View Full Version : Stories about classes filling strange rolls

2019-07-08, 06:45 AM
So, I realised recently that lots of classes, with a little work, can fot rolls you never expected. This revelation occured in the last session of a game I DM, when a player showed up with his new monk, who had 24 AC. The monk got attacked upwards of 50 times that night, and was surrounded on all sides 5 times. He didn't get hit once. He has officially become the tank of the group.
So, I have a monk tank, whats your story about classes filling weird rolls?

2019-07-08, 06:50 AM
So, I realised recently that lots of classes, with a little work, can fot rolls you never expected. This revelation occured in the last session of a game I DM, when a player showed up with his new monk, who had 24 AC. The monk got attacked upwards of 50 times that night, and was surrounded on all sides 5 times. He didn't get hit once. He has officially become the tank of the group.
So, I have a monk tank, whats your story about classes filling weird rolls?

I'm a little curious what tier and how the Monk got to 24 AC.

2019-07-08, 06:55 AM
My social awkward dwarf druid became the voice of reason in a party with a BM with the noble background and a paladin. I mean think about it, the dude was a dwarf druid, who ever heard if a thing? Not his people. And all cause he liked green plants. So yea he grew up a little different. Little shunned. Lower social skills due to less practice. But when he spoke up about a threat or getting moving the team listened. Just not any other time.

2019-07-08, 07:09 AM
I'm a little curious what tier and how the Monk got to 24 AC.

Bracers of defense and staff of defense.

2019-07-08, 09:04 AM
I am a bladesinger that planned to throw out something like wall of force or animate objects depending on the situation, then get in to melee and dare enemies to try and break my concentration with my high AC and +14 to concentration saving throws (resiliant con, bladesong).

My most successful spells so far have been dimension door and scatter. I'm constantly ferrying our party across short distances to get away from threats and take care of problems. I feel like a taxi.

Fable Wright
2019-07-08, 10:09 AM
Battlefield Control fighter.

I'm playing a Warforged Eldritch Knight with Warlock dip, who picked up Expertise in Athletics from a UA skill feat. Instead of killing enemies, he'd just grapple and shove, and the DM would just have them give up often as not. They weren't hitting 22-27 AC with disadvantage, and they weren't beating +11 Athletics.

The Fighter's job was just being a super effective Watery Sphere, and it was so much better than doing damage.

2019-07-08, 10:46 AM
Bracers of defense and staff of defense.

That's +3. Still missing at least 1 point of AC, and that's assuming he's got both Dex and Wis 20.

2019-07-08, 11:02 AM
That's +3. Still missing at least 1 point of AC, and that's assuming he's got both Dex and Wis 20.

Don't the Bracers and the Staff both give +2 AC?
I'm probably misremembering the boost from the Staff..

2019-07-08, 11:40 AM
That's +3. Still missing at least 1 point of AC, and that's assuming he's got both Dex and Wis 20.

Don't the Bracers and the Staff both give +2 AC?
I'm probably misremembering the boost from the Staff..

Those are indeed +2 each.

Note that it could alse be one of those items + Kensei Agile Parry, or some Cleric dip for SoF, or who knows...

2019-07-08, 01:01 PM
Don't the Bracers and the Staff both give +2 AC?
I'm probably misremembering the boost from the Staff..

Those are indeed +2 each.

Staff is only +1 AC. And monk can't use Mage Armor or Shield without multiclassing.

2019-07-08, 01:37 PM
My Rogue Thief was the primary healer during the Waterdeep Dragon Heist and Dungeon of the Mad Mage campaign I was recently in and saved more lives than any magical healer I've ever played or played with.

The Healer Feat combined with a Thief's Fast Hands ability is an awesome combination, allowing you to use a Healing Kit object interaction as a Bonus Action. This allowed me to do such things as Sneak attack and get an ally back on their feet on the same turn or alternately, when things got really bad, Action Healing Kit > Move > Bonus Action Healing Kit to get two characters back up from zero health on the same turn.

Best of all, especially at lower levels, you are never going to run out of healing, like someone restricted by spell slots. As long as you have the money to buy more healing kits (and the grateful party made sure to pitch in), you can keep getting players back on their feet. The primary ability of the Healer feat only works once per character per short rest, but you can stabilize them and get them back to one HP as often as you like, and as we all know, a character at 1 HP can function just as well as a character at 100 HP.

