View Full Version : Player Help healer character but with some limitation

2019-07-08, 05:53 AM
hello everyone,
meanwhile excuse my school English

i need to create an healing build, but out master put some limitation on the book and rules

manual: player, master, xanathar
multiclass: yes
feat: no

our adventure start around lvl 5 and we are 7 player, so i think there is a lot of wounds to heal, our party have a bard and him can help to heal

I would like either a build that maximizes healing or a build that can stand in first / second line and heal, perhaps pulling thor style hammer strokes :smallsmile:

I accept all the advice and suggestions, if you also have some idea of ​​the progress of the character


2019-07-08, 06:02 AM
There is a very detailed post about healers here : http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?545797-This-Hurts-You-More-Than-It-Hurts-Me-A-Healer-s-Handbook

2019-07-08, 07:30 AM
Maximum healing would probably be something like a Shepherd Druid 4/Life Cleric 1. Goodberry and Healing Spirit, boosted by Disciple of Life, are stupidly effective, and Unicorn Spirit turns Cure Wounds and Healing Word into AoE bombs that heal your entire party. (Druid 3/Cleric 2 also works, if you want to continue in Cleric instead of Druid and/or nab the Channel Divinity option)

On the downside, you also don't get third level spells. A straight Shepherd Druid is almost as effective at healing, especially out-of-battle healing, with the added bonus of bringing things like Conjure Animals to the table. You can always add the Life Cleric dip later.

You're pushing the level limit a bit, but a straight Ranger using their spell slots for Goodberry is surprisingly effective; you can effectively have a noncombat healing pool of up to 120hp, if you have a day to pre-cast Goodberry. A level of Life Cleric turbocharges that, of course. Ranger 5/Life Cleric 15 is probably the endpoint here.

That said, I feel like you might also go straight Life Cleric. You still have great healing, along with heavy armor and standard Cleric goodies like Bless and Spirit Guardians to stand in the front line and mash faces.

2019-07-08, 09:33 AM
thanks for this suggest

i look a build shepherd 3 life X, but as you see shepherd/Tempest ? with druid 5 and cleric X or something like that?

and what race ?

2019-07-08, 10:49 AM
Tempest Cleric honestly doesn't add much to a Druid. The domain spells are pretty much all on the Druid list already, you can't use heavy armor anyway, and neither class has that many really good thunder/lightning spells to maximize.

Life Cleric is valuable mostly because it triples (or more) the healing each Goodberry provides. Otherwise you might as well stick to a pure Cleric or pure Druid.

As for races, anything that boosts Wis is good, and Str or Con boosts are good too. So races like dwarves, water genasi, lizardfolk, forbolg, that sort of thing.

2019-07-08, 11:09 AM
I'm very surprised that a pure Life Cleric build hasn't already been chosen, based on what you're looking for.

Goodberry + Life Cleric is fine, but it sounds a lot more valuable on paper than it does in reality. Consuming a berry costs an Action, and spending an Action to gain 3 or so HP isn't a very efficient use of a level. Not only that, but many DMs don't allow Druids to be in metal armor, which means that you can't use the Heavy Armor proficiency provided by being a Life Cleric.

Life Clerics:

Heal allies for more HP.
Heal themselves when they heal allies.
Add radiant damage to their attacks.
Come with Heavy Armor proficiency, important for a melee combatant.
Can heal themselves and nearby allies for a lot of HP that scales with your Cleric levels.

Adding Druid levels helps a lot with non-combat events and supporting from the back line, but being a pure Life Cleric perfectly fills in all of the things you are looking for while also ensuring that you have the best possible spellcasting levels.

2019-07-08, 11:34 AM
Goodberry + Life Domain is purely a noncombat thing. It's inefficient as hell mid-fight, sure, but it all negates HP attrition over multiple encounters.

2019-07-08, 11:38 AM
Goodberry + Life Domain is purely a noncombat thing. It's inefficient as hell mid-fight, sure, but it all negates HP attrition over multiple encounters.

Yeah, but so does Hit Dice and Second Wind. The likelihood of Hit Dice limitations being the limiting factor of having multiple encounters is very low, from what I've seen.

2019-07-08, 03:45 PM
i don't like much the life only cleric build.. for her role..

if i add paladin with cleric??

2019-07-08, 03:54 PM
I'm having difficulty understanding this line, then:

I would like eithera build that maximizes healing or a build that can stand in first / second line and heal, perhaps pulling thor style hammer strokes :smallsmile:

If Life Cleric doesn't fit, what about it doesn't? If we can figure that out, we can figure out what the next best solution is.

