View Full Version : Empire 5! The Lyraen Conference

2019-07-14, 01:07 PM
Matters of Religion and the State

For the first time in their relatively short period on the galactic stage, the Lyraens have invited, even welcomed, all other stellar powers to their homeworld. With only a few exceptions, it has been very difficult for anyone to enter their space, not that many have tried.

Each delegate’s ship receives an ‘honor guard’ of two Lyraen ships, which is both a guarantee of safe passage and a deterrent from an ‘sightseeing’, so to speak. However, the crews are cordial and many a captain invites the delegates aboard in order to dine with them in the intervening hours between their arrival in-system and the commencement of landing procedures on the homeworld itself. Everyone is a guest and receives the proper respect owed them, even the Kamasati (though they are treated with some wariness and guarded hospitality).

The delegates descend into an old city carved into the side of a mountain. Lyrae’s palace lies almost at the very peak, a great edifice of natural stone that’s grave and imposing demeanor has only been enhanced by the new, technological marvels of the modern age. Everything, even the new landing pads, are made to look ancient, timeless, as if they have stood for a hundred thousand years.

Fortunately, the living quarters are more lively, with special care given to each delegation’s suites. They have been modified to suite the guests’ varying tastes, as best the Lyraens understand them. They cannot get everything right, but it is an honest and sincere attempt to blend the local culture with some comforts from home.

Those who arrive early have plenty of time to discuss all manner of matters with the local government, though in good time the conference itself with start. The delegates are asked to meet in the main banquet hall, a room carved of living, red stone and adorned with tapestries older than almost any living thing.

At one end of the long table sits Lyrae, Ayl Lan on her right and numerous other Lyraen worthies and intelligentsia, mostly drawn from the clerical and academic disciplines, standing or sitting behind them in order of importance. Guests are seated in a first-come, first served basis, in order to prevent any accusations of favoritism.

Everyone is invited to share their people’s philosophical outlook, doctrines, or general thoughts on how to live life. Lyrae ruefully admits that, while she would like to maintain a semblance of order, she can’t expect people to share and discuss matters so personally and deeply held without passion. She does, however, expect everyone here to be able to refrain from physical violence.

2019-07-15, 08:07 AM
The chariot of gods! Ships had been up unto this point a foreign concept, the ability to consume oneself in a psychic bubble of energy and travel had allowed the pantheon to traverse their own solar system with relative ease but now these beings were allowing them to depart their tiny corner of the solar system and spread the truth to the dreamers and aid the dream children into evolution. This day however is being spent in the consumation of fixing relations with the Lyrean people. A group they desperately wished to convert as they felt their current beliefs were positively archaic... Unless they could some how bend their ideas to a means of seeing they were in fact part of the cycle.

This “Chariot” was a tiny thing that only seemed to fit two beings and when the ship opened it contained a mist so thick that the inside was impossible to see. IF anyone had a psychic connection they would sense millions of tiny microbial lives within the mist. Which filled the air with a density which the heaviest of mists on most planets could not produce. These microbes however did not escape and instead the pod closed without issue.


Stepping forward were two beings that were indeed Kamasati, each had slight pigmentation differences but were otherwise the same. One the official “ambassador” had a massive single cut crystal resting in his middle, it seemed to just hang there loosely nothing keeping it attached... It just floated.

The other wore nothing at all.

<We come to discuss faith. We greet humbly the Lyraens and hope this day we can bring peace to our systems, and if we are truly lucky some level of unity.> As they say that the millions of tiny tentacles expand outward in an attempt to get a feel for their surroundings. Their bodies just like last time, are seen floated above the floor and only these tiny whisker thin feelers seemed to make contact with anything at all.

Everyone in their room no matter how far away or what distractions they engaged in heard the voice of the Kamasati as if it were right there next to their faces. Barring anything that might purposefully interfere with the connection.

2019-07-15, 05:35 PM
The Rocthurhi arrive, once again in a small pod of 3, aboard a ship almost entirely filled with water. They great their honor guard with cheerfulness and respect, as they are happy to be welcomed to the home of the Lyraens. Upon disembarking, Faugloglys makes their way through the crowd to great Ayl Lan.

Greetings, friend <coming home after a long trip to someone you recognize>. This one is pleased to see you again <the sense of safety with the familiar> and we assure you that your sister is well <an image of Ahw smiling at a State dinner>. We look forward to this opportunity to share in the many voices of the larger consensus <an image of all of the races that were at the Simulacrum sitting at a table talking>.

2019-07-15, 06:25 PM

Lyrae's face is, as always, hidden behind her mask, but for a moment her mouth presses into a thin line at the appearance of the Kamasati. It only lasts a moment, though, and she replaces it with a placid smile. "I do hope your welcome has been sufficiently cordial. Given the tension between our worlds, I feel that it would be in everyone's interests if we walk away from this meeting with a full and complete understanding of each other and the issues that seem to be complicating our relationship."

"Is there anything in particular you take for nourishment? We were uncertain, so I am afraid we do not have anything prepared."

Ayl Lan

While Lyrae is greeting everyone in turn, Ayl Lan turns aside and smiles to Faugloglys. "That is good to hear. She hasn't been too much of a paw...er, tentacle-ful, has she?" She does her best to speak in Rocthuri, though it is sadly lacking a grasp of the idioms and other expressions they use. "She has been sending back reports of her experiences, along with a Rocthuri-Lyraen dictionary she's working on. I am glad to see it is paying off."

2019-07-15, 10:30 PM
The Talkzappy's landing was, for a Grymlan, uneventful though the Lyraen's port controllers were probably very confused on the sicurdian races "safe landing speed" was. The small craft's ramp had lowered to allow its passengers to disembark, in this case it was JeeJee in her colorful attire followed by a new assistant carrying the OwO pole.

Jeejee took in a deep breath and sighed, "You scentsmell that Beaz? Its the scentsmell of progress."

Beaz Datanet nervously looked around. "it scentsmell like heatfluid leaking from thruster four."



Jeejee entered the meeting with her camera drone and Beaz in tow and glanced around at all the delegates from various races and faith. Seeing Lyrae she waved excitedly and called out to get the luminary's attention, "Hihi, starborn! We're here for talkytalks!"

2019-07-16, 12:04 AM
The Syndrome Arrives

The arriving Bioship was a small one, the scout vessel Hungry-Maw commandeered by the Overlady because of his great speed and quick adjustment to the GLD symbiont. Of his crew, only two Syndrome leave. The first is the iconic Overlady, Yellow-Coat-Stripes, wearing loose garments of white silk cut to show off her striking pattern. The second is a smaller, younger Syndrome female, similarly garbed, but with am orange exoskeleton, fading to red around her waist. The delegates begin by approaching Lyrae to pay their respects to the host, then split up to mingle with the other guests. They really wish to speak with the Church of Iteus, but they haven't arrived yet.


The two Syndrome present themselves to Lyrae at first. Speaking awkwardly through translation devices which look like fleshy lumps with mouths on one end and flat, color-changing patches of skin on the other, the introductions begin. "I am Yellow-Coat-Stripes, Overlady of the Syndrome. Many thanks for the invitations." "I am Orange-Crimson-Dawn, speaking for vessel Hungry-Maw, as he flies for me." "We wish to learn all we can of your people in our time here."


Loud psychic voices do not go unnoticed, and especially not by those who already have psychic powers, however weak. "E-excuse me?" Orange-Crimson-Dawn approaches the Kamasati delegates. "How did you do that?"

2019-07-16, 12:52 AM
To the Grymlans

Lyrae beams as the two Grymlans enter. "Jeejee Scrapseeker," she says in reply, "You look as young as ever. How are you doing? I trust the burdens of leadership haven't curtailed your taste for adventure? Oh, and how did you like your rooms? I had some biscuits prepared just the way your ambassador said you would like them."

She looks back behind the Grymlan leader and at her companion. "Ah! And you brought OwO. How are you doing today?"

Lyrae and the Syndrome

Lyrae inclines her head in greeting to the two members of the Syndrome. "Thank you for coming in person, Overlady. And thank you for your presence too, Orange-Crimson-Dawn. I would dare say the feeling is mutual. We have heard rumors of your prowess with lifestrings manipulation, as my people call it, but I had not managed to see it for myself. Until now. Am I right in assuming that this translator is a product of that skill?"

2019-07-16, 08:57 AM

Lyrae's face is, as always, hidden behind her mask, but for a moment her mouth presses into a thin line at the appearance of the Kamasati. It only lasts a moment, though, and she replaces it with a placid smile. "I do hope your welcome has been sufficiently cordial. Given the tension between our worlds, I feel that it would be in everyone's interests if we walk away from this meeting with a full and complete understanding of each other and the issues that seem to be complicating our relationship."

"Is there anything in particular you take for nourishment? We were uncertain, so I am afraid we do not have anything prepared."

