View Full Version : [Empire 5] The Coronation of Sai

2019-07-14, 11:16 AM
The Coronation of Sai

Castrima, Droccen Homeworld

Despite being landlocked, Castrima boasted the largest port on Droccen. The approach through the crowded skies of the ecumenopolis was scenic, even if much of the natural beauty of this world dwelt in the sky. The planet’s two rings were visible from Port Isshoni, rising vertically from the horizon in the distance and disappearing into the violet of space overhead. The Droccen atmosphere was colored a soft lavender as Sui Generis set in the late evening sky and millions of lights illuminated the city as if the stars had been pulled from the heavens to blanket the Empress and her guests.

Those otherworld dignitaries that had accepted the Coronation invitation would find themselves landing on Isshoni and led through the streets to the Imperial Palace as though on parade. Rows of Droccen revelers lined the streets to gawk at and cheer the arrival of the foreigners, often it was the more exotic aliens that got the loudest cheers. Confetti flew and children clapped from their parents arms, though some hid their faces at the sight of the most fearsome species. Music filled the air and stalls had been set up to take advantage of the crowds. Here and there a Guardian could be seen set strategically at intervals to encourage order.

The Imperial Palace was set on a low rise above the Library of the Eternal Shard. The sense of age resided in the Palace in the great carved wooden gate that was thrown open wide in welcome of the foreign dignitaries. It was present in the large lawn of rare green grass and the mature trees that shaded the perimeter from both the hot daytime sun and from prying eyes. It was evident in the architecture of the Palace itself, a remnant much like the Shard, of a time and techniques of the long-forgotten past. The Empress’s sprawling home was painted a raspberry red, not unlike the Droccen skin tone. It was at once solid in its sense of constancy and delicate with its fanciful arches and angles.

Sai was in the courtyard attended by Kuro, the Imperial Family and various council members and officials deemed important enough to attend the event in person. Her ceremonial red robes had been replaced by Imperial silver and she wore pink flowers in her hair as a nod to the current fad. Off to the side a little way as to not be disruptive to the proceedings could be recognized the intergalactic superstar, Korima. She had a crew with her comprised of Droccen and Celestians and was busy chattering into a camera that would often turn towards the assembly, presumably for a livestream of the event as one by one, the visiting aliens were paraded onto the palace grounds and presented to Sai.

2019-07-14, 07:12 PM
After the coup, the royal transport ship was hastily spray painted over the older call sign with the new Kings initials. Out of this incredibly jank well crafted redesign came King Jaques Delon, a 7ft violet lithe muscular man, and his compatriots. Accompanied by his right hand man Dio DeGrange, and his right hand rat Dianna, the Knights were well equipped to clean up any messes Jaques made, make diplomatic overtures to nice aliens. Jaques lapped up the crowd, dynamically posing, aggressively flexing, and taking selfies with all Dorccen available on the streets to the Imperial Palace. As the group ambled into the raspberry palace Dio began to energetically hop around, dramatically posing toward all imperial family members.

Proclaiming his masters entrance nearly foaming at the mouth, COME ONE COME ALL, its Jaques Delon, KING OF SPPACCCEE, liberator of The Knights Vacio, and self described most cut man in the galaxy.

Jaques detached his cape, tossing them to the rat as he walked to ward the new Empress, his breath smelling faintly of alcohol " Lets skip the pretension of how awesome...actually no lets not I'm Jaques Delon resident KING OF SPACE. Congratulations on becoming a SPACE Empress.

While seemingly flexing for emphasis he added "I've recently found out that space is reeaalllyy big so it can fit multiple space monarchs just finneneee."

2019-07-14, 07:35 PM
After the coup, the royal transport ship was hastily spray painted over the older call sign with the new Kings initials. Out of this incredibly jank well crafted redesign came King Jaques Delon, a 7ft violet lithe muscular man, and his compatriots. Accompanied by his right hand man Dio DeGrange, and his right hand rat Dianna, the Knights were well equipped to clean up any messes Jaques made, make diplomatic overtures to nice aliens. Jaques lapped up the crowd, dynamically posing, aggressively flexing, and taking selfies with all Dorccen available on the streets to the Imperial Palace. As the group ambled into the raspberry palace Dio began to energetically hop around, dramatically posing toward all imperial family members.

Proclaiming his masters entrance nearly foaming at the mouth, COME ONE COME ALL, its Jaques Delon, KING OF SPPACCCEE, liberator of The Knights Vacio, and self described most cut man in the galaxy.

Jaques detached his cape, tossing them to the rat as he walked to ward the new Empress, his breath smelling faintly of alcohol " Lets skip the pretension of how awesome...actually no lets not I'm Jaques Delon resident KING OF SPACE. Congratulations on becoming a SPACE Empress.

While seemingly flexing for emphasis he added "I've recently found out that space is reeaalllyy big so it can fit multiple space monarchs just finneneee."

Prince Sukero regarded the outlandish man dubiously but Sai couldn't keep from grinning at his enthusiasm.

"Thank you very much!" She flashed a smile at Korima as a camera swung in her direction.

"I am honored you have come all this way." She wasn't entirely sure where they hailed from but everywhere was such a long way when you were speaking of traveling through space.

"Uumm..." She looked to Jaques's fellows and then back to him.

"Is King of Space your official title?" She was interrupted by Korima as the influencer ran over to the newcomers and shoved a camera in their faces.

"I have to get a selfie, look at those abs! Nano, are you getting this??" She gestured wildly to her cameraman.

"Say hello to the Universe, Space King!"

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-14, 07:44 PM
The Celenian party came with their bells on. Unlike enlisted personnel, Republic naval officers had only one uniform and it was proper enough for all formal occasions. Constantine Relor wore one now, having accepted a commission as a frigate captain of a ship that was still under construction. The fact that he hadn't graduated from the naval academy was inconsequential for most, though more traditionally minded officers were left grumbling. As supreme commander, there was nothing that prevented the Consul from simply granting his son whatever rank he pleased.

Apart from the officers and a band of Constantine's cronies (also in pristine new uniforms), there was Foreign Minister Leighton who had succeeded in aging eight years in just four and the same aide who attended the meeting at the Simulacrum. Now the appointed ambassador and an authority on Droccen culture, the young Caius Green would remain on Castrima for the foreseeable future. Tragically, Leighton was still his boss. A few celebrities were also in attendance, allegedly. Most people agreed they were famous and recognizable, but couldn't say why. The Droccen people had at least enjoyed the Celenian romantic-comedy film A Kiss in the Rain and the male lead was in attendance. His acting skills were questionable, but many described him as "so good looking you wanted to punch other men".

They came heaped with gifts. Their servants did, anyway. Most of it pedestrian, if appropriate for the grandeur of the event. Tables and the ground nearby were soon piled high with jewelry, fragrances, potted flowers, fruit trees, and chocolates (the good kind, not the crap they gave the Ordivicians). The real highlights were the two 3-meter long scale models of Rook-Class frigates (each replicated in perfect detail down to the individual hull plates, suitable for museums), a collection of Celenian literature and poetry (largely the work of actual Englishmen, but they claimed the bard as one of their own), and a stemware set of finest crystal (suitable for hosting a party with your 1200 best friends).

The Consul had not bothered to send his regrets at being unable to attend, because he had not cared to and was probably too busy gazing stoically from the command deck of the Harbinger. Instead, a letter of regret and well wishes was fabricated and his signature forged by Constantine.

2019-07-14, 08:31 PM
The Celenian party came with their bells on. Unlike enlisted personnel, Republic naval officers had only one uniform and it was proper enough for all formal occasions. Constantine Relor wore one now, having accepted a commission as a frigate captain of a ship that was still under construction. The fact that he hadn't graduated from the naval academy was inconsequential for most, though more traditionally minded officers were left grumbling. As supreme commander, there was nothing that prevented the Consul from simply granting his son whatever rank he pleased.

Apart from the officers and a band of Constantine's cronies (also in pristine new uniforms), there was Foreign Minister Leighton who had succeeded in aging eight years in just four and the same aide who attended the meeting at the Simulacrum. Now the appointed ambassador and an authority on Droccen culture, the young Caius Green would remain on Castrima for the foreseeable future. Tragically, Leighton was still his boss. A few celebrities were also in attendance, allegedly. Most people agreed they were famous and recognizable, but couldn't say why. The Droccen people had at least enjoyed the Celenian romantic-comedy film A Kiss in the Rain and the male lead was in attendance. His acting skills were questionable, but many described him as "so good looking you wanted to punch other men".

They came heaped with gifts. Their servants did, anyway. Most of it pedestrian, if appropriate for the grandeur of the event. Tables and the ground nearby were soon piled high with jewelry, fragrances, potted flowers, fruit trees, and chocolates (the good kind, not the crap they gave the Ordivicians). The real highlights were the two 3-meter long scale models of Rook-Class frigates (each replicated in perfect detail down to the individual hull plates, suitable for museums), a collection of Celenian literature and poetry (largely the work of actual Englishmen, but they claimed the bard as one of their own), and a stemware set of finest crystal (suitable for hosting a party with your 1200 best friends).

The Consul had not bothered to send his regrets at being unable to attend, because he had not cared to and was probably too busy gazing stoically from the command deck of the Harbinger. Instead, a letter of regret and well wishes was fabricated and his signature forged by Constantine.

"Of course I understand why the Consul couldn't make it." Sai murmured graciously as she read the sincere note of regret.

"A pleasure to see you again, Relor." Sukero greeted the man and leaned over to whisper into Sai's ear.

"He's the one with the ships and the proposal?" Sai reddened even further.

"Oh yes, of course I remembered such a flattering offer." She blinked at the cameras as Korima was gesticulating wildly and saying something to her audience Sai couldn't quite make out.

"Perhaps we could discuss it later under more private circumstances?" Sai smiled shyly at the Celenian as Korima was busy swooning at the actor and beckoned him over to say hello to the known universe.

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-14, 09:20 PM
Kzarna Harpooner, the Urthuun of Taurina I, was unable to attend this event. Although she may have had an excuse, it is rumored that she simply rejected the Droccen out of hand. Attending in her place is a disgruntled consort: the Thurtuun prince Zurtak Icehardened. Zurtak is not happy to be attending, he was sent as a representative against his will.

The Rothuun pleasure craft touches down on the runway, grinding to an ugly, mechanical halt just in time to avoid slamming into the crowd. Zurtak emerges slowly, taking in with disgust the Droccen paparazzi. He waves away any cameras that move too near to him, snatching one that moves too close and hurling it away from him. He shoves Droccen aside as he approaches Princess Sai and addresses her through gritted teeth.

<Hello, Princess. The Rothuun wish to congratulate you on your coronation, and to extend good wishes to the Droccen. Despite our distance, the Urthuun is certain that we will be able to coexist without difficulties. >

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-14, 09:59 PM
"Of course, Your Majesty. At your convenience. I know how busy you must be with ceremonies. I shall count the minutes!" Constantine smiled, bowed as previously instructed by the ambassador and moved on with his entourage. Ambassador Green stumbled as he did, eyes still fixed on Sai and dizzy with jealous besides.

Meanwhile, the actor Ryan Cardenas attributed his success to "The Aeon. Definitely. Through the Aeon all things are possible and I'm just so thankful for this blessing. What can I say, the Aeon is great!"

2019-07-14, 10:18 PM
Kzarna Harpooner, the Urthuun of Taurina I, was unable to attend this event. Although she may have had an excuse, it is rumored that she simply rejected the Droccen out of hand. Attending in her place is a disgruntled consort: the Thurtuun prince Zurtak Icehardened. Zurtak is not happy to be attending, he was sent as a representative against his will.

The Rothuun pleasure craft touches down on the runway, grinding to an ugly, mechanical halt just in time to avoid slamming into the crowd. Zurtak emerges slowly, taking in with disgust the Droccen paparazzi. He waves away any cameras that move too near to him, snatching one that moves too close and hurling it away from him. He shoves Droccen aside as he approaches Princess Sai and addresses her through gritted teeth.

<Hello, Princess. The Rothuun wish to congratulate you on your coronation, and to extend good wishes to the Droccen. Despite our distance, the Urthuun is certain that we will be able to coexist without difficulties. >

There were screams of both delight and terror as the intimidating minotaurs muscled their way through the crowd. Some daring souls rushed to get selfies with them, only a few paying for their foolishness with a concussion or broken bone. The injured were immediately interviewed and subjected to their own fifteen minutes of fame.

Sai waited politely for the pleasant if slightly robotic voice of her digital translator to finish and smiled.

"Welcome to Droccen. I wish for nothing but understanding between our people. Please be at ease Prince Zurtak." Her mouth opened as though she had something else to say but her lips snapped shut as though she was undecided.

"I understand you have located a Sisterhood base near your homeworld?"

"Of course, Your Majesty. At your convenience. I know how busy you must be with ceremonies. I shall count the minutes!" Constantine smiled, bowed as previously instructed by the ambassador and moved on with his entourage. Ambassador Green stumbled as he did, eyes still fixed on Sai and dizzy with jealous besides.

Meanwhile, the actor Ryan Cardenas attributed his success to "The Aeon. Definitely. Through the Aeon all things are possible and I'm just so thankful for this blessing. What can I say, the Aeon is great!"

Sai blinked in surprise at Constantine's enthusiastic reply. Sukero had not painted as charming a portrait of her otherworldly suitor. She cast him a last smile and turned to share a glance with Kuro.

Korima nodded with interest at the actor's replies but her face went blank as he mentioned The Aeon.

"Is The Aeon your agent? I could use a good agent."

2019-07-14, 10:49 PM
Prince Sukero regarded the outlandish man dubiously but Sai couldn't keep from grinning at his enthusiasm.

"Thank you very much!" She flashed a smile at Korima as a camera swung in her direction.

"I am honored you have come all this way." She wasn't entirely sure where they hailed from but everywhere was such a long way when you were speaking of traveling through space.

"Uumm..." She looked to Jaques's fellows and then back to him.

"Is King of Space your official title?" She was interrupted by Korima as the influencer ran over to the newcomers and shoved a camera in their faces.

"I have to get a selfie, look at those abs! Nano, are you getting this??" She gestured wildly to her cameraman.

"Say hello to the Universe, Space King!"

Jaques continues to talk to whoever attracts his short attention span deems appropriate . "YAASSSS, despite what some counter revolutionary HATERS may say I'm a KING OF SPACE through and through. How does it feel to have ABSOLUTE POWAH, every day is just another party in the new citadel!"

He then turns to Korima, to give the traditional Knight flex of approval "COME ONE COME ALL Jaques has enough Abs for all!"

He takes a second look at Korima and tries his best to hold back the slurs "DEARRR GOD are you as important you are beautiful, any questions for SPACE KINGGGG!"

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-15, 12:13 AM
Korima nodded with interest at the actor's replies but her face went blank as he mentioned The Aeon.

"Is The Aeon your agent? I could use a good agent."

With one hand on the microphone, Ryan started nudging Korima out of the shot and stepped towards the camera. "The Aeon created all humans, and human-like species, in HIS divine image. And I'm sorry, but the Aeon is a He. Maybe that's not 'politically correct' or whatever, but that's what's in the scriptures and that's what's in my heart. And that's the problem with feminism, you know? But I want you to know that the Aeon loves you all anyway. Except for the heretics."

2019-07-15, 12:17 AM
The creaking, shaking, rusting, and buckling ship Void Viewer slowly plummeted down to the ground. Jerking up and down in erratic yet constrained bobs the ship thunked unceremoniously on the ground and was promptly swallowed up in the shadow of a fleet of larger foreign ships. Steam escaped the ships round and mostly ceramo-glass hull as it began to discernibly crack open to spew forth a walk off ramp. Descending it was a young man of strapping physique and questionable barber choice. He had a long green steel blade at his hip, an assortment of smaller handheld weapons, and a single simple slugthrower flanking the sword. His olive skin basked in the strange light of a star he never knew existed till now, twinkling blue eyes gazing out over a world that dwarfed his own several times over just from what he could see standing here! His garb was simple, brown and dark grey robes covering plates of strategically placed light armor, and a heavy reinforced hood that dwarfed his head yet lay bundled behind it. Leather bound sandals exposed his flesh and the man took no small amount of pleasure in the feeling of the wind through his toes.

His excitement at stepping off was cut short as his superior stepped behind him and the entire ship groaned in recognition. Placing a massive claw on his shoulder, Speaker Zel-Dara hooted softly, and adjusted her bulky envirosuit.

”Come my Spark. We’ve no time to waste. The stars always shine until they don’t.” The Hearthling intoned.

”Of course, Speaker. I’ll prepare the ship for resting.” The young man said before going about a series of prayers, button presses, and lever switching. Finally the ship was silent, slowly putting itself back together as the two delegates left, and curiously observed the patterns of Droccen life. On more than one occasion the man slipped away from the Speaker to stealthily peek at the near-humans culture and interact with their masses (Evading even paparazzi in his endeavors).

The Speaker let him believe she was ignorant of it each time until she suddenly appeared behind him with a disapproving sound.

Standing before the royal family, the Speaker and her Spark bowed respectfully to each member in kind, and presented a simple unremarkable metal sphere. The young man holding it was probably meant to announce what it was but he simply stared silently into the Droccen monarch’s eyes. Picking up quickly after a second of dead air the armored Hearthling announced ”I am Speaker Zel-Dara and this is my Spark, Antich Heaventredder. The Eye of the Horizon wishes to better foster our understanding of those in the world who worship The One after what I told them of the Sisters in Mys’ Box Realm. We present to you a gift and a challenge, a puzzle relic in the bowels of Hearth, and one my fellow Masters have been fixated on. We think it only fair to exchange one altered perspective for another. May your reign be wise.”

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-15, 06:06 AM
Zurtak runs his fingers through his beard to disguise the look of utter contempt that crosses his face. <Yes, indeed we did. The Sisterhood are a menace and an enemy to our nation. You may rest assured that they will not remain a power in Baryshev for very long.>

Looking to one of the heavily armed guards behind him, Zurtak snaps his fingers tiredly. The guard produces a metal box covered with Takhaun Hide. Zurtak presents the box to Sai, saying <A gift from one space queen to another. This is Hyper Honey, produced by the Ogatvezhiy. The fruit of our conquest is sweet indeed.>

2019-07-15, 09:41 AM
The Etherite delegation exits the trangular all black transport that seems to almost actively suck light into it. Three individuals, The first, Dax Shu'Triffalen is a 1.5 meter tall Fox looking biped with the characteristic red fur of his group. The second is Trask Strass'Tin, a heyna looking biped with grey spotted fur. A rather severe look rests on her face as her ears are swiveling taking everything in looking for threats. The last is Reffin Dres'Por, tallest of the lot with a much larger build and all black fur Reffin has a build more that would remind one of a Newfoundland,.

Dax heads nearly strait for Sai and opens a long box that he is holding that contains within a number of varied sized crystals all glowing with an inner light.

"We present a gift in honor of your coronation. We thought that singing crystals would be a most appropriate gift for you and your people. While it will take time to master one can simply trace a design on the crystals to produce music."

Dax proceeds to trace a rather complex design across several of the 20 crystals and they start to produce a sound like a harmonious chorus, rich and calming in nature.

2019-07-15, 12:01 PM
Jaques continues to talk to whoever attracts his short attention span deems appropriate . "YAASSSS, despite what some counter revolutionary HATERS may say I'm a KING OF SPACE through and through. How does it feel to have ABSOLUTE POWAH, every day is just another party in the new citadel!"

He then turns to Korima, to give the traditional Knight flex of approval "COME ONE COME ALL Jaques has enough Abs for all!"

He takes a second look at Korima and tries his best to hold back the slurs "DEARRR GOD are you as important you are beautiful, any questions for SPACE KINGGGG!"

Korima tossed her head, pleased by the Space King's admiration.

"I'm Korima, intergalactic superstar! So tell me Space King, are you single? The universe wants to know."

With one hand on the microphone, Ryan started nudging Korima out of the shot and stepped towards the camera. "The Aeon created all humans, and human-like species, in HIS divine image. And I'm sorry, but the Aeon is a He. Maybe that's not 'politically correct' or whatever, but that's what's in the scriptures and that's what's in my heart. And that's the problem with feminism, you know? But I want you to know that the Aeon loves you all anyway. Except for the heretics."

Korima muscled her way back into the shot, not about to be outdone by some alien fanatic.

"That's so interesting!" She tried her best to hide her amusement.

"Can you tell me where the Aeon lives now? Has he created anything lately?"

The creaking, shaking, rusting, and buckling ship Void Viewer slowly plummeted down to the ground. Jerking up and down in erratic yet constrained bobs the ship thunked unceremoniously on the ground and was promptly swallowed up in the shadow of a fleet of larger foreign ships. Steam escaped the ships round and mostly ceramo-glass hull as it began to discernibly crack open to spew forth a walk off ramp. Descending it was a young man of strapping physique and questionable barber choice. He had a long green steel blade at his hip, an assortment of smaller handheld weapons, and a single simple slugthrower flanking the sword. His olive skin basked in the strange light of a star he never knew existed till now, twinkling blue eyes gazing out over a world that dwarfed his own several times over just from what he could see standing here! His garb was simple, brown and dark grey robes covering plates of strategically placed light armor, and a heavy reinforced hood that dwarfed his head yet lay bundled behind it. Leather bound sandals exposed his flesh and the man took no small amount of pleasure in the feeling of the wind through his toes.

His excitement at stepping off was cut short as his superior stepped behind him and the entire ship groaned in recognition. Placing a massive claw on his shoulder, Speaker Zel-Dara hooted softly, and adjusted her bulky envirosuit.

”Come my Spark. We’ve no time to waste. The stars always shine until they don’t.” The Hearthling intoned.

”Of course, Speaker. I’ll prepare the ship for resting.” The young man said before going about a series of prayers, button presses, and lever switching. Finally the ship was silent, slowly putting itself back together as the two delegates left, and curiously observed the patterns of Droccen life. On more than one occasion the man slipped away from the Speaker to stealthily peek at the near-humans culture and interact with their masses (Evading even paparazzi in his endeavors).

The Speaker let him believe she was ignorant of it each time until she suddenly appeared behind him with a disapproving sound.

Standing before the royal family, the Speaker and her Spark bowed respectfully to each member in kind, and presented a simple unremarkable metal sphere. The young man holding it was probably meant to announce what it was but he simply stared silently into the Droccen monarch’s eyes. Picking up quickly after a second of dead air the armored Hearthling announced ”I am Speaker Zel-Dara and this is my Spark, Antich Heaventredder. The Eye of the Horizon wishes to better foster our understanding of those in the world who worship The One after what I told them of the Sisters in Mys’ Box Realm. We present to you a gift and a challenge, a puzzle relic in the bowels of Hearth, and one my fellow Masters have been fixated on. We think it only fair to exchange one altered perspective for another. May your reign be wise.”

Sai reached out to delicately pluck the offered gift from the Speaker.

"Thank you very much for your gift and your well wishes. A wise reign is the best one can hope for I think." Not for the first time she wished her mother was still alive. She would be taking the crown at the respectably wise age of forty-five instead of Sai's inexperienced twenty-one. She held up the orb to peer at it more closely but it did not deign to reveal its secrets to her.

"You and yours are very welcome here and I shall do what I can to help foster understanding between our people. We did not know of the Sisters before the events of the Simulacrum, but now we must wonder at their influence, subversive or not, them being so close by. Relatively anyways." She smiled, still amused by the vast distances of space being referred to as "close by."

"Is there anything specific you would know?"

Zurtak runs his fingers through his beard to disguise the look of utter contempt that crosses his face. <Yes, indeed we did. The Sisterhood are a menace and an enemy to our nation. You may rest assured that they will not remain a power in Baryshev for very long.>

Looking to one of the heavily armed guards behind him, Zurtak snaps his fingers tiredly. The guard produces a metal box covered with Takhaun Hide. Zurtak presents the box to Sai, saying <A gift from one space queen to another. This is Hyper Honey, produced by the Ogatvezhiy. The fruit of our conquest is sweet indeed.>

Even as Zurtak hid his contempt, Sai did her best to hide her fear.

"I look forward to trying it, you have my thanks for such a thoughtful gift." She forced a polite smile and took a deep breath.

"Prince Zurtak, I understand that you wish the Sisterhood be gone from your colony. May I propose that you let Droccen evacuate them in exchange for a future consideration? Our military scientists are in the midst of creating new advancements at a startling rate. We would be willing to share our next big breakthrough with your agreement regarding the Sisters."

The Etherite delegation exits the trangular all black transport that seems to almost actively suck light into it. Three individuals, The first, Dax Shu'Triffalen is a 1.5 meter tall Fox looking biped with the characteristic red fur of his group. The second is Trask Strass'Tin, a heyna looking biped with grey spotted fur. A rather severe look rests on her face as her ears are swiveling taking everything in looking for threats. The last is Reffin Dres'Por, tallest of the lot with a much larger build and all black fur Reffin has a build more that would remind one of a Newfoundland,.

Dax heads nearly strait for Sai and opens a long box that he is holding that contains within a number of varied sized crystals all glowing with an inner light.

"We present a gift in honor of your coronation. We thought that singing crystals would be a most appropriate gift for you and your people. While it will take time to master one can simply trace a design on the crystals to produce music."

Dax proceeds to trace a rather complex design across several of the 20 crystals and they start to produce a sound like a harmonious chorus, rich and calming in nature.

As the furred aliens made their way down the parade route, the Guardians had to step in to discourage onlookers from attempting to pet the outlanders. The crowd subsided at the Guardians behest, a bit disappointed their sport was spoiled.

Sai watched enraptured as Dax played the otherworldly music upon the crystals. Korima and the other officials had all gone silent as they listened. Spontaneous applause broke out as he finished song and Sai realized she had been holding her breath.

"That was so beautiful!" She reached a hand out to cautiously trace a unpracticed design and was rewarded with a ringing tone." She laughed, pleased.

"I will treasure them, I promise!" She could feel the weight of Kuro's gaze upon her and she turned to silently pout at him. She had failed to learn three separate instruments as a child, a fact that was the cause of much embarrassment for her growing up.

"These are different!" She gestured an urge for him to take the crystals from Dax.

"The Etherites are quite welcome on Droccen and I hope you will find yourself at ease here." She beckoned Kuro to lean down and she whispered something to him. The construct then nodded and a flurry of activity began.

"We would like to gift you one of our oldest instruments." Her voice was very pleased as she had been searching for an excuse to rid herself of the thing for ages. At length, a runner returned bearing a flat stringed instrument made of rare wood across his arms.

"This is a Zuta." She motioned the runner to hand it over to Dax.

"It is played on your lap with both hands." She glanced at Kuro and then back to Dax.

"We'll have somebody proficient show you how if you'd like."

2019-07-15, 05:34 PM
No Emperor in history had ever been void-born and Cherahiteth had had no intention of permitting it of his firstborn child. As soon as they had discovered the Empress's pregnancy he had ordered her - inasmuch as he could - to remain planetside, rather than expose the unborn infant to the gravitational whims and the radiation flares of space. On one level this was entirely reasonable, but on some level Daregense had still resented the necessity, and the last several months had passed desperately slowly.

She had access to everything she might wish - in theory - but there was a difference between standing beneath the dreaming Nisuite spires and reading in a library on a Ninurtine moon, watching a vid-sim of an Arurshan sunset and seeing one with one's own eyes, and between viewing a nature documentary and standing on the surface of Senna to touch its great trees.

Almost as soon as the babe was born she had commandeered herself a ship to attend the Droccen coronation.

Captain Bechadoluk was more reserved and cautious than she might have liked, an inevitable consequence of her elevation, she supposed. Even on this trip, much longer than that she had taken with the rest of the Seven, there was nothing like the respectful camaraderie that had developed between her and Sharugin.

By now the holopattern was well-established: she knew what the Droccen expected, and saw no reason to change that. She kitted herself out in a floor-length ballgown, with a wasp waist and three-foot train - at least there was no risk of its being trodden on - and a feathered tiara.

"It is a coronation, after all," she said, when Halish saw her and raised an eyebrow. Halish at least had the opportunity to wear her academic robes, which had become all the more spectacular since her appointment as Professor. But she knew the real competition for the eye would be the Philosopher-General, with his huge jewelled mitre. Sennaheshab was old and bent, to an extent not even the holographs could conceal, but his magnificent robes lent him a gravitas that not even she could match. She trusted that the old man at least knew the protocol well enough to stay one step behind. Gods only know what would happen if someone mistook him for the leader of the delegation.

The HIMS Intercourse docked without incident, and upon seeing the pink surroundings, Daregense silently gave thanks that so few of the group were wearing the Imperial purple so common in formal garb, as it clashed horribly with the buildings. Only Dumuneshar, the military attaché, was wearing such a uniform. She almost suggested that he turn off parts of his holograph selectively: the old war hero's bionics were generally concealed on such occasions for the sake of elegance, but in hindsight the metal might distract from the discordance of his purple garb. She held her tongue.

They made their way to the courtyard where the Droccen Imperial family were located.

"The greetings and congratulations of the Ninurtine Empire to you on your coronation, your Imperial Highness," she said, with a marginal lowering of the head to indicate respect - but it would not do for one empress to bow to another.

Empress Daregense
Professor Halish, scientist (biology specialist)
Philosopher-General Sennaheshab
Great Aristocrat Ledahadden
Captain Dumuneshar, military attaché
Assorted hangers-on

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-15, 06:41 PM
Clearly relishing the fear in Sai’s face, Zurtak continues to glare at her, and to finger the pistol tucked into the waistband of his coat. <Allow the Sisterhood to escape our fury? I don’t know if this is an option. You see, several years ago, in the Simulacrum where the Rothuun first met the other races, our Urthuun made a promise to the Sisterhood of Silence. He promised to rape and pillage, to kill every Sister who attempted to get in the way of the Rothuun manifest destiny. And now I warn you, Princess Sai of the Droccen, that the Rothuun always keep their promises.>

2019-07-15, 06:57 PM
A little further back in the procession is the Lyraen delegation, headed by Ool Vulk, the lupine people's most notorious explorer/adventurer/tailchaser. He and his merry band of boon-companions, four in all, make a riotous entrance into the parade. They howl for the crowd, Ool shows off his strength by lifting two of his companions, one with each arm, and the most magically talented of the lot uses his enchanted trinkets to conjure forth bright colors and twinkling lights to amuse, delight, and dazzle the crowd. All in all, they eat up the attention and enter the palace in very good humor.

When it is their turn, Ool Vulk approaches the new Empress with a friendly smile, dressed in a roguish fashion that seems to have been slightly influenced by the Jackstar Union, namely, a riot of colors that still, somehow, seems to be quite fitting, if only because it matches the boisterous personality wearing them. A long, blue coat hangs from his shoulders and down past his knees. A gold-trimmed hat rests between his ears, which he takes off in order to bow to Sai.

"Your imperial majesty!" he says with a booming, merry voice, "Congratulations! A historic day, yes, a very historic day! I apologize that Lyrae herself couldn't come, but I hope I'm not too poor a substitute." He digs around in his pocket. "She did have a message to give you, though, and I have a gift. Hold on, let me just dig it out here."

He produces a bronze disc inlaid with runes. He runs a paw over it and an image of Lyrae herself shimmers into existence. "Empress," she says, "I will not take up much of your time, as I am sure you have many matters to attend to today, but allow me to extend my warm wishes to you and yours. She inclines her head and smiles, though hers is more reserved than Ool Vulk's. "May your reign be a peaceful, prosperous, and untroubled one. And, if I may give you some advice, remember to have a little fun now and then. Perhaps, one day, we will meet in person once again."

The image fades and Ool Vulk pockets the disc once more. Two of his companions step up with a small cage held between them, in which sits a brightly colored lizard with gold scales. "A sun-lizard," Ool explains, "It absorbs the light of your sun during the day and then glows a bright gold during the night. They're also very affectionate pets, too."

2019-07-15, 08:37 PM
Korima tossed her head, pleased by the Space King's admiration.

"I'm Korima, intergalactic superstar! So tell me Space King, are you single? The universe wants to know."


Jaques took a swig from his squire bourbon before waving a hand over his hair and speak: "Intergalactic superstar! NO wonder you were able to so EXPERTLY seize the attention of SPACE KING, and SPACCEEE KINGGSS attention is not easily seized."

Having resisted the idea of contemplation for 30 years, Jaques proceeded to mime what he could only believe to be a more introspective pose "Of course, SPACE KNIGHTS were forbidden from pursuing the carnal, but alas the desire for LOVE was key to the glorious revolution!! AS an intergalactic HYPERSTAR you must know that spaaaacccee can be as lonely as it is large, which as I've recently been informed EXTRA LARGE."

2019-07-15, 11:20 PM
Jeejee Scrapseeker and Beaz Datanet followed behind her while Jeejee's camera drone hovered about to get the best shots of the Droccen homeworld. The Talkzappy's arrival was uneventful for the Grymlans aboard, but was probably an "experience" for the people in Droccan's air control. Their passing in the parade was followed by the loud roar of the turbines on Jeejee's sleek red Gogo Maxspeed Hoverbike, not something the Grymlan would ride to a diplomatic event, but it was a parade...

Their travel ended at the royal palace with Jeejee leaving the Droccen guards explicit warning to not press the red button on the bike (though failed to mention which red button she was referring to). She fidgeted in place as she waited eagerly to be presented before the new King, Queen, Grand Poo-bah?

"Hihi!" Jeejee enthusiastically waved at Sai as she approached, "I'm Jeejee Scrapseeker and this is Beaz Datanet! And the Grymlan Combine would likelike to wish you much luckgood as leader." reaching into one of her jacketvest pockets she produced a strange, worn, metallic polyhedron with small buttons and levers on its faces and offered it. She beamed at Sai as she said, "I'd like to giftgive you a tensiontoy. Its very helpful with thinkfocus. Also goodluck charm."

2019-07-16, 12:42 AM
The Syndrome Arrive

The arriving Bioship was a small one, the scout vessel Hungry-Maw commandeered by the Overlady because of his great speed and quick adjustment to the GLD symbiont. A landing craft like a huge winged reptile descends bearing the two Syndrome delegates. Overlady Yellow-Coat-Stripes and another Syndrome leave their craft atop a massive riding beast, the great mammal loping its way along the street like some huge cat, its clawed, three-toed hooves stirring up dust beneath it, its long snout tasting the air, and its six dark eyes betraying an unusual intelligence and calm. Leashed behind it is another, smaller one of its kind, only about the size of a horse, following obediently.
Yellow-Coat-Stripes revels in the attention from the crowd, posing for the cameras and steering her mount close enough for the crowds to touch its bristly grey fur. The orange and red Syndrome riding behind her, on the other hand, shies away from the attention and crouches down, trying her best not to be noticed while still taking in the sights.
When they arrive at the palace, the Overlady orders the beast down, and it bends so the two Syndrome can dismount. With a command to stay, the great creature lies down in the grass and begins to doze off. Yellow-Coat-Stripes unties the smaller beast and hands the silken rope lead off to her subordinate and the pair head in, juvenile beast in tow, to present themselves. After their presentation is done, they'll split up and mingle with the other guests. If the Church of Iteus arrives, they'd be interested in a discussion.

The two Syndrome pull out their fleshy translation devices and speak. "I am Overlady Yellow-Coat-Stripes of the Syndrome." "And I am Orange-Crimson-Dawn, speaking for vessel Hungry-Maw, as he flies for me." "We bring a coronation gift, this young rock-strider, as well as the plants needed to feed her. She will make a proper mount, for such a noble personage as yourself."

2019-07-16, 02:07 AM
No Emperor in history had ever been void-born and Cherahiteth had had no intention of permitting it of his firstborn child. As soon as they had discovered the Empress's pregnancy he had ordered her - inasmuch as he could - to remain planetside, rather than expose the unborn infant to the gravitational whims and the radiation flares of space. On one level this was entirely reasonable, but on some level Daregense had still resented the necessity, and the last several months had passed desperately slowly.

She had access to everything she might wish - in theory - but there was a difference between standing beneath the dreaming Nisuite spires and reading in a library on a Ninurtine moon, watching a vid-sim of an Arurshan sunset and seeing one with one's own eyes, and between viewing a nature documentary and standing on the surface of Senna to touch its great trees.

Almost as soon as the babe was born she had commandeered herself a ship to attend the Droccen coronation.

Captain Bechadoluk was more reserved and cautious than she might have liked, an inevitable consequence of her elevation, she supposed. Even on this trip, much longer than that she had taken with the rest of the Seven, there was nothing like the respectful camaraderie that had developed between her and Sharugin.

By now the holopattern was well-established: she knew what the Droccen expected, and saw no reason to change that. She kitted herself out in a floor-length ballgown, with a wasp waist and three-foot train - at least there was no risk of its being trodden on - and a feathered tiara.

"It is a coronation, after all," she said, when Halish saw her and raised an eyebrow. Halish at least had the opportunity to wear her academic robes, which had become all the more spectacular since her appointment as Professor. But she knew the real competition for the eye would be the Philosopher-General, with his huge jewelled mitre. Sennaheshab was old and bent, to an extent not even the holographs could conceal, but his magnificent robes lent him a gravitas that not even she could match. She trusted that the old man at least knew the protocol well enough to stay one step behind. Gods only know what would happen if someone mistook him for the leader of the delegation.

The HIMS Intercourse docked without incident, and upon seeing the pink surroundings, Daregense silently gave thanks that so few of the group were wearing the Imperial purple so common in formal garb, as it clashed horribly with the buildings. Only Dumuneshar, the military attaché, was wearing such a uniform. She almost suggested that he turn off parts of his holograph selectively: the old war hero's bionics were generally concealed on such occasions for the sake of elegance, but in hindsight the metal might distract from the discordance of his purple garb. She held her tongue.

They made their way to the courtyard where the Droccen Imperial family were located.

"The greetings and congratulations of the Ninurtine Empire to you on your coronation, your Imperial Highness," she said, with a marginal lowering of the head to indicate respect - but it would not do for one empress to bow to another.

Empress Daregense
Professor Halish, scientist (biology specialist)
Philosopher-General Sennaheshab
Great Aristocrat Ledahadden
Captain Dumuneshar, military attaché
Assorted hangers-on

"Thank you, Empress. I am honored you found time to attend. It has been a busy time for many since the Simulacrum." Sai returned the nod.

"My cousin speaks well of his visit to your moon." She gestured to Sukero who bowed more deeply than either of the Empresses had.

"Yes, thank you again for the invitation."

Clearly relishing the fear in Sai’s face, Zurtak continues to glare at her, and to finger the pistol tucked into the waistband of his coat. <Allow the Sisterhood to escape our fury? I don’t know if this is an option. You see, several years ago, in the Simulacrum where the Rothuun first met the other races, our Urthuun made a promise to the Sisterhood of Silence. He promised to rape and pillage, to kill every Sister who attempted to get in the way of the Rothuun manifest destiny. And now I warn you, Princess Sai of the Droccen, that the Rothuun always keep their promises.>

Sai lifted her chin proudly as the minotaur issued his warning. Kuro took a protective step forward but she stopped him with a halting gesture.

"I hold little doubt as to the veracity of your promises or your fury." She considered quietly.

"What is the Rothuun manifest destiny, exactly?"

A little further back in the procession is the Lyraen delegation, headed by Ool Vulk, the lupine people's most notorious explorer/adventurer/tailchaser. He and his merry band of boon-companions, four in all, make a riotous entrance into the parade. They howl for the crowd, Ool shows off his strength by lifting two of his companions, one with each arm, and the most magically talented of the lot uses his enchanted trinkets to conjure forth bright colors and twinkling lights to amuse, delight, and dazzle the crowd. All in all, they eat up the attention and enter the palace in very good humor.

When it is their turn, Ool Vulk approaches the new Empress with a friendly smile, dressed in a roguish fashion that seems to have been slightly influenced by the Jackstar Union, namely, a riot of colors that still, somehow, seems to be quite fitting, if only because it matches the boisterous personality wearing them. A long, blue coat hangs from his shoulders and down past his knees. A gold-trimmed hat rests between his ears, which he takes off in order to bow to Sai.

"Your imperial majesty!" he says with a booming, merry voice, "Congratulations! A historic day, yes, a very historic day! I apologize that Lyrae herself couldn't come, but I hope I'm not too poor a substitute." He digs around in his pocket. "She did have a message to give you, though, and I have a gift. Hold on, let me just dig it out here."

He produces a bronze disc inlaid with runes. He runs a paw over it and an image of Lyrae herself shimmers into existence. "Empress," she says, "I will not take up much of your time, as I am sure you have many matters to attend to today, but allow me to extend my warm wishes to you and yours. She inclines her head and smiles, though hers is more reserved than Ool Vulk's. "May your reign be a peaceful, prosperous, and untroubled one. And, if I may give you some advice, remember to have a little fun now and then. Perhaps, one day, we will meet in person once again."

The image fades and Ool Vulk pockets the disc once more. Two of his companions step up with a small cage held between them, in which sits a brightly colored lizard with gold scales. "A sun-lizard," Ool explains, "It absorbs the light of your sun during the day and then glows a bright gold during the night. They're also very affectionate pets, too."

The crowd loves the flamboyant Lyraens and they are regaled with applause and shouts of approval on their way to the Palace.

"Please relay my thanks to Lyrae for her kind message, I am glad she sent such a fine substitute." She smiled warmly in reply to his poor substitute remark.