For those interested in his background: He grew up in the slums of Waterdeep and was taken in by a family of criminals. He learned how to treat and bandage wounds out of necessity and discovered he had a knack for it, becoming a "back room doctor" that would treat the injured, no questions asked. He spent his spare time roaming the streets, aiding the poor and ignored who could not afford medical treatment. He ended up saving the lives of a group of badly injured city watchmen, which brought him to the attention of Jalester Silvermane and eventually Laerel Silverhand herself.

2019-07-08, 01:41 PM
Not sure if this is what you mean, but my current Charisma 7 Moon Druid often ends up as the party face. He has a tendency to be extremely direct and not subtle and that ended up working better for many social encounters.

It also has caused him to be grappled, gagged, and dragged out of a room when more subtlety was required.

2019-07-08, 01:41 PM
Staff is only +1 AC. And monk can't use Mage Armor or Shield without multiclassing.

No Jack, its +2 to AC, here's a link:


2019-07-08, 01:46 PM
No Jack, its +2 to AC, here's a link:


It one of those items that depending
on printing. I have it in print for +1 and 2.

2019-07-08, 01:47 PM
Ehhh, he could do it. Staff of Defense gives +1, Bracers give +2, 20 Wisdom and Dex give a total of +10, and if they had a Cloak of Protection it would give another +1.

2019-07-08, 01:50 PM
It one of those items that depending
on printing. I have it in print for +1 and 2.

Really? I have it in print for +2, and every online resource I've seen also has it as +2.

2019-07-08, 01:52 PM
I'm a little curious what tier and how the Monk got to 24 AC.

Bracers of defense and staff of defense.

That's +3. Still missing at least 1 point of AC, and that's assuming he's got both Dex and Wis 20.

Don't the Bracers and the Staff both give +2 AC?
I'm probably misremembering the boost from the Staff..

Those are indeed +2 each.

Note that it could alse be one of those items + Kensei Agile Parry, or some Cleric dip for SoF, or who knows...

No Jack, its +2 to AC, here's a link:


It one of those items that depending
on printing. I have it in print for +1 and 2.
So, for everyone who was wandering, he does have 20 dex and wisdom. And bracers of defense. However, in my world, everyone is born with a natural magic ability, chosen from a list of ten. Some have 3 cantrips they just know, some have resistance to damage types of there choice, or even an extra d4 damage die for all attacks. The character in question has the magical gift that permanently boosts his a.c. by 2. I'm very worried about what should happen if he gets a cloak of protection and a staff of defense.

2019-07-08, 01:52 PM
Really? I have it in print for +2, and every online resource I've seen also has it as +2.

Ehh, you were looking at the Staff of Power with that link, which does have a +2 bonus to AC...but also requires you to be a Wizard, Sorcerer, or Warlock to use.

2019-07-08, 01:52 PM
It one of those items that depending
on printing. I have it in print for +1 and 2.

Ehhh, he could do it. Staff of Defense gives +1, Bracers give +2, 20 Wisdom and Dex give a total of +10, and if they had a Cloak of Protection it would give another +1.

Really? I have it in print for +2, and every online resource I've seen also has it as +2.

This is actually why I also asked what Tier, because in high level play with magic items you can easily change roles.

2019-07-08, 02:00 PM
Fun non-5e storytime:

One time, in 3e, our DM gave us a mace that would heal damage instead of do domage when you intoned the name of a particular diety when striking with it. The DM intended it as a special specific item for the party cleric who was a pacifist and bemoaned ever having to attack anyone, so this would be a way for him to participate more.

Without blinking, the party equipped the barbarian with it who started power attack healing everyone in the party. He became the party healer and the cleric shifted to adding a feat or item (I don't remember which) which allowed him to repel people with his channel energy and became battlefield controller.

2019-07-08, 02:56 PM
Stories about classes filling strange rolls

My gnomish druid had the cook/chef background, and made gourmet rolls from the mushrooms grown in the underdark: he'd dry them and then grind them in to flour, and make rolls from them. He'd fill them with ground meat from riding lizards ... :smallcool: Bake them at 350 for 20 minutes and you have something like a kolache, but with meat in it rather than fruit. (Or for a real stretch, you could call them 'lizard in a blanket' ...)

2019-07-08, 05:03 PM
Stories about classes filling strange rolls

My gnomish druid had the cook/chef background, and made gourmet rolls from the mushrooms grown in the underdark: he'd dry them and then grind them in to flour, and make rolls from them. He'd fill them with ground meat from riding lizards ... :smallcool: Bake them at 350 for 20 minutes and you have something like a kolache, but with meat in it rather than fruit. (Or for a real stretch, you could call them 'lizard in a blanket' ...)