<We do not require sustenance. We thank you for the offer.> Lyrae mentions the tension and they nod their head. <We are wondering where this tension arrives as well. We are confident however that we can promote the truth to you, and it will not insult your current beliefs in fact it will emphasize them. We hope this will end any concerns you have.>

The beings will go where appropriate and get ready, they were sure that knowing what they did they could explain their ways. They did however reach out their minds trying to connect and see how those around them felt about their race. Trying to figure out where their dislike came from. The Kamasati had become confused about this.

2019-07-16, 11:23 AM

The Overlady looks down at the translator with some measure of distaste. "An incomplete creature. I haven't gotten one to survive in the wild yet. It is not solely my design, of course, but I am sure I can improve it."

In the meantime, Orange-Crimson-Dawn watches anything and everything with open eyes, having curiosity enough for two people.

2019-07-16, 12:57 PM
Lyrae and the Kamasati

Lyrae nods politely to the pair. "I have my thoughts. But we can save that for the formal discussion, once everyone is seated." She sits back in her throne a bit and intertwines her fingers in front of her face, musing for a moment. "I suppose that it is fair to tell you that our primary concern comes from your definition of 'demons'. I would prepare for an extensive questioning on that topic."

The Kamasati, as they reach out, find that a good number of the Lyraens have put up a form of mental block, trying to keep them from just casually reaching in and reading their minds. It is nothing that they cannot overcome with concentrated effort, but it does send a clear signal as to their thoughts on the matter.

Lyrae and the Syndrome

"Oh I see," Lyrae says, "Then I apologize if I have insulted you, as it was not my intent. Still, to an outsider, it is impressive in and of itself."

"Still, you might be interested to know that one of our lords, a certain Ool Vulk, is sponsoring an effort to create what he calls 'Galactic Common'. Some of our scholars are very enthusiastic at the idea of a trade-language, you see."

Orange, however, has his attention elsewhere and notes several things. First, the artwork, both on the tapestries and other places, depicts what Orange presumes to be historical figures in the Lyraen's history. The oldest show mostly great warriors, though some were both warrior and philosopher, and depicts epic battles between them and chimerical creatures with many eyes and dark forms. The more recent ones are devoted to great achievements and pioneers in the arts, the sciences, and diplomacy: the Lyraens who slowly brought the planet together under Lyrae's rule. Lyrae herself is present in many of the places, always shown as merely a mask in the shape of a Lyraen's head with a radiant aura surrounding it. If he had the time, he could find a brief overview of the race's entire history on these walls, though it would take a good day or two.

2019-07-16, 04:58 PM
Ayl Lan

While Lyrae is greeting everyone in turn, Ayl Lan turns aside and smiles to Faugloglys. "That is good to hear. She hasn't been too much of a paw...er, tentacle-ful, has she?" She does her best to speak in Rocthuri, though it is sadly lacking a grasp of the idioms and other expressions they use. "She has been sending back reports of her experiences, along with a Rocthuri-Lyraen dictionary she's working on. I am glad to see it is paying off."

Oh, no <assurance that no harm/offense was meant>. She has been very helpful in understanding the differences in the way life expresses itself in many ways across the universe <an image of a glowing star zooming out to all the stars in the galaxy>. We appreciate her presence, her cooperation, and her willingness to help <a collage of images of her in meetings with Rocthurhi>. This one is glad that she is also helping the Lyraens understand us as well <an exchange of gifts>. We can only hope that our ambassador has been equally as helpful <the feeling of not wanting to impose>. And we are glad to be here with you and your leader for this discussion <a cordial conversation between Lyrae and Faugloglys at this table>.

Faugloglys cordially extends a tentacle towards Ayl Lan, mimicking what she had done at the simulacrum.

2019-07-16, 06:19 PM
Ayl Lan and the Hug Squids

Ayl beams. "Good! I am very glad to hear that." She was, to be honest, a little worried, but in the end you just had to trust in your family and hope they performed well. "When you return, would you mind taking a gift for her? Well, several. Her Naming Day celebration was last cycle and we couldn't get them to her."

She sees the tentacle extend towards her and, despite herself, hesitates for a moment. She remembers what happened last time. But she overcomes her nervousness and grips it firmly, shaking with him.

2019-07-16, 07:38 PM
Syndrome and Lyrae

"It is no insult. Do not trouble yourself," Yellow replies. Orange tries to butt in, and the two Syndrome females stare each other down, chittering at one another and gesturing animatedly. Finally, Yellow steps back, looking frustrated and displeased. Orange speaks, curiosity heavy in her voice. "Is that... you? In all those images? You must have lifetimes and lifetimes of knowledge!"

2019-07-16, 07:42 PM
The Tezh political envoy ship arrives at the agreed coordinates with exacting precision, both in space and time. The vessel is difficult to pick out at first because it is small and has very little of the usual energy signatures from systems like life support, scanners, power source, etc. After arrival it broadcasts hailing signals and waits for the expected escort patiently.

When Lyraen escorts arrive for visual confirmation and escort formation, at first it appears to be a small brick of a thing; approximately 10x20x30 meters of glossy ebon material with a semi-translucence similar to smoked glass. There are no discernible sensor readings on inhabitants, and when the Lyraen captains offer hospitality they are thanked for their graciousness but politely declined citing mission priorities of delivering their attendee to the gathering.

When the escorts begin to maneuver into position (though which dimension is 'forward' is debatable) the Tezh naval frame begins to.. unfold? The flat and featureless surfaces of the brick begin to have spider webbed creases which turn into gaps and then collapse inward as the whole body of the frame extends outward from within.

The outer plating shifts to form aerodynamic surfaces along the spindly angular sweeps of the vessel as it prepares for atmosphere, a definite prow and stern discernible now that allows the Lyraen escorts to pick their positions easily. The Tezh frame broadcasts verbally for the first time in a melodic yet detached choral voice "Penny Royal, ready for descent" and the group of vessels set off; the lit up planet below visible through the smokey material of the frame but for the spindly struts that make the outer edges, a blocky shape near the aft (which likely contains power, computing, and other such functions) and a geometric shaped core near their center of mass.

Having made the drop from orbit using bare pulses of energy for most of the journey, Penny Royal 'lands' at the designated pad with their underbelly glowing faintly blue and holding motionless about three meters off the surface. A small window of space opens underneath the frame and the geometric shape - about 50cm across - in the center descends as the Lyraen guides/handlers approach to the edge of the landing pad.

The geometric leaves Penny Royal's confines and hovers about head height to the Lyraen handlers, starting to move in their direction. As it travels towards them it's as if a breeze is blowing away bits and pieces, silvery flakes of material falling away in an increasing cascade to reveal the Aether stone at the center and Talotius' distinct 5 glowing motes within. The now detached sub-frames shoal and shift around before settling in the same appearance they had formed at the Simulacrum - that of a figure wearing a cloak made of overlapping scales and a slight collar around the 'back' of the Aether stone so Talotius appears to be facing a given direction.

They approach the handlers, choral voice pleasant but aloof "Please inform our host that the Tezh Consensus has arrived, and conduct us to the conference.

Talotius enters the hall and immediately notes Lyrae's location. They begin moving towards her, making sure to deviate from their destination just enough to greet familiar faces along the way and make introductions to a few new ones that they did not have the opportunity with at the Simulacrum.


Pausing to greet the Rocthurhi, the Aetherstone raising somewhat so that Faugloglys does not need to stoop so much. "Greetings honored sibling. It is a great pleasure to interact with you again, now without the limitations of the Tessering Construct."


The Overlady catches Talotius' attention briefly as she fiddles with the translator creature, the motes flickering among themselves within the Aether stone as they observe. "We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus. We offer greetings and are curious what it is you hold."

Kamasati Pantheon

The Kamasati intrigue Talotius, the creatures cross many spectrums of their perception and now that there is less distraction they can spend a bit more time picking out nuance and detail. "We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus. We offer greetings, glad to make introductions to another elevated sibling.


It took a little more time than planned, but they finally get over to meet their host. The blue mote in the Aether stone twinkles as Talotius approaches Lyrae "We offer greetings and appreciation for your gracious invitation to visit this world and participate in the conference. We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus. We look forward to interacting with you further.

2019-07-16, 08:33 PM
Lyrae and the Grymlans
Jeejee nodded happily, "Manythanks, I got to tasteeat it this time; thinkteam got last one. Tastytasty. You looklook well. We looksee if Homesun is starborn soon and have sentsent OwO hub across core to Melfynians, but I hear there is badtrouble on starborn front, badnews of one called Proxos."

