the bullet somehow went just high enough over the hood of the Ghost that it was still low enough to hit his head, which then killed him.

Also killing 3 Jackals with 1 Beam rifle shot, with multiple bounces off their shields.

Yeah, I seem to get inordinately lucky sometimes with snipers.

2007-10-09, 12:36 PM
Playing UT 2004:

I'm running into the enemy's base in an Onslaught map, and a guy leaps off one of the walls of the base at me, trying to get me with the shield gun. I've got the flak cannon equipped :smallbiggrin: Gibbed him at point-blank range in midair.

Another time, I'm assaulting an enemy node in a Raptor. I'm taking a lot of hits, and when I'm at about 50 HP I see the "Missile lock" warning. Naturally, I think "Oh ****" and bail out. My flaming battered plane continues on its course, falling behind one of the hills on the map. Suddenly I hear "PANCAKE". The Raptor landed right on top of an enemy I didn't see, and I got the kill.

2007-10-09, 02:28 PM
The Day of Defeat map dod_charlie is a recreation of the (in)famous beach assault in WW2. Of course, in order to give a semblance of balance to the game, the Axis team starts in the barracks and has to run some distance to deploy in the bunkers and on overlooking trenches while the Allies charge up the beach, picking up explosives to blow the earthworks and walls blocking their way.

Whenever I play Axis, I have this unwholesome fondness for their M-42 heavy machine gun. Maybe it has something to do with the following:

When starting a round on Charlie, I chose the Axis gunner, and rushed up into the trenches overlooking the beach. Knowing full well that I'd have mere seconds before the Allied snipers put a bullet through my head, I deployed the M-42 and hosed down the entire beach. Without looking, without caring, full auto until the barrel overheated.
I wiped out the entire first attacking wave. Including the snipers hiding in the water.

I loved that map. I was a surgeon with the MG-34, so I'd set up at the Big Bertha at the back of the map that they had to bomb and would just wait for them to come charging around the corner. If I heard the elevator start, I'd undeploy and toss a potato-masher down the shaft. Good for three kills, every time.

2007-10-09, 03:29 PM
Something that was quite funny.

In BF 2142, I was playing as a sniper, and I was lost. So, I see an air transport. I decided to shoot it in a feat of logic. Now, I did this in such a fashion that at the same moment someone else shot it. So it blew up exactly when I shot. It's one of those funnies.
Simply hilarious.

My favourite BF 2142 kill: Destroyed a fully loaded transport ship with a tank...he was flying low, one shot and BOOM !!!
Bet that was fun.

So I hear the customary 'schick' noise of a knife missing he, I swivel and nail the guy right in between the eyes. He tried to get me kicked from the server for hacking.
This has happened to me before. I suck at knifing people in those accursed things, though I never accuse of hacking.

Reminds me of another time though, I was walled up in a defensive position with a Support, and an Assault, defending our Titan, in one of the corridors leading up to a control panel. I was Recon with the Carbine, APMs and Demopacks.

I'd set the APMs about halfway between the entrance and us, set about three packs at the entrance to the hallway, and run behind the shield and lie in wait.

Every time an enemy would appear I'd set off the explosion then run to set more C4 in a mad rush while the assault gave cover fire. I racked up a nice kill count, and was accused of hacking (or at least they tried to ban me).

Countless enemies threw themselves in our path, and we lasted until our Titan blew up via Silo. I took one step outside the corridor to make a run for it, and died not a second later to some random assault.

2007-10-09, 04:40 PM
Ok, I was playing on Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries online. It was a city map and I was driving my brawling Shadowcat. (For those who don't know / care, a Shadowcat is a medium weight mech, quite fast, good armour, good guns and, most importantly for a city, jump jets.) Anyway, I see that a player who is well known for liking the DFA (Death From Above, where you jump onto someone's head and knock them over. Since everyone strips the armour from the head, 2 hits kills) has joined the server. I see what he's driving, a Thor (bigger and slower than the Shadowcat, but more guns and armour and also has Jump Jets, I hated to drive them.) So, my chance for some long awaited revenge. I run up the ramp of a parking garage and fire my jets at the top, textbook Rocketmech manoevre. I go flying and DFA him perfectly. Now, before I got to him, he had already been in a fight and his centre torso was critically hit. (killing the CT kills the mech.) When you DFA someone, you both go flying uncontrollably and slide. John Woo would love this because as I'm sliding, I twisted the mech's torso somehow and shot him right in his crit CT with everything I had. Damn that was sweet. Best kill I ever got.