"May I say your outfit is quite remarkable? I have never seen anything like it!" She cast an admiring glance at his hat and patted her hair as though wondering how she'd look in a hat. Her wonderings were cut short as she regarded the beautiful golden lizard.

"Oh I love him!" She gasped and clasped her hands together in wonder.

"A sun-lizard! There are so many things yet to discover!" Her exclamations were interrupted by an angry hiss. Her cat Mittens, which had been a gift from the Celestians was perched on Kuro's shoulder and peering angrily at the smaller creature.

"Mittens! Your manners, please!" She shushed up the cat and turned back to Ool Vulk in embarrassment.

"Don't mind him, he's just jealous." She cast a stern eye at her pet who ignored her to lick his paws unconcernedly.

"We will take good care of him, I promise! I shall call him Toki."

Jaques took a swig from his squire bourbon before waving a hand over his hair and speak: "Intergalactic superstar! NO wonder you were able to so EXPERTLY seize the attention of SPACE KING, and SPACCEEE KINGGSS attention is not easily seized."

Having resisted the idea of contemplation for 30 years, Jaques proceeded to mime what he could only believe to be a more introspective pose "Of course, SPACE KNIGHTS were forbidden from pursuing the carnal, but alas the desire for LOVE was key to the glorious revolution!! AS an intergalactic HYPERSTAR you must know that spaaaacccee can be as lonely as it is large, which as I've recently been informed EXTRA LARGE."

Korima fanned herself.

"You heard it here! A super swole Space King who led a revolution in the name of love! It's so romantic."

Jeejee Scrapseeker and Beaz Datanet followed behind her while Jeejee's camera drone hovered about to get the best shots of the Droccen homeworld. The Talkzappy's arrival was uneventful for the Grymlans aboard, but was probably an "experience" for the people in Droccan's air control. Their passing in the parade was followed by the loud roar of the turbines on Jeejee's sleek red Gogo Maxspeed Hoverbike, not something the Grymlan would ride to a diplomatic event, but it was a parade...

Their travel ended at the royal palace with Jeejee leaving the Droccen guards explicit warning to not press the red button on the bike (though failed to mention which red button she was referring to). She fidgeted in place as she waited eagerly to be presented before the new King, Queen, Grand Poo-bah?

"Hihi!" Jeejee enthusiastically waved at Sai as she approached, "I'm Jeejee Scrapseeker and this is Beaz Datanet! And the Grymlan Combine would likelike to wish you much luckgood as leader." reaching into one of her jacketvest pockets she produced a strange, worn, metallic polyhedron with small buttons and levers on its faces and offered it. She beamed at Sai as she said, "I'd like to giftgive you a tensiontoy. Its very helpful with thinkfocus. Also goodluck charm."

"A goodluck charm? How thoughtful of you! I certainly hope to be a luckgood leader." Sai smiled happily at the newcomers, their enthusiasm was infectious. She looked down at the levers quizzically.

"How does it work?"

The Syndrome Arrive

The arriving Bioship was a small one, the scout vessel Hungry-Maw commandeered by the Overlady because of his great speed and quick adjustment to the GLD symbiont. A landing craft like a huge winged reptile descends bearing the two Syndrome delegates. Overlady Yellow-Coat-Stripes and another Syndrome leave their craft atop a massive riding beast, the great mammal loping its way along the street like some huge cat, its clawed, three-toed hooves stirring up dust beneath it, its long snout tasting the air, and its six dark eyes betraying an unusual intelligence and calm. Leashed behind it is another, smaller one of its kind, only about the size of a horse, following obediently.
Yellow-Coat-Stripes revels in the attention from the crowd, posing for the cameras and steering her mount close enough for the crowds to touch its bristly grey fur. The orange and red Syndrome riding behind her, on the other hand, shies away from the attention and crouches down, trying her best not to be noticed while still taking in the sights.
When they arrive at the palace, the Overlady orders the beast down, and it bends so the two Syndrome can dismount. With a command to stay, the great creature lies down in the grass and begins to doze off. Yellow-Coat-Stripes unties the smaller beast and hands the silken rope lead off to her subordinate and the pair head in, juvenile beast in tow, to present themselves. After their presentation is done, they'll split up and mingle with the other guests. If the Church of Iteus arrives, they'd be interested in a discussion.

The two Syndrome pull out their fleshy translation devices and speak. "I am Overlady Yellow-Coat-Stripes of the Syndrome." "And I am Orange-Crimson-Dawn, speaking for vessel Hungry-Maw, as he flies for me." "We bring a coronation gift, this young rock-strider, as well as the plants needed to feed her. She will make a proper mount, for such a noble personage as yourself."

The crowd was ecstatic to be allowed the privilege of touching such an exotic creature. To see any sort of wildlife beyond birds and the occasional sea creatures on the coast was a rare treat. and there were audible gasps from the assembled gentry as the Overlady rode in.

"Greetings, Overlady. I am honored by your attendance, please be at ease." She listened politely as the Syndrome presented their gift, not quite understanding at first. Shock soon warred with delight upon her face.

"For me?" She reached a hand out towards the rock-strider as though she couldn't quite believe it.

"For me?" The disbelief faded quickly into an enormous smile.

"Oh my goodness I can't believe it!" She thrust her hands into the coarse coat of the creature even as Mittens looked on from Kuro's shoulder with narrowed eyes.

"What's its name?" Korima asked as she ran over and knelt next to the beast on the other side and began to pet it.

2019-07-16, 04:37 AM
The Droccens weren't terribly far from the Melfynians and it wasn't hard to get to the coronation ceremony. Just straight through a few sectors and the Melfynian envoy was safely there. While the ceremony would be important enough for the most important Harken to make an appearance there even if his only goal was to increase his own prestige, Rundhrul strangely enough did not attend. There was something else which held his attention which somehow worked out well as it gave the Melfynian most interested in the Droccens a chance to visit their homeworld instead.

Kimdt was overwhelmed with the welcome the dignitaries and all the way through the Isshoni procession was like a lucid dream. Fortunately the other Melfynians attending with her were under instructions by both herself and the other most important Melfynians which couldn't make it to document everything which happened in the Droccen homeworld. This was especially true for the Rastar they came with; the giant ray thinking it would be better if she didn't go along with the procession and took to looking at the seas in the new planet if given the opportunity. A loud honk after seeing Kimdt's distress at being approached by the masses so they would give her the space and she was off- only to return once the ceremonies was over. As for the Harkans which came along with that cluster, they just decided to expose themselves to the sights. Rumor had it Droccen stars were more... primitive than they were.

Of course some too decided to join in on the procession. It would be nice to see how the higher ups of other races actually did things.

But overall it was quite uneventful for the Melfynians although there was an expectation of... something to happen especially with the presence of the Rothuun. The Melfynians already knew more than they had to from how the events of the Simulacrum were publicized by Rundhrul and Borsh to increase the planet's state of nationalism in the galactic race. The delegation also knew enough, especially with Kimdt to keep away. Borsh who was able to face down a Rothuun was not in attendance with them and therefore, no one else had the strength or confidence to actually deal with them the same way as the last time.

When Kimdt finally reached the Princess, there were reintroductions, well wishes and then some until finally like all the other guests, she brought out a gift on behalf of the Melfynians as well. Based on their previous conversations, the Harkan felt there might was one thing suited; a suit or at least that was what she thought of when she had it made. Equipped with information of Droccen guardians which the Princess told her and then some of her own studies of bipedal humanoids courtesy of Guardian provided information, Kimdt brought out two metallic suits for humanoids. One obviously made for a female and one for a male.

"For you and for your protector. He might want to have options for his suits when he needs to protect you right?" And then she continued with a rehearsed line about how it was made with the finest Melfynian alloys and craftsmen before she gave a pause to say "and those things. Meyls wanted me to give you a sales pitch but I don't think either of us want to waste time with that. He should have came himself if he wanted that. I hope you enjoy the suits though. I remember you saying something about how only the special people in Droccen gets it and... today is the special day for the special you?"

"It should fit..." probably. After all "Its based on the recordings from the Simulacrum and we also used some data on humanoids. We don't know what some of the excess spaces are for so we just added some treats from Melfynus since thats what the crustaceans use them for back home." Weapons and armour was obviously not this particular Harkan's expertise.

2019-07-16, 10:47 AM
Vaou adjusted his uniform once again tugging at the long overcoat to make sure it settled flatteringly with the weight of its medallions and ribbons over the left breast and checking his peaked cap to make sure it was square on his head. He preferred dressing in civilian attire despite his reputation as a veteran and proponent of the Red Fleet but a suit and tie seemed under dressed for the ceremony of an Empress and he had to admit the cut of a military uniform made him look distinguished. It had taken some serious convincing and political maneuvering to persuade the senior members of the Central Committee that not only was it politically important that the SPR make a showing of support to the monarchist Drocc as fellow adherents of the One but that it would be best served by the Chairman's personal appearance. Rumors had plagued the notoriously unmarried leader following the Doorway Incident and holovids leaked showing his interactions with the then-Princess Sai which had only been fueled by his naming the first task force of the Red Fleet "Princess Task Force" and his flagship The Sai although the Chairman had maintained a cool disposition that, like the embassy with the Rocthurhi and cooperation with the Tezh, this was merely a show of solidarity with a fellow adherent to the truth of Oneness.

However, now as his shuttle began to descend under the remote control of Droccen ground control onto a landing pad designated for his arrival he felt a lump in his throat and butterflies in his stomach at the prospect of seeing the young Sai again. The red painted landing door of of his shuttle hissed as hydraulics were activated and he walked down a row of at attention Red Fleet officers and crewmen who saluted their commander as he walked between them and down the descending ramp out into the purple-pink atmosphere of congested Droccen. He blinked the bright natural light away adjusting from the softer artificial light of his shuttle's interior and walked flanked by two unarmed marines, one carrying a metallic chest engraved with the symbol of the One and the other holding in her palm a small data cube that pulsed softly with a yellow light. These two were trusted members of Vaou's circle of officers from within the Red Fleet whom he had deigned to award with this vacation to a distant planet and while they maintained a rigid discipline he could sense their excitement and wonder at embarking on an alien world so far from home. On his right carrying the data cube was Captain Daphne Hofstadter who helmed Princess Task Force's lead support ship The Suture and was a certified medic alongside her commission and to his left was Lieutenant Jerry "Last Straw" Gates an Ace and senior pilot within Archangel squadron two who had helped whip a great number of aspiring pilots into certified Aces himself. They were each dressed similarly to the Chairman though lacking overcoats and with fewer medals and less flourish on their epaulets.

The three approached the waiting delegation of Princess, soon to be Empress, Sai and the Chairman bowed his head respectfully while his associated bowed more deeply before standing, saluting, and assuming a stance of at attention legs straight and heads held high as the Chairman addressed the raspberry skinned woman before him.

"Princess, it has been too long since the Simulacrum brought your beauty to my eyes and wisdom to my mind. I was pleased to receive the invitation to your coronation though saddened that my knowing you as Princess shall soon be at an end. I do not think I can convince my admirals to permit the renaming of our first Task Force to that of Empress," he smiled casually though he could feel a nervous tittering running up his spine, "We of the Sublime People's Republic have come offering gifts though they are humble and perhaps not befitting an imperial head we hope they shall be worthy. We offer a collection of our most ancient records from the Sisterhood's early broadcasts to the Terron System," as he spoke Lieutenant Gates stepped forward with the heavy seeming box presenting it to an attendant.

"We present as well a data cube containing a collection of more recent poems, plays, and books written by SPR citizens regarding the Drocc, Rocthurhi, and Tezh besides that we hope may prove entertaining or relaxing during the few quiet hours you may be afforded by your elevated position," and now Captain Hofstadter stepped forward offering the smaller cube.

"Once this ceremony is complete, and I eagerly anticipate what a show it will be," his eyes glanced over at the "superstar" Korima enthusiastically gabbing to her crew, "I would desire to speak with yourself in private Princess to discuss matters related to the Sisterhood who now find themselves under attack on two sides. Forgive the dour subject but this is a matter my comrades back home feel is most urgently in need of address."




2019-07-16, 11:31 AM
"Please relay my thanks to Lyrae for her kind message, I am glad she sent such a fine substitute." She smiled warmly in reply to his poor substitute remark.

"May I say your outfit is quite remarkable? I have never seen anything like it!" She cast an admiring glance at his hat and patted her hair as though wondering how she'd look in a hat.

Ool's grin widens and he bows once more. "Ah! You are too kind. And have quite the eye for fashion. I can already see you will be a worthy and kind Empress." With a little more seriousness, he bends forward slightly and lowers his voice. He's not trying to speak so no one else can hear, but this is a bit less of a public announcement. "And allow me to say, on a personal note, that I hope your reign is a long and happy one. If you ever do have occasion to visit my homeworld, you can always count on House Vulk's hospitality."

"A sun-lizard! There are so many things yet to discover!" Her exclamations were interrupted by an angry hiss. Her cat Mittens, which had been a gift from the Celestians was perched on Kuro's shoulder and peering angrily at the smaller creature.

"Mittens! Your manners, please!" She shushed up the cat and turned back to Ool Vulk in embarrassment.

"We will take good care of him, I promise! I shall call him Toki."

Ool chuckles. "I think you will accumulate quite the menagerie by the time this is done. You might want to get started on an Imperial Zoo or the like."

"Ah! But I would be a very poor guest if I did not ask this." He gives her a wink. "Since this is your world, what part of it are you most proud of? I will make a point to see it for myself so I can give a first-paw report to all my kin back home."

2019-07-16, 11:47 AM
The Droccens weren't terribly far from the Melfynians and it wasn't hard to get to the coronation ceremony. Just straight through a few sectors and the Melfynian envoy was safely there. While the ceremony would be important enough for the most important Harken to make an appearance there even if his only goal was to increase his own prestige, Rundhrul strangely enough did not attend. There was something else which held his attention which somehow worked out well as it gave the Melfynian most interested in the Droccens a chance to visit their homeworld instead.

Kimdt was overwhelmed with the welcome the dignitaries and all the way through the Isshoni procession was like a lucid dream. Fortunately the other Melfynians attending with her were under instructions by both herself and the other most important Melfynians which couldn't make it to document everything which happened in the Droccen homeworld. This was especially true for the Rastar they came with; the giant ray thinking it would be better if she didn't go along with the procession and took to looking at the seas in the new planet if given the opportunity. A loud honk after seeing Kimdt's distress at being approached by the masses so they would give her the space and she was off- only to return once the ceremonies was over. As for the Harkans which came along with that cluster, they just decided to expose themselves to the sights. Rumor had it Droccen stars were more... primitive than they were.

Of course some too decided to join in on the procession. It would be nice to see how the higher ups of other races actually did things.

But overall it was quite uneventful for the Melfynians although there was an expectation of... something to happen especially with the presence of the Rothuun. The Melfynians already knew more than they had to from how the events of the Simulacrum were publicized by Rundhrul and Borsh to increase the planet's state of nationalism in the galactic race. The delegation also knew enough, especially with Kimdt to keep away. Borsh who was able to face down a Rothuun was not in attendance with them and therefore, no one else had the strength or confidence to actually deal with them the same way as the last time.

When Kimdt finally reached the Princess, there were reintroductions, well wishes and then some until finally like all the other guests, she brought out a gift on behalf of the Melfynians as well. Based on their previous conversations, the Harkan felt there might was one thing suited; a suit or at least that was what she thought of when she had it made. Equipped with information of Droccen guardians which the Princess told her and then some of her own studies of bipedal humanoids courtesy of Guardian provided information, Kimdt brought out two metallic suits for humanoids. One obviously made for a female and one for a male.

"For you and for your protector. He might want to have options for his suits when he needs to protect you right?" And then she continued with a rehearsed line about how it was made with the finest Melfynian alloys and craftsmen before she gave a pause to say "and those things. Meyls wanted me to give you a sales pitch but I don't think either of us want to waste time with that. He should have came himself if he wanted that. I hope you enjoy the suits though. I remember you saying something about how only the special people in Droccen gets it and... today is the special day for the special you?"

"It should fit..." probably. After all "Its based on the recordings from the Simulacrum and we also used some data on humanoids. We don't know what some of the excess spaces are for so we just added some treats from Melfynus since thats what the crustaceans use them for back home." Weapons and armour was obviously not this particular Harkan's expertise.

Sai was delighted to meet the gentle Kimdt once again and she regarded her fondly as the gifts were presented. There seemed to be a misunderstanding as to the nature of her Guardian - he couldn't change suits per se, but it was still a thoughtful gift and one she was certain posed many difficulties for the shape of them were foreign to the Melfynians.

"What a thoughtful gift, to think of my safety." Kuro nodded in agreement.

"You are most welcome here my neighbors. If you find yourselves overwhelmed by the crowds, you may rest yourselves inside the Palace." Her face lit up as though just remembering something.

"If you would like to see our ocean, perhaps we can make a visit tomorrow. It is a short journey by craft." In the background, Korima could be heard chattering about "starfish."

Vaou adjusted his uniform once again tugging at the long overcoat to make sure it settled flatteringly with the weight of its medallions and ribbons over the left breast and checking his peaked cap to make sure it was square on his head. He preferred dressing in civilian attire despite his reputation as a veteran and proponent of the Red Fleet but a suit and tie seemed under dressed for the ceremony of an Empress and he had to admit the cut of a military uniform made him look distinguished. It had taken some serious convincing and political maneuvering to persuade the senior members of the Central Committee that not only was it politically important that the SPR make a showing of support to the monarchist Drocc as fellow adherents of the One but that it would be best served by the Chairman's personal appearance. Rumors had plagued the notoriously unmarried leader following the Doorway Incident and holovids leaked showing his interactions with the then-Princess Sai which had only been fueled by his naming the first task force of the Red Fleet "Princess Task Force" and his flagship The Sai although the Chairman had maintained a cool disposition that, like the embassy with the Rocthurhi and cooperation with the Tezh, this was merely a show of solidarity with a fellow adherent to the truth of Oneness.

However, now as his shuttle began to descend under the remote control of Droccen ground control onto a landing pad designated for his arrival he felt a lump in his throat and butterflies in his stomach at the prospect of seeing the young Sai again. The red painted landing door of of his shuttle hissed as hydraulics were activated and he walked down a row of at attention Red Fleet officers and crewmen who saluted their commander as he walked between them and down the descending ramp out into the purple-pink atmosphere of congested Droccen. He blinked the bright natural light away adjusting from the softer artificial light of his shuttle's interior and walked flanked by two unarmed marines, one carrying a metallic chest engraved with the symbol of the One and the other holding in her palm a small data cube that pulsed softly with a yellow light. These two were trusted members of Vaou's circle of officers from within the Red Fleet whom he had deigned to award with this vacation to a distant planet and while they maintained a rigid discipline he could sense their excitement and wonder at embarking on an alien world so far from home. On his right carrying the data cube was Captain Daphne Hofstadter who helmed Princess Task Force's lead support ship The Suture and was a certified medic alongside her commission and to his left was Lieutenant Jerry "Last Straw" Gates an Ace and senior pilot within Archangel squadron two who had helped whip a great number of aspiring pilots into certified Aces himself. They were each dressed similarly to the Chairman though lacking overcoats and with fewer medals and less flourish on their epaulets.

The three approached the waiting delegation of Princess, soon to be Empress, Sai and the Chairman bowed his head respectfully while his associated bowed more deeply before standing, saluting, and assuming a stance of at attention legs straight and heads held high as the Chairman addressed the raspberry skinned woman before him.

"Princess, it has been too long since the Simulacrum brought your beauty to my eyes and wisdom to my mind. I was pleased to receive the invitation to your coronation though saddened that my knowing you as Princess shall soon be at an end. I do not think I can convince my admirals to permit the renaming of our first Task Force to that of Empress," he smiled casually though he could feel a nervous tittering running up his spine, "We of the Sublime People's Republic have come offering gifts though they are humble and perhaps not befitting an imperial head we hope they shall be worthy. We offer a collection of our most ancient records from the Sisterhood's early broadcasts to the Terron System," as he spoke Lieutenant Gates stepped forward with the heavy seeming box presenting it to an attendant.

"We present as well a data cube containing a collection of more recent poems, plays, and books written by SPR citizens regarding the Drocc, Rocthurhi, and Tezh besides that we hope may prove entertaining or relaxing during the few quiet hours you may be afforded by your elevated position," and now Captain Hofstadter stepped forward offering the smaller cube.

"Once this ceremony is complete, and I eagerly anticipate what a show it will be," his eyes glanced over at the "superstar" Korima enthusiastically gabbing to her crew, "I would desire to speak with yourself in private Princess to discuss matters related to the Sisterhood who now find themselves under attack on two sides. Forgive the dour subject but this is a matter my comrades back home feel is most urgently in need of address."




Sai and Vaou's chemistry upon their initial meeting at the Simulacrum had been widely reported on until the rumour had taken on a life of its own. The Droccen gleefully gossiped about their Princess and the Chairman and it seemed the mostly innocent encounter would forever become wildly overblown. The rumors were further fueled as the fictional books and literature of the SPR eventually made its way down to Droccen, the actual copies were extremely rare. As the general populace came to realize that it was Vaou himself marching down the parade route to greet Sai, the Chairman was met with cheers and shouts of "go get her!" and "starcrossed lovers!" followed him down the causeway. Prince Sukero had not kept his own torrid copy a secret and brought it out everytime he felt the need to embarrass Sai.

"It's him, It's Vaou!" Korima's shout alerted Sai to his impending arrival. Sukero smirked as she smoothed her hair down and brushed imaginary wrinkles out of her robes. As she watched him approach, she could feel her cheeks redden and her heartrate increase. Perhaps the rumours had not been entirely overblown. The thought merely made her redden even further. She paid no mind to anything else as he stopped before her and intoned his greeting. She could feel a wide smile stretch her lips but it took her a moment to realize that the Chairman had stopped talking. She hadn't heard a word he said!

"Vaou..." She stared at him dumbly for another moment.

"I'm so glad you came..." Her voice drifted off and before she could stop herself, she took a step forward and standing on her tip-toes, kissed the man on his cheek before she turned her attention to the gifts she had not paid attention to before.

"How do you think the Chairman feels about the generous marriage proposal from the handsome Celenian?" Korima practically shouted from across the lawn. Sai's eyes jerked up to Vaou's but she addressed the mysterious gifts.

"Thank you so much for your thoughtful gifts. I will treasure them." As soon as I watch the replay and figure out what they do. She was about to address his concerns about the Sisters when Sukero stepped in front of her and held up his dog-eared copy of "Starcrossed Lovers". It was clearly supposed to be Vaou on the cover.

"Sign my book?"

2019-07-16, 12:35 PM
Sai and Vaou's chemistry upon their initial meeting at the Simulacrum had been widely reported on until the rumour had taken on a life of its own. The Droccen gleefully gossiped about their Princess and the Chairman and it seemed the mostly innocent encounter would forever become wildly overblown. The rumors were further fueled as the fictional books and literature of the SPR eventually made its way down to Droccen, the actual copies were extremely rare. As the general populace came to realize that it was Vaou himself marching down the parade route to greet Sai, the Chairman was met with cheers and shouts of "go get her!" and "starcrossed lovers!" followed him down the causeway. Prince Sukero had not kept his own torrid copy a secret and brought it out everytime he felt the need to embarrass Sai.

"It's him, It's Vaou!" Korima's shout alerted Sai to his impending arrival. Sukero smirked as she smoothed her hair down and brushed imaginary wrinkles out of her robes. As she watched him approach, she could feel her cheeks redden and her heartrate increase. Perhaps the rumours had not been entirely overblown. The thought merely made her redden even further. She paid no mind to anything else as he stopped before her and intoned his greeting. She could feel a wide smile stretch her lips but it took her a moment to realize that the Chairman had stopped talking. She hadn't heard a word he said!

"Vaou..." She stared at him dumbly for another moment.

"I'm so glad you came..." Her voice drifted off and before she could stop herself, she took a step forward and standing on her tip-toes, kissed the man on his cheek before she turned her attention to the gifts she had not paid attention to before.

"How do you think the Chairman feels about the generous marriage proposal from the handsome Celenian?" Korima practically shouted from across the lawn. Sai's eyes jerked up to Vaou's but she addressed the mysterious gifts.

"Thank you so much for your thoughtful gifts. I will treasure them." As soon as I watch the replay and figure out what they do. She was about to address his concerns about the Sisters when Sukero stepped in front of her and held up his dog-eared copy of "Starcrossed Lovers". It was clearly supposed to be Vaou on the cover.

"Sign my book?"

The flurry of activity by the Drocc before him was dizzying only made moreso by the swimming sensation that had overtaken Vaou's higher functioning when Sai had deigned to plant a kiss upon his cheek. He was faintly aware his ears were burning with heat and his eyes seemed unable to focus on anything but Sai's own visage before it was interrupted by the intercession of a male Drocc, dressed in regalia Vaou assumed marked him as a member of the imperial family. He blinked a couple times in quiet confusion as his gaze settled on the cover of a book entitled "Starcrossed Lovers" and emblazoned with an image of a human man dressed in military garb and a red insignia...a picture he quickly gathered of himself with some artistic liberties taken with regards to his musculature and the degree of grey that had seeped into his beard. A bemused chuckle escaped him and flustered he sighed and shook his head.

"I'm afraid I don't have anything to write with," he held his hands up to show they were empty only to have a pen pressed into one by the interceding prince.

"I'm afraid I have not read this one," he said trying to ignore the circumstances and context being pressed into his face as he looked down opening the front cover and scribbling his 'autograph' well practiced through the signing of legal documents into the well-worn copy.

"There," he said closing the book and returning it and the pen to Prince Sukero, "Perhaps now you can seek out the author's signature to demonstrate your enjoyment of their work."

The Chairman stepped away from the Prince seeking to reengage with Sai who had been hidden from him, ignoring the gawking excitable presence of Korima and the many other onlookers.

"This is only a coronation is it not Princess? I did not come prepared to stand in attendance to your wedding," the senior official of the SPR smiled but it was a smile to hide a sense of nervousness, or perhaps jealousy was more accurate, flared up by Korima's mentioning of the Celenian suitor.

He had heard of the proposal of course and certainly had opinions on the matter although his official position was that Sai was a young woman of significant prestige who had every right to marry not only for her own heart but for the good sense of political capital. Vaou may have been Chairman, a powerful position within the SPR, but he was not and could not officially condone the spurious rights of nobility. He may have been important back home, important enough to travel several thousand lightyears to attend an alien coronation of a young woman he had met only briefly when Guardian had turned the galaxy upside down, but he was no more endowed with blood rights or title than the marines standing at attention behind him. Though knowledge of the Celenians was spotty at best he understood they tolerated a less egalitarian mode of society that allowed the rights of nobility to be maintained so long as they remained loyal to Republican order. Obviously this prompted doubts over their titling themselves a Republic in the understood sense within Terron but there were a great many species within the galaxy and while the SPR was lucky to have neighbors such as the Vilari, Rocthurhi, and Tezh who endorsed more progressive regimes he knew he could not force the Revolution across the galaxy from where the SPR now stood.

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-16, 01:18 PM
Zurtak allows a slight grin to cross his face. If he could scare the Droccen properly, perhaps this trip would not be a complete waste of time. It might even be fun! <Dear Princess Sai, the manifest destiny of the Rothuun is quite simple. It is our destiny, our purpose in the galaxy, to control everything. Every corner of the known universe must fall under Rothuun mastery, beginning with the core and the southeast. Until our warriors have slain every last enemy, our Urthuun rules every system, and our merchants control every market and every shopping mall, we will not be content. >

Hearing Kimdt’s statement about their gift being made by Melfynian artisans, Zurtak does a double take. Could this creature truly be a member of the race which had so devastated the mighty Thrikar Fleshgorger? Which have been used as bogeymen to terrify children? This Melfynian was... almost cute! <You are a Melfynian, then? I believe we have some... unfinished business with you. Come! Face me in single combat! The dignity of the Rothuun must be restored!> As he says this, Zurtak grabs an unsuspecting Droccen’s camera tripod and brandishes it at Kimdt like a club.

2019-07-16, 01:26 PM
Syndrome and Droccen

"That is for the Empress to decide," Yellow-Coat-Stripes replies. She was not expecting a gift of an animal, even a valuable one like this, to be so excitedly received.

2019-07-16, 03:34 PM
"Thank you, Empress. I am honored you found time to attend. It has been a busy time for many since the Simulacrum." Sai returned the nod.

"My cousin speaks well of his visit to your moon." She gestured to Sukero who bowed more deeply than either of the Empresses had.

"Yes, thank you again for the invitation."

"You are - and were - very welcome, your Highness," Daregense said to the prince. "I present, your highness, my associates, the Imperial Philosopher-General, who is eager to witness the coronation of an alien empress; the Great Aristocrat of Nisu, whom I believe Prince Sukero has previously met; and Professor Halish of Senna, who was also present for that fateful day at the Simulacrum.

"We have also brought gifts for your coronation." The flunkies brought forward two chests: the first contained a collection of exquisite jewellery and other rarities:

a necklace of platinum beads with ruby-inset bands every few inches
A tiara studded with rose crystals
A handwritten collection of poetry
Two carved obsidian warriors, depicted shirtless with blindfolds and serpentine tails
A pelisse woven from sekayak silk and gold thread
A fully mechanical, working, jewelled replica of the HIMS Penetrator
A folio edition of The Nature of Authority, the foundational text of Ninurtine Imperial ideology
A painting of a Guardian

The second chest, however, contained a number of small plants, to which the Empress gestured. "These are reading trees, first discovered on Senna and which have taken root well wherever planted, and now line the avenues of the University of Nisu. When mature, they provide a canopy beneath which it is considered particularly pleasant to sit and study. It is our hope that in celebration of your coronation your Highness will accept one thousand such trees to stand as gentle sentinels, proffering both shade to your busy citizens, and the reader's sweet, distinctive scent."

2019-07-16, 07:18 PM
Ool's grin widens and he bows once more. "Ah! You are too kind. And have quite the eye for fashion. I can already see you will be a worthy and kind Empress." With a little more seriousness, he bends forward slightly and lowers his voice. He's not trying to speak so no one else can hear, but this is a bit less of a public announcement. "And allow me to say, on a personal note, that I hope your reign is a long and happy one. If you ever do have occasion to visit my homeworld, you can always count on House Vulk's hospitality."

Ool chuckles. "I think you will accumulate quite the menagerie by the time this is done. You might want to get started on an Imperial Zoo or the like."

"Ah! But I would be a very poor guest if I did not ask this." He gives her a wink. "Since this is your world, what part of it are you most proud of? I will make a point to see it for myself so I can give a first-paw report to all my kin back home."

Sai clapped her hands in delight.

"I would love to visit your homeworld, of course!" She beamed at his praise and invitation and laughed at the mention of her growing menagerie.

"An intergalactic zoo! What a fine idea!" She turned to Kuro.

"Could we requisition the Palace grounds for it?" The Guardian looked poised to dissent but she rushed ahead and cut off any objections he might make.

"Next time you visit Droccen I will personally take you on a guided tour of the future Castrima Intergalactic Zoo and Gardens!" She seemed quite taken with the idea but turned slightly more serious as Ool queried her on the sights of Droccen.

"There are three sights I would most recommend you must see while you're here." She answered thoughtfully at length.

"first would be Ydaina point, Droccen's northernmost and highest point of land. There is an old abandoned wooden temple and outlook platform on the very top and some evenings this time of year, the moons, rings and star line up exactly so and it seems that you might reach out your hand to grasp them as they pass you by. The second is our ocean, as it is our very last bastion of natural terrain on our planet and is protected. I am happy to say that by all accounts, it is teeming with sealife. Lastly would be another city, Ritchina. Everything is brand-new and ultra-modern and expensive. But its quite fun to visit for a few nights out on the town."

The flurry of activity by the Drocc before him was dizzying only made moreso by the swimming sensation that had overtaken Vaou's higher functioning when Sai had deigned to plant a kiss upon his cheek. He was faintly aware his ears were burning with heat and his eyes seemed unable to focus on anything but Sai's own visage before it was interrupted by the intercession of a male Drocc, dressed in regalia Vaou assumed marked him as a member of the imperial family. He blinked a couple times in quiet confusion as his gaze settled on the cover of a book entitled "Starcrossed Lovers" and emblazoned with an image of a human man dressed in military garb and a red insignia...a picture he quickly gathered of himself with some artistic liberties taken with regards to his musculature and the degree of grey that had seeped into his beard. A bemused chuckle escaped him and flustered he sighed and shook his head.

"I'm afraid I don't have anything to write with," he held his hands up to show they were empty only to have a pen pressed into one by the interceding prince.

"I'm afraid I have not read this one," he said trying to ignore the circumstances and context being pressed into his face as he looked down opening the front cover and scribbling his 'autograph' well practiced through the signing of legal documents into the well-worn copy.

"There," he said closing the book and returning it and the pen to Prince Sukero, "Perhaps now you can seek out the author's signature to demonstrate your enjoyment of their work."

The Chairman stepped away from the Prince seeking to reengage with Sai who had been hidden from him, ignoring the gawking excitable presence of Korima and the many other onlookers.

"This is only a coronation is it not Princess? I did not come prepared to stand in attendance to your wedding," the senior official of the SPR smiled but it was a smile to hide a sense of nervousness, or perhaps jealousy was more accurate, flared up by Korima's mentioning of the Celenian suitor.

He had heard of the proposal of course and certainly had opinions on the matter although his official position was that Sai was a young woman of significant prestige who had every right to marry not only for her own heart but for the good sense of political capital. Vaou may have been Chairman, a powerful position within the SPR, but he was not and could not officially condone the spurious rights of nobility. He may have been important back home, important enough to travel several thousand lightyears to attend an alien coronation of a young woman he had met only briefly when Guardian had turned the galaxy upside down, but he was no more endowed with blood rights or title than the marines standing at attention behind him. Though knowledge of the Celenians was spotty at best he understood they tolerated a less egalitarian mode of society that allowed the rights of nobility to be maintained so long as they remained loyal to Republican order. Obviously this prompted doubts over their titling themselves a Republic in the understood sense within Terron but there were a great many species within the galaxy and while the SPR was lucky to have neighbors such as the Vilari, Rocthurhi, and Tezh who endorsed more progressive regimes he knew he could not force the Revolution across the galaxy from where the SPR now stood.

Sai studied Vaou's face intently as if trying to pick his thoughts directly from his brain.

"Constatine is a handsome man and his offer is generous. His proposal is being considered. There is support for a marriage to an outlander from many members of my council." Her eyes never left the Chairman's face as she spoke.

"I maintain my status by the will of the people, as my family ever has. I must do for them the good that I can while I have the power." She swallowed past the lump in her throat and lowered her eyes.

"Tell me, if I were to wed, would you wish to be there?"

Zurtak allows a slight grin to cross his face. If he could scare the Droccen properly, perhaps this trip would not be a complete waste of time. It might even be fun! <Dear Princess Sai, the manifest destiny of the Rothuun is quite simple. It is our destiny, our purpose in the galaxy, to control everything. Every corner of the known universe must fall under Rothuun mastery, beginning with the core and the southeast. Until our warriors have slain every last enemy, our Urthuun rules every system, and our merchants control every market and every shopping mall, we will not be content. >

Sai could not stop herself from arching an eyebrow at the ridiculousness of Zurtak's statement.

"I must admit that's quite an alarming sentiment and ambitious besides. Droccen herself has a great many shopping malls." She worked hard to keep her voice neutral though her heart was pounding in her throat and she worried for the Sister something terrible.

"I would wish you good luck but..." She spread her hands and shrugged. Korima had wisely stayed silent during the tense exchange but she had been sure the cameraman was getting everything.

"Is there a time table for breaching the core? I do wonder if we've time to build disaster relief shelters for everyone." He voice had turned defeated as she realized that Zurtak could not be negotiated or reasoned with either on the sister's behalf or her own.

Syndrome and Droccen

"That is for the Empress to decide," Yellow-Coat-Stripes replies. She was not expecting a gift of an animal, even a valuable one like this, to be so excitedly received.

"Then I shall name her Kemono." Sai kept up the scratching and Kemono made delighted grunts as it continued to lie in the grass.

"I hate to ask, but if the occasion came that warranted another gift, I would very much like a mate for Kemono if you please. I promise to take very good care of them!"

"You are - and were - very welcome, your Highness," Daregense said to the prince. "I present, your highness, my associates, the Imperial Philosopher-General, who is eager to witness the coronation of an alien empress; the Great Aristocrat of Nisu, whom I believe Prince Sukero has previously met; and Professor Halish of Senna, who was also present for that fateful day at the Simulacrum.

"We have also brought gifts for your coronation." The flunkies brought forward two chests: the first contained a collection of exquisite jewellery and other rarities:

a necklace of platinum beads with ruby-inset bands every few inches
A tiara studded with rose crystals
A handwritten collection of poetry
Two carved obsidian warriors, depicted shirtless with blindfolds and serpentine tails
A pelisse woven from sekayak silk and gold thread
A fully mechanical, working, jewelled replica of the HIMS Penetrator
A folio edition of The Nature of Authority, the foundational text of Ninurtine Imperial ideology
A painting of a Guardian

The second chest, however, contained a number of small plants, to which the Empress gestured. "These are reading trees, first discovered on Senna and which have taken root well wherever planted, and now line the avenues of the University of Nisu. When mature, they provide a canopy beneath which it is considered particularly pleasant to sit and study. It is our hope that in celebration of your coronation your Highness will accept one thousand such trees to stand as gentle sentinels, proffering both shade to your busy citizens, and the reader's sweet, distinctive scent."

Sai's eyes grew wide as the assortment of gifts continued to be announced, throwing an especially please eye at the tiara. She glanced at everything politely and smiled but it froze as she registered the enormity of the last gift.

"One thousand... trees?" She gasped in astonishment.

"I am not sure that there are one-thousand trees currently on Droccen..." She regarded the delicate fronds of the tiny trees in wonder.

"You don't know what this means for us. We could begin to restore our ecosystem. There are many cities on Droccen that do not have any trees. Now we could have a tree in every city! Can you imagine?" She turned her amazed eyes to Kuro and Sukero.

"A tree in every city!"

"A tree in every city!" Korima took up the cry excitedly and soon the whole of Droccen was jubilantly chanting along side her.

2019-07-16, 07:44 PM
Grymlans and Droccens

"Well, you press this button," Jeejee said as she pushed a button on the side of the device. There was some clicking sounds as levers and plates shifted across the device, rearranging its shape into a mismatched form. "You then fixrig. It uses chaosbit, makes each shapeform unique-ish." As she spoke, she absentmindedly played with the toy, her fingers deftly danced around the device flicking switches, pushing buttons and twisting sides. "get goodgood enough you can do it maxfast." Proudly she held the solved puzzletoy up to Sai. "Goodgood for thoughtfocus."

Grymlans and Melfynians and Rothunn
Jeejee and Beaz approached the Rowdy Rothunn and Much Misunderstood Melfynian and cheerfully interrupted Zurtak as he was waving a tripod around. First she spoke with Kimdt, "Hihi... Jeejee Scrapseeker of the Grymlan Combine. I was just wanted to seehear how the OwO hub we sentsent you was? Good, yesyes?" She then glanced over to Zurtak, "I heardheard that the Rothunn wantneeds to fightyfight with Melfynian. I have greatgreat idea! Wonderous! You could have contestgames through OwO like Grymlans. Pattern catching, huntmazes, tactical simplans, and snapreflex shooters to namename a few. All googood fun!" She grinned cockily, "That is if you thinkthink you can handle it."

2019-07-16, 07:47 PM
Yellow affirms, "I am certain that could be arranged." The request pleases her, showing a concern for nature and life which is commendable. "I will have her food brought shortly." The food for the rock-strider is specifically a quantity of hardy desert plants, capable of growing in inhospitable places.

2019-07-16, 08:21 PM
Sai studied Vaou's face intently as if trying to pick his thoughts directly from his brain.

"Constatine is a handsome man and his offer is generous. His proposal is being considered. There is support for a marriage to an outlander from many members of my council." Her eyes never left the Chairman's face as she spoke.

"I maintain my status by the will of the people, as my family ever has. I must do for them the good that I can while I have the power." She swallowed past the lump in her throat and lowered her eyes.

"Tell me, if I were to wed, would you wish to be there?"

Vaou met Sai's gaze steadfastly and though he felt a nervous sweat break across his flesh he answered swiftly, "There is only one place I would wish to be on the day you were wed."

He reached out to take her hand in his own and stepped forward though became suddenly aware of the great crowd around them. The instinct he'd felt rising within his chest to take a knee here and now suddenly clashed against thoughts of causing an intergalactic incident to be immortalized and broadcast by Korina and her peers.

"I know today seeks to consume every hour you have but if we could reserve time for a private audience, just the two of us, I would be most grateful to you Princess."

The Chairman stepped back and bowed again preparing to enter the ceremonial grounds and allow Sai to continue greeting the still arriving guests.

The Rothuun

Within the imperial palace Vaou made note of the many alien dignitaries who had deigned to attend, taking special notice of the minotaurs whom he had heard so much about from the Sisterhood. Squinting and scowling slightly he approached the massive slab of muscles that was the Rothuun delegate.

"Excuse me, you represent the Rothuun I presume? I am Chairman Vaou Ren of the Sublime People's Republic and I was hoping you could explain to me what exactly your intentions are for the Sisterhood of Silence and the Core of Axiom?"