At the mention of OwO, Beaz flipped the switch on the OwO-pole and OwO's hologram lit up, "Hewwo Lywae, it is nice to meet again. I too am intewested in how the Pwoxos situation wiww tuwn out. Sadwy, the destwuction of the peopwes of Twiawte wouwd be a tewwibwe woss of knowwedge, but at the same time the cweation of new wife wouwd be vewy intewesting. It is a tewwibwe conundwum fow OwO. As a luminawy do you bewieve you couwd tawk to it?"

Grymlans and the Bugs Syndrome

Jeejee cheerfully waved to Yellow as she approached, "Hihi again! I hopewish you wellwell."

2019-07-16, 08:58 PM
Lyrae and the Syndrome

Lyrae waits for the two of them to finish their conversation politely. She can't understand a word of it, but she doesn't pry. The question, though, draws not only her attention but the attention of all the Lyraens nearby. She chuckles at the question. "I've heard some of our humans say, 'never ask a woman her age', but I suppose I can make an exception."

She rises from her seat and draws herself up. "The person you see before you is a seamless fusion of two consciousnesses. The one, formerly known as Rii Kru, is, as of this moment, twenty eight years, two months, six days old. The other is quite the senior partner, clocking in at 3 billion, four hundred and fifty-six million, ten thousand and twelve years old. You saw me on your way in. I am both a Lyraen and a Luminary, the spirit of the star around which this planet orbits."

She sits back down and takes a drink from a goblet placed nearby. "I guided the Lyraen's evolution, watching over them, protecting them, and forming them into what they are today. I hope that answers your question."

Lyrae and Talotius

"And thank you for coming," she replies warmly, "Travelling through space is still a dangerous affair. I am glad to see everyone here has made the journey safely. Your input will doubtless prove invaluable. The old ways worked well when we were alone in the universe, but now we have all agreed that it is time for a revision."

Lyrae and the Grymlans

Lyrae's smile fades at the mention of Proxos. "Yes," she says, voice a little more distant, "His fate is...a great concern of mine. By reports, he is at least five billion years my senior. There is much we could all learn from him."

"I will make every effort I can and take every opportunity presented to me," Lyrae states, "But ultimately, his fate is in his own...er, paws."

2019-07-17, 11:29 AM
Syndrome and Lyrae

Yellow-Coat-Stripes gives a buzz of her elytra which just might have been a laugh. "You should've been a Syndrome. That was perfect, answering everything while telling nothing."

Syndrome and annoyances Grymlans

Yellow makes a gesture and chitters at Orange, telling the junior Syndrome to deal with this while she speaks with the Tezh representative. "Hello. We have been prospering recently, except for the unprovoked attack by the Ninurtines. Who are you?"

Syndrome and Tezh

"I am Yellow-Coat-Stripes, Overlady of the Syndrome. This is my translator." Considering that she's speaking through it, that last bit should be fairly obvious.

2019-07-17, 01:23 PM
Ayl Lan and the Hug Squids

Ayl beams. "Good! I am very glad to hear that." She was, to be honest, a little worried, but in the end you just had to trust in your family and hope they performed well. "When you return, would you mind taking a gift for her? Well, several. Her Naming Day celebration was last cycle and we couldn't get them to her."

She sees the tentacle extend towards her and, despite herself, hesitates for a moment. She remembers what happened last time. But she overcomes her nervousness and grips it firmly, shaking with him.
Faugloglys shakes Ayl's paw and releases it, pleased that they have learned this mannerism.

Of course. We will happily bring those to her. We'd also be open to a larger presence of Lyraens with her <Ahw in a single small apartment>, if you'd like to open an embassy <a larger building with many Lyraens>. It might make visits, for business <Lyrae talking to Faugloglys> or pleasure <Ayl celebrating with Ahw>, easier. This one feels that the Lyraens and the Rocthurhi are building a productive working relationship <a table with Lyrae, Ayl, Ahw, Faugloglys, and the Rochturhi diplomat on Lyrae>.

2019-07-17, 02:40 PM
Lyraen Conference Hall

Lyrae and Talotius

"And thank you for coming," she replies warmly, "Travelling through space is still a dangerous affair. I am glad to see everyone here has made the journey safely. Your input will doubtless prove invaluable. The old ways worked well when we were alone in the universe, but now we have all agreed that it is time for a revision."

Having been nearby when Lyrae explained their nature as Luminary and using Rii Kru as a host, the glowing motes in the Aether stone pulse discordantly for a few moments before settling out to unison again "We are honored to contribute to a larger conversation among our elevated siblings, We have high hopes for meaningful progress."

Talotius pauses for a moment before continuing "We Tezh are also very curious to learn more about the particulars of Lyrae yourself and the relationship that has been cultivated between yourself and the people here, if that were an agreeable topic of inquiry at some point - be it public or private" The Aether stone dips in a gesture of deference to the potentially delicate topic.

Syndrome and Tezh

"I am Yellow-Coat-Stripes, Overlady of the Syndrome. This is my translator." Considering that she's speaking through it, that last bit should be fairly obvious.

The Aether stone's motes twinkle in unison with delight "It is a pleasure to meet you Yellow-Coat-Stripes, Overlady of the Syndrome." Their attention moves back to the translator and the yellow mote pulses intensely for a moment before the choral voice speaks "Fascinating, may We know more about it? Is it a specialized member of Syndrome, or more of a living tool? Does it translate many languages or just one and you have others that do their own specific communication?

2019-07-17, 03:27 PM
Lyrae and the Syndrome

"Then I have answered your questions. Perfect." She beams at them. Of course, if she's the local star, she would probably do a lot of beaming at everyone concerned.

"Oh! I do hope your accommodations were to your liking. We had to make educated guesses based on your morphology, since none of us have set foot on your homeworld."

Lyrae and the Tezh

"Of course! Of course, anytime," Lyrae says, gesturing expansively, "Ask me or anyone here. Though do be aware that it, perhaps, might change in the near future. Nothing lasts forever, you see, and almost everyone lasts a very short time compared to me." A grin grows across her face. "It was...quite the trick learning to see time as you all do."

Ayl Lan and the Polite Squids

Xenologists might find it strange that the Lyraens have such a thing as 'pawshakes', given that it is a mostly human mannerism. However, no one has investigated it yet, and so it might not be important.

Ayl makes a pleased, yipping sound at the idea. "That sounds like an excellent idea to me," she says, smiling eagerly, "I mean, Lyrae would have to approve it, but...but yes! A great idea."

2019-07-17, 04:21 PM
Lyrae and the Tezh

"Of course! Of course, anytime," Lyrae says, gesturing expansively, "Ask me or anyone here. Though do be aware that it, perhaps, might change in the near future. Nothing lasts forever, you see, and almost everyone lasts a very short time compared to me." A grin grows across her face. "It was...quite the trick learning to see time as you all do."

"Indeed" Talotius' tone is introspective "We Tezh are uncertain about the quantity of time that passed before our paths crossed with the Stozudal. The realm of the raw harmonic does not function in such a linear fashion as this physicality. We Tezh that are embodied by Talotius - indeed all Tezh - have existed since that time of contact and watched the Stozudal around Us rise from the Harmonic, live, and return to the Harmonic while We persist; barring termination via unanticipated events, of course. We doubt that your existence is as vulnerable as Our own, despite Our - so far endless - longevity."

"Your comment of 'we have all agreed' intrigues Us, for We have observed your use of sovereign identity. Do you refer to your people here, whom you have uplifted and share physicality with via your.. 'host'?" Not entirely sure of the right word, since there is no indication on whether Rii Kru persists in their body or has been utterly supplanted by Lyrae - in which case 'avatar' might be a better word. "Or are there other luminaries with which you hold congress and whom have also uplifted people as you have?"

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-17, 06:33 PM
The Rothuun arrived late to the event, less out of an interest in spreading their own ideology and more out of respect for the Lyraens, whom they had become interested in allying with. As with the Coronation of Sai, the Urthuun could not be bothered to attend, and so a representative is sent from the failing ideology of the Cult of Blood. The unfortunate minotaur, Nataar Bloodbeard, flies into the Lyraen system on a specially requisitioned cruiser, lands, and enters the meeting hall, where he addresses the crowd of assembled aliens.

<Hello. I am Nataar Bloodbeard, representative of the Cult of Blood and the Rothuun. Please bring my good wishes to Lyrae. I hope that we can join the discussion, and clear up some misconceptions about our religion.

2019-07-17, 09:24 PM
Grymlans and Syndrome

Jeejee beamed at Orange, "I'm Jeejee Scrapseeker, High Coordinator of the Grymlan Combine. Nice to meetgreet you!"

"Hewwo" OwO said cheerfully, "I'm OwO, and i'm hewe to wepwesent the OwO netwowk at these tawks."