2007-10-09, 07:27 PM
Bit of background revolving around my ability in Halo Multiplayer which is true for each one, I am a beast in close to mid range combat with an average of 5 kills to every death, but in long range I am almost total crap. I need to either have a teammate with me to help draw fire or be using something like the Pistol (Halo 1) or the Battle rifle (Halo 2 & 3) which can also be used mid range. Don't hand me a sniper rifle unless you want me to waste the ammo, and I can only rely on splash damage for stuff like the Rocket Pod or Laser.

Anyways the game is Neutral Assault on Sandtrap, 6 on 6 and through some form of genius one of my friends drive our Elephant, which on Sandtrap is our base, right next to the bomb spawn point which makes it a piece of cake for the enemy to plant and arm for a point. Well figuring that the game's lost I decide to be the bitch and go for most kills. So I take my Assault Rifle and switch between the Gravity Hammer and Needler as I rack up kills just roaming the middle area. Now if you've played the map then you know if you're in the middle area you tend to die quite alot but some how I've managed to survive for bout 5 mins just racking the kills up when low and behold all 6 of the Reds come over in Warthogs and bail out to rush the Elephant. Now thinking I could take two or three out before they got me but I struck gold took out two of em with a hit from the Gravity Hammer then switched to my Assault rifle to gun down and beat down while I manage to hit one of the others with one of those human stick grenades. The other two fall back into a warthog with one in the turret and the other tries to run me down with it. I drop my mine, which causes the warthog to fly past me as I throw another stick grenade on the side which blows the whole thing up as it hits the ground.

2007-10-09, 07:31 PM
Ooh this sounds like an entertaining thread..

Let's see, once in Battlefield 2142 I ran up under a Battle Walker, planted C4 on its legs, ran away so as not to be killed by my own explosion.

After I ran, an enemy APC drove up next to it, I set off the C4, it blew the walker up, and the Walker death explosion combined with the C4 near it blew up the APC.

I got 7 kills, and an Explosive Gallantry Badge, AND Explosive Badge: Silver, AND a Distinguished Combat Medal (Forgot the name of some of the badges), oh and Recon Service Badge: Bronze.

It's been hard to top.

Very nice though I think I got you beat ;) On Shuhia Taiba I was piloting a transport over Silo 4 on approach to the enemy Titan. Just then I see an Enemy transport full to the brim with guys so what do you do in a situation like that? Well you do what any skilled pilot does, drop your landing gear and scape its hull off. The wreckage then fell on a passing jeep...2 more kills...that made my day. Too bad there was no battle recorder. (and Yes I lived and so did my crew int he transport)

2007-10-09, 07:32 PM
God of War and GoW 2. The whole damn time.

2007-10-09, 08:11 PM
Gears of War with a Theron bow. On the last level, my brother and I were getting harassed by locust on those flying thingies. One explosive arrow in a brain pan later, I've assumed the role of Turok-style uber sniper.

Also, on BTB Team Slayer Sandtrap in Halo 3, the whole enemy team swarmed the little hut I ran into after I flipped my mongoose. It kinda reminded me of the army of Agent Smiths in The Matrix. Killed all of them with only an assault rifle and two frags. One had a shotgun and another had a hammer. Needless to say, I flipped my mongoose upright ASAP and fled while yelling "oh God, they know where I am! IIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!"

[Insert Neat Username Here]
2007-10-09, 08:17 PM
;3313894']Some Halo kills:

In the "silent cartographer" level, I managed to get a Warthog into a narrow-passaged area where warthogs aren't intended to go.

Shortly afterward, I found myself at a closed door with a big covenant behind it. You know, one of those gold-armored ones. I threw a grenade at the door before opening it. Didn't even have to fight him.

Ah Halo:combat evolved

My and my friend were playing Halo, and we were takng a warthog in palces it shouldn't go. My friend says "Watch out there's a elite hiding nearby." So we we were about to try to make a surprise attack when our warthog gets stuck half-way through the door. we manage to get out and try to unstick using grenades(remember vehcles can't die in Halo 1) after we eventually un-clog the doorway we start looking for the Elite. NO dice. WE keep on searchng until I spot some blood on the ground. I then take a look at the Wall. TO our ut-most surprise, The elite s plastured 3/4 up the wall, eagle-spread in a giant splot of blood so that's what you get for hiding behind a wall:smallamused:

Is it just me, or are these almost identical? Was it the same level?

