View Full Version : Optimization Character for Level 16 Battle Royale

2019-07-07, 04:58 PM
Hello, sorry if English is not great. I am gona be joining a Battle Royale session at the end of the week and wanted to know some fun builds. Looking to win but don't want to just every turn simply be "I attack, end my turn". I was leaning toward Monk, because I have never played one before.

I think we are using point buy and level 16, also able to have a magic item of Very Rare, Rare, and Uncommon.

2019-07-07, 05:17 PM
So, if the DM allows it, I made a build that goes at mach 22 at level 20. At level 16, heres what you should do: tabaxi for race, two levels wizard for blade dancer archetype, which adds plus 10 to movement while bladesinging. Get 5 levels barbarian for plus 10 movement speed. Then take the totem subclass and take the elk totem from sword coast guide which gives you +10 feet while rageing, which you can do while bladesinging. Then take 2 levels fighter for action surge, and the rest monk for movement. Now, take mobile as your feat for plus 10 move, and then choose potion of speed and boots of speed as your items. Boots give +10 move and give extra action and bonus action, which by spending a kipoint, you can use too dash. The potion does the same thing without the extra movement speed. Now, use all of ypur actions and bonus actions too dash, and action surge to and use both of those too dash too. You should go at least mach 5.

2019-07-07, 05:47 PM
Alternatively, play a barbarian bear totem subclass with enough levels rogue for evasion and the ability that lets you halve damage with your reaction. Since bear grants you resistance to everything accept psychic while rageing, and you can stack tgat with the halving from evasion and uncanny dodge.

2019-07-07, 06:03 PM
I would go for paladin 6/sorcerer 10, half elf.

16 strength, 10 dexterity, 14 constitution, 8 intelligence, 12 wisdom, 16 charisma.

For Feats, I would take war caster, lucky and whatever else you want.

Now this build should be able to give you a lot of flexibility, a lot of damage (due to divine smite), excellent saving throws and a good time.

EDIT: You could take away 2 sorcerer levels and take 2 fighter levels in order to gain access to action surge.

2019-07-08, 07:21 AM
Just some general advice for the battle royale as i played in one.

Number 1. Have some way of having a wisdom save. We had this giant barbarian who had basically 400 hit points but one dominate person and he was out of the entire fight. Damage is fine but at high levels saves take you out of the fight.

Number 2. Do not pick spells that are ambiguous. For example I picked charm person but what charm person does is very subjective. Don't pick illusion spells or creative spells unless they have specific methods.

3. Monk is really good because of stunning strike. Nobody can deal with stunning strike and you will have the best saves in the game which is super important. Bladesinger is also really good because of the AC but can be a little boring as nobody will be able to hit you.

4. If your a melee fighter you need someway to hit people at range. E.g. Play a flying race or have boots of flying.

2019-07-08, 09:11 AM
This depends a LOT on how comfortable you are with 5e spell casting. Generally speaking, the greater 'power characters' at higher levels require greater effort. My advice is assuming a pretty thorough understanding of all things 5e.

Yuan-ti/Aasimar Moon Druid.

Simply put, this is the king of all Battle Royales. Moon Druid always has been and always will be. You're tankier than a barbarian with the full magical prowess of everyone but Wizard/Sorc. Yuan-ti because having advantage on those saves is clutch, Aasimar if you know someone else is going to be a Paladin as you can laugh at their smite damage being cut in half.

Between the classic cheese of Polymorph + Elemental Form having more HP on tap than the rest of the players combined, to Sunbeam + Elemental Form to dish out significant damage while Earth Gliding into the ground between turns, this is simply broken. I do a fair amount of PVP D&D and inevitably this is the first class that gets banned. Something as simply as Fog Cloud + Earth Elemental form with Tremorsense absolutely destroys any martial classes.

2019-07-08, 10:50 AM
So, ignoring Kizu's madness...

At 16, casters have absolutely brutal options. Surviving casters requires good saving throws, and rerolls are possibly a must to survive a diviner (if they got a real low roll on their daily portent).

A big danger at that level is also definitely damage. Sorlocks hav plenty of sorcery point to keep a steady barage of multi-eldritch blast, and battlemasters sharpshooters can put out an awe inspiring barrage of high damage arrows with remarkable precision. Paladins/palasorc smiting is a real threat.

Then there is the moon-druid in earth elemental form raining death from underground.

Starting conditions will decide a lot of the outcome, including size and makeup of the arena, number of player, starting distance at opening, and their knowledge of the game/meta of the battleroyale.

Given magic items are offered, I assume it means everybody will be all geared up.

You are thinking of Monk.
Level 16 means Monk all saving throw profiency is online. That is very important, as you now have a way to survive most casters fairly easily.

Arrow deflection provides at least some defense against Battlemaster sharpshooters, but one arrow is not a lot given the barrage they can get going.

Paladins you can kite, they cannot reach your speed without a steed, which unforntunately they can summon, but they do need preparation for it.

Dealing with the moon druid would likely require you to run away and await them runing out of wild shape, or rushing them after winning initiative, which you fortunately can do given this is not a level 20 battle.

You definitely want a fly speed somehow. The melee focus of Monk is otherwise a problem because they are quite a few permaflight option at that level.

Damage is a concern for Monks. You lack a solid damage booster mechanic as a Monk, so you magic item choices should help in that department. Check the staff of striking, it seems fitting.

The Tranquility feature of open hand Monk could be SUPER usefull to allow you to limit incoming attack at least at first, run away, let the initial slaughter happen, then mop up the rest.

2019-07-08, 01:03 PM
Illusionist wizard. You have so many options with illusionary reality to find yourself a nice hidey hole away from the battle that many combatants won’t want to focus on you.

Then cast mirage arcane and turn the entire ground into lava (which works according to sage advice) to instant win.