"Recentalk of ideology... The Grymlans are farsending an OwO hub across the core. Verymuch exciting." Jeejee exuded satisfaction over this fact. Her demeanor dimmed slightly from radiant optimism to matter-of-fact pragmatism. "Though talkytalk of war sounds badbad. Grymlans had to fightfight humans. Grymlans just want to looksee ancient craftmake shops, but they were need fixriging real bad. Humans just attack Grymlan Darkfleet, so we fightfight. They weren't prepared. Would be funnybad except so many humans lost to the dark."

"But," Jeejee jumped back to her effervescent self, "Syndrome are goodgood with geneweaving, no? Bestbest? Grymlans would wantsee Syndrome in action. Very educational!"

Grymlans and the Tezh

Jeejee approached the thing that resembled one of her earlyschool projects, just with less zappy and burny. "Um... Hihi, I'm Jeejee Scrapseeker, High Coordinator of the Grymlan Combine, You are Tezh, yesyes? I have manymany questions. Firsty-first, are you a Crafted Intelligence, or something else? Secondy, how do you do all the floaty without the zappy?"

Grymlans and the Hugsquids

Jeejee approached the ginormous octopi-thing, "Hihi, I'm Jeejee Scrapseeker. You are from Rocthurhi, yesyes?" she held out her paw in greetings and it was only then she wondered with which appendage it would use to shake.

2019-07-17, 10:16 PM
Syndrome and Lyrae

"I took the liberty of making some modifications to our assigned quarters. The temperature and humidity were adequate, but they lacked a certain liveliness." The Overlady had planted hardy vines and coral polyps in the room. Given time, they'll grow to cover it more completely in lush vegetation and elegant rocky growths.

"I have another question." Orange-Crimson-Dawn interjects. Yellow-Coat-Stripes glares at her, speaking into the translator for Lyrae's benefit as she tells the other Syndrome off. "Do not waste your time and our host's with questions that will receive only hollow answers. Were you not Heart of the vessel we travel on, I would order you not to speak again until you set foot on Heart-Life-Nest's soil. Remember your place." Orange then replies, also using the translator. If Yellow wants their argument to be public, she'll make it public. "Remember yours, Overlady. I speak for vessel Hungry-Maw, as he flies for me. You do not want me turned against you. What other ship would you take to avoid us? An unnatural craft of steel?"

Syndrome and Grymlans

"It's not exactly a spectacle." Orange responds to the questions about geneweaving. "I didn't learn it myself, but it is a slow process. The time between procedure and results is often very long on large scales." Often on the order of months long, since modified animals have to usually be born or hatched naturally.

Syndrome and Tezh

"A tool, naturally. It can only translate into such languages that its mouthparts are sufficient for. There are other strains which translate into other tongues." The Overlady peers at Talotius interestedly. "What of you? Are you the stone, or the lights? Is the stone a vessel, or truly animated?"

2019-07-17, 10:51 PM
Ayl Lan and the Polite Squids

Xenologists might find it strange that the Lyraens have such a thing as 'pawshakes', given that it is a mostly human mannerism. However, no one has investigated it yet, and so it might not be important.

Ayl makes a pleased, yipping sound at the idea. "That sounds like an excellent idea to me," she says, smiling eagerly, "I mean, Lyrae would have to approve it, but...but yes! A great idea."

Excellent. This one is glad you are accepting of that idea <the happiness of being accepted by a respected person>. If Lyrae is too busy with this conference to hear this one herself <Lyrae at the table with all of the other races>, would you please pass that along? We would like to continue to work towards a mutual understanding <many Lyreans casually interacting with many Rocthurhi>. As followers of The One, we would like to know more about the Luminary <Lyrae silhouetted by her star> as she claims to have uplifted the members of the Lyraen race <Ayl and Ahw>. This shows a respect for life that is to be admired <An arm of light helping the Lyraens stand>, and is an act we hope to imitate as we uplift the rest of the galaxy <Talotius, Faugloglys, and Chairman Ren helping less advanced races become equals>.

Pausing to greet the Rocthurhi, the Aether stone raising somewhat so that Faugloglys does not need to stoop so much. "Greetings honored sibling. It is a great pleasure to interact with you again, now without the limitations of the Tessering Construct."

Faugloglys stands taller, then nods to show respect.

It is, indeed, good to see you, again <rejoining a consensus after an absence>. This one would say "in person", but for you that is likely less a distinction than most <raw information transferring medium>.

Grymlans and the Hugsquids

Jeejee approached the ginormous octopi-thing, "Hihi, I'm Jeejee Scrapseeker. You are from Rocthurhi, yesyes?" she held out her paw in greetings and it was only then she wondered with which appendage it would use to shake.

Faugloglys extends a tentacle, and wraps the end around Jeejee's hand, wrapping it up to the wrist, shaking gently, then releasing. They are glad they have learned this custom.

Yes, this one is Consensus Leader Faugloglys, of the Rocthurhi <a pod of 45 Rocthurhi swimming in the ocean>. We are pleased to meet you <the excitement of meeting a new friend>, Jeejee Scrapseeker.

2019-07-17, 11:06 PM
Grymlans and the Tezh

Jeejee approached the thing that resembled one of her earlyschool projects, just with less zappy and burny. "Um... Hihi, I'm Jeejee Scrapseeker, High Coordinator of the Grymlan Combine, You are Tezh, yesyes? I have manymany questions. Firsty-first, are you a Crafted Intelligence, or something else? Secondy, how do you do all the floaty without the zappy?"

Talotius pivots in place and regards Jeejee directly "Greetings Jeejee Scrapseeker, High Coordinator of the Grymlan Combine. You are correct: We are Tezh. More specifically, We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus"

It's hard to pick out 'emotion' on a featureless face, though after enough time it would not be impossible since the motes within the floating Aether stone flicker slightly before responding. "We are unable to answer the firsty-first, please forgive us. In Tezh awareness, there have only ever been Tezh until contact with the Stozudal - whom we share physicality with on their home world. While it is a possibility that Tezh were created, as our understanding of the fundamental harmonic allows us to do build many things, We have not been able to find evidence of this origin point for Tezh.

The sub-frames swirl and dance about the Aether stone, shoaling like shiny metal fish before settling in the previous configuration of a scaled cloak over some invisible body "We are able to work directly with the energies of the harmonic that make up physicality."

The diplomat pauses briefly to consider and changes tactics, hopefully finding a relatable communication method and not coming across as patronizing "We swim in invisible waters only We can see and feel." One of the parabolic disc shapes detaches from Talotius' cloak and drifts towards Jeejee for inspection. For all intents and purposes it appears as nothing more than a bit of shaped black metal, slightly translucent at the surface but completely opaque despite how thin it is. The sub-frame does not retract if Jeejee reaches for it, and would feel smooth and glassy to the the touch.

2019-07-17, 11:22 PM
Lyrae and the Tezh

"Ah yes. Non-linear existences would bring up that question, wouldn't it?"

"Partner," Lyrae corrects, "She is not subsumed. In a way, each bonding is its own, unique person. I have been a strong, doughty warrior, an impudent prankster, and many other sorts of person throughout my shared history. But I can see how that might cause some confusion. Perhaps..."

She muses for a moment. "Know me as Rii Lyrae, then."

She sighs. "I know of only one other luminary at the moment, and he is a danger to those he should be protecting."

Lyrae and the Rothuun

"Then be welcome, noble warrior," Lyrae says with a polite nod, "In our culture we have a saying, 'Set your weapons by the door, you will find no enemies here'. And I can promise that it is true, at least on my part."

Lyrae and the Argue-Bugs

If anything, Lyrae seems to be a little amused by the tension, though she does try to hide it. She clears her throat. "Be at peace, Overlady," she says, "If I were to take offense at every question I deemed foolish, then I don't believe the Lyraens would have survived their first century. I have played the part of mother for so long that it has become like second nature to me."

Ayl Lan's Further Adventures with Tentacles

"Of course I'll pass it along!" Ayl tilts her head to the side slightly, considering his words. "Uplift othe...Hmm. I hadn't considered that before." Her face brightens. "But I am sure it is within her power! She can do all sorts of things!"

Ayl lowers her voice and leans forward. If Faugloglys has an eye for such things, he would notice that a few of the other Lyraens are intently not looking their way, but paying close attention regardless. "After we are done here, I was wondering if you and anyone else you brought with you would like to take a tour of the city?"

2019-07-18, 12:37 AM
Lyrae and the Tezh

Lyrae and the Tezh

"Ah yes. Non-linear existences would bring up that question, wouldn't it?"

"Partner," Lyrae corrects, "She is not subsumed. In a way, each bonding is its own, unique person. I have been a strong, doughty warrior, an impudent prankster, and many other sorts of person throughout my shared history. But I can see how that might cause some confusion. Perhaps..."

She muses for a moment. "Know me as Rii Lyrae, then."

She sighs. "I know of only one other luminary at the moment, and he is a danger to those he should be protecting."