Alex Knight
2007-10-09, 10:11 PM
Man, this is going to date me.

Wing Commander 2 for the PC. There's one mission where you're assigned a rinkydink light fighter and have to go to three patrol points.

1st point: No real big deal

2nd point: some light combat, but my shields (such as they are) manage to save me.

3rd point: Hooo boy. Ambushed by lots of fighters that are heavier, faster, and more heavily armed than I am. Well, this is obviously the challenge of the mission. Firefight ensues, and I start taking hits. One hit takes away my remaining missiles, then another hit takes out my radar.

Ok, this is REALLY going to be a challenge. Flying without radar or visual reference points (we're in deep space) I manage to kill 2 more of the bad guys before I take another bad hit and lose my guns.

"Ok, well, I'm going to have to replay this mission. time to go out with a bang." I start trying to kamikaze the enemy fighters.

Three ramming attacks later, I return to the carrier for debreifing, leaving nothing but dead bad guys behind me.

2007-10-09, 10:23 PM
I know this has bugger all to do with the actual topic of this thread, but I saw the title and felt utterly compelled to state that blowing out half of someone's torso with a pistol in Fallout will forever remain my favourite video game kill of all time. :smallwink:

2007-10-10, 03:52 AM
Battlefield 2142, my clan spent an entire round flying around in a transport picking off anything that moved. Driver, two gunners and four guys sitting on the sides causes lots of fun.

Some Battlefield servers have a setting where friendly APMs can teamkill. So I'm recapturing a point by myself and I see an APM. "No worries" says a clan member "I planted that mine". I run past it, and a fan-shaped burst of shrapnel kills me and means that we eventually lose all of our spawn points and lose.

2007-10-10, 08:55 AM
I know this has bugger all to do with the actual topic of this thread, but I saw the title and felt utterly compelled to state that blowing out half of someone's torso with a pistol in Fallout will forever remain my favourite video game kill of all time. :smallwink:

Replace pistol with combat knife and you have mine.

<3 Bloody Mess.

2007-10-10, 09:14 AM
;3321458']Is it just me, or are these almost identical? Was it the same level?

No, See his was wth a grenade, and in mine we ran over an elite without earing a scream/Splatter. IT was completely accidental. But still pretty awesome:smallwink:

Archonic Energy
2007-10-10, 09:35 AM
UT. CTF. Face2Face. Sniper-rifle. MMMMonster kill.

nuff said.

2007-10-10, 10:23 AM
Halo 2, Midships, Swords and Plasma grenades only. I was the only person who didn't play online regularly, chasing the maps kill master. She jumped off the upper balcony, and I followed her down, gutting her with the sword in mid-air. Unfortunately, I was caught in a lunge just as I landed and died just afterwards.

Total Annihilation: Shore to Shore. Enemy trapped on ground, after over expanding. I built 35 Nuclear Missile Silos, stocked each with a single missile, and targetted them. Nothing quite as satisifying as watching 35 missiles flying through the air.

2007-10-10, 02:56 PM
TFC. I'm playing as an engineer on 2Fort.

I'm running into the enemy base to steal the flag, and I run past the upper spawn point. I see a soldier coming out of the spawn and turn to throw an EMP at him. He sees me and for some reason, backs up, holding the door open for my EMP to sail over his head into the spawn.

For those that don't know, in TFC an EMP does no damage on its own, it just sets off all ammo in range. Be it in spawn packs, or on people.

On a 32 person server, 12 of them were in that little spawn room.

Had to check the console to see how many I killed, since TFC engine only displayed 8 kills at a time.

2007-10-10, 09:22 PM
Mine is again, Halo 1. A series of kills actually. I was playing against a friend of mine who, though not the best, is leaps and bounds better than me.


I don't know why, but in one match, the last match of Halo 1 I ever played, I destroyed him. Suddenly, I was invincible, dropping him again and again, with every weapon on the map. Sniper rifle, rocket launcher, shotgun, assault rifle, pistol, and both types of grenades. I've never been that good since.

2007-10-11, 03:52 AM
One time on halo 2 a friend of mine had the brute shot. This is, of course, not a particularly good weapon. So what he does is unload the entire thing straight up into the air, because that's what we do with weapons we don't like. The grenades come down, halfway across the map, a few moments later. When they do they blow the crap out of my brother, who was currently engaged in a firefight with the same friend.