Confused about how this is a class fillling a roll in the party it doesn't normally fit... Sounds more like a background that was well implemented.

2019-07-08, 05:12 PM
Staff is only +1 AC. And monk can't use Mage Armor or Shield without multiclassing.

Actually the staff of defense provides access to Shield

Staff of Defense
Staff, rare (requires attunement)
This slender, hollow staff is made of glass yet is as strong as oak. It weighs 3 pounds. You must be attuned to the staff to gain its benefits and cast its spells.

While holding the staff, you have a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.

The staff has 10 charges, which are used to fuel the spells within it. With the staff in hand, you can use your action to cast one of the following spells from the staff if the spell is on your class’s spell list: mage armor (1 charge) or shield (2 charges). No components are required.

The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges each day at dawn. If you expend the staff’s last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff shatters and is destroyed.

Notes: Bonus: Armor Class, Buff, Ward

2019-07-08, 05:23 PM
Staff of defense is actually odd because you cast shield as an action not the normal reaction unless it's been ettra

2019-07-08, 05:34 PM
Staff of defense is actually odd because you cast shield as an action not the normal reaction unless it's been ettra
Could this discussion possibly be continued on a thread for defensive items? This is a cool topic, but this thread is for classes in party rolls they normally wouldn't fill.

2019-07-08, 05:45 PM
Confused about how this is a class fillling a roll in the party it doesn't normally fit... Sounds more like a background that was well implemented.

"rolls" has two meanings.

poster was making a joke using the second meaning of "bread like substance, sometimes filled with other things."

2019-07-08, 06:17 PM
"rolls" has two meanings.

poster was making a joke using the second meaning of "bread like substance, sometimes filled with other things."

I totally missed that. I now feel like a wet blanket. That pun was beautiful!

2019-07-08, 06:26 PM
I have a Goblin Rogue Thief that works as the Party's primary, and only, Healer. I took the Healer's feat at level 4, and I'm so far the only player that can do any sort of healing.

2019-07-08, 06:39 PM
I totally missed that. I now feel like a wet blanket. That pun was beautiful!

Not to be needlessly pedantic (well, ok, really just to be needlessly pedantic), but when you're talking about a specific function that a character can fill in a party, the word is "role." Also used for a part played by an actor. "Roll" is either a type of bread that you eat as a side with dinner or what you do with dice.

2019-07-08, 07:58 PM
No Jack, its +2 to AC, here's a link:


Wrong stick. You've linked Staff of Power (which can't be attuned to by a monk without multiclassing), we were talking about Staff of Defense.

Actually the staff of defense provides access to Shield

Not unless you multiclass.

With the staff in hand, you can use your action to cast one of the following spells from the staff if the spell is on your class’s spell list

2019-07-08, 08:54 PM
My Arcana Cleric with a Charisma of 14 and no proficiency in any social skills has become the unofficial party face. What he lacks in skill points he makes up for with logic, showing his intentions with his actions, and manners.

It helps that he’s the only sane member of this party. The others are a food-obsessed Changeling Draconic Sorcerer, an energetically ADHD Eladrin Archey Warlock, a garrulous Wood Elf Drunken Master Monk, and a Fighter who seems to do nothing but yell vaguely Drill-Sergeant-sounding nonsense.

2019-07-09, 03:19 AM
I don't have a story, but I've been thinking about either an Eagle or Elk Totem Barbarian that uses their speed and the reach of a polearm to be the mobile skirmisher character.

2019-07-09, 03:39 AM
She might have been 100 pounds soaking wet but she had a reputation for being who the party turned to when some muscle was needed. It wasn't entirely truthful but also not a lie when she bragged to anyone who would listen that she and her blade "Trollbane" had beheaded a troll in a single stroke. She just neglected to mention that the troll was already dead at the time. After frying a troll her party had been sent to put down a trophy was needed to prove the job done. The high elf wizard drew her short sword and approached the fallen still smoking corpse. She planted both feet, raised her sword high both hands on the hilt. Rolling a 20 and max damage the head came clean in a single stroke of a perfectly mundane and ordinary blade her party questioned her even purchasing in the first place.

Of course what really did it was when they discovered crates of iron ore hidden away by the creature. It was the closest thing to treasure to be had for the effort of tracking and felling their quarry. The others thought it too heavy and worthless to retrieve. They could simply tell the locals about the stash when they returned but she thought they would need a sample to prove it. Perhaps high off victory or her own sense of pride she planted her feet, bent her knees, grabbed the crate on two sides and rolling another 20 she lifted with her legs. With a groan she hoisted the crate up, jostled it upwards to get a better grip and carried it off.