"Rii Lyrae" Talotius's motes twinkle among themselves and Their head dips in recognition briefly before They speak again "Is there ever cause to separate from your Partners and return them to their former selves, or is the bond permanent? Such a diverse history of Partners is also intriguing - is there a selection process? If yes, what is it comprised of?" The choral voice has not changed, but detail oriented questions and near excited pace of them is definitely different from the normally measured and considered tone of the Tezh Speaker, an attentive eye might notice how the yellow mote within the Aether stone is slightly brighter than the rest during the questions.

With only a moment's pause, where any biological being would take a breath before asking more questions, Talotius' demeanor calms and they offer modestly "Please feel free to decline Our questions if they inquire beyond acceptable boundaries, We also do not wish to stall the purpose of the gathering with a selfish pursuit of knowledge. It is also fair to submit to inquiries in return for having made many; is there anything you wish to ask of Us, Rii Lyrae?"

Rochthurhi and the Tezh

Faugloglys stands taller, then nods to show respect.

It is, indeed, good to see you, again <rejoining a consensus after an absence>. This one would say "in person", but for you that is likely less a distinction than most <raw information transferring medium>.

Talotius' motes twinkle, a possible sign of amusement "Yes, the Tessering construct was a curious experience, it achieved a very convincing effect on Our attendant Stozudal, suggesting similar for many of our other uplifted siblings. Our own experience in the device and at the event was mildly disorienting due to perceiving enough of our local physicality on Yutov that We were aware of not having traveled anywhere, yet also picking up enough of what the construct was conveying that We could function adequately at the gathering.

"How do you feel, We hope that the physicality at this location does not dry oneself out overly much."

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-18, 07:49 AM
<Very well,> says Nataar, pulling out of his pockets a pistol, a machete, several small explosive devices, and a thick bladed Bowie knife. <As much as it pains me to do so, I will do as you ask, to prove to you that while the Rothuun may be warmongers, we are not an evil race. Those who submit to our rule and our customs will find themselves with a powerful and loyal ally, and a devoted protector. Those that pledge themselves loyal to the Cult of Blood will be likewise. We do not wish to destroy all other peoples in the galaxy, and we are not unthinking barbarians, as certain nations far away from us would have it.> He coughs, sounding suspiciously like “Tel-Amanyn”.

2019-07-18, 10:26 AM
Syndrome and Tezh

"A tool, naturally. It can only translate into such languages that its mouthparts are sufficient for. There are other strains which translate into other tongues." The Overlady peers at Talotius interestedly. "What of you? Are you the stone, or the lights? Is the stone a vessel, or truly animated?"

The Aether stone tips forward in the approximation of a nod regarding the translator, the yellow mote within glowing faintly more brightly during the further questions "Are they trained or is the knowledge of the language they work with designed into their existence? How do they adapt to new words or trends in dialect?"

"Yes." They answer to the Overlady's questions, though it seems they recognize the unhelpfulness of the answer for the choral voice attempts to explain better after a moment.

"Tezh exist in the fundamental harmonic that makes up all of physicality" the cloak of sub-frames spread wide and pivot slightly for a moment, as if arms existed beneath it to encompass the room and beyond. "We are Tezh" the motes all flare in turn, and then in unison within the Aether stone so they are distinctly identified. "Because the harmonic exists as the base of physicality, our siblings are unable to perceive us without tools - which is how Tezh encountered Stozudal - or frames to inhabit."

"Frames can be crafted to suit purpose" They continue, and Talotius' entire figure - but not the motes - pulses briefly with it's own light "Talotius is a frame, suited to communicate on behalf of all Tezh but not travel across distances necessary to do communication directly, and so there is Penny Royal" They gesture in roughly the direction of the landing pad.

"More complex frames will be inhabited by more Tezh, each responsible for a specialty task within that frame. While We may choose to migrate between frames if needed most Tezh do not. Names also persist with the frame no matter how many Tezh have migrated to or from it, since meaningful identifiers for individual Tezh are not helpful due to Tezh considering themselves part of the whole of Tezh and further of their frame's collective existence in this physicality."

"And so We" the entirety of the Tezh Speaker - sub-frames, Aether stone, and motes within - ripple with inner light "are Talotius."

They fall silent for a few moments to allow digestion of the information "Have we provided meaningful answers to your questions?"

2019-07-18, 01:36 PM
Grymlans and Lyrae
"Have you attempted contact of Pwoxos youwsewf?" OwO asked. "Infowmation on luminawies is vewy wacking. We know so wittwe about theiw owigins and, as you say, with him being so much owdew than you, he couwd howd many insights into youw beings."

"Yesyes," Jeejee said with a nod, "Talkytalk is goodgood, but they will wantneed options as well. Grymlans have teenytiny thinkknow of Starborn, less capacity for new projectjobs. Full up to max, very busybusy. You have suggestions, yes? Grymlans still trying to thinkplan on how to put Maxthruster on Star, very tricky."

Grymlan and Syndrome

Jeejee seemed disappointed, "Longtime too slow for Grymlans. Wantneed maxspeed process, less Grymlans get bored. Bored Grymlans busywork on side projects, badpotential."

Grymlan and the Thez

Jeejee was practically vibrating with excitement as she reached out and too teh offered disk, eagerly inspecting it by turning if over in her hands while she chittered on, "Wowwow, its so shinysmooth. Grymlans gear is more rugged and flashy, in fact our bestbestt pieces have been through workhelp of OwO." The mention of the AI's name caused Jeejee to glance back up to Talotius, while she absentmindedly slipped the disk in one of her jacket vest pockets. "Ohh... talkytalk of which. With plusluck we will be fastsending an OwO hub across the core to helpwork with the Melfynians. Muchexciting! I manyponder what your thinkfeels are of other peopleraces, and their ideologies, in our regions?"

Grymlan and the Rotcthuri

Jeejee beamed back up at the Rocthurhi as she replied, "nicenice to greetmeet you. The Combine seehears you support The One, I manyponder what your thinkfeels are of other peopleraces, and their ideologies, in our regions?"

2019-07-18, 01:51 PM
Ayl Lan's Further Adventures with Tentacles

"Of course I'll pass it along!" Ayl tilts her head to the side slightly, considering his words. "Uplift othe...Hmm. I hadn't considered that before." Her face brightens. "But I am sure it is within her power! She can do all sorts of things!"

Ayl lowers her voice and leans forward. If Faugloglys has an eye for such things, he would notice that a few of the other Lyraens are intently not looking their way, but paying close attention regardless. "After we are done here, I was wondering if you and anyone else you brought with you would like to take a tour of the city?"

Faugloglys leans in to match and whispers.

This one would be happy to get a tour of your wonderful city <the view of the city Faugloglys had as they desended from orbit>. If this will take a while <Rocthurhi skin drying>, we might want to visit our water first <large tanks for swimming on the spacecraft>. Unless there is water <public pools or showers> available in the city.

2019-07-18, 02:12 PM
Lyrae and the Tezh

Lyrae smiles at their curiosity. "I'm afraid that the details would be beyond someone who is not well-versed in our particular discipline of Bindings, but the bond, once made, has never been broken. Doing so would not be fatal to either half, but could be traumatic. And would make me very, very angry." For a moment, just a moment, her eyes through the mask seems to blaze with the literal heat of a star's heart. But it fades. "I would love to discuss things further, but an extensive conversation will have to wait for later."

"I am curious about one thing, however." Lyrae leans forward a little. If you are willing, approximately how many Tezh are there? I am aware you are a Consensus, but I am curious as to how many minds you have that all think and act in such admirable harmony."

Lyrae and Nataar

Lyrae watches him disarm with a bemused expression. "I do admire the...thoroughness of your readiness for combat," she says, "And you carry yourself like one prepared to defend himself and his beliefs. Here, though, words will be your greatest weapon. How many battles have you fought in?"

Lyrae and the Grymlans

"There are plans in motion," Lyrae says, evasively and not trying to hide the fact that she's avoiding the question, "But what unfolds from here on out will require the cooperation and mutual understanding of multiple parties."

"As for our origins...you might as well ask Jeejee here if she remembers her own birth."

Speaking of Jeejee, Lyrae says, "Perhaps I can discuss my plans, but not out here in the middle of everyone."

Ayl Lan's Tour Guide Service

Ayl nods. "I understand. While we do have pools, it would be wise to use the water in your quarters, which has been specifically purified to match your homeworld. The pools around the city have a number of things that are harmless to our kind, but are untested on the Rocthuri. Nothing should do lasting harm, or else we would have built an entirely sealed containment chamber for you, but it is wise to be cautious."

2019-07-18, 02:23 PM
Ayl Lan's Tour Guide Service

Ayl nods. "I understand. While we do have pools, it would be wise to use the water in your quarters, which has been specifically purified to match your homeworld. The pools around the city have a number of things that are harmless to our kind, but are untested on the Rocthuri. Nothing should do lasting harm, or else we would have built an entirely sealed containment chamber for you, but it is wise to be cautious."