He's also ridiculously good at no-scope headshots, but only when the blind skull is on.

Mine involves hitting people on the other side of the map with a shot from the scorpion's main cannon. Everyone fears my sniping skill with tanks now.

Emperor Ing
2007-10-11, 04:12 AM
Ah, my first Halo 3 kill(s). In the beta I was playing with my friend, I found the Spartan Laser, and I blew an oncoming mongoose with 2 people in it JUST AS IT KILLS ME. :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-11, 05:56 AM
My one is from F.E.A.R. online. And is actually two kills, but is now my number 1 awesome online thing I've ever done.

So, we're playing in the hideously popular campus map and I have the hideously unpopular penetrator (my favorite gun, everyone else went with the shottie or the assault rifle). Anyway, for those of you who do not know the penetrator fires large metal spikes and if you score a kill with it, the enemy will rag-doll their way across the room and get stuck to walls, doors, and pretty much anywhere else that giant spike hits.

So, I was in an interior area, crouched in a corner as I could hear someone coming round the corner and I was on about 2 health. Bam, headshot, the guy flies into the wall and is pinned by the head in the standing position. On it's own not the biggest thing, but two seconds later a guy couching down comes round the corner, sees the guy, and shoots him frantically. I shoot him right in the neck from my hiding place across the room.

Now, this guy was crouching in front of this other guy who was standing, and the penetrator gun pinned his neck to the wall right below the first victims crotch...

Many laughs were had at the rather compromising position the corpses ended up stuck in :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-11, 05:59 AM
Technically off topic but does anyone know a list of kills you need in order to get certain sounds played?

For instance, once during a game it yelled out "Godlike", how many kills is that?

I figured this would be a good place to ask.

Edit: Searching "Killing Spree" "Monster Kill" and other similar terms in wikipedia doesn't help.

Edit Edit: Searching "Killing Spree Unstoppable Godlike" or something like that in google told me though, nevermind. Though for the heck of it I will share what I have found.

5 = killing spree
10 = rampage
15 = dominating
20 = unstoppable
25 = godlike

2 = double-kill
3 = multi-kill
4 = ultra-kill
5 = monsterkill

2007-10-11, 02:08 PM
i have alot of Halo spectacular kills. most involving a warthog.

1) I was playing 8v8 CtF, i was being chased down by a warthog, and i didn't' have my trust rocket launcher this time. but i did have some plasma gernades well i manage to get over a hill, and the warthog was too fast and launched thru the air... i quickly realized i was seein the chasis of it..and decided to stick a sticky to the bottom of it. Well they hog kept goign for abotu 3 seconds, to rally with a ghost and a guy on foot to cap our flag.. well right as the warthog arrived.. it exploded and fliped... taking out the ghost also.. the warthog.. did a spectacular flip and landed on the guy on foot.

2) Paratrooping in Halo 2. I liked to grab the banshee and fly over bases and just jump in and run with the flag, usally i get gunned down right out the door, just intime for the hogs and ghost to destroy most of the flag protectors, it works trust me. Well this time it was different.. i dropped right in, snagged the flag and normally i just beat up anythign in the way. Well people kept dieing when i hit them.. oops.. well i killed the whole team with the flag, and hopped on the hog and my teammates were like "wtf did you do?"

3) Once i got my banshee boarded once... i know silly.. will before i plummeted to my death.. i decided to tosse a sticky.. it landed... i know sweet?

4) Magic Bullet - i once was on fire with the sniper rifle one day on battle gulch in halo 2, well... i remeber seeing the warthog coming in and poping off a shot.. i killed passenger, driver, and a guy randomly with one freaking shot... i have no idea how.. but it registered as a triple kill so i was thrilled

The Ominous One
2007-10-11, 03:17 PM
I had a good one on Halo 3.

I was playing 2 on 2 local on Sandtrap, and I'm chasing my friend (the best player in the game) on a Chopper, firing the whole time. he pulls out a rocket launcher, pegs me and I die, but he gets hit by a rolling gearwheel from the side of the chopper and dies too. One point for each of us!

[Insert Neat Username Here]
2007-10-11, 07:04 PM
More Halo CE:

A covenant throws a plasma grenade at me while I'm shooting at him. One of my shots detonates the grenade as it leaves his hand, killing him.