2019-07-16, 08:32 PM
Ool nods, committing the names to memory as best he is able. "I will be sure to see them all in person," he assures Sai.

He takes a step back and draws himself up. "Now! You have many guests and I cannot monopolize your time. But perhaps tomorrow I could give you a tour of my flagship? It is nowhere near as grand as your palace, but it is quickly becoming my home. Perhaps I could tell you about some of the adventures I've had gallivanting around the galaxy!"

* * *

Once the formal greetings are over and done with, Ool Vulk makes an attempt to seem like he is casually strolling through the reception area when, in reality, he is looking for a particular group.The Etherites, the triad of races most similar to his own. When he does lay eyes on them, he straightens his long coat, tilts his hat at an appropriately rakish angle, and strides towards them with a cheerful expression on his face. "Just the fellows I wanted to see!" he says boisterously. The moment he is within range, he extends a paw to shake. "Ool Vulk, one of the Lords of Lyrae. The handsomest too, if I do say so myself."

2019-07-16, 09:54 PM
Korima fanned herself.

[COLOR="#ff0099"]"You heard it here! A super swole Space King who led a revolution in the name of love! It's so romantic."

SPACE KING sweeps many beings off their feet, metaphorically and LITERALLY. Whenever you're done the ship has a round table with a seat just for you MADAM SUPERSTAR.


Dio moved away from his more boisterous companion for many reasons, mainly to assuage their most militaristic neighbor. Fortunately Ool looks much less imposing than what the pre revolutionary records suggested the wolfmen looked like.

The relatively demur knight struggled to approach the wolf like alien. Dio knew he was approximately half the man Grandmaster Mycella was. Fortunately this was counterbalanced by prodigious boot licking.Excuse me Ool, I, Dio of the Knights Vacio, have come to inform you that our recent capital movement and sudden military buildup is not meant to be threatening.


Jaques Delon was warned about talking to the Grymlans. Many of the squires were to embarrassed to cavort with such strange creatures, but he knew better. Know your neighbors is paramount to galactic, success, but also paramount to get people to stop shooting spam philosophy drones at your planet. He might be a SPACE KING, but he was no SPACE RACIST, so he found what was clearly the most important of the Grylmans, got to his knees and attempted to speak their beautiful tongue while smoothly flexing.

WAWAWEEWAH, I am SPACE KING and we come in PEACCEEE. I was informed you're language had many W's so I figured you'd under stand me if I said them at the BEGINNING.

2019-07-16, 10:02 PM
Grymlans and Droccens

"Well, you press this button," Jeejee said as she pushed a button on the side of the device. There was some clicking sounds as levers and plates shifted across the device, rearranging its shape into a mismatched form. "You then fixrig. It uses chaosbit, makes each shapeform unique-ish." As she spoke, she absentmindedly played with the toy, her fingers deftly danced around the device flicking switches, pushing buttons and twisting sides. "get goodgood enough you can do it maxfast." Proudly she held the solved puzzletoy up to Sai. "Goodgood for thoughtfocus."

Sai squinted as she concentrated on deciphering Jeejee's words.

"Wow you really um are goodgood at the thinkfast um... puzzletoy. You must be a maxgood thoughtfocuser." She smiled as she complimented Jeejee and took back the puzzle. She could hear Korima repeating "goodgood" in the distance.

Yellow affirms, "I am certain that could be arranged." The request pleases her, showing a concern for nature and life which is commendable. "I will have her food brought shortly." The food for the rock-strider is specifically a quantity of hardy desert plants, capable of growing in inhospitable places.

Sai clapped her happily.

"Thank you so much! That's most generous of you! They will live here with me at the Palace and I'll be certain they get plenty of exercise!" In her mind, Sai had already gone through with her intergalactic zoo scheme despite Kuro's doubts.

Vaou met Sai's gaze steadfastly and though he felt a nervous sweat break across his flesh he answered swiftly, "There is only one place I would wish to be on the day you were wed."

He reached out to take her hand in his own and stepped forward though became suddenly aware of the great crowd around them. The instinct he'd felt rising within his chest to take a knee here and now suddenly clashed against thoughts of causing an intergalactic incident to be immortalized and broadcast by Korima and her peers.

"I know today seeks to consume every hour you have but if we could reserve time for a private audience, just the two of us, I would be most grateful to you Princess."

The Chairman stepped back and bowed again preparing to enter the ceremonial grounds and allow Sai to continue greeting the still arriving guests.

He left her breathless as he turned his back and walked away. She had meant to reply, of course you may have an audience later, but she found she momentarily lacked the wherewithal to voice her thoughts. She finally came to as Vaou left her line of sight and realized Korima's cameras were still on her. She grinned to the other woman who responded with an enthusiastic thumbs up.

Ool nods, committing the names to memory as best he is able. "I will be sure to see them all in person," he assures Sai.

He takes a step back and draws himself up. "Now! You have many guests and I cannot monopolize your time. But perhaps tomorrow I could give you a tour of my flagship? It is nowhere near as grand as your palace, but it is quickly becoming my home. Perhaps I could tell you about some of the adventures I've had gallivanting around the galaxy!"

Sai laughed again at the charming Ool.

"I would love a tour! I promised the Melfynians a trip to the ocean tomorrow, perhaps we could all make a day of it? It's been such a delight meeting you, I wish for nothing but peace and friendship between our people."

Super star
SPACE KING sweeps many beings off their feet, metaphorically and LITERALLY. Whenever you're done the ship has a round table with a seat just for you MADAM SUPERSTAR.

"Oh well, what are you doing later tonight Space King?" Korima batted her eyelashes and winked into the camera.

2019-07-16, 11:16 PM
Sai was delighted to meet the gentle Kimdt once again and she regarded her fondly as the gifts were presented. There seemed to be a misunderstanding as to the nature of her Guardian - he couldn't change suits per se, but it was still a thoughtful gift and one she was certain posed many difficulties for the shape of them were foreign to the Melfynians.

"What a thoughtful gift, to think of my safety." Kuro nodded in agreement.

"You are most welcome here my neighbors. If you find yourselves overwhelmed by the crowds, you may rest yourselves inside the Palace." Her face lit up as though just remembering something.

"If you would like to see our ocean, perhaps we can make a visit tomorrow. It is a short journey by craft." In the background, Korima could be heard chattering about "starfish."

Hearing Kimdt’s statement about their gift being made by Melfynian artisans, Zurtak does a double take. Could this creature truly be a member of the race which had so devastated the mighty Thrikar Fleshgorger? Which have been used as bogeymen to terrify children? This Melfynian was... almost cute! <You are a Melfynian, then? I believe we have some... unfinished business with you. Come! Face me in single combat! The dignity of the Rothuun must be restored!> As he says this, Zurtak grabs an unsuspecting Droccen’s camera tripod and brandishes it at Kimdt like a club.

Grymlans and Melfynians and Rothunn
Jeejee and Beaz approached the Rowdy Rothunn and Much Misunderstood Melfynian and cheerfully interrupted Zurtak as he was waving a tripod around. First she spoke with Kimdt, "Hihi... Jeejee Scrapseeker of the Grymlan Combine. I was just wanted to seehear how the OwO hub we sentsent you was? Good, yesyes?" She then glanced over to Zurtak, "I heardheard that the Rothunn wantneeds to fightyfight with Melfynian. I have greatgreat idea! Wonderous! You could have contestgames through OwO like Grymlans. Pattern catching, huntmazes, tactical simplans, and snapreflex shooters to namename a few. All googood fun!" She grinned cockily, "That is if you thinkthink you can handle it."

The Harken was quite happy there was some reaction for her gift and likely a positive one if the records of humanoids she studied were any indication. And the thoughtfulness of her host's offer as well! "I'll do that" perhaps, after she had a chance to meet some of the other species which were present although "I think our Rastar and some of his cluster are already planning to visit one of your nearby oceans already since it wouldn't quite fit them coming for your ceremony." Perhaps Kimdt had already told the princess in their previous discussion or, the princess or her people had tried to learn a little of the Melfynians but the scale of the other race which made up Melfynus had to be seen by themselves to actually appreciate.

Although that brief interaction didn't quite end there as the star started fidgeting as if anticipating something until, after an awkward few seconds later, said "would Kuro want to try his on?" She didn't ask if the princess would put hers on, with the whole ceremony going on, the Harkan assumed she had something better to wear and just as she was about to say "we could he-"

Kimdt was assaulted by the sight of the camera's tripod before her; it may as well be an actual physical assault to the tiny Melfynian. While she was present at the Simulacrum. except for the political posturing of Rundhrul and Borch, like most other Melfynians the Rothuun were but an afterthought to her and genuinely "I-I-I don't know what u-u-unfinished business we have. What dignity d-d-do you have?!" Oh wait... that may have came out wrong but she was caught off guard and was in a panic.

Fortunately the other Melfynians present didn't even have to get out of their shock to go to her defense, not that they would expected they could do much and, Kimdt quickly went behind the Grymlans immediately in their timely intervention. "Th-th-e hub... Rundhrul and M-M-Meyls project. They're s-super excited" and after because the Harkan was more comfortable with the support of her friendly people's allies and at the mention of games, "Rundhrul likes the games too. He says he needs to form a league or competition at home once the hub is complete so he can school some fools." The hub would still take some time to reach all the Melfynians although that didn't stop the privileged few from enjoying the entertainment the Grymlans provided them.

2019-07-16, 11:51 PM
Eternal Assembly of Alysia

The Alysians admiration of the lovely lavendar Droccen sunset was cut short as they gaped in quiet horror at the state of the planet. They could see virtually no natural terrain on their descent to Isshoni Port.

"Imagine the creatures this planet once held, we'll never know the life lost." Eladia's second shook her head sadly and landed the Hope Eternal. The pure white ship gleamed in the fading daylight as her crew stepped away from the port and straight into chaos. Five Alysians, three women and two men, strode down the parade route in a triangle formation with Eladia at the lead. Their remarkable beauty was only overshadowed by their similarity. They were all of a similar age despite it being indeterminate. Long white hair was groomed neatly, man and woman both and they all had the same luminous blue eyes. They were all dressed in a white uniform with blue and black trim, complete with lined capes that flowed elegantly behind them. All but Eladia paid no mind to the onlookers. The Prime Minister had grown accustomed to a certain amount of celebrity since the events of Simulacrum. She waved and blew kisses to the crowd.

"The Eternal Assembly of Alysia has come! We will save you from yourselves! The plight of your planet is a sickness, it can be cured!" She was soon presented to the same strawberry colored girl she vaguely remembered from the Simulacrum though they hadn't had reason to speak at the time.

"Empress... Sai is it? What do you plan to do about that state of your planet?" She gazed with distaste at the red abomination of a building they stood in front of.

"Have you considered moving your population off-world to let your ecosystem recover? Of course you'd have to demo most of the constructions. A few good bombs would do it."

With Lyrae and the Etherites

"We have a rather unusual situation to discuss. A sentient star as I understand it? We must preserve all the life we can. Do either of you have any suggestions?" She had walked up to the others and had abruptly began to speak confidently of the issue between them, having left her fellow Alysians speaking to a swollen purple humanoid that wouldn't stop flexing and saying OH YEAH SPACE KING.

2019-07-17, 01:58 AM
Talotius was nearly always the type to err on the side of modesty when it came to gatherings, but for a situation with as much pomp and fanfare as this a bit more flare was appropriate. Tezh vessels are by their nature efficient and utilitarian… to be polite to Their brethren, they would be boring to show up at a fete such as this. And so They felt it was appropriate to dispatch one of their newly designed and christened naval frames, albeit stripped of armaments so as to appease the Couriers during travel (and not reveal their capabilities without due cause). But they felt hopeful that it still had some other tricks up it’s chassis to wow the crowd with.

And so the Tezh naval frame Garrotte descended through the atmosphere towards the designated landing pad receiving the delegates arriving for Sai’s coronation. For a Tezh vessel it is huge - though it would be dwarfed by most warships from other races by far - a skeletal ovoid approximately sixty meters in length and a third of that wide/tall, with armatures and linkages webbed and woven through the body of the frame.

It bore no paint or markings, really having no surface large enough to take any, and the material that composed the hull reflected the surroundings in a semi-translucent fashion, as if the actual surface were liquid and the metal were millimeters underneath. With it’s offensive capabilities removed, the core of the hull had a small cabin constructed there instead with modular seating to accommodate whatever forms might be included as passengers.

The frame came to a neat stop and hovered 3 meters above the ground, undercarriage glowing a soft blue as a swarm of sub-frames detached themselves from the webbing if interior spindly crossbeams and set to work making themselves into a boarding ramp that started at the ground and led up to the featureless wall of the cabin. A section of the wall surface vanished with fractal folds and before any figures stepped forth Garrotte enjoyed announcing them.

“We present” Garrotte begins in a deep resonant chorus that travels well but does not overwhelm nearby viewers from the volume “Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus.” Their appearance is the expected translucent Aether stone with a cloak; but rather than the black metallic scale appearance the sub-frames normally take, the parabolic disc units are eye catching in opalescent splendor as Talotius makes Their way down the gangway to the landing pad and waits”

“We present Amistad, Prime Tactician for the Tezh Consensus” Garrotte continues, and the next figure that exits the cabin is apparently a legitimate bipedal frame which stands over two meters tall, with what has come to be an expected spindly appearance in Tezh design, with slender limbs that lead to a trim torso, with an arched flexible cylindrical neck ends in a large glowing optic for a face. Their body is a deep translucent blue filigreed with silver lines and patterns that run beneath the surface, and where the Speaker’s presence could be perceived as smooth, cordial, and fluid Amistad’s gait is slow but precise - ‘relentless’ would be an apt descriptor.

“We present Thorvald and Sepia, Stozudal Dignitaries” A pair of humanoids exit the cabin next. Tall and lithe - perhaps the inspiration for much of Tezh spindly design? Both wear traditional cultural formal attire of a short sheer wrap around the upper body tied above one shoulder and encircling the torso under the opposite arm draping at an angle, and a similar wrap tied low around the hips which forms a complimentary opposite angle towards their lower legs. Extremely delicate looking metal chains and lattices that lay atop the fabric, with the region's famed Living Fire stones set in eye catching patterns. Despite their garments leaving nothing to the imagination on their figures, the pair would not be considered indecent at home as their bodies are covered in a dense layer of fur.

Thorvald's coat is a rich light devouring black, with silver streak markings here and there in places across his shoulders, back, and legs. Sepia's is a lush dark gold base with black rosettes richly scattered down her back, and her front lightens to a creamy gold from her neck to her groin in the front. Their faces are felid, expressive conical ears flick and rotate to catch sound in all directions, set above large and intense eyes and a broad bridged nose leading to a blunt muzzle. Just above their shoulders, a set of sleek prehensile appendages sprout at an angle to lay flat down their backs at most times and reaching almost to their knees - which are jointed backwards in digitigrade fashion - and frame the muscled beginning of a tail forming at the base of their spine which reaches all the way to the ground, curved up just slightly to avoid touching the surface. They wear nothing on their feet where three pad the ground softly and the tip of a claw is barely visible and both have a bauble of some sort on a toe or ankle for additional decoration.

Thorvald carries an attache case in one hand as they exit the cabin and descend to the landing pad. Sepia lifts her hand and waves to the crowd, then turns and gestures back towards Garrotte and a small dark form speeds out of the frame before the door closes, careening towards Sepia and pulling up short to land on her outstretched hand - the four wings tucking neatly against its body as a hawkish head glances around constantly to look at absolutely everyone and everything while charcoal black feathers rustle and settle.

With introductions over, the group from the Tezh Consensus make their way up towards the coronation festivities. Garrotte’s skeletal features shimmer in the sun briefly as if testing the waters - or as an attention getting tactic - and then promptly vanishes from sight in a ripple of chameleon chromatic patterns. Despite the sudden visual trick, They stay in constant communication with the Droccen Port Authority and emit an IFF beacon while traveling a short distance away from the courtyard to park and wait the party out - dropping the optic effect and returning to normal view. If a ship could sigh, Garrotte would sound thoroughly bored out of their collective minds.

Talotius and company make their way through the assembled crowd towards the other delegates and emissaries, and They spot a few friendly faces along the way and some decidedly not so friendly. The Tezh group proceed directly to greet Sai, queuing as needed until they have audience with the lovely Droccen leader.

"We offer greetings Princess Sai" the whole group bow slightly in respect... even the bird "and congratulations for your coming ascension as Empress. It is a delight to share your physicality once more, directly this time. We understand that the Tezh sent previously were successful in bringing quality and comfort to your grandmother's final time, We are honored to have had the opportunity for such mutual enrichment and offer our thanks.

The bird makes a noise and Talotius pauses briefly "We would like to introduce our fellows in the Tezh Consensus" they move aside to allow the rest to step forward "Amistad, Prime Tactician. Throvald and Sepia, Stozudal Dignitaries" the bird on Sepia's shoulder makes another sound and it's almost as if Talotius sighs despite not making a sound "Riss, Chief Intelligence Coordinator".

Now that everyone is up close, the 'bird' is able to be examined closely enough to note that the feathers are constructed of very fine leaf metal overlaid on a Tezh frame. The illusion to a living animal is quite convincing, as unlike Talotius and Amistad, Riss is *constantly* moving, looking, and potentially poking/tugging at anything they are allowed to get in proximity to. Sepia, whom Riss continues to use as a perch, seems quite entertained by the antics of relatively minute frame.

2019-07-17, 07:34 AM
Sai's eyes grew wide as the assortment of gifts continued to be announced, throwing an especially please eye at the tiara. She glanced at everything politely and smiled but it froze as she registered the enormity of the last gift.

"One thousand... trees?" She gasped in astonishment.

"I am not sure that there are one-thousand trees currently on Droccen..." She regarded the delicate fronds of the tiny trees in wonder.

"You don't know what this means for us. We could begin to restore our ecosystem. There are many cities on Droccen that do not have any trees. Now we could have a tree in every city! Can you imagine?" She turned her amazed eyes to Kuro and Sukero.

"A tree in every city!"

"A tree in every city!" Korima took up the cry excitedly and soon the whole of Droccen was jubilantly chanting along side her.

Daregense was grateful for her holograph: she had in no way anticipated how well the trees would be received and she no doubt would have looked shocked, were it not for the expression superimposed which remained smiling benevolently. A thousand trees - why, that was barely a hectare's worth on Senna or Arursha. Only on the most desolate moons were there no trees at all.

"You are most welcome, your highness, and I would like nothing more than for these trees to prove of lasting benefit to our Droccen friends. We are privileged to have trees to spare, and I hope that these will assist you with prosperity and growth in every regard."

2019-07-17, 10:13 AM
With Lyrae and Alysia:
"Greetings to both of you. We have been doing a fair bit of work leading up to this event talking with Proxos about what it is that Proxos is looking for. From our talks, and granted there is quite a large amount of room here for error in translation, Proxos is bored. Proxos wants to grow, it wants to see more things, and to see things change. We are currently looking into alternate methods of channeling Proxos's growth, to allow him to grow, to change without harming things in at the very least an immediate sense."

"Right now we have two possible projects to move forward with. Option one would be to refocus the setup that is already in place and siphon off the net new energy that Proxos will be putting out. This would be a smaller up front effort but would require some level of upkeep. Option two would be a larger upfront effort that the initial design is to setup a sustainable platform to contain the excess energy from harming currently inhabited planets while still allowing the overall growth and possible expansion of livable space within the system."

"What level of commitment to this are either or both of your peoples willing to put forth in this?"

2019-07-17, 11:27 AM
Farewell to the Empress

Ool grins and gives Sai a casual, friendly salute. "Your wish is my command! Now, I will see myself, hmm, over there! That looks like an interesting spot. Have a sun-blessed day, your majesty." And with that, he allows Sai to focus on her other guests, excusing himself to deal with other affairs.


Ool, currently alone since his four companions have spread out to talk, laugh, and get to know some of the locals, turns and looks down at Dio. Though not as tall as Tra Gutri, Ool is still slightly taller than the average human, genetically engineered or no. But his expression is warm and friendly. He chuckles.

"Oh, we weren't concerned in the slightest," he says good-naturedly, "Between us and our allies, we have you pretty well surrounded. Say! Do you like biscuits?" He reaches into his pocket, fumbles around a bit, and pulls out a wrapped 'Sunnyside' brand, honeyed biscuit. "Go on! Take it."

Stellar Affairs

The arrival of everyone concerned is very fortuitous. Ool nods, expression serious. "Yes, from the reports we received, it does seem like a very serious situation," he says.

He listens carefully to Dax's report on the situation and frowns. "Unfortunately, we are very far away, relatively speaking, from the system. To be blunt, a long-term project would be very difficult for us to commit to, especially with the threat of the Eradicators and..." He glances around, then adds in a quieter voice. "And the Rothuun. Either group could wreak havoc on our supply ships and make our contribution to a long-term effort unsustainable.

He clears his throat. "At the moment, Lyrae is prepared to offer her personal services as an intermediary, in support of whatever peaceful solution you two can come up with. The hope is that, with the weight of her word and the fact that a fellow luminary is vouching for the plan, he will be more pliable to your demands."

"A fast ship has already been prepared and is ready to launch. All we need is your assent and it can be on its way to your systems within the next cycle of the Droccen sun."

2019-07-17, 11:38 AM
The Harken was quite happy there was some reaction for her gift and likely a positive one if the records of humanoids she studied were any indication. And the thoughtfulness of her host's offer as well! "I'll do that" perhaps, after she had a chance to meet some of the other species which were present although "I think our Rastar and some of his cluster are already planning to visit one of your nearby oceans already since it wouldn't quite fit them coming for your ceremony." Perhaps Kimdt had already told the princess in their previous discussion or, the princess or her people had tried to learn a little of the Melfynians but the scale of the other race which made up Melfynus had to be seen by themselves to actually appreciate.

Although that brief interaction didn't quite end there as the star started fidgeting as if anticipating something until, after an awkward few seconds later, said "would Kuro want to try his on?" She didn't ask if the princess would put hers on, with the whole ceremony going on, the Harkan assumed she had something better to wear and just as she was about to say "we could he-"

Kimdt was assaulted by the sight of the camera's tripod before her; it may as well be an actual physical assault to the tiny Melfynian. While she was present at the Simulacrum. except for the political posturing of Rundhrul and Borch, like most other Melfynians the Rothuun were but an afterthought to her and genuinely "I-I-I don't know what u-u-unfinished business we have. What dignity d-d-do you have?!" Oh wait... that may have came out wrong but she was caught off guard and was in a panic.

Fortunately the other Melfynians present didn't even have to get out of their shock to go to her defense, not that they would expected they could do much and, Kimdt quickly went behind the Grymlans immediately in their timely intervention. "Th-th-e hub... Rundhrul and M-M-Meyls project. They're s-super excited" and after because the Harkan was more comfortable with the support of her friendly people's allies and at the mention of games, "Rundhrul likes the games too. He says he needs to form a league or competition at home once the hub is complete so he can school some fools." The hub would still take some time to reach all the Melfynians although that didn't stop the privileged few from enjoying the entertainment the Grymlans provided them.

Kuro accepted the suit helmet and placed it atop his head where it perched, only fitting halfway down his massive head so that he peered out of the hole left for the mouth. The expression he gave Sai was unreadable to anyone but her and she brought her hand to her mouth to cover an amused smirk. The errant smile left in a hurry as Kuro's head swiveled around at the aggressive exchange of the Harken and Minotaur.

"No violence on the Palace grounds!" He put his hand out in a negating gesture.

"Stay back!" He warned Korima and there were squeals of alarm from some more delicate members of the gentry.

"Oh no, please!" Sai peeked from behind Kuro.

"I think a competitive games sounds like a fine idea! Perhaps we could organize a Games and invite everybody to send their very best to compete?"

"And broadcast it of course!" Koraima shouted from a safe distance.

"Of course." Sai assured her as she tried to guage the intractable minotaur's reaction.

Eternal Assembly of Alysia

The Alysians admiration of the lovely lavendar Droccen sunset was cut short as they gaped in quiet horror at the state of the planet. They could see virtually no natural terrain on their descent to Isshoni Port.

"Imagine the creatures this planet once held, we'll never know the life lost." Eladia's second shook her head sadly and landed the Hope Eternal. The pure white ship gleamed in the fading daylight as her crew stepped away from the port and straight into chaos. Five Alysians, three women and two men, strode down the parade route in a triangle formation with Eladia at the lead. Their remarkable beauty was only overshadowed by their similarity. They were all of a similar age despite it being indeterminate. Long white hair was groomed neatly, man and woman both and they all had the same luminous blue eyes. They were all dressed in a white uniform with blue and black trim, complete with lined capes that flowed elegantly behind them. All but Eladia paid no mind to the onlookers. The Prime Minister had grown accustomed to a certain amount of celebrity since the events of Simulacrum. She waved and blew kisses to the crowd.

"The Eternal Assembly of Alysia has come! We will save you from yourselves! The plight of your planet is a sickness, it can be cured!" She was soon presented to the same strawberry colored girl she vaguely remembered from the Simulacrum though they hadn't had reason to speak at the time.

"Empress... Sai is it? What do you plan to do about that state of your planet?" She gazed with distaste at the red abomination of a building they stood in front of.

"Have you considered moving your population off-world to let your ecosystem recover? Of course you'd have to demo most of the constructions. A few good bombs would do it."

Sai stared dumbly at the newcomer in confusion.

"You... want... to bomb... Droccen??"

Talotius was nearly always the type to err on the side of modesty when it came to gatherings, but for a situation with as much pomp and fanfare as this a bit more flare was appropriate. Tezh vessels are by their nature efficient and utilitarian… to be polite to Their brethren, they would be boring to show up at a fete such as this. And so They felt it was appropriate to dispatch one of their newly designed and christened naval frames, albeit stripped of armaments so as to appease the Couriers during travel (and not reveal their capabilities without due cause). But they felt hopeful that it still had some other tricks up it’s chassis to wow the crowd with.

And so the Tezh naval frame Garrotte descended through the atmosphere towards the designated landing pad receiving the delegates arriving for Sai’s coronation. For a Tezh vessel it is huge - though it would be dwarfed by most warships from other races by far - a skeletal ovoid approximately sixty meters in length and a third of that wide/tall, with armatures and linkages webbed and woven through the body of the frame.

It bore no paint or markings, really having no surface large enough to take any, and the material that composed the hull reflected the surroundings in a semi-translucent fashion, as if the actual surface were liquid and the metal were millimeters underneath. With it’s offensive capabilities removed, the core of the hull had a small cabin constructed there instead with modular seating to accommodate whatever forms might be included as passengers.

The frame came to a neat stop and hovered 3 meters above the ground, undercarriage glowing a soft blue as a swarm of sub-frames detached themselves from the webbing if interior spindly crossbeams and set to work making themselves into a boarding ramp that started at the ground and led up to the featureless wall of the cabin. A section of the wall surface vanished with fractal folds and before any figures stepped forth Garrotte enjoyed announcing them.

“We present” Garrotte begins in a deep resonant chorus that travels well but does not overwhelm nearby viewers from the volume “Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus.” Their appearance is the expected translucent Aether stone with a cloak; but rather than the black metallic scale appearance the sub-frames normally take, the parabolic disc units are eye catching in opalescent splendor as Talotius makes Their way down the gangway to the landing pad and waits”

“We present Amistad, Prime Tactician for the Tezh Consensus” Garrotte continues, and the next figure that exits the cabin is apparently a legitimate bipedal frame which stands over two meters tall, with what has come to be an expected spindly appearance in Tezh design, with slender limbs that lead to a trim torso, with an arched flexible cylindrical neck ends in a large glowing optic for a face. Their body is a deep translucent blue filigreed with silver lines and patterns that run beneath the surface, and where the Speaker’s presence could be perceived as smooth, cordial, and fluid Amistad’s gait is slow but precise - ‘relentless’ would be an apt descriptor.

“We present Thorvald and Sepia, Stozudal Dignitaries” A pair of fairly normal looking flesh and blood humanoids exit the cabin, the male carrying an attache case in one hand as they exit the cabin and descend to the landing pad. The female lifts her hand and waves to the crowd, then turns and gestures back towards Garrotte and a small dark form speeds out of the frame before the door closes, careening towards Sepia and pulling up short to land on her hand - the four wings tucking neatly against its body as a hawkish head glances around constantly to look at absolutely everyone and everything while charcoal black feathers rustle and settle.

With introductions over, the group from the Tezh Consensus make their way up towards the coronation festivities. Garrotte’s skeletal features shimmer in the sun briefly as if testing the waters - or as an attention getting tactic - and then promptly vanishes from sight in a ripple of chameleon chromatic patterns. Despite the sudden visual trick, They stay in constant communication with the Droccen Port Authority and emit an IFF beacon while traveling a short distance away from the courtyard to park and wait the party out - dropping the optic effect and returning to normal view. If a ship could sigh, Garrotte would sound thoroughly bored out of their collective minds.

Talotius and company make their way through the assembled crowd towards the other delegates and emissaries, and They spot a few friendly faces along the way and some decidedly not so friendly. The Tezh group proceed directly to greet Sai, queuing as needed until they have audience with the lovely Droccen leader.

"We offer greetings Princess Sai" the whole group bow slightly in respect... even the bird "and congratulations for your coming ascension as Empress. It is a delight to share your physicality once more, directly this time. We understand that the Tezh sent previously were successful in bringing quality and comfort to your grandmother's final time, We are honored to have had the opportunity for such mutual enrichment and offer our thanks.

The bird makes a noise and Talotius pauses briefly "We would like to introduce our fellows in the Tezh Consensus" they move aside to allow the rest to step forward "Amistad, Prime Tactician. Throvald and Sepia, Stozudal Dignitaries" the bird on Sepia's shoulder makes another sound and it's almost as if Talotius sighs despite not making a sound "Riss, Chief Intelligence Coordinator".

Now that everyone is up close, the 'bird' is able to be examined closely enough to note that the feathers are constructed of very fine leaf metal overlaid on a Tezh frame. The illusion to a living animal is quite convincing, as unlike Talotius and Amistad, Riss is *constantly* moving, looking, and potentially poking/tugging at anything they are allowed to get in proximity to. Sepia, whom Riss continues to use as a perch, seems quite entertained by the antics of relatively minute frame.

"Talotius!" Sai exclaimed happily as she greeted the fondly remembered Tezh. She placed her arm around the cloak in the best semblance of a hug that she could manage.

"Welcome to Droccen my friend! It is an honor to meet you all and to have you here. Your fellow Tezh will be pleased to see you as well, I'm sure. They were such a comfort to my Grandmother during such a difficult time. We all appreciated their efforts on her behalf so much." Sai blinked as her eyes grew a bit misty. Her face cleared once again as her attention was captured by the constant movement of the little bird on Sepia's shoulder.

"What a fine little pet!" Sai more closely at the tiny creature.

"Do you have much wildlife on your planet?"

Daregense was grateful for her holograph: she had in no way anticipated how well the trees would be received and she no doubt would have looked shocked, were it not for the expression superimposed which remained smiling benevolently. A thousand trees - why, that was barely a hectare's worth on Senna or Arursha. Only on the most desolate moons were there no trees at all.

"You are most welcome, your highness, and I would like nothing more than for these trees to prove of lasting benefit to our Droccen friends. We are privileged to have trees to spare, and I hope that these will assist you with prosperity and growth in every regard."

"I am more than certain they will! A thousand thanks for a thousand trees!"

2019-07-17, 03:23 PM
"Talotius!" Sai exclaimed happily as she greeted the fondly remembered Tezh. She placed her arm around the cloak in the best semblance of a hug that she could manage.

"Welcome to Droccen my friend! It is an honor to meet you all and to have you here. Your fellow Tezh will be pleased to see you as well, I'm sure. They were such a comfort to my Grandmother during such a difficult time. We all appreciated their efforts on her behalf so much." Sai blinked as her eyes grew a bit misty. Her face cleared once again as her attention was captured by the constant movement of the little bird on Sepia's shoulder.

"What a fine little pet!" Sai more closely at the tiny creature.

"Do you have much wildlife on your planet?"

Sepia coughs with a smirk that makes her whiskers perk while she side-eyes Riss, and Thorvald emits a purring chuckle of amusement. The bird on the other hand fluffs itself up with indignation "PET?!" the four wings spread as the trill of a higher pitched voice - uniquely singular for most Tezh - cries out at a volume not quite loud enough to draw attention from nearby attendees.

There is a momentary silence as Riss waits to see the result of this act and then They settle peacefully with a self-amused cackle "I don't think anyone would like me as a pet, I'm far too inquisitive.. or just plain nosy depending on who you ask. But hey - that's my job! 'Chief Intelligence Coordinator'" the ebony avian emulates Talotius' even tone and timing to speaking, given the lack of response it's very likely this is a friendly bit of ribbing.

Sepia lifts one hand and extends a clawed from one fingertip to lightly scritch under Riss' beak "Definitely nosy, this one" her voice is definitely accented but not overly so, a combination of purely regional influence as well as mouth structure being challenged by local dialect "It is a pleasure to meet you, Empress Sai." She speaks without a translator and seems utterly delighted at the effort of it "The medical team brought back much information from their time here, most notably the language itself. Please do not hesitate to offer correction if I misspeak, immersion is always the most pleasant way to learn."

Thorvald speaks up, though he manages through a translator mini-frame clipped to his torso wrap that had been otherwise a decoration until now "As to your question, Empress - Stozudal has much wildlife, although it tends to go in extremes. The vast deserts lend themselves to small creatures which can survive the heat and desolation, while the central ocean boasts gigantic creatures for which bulk means efficiency." His translated voice has no discernible accent or emotion, but the native tongue that runs as an undercurrent to the translator carries enough with it to emphasize his passion for the topic.

Amistad continues to stand in resolute silence behind the lot, very likely scanning everything in the near vicinity within an inch of propriety - they are far more interested in calculating the capabilities of the Guardians placed as sentinels around the coronation fete and what the odds would be of various scenarios involving combat.

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-17, 03:43 PM

<What dignity do the Rothuun have? You die now!>

Ignoring the pleas of the Grymlans and Droccen, Zurtak advances on the cowering Kimdt, raising the tripod to strike the Melfynian down.


<As I was just saying to Princess Sai, the Rothuun intend to conquer the core, and to destroy anybody who gets in their way. The Sisterhood opposes this plan, and thus we will eliminate them from any place we can reach. Those that side with them will be regarded as enemies themselves.

2019-07-17, 03:58 PM
BUT IT WAS I, DOi! (Addendum)

Ool's ears flick back and his finely-tuned adventurer senses tingle, sensing trouble. To Dio, he says, "Pardon me a moment."

He whirls around, drawing a strange, ornately-carved pistol (which has a glowing crystal instead of a magazine) and fires a single beam of yellow light that melts the tripod in Zurtak's meaty hands, only a few inches from the flesh itself. "Oi!" he calls over, "Don't you know it's rude to pick on someone smaller than you? And in the middle of a party too. Come, leave them alone and have a drink with me instead."

To the surrounding Droccens, he offers an apologetic smile and holsters his pistol with a flourish. To Dio, he says, "Look to your king. This could be trouble."

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-17, 04:22 PM
Shooting one last threatening glare at Kimdt, Zurtak storms away from the Melfynian to take up Ool Vulk’s offer of a drink. Although annoyed that he could not take his vengeance on Kimdt, he is nonetheless impressed by the skillful shooting of the Lyraen representative. <Ool Vulk, I presume? That was an excellent shot. Tell me, how do the Lyraens feel about the Sisterhood of Silence and the Core?

2019-07-17, 05:43 PM
Almost everyone jumped at the sound of the gunshot, and even Ledahadden could not prevent a slight involuntary flinch as she looked in the direction of the shooting. Only Dumuneshar remained completely calm. The Philosopher-General was particularly agitated, and put a hand to his chest for a moment, but it appeared to be a false alarm.

"The Rothuun again," Daregense muttered. There was still a movement within the government which held that the Rothuun could make useful allies, but they were rough and if not unpredictable as such, then predictable in all the wrong ways. But they were not dishonourable, and there must be something there, otherwise Guardian would not have brought them to the Simulacrum in the first place... assuming of course that the AI was capable of making such discernments. And if it's not, the gods save us.

"I will deal with this, your highness," said Ledahadden at her elbow, and she strolled over to where the Lyrae and Rothuun were facing off. "Prince Zurtak, pray indulge me. Do you seek to explore the Core because you believe you may find something of value, or just because the Sisterhood told us not to?"

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-17, 06:40 PM
<The Core is territory, is it not? It is a part of this galaxy, like any other, and as it is now unoccupied, it seems a good target for expansion. The Rothuun must move outward and spread our strength. The core is nearby and its residents were not brought into the Simulacrum. Thus it is a reasonable assumption that it is the best place to occupy with our armies. Unless you would prefer that we start attacking other Stellar Powers?>

2019-07-17, 06:53 PM
He whirls around, drawing a strange, ornately-carved pistol (which has a glowing crystal instead of a magazine) and fires a single beam of yellow light that melts the tripod in Zurtak's meaty hands, only a few inches from the flesh itself. "Oi!" he calls over, "Don't you know it's rude to pick on someone smaller than you? And in the middle of a party too. Come, leave them alone and have a drink with me instead."

Amistad's neck arches adroitly as it senses the sharp motion from Ool and their sensors pick up a charged weapon. They quickly note the direction of aim and take no further immediate action as events unfold. Riss casually comments across a secure comms channel to the tactician "We were wondering if that thing would get drawn at some point".

"Stop scanning the guests, Riss - it's rude" Amistad quips back through the channel, observing the disposition of the local Droccen Guardians throughout the area. They send a quick private packet of data to Talotius before turning away from the rest of the Tezh group and head towards the Lyraen.

Thorvald and Sepia both start with surprise, their conversations with fellow attendees interrupted for a few moments to watch the outburst, then return what they were doing since the kerfuffle appears to have died down.

Talotius does not appear to register the event, pausing in their conversation only as the person they had been talking to is agape at the outburst in the middle of the coronation event, and then resuming when their attention was returned to the Them. The red mote of the Aether stone flickers once to acknowledge the data packet from Amistad without breaking stride in the conversation as the blue figure turns and moves off.


Amistad approaches the Lyraen from an offset angle, completely silent. Whether a simple commentary on the craftsmanship of the frame or perhaps the Tezh is enjoying a bit of sport stalking the other figure is up for debate. They move with a slow and smooth gait, which seems all the more mechanical and alien for how perfectly coordinated it is, and the crowd either moves out of the tactician's way blithely oblivious to it's actions or stepping hastily aside when they note it's absolutely focused direction.

Whether they are seen prior to arrival or not, Amistad will approach to within arm's reach and wait to be noticed in stoic silence and statuesque immobility. Once their presence is accounted for they introduce themselves.

"We are Amistad. We appreciate the timely intervention and restraint of your actions. We do not require sustenance but might enjoy sharing company with a sibling who understands the value of being prepared to act."

2019-07-17, 08:25 PM
BUT IT WAS I, DOi! (Addendum)

Ool's ears flick back and his finely-tuned adventurer senses tingle, sensing trouble. To Dio, he says, "Pardon me a moment."

He whirls around, drawing a strange, ornately-carved pistol (which has a glowing crystal instead of a magazine) and fires a single beam of yellow light that melts the tripod in Zurtak's meaty hands, only a few inches from the flesh itself. "Oi!" he calls over, "Don't you know it's rude to pick on someone smaller than you? And in the middle of a party too. Come, leave them alone and have a drink with me instead."

To the surrounding Droccens, he offers an apologetic smile and holsters his pistol with a flourish. To Dio, he says, "Look to your king. This could be trouble."

Dio, seemed to relax to knowing the nobody perceived the knights as all that threatening. Its for the best really. I doubt it, Space King might be thicker than a block of singularity coal
EXTRA THICC * flexes*
But hes a master... performer, yes performer. SO there is little to worry over.

Now about that gun, when I'm not busy boot licking, I'd like to think of myself a space gun enthusiast, can I have a see?

<The Core is territory, is it not? It is a part of this galaxy, like any other, and as it is now unoccupied, it seems a good target for expansion. The Rothuun must move outward and spread our strength. The core is nearby and its residents were not brought into the Simulacrum. Thus it is a reasonable assumption that it is the best place to occupy with our armies. Unless you would prefer that we start attacking other Stellar Powers?>

Dio interjected the onery beef man. "So you're choosing to either march into the zone you've been explicitly warned about or fight other stellar powers. Sounds like a false dichotomy if I've ever heard one, you do realize that space is...really big right? I told SPACE KING yesterday, and even he can wrap his mind around it, surely there other places you're armies could go. Guess it'll be interesting to confirm if natural selection applies to civilizations with GLD's."

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-17, 08:32 PM
<As large as space is, it ain’t big enough for the two of us, to quote an old expression. You must understand, the Rothuun need an enemy to fight. Without an enemy, internal tensions rise, and civil war is inevitable. But with a war, we remain united and simultaneously expand, as every belief we hold has determined necessary. The only question is whether or not the Sisterhood should be our primary enemy... or if it should be somebody else.>

2019-07-17, 09:53 PM
Grymlans + Melfynians + Rothuun

At Zurtak's outburst Jeejee pursed her lips and glanced back and shoot her head at Beaz who was in the process of pressing a button on the OwO staff with an evil glint in her eye. Better to let Droccen seekhandle she thought.