This one is impressed with the thoroughness of your hospitality <Lyraens adding and testing chemicals>. We appreciate the thought put into our quarters <size and water considerations>. Should we proceed in that direction or are there any questions that Lyrae would like to ask us <Lyrae and Faugloglys having a discussion about The One>?

2019-07-18, 03:10 PM
Grymlan and the Thez

Jeejee was practically vibrating with excitement as she reached out and too teh offered disk, eagerly inspecting it by turning if over in her hands while she chittered on, "Wowwow, its so shinysmooth. Grymlans gear is more rugged and flashy, in fact our bestbestt pieces have been through workhelp of OwO." The mention of the AI's name caused Jeejee to glance back up to Talotius, while she absentmindedly slipped the disk in one of her jacket vest pockets. "Ohh... talkytalk of which. With plusluck we will be fastsending an OwO hub across the core to helpwork with the Melfynians. Muchexciting! I manyponder what your thinkfeels are of other peopleraces, and their ideologies, in our regions?"

Talotius pays no mind to the Grymlan having tucked away the sub-frame, having been half-expecting as much from one so excitable and distractable as well as perceiving no malice or hidden intent. As their conversation continues the slim disc discreetly extricates itself from the pocket and returns to the shoal.

"We recall OwO, from the gathering inside the Tessering Consturct" the statesman teases Jeejee just a little "They were difficult to miss when introducing themselves, though we have not conversed with them directly before. We are glad to know cooperation with others is enabling progress for the Grymlans."

Mention of crossing the core draws pause from Talotius "Why not contract with the Couriers instead, if the opposite side of Axiom is your goal? Or were you planning to do that and 'across the core' was figurative?"

"We find all our elevated siblings very interesting, and seek opportunities to work with them for the betterment of all. There are definitely those who will be challenging, for the physicality they each inhabit all seems very different. Tezh live in the harmonic, where all physicality springs from. We know that all things - at their fundamental level - are One in the harmonic and we work to share that understanding.

Lyrae and the Tezh

Lyrae smiles at their curiosity. "I'm afraid that the details would be beyond someone who is not well-versed in our particular discipline of Bindings, but the bond, once made, has never been broken. Doing so would not be fatal to either half, but could be traumatic. And would make me very, very angry." For a moment, just a moment, her eyes through the mask seems to blaze with the literal heat of a star's heart. But it fades. "I would love to discuss things further, but an extensive conversation will have to wait for later."

"I am curious about one thing, however." Lyrae leans forward a little. If you are willing, approximately how many Tezh are there? I am aware you are a Consensus, but I am curious as to how many minds you have that all think and act in such admirable harmony."

"Discordance is unpleasant, and We are glad that a connection as intimate as that with a Partner has never been willfully severed. Given your stellar mass, placement, and apparent capabilities We can only speculate on the potential outcome of such an event of displeasure."

"We Tezh eagerly seek new knowledge, it expands our understanding of all things that the harmonic is capable of. We have attempted to migrate to grown frames in the past, but learned that interaction more stressful for our fellow siblings; the attachment to personal physicality and the ability to readily identify 'other' facilitated a more peaceful experience of cooperation. We also learned that the constructed frames were extremely and rapidly adaptable - enabling further progress."

"There are currently five hundred million registered frames in operation - which range in complexity and therefore the number of Tezh that have migrated to them. With the advent of the GLD and Our expanding place in Axiom requiring larger and more complex frames - We estimate perhaps two orders of magnitude of Tezh to inhabit new frames which would allow for exploration and expansion into nearby regions."

Talotius pauses for a moment and considers the deeper possibility of the question. "Owing to our nature of consensus and existence within the harmonic, Tezh have never bothered to count Tezh, other than the understanding that We are all One due to the nature of the fundamental harmonic. We do not feel confident in attempting even a rough approximation of Tezh population still present outside physicality.

2019-07-18, 08:57 PM
Arrival of the Kombuch

Communicator Bulbous Jellydisc arrived aboard the Wanna Fanta, Diplomatic Class GLD Cruiser. It was a tall slender craft reminiscent of a bottle to cultures familiar with such things. The Communicator disembarked with two aides, though neither traveled in the same robotic suit he did. Each aide was humanoid and clearly not kombuch, or at least not entirely. They were overgrown, both beautifully and grotesquely with kombuch. They wore loose clothing, that covered very little to allow their kombuch symbiotes access to the air.

These newtype kombuch-xeno colonies were becoming more common after intermingling with the Ioninians and Cyreilian Lyraens. There was initial surprise when kombuch spores began growing on xenos, but as the colonies matured and their minds melded together it was discovered that the colonies were merged as seamlessly as pure kombuch colonies. Additionally they had the benefit of new exotic senses the Mother had never experienced. This new knowledge helped the kombuch find new understanding of their galactic neighbors, though it spread slowly. Communicator Bulbous Jellydisc had brought these two young colonies along in hopes of setting others at ease, and enabling conversation.

In the lead up to the banquet there were whispers among the Lyraens about the kombuch-xeno colonies, but especially about the Cyreilian who had chosen the name Ruffletail. Communicator Bulbous Jellydisc chose not to worry about it, and instead looked forward to the banquet, and the chance to learn more about the many ideologies that others wished to share. Quietly they hoped for another chance to meet with the Symbraum and share their new discoveries, but that could wait if it needed to.

When the banquet began they listened quietly for a time, trying to judge what was expected of them. It seemed the proper course was to introduce themselves to Lyrae directly first, so they headed to her. Ruffletail especially had a hard time containing their excitement. The Cyreilians only had legends of Lyrae. They took a deep breath before speaking calmly.

"Greetings and blessings upon you, Great Lyrae"
"We are humbled by your presence."
"We have eagerly awaited this day."
"Ruffletail has explained your importance to the Lyraens in great detail."

The two spoke for Communicator Bulbous Jellydisc and it was clear that they were pleased. Communicator Jellydisc bowed politely to emphasize their greeting, but allowed them to continue.

"The Kombuch hope to learn more about you and your people."
"We have met an offshoot of your people not far from our home system."

Ruffletail bowed.

"They seem to be a troubled people and your advice could go far."

2019-07-18, 09:26 PM
Syndrome and Lyrae

Lyrae's remark confuses Yellow-Coat-Stripes. The duty of a mother is to give orders, not answer foolish questions. Still, she backs down in the face of the host, for now. Orange asks her question. "How much of you is Rii Kru and how much is Lyrae? Are they separate personalities, could I speak one individually and then the other?" Her voice changes slightly, becoming more even and imperious, uncharacteristically confident. "I am curious how the process relates to my own bond with this youngling."

Syndrome and Grymlans

"It's for the best, really." Orange seems divided on how much she believes that statement though.

Syndrome and Tezh

"It is a good answer." the Overlady replies. She isn't sure what to make of it. The Tezh are minds without bodies, clearly, and that is a disquieting thought.

2019-07-19, 01:55 AM
The Prodigal Prodigy was, though massive for a diplomatic transport, comparatively conservative or even elegant by the standards of the Federated Churches. Asymmetric and elongated, with a wedge-like profile hinting at it's origins as a splinter piece of a larger vessel, the Prodigy lands in the supporting structure graciously provided by the planet's hosts, and it's principal occupants disembark - in total, there are nearly forty Rass, with members of the clergy, attendants, assistants, and guardians all present. Besides this are perhaps a dozen OI of varying physical forms and functions, though almost all are small, specialized gods intended to aid the assembled personages, one among them stands out from the rest. Grace-Which-Is-Beauty's-Sustenance, Living Reliquary and, at least for this conference, a representative of the Godspeaker herself, and by extension, the Gods. Because of course they would choose me for this, Grace thought, mildly annoyed at having to spend months alternately tending to and fending off anxious, overzealous priests. Their honor guard, at least, had made things much easier, at times letting Grace have the admittedly cramped space to herself for hours at a stretch, and other times letting her accompany them and enjoy a different sort of company than she'd been able to; the Lyraen crews hadn't been forced to deal with theologians for weeks as the essential crew of the Prodigy had been.

Corralling the group into arriving on time is a miracle of sorts in itself, even when only a few are likely to do much talking. When they arrived and the conference officially began, influential members from seven different Churches started to disperse, hoping to engage with the alien philosophers present, while Grace kept a sensor on each - she was also responsible for keeping them out of trouble.


Illuminate The Mind - Lyrae & the LightBearer

Only one of the Rass approached Lyrae directly, electing to wait until her attention was free, rather than opting for a conversation with other guests in a more immediate manner. The first thing one would notice would be the thin cable-like tubes strung through their scales, circling their body, and apparently threading through a hole in almost every scale, including those on their face. This alone would be strange enough, but it appeared to be filled with a dimly glowing, multicolored fluid that shifted as they moved, an effect all the more striking by the burnish-like quality of their scales which served to further reflect the light outward, as well as the dangling scrap metal jewelry hanging from the ends of several scales.