From then on if there was heavy lifting she was first in line. She also had a habit of passing strength saves. And of course once she learned hypnotic pattern at the first opportunity she suplexed a foe off the balcony of a high tower.

It doesn't matter if you are a wizard, 5 foot nothing, and have 7 strength. You are just as good of a grappler if the target can't fight back. And thanks to bounded accuracy novices can and will put experts to shame at their own game. Though heaven help you if you want to succeed reliably at the things you are meant to be good at. The dice have a sense of humour.

2019-07-09, 06:08 AM
Wrong stick. You've linked Staff of Power (which can't be attuned to by a monk without multiclassing), we were talking about Staff of Defense.

Oh ok, didn't realise from the posts

2019-07-09, 06:31 AM
I had a barbarian as the party face once.

Also had a mountain dwarf wizard tank with heavy armour mastery.

2019-07-09, 06:37 AM
She might have been 100 pounds soaking wet but she had a reputation for being who the party turned to when some muscle was needed. It wasn't entirely truthful but also not a lie when she bragged to anyone who would listen that she and her blade "Trollbane" had beheaded a troll in a single stroke. She just neglected to mention that the troll was already dead at the time. After frying a troll her party had been sent to put down a trophy was needed to prove the job done. The high elf wizard drew her short sword and approached the fallen still smoking corpse. She planted both feet, raised her sword high both hands on the hilt. Rolling a 20 and max damage the head came clean in a single stroke of a perfectly mundane and ordinary blade her party questioned her even purchasing in the first place.

Of course what really did it was when they discovered crates of iron ore hidden away by the creature. It was the closest thing to treasure to be had for the effort of tracking and felling their quarry. The others thought it too heavy and worthless to retrieve. They could simply tell the locals about the stash when they returned but she thought they would need a sample to prove it. Perhaps high off victory or her own sense of pride she planted her feet, bent her knees, grabbed the crate on two sides and rolling another 20 she lifted with her legs. With a groan she hoisted the crate up, jostled it upwards to get a better grip and carried it off.

From then on if there was heavy lifting she was first in line. She also had a habit of passing strength saves. And of course once she learned hypnotic pattern at the first opportunity she suplexed a foe off the balcony of a high tower.

It doesn't matter if you are a wizard, 5 foot nothing, and have 7 strength. You are just as good of a grappler if the target can't fight back. And thanks to bounded accuracy novices can and will put experts to shame at their own game. Though heaven help you if you want to succeed reliably at the things you are meant to be good at. The dice have a sense of humour.

This is a great example of something I've only had happen twice; the dice see fit to make someone a new roll. The wizard becomes the melee tank by dice rolls alone, the barbarian always makes 19 or 20 on insight and investigation checks. Its beautiful

2019-07-09, 12:57 PM
Sounds more like a background that was well implemented. It was a rother1 novel approach to a gnome. :smallwink:
I totally missed that. I now feel like a wet blanket. That pun was beautiful! :smallbiggrin: We aim to please.

(I finally looked up the lizard in question, and they are called rothe1 ...) Sadly, I was unable to wedge that into the pun. Will try to improve in the future.

2019-07-09, 06:33 PM
I was playing LMoP at a game store and this one guy was playing a half-orc barbarian who thought he was a bard. He even had an axe with guitar strings on it. Crazy thing is, it worked.

He worked his way through a dungeon convincing everyone we were a traveling entertainment troupe, then organized all the denizens to gang up and overthrow the dungeon boss. We even almost talked our way into getting what we wanted from the dragon without a fight.
My lore bard - the only one actually qualified stat-wise to be the Face - was simply shaking his head in amused wonder, occasionally offering some magical support to the fast-talking half-orc.

2019-07-11, 10:40 AM
I play a Druid that's become the party tank. Not Circle of the Moon either. (Circle of Storms from GM Binder for those who are interested). I had decend AC, including light armor, a pretty good dex, and a shield, which topped me off at about 17 AC. My spells focused on area control and locking down enemies (taking spells like Spike Growth, Entangle, Vine Whip, etc, combined with a Circle of the Storms class feature), so luckily we never got into melee combat as our party was me, a sorcerer, and a wizard. After 3 levels of Druid I began multiclassing into Monk to buff up AC and gain more tanky front line capacity, and the combination of these two made for some great front-line defense to support and protect the tissue paper casters.