"Grymlans notsure if core nohabited." Jeejee said, "Sisters obviously watchvigil over something. I suggest safeseeking answers in the dark, fightyfight not so much."

Grymlans and the Space King

At the Space King's outburst, Jeejee glanced back at Beaz who was reaching, again, for the button and waved her off again. She turned to address Space King Delon with a smile, "Hihi, I'm afraid you were given wronginfo, Grymlans speakuse no more W's than other races, at least as we seehear. But it is nicenice to meet you. I'm Jeejee Scrapseeker and if I thinkknow right, you are Jacques Delon, Lead-er... Space King of the Fightypeople of Vacio? Grymlans were surprised that you moveshifted your powerchair to nearby region. Was there something you wanted to asktalk about?"

2019-07-17, 10:39 PM
Syndrome and Droccen

"I cannot help but notice that your planet has precious little life on it," This is merely a statement of fact. Anyone familiar with the Overlady would recognize that she's building up to a business pitch. "We could possibly help with that. Imagine, if you will, life thriving alongside your civilization, rather than in spite of it." It would be illegal for her to show images of the Syndrome homeworld, where nature meshes so closely with cities that they are nearly indistinguishable, but that is what she is thinking of. "It would take time, and a great deal of effort to perfect, but it is within our abilities."

2019-07-18, 12:47 AM
Sai stared dumbly at the newcomer in confusion.

"You... want... to bomb... Droccen??"

Eladia's disappointment in Sai's response was evident upon her face.

"Not while you are on it, of course." She was clearly not impressed with the Empress's intellect.

With Lyrae and Alysia:
"Greetings to both of you. We have been doing a fair bit of work leading up to this event talking with Proxos about what it is that Proxos is looking for. From our talks, and granted there is quite a large amount of room here for error in translation, Proxos is bored. Proxos wants to grow, it wants to see more things, and to see things change. We are currently looking into alternate methods of channeling Proxos's growth, to allow him to grow, to change without harming things in at the very least an immediate sense."

"Right now we have two possible projects to move forward with. Option one would be to refocus the setup that is already in place and siphon off the net new energy that Proxos will be putting out. This would be a smaller up front effort but would require some level of upkeep. Option two would be a larger upfront effort that the initial design is to setup a sustainable platform to contain the excess energy from harming currently inhabited planets while still allowing the overall growth and possible expansion of livable space within the system."

"What level of commitment to this are either or both of your peoples willing to put forth in this?"

[B]Stellar Affairs

The arrival of everyone concerned is very fortuitous. Ool nods, expression serious. "Yes, from the reports we received, it does seem like a very serious situation," he says.

He listens carefully to Dax's report on the situation and frowns. "Unfortunately, we are very far away, relatively speaking, from the system. To be blunt, a long-term project would be very difficult for us to commit to, especially with the threat of the Eradicators and..." He glances around, then adds in a quieter voice. "And the Rothuun. Either group could wreak havoc on our supply ships and make our contribution to a long-term effort unsustainable.

He clears his throat. "At the moment, Lyrae is prepared to offer her personal services as an intermediary, in support of whatever peaceful solution you two can come up with. The hope is that, with the weight of her word and the fact that a fellow luminary is vouching for the plan, he will be more pliable to your demands."

"A fast ship has already been prepared and is ready to launch. All we need is your assent and it can be on its way to your systems within the next cycle of the Droccen sun."

"Of course we would be willing to send aid as we could, what exactly is the plan you are proposing?" Her tone was neutral but interested. It was clear she would not be sending her people anywhere until she could tell them what to expect.

2019-07-18, 02:13 AM
The Incident

Within the mere seconds that the weapon was drawn and aimed, the Guardians snapped into action. The ones belonging to the Droccen nobility in attendance formed a solid line in front of them. Sai stood on her tip-toes in an attempt to peer over Kuro's shoulder but he was too tall.

"Kuro what's happening?"

"Stay where you are!" The commanding tone in place of her Guardian's usual patient cadence was jarring enough for Sai to subside behind him. As soon as the incident started, it had finished, with the offending parties sequestering themselves for a chat and drink.

"Further violence will result in immediate expulsion from the Palace grounds and potentially the planet. This is your final warning." The Guardians remained in front of their charges for some time before regular festivities resumed. Sai finally broke through the blockade and did a double-take when she glanced at her Guardian.

"Kuro..." She laughed and pointed at his head.

"You're still wearing that helmet."

Sepia coughs with a smirk that makes her whiskers perk while she side-eyes Riss, and Thorvald emits a purring chuckle of amusement. The bird on the other hand fluffs itself up with indignation "PET?!" the four wings spread as the trill of a higher pitched voice - uniquely singular for most Tezh - cries out at a volume not quite loud enough to draw attention from nearby attendees.

There is a momentary silence as Riss waits to see the result of this act and then They settle peacefully with a self-amused cackle "I don't think anyone would like me as a pet, I'm far too inquisitive.. or just plain nosy depending on who you ask. But hey - that's my job! 'Chief Intelligence Coordinator'" the ebony avian emulates Talotius' even tone and timing to speaking, given the lack of response it's very likely this is a friendly bit of ribbing.

Sepia lifts one hand and extends a clawed from one fingertip to lightly scritch under Riss' beak "Definitely nosy, this one" her voice is definitely accented but not overly so, a combination of purely regional influence as well as mouth structure being challenged by local dialect "It is a pleasure to meet you, Empress Sai." She speaks without a translator and seems utterly delighted at the effort of it "The medical team brought back much information from their time here, most notably the language itself. Please do not hesitate to offer correction if I misspeak, immersion is always the most pleasant way to learn."

Thorvald speaks up, though he manages through a translator mini-frame clipped to his torso wrap that had been otherwise a decoration until now "As to your question, Empress - Stozudal has much wildlife, although it tends to go in extremes. The vast deserts lend themselves to small creatures which can survive the heat and desolation, while the central ocean boasts gigantic creatures for which bulk means efficiency." His translated voice has no discernible accent or emotion, but the native tongue that runs as an undercurrent to the translator carries enough with it to emphasize his passion for the topic.

Amistad continues to stand in resolute silence behind the lot, very likely scanning everything in the near vicinity within an inch of propriety - they are far more interested in calculating the capabilities of the Guardians placed as sentinels around the coronation fete and what the odds would be of various scenarios involving combat.

"Oh pardon me!" Sai looked alarmed by her perceived gaffe.

"I did not mean to offend! Please forgive me Riss, I didn't realize... though I suppose that's the genius behind you isn't it? Chief Intelligence Coordinator indeed, how very clever!" She peered at the bird-like Tezh more closely in admiration.

"How fascinating your planet sounds! Such variety. There are those amongst us that would return Droccen to its former natural glory, but it's been so long I must admit to being of the mind that it's best to start fresh than try and recover the lost." She gestured to the few animals she had been gifted.

"It's not much, but it's a start."

Syndrome and Droccen

"I cannot help but notice that your planet has precious little life on it," This is merely a statement of fact. Anyone familiar with the Overlady would recognize that she's building up to a business pitch. "We could possibly help with that. Imagine, if you will, life thriving alongside your civilization, rather than in spite of it." It would be illegal for her to show images of the Syndrome homeworld, where nature meshes so closely with cities that they are nearly indistinguishable, but that is what she is thinking of. "It would take time, and a great deal of effort to perfect, but it is within our abilities."

"Yes well, in some ways one might say it has too much life on it." She listened thoughtfully as she tried to picture what the Overlady meant.

"Do you mean to say that your structures are built from living matter? That would be incredible..." Her voice drifted off as if trying to imagine living houses and buildings.

Eladia's disappointment in Sai's response was evident upon her face.

"Not while you are on it, of course." She was clearly not impressed with the Empress's intellect.

Sai crossed her arms, perturbed at Eladia's tone.

"We are aware of the plight of our ecosystem, thanks. We only today received gifts of animals and trees to help jumpstart our re-greenification project. The Ninurtine and the Syndrome were especially generous as they brought useful gifts that will move us forward to that effect." She pursed her lips in irritation.

"I suppose we might have use for your bombs someday if that is what you wish to gift us." It may have been implied that she wished to use them on Eladia herself at that moment.

2019-07-18, 02:41 AM
Arrival at Droccen of the Tal-Amanyn

A shimmering, iridescent vessel slipped into orbit above Droccen alongside the diplomatic vessels of other powers. It was large, but the shimmering of its crystalline hull seemed subdued and it appeared that only one of its great engines was in use. A much smaller, but still comfortably sized, ship that gleamed like moonstone exited a hangar on the underside and descended to the port of Castrima.
When it was still hundreds of metres in the air doors along the sides of the landing craft opened and Tal-Amanyn in suits of winged power armour of black and gleaming silver dove down towards the port. Brightly coloured banners streamed behind them as they fell with style, some even going so far as to do manoeuvres. They quickly landed and their wings folded away as they lined up in time for the landing ship to catch up with them.
The main door opened and the marines saluted with their glaives as the Viceroy and his entourage disembarked their craft riding very large, hoofed, four legged mammalian beasts with thick manes and tails (horses) and proceeded along the parade route.
In addition to the Viceroy in his usual attire of state and his honour guard of twenty-four marines in dress armour there were a half dozen members of the Conclave in their black robes, a justice and advocates in purple and silver respectively, a commodore in his crisp blue dress uniform and a final individual, a young Tal-Amanyn, both tall and strong, who wore no uniform whatsoever but was nevertheless resplendent in his jewelled cloak. Plus of course several servants at the back carrying boxes of varying sizes.

At the Imperial Palace

The Viceroy and his entourage dismounted their horses while handlers rushed forward to lead the animals away. As one the group of dignitaries bowed while their guards raised their glaives in salute. Azric smiled before he spoke.
"Your Most Serene Grace, it is an honour to be invited to this most auspicious of occasions," he said, his voice strong, firm and warm, "All of Amanyk extends condolences to you however. We know that this cannot be the easiest of times for you but I see at once that you bear the burden of nobility and royalty with strength and grace that few possess. I have been empowered by the Conclave to present unto you gifts."
The servants at the back of the group hurried forth with their boxes and bowed before Sai as they offered them up. The man in the jewelled cloak stepped forward and took the first, and smallest, box and opened it to reveal an opalescent crystal amulet. It hung from a chain, each link of which was individually carved from crystal rather than formed of metal, and was itself carved to resemble a brilliant shining sun.
"A personal shield, to protect you from all harm Your Grace. Instructions for its use are within the box."
The next box was opened, this one much much larger and a long sword clearly sized for one of the Tal-Amanyn to use two handed lay within. It's blade was of gleaming crystal that shone through the clear and ever so slightly iridescent scabbard. It was held in place with a golden cord.
"A sword from the Conclave's armoury. Almost unbreakable. Almost. I suspect however that despite its lightness your Guardian would find it more comfortable."
The third and final box was opened and within was a crystal coronet carved to resemble flowers and leaves and a pair of matching earrings.
"And this, Your Grace, is merely something nice to wear and is a personal gift from Ursoa Jarrike, the Mistress of the Imperial Guild of Gemsmiths," he paused a moment, "There is one final 'gift', but I will not put you on the spot by presenting it now."
The young Tal-Amanyn who had opened the boxes looked away out of awkwardness.

2019-07-18, 07:51 AM
<The Core is territory, is it not? It is a part of this galaxy, like any other, and as it is now unoccupied, it seems a good target for expansion. The Rothuun must move outward and spread our strength. The core is nearby and its residents were not brought into the Simulacrum. Thus it is a reasonable assumption that it is the best place to occupy with our armies. Unless you would prefer that we start attacking other Stellar Powers?>

"You make a number of assumptions that I am not certain are justified," Ledahadden said. "First, that the Core is unoccupied. We have no reason to believe that. It is true that any denizens thereof were not brought to the Simulacrum but that does not mean that there is nobody there. There are no doubt more planets there, and more opportunities for the development of advanced life, than in the rest of the galaxy combined. There may be residents significantly more advanced, or significantly more dangerous, than any known stellar powers, who are either considered enemies by the Simulacrum's hosts, or who did not require their technology because they already exceed its capabilities. Such beings would be an insuperable foe, and avoiding them is not cowardice, but merely common sense.

"[COLOR="#B22222"]Second, if the Core is truly unoccupied, that suggests that there is something about it which makes it inherently unsuitable for occupation, and therefore not the best place for you to target after all, unless you have no alternatives. Third, there are indeed numerous sectors, no more distant and some even closer than the Core, which we understand you have made no attempt to explore or to occupy.

"You are entitled to conduct yourselves as you see fit. I am a warrior and do not disapprove of conflict in itself. If you seek war, seek war. So long as that war is not with us or our allies, the Empire is unlikely to raise objection: in fact, were you to turn your ire on our enemies, that might even be welcomed. But your relentless pursuit of the Core at the expense of all else seems suggestive of something else, as if you are doing so not in spite of the warnings, but because of them. That seems not only unwise, but capable of endangering us all. It is not just the Sisterhood who seek to dissuade us from venturing therein. I trust the Sisters no more than you, and their refusal to tell us what we may find does give rise to suspicion. But we have also made enquiries of Guardian itself and it has confirmed the Sisterhood's warnings have validity. If you will not trust the Sisters, will you trust our benefactor?"

2019-07-18, 08:00 AM
<As I was just saying to Princess Sai, the Rothuun intend to conquer the core, and to destroy anybody who gets in their way. The Sisterhood opposes this plan, and thus we will eliminate them from any place we can reach. Those that side with them will be regarded as enemies themselves.

The Chairman's eyes narrowed and he nodded stiffly, "I see. Then I regret we are enemies by your own declaration as the Sublime People's Republic will seek to aid the Sisterhood whose mission it seems clear is the containment of a force I doubt even the mighty Rothuun are yet prepared to face. We expect the Sisters to make a request of ourselves and our fellows within the Uplift Chorus soon to aid the relocation of the Monastery currently under assault by your people. I hope you will not choose to strike against the peaceful aid we send but if a citizen of the SPR dies by Rothuun hand it will mean war between our people."

2019-07-18, 11:42 AM
Sai and the Tezh Envoy
"Oh pardon me!" Sai looked alarmed by her perceived gaffe.

"I did not mean to offend! Please forgive me Riss, I didn't realize... though I suppose that's the genius behind you isn't it? Chief Intelligence Coordinator indeed, how very clever!" She peered at the bird-like Tezh more closely in admiration.

"How fascinating your planet sounds! Such variety. There are those amongst us that would return Droccen to its former natural glory, but it's been so long I must admit to being of the mind that it's best to start fresh than try and recover the lost." She gestured to the few animals she had been gifted.

"It's not much, but it's a start."

Amistad speaks up for the first time since the group reached the Empress, their rich bass choral voice quiet yet absolute in presence and stern tone. "You may disregard Riss' outburst, Empress Sai. Their antics are as carefully planned as my own. They are what would be called 'smoke tests' for our siblings, and They should apologize to you for this bit of social pranking. A coronation is no place to break decorum."

Riss blusters and ruffles their wings for a moment but without any support from the rest of the Tezh party They settle and comment with genuine contrition "Amistad is correct. My apologies Empress Sai. Yutov has been peaceful for some time now and We have been excited at the prospect of developments among so many new siblings.

Talotius takes the opportunity to return to the current situation now that Riss' behavior has been sorted... for now. "We would be honored to host your visit, Empress Sai. The planet's diversity is something We Tezh are proud of having assisted in contributing to - conditions were challenging for all life prior to initial contact. We are confident Thorvald would be delighted to guide you through the various biomes."

"Speaking of; Thorvald, We believe you bear the Consensus gift for the Empress.. that is not a pet." The last bit of Their words are a gentle nudge at Riss, who has been far less fidgety after being chastised by Amistad, the bird perks a bit and starts 'grooming'.

The male Stozudal smiles broadly, a large display of teeth and fangs beneath their whiskers "Yes" the translator chirps when he gives a guttural affirmation to Talotius' comment. The others step aside and let him come forward, the attache case locked to one wrist being lifted and presented with both hands while a second set of arms - previously unseen for having been folded with hands clasped behind his torso - come forward and unclip the locks, lifting the lid. "Empress Sai, may I present the Consensus gift: the Living Fire Diadem."

The draws up to reveal a lush interior of light devouring black velvet upon which rests a constellation of almost thirty pale white translucent stones of various shapes and sizes, placed carefully but apparently unfastened to anything else. "The living fire stones were, for most of our history, a beautiful mystery. Gathered and traded - the core of our currency. As our technology advanced we would return to them and learn more of what made them special each time. It was one of these times where we came into contact with the Tezh, from whom we learned so much more and have come to be one people yet still proud of the different parts that make it up." The translator's flat intonations are buoyed by the deep rumbling native tongue, and a sense of deep reverence can be picked up easily in the telling.

"Each of these were crafted by stone masters of their respective tribal regions, all of which have special and secret techniques to bring out a particular characteristic of the stone's inner fire they found appealing. In addition, Tezh technicians have imbued them with a spark of their own, so that you may wear or display them in the way you find most pleasing. They were sealed in this case after being brought together because the next being to touch them will be the one to imbue them with inner light, unique to that person, forevermore" Thorvald's voice pauses to let the Empress view the gift in peace for a brief period and decide whether she wishes to activate them now or when there is more time after the coronation.

Talotius speaks up from the side "What Thorvald references is that Tezh have touched the harmonic of these stones and implanted basic instructions for them to respond to the wishes of the one that initiates their fire. You may instruct them to organize in a pattern and shape of your choosing, be it necklace, tiara, bracelet, static or mobile display."

2019-07-18, 12:09 PM
Ool, the Rothuun, and Others

Ool considers the question carefully. "At the moment," he says slowly, "We have no official stance on either of them. At the moment, the Core is not within our territorial ambitions, but..." He grins. "Exploring it would be quite the adventure! All the secrets to uncover, things hidden away...Ha! And the death traps. You can't forget the death traps. Pitting your wits against the greatest minds of bygone eras! A thrill to be sure."

He reigns himself in again. "As for the Sisterhood, we have no particular leanings towards them one way or the other. They have not interfered in our affairs, but we don't approve of the Gelean alliance with the Eradicators to destroy them. The Eradicators are a galactic unknown and we are wary of anyone who assists them."

But then it seems that others seem eager to engage the Rothuun diplomat, so Ool keeps an eye on him and stands a few feet away to continue his conversation with Dio. "Weeeell," he says, an amused smile, "If you promise not to test fire it. I believe I'm on thin ice with the security now."

He holds it up for inspection. The pistol is, for the most part, conventional in design. You aim down the barrel, hold onto the grip, and squeeze the trigger to fire. However, in place of a firing mechanism and cylinder, a single, smooth crystal is held in place by metal bands. There is a mechanism for ejecting it and replacing it, when necessary, and the barrel has several focusing lenses of unknown specification.

Ool and the Tezh

Ool has been through many harrowing situations and has developed a sort of 'sixth sense' for unusual things. That, or he noticed the people moving out of the way. He turns as Amistads approaches. "Ah! Hello friend. Or so I hope."

He nods. "Amistads, I see. Ah, and I am Ool Vulk, if you didn't catch that before." A wry smile crosses his face. "Those unprepared for action can still get shot, I'm afraid. Best to be on your toes, so to speak. Quick and decisive action can carry the day."

Stellar Affairs

"At the moment, we are considering several options," Ool says, "Diplomacy is, of course, the first resort, but there is a plan we could propose that might work. However, it might not be something we would wish to discuss in the middle of a crowded room with reporters, cameras, and microphones everywhere."

2019-07-18, 01:04 PM
Ool and the Tezh

Ool has been through many harrowing situations and has developed a sort of 'sixth sense' for unusual things. That, or he noticed the people moving out of the way. He turns as Amistads approaches. "Ah! Hello friend. Or so I hope."

He nods. "Amistads, I see. Ah, and I am Ool Vulk, if you didn't catch that before." A wry smile crosses his face. "Those unprepared for action can still get shot, I'm afraid. Best to be on your toes, so to speak. Quick and decisive action can carry the day."

"Greetings Ool Vulk. We concur; the linear time of physicality does not allow for full examination of all outcomes and choosing one." the bass choral voice intones "We recognize the energy signature of your weapon: compact, potent, scalable depending on material" the Tactician replays sensor data of the event, pausing briefly in their commentary "and efficiently deployed".

Amistad fires off another private data packet to Talotius and receives confirmation before going on "We would be interested in inspecting the crystal lattice configuration of the power source, if permitted. It may be possible to enhance efficiency so that reloading need not occur at inopportune moments."

Amistad's collective take closer stock of the Lyraen, again refraining from making full use of available resources to scan the figure. After having chided Riss for Their behavior They are not about to be a hypocrite and do it in turn. There's still a fair bit of surface data to work with, from Ool's elastic readied stance to attentive automatic reactions to his surroundings.

"We had noted that you arrived armed. Truthfully, as an unknown we had to approximate your likelihood of altruistic vs aggressive action as 50/50. Having observed your actions, we wonder if this event is as tedious to you as it is to Us. Had you not acted the Droccen Guardians would have likely dealt with the transgression quickly and efficiently. It leaves very little room for skills and tools honed for conflict."

Despite the deadpan delivery, Amistad very clearly is bored with the party and feeling out a 'guys of action like us' moment of camaraderie with the Lyraen.

2019-07-18, 01:25 PM
That entire mess with many people

Kimdt was frozen in place as the tripod headed over to her and eventhough it was blasted into uselessness before it could even reach her, it was as if she the tripod did hit her with full lethal intent; until the moment she actually started moving again. Could starfishes faint? Who knows? But the Melfynians were merely content to let the Rothuun be on their way with sufficient proximity from them.

They could hear every now and then some mention of the core, but decided it was not for them. There should be a good reason for why they were warned away from it by the Sisters, they felt, and Kimdt only asked the Grymlans she was following after they were able to break away from all that excitement, "what if the searching lets the something out?"

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-18, 01:44 PM
<Our ambitions lie toward the core. Currently the Sisterhood is in our way, and opposes our goals. If the Sisterhood was to agree to our terms, we would be willing to allow the Droccen, or others, to evacuate them from the Morning Bloom monastery, in exchange for some kind of reward. However, I find it unlikely that the Sisterhood would agree to leave us alone.>

Offer to not purge the One LC in Baryshev in exchange for the Sisterhood leaving and not converting the LC in Taurina I, and potentially a reward TBD.

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-18, 02:44 PM
"That is, without a doubt, the tackiest thing I have ever seen."

Milling about near the gifts table, the Consuls' son gestured aghast to the bejeweled HIMS Penetrator and wrinkled his nose at the name. He didn't bother to lower his voice as he continued to address his entourage.

"Honestly. It looks like something my father would have paid too much money for to display in the foyer. That is a bloody Rococo spaceship. Marie Antoinette would tell them to tone it down a little!" The Dauphine existed as a fictional character, and the French Revolution as a parable for the aristocracy. An unfathomably wealthy aristocracy was fine as long as you let people vote for which unfathomably wealthy aristocrat got to be Senator or Consul and you ate a hotdog on camera once in a while.

"Oh, they don't know any better, I suppose," one of Constantine's friends mused aloud. "These savages brought weapons to a coronation after all. It's a miracle they can operate a shirt button."

2019-07-18, 02:46 PM
The Parade

Children laughed and parents marveled at the various species, races, and assortment of individual beings whom wandered from Port Isshoni to the Imperial Palace. From the marvelous facade of the Knight's Vacio's King of Space's flexing, to the purposeful procession of the Hearthlings, to the curious camaraderie of the Grymlans or the calm collected gaze of Chairman Vaou and the uniformed Red Fleet diplomats. On and on it went, and if the various diplomats here for the coronation had any reaction to the mass of Droccen they were - perhaps inadvertently - entertaining, the crowd certainly wasn't able to remember much before the next thing, the next diplomat, the next procession happened.

It truly was a parade, and very fitting for today's Coronation of the Princess.

Why, even a jaunty jester appeared, in full deep blue and bright orange motley! Moving forward on the path on a large floating ball, every step the jester took, the ball spun and rolled further along the parade, making music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTt026NTQfE) and noise as it went by. Besides his colorful clothing, the jester juggled to the tune, speeding up or slowing down as the music did. His head was covered by a white and blue mask, which was a rigid face of joy at the forefront, and two other emotional sides - sorrowful sadness and dramatic anger - that formed an almost circular wedge. All three 'faces' were covered by a matching motley jester cap, the bells of which emitted the same jaunty tune as the ball the jester made move a foot off the ground.

Every so often, the jovial joker would jump and leap, clearly playing up the crowd's amusement, and still, he would keep juggling. Three juggling balls, then four, then five! Jumping, juggling, just enjoying the jam - for the parade goers, even amidst the many creatures both unusual and alien, the jester stood out - and then it looked like he began to struggle. Somewhere, he'd obtained a sixth ball, and whether it was skilled acting, or legitimate difficulty, the juggling was becoming tense; the whole crowd watched, in rapt attention, as the suffering fool began to flail and looked to soon fail, maybe cause himself harm... when to the children's delight, and their parent's surprise, before their very sight and their very eyes, a seventh juggling ball joined the circle... along with a third arm!

Where before it had wibbled and wobbled, the third arm, coming from behind the jester's back, seemed to make even seven juggling balls too easy for the foolish fop to track. Even to the sound of the music as the beat and the percussion picked up, and with one great feat, all seven juggling balls joined the air as the jester back-flipped, and landed not on his feet, but used the musical ball as a seat, coming to a complete stop in the middle of the large crowd, just behind Chairman Vaou's Red Fleet. With the music coming to a screeching halt, he snagged each of the seven juggling balls without fault, making them move through the air like planets around his now exposed and sweaty short black hair.

And then... the juggling balls just disappeared. One after another, they just... winked away. It would not do to make the Tezh - who were behind the Sublime People's Republic and the jovial jester - have to wait on the fop, since the funny man had - like his music - come to a complete and total stop. So from his perch on the floating no-longer-musical ball, tucking his hair back under his fool's cap, the tune started up once again, as the jester moved on his two feet and three arms dancing and whirling... and the whole act would start once more, for a new crowd, a new group of people, Droccen and diplomats alike.

There were many things in the parade - many things that caught the eye, grabbed the soul, and filled it with wonder - but everyone agreed that Chariman Vaou's jester was the highlight of the parade.

Though many people argued it was leading the way for the Tezh, and was, in fact their jester. The Red Fleet certainly thought so, even if some of the Tezh were sure the joker had appeared with the Chairman's people. The crowd was undecided, and didn't care. The children were happy, and it was just a juggler. So what if some people thought the three-faced jester was with the People's Republic or the Tezh Consensus?

What very few knew, at least the day of, was that both sides were wrong.

The Imperial Palace

The jester, in his dark blue and orange motley, on his weird musical ball, juggling with his three arms, and generally making a big old fool of himself? He slipped right on in to the Imperial Palace without a single guard giving him a second glance, so long as he continued to play and entertain. He mingled right in with the gathering of delegates, and it was hours before anyone inside the party thought to ask... who really brought him here?

2019-07-18, 08:33 PM
Sai crossed her arms, perturbed at Eladia's tone.

"We are aware of the plight of our ecosystem, thanks. We only today received gifts of animals and trees to help jumpstart our re-greenification project. The Ninurtine and the Syndrome were especially generous as they brought useful gifts that will move us forward to that effect." She pursed her lips in irritation.

"I suppose we might have use for your bombs someday if that is what you wish to gift us." It may have been implied that she wished to use them on Eladia herself at that moment.

Eladia's eyes narrowed though the corner of her lips quirked slightly in amusement at arousing the Princess's perturbation.

"My people no longer dwell upon the surface of our planet, we have ascended to live in space stations in orbit. We have successfully restored our planet's ecosystem. I could pass along our research, I suppose." Eladia flipped her long hair over her shoulder.

Stellar Affairs

"At the moment, we are considering several options," Ool says, "Diplomacy is, of course, the first resort, but there is a plan we could propose that might work. However, it might not be something we would wish to discuss in the middle of a crowded room with reporters, cameras, and microphones everywhere."

"The let us stop wasting time and find a place of suitable privacy to speak. We will most certainly not have the chance to speak of a plan in person again soon."

"That is, without a doubt, the tackiest thing I have ever seen."

Milling about near the gifts table, the Consuls' son gestured aghast to the bejeweled HIMS Penetrator and wrinkled his nose at the name. He didn't bother to lower his voice as he continued to address his entourage.

"Honestly. It looks like something my father would have paid too much money for to display in the foyer. That is a bloody Rococo spaceship. Marie Antoinette would tell them to tone it down a little!" The Dauphine existed as a fictional character, and the French Revolution as a parable for the aristocracy. An unfathomably wealthy aristocracy was fine as long as you let people vote for which unfathomably wealthy aristocrat got to be Senator or Consul and you ate a hotdog on camera once in a while.

"Oh, they don't know any better, I suppose," one of Constantine's friends mused aloud. "These savages brought weapons to a coronation after all. It's a miracle they can operate a shirt button."

The Imperial Palace
The jester, in his dark blue and orange motley, on his weird musical ball, juggling with his three arms, and generally making a big old fool of himself? He slipped right on in to the Imperial Palace without a single guard giving him a second glance, so long as he continued to play and entertain. He mingled right in with the gathering of delegates, and it was hours before anyone inside the party thought to ask... who really brought him here?

Eladia appeared at the man's shoulder.

"It's almost laughingly gauche." She wrinkled her nose at it though there was much to admire upon the gift table. A frolicking jester caught her attention with his antics.

"Speaking of gauche, is that the Princess's jester?" Her tone implied it was just the sort of thing she expected from Sai.

2019-07-18, 09:33 PM
Syndrome and Droccen

"Yes, they are." Most buildings are made from carefully pruned land corals, but some are made from large trees as well. "It is a difficult art, which our craftswomen put much effort into."

2019-07-18, 10:09 PM
Grymlans + Melfynians + Rothuun

Grymlans and the Space King

At the Space King's outburst, Jeejee glanced back at Beaz who was reaching, again, for the button and waved her off again. She turned to address Space King Delon with a smile, "Hihi, I'm afraid you were given wronginfo, Grymlans speakuse no more W's than other races, at least as we seehear. But it is nicenice to meet you. I'm Jeejee Scrapseeker and if I thinkknow right, you are Jacques Delon, Lead-er... Space King of the Fightypeople of Vacio? Grymlans were surprised that you moveshifted your powerchair to nearby region. Was there something you wanted to asktalk about?"

A true SPACE KING is a master of moveshifting. Fortunately my throne is a hover chair so it moves where SPACE KING PLEASES. I simply ask your you not to be alarmed if our FIGHTYMUSCLES pin you to the core. Dare I say we could become FRIENNDDSS.

Jaques took a look at the alluring button, never in the past 5 minutes had he been so mesmerized. "Can....press the button, Ill give A SPACE HORSE?"

<As large as space is, it ain’t big enough for the two of us, to quote an old expression. You must understand, the Rothuun need an enemy to fight. Without an enemy, internal tensions rise, and civil war is inevitable. But with a war, we remain united and simultaneously expand, as every belief we hold has determined necessary. The only question is whether or not the Sisterhood should be our primary enemy... or if it should be somebody else.>

I mean if defenseless nuns are you're primary enemy I shudder beneath your bovine might.


Dio stroked the ambassadors gun with a delicateness and affection often reserved for children. Nice, nice , we don't use those crystals anymore, too many incidents of spontaneous combustion, the paper work was just the worst too.

Dio then took out his firearm, a gun that resembles a rifle, with a some what larger muzzle to make space for a plasma bayonet. "This is our standard weapon, good for long and short range scuffles, especially with the bayonett."

2019-07-18, 11:06 PM
A small ship, slender and filled mostly with water, arrived at the Droccen planet for the Coronation of Empress Sai. On-board were three Rocthurhi, lead by Shashagoona, one of Faugloglys's assistants. Shashagoona led his small pod off the craft and joined the festivities, making their way towards the Empress. In a crowd like this Shashagoona was not as concerned about remaining non-threatening, so stood closer to 5 meters tall, and the other Rocthurhi followed their lead.

They made their way through the crowd to what appeared to be a line of different races waiting to offer gifts to the new Empress. When it was their turn they approached the Empress and bowed as best they could.

Greetings, Empress. This one is Shashagoona, assistant to Consensus Leader Faugloglys <an image of the Rocthurhi that you are more familiar with>. We have been asked o express their sadness at being unable to attend this important event <Faugloglys bowing then lowering themselves to the ground as if to move lower and make themselves smaller>, and we have been asked to provide you with a token of the Rocthurhi's support for your reign and long life.

Shashagoona produced a large spiraling seashell, colored in swirls of bright red and deep blue, polished to a perfect shrine. With the spiraling curve of the shell it shined colorfully in the light from any angle.

These is the rarest natural treasures from the depths of our homeworld <deep, almost black, salty water>. They are made over many decades at the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean by snails that never get to see the shell reflect any light at all <a sense of tragic irony>. May your reign last at least as long as this took to make, and shine at least as brightly as it does at noon.

2019-07-18, 11:20 PM
A true SPACE KING is a master of moveshifting. Fortunately my throne is a hover chair so it moves where SPACE KING PLEASES. I simply ask your you not to be alarmed if our FIGHTYMUSCLES pin you to the core. Dare I say we could become FRIENNDDSS.

Jaques took a look at the alluring button, never in the past 5 minutes had he been so mesmerized. "Can....press the button, Ill give A SPACE HORSE?"

While some of the Melfynians have spotted the jester, the energy the man had which was just about as much as the Rothuun distressed them and just like the Rothuun, they too kept away from the jester. Some at least, like Kimdt, found the Grymlans and the space king a lot more fun- if that was what they needed in the coronation.

A harkan upon seeing the hover chair asked "where the space king pleases? How are the chair's specs? Is there any distance or speed limitations?"

The Melfynians' de facto representative Kimdt followed up by asking, although not quite in tune with current affairs, "how do you determine what are your fightymuscles? We aren't too familiar with your biology but are they heavy? Is that why you need a flying chair?" While the Vacio seem to have the same inclination as the threatening Rothuun, the kings whimsy put the harkan more at ease. And then as if the mere mention of it put in more life into the conversation, "w-w-whats a space horse?!"

2019-07-18, 11:29 PM
At the Imperial Palace

The Viceroy and his entourage dismounted their horses while handlers rushed forward to lead the animals away. As one the group of dignitaries bowed while their guards raised their glaives in salute. Azric smiled before he spoke.
"Your Most Serene Grace, it is an honour to be invited to this most auspicious of occasions," he said, his voice strong, firm and warm, "All of Amanyk extends condolences to you however. We know that this cannot be the easiest of times for you but I see at once that you bear the burden of nobility and royalty with strength and grace that few possess. I have been empowered by the Conclave to present unto you gifts."
The servants at the back of the group hurried forth with their boxes and bowed before Sai as they offered them up. The man in the jewelled cloak stepped forward and took the first, and smallest, box and opened it to reveal an opalescent crystal amulet. It hung from a chain, each link of which was individually carved from crystal rather than formed of metal, and was itself carved to resemble a brilliant shining sun.
"A personal shield, to protect you from all harm Your Grace. Instructions for its use are within the box."
The next box was opened, this one much much larger and a long sword clearly sized for one of the Tal-Amanyn to use two handed lay within. It's blade was of gleaming crystal that shone through the clear and ever so slightly iridescent scabbard. It was held in place with a golden cord.
"A sword from the Conclave's armoury. Almost unbreakable. Almost. I suspect however that despite its lightness your Guardian would find it more comfortable."
The third and final box was opened and within was a crystal coronet carved to resemble flowers and leaves and a pair of matching earrings.
"And this, Your Grace, is merely something nice to wear and is a personal gift from Ursoa Jarrike, the Mistress of the Imperial Guild of Gemsmiths," he paused a moment, "There is one final 'gift', but I will not put you on the spot by presenting it now."
The young Tal-Amanyn who had opened the boxes looked away out of awkwardness.

"Your thoughtful gifts reveal much about your culture, Viceroy. I am honored by them. Please be assured they will be cherished artifacts passed on for generations, preserved in pris..." Her brow furrowed as Kuro hefted the sword.

"Kuro be careful with that!" Kuro looked to his ward in askance.

"Swords are meant to be wielded."

"Hmph. Oh you mentioned another gift? When would you like to present it. We can have a private audience after the coronation ceremony? At your leisure of course." She didn't wish to seem overly eager but she was quite curious.

Amistad speaks up for the first time since the group reached the Empress, their rich bass choral voice quiet yet absolute in presence and stern tone. "You may disregard Riss' outburst, Empress Sai. Their antics are as carefully planned as my own. They are what would be called 'smoke tests' for our siblings, and They should apologize to you for this bit of social pranking. A coronation is no place to break decorum."

Riss blusters and ruffles their wings for a moment but without any support from the rest of the Tezh party They settle and comment with genuine contrition "Amistad is correct. My apologies Empress Sai. Yutov has been peaceful for some time now and We have been excited at the prospect of developments among so many new siblings.

Talotius takes the opportunity to return to the current situation now that Riss' behavior has been sorted... for now. "We would be honored to host your visit, Empress Sai. The planet's diversity is something We Tezh are proud of having assisted in contributing to - conditions were challenging for all life prior to initial contact. We are confident Thorvald would be delighted to guide you through the various biomes."

"Speaking of; Thorvald, We believe you bear the Consensus gift for the Empress.. that is not a pet." The last bit of Their words are a gentle nudge at Riss, who has been far less fidgety after being chastised by Amistad, the bird perks a bit and starts 'grooming'.

The male Stozudal smiles broadly, a large display of teeth and fangs beneath their whiskers "Yes" the translator chirps when he gives a guttural affirmation to Talotius' comment. The others step aside and let him come forward, the attache case locked to one wrist being lifted and presented with both hands while a second set of arms - previously unseen for having been folded with hands clasped behind his torso - come forward and unclip the locks, lifting the lid. "Empress Sai, may I present the Consensus gift: the Living Fire Diadem."

The draws up to reveal a lush interior of light devouring black velvet upon which rests a constellation of almost thirty pale white translucent stones of various shapes and sizes, placed carefully but apparently unfastened to anything else. "The living fire stones were, for most of our history, a beautiful mystery. Gathered and traded - the core of our currency. As our technology advanced we would return to them and learn more of what made them special each time. It was one of these times where we came into contact with the Tezh, from whom we learned so much more and have come to be one people yet still proud of the different parts that make it up." The translator's flat intonations are buoyed by the deep rumbling native tongue, and a sense of deep reverence can be picked up easily in the telling.

"Each of these were crafted by stone masters of their respective tribal regions, all of which have special and secret techniques to bring out a particular characteristic of the stone's inner fire they found appealing. In addition, Tezh technicians have imbued them with a spark of their own, so that you may wear or display them in the way you find most pleasing. They were sealed in this case after being brought together because the next being to touch them will be the one to imbue them with inner light, unique to that person, forevermore" Thorvald's voice pauses to let the Empress view the gift in peace for a brief period and decide whether she wishes to activate them now or when there is more time after the coronation.

Talotius speaks up from the side "What Thorvald references is that Tezh have touched the harmonic of these stones and implanted basic instructions for them to respond to the wishes of the one that initiates their fire. You may instruct them to organize in a pattern and shape of your choosing, be it necklace, tiara, bracelet, static or mobile display."

Sai gasped as she beheld the beauty of the living fire stones.

"How wondrous they are, but tell me, once I choose their shape, are they set in that pattern for good?"

Eladia's eyes narrowed though the corner of her lips quirked slightly in amusement at arousing the Princess's perturbation.

"My people no longer dwell upon the surface of our planet, we have ascended to live in space stations in orbit. We have successfully restored our planet's ecosystem. I could pass along our research, I suppose." Eladia flipped her long hair over her shoulder.

"I would happily peruse your research." Sai conceded rather grudgingly.

"If you really have a vested interest in our restoration project, which I just came up with today, then we would gladly accept whatever assistance you could give us. Short of bombs."

Syndrome and Droccen

"Yes, they are." Most buildings are made from carefully pruned land corals, but some are made from large trees as well. "It is a difficult art, which our craftswomen put much effort into."

"If there was a way that could be done here, the Droccen would be forever grateful."

The Imperial Palace

The jester, in his dark blue and orange motley, on his weird musical ball, juggling with his three arms, and generally making a big old fool of himself? He slipped right on in to the Imperial Palace without a single guard giving him a second glance, so long as he continued to play and entertain. He mingled right in with the gathering of delegates, and it was hours before anyone inside the party thought to ask... who really brought him here?

Sai laughed and clapped along to the jester's antics but a quizzical look crossed her face.

"Kuro, what group did he come in with? It seemed that one second he wasn't here, and the next he was." Her Guardian shrugged as best he could in his unyielding metal body.

A small ship, slender and filled mostly with water, arrived at the Droccen planet for the Coronation of Empress Sai. On-board were three Rocthurhi, lead by Shashagoona, one of Faugloglys's assistants. Shashagoona led his small pod off the craft and joined the festivities, making their way towards the Empress. In a crowd like this Shashagoona was not as concerned about remaining non-threatening, so stood closer to 5 meters tall, and the other Rocthurhi followed their lead.

They made their way through the crowd to what appeared to be a line of different races waiting to offer gifts to the new Empress. When it was their turn they approached the Empress and bowed as best they could.