"I wanted to thank you for inviting us to this conference, Illumi - actually, do you have a title you prefer to go by? It feels rude to just make assumptions," the Rass said, pulling themselves back and up for a few moments, in one of the more common greetings upon Rhosh. They waited for the Luminary to respond before continuing, "My name is Masculine-Night-Born LightBearer. I am twice Enlightened, once Designated, not that it means much. I think it shows great wisdom on your part, to welcome so many to discuss issues of such high import, and so have the opportunity to witness firsthand the persuasiveness of their arguments. But, honestly, I was hoping to ask you about your own beliefs, if you would be amenable to the idea."


Kamasati - NewCreation, DreamDiver, or Manifestist

Rocthurhi - Grace or NewCreation

Grymlans - HighTower

Syndrome - Manifestist

Tezh - SecondLearnt or CalledUpon

Rothuun - EdgeSkimmer

Kombuch - CalledUpon or SecondLearnt

2019-07-19, 02:35 AM
Ayl Lan and The Rocthuri

"Well, we will be starting soon," Ayl says, "So if you think you can run and be back in time, then feel free. Though the aids should he taken care of any luggage you might have."

Lyrae and the Tezh

Lyrae only smiles at the comment on her wrath.

She nods, considering that answer. "A sizable population," she says, "I look forward to, regardless of what we decide, discussing the differences in our experiences. Perhaps we can compare our observations.

Lyrae and the Syndrome

"I am the sum total of both," Lyrae answers, "Could you speak only from the left side of your brain? Actually, you might be able to. The Lyraens can't." She looks Orange over. "I take it you are bonded with someone?"

Unfortunately, Lyrae is not able to read their body language well, so cannot address the Overlady's concerns.

Lyrae and the Kombuch

There is one slight problem with this current situation: Ruffletail.

The aides informed Lyrae that the Kombuch had brought a Lyraen from the newly discovered population way over by Kombuch space, but they did not mention her current state. Upon seeing her for the first time and realizing her current state, a look of absolute horror crosses her face. She feels sick. It lasts only a moment. Lyrae's forepaws grip her stone handrests. They begin to smolder, a faint glow coming from beneath them. Then the stone itself begins to deform, liquifying into semi-molten rock from the heat. A slight shimmer begins to feel the air from the intense heat radiating off her body. And this time, her eyes really do blaze. The Lyraens around her lay their ears back and scoot away as best they can.

What she sees before her is something she never intended. A fusion, yes, and some would say a fusion not unlike the one that she shared with all her hosts. But to her, it made mockery of her bond. It was a perversion, something that shouldn't exist. She wanted in equal measure to incinerate the thing where it stood and sweep down from off her throne and comfort the poor being, tell her everything would be alright, and spare no effort to save her from this horrendous fate. Yet she did her best to reign herself in. Perhaps there was something here she wasn't understanding.

Her paws relax. The heat fades. But her eyes remain twin, red coals of barely contained rage. She turns her gaze towards Bulbous Jellydisc, mouth a hard line. "This conference is one that I called in order to better understand all peoples in this galaxy, those that are willing to attend. Therefore, before I do anything that I might regret later, I want to understand. What," she says through gritted teeth, "Have you done to her? To them, assuming your second companion isn't naturally like this."

She meets Ruffletail's eyes and her face softens into something akin to grief, "This had better have been voluntary, or we are going to have words. At length."

To Ruffletail directly, she asks, "Please, at least tell me you aren't in pain." There is a frank earnestness to her question, and it carries with it a desperate hope.

Lyrae and the Church of Rust

When Lightbearer approaches, he finds a visibly troubled and shaken Lyrae. She looks up at his approach and composes herself. With a deep breath, she resumes her serene expression. "Lyrae will do," she says simply, "Or Rii Lyrae, if you want to distinguish me from all who have come before and all who will come after."

Lyrae considers his question. "You must understand," she says, "That, from my innate perspective, things are very simple, almost black and white. However, that perspective is very ill-suited to life when you are not a star with millions of years to your name. Down here, in the complexities and wonders of your lives, things are shades of grey."

"That said, I believe that the least a person can strive is to cause no harm. To tolerate differences, cause no one discomfort or pain, it is a noble goal. But the greatest goal is not only refrain from causing harm, which is mere inaction, but to strive to bring out the best in others. To teach, instruct, love, and nurture. To take action and improve not only your own life, but the lives of others. That is what I seek to do."

2019-07-19, 03:31 AM

A crescent of white gold entered Lyraen space at the appointed hour, its coming long-expected. Diminutive in the shadow of its honor guard, it nevertheless thrummed with tremendous power, more than once prompting worried transmissions to ensure reactor containment. Each time, these fears were assuaged by the representative aboard, but it was perhaps telling that it was a Lyraen shuttle that transferred him to the surface while his ship remained in orbit.

As the tall alien strode into the throne room of Lyrae, it was clear to any that had attended the first Simulacrum Conference that Ren-Kulto was not in attendance. This Vilari's scales were the blue-white of a cloud filled sky, while his encounter suit hummed with azure patterns. At his left shoulder floated one of the Vilari's curious spherical drones, while a hemisphere of solid silver rested atop the six fingers of his right hand. He strode towards the throne, his eyes fixed on Lyrae even as he raised his hand in the Vilari star. The voice that emerged from his throat was deeper than Ren-Kulto's, speaking passable Lyraen beneath a constant echo.

"Greetings, Luminary Lyrae. I am Seer Fhasra-Gen, Councilor of the Vilari Sodality and emissary of the Way of Tides. Speaker Ren-Kulto wished for me to convey his regrets at being unable to attend this conference. Matters of...state."

The queer half-lip smile spread across the Seer's face.

"He also wished me to convey a gift to your people."

He placed the silver hemisphere down upon the table, turning his head to the drone at his side.


In orbit, Lyraen satellites detected a massive radiation burst from the Vilari ship, while in the throne room itself a slender beam of light emerged from the hemisphere's peak. It resolved into a holographic display, flickering as a connection was established until it eventually settled into a simple text display.

<We recently perfected this permutation of Guardian's technology.>

On the display, the Seer's native Vilari appeared near-instantaneously in Lyraen. He coughed, before resuming in Lyrae's mother tongue.

"A miniaturized version of the Simulacrum Gate, only large enough to allow a narrow band communications laser. Enough to send and receive to the Simulacrum in real time, if at the cost of requiring a specially outfitted ship in orbit. The technical specifications were delivered to the commander of our escort ships when we disembarked."

He gave a low bow, and once introductions had concluded moved to take a seat at the foot of the long table. A clear signal, at least of the importance the Seer presumed in the coming conference.

2019-07-19, 09:52 AM
Lyrae and the Tezh

Lyrae only smiles at the comment on her wrath.

She nods, considering that answer. "A sizable population," she says, "I look forward to, regardless of what we decide, discussing the differences in our experiences. Perhaps we can compare our observations.

"It is a number" Talotius' response is an indifferent verbal shrug before the figure tips in approximation of a shoulder level bow "We look forward to further communications and opportunities to cooperate. For now, We shall conduct ourselves to our place for the conference."

Talotius departs from Lyrae's seat and moves to Their own, declining the chair and simply condensing the placement of Their sub-frames so that They are reduced in height to a median level compared to that of other nearby dignitaries.

Gaius Hermicus
2019-07-19, 10:03 AM
<I have fought in eight battles to date: the conquest of Baryshev last year, four battles to support the Urthuun after the death of Thrikar Fleshgorger, and three minor skirmishes prior to the discovery of Faster than Light travel. The Cult of Blood keeps us all busy fighting whoever we can.>

2019-07-19, 02:24 PM
Lyrae and the Kombuch

There is one slight problem with this current situation: Ruffletail.

The aides informed Lyrae that the Kombuch had brought a Lyraen from the newly discovered population way over by Kombuch space, but they did not mention her current state. Upon seeing her for the first time and realizing her current state, a look of absolute horror crosses her face. She feels sick. It lasts only a moment. Lyrae's forepaws grip her stone handrests. They begin to smolder, a faint glow coming from beneath them. Then the stone itself begins to deform, liquifying into semi-molten rock from the heat. A slight shimmer begins to feel the air from the intense heat radiating off her body. And this time, her eyes really do blaze. The Lyraens around her lay their ears back and scoot away as best they can.

What she sees before her is something she never intended. A fusion, yes, and some would say a fusion not unlike the one that she shared with all her hosts. But to her, it made mockery of her bond. It was a perversion, something that shouldn't exist. She wanted in equal measure to incinerate the thing where it stood and sweep down from off her throne and comfort the poor being, tell her everything would be alright, and spare no effort to save her from this horrendous fate. Yet she did her best to reign herself in. Perhaps there was something here she wasn't understanding.