I'm on a covenant ship's docking bay. I throw a grenade at several enemies, who dive out of the way -- and out of the ship. They fall to the ground and die.

2007-10-12, 01:13 AM
CS:S. Threw a flashbang at the face of a top10 player. Killed him.

2007-10-12, 08:40 AM
Hmm, I have one, and it's actually due to a problem with my computer. See, ever since I installed Elder Scrolls: Oblivion on my computer, my mouse sometimes spazzes out I either can't move at all for a few seconds or my character starts spinning wildly. This carried over into Battlefield 2142 and I was playing Recon with a Zeller-H Advanced Sniper Rifle. My mouse spazzed and as I was spinning around wildly, I saw a flash of black coming into view, so I fired off a wild shot. It turned out to be a headshot against a player from the other team trying to knife me. That has to be the LUCKIEST kill I've ever scored on anyone.

The Linker
2007-10-12, 09:30 AM
I was one of the lucky people who preordered Orange Box, so I got it the day it came out.. and yesterday, I got some pretty sweet kills in TF2. :smallbiggrin:

The most memorable one came when I was playing a Spy... Spies, in that game, can both cloak and disguise themselves as a member of the enemy team. Well, I had gotten to one of my team's spawn points, and found two enemies attempting to capture it, in the middle of a big firefight with my teamates. As a Spy, I don't join firefights, I backstab with my knife. Which is an instant-kill. :smallamused:

So I turn invisible, sneak behind the first enemy, and turn off invisibility.


The other enemy is distracted and hasn't noticed me. without using stealth this time...


Hee hee. Awesomeness. But then a third enemy comes barreling in, a Pyro, and sees me. I turn invisble and start rushing at him, hoping to sneak behind him for another backstab. But since he's already seen me, he just backs up, blowing his flamethrower all around, and puts his back to a fence.

My options are limited at this point. I'm low on health and he's wise to me. Then, I get an idea.

With my last remaining sliver of stealth, I ran the way that the ENEMY team comes from, turned off invisibility, disguised myself as an enemy scout... and run back to the enemy pyro.

He thinks "Oh! Sweet! He'll help me. He probably killed that dumb spy. OK, let's attack the control point."

And so he runs inside our base.


I laughed so hard. I wish I could have seen the look on his face when he saw the freeze-cam. I totally beat my record for backstabs in one round, too. Fun times! :smallcool:

2007-10-20, 11:07 PM
In battalion wars for gamecube, in the first bonus mission, I decided to attack the heavy tanks with a single infantry unit. Took out 6 before being hit even once.:smallamused:
The problem is that the tank's shells can be dodged, unlike in real life.

Oh yeah, and in the fifth mission I once killed every infantry unit on the map with one rifleman. Riflemen + Stupid AI + dodgeable shells, bazookas, and bullets + smart dodging = massive carnage.

The ability to hit enemy troops at RIDICULOUSLY long range with riflemen or assault veterans doesn't hurt, either.

2007-10-20, 11:59 PM
Halo 2, Battle Creek. My friend and I were having a swords and grenades only match. He was running backwards away from me and throws a grenade. I jump, get blasted higher and forward by said grenade, get a lock, and streak down, lunging him.

He was well ventilated :smallamused:

warty goblin
2007-10-21, 12:39 AM
I was just playing the Enemy Territory: Quake Wars demo the other night as the GDF medic. The MCP was through the tunnel into turret land, and I was running around doing my best to help out the stupid AI (I only play with bots) when I noticed a Descecrater (think strogg helicopter) had foolishly flown in very very low (like 15 feet) and was pretty banged up already. I immediately emptied my assault rifle into it, taking it down to just a sliver of health, but I know that by the time I reloaded it would have killed me. So I pull out the 9mm pistol and blow it up with three shots. Only thing I've ever killed with the pistol.

2007-10-21, 01:05 AM
Sephiroth butchering Aeris.

But seriously;

Was playing Half-Life 2 DM, forget the map name (basically has a house on stilts in the center and no place to hide).

I start shooting people; three people are going at each other, I chuck a grenade into the center as they all run towards each other. The grenade goes off, and all three go flying away, dead.

Same map, same game:

I have my trusty crossbow. Three people running around, trying to find weapons; I fire a crossbow shot at the chest of one, just as the other two converge on the same point. Takes the first in the shoulder, the second in the opposite shoulder, and the third in the leg (he was jumping). All three get nailed to the far wall. Was hilarious.