Greetings, Empress. This one is Shashagoona, assistant to Consensus Leader Faugloglys <an image of the Rocthurhi that you are more familiar with>. We have been asked o express their sadness at being unable to attend this important event <Faugloglys bowing then lowering themselves to the ground as if to move lower and make themselves smaller>, and we have been asked to provide you with a token of the Rocthurhi's support for your reign and long life.

Shashagoona produced a large spiraling seashell, colored in swirls of bright red and deep blue, polished to a perfect shrine. With the spiraling curve of the shell it shined colorfully in the light from any angle.

These is the rarest natural treasures from the depths of our homeworld <deep, almost black, salty water>. They are made over many decades at the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean by snails that never get to see the shell reflect any light at all <a sense of tragic irony>. May your reign last at least as long as this took to make, and shine at least as brightly as it does at noon.

"Shashagoona, it is such a pleasure to meet you, you are quite welcomed here. Please relay my warmest regards to Faugloglys when next you meet. The Rocthurhi have been such a great friend to us and I am so thankful for your beautiful gift." She took the shell gingerly as if afraid it might break.

"Please tell me, how is Ambassador Misazu acclimating on your world? Has she adapted well?"

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-19, 12:10 AM
Eladia appeared at the man's shoulder.

"It's almost laughingly gauche." She wrinkled her nose at it though there was much to admire upon the gift table. A frolicking jester caught her attention with his antics.

"Speaking of gauche, is that the Princess's jester?" Her tone implied it was just the sort of thing she expected from Sai.

Celenians thought precious little of other civilizations and races. Most of the cosmic rabble was just another flavor of lizard, dog, or cow. Claw, fang, and horn did not impress. But the ethereal Alysians unnerved them. They were the other extreme -- not primitive enough.

Constantine searched his memory for an appropriate Alysian greeting and did that. He'd studied such things for the express purpose of making a good impression on Sai.

"I'm glad you agree," he gave the gaudy model one last scoff and put his back to it. Regarding the jester, he added, "No, I haven't the faintest, but he looks exhausting. I had hoped this would be a more dignified affair."

2019-07-19, 01:28 AM
"Your thoughtful gifts reveal much about your culture, Viceroy. I am honored by them. Please be assured they will be cherished artifacts passed on for generations, preserved in pris..." Her brow furrowed as Kuro hefted the sword.

"Kuro be careful with that!" Kuro looked to his ward in askance.

"Swords are meant to be wielded."

"Hmph. Oh you mentioned another gift? When would you like to present it. We can have a private audience after the coronation ceremony? At your leisure of course." She didn't wish to seem overly eager but she was quite curious.

Azric just gave a smile as Kuro checked the weight and balance of the sword. Even with the scabbard in place it seemed as light as a blade half its size and as perfectly balanced as a precision instrument.
"Your Guardian is quite correct Your Grace," he said with a quick bow of the head, "The shield amulet and sword are meant as practical items. It would be a great honour for the Conclave's bladesmiths should one of their creations be wielded by so esteemed an individual as Guardian Kuro.
"As for our final gift, a private audience would be best. Whenever you have time between the numerous other meetings and audiences that will be required of you will do perfectly. We will be in orbit for some weeks, we did after all come a long way and thus relish the opportunity to experience the glories of so imperial a world."
What the Viceroy did not mention was that his chief engineer had informed him it would take that long to recharge the power core of the 'Sovereign's Grace' to the point they could leave orbit safely...

2019-07-19, 10:41 AM
Tezh delegation and Sai

Sai gasped as she beheld the beauty of the living fire stones.

"How wondrous they are, but tell me, once I choose their shape, are they set in that pattern for good?"

Sepia takes the opportunity to practice her Droccen, replying "They may be reconfigured as many times as you wish, Empress Sai. The stone settings include femto-tech for power and programming, with each stone's power source able to provide roughly a week's worth of placement maintenance if you wear them or motion if you choose to display them without the case, which is also the charging station and can keep the stones fully functional indefinitely when within one meter."

She gestures to the attache case Thorvald still holds on display "The case is built to match Droccen power systems, thanks to the medical team's information upon their return." The ebony Stozudal closes the case and clicks the locks back into place, one of the now free secondary hands unfastens the bracelet that had secured it to his wrist before that arm also folds away and he offers the complete kit with only a moment of hesitation trying to anticipate which of the Empress' staff would be the receiver.

Riss pipes up, a touch of pride rather than the previous cheeky attitude in Their voice "The case is currently coded securely and requires Our input to unlock, Empress. We will be happy to transfer authority whenever you are ready - now or perhaps after the festivities when we can guide you through how the system works."

2019-07-19, 11:03 AM
Ool and the Tezh

Ool nods. "I see we are of much the same mind, then!"

"Of course," he says and holds up the pistol for the Tezh's examination. "Though I would have you know that this is only a ceremonial pistol. If I had come expecting actual trouble, I would at least be wearing a suit of shardplate."

"Oh you know, it's no boarding action," Ool says, "But the Empress is a delight to talk to and the Droccens are very...well, they don't have tails, but they are pleasant to look at in their own way. I find that, in situations like this, it is best to look for enjoyment where and when you can. And of course, look for any excitement that might present itself."

Ool and the Proxos Situation

Ool nods and gives a slight bow with his head. "Then let us find a private spot."

So, is this where we want to say they discuss The Plan

Ool and Dio

Ool returns the pistol to his holster with a flourish. "Well, it is a ceremonial weapon, mostly. More for show, though I am well-practiced with it. As for close range..." He grins and shows off his teeth. "I'm afraid we have a bit of a natural edge on you. Armor up a little, put a little brace on the claws and fangs..." He shrugs. "Well, you can imagine the results."

Ool and the Celenians

Ool's ears pick up their words and, in a rare show of wisdom, he does not immediately approach. Instead, he begins to plot. Arrogance is only an admirable attribute if it's tempered by good nature and a touch of philanthropy, after all. Now...how to show them up? Hmm.

2019-07-19, 11:17 AM
It's never fun to be bored, which is what led Amistad to detach from the rest of the Tezh Consensus group and off on Their own after a brief disturbance.

If you're someone who's as nosy as an Intelligence offer would be then being bored can lead to interesting - if embarrassing - things. Riss, Chief of Intelligence, could lead to potentially dangerous outcomes when bored; and right now They were the Tezh equivalent of eye-rolling, sighing, troublemakingly bored.

Having been chastised for Their antics once, Riss had briefly paused in actively scanning the crowd. That didn't last long though and They began lazily focusing on each attendee in turn having fun picking out hidden weapons, false faces, and more and cataloguing them for who knows what later effort.

They were flipping through various data tabs while the scanning continued in the background. Suddenly something didn't feel right. Riss flipped back and forth through the last few data bits to make sure They hadn't missed anything and then swapped out for the scanning thread. ... THERE. That signature was ALL WRONG for this event. Recordings that Talotius had brought back from the Tessering Construct were clear about this signal and They began chasing it down.

At first it was some random dignitary, but upon finding and rescanning that individual the signal was gone. Then it was another from a different race. Riss played back the times and places of picking the reading up and found it traced a path which had been blocked by all the other people in the courtyard at various points when their sensors swept past and picked it up.

Opening a secure channel to Talotius, Riss' comment - flagged critical - was all business "I'm going up" and They got an immediate ping back to acknowledge it, and Riss leapt into the air from Sepia's shoulder, wheeling into the sky on Their four wings to get a top down perspective that allowed better scanning.

It didn't take long, replaying the locations of the sensor readings back from this vantage point "Got you.." They commented internally and correcting course to head in the direction of a very out of place figure on Riss' scope - a bizarre juggling jester. "Who the hell does that at a coronation?" They quip to Themselves "We know it's stuffy and boring.. but a Jester?"

Rather than fly directly there at first, Riss lands on various bits of the local area (flagpoles, light strings, whatever is available) and probes at everything about the figure each time. "Yeahhh.. you don't belong here" if a Tezh could squint menacingly, They'd be doing it right now.

Finally having made Their decision, Riss swoops in fast and low - for all intents and purposes just a bit of cranky wildlife - giving an audible screech that covers a deep scan impulse to the ball the Jester is maneuvering on before swinging up quickly and attempting to snatch one of the juggled balls from the air.

2019-07-19, 11:31 AM
Shashagoona and Ool Vulk

While mingling in the crowd, Shashagoona recognized a Lyraen and walked over in their direction, hoping to make as positive an impression with them as Ayl seemed to make with Faugloglys.

Excuse me, honored one <distinguished by Lyrae>. This one is Shashagoona, assistant to Consensus Leader Faugloglys <an image of Faugloglys bowing>, and we would like to greet you on behalf of our people <45 Rochturhi swimming in an ocean>.

Shashagoona extended one of their tentacles, mimicking a pawshake, as they were instructed by Faugloglys.

2019-07-19, 11:46 AM
Ool and the Tezh

Ool nods. "I see we are of much the same mind, then!"

"Of course," he says and holds up the pistol for the Tezh's examination. "Though I would have you know that this is only a ceremonial pistol. If I had come expecting actual trouble, I would at least be wearing a suit of shardplate."

"Oh you know, it's no boarding action," Ool says, "But the Empress is a delight to talk to and the Droccens are very...well, they don't have tails, but they are pleasant to look at in their own way. I find that, in situations like this, it is best to look for enjoyment where and when you can. And of course, look for any excitement that might present itself."

Amistad does not reach for the sidearm, Their optics zoom in and the tactical scanners come online long enough to inspect the offered device "It appears to be well maintained, not uncommon for ceremonial equipment" a slight change in the color of their cyclopian eye is the only indication of more intense scrutiny "We estimate it is tuned to roughly 85% potential efficiency, well above the observed median for equipment not intended for active use in conflict." The color fades and Amistad regards Ool directly "We approve." Social graces are still challenging for some Tezh to grasp, compliments being a big one.

The curved shape of the combined neck/head bobs once "The Empress is 'pleasant', disarmingly so. We expect she is far more capable than appearances suggest; systems of government like Droccen often have discreet conflict despite outward civility."

Amistad's surround-view perspective picks up Riss going skyward and at first They do not pay it mind, but when the bird begins to advance across the courtyard in a specific direction and then dives out of view suddenly the Prime Tactician's systems kick on full, although still not breaking decorum by activating all scanning systems within their capabilities.

"Indeed. 'Excitement' can take many forms" the bass choral voice intones in the usual deadpan, but in that delivery there is perhaps a hint of forshadowing. "We are unfamiliar with 'shardplate'. We have refrained from inspecting your full profile inappropriately, do you have currently have other defensive capabilities? We suspect it may be a relevant detail to consider in the near future."

Given that Amistad never took their 'eye' off Ool, that question could perhaps be a menacing one - but it is rare for someone to threaten you while at the same time saying they respect your privacy.

2019-07-19, 12:08 PM
Celenians thought precious little of other civilizations and races. Most of the cosmic rabble was just another flavor of lizard, dog, or cow. Claw, fang, and horn did not impress. But the ethereal Alysians unnerved them. They were the other extreme -- not primitive enough.

Constantine searched his memory for an appropriate Alysian greeting and did that. He'd studied such things for the express purpose of making a good impression on Sai.

"I'm glad you agree," he gave the gaudy model one last scoff and put his back to it. Regarding the jester, he added, "No, I haven't the faintest, but he looks exhausting. I had hoped this would be a more dignified affair."

Sukero had been browsing the gifts table and turned his attention on the jester as the two snooty aliens pointed him out. The Prince approached the pair and leaned his back against a table.

"He doesn't belong to us. See his dark hair peeking out? In fact, I can't recall seeing him arrive at all."

Azric just gave a smile as Kuro checked the weight and balance of the sword. Even with the scabbard in place it seemed as light as a blade half its size and as perfectly balanced as a precision instrument.
"Your Guardian is quite correct Your Grace," he said with a quick bow of the head, "The shield amulet and sword are meant as practical items. It would be a great honour for the Conclave's bladesmiths should one of their creations be wielded by so esteemed an individual as Guardian Kuro.
"As for our final gift, a private audience would be best. Whenever you have time between the numerous other meetings and audiences that will be required of you will do perfectly. We will be in orbit for some weeks, we did after all come a long way and thus relish the opportunity to experience the glories of so imperial a world."
What the Viceroy did not mention was that his chief engineer had informed him it would take that long to recharge the power core of the 'Sovereign's Grace' to the point they could leave orbit safely...

"I will wield it in defense of the Empress." Kuro nodded to the Viceroy and fastened the scabbard around his large form. Sai didn't look as though she knew how to respond to that so she changed the subject.

"Of course you are welcome to stay on Droccen as long as you want! Just let me know if you wish a change of scenery from your ship. There is plenty of room in the palace."

Tezh delegation and Sai

Sepia takes the opportunity to practice her Droccen, replying "They may be reconfigured as many times as you wish, Empress Sai. The stone settings include femto-tech for power and programming, with each stone's power source able to provide roughly a week's worth of placement maintenance if you wear them or motion if you choose to display them without the case, which is also the charging station and can keep the stones fully functional indefinitely when within one meter."

She gestures to the attache case Thorvald still holds on display "The case is built to match Droccen power systems, thanks to the medical team's information upon their return." The ebony Stozudal closes the case and clicks the locks back into place, one of the now free secondary hands unfastens the bracelet that had secured it to his wrist before that arm also folds away and he offers the complete kit with only a moment of hesitation trying to anticipate which of the Empress' staff would be the receiver.

Riss pipes up, a touch of pride rather than the previous cheeky attitude in Their voice "The case is currently coded securely and requires Our input to unlock, Empress. We will be happy to transfer authority whenever you are ready - now or perhaps after the festivities when we can guide you through how the system works."

Kuro stepped forward to take possession of the case.

"I should have some time after the ceremony! I can't wait to see how it all works and configure them for the first time." She clapped her hands in eager anticipation.

"Your Droccen is coming along nicely, by the way." She smiled as she complimented Sepia's efforts.

2019-07-19, 12:24 PM
Kuro stepped forward to take possession of the case.

"I should have some time after the ceremony! I can't wait to see how it all works and configure them for the first time." She clapped her hands in eager anticipation.

"Your Droccen is coming along nicely, by the way." She smiled as she complimented Sepia's efforts.

Thorvald passes the case to Kuro; offering to secure the cuff on their wrist if desired, alternately retracting the strap and letting the security device rest against the side of the case if declined.

Sepia's eyes glitter brightly at the compliment, a delighted smile on her muzzle as she bows her head in thanks.

"We thank you for your time, Empress. If you would please excuse us we shall move along so that others may enjoy your company." Talotius shepherds the rest of Their delegation on so the queue does not back up for audience with Sai.

2019-07-19, 05:11 PM
Syndrome and Droccen

"When I return home, I will send some specialists your way to make a quote."

Syndrome and Tezh and Spooky Jester

Orange-Crimson-Dawn stops and stares at the jester. His acrobatic feats are quite stunning, and she is half mesmerized by the movement of the balls. Hearing Riss' screech and seeing the diving Tezh delegate, she hurriedly shouts, "Look out!" to the targeted entertainer.

2019-07-19, 08:28 PM
The Parade

Children laughed and parents marveled at the various species, races, and assortment of individual beings whom wandered from Port Isshoni to the Imperial Palace. From the marvelous facade of the Knight's Vacio's King of Space's flexing, to the purposeful procession of the Hearthlings, to the curious camaraderie of the Grymlans or the calm collected gaze of Chairman Vaou and the uniformed Red Fleet diplomats. On and on it went, and if the various diplomats here for the coronation had any reaction to the mass of Droccen they were - perhaps inadvertently - entertaining, the crowd certainly wasn't able to remember much before the next thing, the next diplomat, the next procession happened.

It truly was a parade, and very fitting for today's Coronation of the Princess.

Why, even a jaunty jester appeared, in full deep blue and bright orange motley! Moving forward on the path on a large floating ball, every step the jester took, the ball spun and rolled further along the parade, making music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTt026NTQfE) and noise as it went by. Besides his colorful clothing, the jester juggled to the tune, speeding up or slowing down as the music did. His head was covered by a white and blue mask, which was a rigid face of joy at the forefront, and two other emotional sides - sorrowful sadness and dramatic anger - that formed an almost circular wedge. All three 'faces' were covered by a matching motley jester cap, the bells of which emitted the same jaunty tune as the ball the jester made move a foot off the ground.

Every so often, the jovial joker would jump and leap, clearly playing up the crowd's amusement, and still, he would keep juggling. Three juggling balls, then four, then five! Jumping, juggling, just enjoying the jam - for the parade goers, even amidst the many creatures both unusual and alien, the jester stood out - and then it looked like he began to struggle. Somewhere, he'd obtained a sixth ball, and whether it was skilled acting, or legitimate difficulty, the juggling was becoming tense; the whole crowd watched, in rapt attention, as the suffering fool began to flail and looked to soon fail, maybe cause himself harm... when to the children's delight, and their parent's surprise, before their very sight and their very eyes, a seventh juggling ball joined the circle... along with a third arm!

Where before it had wibbled and wobbled, the third arm, coming from behind the jester's back, seemed to make even seven juggling balls too easy for the foolish fop to track. Even to the sound of the music as the beat and the percussion picked up, and with one great feat, all seven juggling balls joined the air as the jester back-flipped, and landed not on his feet, but used the musical ball as a seat, coming to a complete stop in the middle of the large crowd, just behind Chairman Vaou's Red Fleet. With the music coming to a screeching halt, he snagged each of the seven juggling balls without fault, making them move through the air like planets around his now exposed and sweaty short black hair.

And then... the juggling balls just disappeared. One after another, they just... winked away. It would not do to make the Tezh - who were behind the Sublime People's Republic and the jovial jester - have to wait on the fop, since the funny man had - like his music - come to a complete and total stop. So from his perch on the floating no-longer-musical ball, tucking his hair back under his fool's cap, the tune started up once again, as the jester moved on his two feet and three arms dancing and whirling... and the whole act would start once more, for a new crowd, a new group of people, Droccen and diplomats alike.

There were many things in the parade - many things that caught the eye, grabbed the soul, and filled it with wonder - but everyone agreed that Chariman Vaou's jester was the highlight of the parade.

Though many people argued it was leading the way for the Tezh, and was, in fact their jester. The Red Fleet certainly thought so, even if some of the Tezh were sure the joker had appeared with the Chairman's people. The crowd was undecided, and didn't care. The children were happy, and it was just a juggler. So what if some people thought the three-faced jester was with the People's Republic or the Tezh Consensus?

What very few knew, at least the day of, was that both sides were wrong.

The Imperial Palace

The jester, in his dark blue and orange motley, on his weird musical ball, juggling with his three arms, and generally making a big old fool of himself? He slipped right on in to the Imperial Palace without a single guard giving him a second glance, so long as he continued to play and entertain. He mingled right in with the gathering of delegates, and it was hours before anyone inside the party thought to ask... who really brought him here?

The 3ft tall rat person quietly danced her way toward the jester once the figure arrived at the imperial palace. Seemingly entranced the rat danced around the mysterious jester all while draped in SPACE KINGs auxiliary outfit. Not long after 5 minute of dancing in circles around the jester the rat tipped what appeared to be a coin. Of course on closer observation was appears to be a coin is actually a communicator.

2019-07-19, 08:47 PM
Eladia appeared at the man's shoulder.

"It's almost laughingly gauche." She wrinkled her nose at it though there was much to admire upon the gift table. A frolicking jester caught her attention with his antics.

"Speaking of gauche, is that the Princess's jester?" Her tone implied it was just the sort of thing she expected from Sai.

Sai laughed and clapped along to the jester's antics but a quizzical look crossed her face.

"Kuro, what group did he come in with? It seemed that one second he wasn't here, and the next he was." Her Guardian shrugged as best he could in his unyielding metal body.

It's never fun to be bored, which is what led Amistad to detach from the rest of the Tezh Consensus group and off on Their own after a brief disturbance.

If you're someone who's as nosy as an Intelligence offer would be then being bored can lead to interesting - if embarrassing - things. Riss, Chief of Intelligence, could lead to potentially dangerous outcomes when bored; and right now They were the Tezh equivalent of eye-rolling, sighing, troublemakingly bored.

Having been chastised for Their antics once, Riss had briefly paused in actively scanning the crowd. That didn't last long though and They began lazily focusing on each attendee in turn having fun picking out hidden weapons, false faces, and more and cataloguing them for who knows what later effort.

They were flipping through various data tabs while the scanning continued in the background. Suddenly something didn't feel right. Riss flipped back and forth through the last few data bits to make sure They hadn't missed anything and then swapped out for the scanning thread. ... THERE. That signature was ALL WRONG for this event. Recordings that Talotius had brought back from the Tessering Construct were clear about this signal and They began chasing it down.

At first it was some random dignitary, but upon finding and rescanning that individual the signal was gone. Then it was another from a different race. Riss played back the times and places of picking the reading up and found it traced a path which had been blocked by all the other people in the courtyard at various points when their sensors swept past and picked it up.

Opening a secure channel to Talotius, Riss' comment - flagged critical - was all business "I'm going up" and They got an immediate ping back to acknowledge it, and Riss leapt into the air from Sepia's shoulder, wheeling into the sky on Their four wings to get a top down perspective that allowed better scanning.

It didn't take long, replaying the locations of the sensor readings back from this vantage point "Got you.." They commented internally and correcting course to head in the direction of a very out of place figure on Riss' scope - a bizarre juggling jester. "Who the hell does that at a coronation?" They quip to Themselves "We know it's stuffy and boring.. but a Jester?"

Rather than fly directly there at first, Riss lands on various bits of the local area (flagpoles, light strings, whatever is available) and probes at everything about the figure each time. "Yeahhh.. you don't belong here" if a Tezh could squint menacingly, They'd be doing it right now.

Finally having made Their decision, Riss swoops in fast and low - for all intents and purposes just a bit of cranky wildlife - giving an audible screech that covers a deep scan impulse to the ball the Jester is maneuvering on before swinging up quickly and attempting to snatch one of the juggled balls from the air.

Sukero had been browsing the gifts table and turned his attention on the jester as the two snooty aliens pointed him out. The Prince approached the pair and leaned his back against a table.

"He doesn't belong to us. See his dark hair peeking out? In fact, I can't recall seeing him arrive at all."

Orange-Crimson-Dawn stops and stares at the jester. His acrobatic feats are quite stunning, and she is half mesmerized by the movement of the balls. Hearing Riss' screech and seeing the diving Tezh delegate, she hurriedly shouts, "Look out!" to the targeted entertainer.

The jester did not bother looking up.

Still on his musical sphere, juggling all the while, one of his three arms flicked a ball like a projectile. Whether it was meant to throw the Tezh off, or make it easier for Riss to catch, it was unclear; but it prevented any kind of Tezh-Jester crash.

Instead, Riss observed the ball - cloth with sand inside - and dropped it back down, but what she didn't expect was that there were soon more coming from the clown. He would catch what she dropped and send more right back, and soon outside observers were sure that this was all part of the act.

The 3ft tall rat person quietly danced her way toward the jester once the figure arrived at the imperial palace. Seemingly entranced the rat danced around the mysterious jester all while draped in SPACE KINGs auxiliary outfit. Not long after 5 minute of dancing in circles around the jester the rat tipped what appeared to be a coin. Of course on closer observation was appears to be a coin is actually a communicator.

Even the SPACE KING'S entourage was clapping along, enjoying the fool's antics and listening to the song. While still juggling with the Tezh in the air, though at first hard to track, the jester leaned downwards, picked up a coin, and continued juggling - one extra arm tucked behind his back! Though he still only had three, he was now only using two, which while normal for others, for the fop? The difficulty grew.

Other than the jaunty music, he still made no sound, no noise, but it was clear he was an entertainer; the smiles on the girls and boys! Though hidden by the mask, how could he not be feeling bliss? People were enjoying this duo act of the jester and Riss!

The jokester started to move away, increasing the distance and the throws, but at the same time, the gap between him and Princess Sai started to close.

2019-07-19, 10:37 PM
The jester did not bother looking up.

Still on his musical sphere, juggling all the while, one of his three arms flicked a ball like a projectile. Whether it was meant to throw the Tezh off, or make it easier for Riss to catch, it was unclear; but it prevented any kind of Tezh-Jester crash.

Instead, Riss observed the ball - cloth with sand inside - and dropped it back down, but what she didn't expect was that there were soon more coming from the clown. He would catch what she dropped and send more right back, and soon outside observers were sure that this was all part of the act.

Even the SPACE KING'S entourage was clapping along, enjoying the fool's antics and listening to the song. While still juggling with the Tezh in the air, though at first hard to track, the jester leaned downwards, picked up a coin, and continued juggling - one extra arm tucked behind his back! Though he still only had three, he was now only using two, which while normal for others, for the fop? The difficulty grew.

Other than the jaunty music, he still made no sound, no noise, but it was clear he was an entertainer; the smiles on the girls and boys! Though hidden by the mask, how could he not be feeling bliss? People were enjoying this duo act of the jester and Riss!

The jokester started to move away, increasing the distance and the throws, but at the same time, the gap between him and Princess Sai started to close.

Sai's attention was soon turned to the strange jester and she clapped along to the music and bounced on her feet in rhythm.

"Go Riss!" She cheered on her little Tehz friend as it juggled with the entertainer. Korima directed her cameraman to the performer and was soon clapping along as well.

2019-07-19, 11:04 PM
The jester did not bother looking up.

Still on his musical sphere, juggling all the while, one of his three arms flicked a ball like a projectile. Whether it was meant to throw the Tezh off, or make it easier for Riss to catch, it was unclear; but it prevented any kind of Tezh-Jester crash.

Instead, Riss observed the ball - cloth with sand inside - and dropped it back down, but what she didn't expect was that there were soon more coming from the clown. He would catch what she dropped and send more right back, and soon outside observers were sure that this was all part of the act.


Riss spun a quick roll to avoid the actual thrown trajectory of the ball but grasped in Their claws, initiating a quick scan and getting frustrated that this object did indeed seem harmless. Finishing the maneuver they launched it back at the Jester, and then more came. It was both game and deadly serious on Riss' part to inspect every single ball, all the while making sure They did not get simply tossed repeat balls - marking them subtly with a chemical signature before chucking them back at the figure.

"We don't like this, he's moving again" the bird transmitted to the Speaker. They began tracking a slow pursuit, keeping up the juggling 'entertainment' by swatting them adeptly back at him with a wing here or there when the balls were fast incoming and they had verified a previous signature on the return. "Talotius, We recommend moving away from the Empress - seems pretty clear this motley fool is headed that way" and there was an instant response in that the Speaker charmingly excused Themselves from their conversation partner and herded the two Stozudal in a different direction out of the path of the jester's seemly on a whim.

"Amistad if you aren't powered up already, do it and get your bucket moving to the Empress" the arial frame continued the relentless back and forth with the Jester without missing a beat. "How can these idiots not be suspicious of him?" the Intel Chief complained to Themselves. Well at least if they aren't panicking there might still be a quiet way to close this off - the last thing Riss wanted to do was shout 'BOMB!' and be wrong since despite everything they've been able to scan so far nothing was ACTUALLY bad other than the jester being so completely and painfully out of place, so they kept up the act with the interloper, even trying to embellish a bit hoping to keep the crowd engaged.

Ool - Almost better than a stiff drink?

Amistad was indeed already getting themselves fully prepared for conflict, mention of the uninvited figure making a line for the Empress made a clear case for breaking political protocol. The bird was back above the crowd, apparently having a tossing match of some sort with the figure. The blue combat frame carried different sensors than Riss had onboard but with more space they were much more potent, and while They weren't picking up explosive or energy signatures above the crowd they did catch a trace of the bird's mark. They may make it look like a game but Amistad trusted Their suspicious nature.

Turning in place to leave, They paused mid step and looked over to Ool "We are moving to intervene. If conflict occurs, we recommend using Us as cover. Decision time, Ool Vulk."

With the invitation left open Amistad completes their turn and sets off, internal diagnostics tick off green at a rapid pace and are fully readied before They have covered half the distance to Their planned point a few meters away from Sai directly between her and the Jester, at the current rate it allows Them to get in the way of the Jester without breaking into more than a brisk walk so long as the intruder's pace stays constant.

They send a secure packet to both the other Tezh in the courtyard "En route."

2019-07-19, 11:20 PM
Syndrome: The show must go on

The jester's antics continue to amuse Orange without her noticing his suspicious movements. But the young Syndrome knows far less of statecraft than the Overlady. Suspecting an assassin, she quietly steps away from Empress Sai. A perceptive person might notice a serpentine creature slithering out of one of her sleeves and wrapping itself around her upper right and lower left wrists. The snake is her weapon of choice; it is easily concealed, and she has mastered the art of throwing it in battle. Two more are coiled under her garments, around the joint where her thorax and abdomen meet.

2019-07-20, 08:19 AM
Dumuneshar watched in something approaching disbelief as an increasing number of individuals appeared to recognise the threat posed by the inexplicable jester, without anyone taking decisive action, as he moved closer and closer to Sai.

He expressed his thoughts in somewhat terse fashion over the commlink.

"You suspect an assassin?" Ledahadden asked.

"I always suspect an assassin. This is more suspicious than usual."

"In that case decoy protocols would seem appropriate."

"Only if the target is our own Empress, which seems unlikely. Most likely the target will be Empress Sai, and that's-"

"Dammit, Captain, we don't have time for a philosophical debate. Use one decoy to get our Empress out of the threat radius, and another for Empress Sai."

"Noted." A moment passed, then, "We don't have Sai. It seems we've never had the opportunity to log her."

"Alright, Sukero then. I know we have Sukero, and he's still a member of the Imperial family. It's better than nothing." She thought for a moment. "But Shiri will give him away. We need one decoy Guardian too. Have them rendezvous on my location."

"This feels like a major breach of diplomatic etiquette. Shouldn't we get authorisation from the Empress before-"

"We should, but we can't. Call it a councillor executive override if anyone queries it, just do it. I'll deal with the formalities afterwards."

"Affirmed. Wait, did you say your location?"

"Conversation over, captain."

Ledahadden moved quickly over to the gifts table where Sukero was standing. "Prince Sukero, how wonderful to see you again!" she cried, and kissed him full on the mouth. At the same time she took him in her arms, spinning him around with what he might have found a surprisingly strong and firm grip, before releasing him a moment later.

A new Sukero stood before the prince, all but identical to the eye, as a Guardian moved up behind "him". The false Sukero winked at his true self, and jerked his head at Shiri as if to indicate 'get out of here' before turning away to head off through the crowd.

At the same time, someone discreetly moved Empress Daregense further from the jester, while another clone reappeared a few moments later in almost the same place.

2019-07-20, 12:45 PM
The Kron are honored to be invited to such an interesting cultural event. I do not understand it but I respect it. This is an interesting planet you thrive on. Very cold here but colorful, my planet is very dark so it is a nice change of scenery. I hope you excuse the simplicity of my gift. Not much is on our planet save for rock and well rock. I have brought you a old pice of obsidian glass with a Get'zkathk fang in it. We don't know why but it can be used to charge small electrical devices or alternatively a bug zapper. King-General Krazkul Wanders off.

Nozdak was sitting watching the jester and his act with amusement and awe at the spectacle. He started thinking to himself how well a race like that could fight. 3 arms means 3 weapons. He watches with an expert eye noting the jesters expert aim when throwing the balls to the alien called... Riss was it? as he scanned the crowd noting there reactions he noticed the concern of some of the higher ups near the princess. He also noticed confusion with who the jester belonged to. He began to grow suspicious. He started heading toward the area with the princess. He then overheard some concerning remarks from one of the higher-ups of the group. All he caught was the word Assassin before a guard told him he could go no further. As he watched from afar he put his hand on his weapon.

Walking up to the guard. I would like to speak to the princess on a matter of the entertainment

2019-07-20, 01:27 PM
"I will wield it in defense of the Empress." Kuro nodded to the Viceroy and fastened the scabbard around his large form. Sai didn't look as though she knew how to respond to that so she changed the subject.

"Of course you are welcome to stay on Droccen as long as you want! Just let me know if you wish a change of scenery from your ship. There is plenty of room in the palace."

Azric gave Kuro a friendly nod of appreciation. Though the Viceroy was no warrior himself, he admired those who gave themselves to the defence of others. He soon focused back on the Empress though.
"Are you certain Your Grace?" he said, "My entourage is quite large and there is the matter of our horses. I would not wish to impose upon your hospitality."
He scratched his chin for a second.
"Though if you insist that I stay as your guest I will merely dispense with the majority of my entourage. It would of course mean I would be on hand for that private audience whenever you have a spare moment."

2019-07-20, 05:12 PM
Azric gave Kuro a friendly nod of appreciation. Though the Viceroy was no warrior himself, he admired those who gave themselves to the defence of others. He soon focused back on the Empress though.
"Are you certain Your Grace?" he said, "My entourage is quite large and there is the matter of our horses. I would not wish to impose upon your hospitality."
He scratched his chin for a second.
"Though if you insist that I stay as your guest I will merely dispense with the majority of my entourage. It would of course mean I would be on hand for that private audience whenever you have a spare moment."

"Of course I insist! You are quite welcome to stay as my guest, and whoever else in your entourage besides." She turned her head from the camera.

"I promise, Korima does not follow me around normally."

Dumuneshar watched in something approaching disbelief as an increasing number of individuals appeared to recognise the threat posed by the inexplicable jester, without anyone taking decisive action, as he moved closer and closer to Sai.

He expressed his thoughts in somewhat terse fashion over the commlink.

"You suspect an assassin?" Ledahadden asked.

"I always suspect an assassin. This is more suspicious than usual."

"In that case decoy protocols would seem appropriate."

"Only if the target is our own Empress, which seems unlikely. Most likely the target will be Empress Sai, and that's-"

"Dammit, Captain, we don't have time for a philosophical debate. Use one decoy to get our Empress out of the threat radius, and another for Empress Sai."

"Noted." A moment passed, then, "We don't have Sai. It seems we've never had the opportunity to log her."

"Alright, Sukero then. I know we have Sukero, and he's still a member of the Imperial family. It's better than nothing." She thought for a moment. "But Shiri will give him away. We need one decoy Guardian too. Have them rendezvous on my location."

"This feels like a major breach of diplomatic etiquette. Shouldn't we get authorisation from the Empress before-"

"We should, but we can't. Call it a councillor executive override if anyone queries it, just do it. I'll deal with the formalities afterwards."

"Affirmed. Wait, did you say your location?"

"Conversation over, captain."

Ledahadden moved quickly over to the gifts table where Sukero was standing. "Prince Sukero, how wonderful to see you again!" she cried, and kissed him full on the mouth. At the same time she took him in her arms, spinning him around with what he might have found a surprisingly strong and firm grip, before releasing him a moment later.

A new Sukero stood before the prince, all but identical to the eye, as a Guardian moved up behind "him". The false Sukero winked at his true self, and jerked his head at Shiri as if to indicate 'get out of here' before turning away to head off through the crowd.

At the same time, someone discreetly moved Empress Daregense further from the jester, while another clone reappeared a few moments later in almost the same place.

To say Sukero was taken aback by the kiss would be a massive understatement. He flailed in the woman's shockingly strong grip and gaped at her dumbly as another pair of himself and Shiri appeared.

"What!?..." He sputtered in shock.

"What's happening?" In the background he could hear the din of the crowd quiet as his cousin addressed the mysterious jester.

The Kron are honored to be invited to such an interesting cultural event. I do not understand it but I respect it. This is an interesting planet you thrive on. Very cold here but colorful, my planet is very dark so it is a nice change of scenery. I hope you excuse the simplicity of my gift. Not much is on our planet save for rock and well rock. I have brought you a old pice of obsidian glass with a Get'zkathk fang in it. We don't know why but it can be used to charge small electrical devices or alternatively a bug zapper. King-General Krazkul Wanders off.

Nozdak was sitting watching the jester and his act with amusement and awe at the spectacle. He started thinking to himself how well a race like that could fight. 3 arms means 3 weapons. He watches with an expert eye noting the jesters expert aim when throwing the balls to the alien called... Riss was it? as he scanned the crowd noting there reactions he noticed the concern of some of the higher ups near the princess. He also noticed confusion with who the jester belonged to. He began to grow suspicious. He started heading toward the area with the princess. He then overheard some concerning remarks from one of the higher-ups of the group. All he caught was the word Assassin before a guard told him he could go no further. As he watched from afar he put his hand on his weapon.

Walking up to the guard. I would like to speak to the princess on a matter of the entertainment

"The entertainment?" Sai was still standing right next to Kuro who cast a questioning glance at the jester. The Princess finally registered the subtle yet pervasive air of tension that seemed to be focused on the mysterious jester. She furrowed her brow but waved to get the performer's attention.

"Hellooooo! Excuse me, good sir but who's entourage are you with? I wish to congratulate them on so fine an entertainer..."

2019-07-20, 06:46 PM
Riss spun a quick roll to avoid the actual thrown trajectory of the ball but grasped in Their claws, initiating a quick scan and getting frustrated that this object did indeed seem harmless. Finishing the maneuver they launched it back at the Jester, and then more came. It was both game and deadly serious on Riss' part to inspect every single ball, all the while making sure They did not get simply tossed repeat balls - marking them subtly with a chemical signature before chucking them back at the figure.

"We don't like this, he's moving again" the bird transmitted to the Speaker. They began tracking a slow pursuit, keeping up the juggling 'entertainment' by swatting them adeptly back at him with a wing here or there when the balls were fast incoming and they had verified a previous signature on the return. "Talotius, We recommend moving away from the Empress - seems pretty clear this motley fool is headed that way" and there was an instant response in that the Speaker charmingly excused Themselves from their conversation partner and herded the two Stozudal in a different direction out of the path of the jester's seemly on a whim.

"Amistad if you aren't powered up already, do it and get your bucket moving to the Empress" the arial frame continued the relentless back and forth with the Jester without missing a beat. "How can these idiots not be suspicious of him?" the Intel Chief complained to Themselves. Well at least if they aren't panicking there might still be a quiet way to close this off - the last thing Riss wanted to do was shout 'BOMB!' and be wrong since despite everything they've been able to scan so far nothing was ACTUALLY bad other than the jester being so completely and painfully out of place, so they kept up the act with the interloper, even trying to embellish a bit hoping to keep the crowd engaged.

The jester's antics continue to amuse Orange without her noticing his suspicious movements. But the young Syndrome knows far less of statecraft than the Overlady. Suspecting an assassin, she quietly steps away from Empress Sai. A perceptive person might notice a serpentine creature slithering out of one of her sleeves and wrapping itself around her upper right and lower left wrists. The snake is her weapon of choice; it is easily concealed, and she has mastered the art of throwing it in battle. Two more are coiled under her garments, around the joint where her thorax and abdomen meet.

Dumuneshar watched in something approaching disbelief as an increasing number of individuals appeared to recognise the threat posed by the inexplicable jester, without anyone taking decisive action, as he moved closer and closer to Sai.

He expressed his thoughts in somewhat terse fashion over the commlink.

"You suspect an assassin?" Ledahadden asked.

"I always suspect an assassin. This is more suspicious than usual."

"In that case decoy protocols would seem appropriate."

"Only if the target is our own Empress, which seems unlikely. Most likely the target will be Empress Sai, and that's-"

"Dammit, Captain, we don't have time for a philosophical debate. Use one decoy to get our Empress out of the threat radius, and another for Empress Sai."

"Noted." A moment passed, then, "We don't have Sai. It seems we've never had the opportunity to log her."

"Alright, Sukero then. I know we have Sukero, and he's still a member of the Imperial family. It's better than nothing." She thought for a moment. "But Shiri will give him away. We need one decoy Guardian too. Have them rendezvous on my location."

"This feels like a major breach of diplomatic etiquette. Shouldn't we get authorisation from the Empress before-"

"We should, but we can't. Call it a councillor executive override if anyone queries it, just do it. I'll deal with the formalities afterwards."

"Affirmed. Wait, did you say your location?"

"Conversation over, captain."

Ledahadden moved quickly over to the gifts table where Sukero was standing. "Prince Sukero, how wonderful to see you again!" she cried, and kissed him full on the mouth. At the same time she took him in her arms, spinning him around with what he might have found a surprisingly strong and firm grip, before releasing him a moment later.

A new Sukero stood before the prince, all but identical to the eye, as a Guardian moved up behind "him". The false Sukero winked at his true self, and jerked his head at Shiri as if to indicate 'get out of here' before turning away to head off through the crowd.

At the same time, someone discreetly moved Empress Daregense further from the jester, while another clone reappeared a few moments later in almost the same place.

The Kron are honored to be invited to such an interesting cultural event. I do not understand it but I respect it. This is an interesting planet you thrive on. Very cold here but colorful, my planet is very dark so it is a nice change of scenery. I hope you excuse the simplicity of my gift. Not much is on our planet save for rock and well rock. I have brought you a old pice of obsidian glass with a Get'zkathk fang in it. We don't know why but it can be used to charge small electrical devices or alternatively a bug zapper. King-General Krazkul Wanders off.

Nozdak was sitting watching the jester and his act with amusement and awe at the spectacle. He started thinking to himself how well a race like that could fight. 3 arms means 3 weapons. He watches with an expert eye noting the jesters expert aim when throwing the balls to the alien called... Riss was it? as he scanned the crowd noting there reactions he noticed the concern of some of the higher ups near the princess. He also noticed confusion with who the jester belonged to. He began to grow suspicious. He started heading toward the area with the princess. He then overheard some concerning remarks from one of the higher-ups of the group. All he caught was the word Assassin before a guard told him he could go no further. As he watched from afar he put his hand on his weapon.