2019-07-08, 04:02 PM
then i think the life cleric is the only way... but i missing the 2h weapon ( not for damage only for BG and folk ) :)

2019-07-08, 04:07 PM
then i think the life cleric is the only way... but i missing the 2h weapon ( not for damage only for BG and folk ) :)

Life Cleric isn't the only way, I just mean that it fits all of the things you've mentioned so far, but there might be things you haven't mentioned that are important.

If wielding a weapon in two hands is important, but you also want to heal, a War Cleric might be an excellent choice. We just need to have an idea as to what works, what doesn't, and why. You seem skeptical about being a Life Cleric. If we knew why, we could recommend something else that you might like more.

2019-07-08, 04:52 PM
then i think the life cleric is the only way... but i missing the 2h weapon ( not for damage only for BG and folk ) :)
There's always the good ol' greatclub :smalltongue: Or a Hill Dwarf with a battleaxe. Or, you know, a different Cleric subclass-- War and Tempest will both give you martial weapons, and it seemed like you liked the sound of Tempest. You won't be quite as good a healer, but you'll still be plenty effective.

Or you could go straight Paladin. Mixing them isn't great, due to different stat requirements, but Paladin 5 gives you solid secondary healing capabilities. Combined with the Bard, you'll be fine.

If you want something along the lines of a Cleric/Paladin mix, Divine Soul Sorcerer 3/Paladin 2 will do the same thing but better. Heavy armor, healing spells, Twin Spell...

2019-07-08, 09:34 PM
You could also get a lot of mileage out of a Life Cleric 2/ Land Druid X character. While the Land Druid doesn’t get spirits like the Shepherd Druid, it can recover spell slots on a short rest, which will help you cast more spells over the course of an adventuring day without risking running out. While you won’t get a hammer, a Cleric’s Toll the Dead cantrip or a Druid’s Thorn Whip cantrip will do more damage than the average weapon attack anyway.

2019-07-08, 10:10 PM
You could also get a lot of mileage out of a Life Cleric 2/ Land Druid X character. While the Land Druid doesn’t get spirits like the Shepherd Druid, it can recover spell slots on a short rest, which will help you cast more spells over the course of an adventuring day without risking running out. While you won’t get a hammer, a Cleric’s Toll the Dead cantrip or a Druid’s Thorn Whip cantrip will do more damage than the average weapon attack anyway.

I don't have my books immediately in front of me - but do Elves recover Spell Slots with a Short Rest?
From: https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/SA-Compendium.pdf
Does the Trance trait allow an elf to finish a long rest in 4 hours? If an elf meditates during a long rest (as described in the Trance trait), the elf finishes the rest after only 4 hours. A meditating elf otherwise follows all the rules for a long rest; only the duration is changed. [This answer has been altered as a result of a tweak to the rules for a long rest, which appears in newer printings of the Player’s Handbook.]

Would that allow them since they get a "full rest" to recover spell slots while in the 4 hour trance?
Because then they could go with an Elf race - and not worry about the Shepherd Druid as a class?

2019-07-09, 11:17 AM
today i rolled my stats and the race

10 16 12 13 15 17

i can chooce from aasimar from DM or dwarf PHB

and with this result i imagined a Forge Cleric with some lvl on Paladin, or druid, leaving a part of the healing to the bard, with the paladin i can help our barbarian and Eldritch knight, on the first line, with Druid i stay on the middle and cover a little the second line

any good idea?

2019-07-09, 11:20 AM
today i rolled my stats and the race

10 16 12 13 15 17

i can chooce from aasimar from DM or dwarf PHB

and with this result i imagined a Forge Cleric with some lvl on Paladin, or druid, leaving a part of the healing to the bard, with the paladin i can help our barbarian and Eldritch knight, on the first line, with Druid i stay on the middle and cover a little the second line

any good idea?

With an Eldritch Knight, Barbarian, and a Bard, your team is already very durable. If you have to choose between Cleric, Paladin, or Druid, I'd recommend the Druid, or a caster form of Cleric.

Or, if you want to be on the front line and help your melee focused team, I'd recommend the Crown Paladin, who's abilities work wonders with melee allies.

2019-07-09, 02:17 PM
considering a cleric forge whitc druid circle you suggest? shepherd help a bit for healing, land druid don't think we need more tanki

and how many lvl of each class..

2019-07-09, 02:47 PM
You're looking at a Forge Cleric/Land Druid multiclass? I...can't say those would mix very well, if for no other reason than that the Forge Cleric is all about metal and heavy armor, and the Druid is specifically barred from metal armor.

Go straight Forge Cleric; it sounds like you're interested, and that's a good strong subclass all by itself.

2019-07-11, 02:52 AM
after asking my DM for the question about the metal armor anche druid... i decide for Paladin 2 / Forge cleric 3, then after reach lvl 9 on the cleric i can think of bringing the paladin to lvl 3 or greater

tnx to all for the help and brainstorming