View Full Version : No more Cable & Deadpool

2007-10-08, 09:42 PM
Cable & Deadpool is cancelled! (http://www.comicbookresources.com/news/newsitem.cgi?id=12032)

I'm really upset about this. The Cable and Deadpool comic was one of my favorite ones out there. It did a great job of mocking how silly and dramatic comics can get...and now its gone, with Cable getting his big Marvel event.

Whats gonna happen to Deadpool and Bob, Agent of HYDRA?

I'm so sad. :smallfrown:

2007-10-08, 10:04 PM
Bummer, man.

If it's any consolation to you, cable's geting his own comic and deadpool's rumored to be an antagonist in the upcoming x-men show.

The Extinguisher
2007-10-08, 10:43 PM
If Cable gets his own comic, I demand a Deadpool one.

Or at least a Bob, Agent of Hydra.

2007-10-09, 12:43 AM
Bob Agent of HYDRA was the best.
I'm gonna miss him.

2007-10-09, 01:23 AM
Curses with a capital K, this travesty is inexcusable. Cable never did anything in the Cable & Deadpool title anyway, his death can't possibly affect what was actually going on in that title... just call it Deadpool and Friends Company!

2007-10-09, 02:58 AM
Ive only looked through one issue of the comic. It was kinda neet but mony was being saved for other stuff. I really liked the fact that Cable was in this lampoone comic becouse to me he represented every thing I hated about Marvel comics in the 90s

2007-10-09, 05:07 AM
Why would you hate Cable? He's evolved beyond the oversized gun-toting badly-anatomised ridiculously-origined thug of the 90's.

Now he's a psychic cyborg Jesus, whose sordid love affair with Deadpool is practically canon!

Liefeld's creations were almost uniformly poor. What has been done with them by other writers most certainly is not.

2007-10-09, 05:27 AM
Oh gee a cyborge pshycic Jesus, you got my intrest:smallannoyed:

Green Bean
2007-10-09, 05:28 AM
Why would you hate Cable? He's evolved beyond the oversized gun-toting badly-anatomised ridiculously-origined thug of the 90's.

Now he's a psychic cyborg Jesus, whose sordid love affair with Deadpool is practically canon!

Liefeld's creations were almost uniformly poor. What has been done with them by other writers most certainly is not.

Exactly! (By the way, excellent metaphor) How can you separate a psionic messiah from his crazed, fourth-wall breaking, wound regenerating friend? They go together like chocolate and peanut butter. Besides, who will protect Deadpool from his most feared foe; Squirrel Girl? :smalleek:

Atreyu the Masked LLama
2007-10-09, 05:44 AM
BLARGH!!!! Its one of the ones on my subscription. Its one of my favorites on my subscription. Maybe Deadpool will get his own title and we can drop Cable. He wasn't funny, anyway.

2007-10-09, 05:53 AM
Wasn't it hinted in a recent issue that Agent X would be getting his own comic. And since him and Wade seem to be sort of kind of not enemies anymore, there is a good chance that Deadpool and Bob (Agent of HYDRA) will just stick around there.

But yeah, I really can't imagine Cable (in large doses) without Deadpool. The character HAS come a long way, but you need something to cut the overly dramatic Messiah-themes.

2007-10-09, 12:19 PM
Cable is going to be one of the main characters in the big "Messiah Complex" storyline, which I guess it going to start up once the WWH stuff is over and supposedly ret-con House of M away.

(Its not actually claimed to get rid of M, but its about a new baby mutant, so I figure...)

I like Cable, he worked well with Deadpool, although in the last, oh, ten or fifteen issues they haven't done anything together and its really just been Deadpool doing goofy things.

/sigh. Maybe if Deadpool went through another semi-angst/I killed T-Ray's family and took their identity thing he'd get another comic all his own. But I'm afraid now him and Bob will just be bit payers again.

Lord of the Helms
2007-10-09, 08:45 PM
I'd love to see a Deadpool/Agent X joined comic. Oh the pain for all the involved characters, oh the hilarity for all us readers :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-12, 04:32 PM
This is the first I've heard of this.


Cable and Deadpool isn't a brilliant comic, by any means, but it is always very funny. And part of the inconsistency has been down to the way the company insists on wrecking the ongoing storyline by trying to shoehorn the comic into their line-wide crossover events. Damn you, Marvel!

I'll miss it.

2007-10-12, 07:34 PM
Makes me sad, Bob was by far the best comic character I've read in a while.


2007-10-17, 06:42 PM
They, they can't.......I'm 'sob' 'sob' sorry I can't go on, its all too much

2007-10-17, 06:45 PM
****************************************melonfarme rs!!!!


2007-10-18, 12:44 AM
Theory: Bob can only live so long anyway, no matter how awesome. The way he's set up makes it impossible for him to continue being a great read beyond so many issues. Better for him to die now than to live past his enjoyability.

P.S. please prove me wrong, you'll make my day.

2007-10-19, 01:19 PM
Theory: Bob can only live so long anyway, no matter how awesome. The way he's set up makes it impossible for him to continue being a great read beyond so many issues. Better for him to die now than to live past his enjoyability.

P.S. please prove me wrong, you'll make my day.

Deadpool is still fun to read.

2007-10-19, 02:10 PM
bob vs squirl girl straight fight who wins?

bob lives as long as he lives in each of our hearts



2007-10-19, 06:42 PM
Aye. Bob is doomed, but I expect his death to either be even more epic than the various Onslaught deaths, or even more hilarious than Grasshopper-2.


Cable comes back for his Messiah Complex arc. Bob dies in a battle related to it, and Deadpool gets an uncharacteristic bit of character development in which he basically says "As much as I like you Nate, hanging around with you is too dangerous to those I care about. Sure he was my pet monkey, but I still liked the guy. I guess this is goodbye, for now. Maybe we can get back together in a one-shot or a holiday special"

2007-10-19, 09:11 PM
I think they're just jealous that people like Bob more than the whiney mess of mommy issues that is Natan Summers.

Maybe Deadpool will get his own comic again?

2007-10-19, 09:33 PM
I think they're just jealous that people like Bob more than the whiney mess of mommy issues that is Natan Summers.

Who's Nathan Summers?

2007-10-19, 10:49 PM
Who's Nathan Summers?

Your Mom. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cable_%28comics%29)


2007-10-19, 11:11 PM
On this Day we shall remember the story of a great man, Wade Wilson, Deadpool, The Merc With the Mouth...

2007-10-19, 11:28 PM
'Sokay. Nobody's done Deadpool justice since Joe Kelly, so this was more nostalgic pain for me than anything else. It gave me pleasure by reminding me of how good things used to be.
Wow, that was melodramatic sounding.

2007-10-25, 09:27 AM
Nonononononononononononononononono!!!!!!!!!! :annoyed:

I love you deadpool!!!! Please don't leave me!

I'm going to be deadpool for Halloween! What am I going to do without you!