Walking up to the guard. I would like to speak to the princess on a matter of the entertainment

To say Sukero was taken aback by the kiss would be a massive understatement. He flailed in the woman's shockingly strong grip and gaped at her dumbly as another pair of himself and Shiri appeared.

"What!?..." He sputtered in shock.

"What's happening?" In the background he could hear the din of the crowd quiet as his cousin addressed the mysterious jester.

"The entertainment?" Sai was still standing right next to Kuro who cast a questioning glance at the jester. The Princess finally registered the subtle yet pervasive air of tension that seemed to be focused on the mysterious jester. She furrowed her brow but waved to get the performer's attention.

"Hellooooo! Excuse me, good sir but who's entourage are you with? I wish to congratulate them on so fine an entertainer..."

With a flourish and a flip, the balls to Riss receded to a drip, the pace began to drop, and then a complete stop. The jester's masks leaned back, his gaze now upside down, turning his joyful mask into a curious frown.

Yet as the Empress spake, and though he was a rake, he would not - could not - deny the question from the one called Sai. In a voice like a bell, his words did swell, and he righted himself; perched on sphere like a doll on a shelf.

"Droccen Empress Sai, hello to you there.
Questions asked now, queries answered: Quite fair!"

"My presence? No pretenses be found.
A gift it is from Efficiency Ground."

Something clicked and whirled from within the mask, and the musical sphere moved closer to the Empress, even as the strange mode of speech - something everyone was coming to realize was in their language all at once - changed slightly. His joyful face was turned more towards the camera then the Empress, as he continued,

"We heard of your oft spoken of beauty,
Knew you to be quite the true fair cutey,
So we made it our most solemn duty,
To set me to jolly entertaining!

To be a force to pierce through all the gloom,
To be a fop for the whole entire room,
And of course to warn of forthcoming doom.
No, please wait, let me finish explaining!"

Into the motley his hands dipped, even as he mysteriously quipped, his voice mirthful and wry -- as two projectiles were tossed: at Empress Sai!

One for the heart, one for the head! Had others - correctly - the situation read?!

Pepper has been talked to, is aware of what is about to happen, and has consented. Reaction posts are welcome between this and Pepper's next post, but the projectiles thrown will connect and can't be stopped, except by Pepper's own actions.

2019-07-20, 08:43 PM
The Button

Jeejee had been partially distracted by Spaceking that she paid little mind to the antics of the Jester. "Fightymuscles" to use his kenning of the concept, "no need for fightyfight, but the Combine needs gojuice, and farreach in galaxy. Conflict at borderedge can be Talktraded if Space King wantneeds, Combine is open to tradevision."

She was about to comment about the button when chaos erupted around them, with the Jester having thrown two things at the good princess. There was a loud static tear as Beaz pressed the button on the OwO pole as two tines extended from the tip and energy jumped between them, the flickering light illuminating the manic expression on the Grymlan. Position in herself infront Jeejee, Beaz scanned the crowds, looking for the jester, or anybody who might be a threat to her or Jeejee.

2019-07-20, 11:48 PM
Ool and the...Event

Everything Ool was doing is overshadowed by the events with the Jester. He was following his new, Tezh friend, ready to help, when two projectiles fire off towards his new friend. His paw grasps for his pistol once more, but he cannot...

He can't be fast enough. He can't save her. He can only watch in horror as his new friend is...

2019-07-21, 12:41 AM
Called it
"UNTRANSLATABLE" Riss, having trailed the jester to maintain situational awareness, could not dive fast enough to intercept the objects tossed directly at Sai. They depended on gravity, aerodynamics, and mechanical effort like any genuine bird to propel themselves around and that proved problematic in this moment. They dove anyway, except the target was the jester himself. Sai would have to depend on her own guards and defenses at this point.

More decisions
They were glad to see that Ool Vulk had chosen to come along with Them on the way to apprehend the jester, as Amistad had planned. And plans are great when variables can be depended on. However, the universal constant about crowds is that they are unpredictable - and unfortunately this played out against Amistad's effort to intervene on Sai's behalf.

"We did not intervene in time" Amistad said to Ool as the crowd had begun to, well, crowd around the Jester; blocking the tactician's approach. All the weapon systems in the world are useless if you have the scruples to not obliterate innocents between you and your target. The hard-field projectors that had been spun up and ready for defensive actions could also not reach far enough to be of any use.

There wasn't anything They could do to obstruct what was headed in Sai's direction. This left a very clear task for which Amistad began to forcibly (but not violently) push Their way through the onlookers to achieve by closing the remaining short distance, and which Riss appeared to have concluded as well: Apprehend the assailant.

2019-07-21, 01:24 AM
”We simply wish to know if your people will strike at us if we decide to investigate the mysteries of the Core.” The Hearthling said. Gesturing for her Spark to stand alongside her, she bowed her head humbly once more (though still towered over the Droccen and her human companion in doing so). “Our people are also in need of supplies for building and maintaining our now growing home. It seems Hearth is getting larger by the day.”

”And farther away....” Antich mumbled under his breath before getting a swift tap to the hind region with a talon.

”Your home is far and supply lines would be difficult but my people have demanded me to seek every angle so here I am. Still, it is quite beautiful, and I will be aching whenever the memory of this world returns to mind regardless of my success here.” Speaker Zel-Dara affixed her gaze to the nearest tree to her. Unflinching. Uncaring. Rapturous. Antich took the opportunity to speak to Sai directly, a curious smile plastered on his face ”What’s the Droccen immigration policy like? Very difficult? I think I’d like to stay here for a time if my master would bid it.”

2019-07-21, 01:57 AM
The Button

Jeejee had been partially distracted by Spaceking that she paid little mind to the antics of the Jester. "Fightymuscles" to use his kenning of the concept, "no need for fightyfight, but the Combine needs gojuice, and farreach in galaxy. Conflict at borderedge can be Talktraded if Space King wantneeds, Combine is open to tradevision."

She was about to comment about the button when chaos erupted around them, with the Jester having thrown two things at the good princess. There was a loud static tear as Beaz pressed the button on the OwO pole as two tines extended from the tip and energy jumped between them, the flickering light illuminating the manic expression on the Grymlan. Position in herself infront Jeejee, Beaz scanned the crowds, looking for the jester, or anybody who might be a threat to her or Jeejee.

The small Jeejee was giving SPACE KING a minor headache, either due to the squire whiskey or his manner of speech, its hard to tell. As long as the mad egg heads weren't a threat he didn't need to bother with them, but maybe they could be useful.EXCELLENT would you feel about mutual SPACE DENSE...I mean DEFENSE. Space is filled with bad HOMMES after, especially those cowmen they don't seem MILKABLE at alll.

While some of the Melfynians have spotted the jester, the energy the man had which was just about as much as the Rothuun distressed them and just like the Rothuun, they too kept away from the jester. Some at least, like Kimdt, found the Grymlans and the space king a lot more fun- if that was what they needed in the coronation.

A harkan upon seeing the hover chair asked "where the space king pleases? How are the chair's specs? Is there any distance or speed limitations?"

The Melfynians' de facto representative Kimdt followed up by asking, although not quite in tune with current affairs, "how do you determine what are your fightymuscles? We aren't too familiar with your biology but are they heavy? Is that why you need a flying chair?" While the Vacio seem to have the same inclination as the threatening Rothuun, the kings whimsy put the harkan more at ease. And then as if the mere mention of it put in more life into the conversation, "w-w-whats a space horse?!"

The Melfynians were such an excitable group. Space King was eager for the opportunity to serve as a role model for alien space youth....that was the purpose of this conference right? Dio really is gonna have a big debriefing, it'll be awkward when he'll have to remember the events he wasn't around for. Space King chuckled at the idea before responding HAHAHA...space chair specs are known by the eggheads, such concerns are made for SPACE KING to HOVER OVER.

Space king struck a statuesque pose flexing every muscle he could in what any experienced observer could call a confused display.
A key question to determine the FIGHTYNESS of a muscle is how hard you can FLEX.
SPACE KING continued after throwing some mock punches in the traditional martial stance.
The weight of my MUSCLES are only out weighed by The title SPACE KING, but I MUST WEAR IT. Remember ALIENS, DON"T DO DRUGS.

Turns out the JESTER is here to PESTER

The sight of the assassination attempt took SPACE KING aback, interrupting his description of the beauty that is the space horse.....holy crap he forgot to the space horse on the ship. Damnit Dio you had 8 jobs! Space king was too distracted to realize that the space pistol he was pulling to summarily execute the jester was....unloaded. Space King shrugged threw the gun aside and began to walk toward the Jester, presumably to flex it in the face.

2019-07-21, 11:41 AM
”We simply wish to know if your people will strike at us if we decide to investigate the mysteries of the Core.” The Hearthling said. Gesturing for her Spark to stand alongside her, she bowed her head humbly once more (though still towered over the Droccen and her human companion in doing so). “Our people are also in need of supplies for building and maintaining our now growing home. It seems Hearth is getting larger by the day.”

”And farther away....” Antich mumbled under his breath before getting a swift tap to the hind region with a talon.

”Your home is far and supply lines would be difficult but my people have demanded me to seek every angle so here I am. Still, it is quite beautiful, and I will be aching whenever the memory of this world returns to mind regardless of my success here.” Speaker Zel-Dara affixed her gaze to the nearest tree to her. Unflinching. Uncaring. Rapturous. Antich took the opportunity to speak to Sai directly, a curious smile plastered on his face ”What’s the Droccen immigration policy like? Very difficult? I think I’d like to stay here for a time if my master would bid it.”

"Of course you may stay... for a time." She clasped her hands behind her back and fidgeted.

"I would discourage any ambitions to breach the core but would not strike out at your people for it, no." She paused.

"If it were to happen that you unleash anything monstrous in your explorations, it would be expected that you aid in subduing the threat, obviously."

With a flourish and a flip, the balls to Riss receded to a drip, the pace began to drop, and then a complete stop. The jester's masks leaned back, his gaze now upside down, turning his joyful mask into a curious frown.

Yet as the Empress spake, and though he was a rake, he would not - could not - deny the question from the one called Sai. In a voice like a bell, his words did swell, and he righted himself; perched on sphere like a doll on a shelf.

"Droccen Empress Sai, hello to you there.
Questions asked now, queries answered: Quite fair!"

"My presence? No pretenses be found.
A gift it is from Efficiency Ground."

Something clicked and whirled from within the mask, and the musical sphere moved closer to the Empress, even as the strange mode of speech - something everyone was coming to realize was in their language all at once - changed slightly. His joyful face was turned more towards the camera then the Empress, as he continued,

"We heard of your oft spoken of beauty,
Knew you to be quite the true fair cutey,
So we made it our most solemn duty,
To set me to jolly entertaining!

To be a force to pierce through all the gloom,
To be a fop for the whole entire room,
And of course to warn of forthcoming doom.
No, please wait, let me finish explaining!"

Into the motley his hands dipped, even as he mysteriously quipped, his voice mirthful and wry -- as two projectiles were tossed: at Empress Sai!

One for the heart, one for the head! Had others - correctly - the situation read?!

Pepper has been talked to, is aware of what is about to happen, and has consented. Reaction posts are welcome between this and Pepper's next post, but the projectiles thrown will connect and can't be stopped, except by Pepper's own actions.

Kuro had not been idle as the jester addressed Sai. The only threat the Guardian could detect on the man was a sort of very fine metallic mesh. A net to capture the Princess perhaps? He registered the flick of a hand and unsheathed his new crystal sword as though meaning to cut the projectile from the sky. The sword was revealed with a soft shink and gleamed in the bright lights of the Palace courtyard. It hand reached the apotheosis of its arc when Kuro fully realized what the jester had tossed at Sai. He lowered his sword and the offering fell at Sai's feet. The Princess looked down, surprised.

"Oh lillies! I love lillies! How did you know?" She tilted her head askance at the jester and her fair brow furrowed.

"You speak of doom? Please do explain." Her eyes finally narrowed in suspicion.

"And how are you doing that?" She waved vaguely at the jester.

"Speaking to everybody without a translator?" Kuro remained slightly in front of Sai and did not sheathe his sword though was not actively threatening anybody with it.

2019-07-21, 12:42 PM
The jaunty jester floated higher on his sphere, the camera tracking him as he moved away from here.

His attitude, not at all rude, or even crude, even as none could stop his words or deeds. SPACE KING flexed, Ool seemed vexed, Riss perplexed! The jester's voice replied to the Droccen's needs.

"Ask me questions no more, oh Empress Sai
For any other answers, I may lie.
Truth comes with a price some would find too high!
Know then that these are the last of the truth.

Lilies are lovely like yourself: we guessed.
Yet now that I see you hold them? The best!
Engraved in my soul now no longer depressed!
So it was so foretold, Beyond forsooth!

I gasp! Oh My dear heart palpitations.
I serve one of the lords of creations.
They saw to me doing full translations.
Just as they've seen everyone's evolution.

Now Efficiency Ground asked me to warn -
To make sure that none of you will cry, mourn-
Rail, weep, fail, keep, or feel at all forlorn,
When it is time for the Revolution!"

Giving the camera a final cheerful wave, the jester's sphere glowed, glimmered, and out gave -- a bright light of white, right frightful sight --

And then the fool was gone. His joyful mirth faded just like the afterimage of him floating in the air, inches from the Tezh Riss being able to grasp him. Wherever he had come from, he seemed to just as easily be able to return back to. Whatever information he may have had, he seemed to have given all that he was allowed. While he had entered the Imperial Palace grounds quite freely and easily, and escaped notice for some time, his absence was noticed much more readily. Already a joyous occasion for the Droccen, the Empress's Coronation was a little less than it was before. Like something was missing, or had been taken. Only the Lilies in Sai's hands were proof that the curious jester had been there at all.

That... and a little rat person could still hear a little bit of music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTt026NTQfE) coming from their own communicator...

2019-07-21, 01:27 PM
"The entertainment?" Sai was still standing right next to Kuro who cast a questioning glance at the jester. The Princess finally registered the subtle yet pervasive air of tension that seemed to be focused on the mysterious jester. She furrowed her brow but waved to get the performer's attention.

"Hellooooo! Excuse me, good sir but who's entourage are you with? I wish to congratulate them on so fine an entertainer..."

Princess I think this might not be the best idea, somethings not right here... The jester begins to speak... Princess look out As the jester hurls the objects at the princess Nozdak shouts his warning and draws his weapon and prepares to fire as many others seem to do. In the following confusion he noticed that the princess was not harmed. As the jester floated off he grew concerned. He thought over what the jester said and decided action must be taken.

Princess. I must have a council with you and my nations leader. These events have concerned me. I fear the worst. Is it too much to ask for the list of the races represented here?

2019-07-21, 02:36 PM
Vaou had moved into the palace without a clear purpose settling into a space out of the way of much foot traffic which had a view of Sai greeting the arriving dignitaries. In his focus on talking with Sai and now gazing upon her and her alone the arrival of the Jester went unmarked in his conscious thought. That was until the flowers flew out forcing at last his registry of the fool and prompting him to take off racing towards the would-be Empress. He arrived just as the Fool began to recite his poem and his attention focused rapt upon the unusual creature who now gazing upon drew such attention that Vaou could hardly believe he had not seen him arrive.

'I serve one of the lords of creations,' this phrase rang out in the Chairman's mind. If he had understood the Jester's poetic words he had claimed to be truthful and Vaou was inclined to believe he did believe himself to serve some "lord of creation" which was worrisome. Clearly whoever his benefactor was possessed some degree of advanced technology given the Jester's live-translation ability. This mention of Revolution seemed strange when not even a basic rallying cry had been laid down by the Jester's words. It was indeed no call for revolution among those here but a warning of some revolution to come given the Jester's beseeching the present listeners not to balk at it. Yet before he could think on the matter further the Jester disappeared in a flash of white light that left Vaou blinking dazed.

He realized the young Lt. Gates had come to his side in the confusion and drawn from a hidden place on his person a small lead and powder automatic pistol. He had ordered both his officers to come unarmed and the thought to reprimand him crossed his mind but he decided against it. The young man hadn't fired as a few others had showing greater discipline under fire than perhaps Vaou had given him credit for and seemed intent on protecting his Chairman which Vaou appreciated. The young man might one day make a worthy politician given such a steely determination but until then Vaou would do what he could to aid the young man's military career.

His attention returned to Sai and he could see her Guardian and many others besides were rushing to her aid already. He put a hand on Gates' shoulder nodding towards the pistol to indicate he best return it to wherever he'd had it stowed before. The young man gave a nod and the Chairman, accompanied by the Lt., made his way towards the crowd now gathering at the entrance of the palace. He pushed his way through until he caught Sai's attention.

"Are you alright, Sai? Do you have any idea what that was?" he jerked his thumb over to where the Jester had been only moments before, "Does anyone know of technology or 'magic' that can teleport a man? What of this translation ability he spoke with?"

2019-07-21, 02:47 PM
The jaunty jester floated higher on his sphere, the camera tracking him as he moved away from here.

His attitude, not at all rude, or even crude, even as none could stop his words or deeds. SPACE KING flexed, Ool seemed vexed, Riss perplexed! The jester's voice replied to the Droccen's needs.

"Ask me questions no more, oh Empress Sai
For any other answers, I may lie.
Truth comes with a price some would find too high!
Know then that these are the last of the truth.

Lilies are lovely like yourself: we guessed.
Yet now that I see you hold them? The best!
Engraved in my soul now no longer depressed!
So it was so foretold, Beyond forsooth!

I gasp! Oh My dear heart palpitations.
I serve one of the lords of creations.
They saw to me doing full translations.
Just as they've seen everyone's evolution.

Now Efficiency Ground asked me to warn -
To make sure that none of you will cry, mourn-
Rail, weep, fail, keep, or feel at all forlorn,
When it is time for the Revolution!"

Giving the camera a final cheerful wave, the jester's sphere glowed, glimmered, and out gave -- a bright light of white, right frightful sight --

And then the fool was gone. His joyful mirth faded just like the afterimage of him floating in the air, inches from the Tezh Riss being able to grasp him. Wherever he had come from, he seemed to just as easily be able to return back to. Whatever information he may have had, he seemed to have given all that he was allowed. While he had entered the Imperial Palace grounds quite freely and easily, and escaped notice for some time, his absence was noticed much more readily. Already a joyous occasion for the Droccen, the Empress's Coronation was a little less than it was before. Like something was missing, or had been taken. Only the Lilies in Sai's hands were proof that the curious jester had been there at all.

That... and a little rat person could still hear a little bit of music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTt026NTQfE) coming from their own communicator...

"The entertainment?" Sai was still standing right next to Kuro who cast a questioning glance at the jester. The Princess finally registered the subtle yet pervasive air of tension that seemed to be focused on the mysterious jester. She furrowed her brow but waved to get the performer's attention.

"Hellooooo! Excuse me, good sir but who's entourage are you with? I wish to congratulate them on so fine an entertainer..."

Princess I think this might not be the best idea, somethings not right here... The jester begins to speak... Princess look out As the jester hurls the objects at the princess Nozdak shouts his warning and draws his weapon and prepares to fire as many others seem to do. In the following confusion he noticed that the princess was not harmed. As the jester floated off he grew concerned. He thought over what the jester said and decided action must be taken.

Princess. I must have a council with you and my nations leader. These events have concerned me. I fear the worst. Is it too much to ask for the list of the races represented here?

Vaou had moved into the palace without a clear purpose settling into a space out of the way of much foot traffic which had a view of Sai greeting the arriving dignitaries. In his focus on talking with Sai and now gazing upon her and her alone the arrival of the Jester went unmarked in his conscious thought. That was until the flowers flew out forcing at last his registry of the fool and prompting him to take off racing towards the would-be Empress. He arrived just as the Fool began to recite his poem and his attention focused rapt upon the unusual creature who now gazing upon drew such attention that Vaou could hardly believe he had not seen him arrive.

'I serve one of the lords of creations,' this phrase rang out in the Chairman's mind. If he had understood the Jester's poetic words he had claimed to be truthful and Vaou was inclined to believe he did believe himself to serve some "lord of creation" which was worrisome. Clearly whoever his benefactor was possessed some degree of advanced technology given the Jester's live-translation ability. This mention of Revolution seemed strange when not even a basic rallying cry had been laid down by the Jester's words. It was indeed no call for revolution among those here but a warning of some revolution to come given the Jester's beseeching the present listeners not to balk at it. Yet before he could think on the matter further the Jester disappeared in a flash of white light that left Vaou blinking dazed.

He realized the young Lt. Gates had come to his side in the confusion and drawn from a hidden place on his person a small lead and powder automatic pistol. He had ordered both his officers to come unarmed and the thought to reprimand him crossed his mind but he decided against it. The young man hadn't fired as a few others had showing greater discipline under fire than perhaps Vaou had given him credit for and seemed intent on protecting his Chairman which Vaou appreciated. The young man might one day make a worthy politician given such a steely determination but until then Vaou would do what he could to aid the young man's military career.

His attention returned to Sai and he could see her Guardian and many others besides were rushing to her aid already. He put a hand on Gates' shoulder nodding towards the pistol to indicate he best return it to wherever he'd had it stowed before. The young man gave a nod and the Chairman, accompanied by the Lt., made his way towards the crowd now gathering at the entrance of the palace. He pushed his way through until he caught Sai's attention.

"Are you alright, Sai? Do you have any idea what that was?" he jerked his thumb over to where the Jester had been only moments before, "Does anyone know of technology or 'magic' that can teleport a man? What of this translation ability he spoke with?"

"Huh..." Sai looked down at the lillies, nonplussed by the jester's sudden disappearance.

"Efficiency Ground? Revolution? Did that make sense to anyone?" The Courtyard had erupted into a loud buzzing of alarm and excitement. Nozdak was currently the emissary in her face at the moment however, and so she attempted to turn her quite distracted attention onto them.

"Yes, I will hold private audiences after the ceremony. The matter of attendees is quite public." She gestured to the camera crews.

"Did you get that?" She shouted to Korima who responded with an emphatic thumbs up. Nozdak was replaced by Vaou as the Chairman rushed to her side. She had to resist throwing herself into his arms and so settled with blinking up at him prettily.

"I am not aware of any sort of technology that can do that. And who are these "Lords of Creation" he spoke of? Does he work for the Callers themselves?"

"SAI!" Sukero's alarm cut through the din of voices. Sai turned to seek out her cousin and was alarmed to be seeing double.

"Sukero? Shiri? Who is really who?" Sukero quickly pointed at the Ninurtine pair of shapeshifters.

"Its the Ninurtines! They have some sort of impersonation technology!" The real Shiri and Kuro began to advance towards the impostors.

"Will you please tell me what's going on here?" Sai was beyond vexed with surprises at this point. She didn't know why the mild-mannered Ninurtine were impersonating her cousin but her patience with shenanigans had run out.

"One of them kissed me!" He looked the most put out by this tidbit.

"That's not really pertinent at the moment, cousin..."

2019-07-21, 03:08 PM
Well this hadn't gone well. It could have been worse, she supposed: at least the jester wasn't actually an assassin, although that was hardly reassuring. Were she the Droccen, she would still have the man arrested, and his "gifts" thoroughly examined, but she had to remind herself that she was not a security expert.

"Stand down," she said into the commlink, "and cooperate with the Droccen enforcement officers as far as possible." Across the courtyard, the other impostors returned to their conventional appearances, as did the false Shiri. After a moment, she reverted her own holograph, and held her hands up. "I'm not armed. None of us are." Though she was still capable of killing that jester with her bare hands, if it came to that.

Daregense was also released by her charges now the immediate threat was passed, and stormed over to where Sai and Sukero were confronting the impostors.

"What in the six worlds is going on? Councillor, this was not authorised."

"I must apologise, your Highness...es," Ledahadden said, and turned back to Sai. "Empress Daregense speaks truthfully, your Highness: I acted alone, without authority, and my actions were not on behalf of the Empire. I can explain - but it may be a long story, and I would much rather do so in private."

2019-07-21, 09:51 PM
Well this hadn't gone well. It could have been worse, she supposed: at least the jester wasn't actually an assassin, although that was hardly reassuring. Were she the Droccen, she would still have the man arrested, and his "gifts" thoroughly examined, but she had to remind herself that she was not a security expert.

"Stand down," she said into the commlink, "and cooperate with the Droccen enforcement officers as far as possible." Across the courtyard, the other impostors returned to their conventional appearances, as did the false Shiri. After a moment, she reverted her own holograph, and held her hands up. "I'm not armed. None of us are." Though she was still capable of killing that jester with her bare hands, if it came to that.

Daregense was also released by her charges now the immediate threat was passed, and stormed over to where Sai and Sukero were confronting the impostors.

"What in the six worlds is going on? Councillor, this was not authorised."

"I must apologise, your Highness...es," Ledahadden said, and turned back to Sai. "Empress Daregense speaks truthfully, your Highness: I acted alone, without authority, and my actions were not on behalf of the Empire. I can explain - but it may be a long story, and I would much rather do so in private."

Sai was still looking perplexed but it was no matter, Guardian Kuro had taken control of the situation and was busy organizing his Guardian brethren into a sort of blockade around the Ninurtine delegation.

"Oh um, must we?" She was looking a bit embarrassed as if it was very poor manners to arrest a guest at your coronation. Kuro was implacable as he stood guard.

"I think our response has been rather mild for the offense of impersonating an Imperial family member and their Guardian."

"Yes, I suppose you are right. Let's take them into the Palace and see what it's all about right away." Just then, a loud carillon of bells could be heard ringing throughout the courtyard signalling the beginning of the formal coronation ceremony. Two dozen Droccen handmaidens streamed from inside the Palace, set to whisk Sai away for her ceremonial cleansing and donning of the ancient robes.

"Oh no, now isn't such a good time..." She threw her hands up and gave Vaou a harried smile.

"I'll see you after? We need to sit down with the Tehz and the Rocthurhi..." Her voice trailed off as the elaborately costumed women surrounded her and began herding her into the Palace.

Sai emerged from the Palace freshly scrubbed and wearing a simple worn robe of white silk. Her long pale hair was unbound and she was barefoot. She was to be presented to her people unadorned and without pretense. She paused at the Palace steps, feeling self-conscious to be exposed to the foreign dignitaries so completely. She stepped down onto the long raspberry-colored cloth that had been placed at the foot of the step and led her to the awaiting Council members that had gathered at the foot of it. One either side of the pathway stood Guardians and uniformed members of the Droccen Royal Guard at alternating intervals. She looked for Kuro and he nodded approval at her from his station guarding the Ninurtines on the lawn.

As she approached, three senior Council Representatives which had been chosen prior to the event, stepped forward, each bearing a traditional gift for the Princess. Gemoru, the elder statesman from ritzy Ritchina stepped forward first and presented Sai with a large platter on which was displayed a variety of multicolored faceted gemstones.

"We offer you the wealth of our people." gemoru bowed and placed the platter at Sai's feet.

"I promise to spend it for the enrichment of my people." Sai felt the practiced words fall from her lips even as her voice sounded dim to her ears. Haru, a small woman with a commanding presence from the Badene District stepped forward and presented Sai with a book wrapped in a soft red cloth. It looked so old and frail that it might blow to dust in a very strong wind.

"We offer you the knowledge of our people." Haru gingerly wrapped the tome back up and placed it at Sai's feet.

"I promise to use it for the advancement of my people." Sai followed the wrapped package to the ground with her eyes, anxious to not damage the book with an errant step. The third Representative, Kinori from Castrima, stepped forward holding the Imperial crown.

"We offer you the power of our people." Kinori placed the bejeweled crown on Sai's head. Kinori was a surprisingly young man to hold the seat of the capital but was a rather popular Representative in his District, known for being charming and handsome but also practical.

"I promise to wield it in defense of my people."Sai's eyes teared up but her lips held a smile.

"May your reign be wise and prosperous, Empress Sai of the Illuminated Throne." Sai's eyes lit up. It was the task of her people to name her throne. Her Grandmother had ruled from the Graceful Throne. Illuminated. How fitting, she thought. Suddenly the sky erupted simultaneous displays of colored lasers, rockets and fireworks. The ceremony having ended, officials swept in to whisk away the ancient wrapped book and the platter of jewels was added to her gift table.

Out of Character:

Please feel free to begin the private audiences with Sai! They will be held in a private room inside the Palace.

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-21, 10:17 PM
Later, A Nearly Private Audience with Sai

"Well, I'm certainly glad we avoided any antics during the ceremony." Welcomed into an audience chamber, Constantine Relor gave a stiff, unpracticed bow, then offered a warmer smile. He spoke with the aid of a miniaturized translator clipped to his jacket collar, which muted his own words with inverted sound waves, then sent AI assembled Droccen out the speaker in an almost indistinguishable facsimile of his voice. "After the reception, I had rather expected more clowns and gunfire."

Gesturing to the plate on his uniform where he would have carried a pistol while aboard his ship, he feigned a confused frown. "Was I supposed to wear a sidearm to your coronation? I feel left out!"

2019-07-21, 10:50 PM
Later, A Nearly Private Audience with Sai

"Well, I'm certainly glad we avoided any antics during the ceremony." Welcomed into an audience chamber, Constantine Relor gave a stiff, unpracticed bow, then offered a warmer smile. He spoke with the aid of a miniaturized translator clipped to his jacket collar, which muted his own words with inverted sound waves, then sent AI assembled Droccen out the speaker in an almost indistinguishable facsimile of his voice. "After the reception, I had rather expected more clowns and gunfire."

Gesturing to the plate on his uniform where he would have carried a pistol while aboard his ship, he feigned a confused frown. "Was I supposed to wear a sidearm to your coronation? I feel left out!"

"Supposed to? No..." Sai frowned at the man. Sarcasm wasn't her strong suit.

"Everyone's customs are so different, we have much to learn about the galaxy, don't you think?" Droccen generally didn't carry personal arms but would the alien delegates have been willing to give up their weapons at her behest? She wasn't sure. She had the uncomfortable feeling that some new rules and guidelines were about to be set.

"So many new precedents..."

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-21, 11:29 PM
Private Audience with Sai

"My dear Empress," Constantine said, moving to take a seat after Sai had settled herself, "I would urge you to consider that not all customs are equally valid. A philosophy of understanding and welcome doesn't mean you must suffer every indignity from any random corner of the galaxy. Some of these so called civilizations are, well, they're not just ill-behaved, they're barbaric or monstrous. The Symbraum? They literally devour their host's brain. That isn't a culture, that's just murder. An extreme example, granted, but you can see that not everyone is worthy of being tolerated."

2019-07-22, 07:13 AM
Private Audience with Sai

"It may be best if I explain why first, and how afterwards," Ledahadden said, beneath the implacably interrogative gaze of Kuro and Sai's querulous expression. "The decoy protocol is a security measure initiated when there is perceived to be an imminent, credible threat to life, specifically the life of a member of the Imperial Family, Council of State, or similar dignitary, but it is impossible to neutralise or apprehend the threat without presenting an unacceptable risk. The decoys adopt the outward appearance of the primary target so that even if the attack is successful the risk to the individual target is lessened. It is effectively a more advanced version of a body double, which was used in ancient history on our worlds and we presume elsewhere. Of course, the protocol is most effective where confusion can be created between the primary target and the decoys, which is why I accosted your cousin, so that it would not be clear which of us was the true Sukero. Had the situation not resolved itself I would have proceeded to take advantage of this confusion to distract the jester from what we considered to be his primary target, that is, yourself, your Highness.

"Although in the event the jester was a false alarm, his behaviour was extremely suspicious, as your own security detail must have noticed. I was alerted to the situation and to the risk so that we could take the necessary steps to protect our own personnel; our intention was to do the same for the Droccen imperial family. Of course, under the circumstances, it was not possible to warn you or to get authorisation from Empress Daregense before proceeding."

The death glare of the Ninurtine Empress softened slightly, but she remained stern.

"As to the how - for us that is rather simpler, though perhaps more difficult to understand for those not of Malak. All our people carry holographic projectors, capable of changing their appearance. For instance-" she adjusted her own projector, and appeared to be replaced by a facsimile of the Duenem Telescopic Radiance. A moment later, she flickered again and this time reappeared as a large blind demihumanoid creature with a snake tail, then a third time with a squid for a face, before reverting to her customary appearance. "Prior to contact with alien peoples at the Simulacrum and even before that we devised hundreds if not thousands of projections of various alien species, and have kept that database updated since making contact. But to create a projection from scratch is difficult and to imitate a particular individual, we need a detailed log of their appearance. This is why we were able to imitate Prince Sukero, but not yourself, your Highness."

2019-07-22, 09:29 AM
The Chairman nodded to Sai in understanding as she was whisked off by her attendants. The life of an empress he supposed, not greatly different from that of a Chairman he thought, though he did not have an assembly of people who helped get him dressed. He chuckled at the thought as he turned to Lieutenant Gates and instructed him to find Captain Hofstadter and for the two of them to alert the Tezh and Rocthurhi of a private meeting to be held between the three members of the Uplift Chorus and Sai following the conclusion of her coronation. Of course, he gave his two fellows a slightly later start time than he had planned for himself to give himself and Sai a few moments of private conversation.

Vaou found a comfortable place to stand where he could view Sai's coronation as Empress making note of the ceremonial words not dissimilar to oaths of office and oaths to the Party he had taken many years ago. Of course, he had still been elected to his position however arcane the rules for election may have been for Chairman of the SPR so the differences were evident. Still, while he might have objected more strongly to such proceedings from others the Drocc's following of the One and Sai's personal beauty had long stayed his critical appraisal of the Imperium. As his eyes stayed focused upon the white dressed Sai, noting how the light color of the cloth made her raspberry pink skin pop even more than it normally did, his mind drifted back to the poem of the Jester. Half consciously he began picking again at the words trying to discern some meaning from their cryptic rhyme. The eruption of applause following Sai's final acceptance returned Vaou's attention to the present and he joined vigorously in adding his clapping to the cacophony of noise celebrating this grand event before ceasing to slip away to a reserved conference room deeper within the palace.

Private Audience with Sai
"Empress Sai, you looked resplendent out there," the Chairman smiled at the younger woman and bowed taking her hand in his own and planting a kiss upon its back, "I have invited the Tezh and Rocthurhi to join us shortly that we may discuss the Sisterhood and related matters but first let us sit together."

Vaou moved to a table drawing a seat for Sai and then for himself close enough across from one another that they could reach out without interference from a table or a more properly ordained distance between heads of state.

"Earlier you mentioned your wedding, whatever day it may come and my preference for attendance. I did not wish to speak so in front of Korina and those like her but Princess, forgive me but to me you shall always be Princess in spite of your new title, I would not miss your wedding for all the worlds in the Uplift Chorus though if I were in any role but that of your groom I fear my heart would break," he swallowed before continuing, his mouth suddenly dry, "However I am an old politician of baser stock and you are a young woman charged with royal tasks. I know the Celenians have offered much to accept a marriage from themselves and I cannot make such offers without ending my reign as Chairman. If it is your heart's desire, or even the necessities of rule, that you marry another I do not wish to stand in your way but I could not tolerate maintaining my silence one minute longer."

2019-07-22, 11:40 AM
Private Audience with Sai

"My dear Empress," Constantine said, moving to take a seat after Sai had settled herself, "I would urge you to consider that not all customs are equally valid. A philosophy of understanding and welcome doesn't mean you must suffer every indignity from any random corner of the galaxy. Some of these so called civilizations are, well, they're not just ill-behaved, they're barbaric or monstrous. The Symbraum? They literally devour their host's brain. That isn't a culture, that's just murder. An extreme example, granted, but you can see that not everyone is worthy of being tolerated."

"What does make a culture worthy of being tolerated? And who decides?" The surface of his words seemed to make sense but something about his way of thinking nagged at her conscious.

"What do you think of the Sisterhood? Would you agree they need to be protected from those that would extinguish their vigil?"

Private Audience with Sai

"It may be best if I explain why first, and how afterwards," Ledahadden said, beneath the implacably interrogative gaze of Kuro and Sai's querulous expression. "The decoy protocol is a security measure initiated when there is perceived to be an imminent, credible threat to life, specifically the life of a member of the Imperial Family, Council of State, or similar dignitary, but it is impossible to neutralise or apprehend the threat without presenting an unacceptable risk. The decoys adopt the outward appearance of the primary target so that even if the attack is successful the risk to the individual target is lessened. It is effectively a more advanced version of a body double, which was used in ancient history on our worlds and we presume elsewhere. Of course, the protocol is most effective where confusion can be created between the primary target and the decoys, which is why I accosted your cousin, so that it would not be clear which of us was the true Sukero. Had the situation not resolved itself I would have proceeded to take advantage of this confusion to distract the jester from what we considered to be his primary target, that is, yourself, your Highness.

"Although in the event the jester was a false alarm, his behaviour was extremely suspicious, as your own security detail must have noticed. I was alerted to the situation and to the risk so that we could take the necessary steps to protect our own personnel; our intention was to do the same for the Droccen imperial family. Of course, under the circumstances, it was not possible to warn you or to get authorisation from Empress Daregense before proceeding."

The death glare of the Ninurtine Empress softened slightly, but she remained stern.

"As to the how - for us that is rather simpler, though perhaps more difficult to understand for those not of Malak. All our people carry holographic projectors, capable of changing their appearance. For instance-" she adjusted her own projector, and appeared to be replaced by a facsimile of the Duenem Telescopic Radiance. A moment later, she flickered again and this time reappeared as a large blind demihumanoid creature with a snake tail, then a third time with a squid for a face, before reverting to her customary appearance. "Prior to contact with alien peoples at the Simulacrum and even before that we devised hundreds if not thousands of projections of various alien species, and have kept that database updated since making contact. But to create a projection from scratch is difficult and to imitate a particular individual, we need a detailed log of their appearance. This is why we were able to imitate Prince Sukero, but not yourself, your Highness."

Sai herself still wasn't sure what had been suspicious about a clown at a party, but Sukero had described the rather stark affair he had attended.

"I am grateful to you for wanting to protect me. I must admit it's a bit alarming that you have the power to appear as potentially anyone you wish. The Ninurtines must be masters of Intrigue." She smiled nervously.

"You appeared human at the Simulacrum." Sai thought back to the event a few years ago.

"Are the projections a matter of vanity then? No offense um... intended."

The Chairman nodded to Sai in understanding as she was whisked off by her attendants. The life of an empress he supposed, not greatly different from that of a Chairman he thought, though he did not have an assembly of people who helped get him dressed. He chuckled at the thought as he turned to Lieutenant Gates and instructed him to find Captain Hofstadter and for the two of them to alert the Tezh and Rocthurhi of a private meeting to be held between the three members of the Uplift Chorus and Sai following the conclusion of her coronation. Of course, he gave his two fellows a slightly later start time than he had planned for himself to give himself and Sai a few moments of private conversation.

Vaou found a comfortable place to stand where he could view Sai's coronation as Empress making note of the ceremonial words not dissimilar to oaths of office and oaths to the Party he had taken many years ago. Of course, he had still been elected to his position however arcane the rules for election may have been for Chairman of the SPR so the differences were evident. Still, while he might have objected more strongly to such proceedings from others the Drocc's following of the One and Sai's personal beauty had long stayed his critical appraisal of the Imperium. As his eyes stayed focused upon the white dressed Sai, noting how the light color of the cloth made her raspberry pink skin pop even more than it normally did, his mind drifted back to the poem of the Jester. Half consciously he began picking again at the words trying to discern some meaning from their cryptic rhyme. The eruption of applause following Sai's final acceptance returned Vaou's attention to the present and he joined vigorously in adding his clapping to the cacophony of noise celebrating this grand event before ceasing to slip away to a reserved conference room deeper within the palace.

Private Audience with Sai
"Empress Sai, you looked resplendent out there," the Chairman smiled at the younger woman and bowed taking her hand in his own and planting a kiss upon its back, "I have invited the Tezh and Rocthurhi to join us shortly that we may discuss the Sisterhood and related matters but first let us sit together."

Vaou moved to a table drawing a seat for Sai and then for himself close enough across from one another that they could reach out without interference from a table or a more properly ordained distance between heads of state.

"Earlier you mentioned your wedding, whatever day it may come and my preference for attendance. I did not wish to speak so in front of Korina and those like her but Princess, forgive me but to me you shall always be Princess in spite of your new title, I would not miss your wedding for all the worlds in the Uplift Chorus though if I were in any role but that of your groom I fear my heart would break," he swallowed before continuing, his mouth suddenly dry, "However I am an old politician of baser stock and you are a young woman charged with royal tasks. I know the Celenians have offered much to accept a marriage from themselves and I cannot make such offers without ending my reign as Chairman. If it is your heart's desire, or even the necessities of rule, that you marry another I do not wish to stand in your way but I could not tolerate maintaining my silence one minute longer."

Being so close to Vaou had set her skin to tingling. As he spoke she kept rubbing the back of her hand that had touched his lips. Her cheeks had flushed and her mind had wandered as it ever did in the Chairman's presence, so much so that it took a moment for his words to sink in and she was left sitting dumbfounded. She arose from her seat and threw her arms around Vaou and kissed him,

Kuro, from his post by the door appeared bewildered for a moment before he deliberately turned his back on the pair and faced the door.

Sai pulled away from Vaou.

"So how old are you exactly anyway? It's sooo hard to tell with you humans." She giggled as she teased him and resumed with the kissing.

2019-07-22, 01:36 PM
Vaou was surprised by Sai's eager embrace and the press of her lips against his own. He felt heat rush to his cheeks even as his hands wrapped around her waist to hold her to him. When she pulled back to ask her question his face was nearly as red as her own and his head was swimming with a rush of dopamine. Happy for the few moments more of thinking the resumption of kissing gave him he came to fully realize her question and he felt some level of embarrassment rise inside. When they pulled apart again he gazed into her eyes a moment before looking away and answering.

"Nearly fifty, much too old to be pursuing a young princess half a galaxy apart," his gaze returned to hers and he smiled despite himself, "but I cannot help my feelings being what they are. My heart is racing to hold you so, a dream I've dreamed a thousand times but never dared to believe until now."

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-22, 03:15 PM
"What does make a culture worthy of being tolerated? And who decides?" The surface of his words seemed to make sense but something about his way of thinking nagged at her conscious.

"What do you think of the Sisterhood? Would you agree they need to be protected from those that would extinguish their vigil?"

"You decide. You're the Empress and these are you people. Some of these creatures are a danger to your people. Allowing them to fester in their own dark corner of the galaxy is one thing, but you must not suffer their fanaticism in the name of diplomacy. Not when they bring it to your borders, or coronation. That moron with the pistol? He could have hurt you! He could have hurt one of your guests. I'd have had him arrested!"

Constantine huffed in disgust. Composing himself, he reclined in his chair and replaced an unruly shock of blond hair that had tumbled down his brow.

"The Sisters are peaceful contemplatives. Their religion is of no concern to the Republic. Representatives of The One would be welcome to found a temple in Celes. We have some dozen religions already, all benign and cooperative. We have no state religion, of course. Freedom of religion is one of our most important tenets as a culture."

One religion was endorsed by the state, but not imposed. The Consul's son believed this to be an important distinction.

2019-07-22, 03:51 PM
The Viceroy and his entourage had managed to not be in the way while the Jester had made such a spectacle as they had taken up their places to witness the ceremony. Of course, the Viceroy and his attendants were half way through drawing their swords and his guards were just about ready to throw a couple dozen glaives through the Jester, but they quickly reverted to a more serene and regal stance and pretended nothing had happened. The words of the strange individual lingered in their minds and though they found the simple ceremony most charming, Azric couldn't help but be somewhat distracted.

A private audience with the Empress

Later on, perhaps days later, between innumerable festivities and affairs of state and much more important audiences, it was time for the Viceroy to meet with Sai. He was again dressed in his gleaming white state robe and only accompanied by two individuals, a much older Tal-Amanyn whose hair was completely white who wore long robes of purple and a hat that she immediately removed upon entering the room; and the younger Tal-Amanyn who had opened the gift boxes earlier, though his gleaming cloak of crystals had been replaced with a much more subdued one of pale blue. The Viceroy and his younger companion both lowered themselves to one knee out of respect, a position from which they did not rise.
"Your Radiant Majesty," began the Viceroy, clearly referencing her throne, "I present to you Supreme Justice of the Court of the White Sun, Linia Salvord, and his Highness, Prince Aristas Rey-Aman."
The Supreme Justice merely gave a curt nod, but Aristas spoke without aid of a translator.
"Your Majessty," he said, "I bring many greetingsss from the... Dynasty..? Of the Undying Ssovereign and the peopless of Amanyk."
Despite the differences in Droccen and Tal-Amanyn vocal structures he was doing a pretty decent, if sibilant, job of managing the Droccen tongue.

2019-07-22, 06:02 PM
Vaou was surprised by Sai's eager embrace and the press of her lips against his own. He felt heat rush to his cheeks even as his hands wrapped around her waist to hold her to him. When she pulled back to ask her question his face was nearly as red as her own and his head was swimming with a rush of dopamine. Happy for the few moments more of thinking the resumption of kissing gave him he came to fully realize her question and he felt some level of embarrassment rise inside. When they pulled apart again he gazed into her eyes a moment before looking away and answering.

"Nearly fifty, much too old to be pursuing a young princess half a galaxy apart," his gaze returned to hers and he smiled despite himself, "but I cannot help my feelings being what they are. My heart is racing to hold you so, a dream I've dreamed a thousand times but never dared to believe until now."

"Too old?" Sai seemed amused.

"But you've got three-quarters of your life left, at least! That's plenty of time left to spend with me..."

"You decide. You're the Empress and these are you people. Some of these creatures are a danger to your people. Allowing them to fester in their own dark corner of the galaxy is one thing, but you must not suffer their fanaticism in the name of diplomacy. Not when they bring it to your borders, or coronation. That moron with the pistol? He could have hurt you! He could have hurt one of your guests. I'd have had him arrested!"

Constantine huffed in disgust. Composing himself, he reclined in his chair and replaced an unruly shock of blond hair that had tumbled down his brow.

"The Sisters are peaceful contemplatives. Their religion is of no concern to the Republic. Representatives of The One would be welcome to found a temple in Celes. We have some dozen religions already, all benign and cooperative. We have no state religion, of course. Freedom of religion is one of our most important tenets as a culture."

One religion was endorsed by the state, but not imposed. The Consul's son believed this to be an important distinction.

"I rule at my people's pleasure, Constantine. This is not a dictatorship." Her brow softened as he spoke of religious freedoms.

"What if wanted you to send the frigates to aid the sisters, instead of giving them to me? Would you do it?"

The Viceroy and his entourage had managed to not be in the way while the Jester had made such a spectacle as they had taken up their places to witness the ceremony. Of course, the Viceroy and his attendants were half way through drawing their swords and his guards were just about ready to throw a couple dozen glaives through the Jester, but they quickly reverted to a more serene and regal stance and pretended nothing had happened. The words of the strange individual lingered in their minds and though they found the simple ceremony most charming, Azric couldn't help but be somewhat distracted.

A private audience with the Empress

Later on, perhaps days later, between innumerable festivities and affairs of state and much more important audiences, it was time for the Viceroy to meet with Sai. He was again dressed in his gleaming white state robe and only accompanied by two individuals, a much older Tal-Amanyn whose hair was completely white who wore long robes of purple and a hat that she immediately removed upon entering the room; and the younger Tal-Amanyn who had opened the gift boxes earlier, though his gleaming cloak of crystals had been replaced with a much more subdued one of pale blue. The Viceroy and his younger companion both lowered themselves to one knee out of respect, a position from which they did not rise.
"Your Radiant Majesty," began the Viceroy, clearly referencing her throne, "I present to you Supreme Justice of the Court of the White Sun, Linia Salvord, and his Highness, Prince Aristas Rey-Aman."
The Supreme Justice merely gave a curt nod, but Aristas spoke without aid of a translator.
"Your Majessty," he said, "I bring many greetingsss from the... Dynasty..? Of the Undying Ssovereign and the peopless of Amanyk."
Despite the differences in Droccen and Tal-Amanyn vocal structures he was doing a pretty decent, if sibilant, job of managing the Droccen tongue.

"It is an honored to meet such esteemed Tal-Amanyn. Your Droccen is excellent Prince Aristas." She smiled warmly at the pair.

"Please do rise, we're all friends here."

2019-07-22, 06:43 PM
Just between between Vaou, Sai, and Us Birds

Riss was still a bit grumpy at the sudden disappearance of the jester, that cursed fop was all manner of trouble. Other than showing up uninvited and ACTING like a giggling knife wielding murderer all they ended up throwing were flowers.. it still didn't add up. That isn't to say there weren't possible connections to be made, the bird had managed to pull a decent amount of data and the signature of the jester's departure was defintely one that they could connect to someone - if not trace outright unfortunately.

So with that in mind, Riss noted Vaou and Sai's departure before the rest who had been paged to a private audience hall decided if there was something else that They could dip their beak into and soothe the irritation from earlier. And after having been a bit bent out of shape for being wrong a few minutes ago, they certainly got an ear and eye full by being right this time - catching the conversation from the point of talking about the Chorus and holding at the door before peaking in when things got briefly quiet.

A kiss! And more than just a peck, at that. "You dog!" Riss commented to Themself with great mirth and giving them at least a moment to finish it before interrupting.

"All the worlds in the Chorus, huh Chairman?" Riss tsk tsk's in a playful way and one of Their illuminated eyes blinks to indicate a wink "Gotta be careful with statements like that - who knows who may hear it. The others will be along in a few moments, your secret is safe with Us."

Riss flaps from the door to the back of a nearby chair and settles, fussing at their synthetic plumage "Though if there's going to be a wedding can we at least PLAN for a flower thrower this time? The last one was creepy as hell.."

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-22, 07:51 PM
[COLOR="#B22222"]"I rule at my people's pleasure, Constantine. This is not a dictatorship." Her brow softened as he spoke of religious freedoms.

"What if wanted you to send the frigates to aid the sisters, instead of giving them to me? Would you do it?"

"Per the terms of the contract, the two Rook-Class Frigates would remain under my command, as my personal retinue, for as long as I am your Prince Consort. But as my regent, Empress, I and my retinue are yours. Your enemies are mine. If the Sisters must be defended, then I shall defend them. Eventually, I would pass the ships on to our children and they shall serve the Imperium."

2019-07-22, 08:14 PM
Just between between Vaou, Sai, and Us Birds

Riss was still a bit grumpy at the sudden disappearance of the jester, that cursed fop was all manner of trouble. Other than showing up uninvited and ACTING like a giggling knife wielding murderer all they ended up throwing were flowers.. it still didn't add up. That isn't to say there weren't possible connections to be made, the bird had managed to pull a decent amount of data and the signature of the jester's departure was defintely one that they could connect to someone - if not trace outright unfortunately.

So with that in mind, Riss noted Vaou and Sai's departure before the rest who had been paged to a private audience hall decided if there was something else that They could dip their beak into and soothe the irritation from earlier. And after having been a bit bent out of shape for being wrong a few minutes ago, they certainly got an ear and eye full by being right this time - catching the conversation from the point of talking about the Chorus and holding at the door before peaking in when things got briefly quiet.

A kiss! And more than just a peck, at that. "You dog!" Riss commented to Themself with great mirth and giving them at least a moment to finish it before interrupting.

"All the worlds in the Chorus, huh Chairman?" Riss tsk tsk's in a playful way and one of Their illuminated eyes blinks to indicate a wink "Gotta be careful with statements like that - who knows who may hear it. The others will be along in a few moments, your secret is safe with Us."

Riss flaps from the door to the back of a nearby chair and settles, fussing at their synthetic plumage "Though if there's going to be a wedding can we at least PLAN for a flower thrower this time? The last one was creepy as hell.."

"Oh Riss!" Sai pulled away from Vaou and reddened. She cast a meaningful eye at Kuro but his back was still turned. She wondered if his eyes were closed too.

"The jester created far more questions than he answered. I hardly know where to begin with him." She sighed.

The sisters, however, are the more pressing problem."

"Per the terms of the contract, the two Rook-Class Frigates would remain under my command, as my personal retinue, for as long as I am your Prince Consort. But as my regent, Empress, I and my retinue are yours. Your enemies are mine. If the Sisters must be defended, then I shall defend them. Eventually, I would pass the ships on to our children and they shall serve the Imperium."

Sai pouted. Contracts weren't very romantic.

"The Sisterhood put out a call for help, had you heard? Had you considered sending them aid? Not because of me, just because it's the right thing to do?"

2019-07-22, 08:50 PM
"Oh Riss!" Sai pulled away from Vaou and reddened. She cast a meaningful eye at Kuro but his back was still turned. She wondered if his eyes were closed too.

"The jester created far more questions than he answered. I hardly know where to begin with him." She sighed.

The sisters, however, are the more pressing problem."

The sheepish behavior is all that Riss could have hoped for and more, and so the bird acts as if nothing at all unusual had just transpired.

Riss caws gleefully "We were able to at least get some useful scans of him while he was here and there are a few tidbits that are worth sharing. Speaking of, do you still have those lilies? We would like to inspect them more closely now that we aren't in the middle of aerial acrobatics to see how it stacks up with the rest of the information."

The bird's demeanor gets more conspiratorial after asking about the lilies "Beginning is easy, Empress. Where it leads us could be the most challenging part. And yes, the Sisters are definitely a prickly fish to handle - hopefully with the input of the rest we can make more headway there as well."

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-22, 08:57 PM
Sai pouted. Contracts weren't very romantic.

"The Sisterhood put out a call for help, had you heard? Had you considered sending them aid? Not because of me, just because it's the right thing to do?"

Constantine stiffened, then reclined further in his chair while unfastening the short silver chain that held the corners of his jacket collar in place. His black shirt collar was next and he finally took a deep breath. "The right thing to do? The Sisterhood of Silence is no more deserving of protection than my own people. They have many friends. We are alone in our corner of space with fanatics and monsters to one side, and an unknown expanse to the other. We would consider furnishing the Sisters with warships, but we would require something material in return, not just good will. They are free to convey diplomatic offers to our Foreign Minister."

2019-07-22, 09:12 PM
Well, that's over with

Jeejee rolled her eyes at the antics of the Jester, and reached out to stop Beaz who was approaching him with the arcing staff.

"What?" Beaz said incredulously as if zapping someone wasn't the answer. "Only one Iago zappy, for asktalk."

The point is moot as the distraction gave the jester time to vanish. Grumbling Beaz pressed the button again and the energy atop teh staff stopped crackling menacingly.

Approaching the Space King Jeejee coughed politley, "Well-well, you show-showed him so hard, that he fearfleed at your... bodymight."

2019-07-22, 10:04 PM
Well, that's over with

Jeejee rolled her eyes at the antics of the Jester, and reached out to stop Beaz who was approaching him with the arcing staff.

"What?" Beaz said incredulously as if zapping someone wasn't the answer. "Only one Iago zappy, for asktalk."

The point is moot as the distraction gave the jester time to vanish. Grumbling Beaz pressed the button again and the energy atop teh staff stopped crackling menacingly.

Approaching the Space King Jeejee coughed politley, "Well-well, you show-showed him so hard, that he fearfleed at your... bodymight."

SPACE KING had a laugh when it turned out the jester was tossing flowers the whole time, strange that he was so Fluent in Knight with such underdeveloped throat muscles, very interesting. Still Jaques wondered what happen to the little guy, and more importantly would his antics ruin the buzz.

Jaques put his arm around the Grymlan while extending his other skyward in the imitation of an inspirational speech. I'm sure that's exactly what happened, but don't WORRY I saw you're fur GALANTLY stand on edge. REMEMBER swollness is as much the muscles build as it is the friends you made along the way.

Private Audience

SPACE KING felt the need to congratulate the new Empress and give her the best type of advice... the unsolicited kind. CONGRATULATTIOOONNS how does it feel to finally be an EMPRESS OF SPACE. If its overwhelming FEAR NOT, even SPACE KING can be overwhelmed by responsibility sometimes. But while SPACE KING has muscles, you must find you're own path.

2019-07-23, 12:16 AM
"It is an honored to meet such esteemed Tal-Amanyn. Your Droccen is excellent Prince Aristas." She smiled warmly at the pair.

"Please do rise, we're all friends here."

Azric and Aristas both rose to their feet, Azric with considerably more grace than the younger man. He gave the prince a not so subtle nudge.
"Your Majessty is very kind," he said before another nudge from the Viceroy prompted him to speak further, "I have, uh, come to offer myself as a... Courtier? A courtier in the sservice of you and your people. Perhapss more if the fates are willing."
It was hard to tell due to the red of his scales, but the way he looked away from Sai in a manner that indicated he was definitely feeling a bit awkward.

2019-07-23, 03:21 AM

The ship had been delayed. While travel through the systems bordering their own had been easily accomplished, the first transit through a Courier relay had nearly resulted in an intergalactic incident. It had taken days of patient negotiation to assure the Couriers that the energy readings emanating from the Beneficent Horizon were neither a bomb nor a hidden weapons array, especially when Speaker Ren-Kulto had declined their request to examine the technology in question. When the sleek Vilari ship finally emerged from its gravity-envelope, the crew were dismayed to find the crowd of alien vessels already comfortably in orbit, forcing them to find a berth on the outskirts of the geosynchronous docking ring. At last, though, a white-gold shuttle detached from the main craft, carrying three Vilari to the surface.

It was no small blessing that the celebration in Castrima was an all day affair, and the triune delegation marveled at the great mass of Droccen crowding the parade grounds. There was a cry of some surprise at the late arrival of yet more aliens, the shifting patterns of light across their ceramic suits serving as impromptu accompaniment to scattered bursts of premature fireworks. As they finally came into view of the Imperial Palace, Ren-Kulto paused, cybernetic irises focusing on a point in the distance before he sighed.

<The coronation is imminent. We have lost our opportunity to speak to the Princess as she is.>

At his side, a Vilari of bone-white coloration and red patterning looked between his Speaker and the imperial procession in the distance.

<We might reach her if we hurry, Speaker.>

<No. Better, I think, to watch such a thing surrounded by the soul of an empire.>

A long fingered hand rose to gesture at the churning crowd.

<Its people.>

Waving off the guards that remained, the Vilari delegation dove into the streets of Castrima. At once they were enveloped in a haze of revelry and song, pink bodies pressing against cold encounter suits in a profusion that brought to mind the rare schools of fish on their homeworld. It seemed at first like their path forward would be hopelessly blocked, but with each step a low hum rose from the throat of the Speaker. It was echoed by his companions, a living rhythm of quiet dignity that calmed the passions of those around them. Droccen of every walk of life paused in their celebrations to watch the passage of the strange people from another world, and the crowds parted like waves upon the sea. They proceeded at a pace that belied their aura of calm, quickly enough that as Sai looked down upon the ocean of her new subjects she found three pairs of fiery eyes staring back at her.

The coronation concluded, the Speaker and his entourage finally ascended the steps to the Imperial Palace, spreading his hand in the Vilari Star as he approached Sai.

"Greetings, Empress Sai, on this most auspicious day. You have our sincere apologies for our late arrival - we hope we have not missed all the festivities?"

2019-07-23, 08:54 AM
"Three quarters?" he asked confused before realizing he had assumed too much about Drocc biology, hopefully not too much he thought involuntarily as his eyes scanned Sai's body, "I regret you may overesti-" but he found himself interrupted by Riss of Tezh arriving more than a little early.

The Chairman's cheeks reddened further and as Sai pulled away Vaou's eyes narrowed at the intruding representative of the Consensus. He didn't much care for the idea of his allies lurking around in the shadows eavesdropping on his private conversations. The conversation was swept away from the matter that had been at hand and onto politics causing the Chairman to groan internally. Would he and Sai ever have a moment to discuss a future together? He pushed the thought from his mind as talk turned to the Jester and Sisterhood.

"Perhaps the two could dovetail. We must discuss the Sister's situation now that the Geleans and Rothuun have made their positions towards their vigil clear but the Sisters are no slouches when it comes to investigating mysteries. Perhaps they could be tasked with aiding our research into this mysterious Jester or, as I'm more interested, whoever or whatever it was that sponsored the fool providing him with the technologies he displayed."

The Chairman reached into his jacket's inner pocket and withdrew a relatively flat device he laid on the table and activated projecting a holographic map of the space from Rothuun space out to UC claimed territory between the three of them. The Sisterhood base Morning Bloom was lit up in a blue glow of selection and a dotted line trailed out to Galactic Sector T8 where the Sisterhood had requested conversion preparations be made.

"We expect the Sisterhood to request our aid in relocating this monastery away from the Core and into UC dominated space. I have spoken with Talotius and Consensus Leader Faugloglys and we are agreed to aid in this effort provided the Rothuun permit our peaceful extraction of the Sisters, a point I believe Sai has addressed with the minotaurs. If we are successful Morning Bloom should remain safe for the foreseeable future but another hole will be opened in the Sisterhood's vigil around the Core. We hope to speak with senior Sisterhood leadership following the successful relocation about what to expect from a broken vigil and hope to gain more knowledge of the Core's secrets earned through aid and cooperation with their order."

"However I do not know what to even ask of them regarding the Core and the appearance of the Jester here today inclines me to believe perhaps whatever his presence foretells is of greater relevance to ourselves than the mysteries of the Core."

2019-07-23, 03:51 PM
Constantine stiffened, then reclined further in his chair while unfastening the short silver chain that held the corners of his jacket collar in place. His black shirt collar was next and he finally took a deep breath. "The right thing to do? The Sisterhood of Silence is no more deserving of protection than my own people. They have many friends. We are alone in our corner of space with fanatics and monsters to one side, and an unknown expanse to the other. We would consider furnishing the Sisters with warships, but we would require something material in return, not just good will. They are free to convey diplomatic offers to our Foreign Minister."

Sai deflated a bit as she realized any real attraction she had felt to the Celenian's offer was for the frigates, and not to the people themselves.

"Of course your people's protection would be foremost in your priorities." She took a deep breath.

"I don't think I'm your people, Constantine. This deal is not going to happen. It's flattering and generous but it's not going to happen."

Private Audience

SPACE KING felt the need to congratulate the new Empress and give her the best type of advice... the unsolicited kind. CONGRATULATTIOOONNS how does it feel to finally be an EMPRESS OF SPACE. If its overwhelming FEAR NOT, even SPACE KING can be overwhelmed by responsibility sometimes. But while SPACE KING has muscles, you must find you're own path.

Sai looked at the great purple man with no small amusement but she decided to take his advice in good faith.

"How did you find your true path, Space King?"

Azric and Aristas both rose to their feet, Azric with considerably more grace than the younger man. He gave the prince a not so subtle nudge.
"Your Majessty is very kind," he said before another nudge from the Viceroy prompted him to speak further, "I have, uh, come to offer myself as a... Courtier? A courtier in the sservice of you and your people. Perhapss more if the fates are willing."
It was hard to tell due to the red of his scales, but the way he looked away from Sai in a manner that indicated he was definitely feeling a bit awkward.

Sai blinked in surprise, she had not been expecting so much interest. It was flattering but also oddly humbling, she hoped she was worthy of all this attention.

"I do desire closer relations with the Conclave, and truly already see your people as personal friends." She smiled gently at the uncomfortable prince.

"You should know that I am already betrothed to another, and if you stayed in my court, it would be in a strictly advisory/emissary role. I would also be interested in establishing a formal embassy within the Conclave." She blushed. The Tal-Amaryn was beautiful but her hand had been claimed by another.


The ship had been delayed. While travel through the systems bordering their own had been easily accomplished, the first transit through a Courier relay had nearly resulted in an intergalactic incident. It had taken days of patient negotiation to assure the Couriers that the energy readings emanating from the Beneficent Horizon were neither a bomb nor a hidden weapons array, especially when Speaker Ren-Kulto had declined their request to examine the technology in question. When the sleek Vilari ship finally emerged from its gravity-envelope, the crew were dismayed to find the crowd of alien vessels already comfortably in orbit, forcing them to find a berth on the outskirts of the geosynchronous docking ring. At last, though, a white-gold shuttle detached from the main craft, carrying three Vilari to the surface.

It was no small blessing that the celebration in Castrima was an all day affair, and the triune delegation marveled at the great mass of Droccen crowding the parade grounds. There was a cry of some surprise at the late arrival of yet more aliens, the shifting patterns of light across their ceramic suits serving as impromptu accompaniment to scattered bursts of premature fireworks. As they finally came into view of the Imperial Palace, Ren-Kulto paused, cybernetic irises focusing on a point in the distance before he sighed.

<The coronation is imminent. We have lost our opportunity to speak to the Princess as she is.>

At his side, a Vilari of bone-white coloration and red patterning looked between his Speaker and the imperial procession in the distance.

<We might reach her if we hurry, Speaker.>

<No. Better, I think, to watch such a thing surrounded by the soul of an empire.>

A long fingered hand rose to gesture at the churning crowd.

<Its people.>

Waving off the guards that remained, the Vilari delegation dove into the streets of Castrima. At once they were enveloped in a haze of revelry and song, pink bodies pressing against cold encounter suits in a profusion that brought to mind the rare schools of fish on their homeworld. It seemed at first like their path forward would be hopelessly blocked, but with each step a low hum rose from the throat of the Speaker. It was echoed by his companions, a living rhythm of quiet dignity that calmed the passions of those around them. Droccen of every walk of life paused in their celebrations to watch the passage of the strange people from another world, and the crowds parted like waves upon the sea. They proceeded at a pace that belied their aura of calm, quickly enough that as Sai looked down upon the ocean of her new subjects she found three pairs of fiery eyes staring back at her.

The coronation concluded, the Speaker and his entourage finally ascended the steps to the Imperial Palace, spreading his hand in the Vilari Star as he approached Sai.

"Greetings, Empress Sai, on this most auspicious day. You have our sincere apologies for our late arrival - we hope we have not missed all the festivities?"

Sai had found herself feeling oddly alone after the ceremony conclusion. People bustled around her but seemed to be done with her for the moment. She was still feeling a bit vulnerable in her bare feet and simple robe when the Vilari approached.

"Ren-Kulto!" Sai's face lit up as she recognized The Speaker.

"Thank you for coming so far from your homes! I'm so glad you're here." She touched her hand to his as she had learned at the Simulacrum.

"The festivities will continue all night! And you are welcome to stay on Droccen as long as you wish." Her face lit up.

"In fact, we're taking a trip tomorrow with the Lyreans, the Harkens and probably Vaou to visit our ocean. Would you like to come along?"

"Three quarters?" he asked confused before realizing he had assumed too much about Drocc biology, hopefully not too much he thought involuntarily as his eyes scanned Sai's body, "I regret you may overesti-" but he found himself interrupted by Riss of Tezh arriving more than a little early.

The Chairman's cheeks reddened further and as Sai pulled away Vaou's eyes narrowed at the intruding representative of the Consensus. He didn't much care for the idea of his allies lurking around in the shadows eavesdropping on his private conversations. The conversation was swept away from the matter that had been at hand and onto politics causing the Chairman to groan internally. Would he and Sai ever have a moment to discuss a future together? He pushed the thought from his mind as talk turned to the Jester and Sisterhood.

"Perhaps the two could dovetail. We must discuss the Sister's situation now that the Geleans and Rothuun have made their positions towards their vigil clear but the Sisters are no slouches when it comes to investigating mysteries. Perhaps they could be tasked with aiding our research into this mysterious Jester or, as I'm more interested, whoever or whatever it was that sponsored the fool providing him with the technologies he displayed."

The Chairman reached into his jacket's inner pocket and withdrew a relatively flat device he laid on the table and activated projecting a holographic map of the space from Rothuun space out to UC claimed territory between the three of them. The Sisterhood base Morning Bloom was lit up in a blue glow of selection and a dotted line trailed out to Galactic Sector T8 where the Sisterhood had requested conversion preparations be made.

"We expect the Sisterhood to request our aid in relocating this monastery away from the Core and into UC dominated space. I have spoken with Talotius and Consensus Leader Faugloglys and we are agreed to aid in this effort provided the Rothuun permit our peaceful extraction of the Sisters, a point I believe Sai has addressed with the minotaurs. If we are successful Morning Bloom should remain safe for the foreseeable future but another hole will be opened in the Sisterhood's vigil around the Core. We hope to speak with senior Sisterhood leadership following the successful relocation about what to expect from a broken vigil and hope to gain more knowledge of the Core's secrets earned through aid and cooperation with their order."

"However I do not know what to even ask of them regarding the Core and the appearance of the Jester here today inclines me to believe perhaps whatever his presence foretells is of greater relevance to ourselves than the mysteries of the Core."

"I do have the lillies!" Sai pulled them from a hidden pocket within the folds of her robe and placed the white blooms on the table for Riss to inspect.

"I did speak to Zurtak on behalf of the Sisterhood." Her mouth formed an involuntary frown of distaste as though she'd smelled something off-putting.

"He insisted that he meant to, and I quote, rape and pillage, to kill every Sister who attempted to get in the way of the Rothuun manifest destiny. Which is to conquer the galaxy, by the way, including the core." She rolled her eyes at such futile ambitions.

"So I guess the Rothuun aren't above senseless rapine and murder, but broken promises, that's too far." She threw up her hands in disgust. Maybe she was getting the hang of this sarcasm thing.

2019-07-23, 05:02 PM
Ool Vulk

In the end, all the worry was for nothing. Flowers! Imagine that. Ool chuckles and draws back, letting the others who are more concerned about the matter press in. He goes to get himself a drink.

Ool Vulk and Shashagoona

Ool turns, said drink in hand, and takes a moment to size the Rocthuri up. He's not used to being shorter than someone, except Tra Gutri. At the extension of their tentacle, he grasps it warmly, giving it a hearty squeeze. "Hello! I see you know my name, so I can skip my usual, self-aggrandizing introduction."

He hesitates and lowers his voice to a whisper. "If you don't mind me asking, are you male or female? I'm sorry to say I can't tell very well."

2019-07-23, 09:11 PM
"How did you find your true path, Space King?"[/COLOR]

SPACE KING took off his visor exposing his black pupil-less eyes. For a brief moment he decided to respond with a degree of sincerity no knight would be allowed to witness.

Jaques shrugged. I didn't want to be a whipped janitor any more, and with some help I realized that I wasn't alone.

Jaques slowly began to put the vizer back on as his voice began to swell to it normal cadence "And through that power I ASCENDED to this PERFECT FORM. His statement punctuated by triumphant flexing.

2019-07-24, 12:00 AM
Unlike the other races being so alerted to the possible dangers of that one unknown guest, the Melfynians were too taken in by the jester's performance to even realize there may be something off about his closing on the Princess. It wasn't like there weren't any clowns in Melfynus- schools of clownfish were all over the aquatic planet but, entertainers and especially entertainers that could juggle (as the waters of Melfynus would do its best to hinder their movements) was a new experience for the Harkans in attendance.

It was for that reason they actually tried to get closer to the juggler. Not because they wanted to stop his performance, no siree, but because they wanted to be able to watch it all without even missing a thing.

Quite as even with their attentive observations, the Harkans could not perceive the jester's sudden and fierce actions from his previous graceful juggling as anything but aggressive and when that face finally registered for them they let out a collective scream; Kimdt's squeal of terror for Sai in perticular was exceptionally shrill that even the question which came to her of what the Efficiency Ground could be momentarily escaped her. When she recovered her shock, it was the question Princess Sai pointed out about the jester not needing a translator which stuck to her. Imagine the possibilities...

The small Jeejee was giving SPACE KING a minor headache, either due to the squire whiskey or his manner of speech, its hard to tell. As long as the mad egg heads weren't a threat he didn't need to bother with them, but maybe they could be useful.EXCELLENT would you feel about mutual SPACE DENSE...I mean DEFENSE. Space is filled with bad HOMMES after, especially those cowmen they don't seem MILKABLE at alll.

While some of the Melfynians have spotted the jester, the energy the man had which was just about as much as the Rothuun distressed them and just like the Rothuun, they too kept away from the jester. Some at least, like Kimdt, found the Grymlans and the space king a lot more fun- if that was what they needed in the coronation.

A harkan upon seeing the hover chair asked "where the space king pleases? How are the chair's specs? Is there any distance or speed limitations?"

The Melfynians' de facto representative Kimdt followed up by asking, although not quite in tune with current affairs, "how do you determine what are your fightymuscles? We aren't too familiar with your biology but are they heavy? Is that why you need a flying chair?" While the Vacio seem to have the same inclination as the threatening Rothuun, the kings whimsy put the harkan more at ease. And then as if the mere mention of it put in more life into the conversation, "w-w-whats a space horse?!"

The Melfynians were such an excitable group. Space King was eager for the opportunity to serve as a role model for alien space youth....that was the purpose of this conference right? Dio really is gonna have a big debriefing, it'll be awkward when he'll have to remember the events he wasn't around for. Space King chuckled at the idea before responding HAHAHA...space chair specs are known by the eggheads, such concerns are made for SPACE KING to HOVER OVER.

Cowmen were bad, that the Melfynians could agree and Kimdt couldn't help but express her distress that the one Harkan she could rely on to deal with them wasn't present at the coronation. "thank goodness for the Lyraens. They were so heroic" she continued to comment with obvious admiration for the one able to blast the other's weapon the way he did.

But that aside she echoed her support for the Grymlans as, "the grymlans are very good friends to have. Not only your mutual defence, but they are also very knowledgeable. At the very least, an alliance with them would allow for a closed network we can use among ourselves instead of the Guardian's provided simulacrum which is full of room for exploitation" or at least, that was what she picked up from the more knowledgeable Melfynians.

But onto a topic more catered to Melfynian interests, the Kimdt added "if you guys end up getting a hub from the Grymlans of your own, maybe your eggheads can talk to ours about how the chairs work, and other stuff. Like the space... horses?" she asked again not knowing if the space king actually knew anything about them either since he avoided mentioning anything about it.

Private Audience with Droccen

The visitors from Melfynus led by Kimdt immediately upon entering the private room showed their concern for the Prin- no, she was the Empress now. It was terrifying what could have been and after the barrage of questions to ask of the Empress was alright (with some more clarification since the two parties physiology were so different) one Harkan finally gave the suggestion that with so many gifts the Empress should maybe consider already putting some to use. An echoing agreement among the others and then the interrogations continued.

Spanning from the obvious "who are this efficiency ground? Why did they do this? What did you do to get their attention?" to the "what did they predict? Are they against the callers? What about us since the callers are the source of our newfound advancements?" to the ideas which only added to the fears "do you think the Rothuun are behind this? They are pretty attacky and it looked like they weren't even around the clownman when the whole thing happened."

2019-07-24, 01:36 PM
The Uplift Chorus

After the majestic coronation ceremony, Shashagoona received word about the private meeting of the Chorus. This would normally be a task for Faugloglys, but given what had just occurred with the jester, it seemed that something needed to be done now, and they were the only one here to do it.

They walked into the palace and found the room that the Chorus was using, and entered slowly, introducing themselves to the Chairman and the Tezh.

This one is Shashagoona, assistant to Consensus Leader Faugloglys <an image of Faugloglys bowing>. We assume that this meeting is being held to discuss the presence of the Orator AI <the jester juggling and rhyming> at the palace?

The Psychic Space Squids and the Etherites

While mingling in the crowd Shashagoona notices several individuals that, at first glance, appeared to be Lyraens, but it appeared they were more varied than just wolf-like. Seeking clarification, and potentially a first contact scenario, the pod of 6 meter tall Rocthurhi approached the menage a trios of furries.

Greeting, Ambassadors <a formal introduction of distinguished guests>. This one is Shashagoona, assistant to Consensus Leader Faugloglys <an image of the bowing leader of the Rocthurhi>, and member of the Uplift Chorus <Empress Sai, Chairman Ren, Talotius, and Faugloglys sitting at a table conducting business>. We are curious about your similarity to the Lyraens <the three Etherites standing next to Lyrae for comparison>, do you share potential ancestors <a zoomed out image of a potential evolutionary tree>, the way that the humans suggest as a reason that there are so many of them <a collage of the different humanoid races>?

2019-07-24, 02:45 PM
The Uplift Chorus

After the majestic coronation ceremony, Shashagoona received word about the private meeting of the Chorus. This would normally be a task for Faugloglys, but given what had just occurred with the jester, it seemed that something needed to be done now, and they were the only one here to do it.

They walked into the palace and found the room that the Chorus was using, and entered slowly, introducing themselves to the Chairman and the Tezh.

This one is Shashagoona, assistant to Consensus Leader Faugloglys <an image of Faugloglys bowing>. We assume that this meeting is being held to discuss the presence of the Orator AI <the jester juggling and rhyming> at the palace?

Riss hops down to the table when the flowers are presented and begins getting up close with them for a detailed inspection. They make small sounds of introspection while turning them this way and that, peering at petals and even placing one in their beak for chemical analysis.

This has gone on for a few minutes when the Rocthurhi representative shows up. They are followed closely by Talotius, Amistad, Thorvald, and Sepia.

"We offer greetings Shashagoona, assistant to Consensus Leader Faugloglys" Talotius' choral voice shows none of the frustration with the earlier dramatic fluff, introducing the rest of the Tezh Consensus envoy before addressing Sai directly "Thank you, Empress, for taking time out of your day to meet all of Us together. Riss, what can you share about the events that just transpired?"

The bird discards the flower gently with a silent 'ptoo' action before their voice kicks in "A lot, but not much" they say with a definite note of frustration. The Chief of Intelligence triggers the conference room's AV equipment and brings up recordings of the jester's procession through the courtyard, scanning results of him and the equipment he was with, a spectral analysis of the moment he vanished, and finally results about Their inspection of the flowers.

"We did not see his arrival though we imagine it was via the same means as the departure; IE some sort of direct transportation via energy conversion, but it doesn't match any signatures Tezh have ever seen before. HOWEVER, his bio-mech body makeup matches directly to readings we've gotten off of Courier faction members in our dealings with them. It wouldn't surprise Us at all if we could get an up-close inspection of their transportation equipment - the 'females' We think they call them? - and find a similar if not identical signature in how they move material around the galaxy."

"The translation ability also suggests a connection with Caller AI, similar to how everyone managed to communicate just fine that first day in the Simulacrum. Thanks to Talotius' private questions that first day we also have an idea about the identity of that AI based on the jester's lyrical conversation: the mention of 'Efficiency' correlating with an AI labeled 'Conveyance' that last checked in some 31,400 'galactic time' years ago."

Riss' head bobs back and forth as They bandy Shashagoona's input about Orator around in Their thoughts "There could definitely be a link there, 'fun' having been a word associated with that AI. Guardian's words suggest that they were the only ones still functioning, and have potentially two more suddenly making an appearance, one bringing a gift on behalf of another? It's just.. odd. But at least we do have a place to start searching for one of them."

"As for that gift: the lilies.. well they're just lilies. A rarity from all the records We've been able to pull up. Can you tell us anything more about them Empress Sai? Are they culturally significant in some way, perhaps relating to this 'doom' or 'revolution' that was spoken about?"

Riss stomps around the tabletop like only a bird can, coming to a stop with a flap of Their four wings to punctuate the finality "And that's everything We've got. It's definitely nothing that qualifies as answer but it's a good place to start digging for them!"

Amistad, Sepia, and Thorvald have taken seats around the table and are content to be quiet and listen, although the ebon furred Stozudal is busy looking at Shashagoona thoughtfully - the biologists unable to resist being intrigued by the squid-like creature across from him, although he does nothing to interrupt the conversation at hand.

2019-07-24, 03:00 PM
The entrance of the Tzeh draws the attention of Dax who almost immediately produces a set of eye ware from somewhere on his person and seems to stare almost entranced at Amistad and the other Tzeh as they approach Sai. Dax can be heard to say "reach out" to his companions, and Reffin traces a symbol in the air leaving behind a faint set of sparks that linger for a moment before cocking his head to the side in observation. Hushed conversation commences between the three. Dax seems to shake himself to begin a broader analysis.

The Jester
The appearance and actions of the Jester, whatever it was caused the trio to retreat slightly into a very defensive stance watching for other surprises while always keeping a close eye on the Jester.

The Tezh Consensus:
Dax splits from the others who quickly fall into flanking positions as they approach Talotius.
"My appologies for staring" Dax says as he removes the goggles from his head and slips them into a coat pocket.
"Your appearance and energy is and intriguing new experience and for those such as us, your motion is most unique. My name is Dax Shu'Triffalen, master of Energetic physics, Adept of Etheric and Mimetic Dimensional Studies and current head of the Council of the Nine Schools. I hope that there can be a peaceful exchange of ideas between our peoples, and an understanding of each other's ways."

The Psychic Space Squids
The approach of the Rocthuri seems to cause an involuntary step back from the Etherites. As Shashagoona begins speaking Dax makes a couple of gestures and flicks a couple of switches on his belt followed by Trask and Reffin. As they do the trio seem to start floating in the air stopping at near "head" height of the Rocthuri. Another gesture from Dax to Trask with an answering nod and Dax begins to speak. As he does, the Rocthuri receive mental images corresponding to the people and places talked about.

"Greetings Ambassadors <questioning image of 1:1 or 1 to a Collective many>. My name is Dax Shu'Triffalen, master of Energetic physics, Adept of Etheric and Mimetic Dimensional Studies and current head of the Council of the Nine Schools. <Two oddly shaped symbols appear at the mention of the schools and then one of a round room and table with no head and 10 chairs with nine occupied.> The one translating for us is Trask Strass'Tin master Noetic Science and head of it's school. <Another symbol is shown and Trask sitting in a council meeting in one of the chairs>. We are unaware of any common ancestry with the Lyrae the similar physicality would point to something in the past. Please excuse our caution <concepts of apology are transmitted as that seem to be surrounded by a number of untranslated symbols> but your own shape is similar to things our people have fought in our past <images of blacknesses and void and constant decay with tentacles of entropy reaching out> and things that we are constantly on the watch for in our future."

2019-07-24, 08:57 PM
SPACE KING took off his visor exposing his black pupil-less eyes. For a brief moment he decided to respond with a degree of sincerity no knight would be allowed to witness.

Jaques shrugged. I didn't want to be a whipped janitor any more, and with some help I realized that I wasn't alone.

Jaques slowly began to put the vizer back on as his voice began to swell to it normal cadence "And through that power I ASCENDED to this PERFECT FORM. His statement punctuated by triumphant flexing.

"From whipped Janitor to ripped Space King, if that's not inspiring, I don't know what is."

The Uplift Chorus

After the majestic coronation ceremony, Shashagoona received word about the private meeting of the Chorus. This would normally be a task for Faugloglys, but given what had just occurred with the jester, it seemed that something needed to be done now, and they were the only one here to do it.

They walked into the palace and found the room that the Chorus was using, and entered slowly, introducing themselves to the Chairman and the Tezh.

This one is Shashagoona, assistant to Consensus Leader Faugloglys <an image of Faugloglys bowing>. We assume that this meeting is being held to discuss the presence of the Orator AI <the jester juggling and rhyming> at the palace?

Riss hops down to the table when the flowers are presented and begins getting up close with them for a detailed inspection. They make small sounds of introspection while turning them this way and that, peering at petals and even placing one in their beak for chemical analysis.

This has gone on for a few minutes when the Rocthurhi representative shows up. They are followed closely by Talotius, Amistad, Thorvald, and Sepia.

"We offer greetings Shashagoona, assistant to Consensus Leader Faugloglys" Talotius' choral voice shows none of the frustration with the earlier dramatic fluff, introducing the rest of the Tezh Consensus envoy before addressing Sai directly "Thank you, Empress, for taking time out of your day to meet all of Us together. Riss, what can you share about the events that just transpired?"

The bird discards the flower gently with a silent 'ptoo' action before their voice kicks in "A lot, but not much" they say with a definite note of frustration. The Chief of Intelligence triggers the conference room's AV equipment and brings up recordings of the jester's procession through the courtyard, scanning results of him and the equipment he was with, a spectral analysis of the moment he vanished, and finally results about Their inspection of the flowers.

"We did not see his arrival though we imagine it was via the same means as the departure; IE some sort of direct transportation via energy conversion, but it doesn't match any signatures Tezh have ever seen before. HOWEVER, his bio-mech body makeup matches directly to readings we've gotten off of Courier faction members in our dealings with them. It wouldn't surprise Us at all if we could get an up-close inspection of their transportation equipment - the 'females' We think they call them? - and find a similar if not identical signature in how they move material around the galaxy."

"The translation ability also suggests a connection with Caller AI, similar to how everyone managed to communicate just fine that first day in the Simulacrum. Thanks to Talotius' private questions that first day we also have an idea about the identity of that AI based on the jester's lyrical conversation: the mention of 'Efficiency' correlating with an AI labeled 'Conveyance' that last checked in some 31,400 'galactic time' years ago."

Riss' head bobs back and forth as They bandy Shashagoona's input about Orator around in Their thoughts "There could definitely be a link there, 'fun' having been a word associated with that AI. Guardian's words suggest that they were the only ones still functioning, and have potentially two more suddenly making an appearance, one bringing a gift on behalf of another? It's just.. odd. But at least we do have a place to start searching for one of them."

"As for that gift: the lilies.. well they're just lilies. A rarity from all the records We've been able to pull up. Can you tell us anything more about them Empress Sai? Are they culturally significant in some way, perhaps relating to this 'doom' or 'revolution' that was spoken about?"

Riss stomps around the tabletop like only a bird can, coming to a stop with a flap of Their four wings to punctuate the finality "And that's everything We've got. It's definitely nothing that qualifies as answer but it's a good place to start digging for them!"

Amistad, Sepia, and Thorvald have taken seats around the table and are content to be quiet and listen, although the ebon furred Stozudal is busy looking at Shashagoona thoughtfully - the biologists unable to resist being intrigued by the squid-like creature across from him, although he does nothing to interrupt the conversation at hand.

"So you think the jester might have been some sort of AI?" Sai had done her best trying to follow the others line of thought. The Empress looked up as Kuro approached the table from his vigil in front of the door.

"Pardon me but my scans detected a fine mesh webbing on the jester. I believe the reading was coming from inside of him." He nodded and went back to guarding the room, satisfied that he had imparted his knowledge.

"Oh! Thank you Kuro. That's very interesting..." She touched the lillies that looked a bit worse for wear with all the handling.

"Lillies are one of the few flowers we have left on Droccen. They are quite prized and precious, especially white ones. They seemed a deliberate choice. But why me? Was it merely the opportune chance at a wide audience during my coronation? And if he is warning us, is he on our side? Or his benefactor anyway." Her voice trailed off as she mused.

Nefarion Xid
2019-07-24, 10:53 PM
Sai deflated a bit as she realized any real attraction she had felt to the Celenian's offer was for the frigates, and not to the people themselves.

"Of course your people's protection would be foremost in your priorities." She took a deep breath.

"I don't think I'm your people, Constantine. This deal is not going to happen. It's flattering and generous but it's not going to happen."

"I won't lie and say that I'm not disappointed." Constantine was already getting up from his chair. "Alas. This will play well with my people though, and our shareholders. The offer was overgenerous. Selling the ships to the navy instead will make Relor Industries modestly wealthier."

2019-07-24, 11:25 PM
The entrance of the Tzech draws the attention of Dax who almost immediately produces a set of eye ware from somewhere on his person and seems to stare almost entranced at Amistad and the other Tzech as they approach Sai. Dax can be heard to say "reach out" to his companions, and Reffin traces a symbol in the air leaving behind a faint set of sparks that linger for a moment before cocking his head to the side in observation. Hushed conversation commences between the three. Dax seems to shake himself to begin a broader analysis.

The Tezch Consensus:
Dax splits from the others who quickly fall into flanking positions as they approach Talotius.
"My appologies for staring" Dax says as he removes the goggles from his head and slips them into a coat pocket.
"Your appearance and energy is and intriguing new experience and for those such as us, your motion is most unique. My name is Dax Shu'Triffalen, master of Energetic physics, Adept of Etheric and Mimetic Dimensional Studies and current head of the Council of the Nine Schools. I hope that there can be a peaceful exchange of ideas between our peoples, and an understanding of each other's ways."

Talotius turns to address the speaker, responding cordial formality "We offer greetings Dax Shu'Triffalen, master of Energetic physics, Adept of Etheric and Mimetic Dimensional Studies and current head of the Council of the Nine Schools. We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus. We take no offense at curiosity that is focused Our way - physicality is a vast experience and there are many things which are new or different for Us and our fellow siblings after the date of activating the Tessering Construct/doorlight device."

"To address your interest directly: this frame navigates physicality through manipulation of energy fields related to the properties of mass and gravity. We do our best to simulate how others ambulate without being too precise - as we have found that such exacting detail can often have an unpleasant effect on socialization."

The prospect and offer of knowledge sharing always pleases Tezh, and the blue mote sparkles briefly before settling again "We are amenable to such exchanges, as they can often lead to new advancements for the betterment of all or at the very least bring a new perspective through which to view physicality."

2019-07-25, 02:29 AM
Unlike the other races being so alerted to the possible dangers of that one unknown guest, the Melfynians were too taken in by the jester's performance to even realize there may be something off about his closing on the Princess. It wasn't like there weren't any clowns in Melfynus- schools of clownfish were all over the aquatic planet but, entertainers and especially entertainers that could juggle (as the waters of Melfynus would do its best to hinder their movements) was a new experience for the Harkans in attendance.

It was for that reason they actually tried to get closer to the juggler. Not because they wanted to stop his performance, no siree, but because they wanted to be able to watch it all without even missing a thing.

Quite as even with their attentive observations, the Harkans could not perceive the jester's sudden and fierce actions from his previous graceful juggling as anything but aggressive and when that face finally registered for them they let out a collective scream; Kimdt's squeal of terror for Sai in perticular was exceptionally shrill that even the question which came to her of what the Efficiency Ground could be momentarily escaped her. When she recovered her shock, it was the question Princess Sai pointed out about the jester not needing a translator which stuck to her. Imagine the possibilities...

Private Audience with Droccen

The visitors from Melfynus led by Kimdt immediately upon entering the private room showed their concern for the Prin- no, she was the Empress now. It was terrifying what could have been and after the barrage of questions to ask of the Empress was alright (with some more clarification since the two parties physiology were so different) one Harkan finally gave the suggestion that with so many gifts the Empress should maybe consider already putting some to use. An echoing agreement among the others and then the interrogations continued.

Spanning from the obvious "who are this efficiency ground? Why did they do this? What did you do to get their attention?" to the "what did they predict? Are they against the callers? What about us since the callers are the source of our newfound advancements?" to the ideas which only added to the fears "do you think the Rothuun are behind this? They are pretty attacky and it looked like they weren't even around the clownman when the whole thing happened."

"The Rothuun are pretty attacky but I don't think this was them." Sai began with the last question and attempted to remember them all.

"Can you imagine them speaking in rhyme? No. So I don't know who they are or what I did to come under their attention. It might have just been that they wished to serve a warning, and my coronation was the most convenient time to do so, as many people are gathered together. They warned of "doom" and a revolution". It was unclear as to who they were referring to." She looked to the Harkan fondly.

"I do not think they are against you, dear Kimdt. I think they are for you! They came all this way to warn us including you. Not that traveling appeared to be a particular hardship for him."

"I won't lie and say that I'm not disappointed." Constantine was already getting up from his chair. "Alas. This will play well with my people though, and our shareholders. The offer was overgenerous. Selling the ships to the navy instead will make Relor Industries modestly wealthier."

"There are always sides aren't there? There will be some of my people regretful that we didn't get those free frigates." All they would have cost is the rest of her life. No, she had the power to not barter herself away, as her Grandmother had bartered her sister for the colony.

"Take care of yourself, Constantine, and be well." Her smile was subdued as she bid farewell to her would-be suitor. Perhaps if she hadn't yet met Vaou things might have been different between them. Then again perhaps not.

2019-07-25, 12:29 PM
The Eternal Assembly of Alysia
"Lady Aladia, I'm glad we were able to come to an agreeable outcome in our near space regarding Proxos. I hope that this project will lead to a longer lasting friendship and co-operation between our peoples. I look forward to further conversations regarding the longer term goals of your people and how we be able to co-operate to achieve them."

The Tezh Concensus
"It is often through the new and unique challenges that the greatest advancements are made. I am glad to hear of your openness to information exchange, we have, we would like to think, topics covering all of the branches of study of the universe at our University. At some point in the future perhaps a more formal embassy could be established."

2019-07-25, 01:07 PM
[CENTER]Private audience with Sai[/CENTER
After running off to inform his superior of the events and tell the two guards with him to start scanning for traces of strange energy, he returned to the palace. He found Sai in a meeting with the SPACE KING. and after a few minutes the SPACE KING left so he and Krazkul approached Sai. He decided he should be the first to speak being the one who witnessed this whole thing. Pr-Empress now is it? Me and my superior would like a word with you. Once Sai is seated Nozdak begins to speak. Empress Sai I am sure you already know why I have asked to have this meeting. The events of today have greatly concerned me and my superior and I want to get as much information about what happened as possible. I have already talked to some one who gave me the recording of the words the jester spoke and we are going to analyze them but my biggest question right now is whey did the jester appear her and why you?

Now its Krazkul speakI believe that this event prophesies a threat against our civilizations and my first duty is to prepare my forces to stop it. Thats hard to do when you don't know what your facing. Their is also the possibility this is all a trick by either your nation wether you know about it or not, or one of the other parties attending this event. I know of no race that could do what he did but I will trust no one.
He looks at Sai through his mask trying to see any sign that she may have been a part of this.

2019-07-25, 02:40 PM
Sai blinked in surprise, she had not been expecting so much interest. It was flattering but also oddly humbling, she hoped she was worthy of all this attention.

"I do desire closer relations with the Conclave, and truly already see your people as personal friends." She smiled gently at the uncomfortable prince.

"You should know that I am already betrothed to another, and if you stayed in my court, it would be in a strictly advisory/emissary role. I would also be interested in establishing a formal embassy within the Conclave." She blushed. The Tal-Amaryn was beautiful but her hand had been claimed by another.

Aristas relaxed, relieved from any sort of duty to win the Empress's hand, the Viceroy meanwhile gave her an honest and true smile.
"Congratulations Your Radiance. I am certain that Aristas will still be an asset to you and your Court. Pray tell, who is the lucky individual who has won your heart? They must be a truly worthy and compassionate individual."
The Tal-Amanyn delegates do not seem at all concerned of the failure of their apparent marriage offer. After a few more moments, Azric's other companion, Linia Salvord, speaks up. Azric shot her a quick look, but merely bowed deferentially to let her speak.
"Your Radiant Majesty, who was that juggler?" she spun her hat in one hand as she spoke, "They were a most... Unusual addition to the festivities and their words were troubling. It may simply be the ramblings of a mad seer or an aspect of Droccen culture I am sadly ignorant of, but my mind constantly returns to their words."

2019-07-25, 04:44 PM
[CENTER]Private audience with Sai[/CENTER
After running off to inform his superior of the events and tell the two guards with him to start scanning for traces of strange energy, he returned to the palace. He found Sai in a meeting with the SPACE KING. and after a few minutes the SPACE KING left so he and Krazkul approached Sai. He decided he should be the first to speak being the one who witnessed this whole thing. Pr-Empress now is it? Me and my superior would like a word with you. Once Sai is seated Nozdak begins to speak. Empress Sai I am sure you already know why I have asked to have this meeting. The events of today have greatly concerned me and my superior and I want to get as much information about what happened as possible. I have already talked to some one who gave me the recording of the words the jester spoke and we are going to analyze them but my biggest question right now is whey did the jester appear her and why you?

Now its Krazkul speakI believe that this event prophesies a threat against our civilizations and my first duty is to prepare my forces to stop it. Thats hard to do when you don't know what your facing. Their is also the possibility this is all a trick by either your nation wether you know about it or not, or one of the other parties attending this event. I know of no race that could do what he did but I will trust no one.
He looks at Sai through his mask trying to see any sign that she may have been a part of this.

Sai's surprise was evident on her face, she hadn't considered that others might suspect the jester of being some Droccen trick.

"I understand and share your concerns, please believe me when I tell you that I nor Droccen had anything to do with the appearance of that jester or the warnings he spoke of. I have no idea why he chose my coronation to deploy his warnings, other than the sheer convenience of having many peoples gathered here at once. One might assume from his actions and words, that him or perhaps his benefactor is on our side. If his warning is even to be trusted, of course."

Aristas relaxed, relieved from any sort of duty to win the Empress's hand, the Viceroy meanwhile gave her an honest and true smile.
"Congratulations Your Radiance. I am certain that Aristas will still be an asset to you and your Court. Pray tell, who is the lucky individual who has won your heart? They must be a truly worthy and compassionate individual."
The Tal-Amanyn delegates do not seem at all concerned of the failure of their apparent marriage offer. After a few more moments, Azric's other companion, Linia Salvord, speaks up. Azric shot her a quick look, but merely bowed deferentially to let her speak.
"Your Radiant Majesty, who was that juggler?" she spun her hat in one hand as she spoke, "They were a most... Unusual addition to the festivities and their words were troubling. It may simply be the ramblings of a mad seer or an aspect of Droccen culture I am sadly ignorant of, but my mind constantly returns to their words."

"I'll be happy to have him here, Your Grace." Sai smiled warmly at the Prince, sympathizing with his more relaxed mien now that that issue of potential matrimony was off the table.

"I don't know who he was. When he first appeared, I was unconcerned because I assumed he had come in with an official delegation. A clown at a party is nothing to be feared, after all. Unless you're afraid of clowns." She amended with a quick grin.

"He spoke of an "incoming doom" and of "revolution" I... have no idea if that was directed at me personally, or at the audience at large. It certainly does make me ever more concerned about whatever the Sisterhood has contained within the core and I was already greatly concerned about it. Not that I have anyway to know if the two are connected, I am just guessing at this point. Grasping at straws to try and make sense of it. It would seem that he chose my coronation to appear simply because there are so many peoples in attendance. It may have been just a matter of convenience for him."

2019-07-25, 07:38 PM
"From whipped Janitor to ripped Space King, if that's not inspiring, I don't know what is."

SPACE KING NO LONGER HAS SENSE OF SCALE. And SPACE is good at One upsmanship. Whether you're loved, feared, or admired GOOD LUCK forging you're path. Jaques ended with a flex aimed skyward.

Cowmen were bad, that the Melfynians could agree and Kimdt couldn't help but express her distress that the one Harkan she could rely on to deal with them wasn't present at the coronation. "thank goodness for the Lyraens. They were so heroic" she continued to comment with obvious admiration for the one able to blast the other's weapon the way he did.

But that aside she echoed her support for the Grymlans as, "the grymlans are very good friends to have. Not only your mutual defence, but they are also very knowledgeable. At the very least, an alliance with them would allow for a closed network we can use among ourselves instead of the Guardian's provided simulacrum which is full of room for exploitation" or at least, that was what she picked up from the more knowledgeable Melfynians.

But onto a topic more catered to Melfynian interests, the Kimdt added "if you guys end up getting a hub from the Grymlans of your own, maybe your eggheads can talk to ours about how the chairs work, and other stuff. Like the space... horses?" she asked again not knowing if the space king actually knew anything about them either since he avoided mentioning anything about it.

Are they, you speak highly of our FFURRY FRIENDS, do you want this to be A SPACE mêlée à trois.

SPACE KING decided to give a brief description of space horses to satiate the Melfynians burning hunger. SPACCEE HORSES are majestic creatures not unlike LAND HORSES, but they're bright metallic PINK armed with a MAJESTIC HORN. I know not how but they RUN IN SPACE at sub luminal speedds. Every knight must KNOW their SPACE HORSE, but my horse knows MY GREATEST SECRETS, so its in the ship.

2019-07-25, 08:35 PM
Conference Room - Uplift Chorus and Empress Sai

"So you think the jester might have been some sort of AI?" Sai had done her best trying to follow the others line of thought. The Empress looked up as Kuro approached the table from his vigil in front of the door.

"Pardon me but my scans detected a fine mesh webbing on the jester. I believe the reading was coming from inside of him." He nodded and went back to guarding the room, satisfied that he had imparted his knowledge.

"Oh! Thank you Kuro. That's very interesting..." She touched the lillies that looked a bit worse for wear with all the handling.

"Lillies are one of the few flowers we have left on Droccen. They are quite prized and precious, especially white ones. They seemed a deliberate choice. But why me? Was it merely the opportune chance at a wide audience during my coronation? And if he is warning us, is he on our side? Or his benefactor anyway." Her voice trailed off as she mused.

Riss shakes their head "We can't say for certain but we really don't think so. The body scans were clear on this person being flesh and blood, with a bit of tech in the mix. Plus there's Guardian as an example of Caller AI's - the amount of horsepower they claim to have and power required to drive it make it extremely unlikely that this interloper was anything more than a pawn."

The bird ruffles their wings and paces "Although we must admit that's based off a sample size of exactly one and trying to make a best guess from there." They turn to Kuro and tilts their head curiously "Mesh? We missed that - please chip in as much detail as you can, ideally direct scanner or imaging results if you've got them."

Courtyard after the Coronation Ceremony

The Tezh Concensus
"It is often through the new and unique challenges that the greatest advancements are made. I am glad to hear of your openness to information exchange, we have, we would like to think, topics covering all of the branches of study of the universe at our University. At some point in the future perhaps a more formal embassy could be established."

"We find your offer inviting, and would welcome further communication to establish exchanges of knowledge and culture."

2019-07-26, 03:25 AM

His ceramic fingertips cool against Sai's, the Speaker nodded at her invitation.

"It would be our honor to accompany you, Empress."

Lowering his hand, he shifted to introduce the Vilari at his side. One was bone-white and had a crest that resembled teeth more than the rolling waves of Ren-Kulto, his encounter suit thrumming with bright red patterns that stood out as starkly as his scales. The other's scales were a lighter shade of Ren-Kulto's burgundy, his blue patterning further suggesting some shared relation.

"Allow me to present my companions, Ship-Master Sildyr-Vos of the Beneficent Horizon and Prelate Ren-Aelyn, chief of our newly-founded diplomatic corps."

The stark white Vilari brought his hand to the center of his chest as he was introduced as Ship-Master, the taper of his fingers giving the impression of a fin or bladed weapon. He remained silent through the ritualistic motion, allowing the Prelate to step forward and give a more-humanoid bow.

"Empress, it is my honor to meet you. Were all the people of this galaxy so amiable as yours, I would quickly find myself without a duty to perform. Please, accept this humble gift on behalf of the Speaker and the Seer Council."

Reaching into a small compartment at the small of his back, Ren-Aelyn removed a shimmering sphere of milky crystal. It spun lazily atop a base of silver metal, the low hum of a repulsion field the only sign of advanced technology in the piece. As it passed from his hands to Sai's, the Prelate stepped back and the Speaker continued.

"A tradition from our homeworld, gifted to travelers on long journey. It is best experienced in water, but hold it to your ear."

The crystal was cool against Sai's skin as she brought it close, but for the length of several heartbeats there was nothing. Except...there it was, something at the edge of hearing. Sai focused on it, and as she did so it seemed to grow ever louder. It was music, of a kind, a wordless song of tone and harmony that struck her to the core with an incomparable longing. In an instant, she felt as a child in her mother's arms, at once assured of maternal love but also struck by her gaping absence. It was a paen to the innocent comfort of youth, a last longing farewell from half a galaxy away.

2019-07-26, 05:22 AM
"The Rothuun are pretty attacky but I don't think this was them." Sai began with the last question and attempted to remember them all.

"Can you imagine them speaking in rhyme? No. So I don't know who they are or what I did to come under their attention. It might have just been that they wished to serve a warning, and my coronation was the most convenient time to do so, as many people are gathered together. They warned of "doom" and a revolution". It was unclear as to who they were referring to." She looked to the Harkan fondly.

"I do not think they are against you, dear Kimdt. I think they are for you! They came all this way to warn us including you. Not that traveling appeared to be a particular hardship for him."
And upon the assessment of the Empress, Kimdt couldn't help but nervously agree with a "y-y-yes... it m-m-might be too subtle for Rothuuns..." and it was a little shameful that she jumped on the conclusion. Of course after how the Rothuun already tried to attack her, it was an obvious conclusion but that attack itself along with all the others also demonstrated "Rothuuns... t-t-they're quite straightforward in forcing what they w-w-want."

But the question remained, who did the jester represent?

Kimdt then went on with her hypothesis that unless the Empress had simply thrown out invitations everywhere for anyone to get hold of; she suspected it would be one of the other Caller AIs like Guardian. A quick check through the records of the Powers' interrogation of Guardian, the Harkan quickly pointed out her most likely suspect to be Orator which would explain his ability to communicate with everyone and his whimsical nature. Her suggestion; "maybe if we want to look into Efficiency Ground and their Revolution, we also need to look out for Orator as well."

Are they, you speak highly of our FFURRY FRIENDS, do you want this to be A SPACE mêlée à trois.

SPACE KING decided to give a brief description of space horses to satiate the Melfynians burning hunger. SPACCEE HORSES are majestic creatures not unlike LAND HORSES, but they're bright metallic PINK armed with a MAJESTIC HORN. I know not how but they RUN IN SPACE at sub luminal speedds. Every knight must KNOW their SPACE HORSE, but my horse knows MY GREATEST SECRETS, so its in the ship.

The Melfynians seemed to be visibly distressed at the Space King's suggestion. It could be blamed their inability to interpret what the Guardian given translators had translated but a murmur could be heard among some of the Harkans on why everyone seemed to be so aggressive on this occasion. At the very least, one had at least tried to point out they were merely speaking on the possibilities of easing into friendly relations and the benefits thereof.

Although fortunately there was that curious question lingering about which had made it so the Melfynians didn't just immediately took to an escape and that was "are the space horses sentient and able to talk? Since you said yours knows your greatest secrets and you have to leave it in the ship" or so Kimdt assumed, already trying to think through the reason why a land horse and a space horse may differ just as Harkans and Droccen starfishes.

2019-07-26, 08:12 AM
Vaou listened quietly as the others presented their scans and other evidence. Personally he was still quite uncertain what to make of the Jester or their cryptic words. He tended to agree it seemed likely the Jester was involved somehow with one of the non-Guardian Caller AIs though whether as a direct servant or in some cult-like capacity acting without fully understanding his role he was less certain. "Efficiency Ground asked me to warn" he scanned the first line of the fourth stanza again. Was Efficiency Ground the AI or some interlocutor acting as diviner of a degraded AI's meaning? Guardian had said they were running out of power and had lost contact with their brethren and that was why they had elected to elevate the many species brought to the Simulacrum in a last ditch effort to fulfill their purpose as stewards to the Callers' old home. If Guardian had been in decline why shouldn't their brethren be as well?

"When it is time for the Revolution" he reread the final line of the final stanza. Revolution was no strange concept to the Chairman of the SPR but this 'revolution' did not make sense in a political sense. Was the political revolution not what Guardian had enacted by empowering so many? The Rothuun were prime demonstration of the dialectical conflict caused by forcing so many different species to confront one another and so themselves. Suddenly a thought occurred to him.

"What if this Revolution the Jester spoke of is a physical phenomena not a political or military one?" he said standing up during a lull in the conversation, "Planets 'revolve' around their suns and science tells us on a far slower time table stars themselves perform 'revolutions' around the galactic Core ever spinning outwards on the spirals. If this Jester represents a Caller AI we have already seen what one such AI is capable of. The Gravity Latch Drive was technology Guardian felt they could share without breaching their protocols but the Couriers possess more advanced means to warp space time and Guardian called GLD inefficient when they gave it to us."

"What if this 'Revolution' has nothing to do with our governments or way of rule but something to do with where we are in physical location? Perhaps this 'Efficiency Ground' wishes to plunge us into the Core? Or toss the Rothuun and those near the Core away from it? I know it sounds far fetched given what we know of our own capabilities but the Callers were far beyond us in their understanding of this galaxy and their mark permeates so many sectors of the galaxy. Surely you all have kept up with the fantastic discoveries made by our peers related to lost Caller technology. We could be sitting on top of some transwarp hub capable of shifting planets themselves and not even be aware until some half-mad AI throws the switch."

He came over to stand near Sai and took her hand in his own comfortingly as the thought of their very foundation being susceptible to a sudden shift sunk in. All the more reason to come to Droccen sooner rather than later he thought to himself. If he was going to be tossed around the galaxy by some crazed AI he'd much rather do so by Sai's side than risk being thrown even farther away from the beautiful young woman who had captured his heart. He would begin drafting his resignation speech as soon as he returned home from the Coronation. There would be quite a few happy members of the Central Committee but, he hoped at least, an equal number disappointed to see him go. Perhaps he could elevate young Lt. Gates into the realm of politics sooner than he'd originally anticipated.

2019-07-26, 03:56 PM

His ceramic fingertips cool against Sai's, the Speaker nodded at her invitation.

"It would be our honor to accompany you, Empress."

Lowering his hand, he shifted to introduce the Vilari at his side. One was bone-white and had a crest that resembled teeth more than the rolling waves of Ren-Kulto, his encounter suit thrumming with bright red patterns that stood out as starkly as his scales. The other's scales were a lighter shade of Ren-Kulto's burgundy, his blue patterning further suggesting some shared relation.

"Allow me to present my companions, Ship-Master Sildyr-Vos of the Beneficent Horizon and Prelate Ren-Aelyn, chief of our newly-founded diplomatic corps."

The stark white Vilari brought his hand to the center of his chest as he was introduced as Ship-Master, the taper of his fingers giving the impression of a fin or bladed weapon. He remained silent through the ritualistic motion, allowing the Prelate to step forward and give a more-humanoid bow.

"Empress, it is my honor to meet you. Were all the people of this galaxy so amiable as yours, I would quickly find myself without a duty to perform. Please, accept this humble gift on behalf of the Speaker and the Seer Council."

Reaching into a small compartment at the small of his back, Ren-Aelyn removed a shimmering sphere of milky crystal. It spun lazily atop a base of silver metal, the low hum of a repulsion field the only sign of advanced technology in the piece. As it passed from his hands to Sai's, the Prelate stepped back and the Speaker continued.

"A tradition from our homeworld, gifted to travelers on long journey. It is best experienced in water, but hold it to your ear."

The crystal was cool against Sai's skin as she brought it close, but for the length of several heartbeats there was nothing. Except...there it was, something at the edge of hearing. Sai focused on it, and as she did so it seemed to grow ever louder. It was music, of a kind, a wordless song of tone and harmony that struck her to the core with an incomparable longing. In an instant, she felt as a child in her mother's arms, at once assured of maternal love but also struck by her gaping absence. It was a paen to the innocent comfort of youth, a last longing farewell from half a galaxy away.

"You're too kind, Prelate Ren-Aelyn." She smiled warmly at the Vilari that had stepped forward but then tilted her head slightly in askance.

"Is Ren a family name? Are you related to Ren-Kulto?" She took the orb from him and was shocked by the force of emotion she felt when she put it to her ear. Her mother had passed away when she was very young, but every so often she'd get a flash of her. This orb was that but magnified exponentially. When Sai pulled it away she found her eyes were wet with tears. It took a long moment for her to find her voice again.

"That was beautiful... what's it do in the water?"

And upon the assessment of the Empress, Kimdt couldn't help but nervously agree with a "y-y-yes... it m-m-might be too subtle for Rothuuns..." and it was a little shameful that she jumped on the conclusion. Of course after how the Rothuun already tried to attack her, it was an obvious conclusion but that attack itself along with all the others also demonstrated "Rothuuns... t-t-they're quite straightforward in forcing what they w-w-want."

But the question remained, who did the jester represent?

Kimdt then went on with her hypothesis that unless the Empress had simply thrown out invitations everywhere for anyone to get hold of; she suspected it would be one of the other Caller AIs like Guardian. A quick check through the records of the Powers' interrogation of Guardian, the Harkan quickly pointed out her most likely suspect to be Orator which would explain his ability to communicate with everyone and his whimsical nature. Her suggestion; "maybe if we want to look into Efficiency Ground and their Revolution, we also need to look out for Orator as well."

Sai was really regretting not questioning the guardian AI thoroughly when she'd had the chance.

"I'll certainly keep an ear out for clues and let you know if I find anything substantial. As for now, all I've got are guesses really." She threw her hands up in exasperation.

"I'm going to need to develop a cadre of inspectors I think."

Vaou listened quietly as the others presented their scans and other evidence. Personally he was still quite uncertain what to make of the Jester or their cryptic words. He tended to agree it seemed likely the Jester was involved somehow with one of the non-Guardian Caller AIs though whether as a direct servant or in some cult-like capacity acting without fully understanding his role he was less certain. "Efficiency Ground asked me to warn" he scanned the first line of the fourth stanza again. Was Efficiency Ground the AI or some interlocutor acting as diviner of a degraded AI's meaning? Guardian had said they were running out of power and had lost contact with their brethren and that was why they had elected to elevate the many species brought to the Simulacrum in a last ditch effort to fulfill their purpose as stewards to the Callers' old home. If Guardian had been in decline why shouldn't their brethren be as well?

"When it is time for the Revolution" he reread the final line of the final stanza. Revolution was no strange concept to the Chairman of the SPR but this 'revolution' did not make sense in a political sense. Was the political revolution not what Guardian had enacted by empowering so many? The Rothuun were prime demonstration of the dialectical conflict caused by forcing so many different species to confront one another and so themselves. Suddenly a thought occurred to him.

"What if this Revolution the Jester spoke of is a physical phenomena not a political or military one?" he said standing up during a lull in the conversation, "Planets 'revolve' around their suns and science tells us on a far slower time table stars themselves perform 'revolutions' around the galactic Core ever spinning outwards on the spirals. If this Jester represents a Caller AI we have already seen what one such AI is capable of. The Gravity Latch Drive was technology Guardian felt they could share without breaching their protocols but the Couriers possess more advanced means to warp space time and Guardian called GLD inefficient when they gave it to us."

"What if this 'Revolution' has nothing to do with our governments or way of rule but something to do with where we are in physical location? Perhaps this 'Efficiency Ground' wishes to plunge us into the Core? Or toss the Rothuun and those near the Core away from it? I know it sounds far fetched given what we know of our own capabilities but the Callers were far beyond us in their understanding of this galaxy and their mark permeates so many sectors of the galaxy. Surely you all have kept up with the fantastic discoveries made by our peers related to lost Caller technology. We could be sitting on top of some transwarp hub capable of shifting planets themselves and not even be aware until some half-mad AI throws the switch."

He came over to stand near Sai and took her hand in his own comfortingly as the thought of their very foundation being susceptible to a sudden shift sunk in. All the more reason to come to Droccen sooner rather than later he thought to himself. If he was going to be tossed around the galaxy by some crazed AI he'd much rather do so by Sai's side than risk being thrown even farther away from the beautiful young woman who had captured his heart. He would begin drafting his resignation speech as soon as he returned home from the Coronation. There would be quite a few happy members of the Central Committee but, he hoped at least, an equal number disappointed to see him go. Perhaps he could elevate young Lt. Gates into the realm of politics sooner than he'd originally anticipated.

Conference Room - Uplift Chorus and Empress Sai

Riss shakes their head "We can't say for certain but we really don't think so. The body scans were clear on this person being flesh and blood, with a bit of tech in the mix. Plus there's Guardian as an example of Caller AI's - the amount of horsepower they claim to have and power required to drive it make it extremely unlikely that this interloper was anything more than a pawn."

The bird ruffles their wings and paces "Although we must admit that's based off a sample size of exactly one and trying to make a best guess from there." They turn to Kuro and tilts their head curiously "Mesh? We missed that - please chip in as much detail as you can, ideally direct scanner or imaging results if you've got them."

Kuro looked to Sai as though for permission. She nodded.

"Please Kuro, we're amongst trusted friends." She looked to the others apologetically.

"We've been careful not to divulge the complete details of our Guardians capabilities." She gestured at Kuro to go ahead and he nodded. A projection appeared over the table detailed the jester's fine metal webbing which seemed to be on the soles of his feet, and various pockets where a humanoid's internal organs would normally be; liver, heart, lungs, etc. She clasped Vaou's hand back and leaned against him slightly as he stood nearby her chair.

"It takes on a whole different meaning if we read it as a directional revolution, does it not? As though we're plunging through space towards our impending doom. Its meaning is no less mysterious to me, I must admit."

SPACE KING NO LONGER HAS SENSE OF SCALE. And SPACE is good at One upsmanship. Whether you're loved, feared, or admired GOOD LUCK forging you're path. Jaques ended with a flex aimed skyward.

Sai smiled at the unusually charismatic Space King.

"Perhaps a little of all three, perhaps. How about this, is this very intimidating?" Sai directed her best FLEX towards the Space King as Kuro shook his head in silent disapproval.

2019-07-26, 08:52 PM

The three Vilari watched intently as Sai fell into the song, unsure whether an alien mind could even hear it. The tears in the Empress' eyes were answer enough, and the Speaker traded a look of quiet satisfaction with his Prelate. As Sai asked her question, he dipped his head slightly, perhaps in apology for inflicting such raw emotion on the woman in public.

"Air is not the ideal medium for the Hymn, Empress. Submerged, it suffuses the water, until liquid and song are nigh indistinguishable. There are few experiences so intimate among our people."

He paused, eyes boring into Sai's. What he might have been searching for, and whether he was successful, was unclear.

"The Prelate and I are related, in a way. Ren is the Coral City where we both we hatched, the oldest surviving settlement on Raphos. Vilari have but one given name, though it is intertwined with our personal patterning and a certain...familiarity."

2019-07-27, 08:45 AM
Sai's surprise was evident on her face, she hadn't considered that others might suspect the jester of being some Droccen trick.

"I understand and share your concerns, please believe me when I tell you that I nor Droccen had anything to do with the appearance of that jester or the warnings he spoke of. I have no idea why he chose my coronation to deploy his warnings, other than the sheer convenience of having many peoples gathered here at once. One might assume from his actions and words, that him or perhaps his benefactor is on our side. If his warning is even to be trusted, of course."

Krazkul looks at the princess thoughtfully. I don't yet suspect you or your people. Yet. Their is no evidence against you. I think at the moment the best plan is to try to figure out where he came from and where he went. Who else here has been inquiring about the jester. I would like to speak to them too. For now I have to trust the jesters words to an extent. I believe if we ignore this event bad things could happen. Turns to go... Oh and one last thing, do you have any tech that monitors your atmosphere? For all we know the jesters still among us.

2019-07-27, 10:39 AM

The three Vilari watched intently as Sai fell into the song, unsure whether an alien mind could even hear it. The tears in the Empress' eyes were answer enough, and the Speaker traded a look of quiet satisfaction with his Prelate. As Sai asked her question, he dipped his head slightly, perhaps in apology for inflicting such raw emotion on the woman in public.

"Air is not the ideal medium for the Hymn, Empress. Submerged, it suffuses the water, until liquid and song are nigh indistinguishable. There are few experiences so intimate among our people."

He paused, eyes boring into Sai's. What he might have been searching for, and whether he was successful, was unclear.

"The Prelate and I are related, in a way. Ren is the Coral City where we both we hatched, the oldest surviving settlement on Raphos. Vilari have but one given name, though it is intertwined with our personal patterning and a certain...familiarity."

Sai sniffled and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

"This was sung by a mother, right? It had to be from... how it made me feel. Are your oceans filled with their beautiful songs?" A sense of longing returned and she felt herself wishing she could experience the song underwater in person. Though she also got a small chill of danger from it, as though she might lose herself too easily in the song and drown without ever knowing it was happening.

"I would like to experience it underwater. Perhaps on our trip to the ocean tomorrow."

Krazkul looks at the princess thoughtfully. I don't yet suspect you or your people. Yet. Their is no evidence against you. I think at the moment the best plan is to try to figure out where he came from and where he went. Who else here has been inquiring about the jester. I would like to speak to them too. For now I have to trust the jesters words to an extent. I believe if we ignore this event bad things could happen. Turns to go... Oh and one last thing, do you have any tech that monitors your atmosphere? For all we know the jesters still among us.

"Well, everyone has been inquiring about it. It's caused quite the stir I'm afraid, but that just means we'll have many minds working on the issue and that can't be a bad thing." She sounded uncertain of whether that might be a bad thing or not.

"We do monitor what flies in and out of our atmosphere, yes. I hadn't thought to ask about it, I'd just assumed he had popped into existence like he popped out, but it would be worth asking just in case, I'm sure."

2019-07-27, 10:54 AM
"Well, everyone has been inquiring about it. It's caused quite the stir I'm afraid, but that just means we'll have many minds working on the issue and that can't be a bad thing." She sounded uncertain of whether that might be a bad thing or not.

"We do monitor what flies in and out of our atmosphere, yes. I hadn't thought to ask about it, I'd just assumed he had popped into existence like he popped out, but it would be worth asking just in case, I'm sure."

”As far as I know it is impossible to “pop” in and out of existence like that. I can’t be sure though. I do know that when he disappeared he emitted a unidentifiable energy that gave off little to no heat. When I saw his heat signature it appeared human. I know not of humans who can do that. Check with some one. See what ships or objects left the planet at around that time. If you can’t find anything that either means he is still here or that you are right, he can “pop” out of existence.”

2019-07-27, 04:07 PM
Sai herself still wasn't sure what had been suspicious about a clown at a party, but Sukero had described the rather stark affair he had attended.

"I am grateful to you for wanting to protect me. I must admit it's a bit alarming that you have the power to appear as potentially anyone you wish. The Ninurtines must be masters of Intrigue." She smiled nervously.

"You appeared human at the Simulacrum." Sai thought back to the event a few years ago.

"Are the projections a matter of vanity then? No offense um... intended."

"Vanity? Perhaps originally," Ledahadden said. "In truth they are simply part of our culture, and have been since before the first off-world colonies were founded." She paused. How to explain the centuries-old cocktail of paranoia, personal freedom, and, yes, perhaps vanity, that informed the present state? She decided not to, unless pressed further.

"We have other means of determining and verifying identity beyond appearance, for obvious reasons, but appearance alone is sufficient to confuse and deflect in emergencies, such as assassination attempts. During the Age of Oppression it was common for the holographs to be disabled altogether by the governing powers of the day, and since then our people have been very protective of the right to maintain them."

"We did indeed appear human at the Simulacrum," the Empress said. "Our preliminary investigations indicated that that was the most common body type present, so we deployed projections on that basis. We had developed hundreds of alternatives, depending on what life on other worlds turned out to resemble.

She coughed. "There is another matter I had hoped to put to you, albeit when it was planned we were not expecting that these would be the circumstances. I do not know whether your highness is familiar with the Ninurtine governing ideology, but the legitimacy of our government rests on the principal of universal sovereignty. There is no power or authority higher than our Emperor, save for the gods. But with the recent dramatic discovery of so many different peoples on different worlds, it is clear that the galaxy is far too large a place for one man to hold sway over all. As such it is our intention to formally recognise the Droccen Empress as the Emperor's counterpart, as partner and co-sovereign in the government of the galaxy, and we have prepared a treaty to that effect for your kind attention."

She stopped short of saying how unprecedented this was, or how great an honour for the Droccen. That should surely be apparent.

2019-07-27, 05:31 PM
Sai smiled at the unusually charismatic Space King.

"Perhaps a little of all three, perhaps. How about this, is this very intimidating?" Sai directed her best FLEX towards the Space King as Kuro shook his head in silent disapproval.

SPACE KING mimed putting his hands in front his eyes WOAH there put those GUNS away I'm unarmed here. HAHA Its a good start.

He takes a second look at Kuro's disapproval before adding. Don't SPACE JUDGE HERE just cuz you're made of metal doesn't mean you can FLLEXX.