Her paws relax. The heat fades. But her eyes remain twin, red coals of barely contained rage. She turns her gaze towards Bulbous Jellydisc, mouth a hard line. "This conference is one that I called in order to better understand all peoples in this galaxy, those that are willing to attend. Therefore, before I do anything that I might regret later, I want to understand. What," she says through gritted teeth, "Have you done to her? To them, assuming your second companion isn't naturally like this."

She meets Ruffletail's eyes and her face softens into something akin to grief, "This had better have been voluntary, or we are going to have words. At length."

To Ruffletail directly, she asks, "Please, at least tell me you aren't in pain." There is a frank earnestness to her question, and it carries with it a desperate hope.

The two xeno-kombuch colonies looked back at Communicator Jellydisc in obvious confusion. This was not an expected scenario. In fact this might be the opposite of the expected scenarios. Communicator Jellydisc's understanding of humanoid xenos was constantly evolving. They flashed encouragement to their aides and Ruffletail turned back to Lyrae to speak.

"We are unsure what you mean. Nothing was done to us. Would you insist a child consent to being born? This colony is young, the lyraen body... my original body is the primary contributor, both in personality and mental capacity, but we would not separate willingly. Individual kombuch can be transplanted from one colony to another easily, but we... I could not imagine being that alone again. This is our family, but also an extension of our self.

"We are in no pain. A year ago we would not have chosen this existence. Today we would not give it up."

2019-07-19, 03:17 PM
Lyrae and the Vilari

Lyrae smiles weakly at the Vilari ambassador. "Welcome, honored friends," she says, "It is good you have comes. This day has already been trying and the meeting hasn't officially begun yet."

At the gift, though, she brightens. "Your technology advances so quickly! I am impressed and humbled by this great gift. I will allow free and open communication in this conference. Thank you."

Lyrae and the Tezh

"Well, we will begin shortly. Thank you for your patience."

Lyrae and the Rothuun

She hides a small smile. "Then you know what to do to prepare yourself for battle, I presume. If you would, prepare your mind and then be seated. If you wish for refreshment in the meantime, some can be brought to you."

Lyrae and the Flood the Kombuch

Lyrae had managed to quell her rage. It was a tricky thing, that, always liable to get out of hand and rarely solving any issues. Unless you considered reducing everything within ninety meters to ash 'solving' the issue. However, the more Ruffletail speaks, the more it returns, hotter and fiercer than before. Flames begin to flick across her coat, licking at her robes. The chair under her glows red, even though it is stone, and a permanent indent, accurate even down to the individual patterns of fur, will be forever left in its surface.

She stands abruptly, every muscle tense, her mouth a barely keeping itself from snarling at them. She speaks to all the Kombuch, not just Ruffletail. "She was already a person!" she snaps, "A beautiful, real, full person! She was no child in the womb. She had her own thoughts, fears, and will! And even if she were just a child in the womb, not even a newborn pup, I would not have forced such a thing on her until she was able to understand!"

The fire of her rage dims and settles into a much colder, harder one. "But she DID understand, didn't she?" She chuckles. "Ruffletail, you said, 'A year ago we would not have chosen this existence.' Which means it was done to you without your consent and against your desires. You..." Lyrae's form trembles. "You violated her."

Abruptly, she turns and strides towards an exit, one that leads outside to a balcony. Quietly, in a voice so calm and still that it is almost unnatural, she says, "Excuse me for a moment, everyone." The attendants scramble to hold the door open for her and close it once she is past. But through the windows and narrow doors, everyone can hear the blood-curdling, spine-chilling scream of rage that rips from her throat. A cataclysm of flame envelops the balcony as explosion after explosion of anger, rage, and grief blasts and scorches the exterior of Lyrae's palace. For a minute, it continues. Then, it cuts off rather suddenly. In its place, a much softer sound comes, one quiet enough that only those with sharp hearing or who crowd near the windows can pick it up.


Ayl Lan clears her throat and steps outside. In a few minutes, she returns with Lyrae, who is now dressed in a different robe and looking a little worn out. She resumes her seat and looks to each member of the assembly in turn. She bows her head. "Forgive me. I'm afraid I have been a poor host. Bulbous Jellydisc, Ruffletail, and...I'm afraid I didn't catch your name. You are...welcome to share your thoughts and help...help us all here on this world to understand. We want to understand, but what you've done is..." Her paws grip the armrests again, but no flame comes out. "To us, it's monstrous. No. Evil. I do not believe evil is too harsh a term for it."

2019-07-19, 04:11 PM
This conference may not have been as interesting as the coronation, but the leader of the Melfynians wouldn't have missed it even if he had to leave some of his projects. It seemed like something important and it was very well what he was convinced of initially. With the two Lyrean shops as escorts, the Melfynians could not help but ask them whether or not there had been any threats to the conference; perhaps trying to foil its success by even targetting the attendees! However any concerns for those were quickly left to the Lyreans as the Melfynians took to enjoying the treatment they were given.

Rundhrul especially decided to take full advantage of the comforts his hosts had prepared for him. Until the event began he indulged in all the food and pampering he could much like some of the other Harkans which came with him. The Rastar? The giant ray became the Lyreans' problem once Rundhrul went on his way after he impressed on them how the Rastars were pretty much the equivalent of the ruling class on Melfynus. Some even still regarded them as gods.


Once at the banquet hall, Rundhrul conducted himself as a goods statesman would. Exchanging pleasantries with all the leaders there with him including their host, Lyrae. The only other thing other than a good shake and some small talk on current affairs was to say how impressed he was with the Lyraen's own collection of talents Lyrae had to help with her meeting and the query of "is one of these fine Lyraens the famously heroic Ool I've heard about? I don't think you'll have such a capable fellow too far from you. I've hoped to meet him too for how he helped one of ours recently. Maybe speak a little about explorations and adventures" which referred to that incident with the Rothuun during the coronation.

...which speaking of, happened to be the only delegates Rundhrul didn't bother to greet. It was less out of fear than simply not being interested in wasting the Harkan's time. After that incident, Rundhrul had well prepared his sphere for the bulls' propensity for hands on violence. In fact there seemed to be a Harkan or two trained on the movements of the Rothuun's representative or more specifically, their distance from their own.

The Rocthurhi

Rundhrul approached the squids like all the others but seemed more... open? The Harken sppread himself quite open as he greeted the squids although that attitude easily explained itself when he finally said "there are a lot of creatures like you back on Melfynus but I don't think you're quite the same. They have to stay in the water. Or perhaps you are quite the same, just that you've advanced a lot differently?" Rundhrul gave a little laugh as he thought about it "maybe if it was different, Melfynus would be led by people closer to you than us stars."

the Kombuch

The Melfynians awareness of the Kombuch was only made possible by Lyrae's outburst and eventually when the opportunity presented itself, another one of the Harkans, Borch, headed over to Communicator Jellydisc. He did not seem at all worried there might be some sort of contagion by the colonies, perhaps he himself sure his aquatic vessel wouldn't be able to support them the same way Melfynus couldn't support much vegetation but boldly going to where no star would have gone to willingly he simply said "that was unexpected but your people's state is quite unexpected too. So how does this colony thing of yours work? It feels like our clusters, but seems very different as well.

2019-07-19, 04:47 PM
Syndrome and Lyrae

"Ah. I forget I have not introduced myself," Orange continues, "I am He Who Never Wavers in the Search For Food, but the small ones, the Syndrome, call me Hungry-Maw. The Syndrome female you see before you is my bond, as I am hers."

2019-07-19, 05:06 PM

Having watched the drama unfolding after the arrival of the Kombuch, Seer Fhasra-Gen finally stood to address the assemblage.

"Luminary, if I may? We in the Sodality share your horror at the domination of a free being. However, as we take our first steps into a widening galaxy we must acknowledge the possibility of missteps. There exist species, some in this very room, capable of touching the mind of another. If you wish to hear testimony from this Ruffletail absent the voice of the Kombuch, perhaps our psychic friends might be able to oblige without lasting harm to the colony."

2019-07-20, 11:39 AM
Lyraes Welcome

<As you say we're happy to discuss it within the confines of philosophical thought. As of now, we have not discovered anything that could be labeled as a demon. If you wish to know the standards of the pantheon we will define it during this event.> With that the Kamasati wait until the actual conference to share the full breadth of the faith... Rather the truth.

The Tezh
The connection to the Tezh created a feeling of elation. Fellow psychics was a draw of great peace to the living pantheon of the Kamasati. These beings seemed prominent as well and as this emotion is emitted its an incredibly powerful feeling that could affect those susceptible to psychic suggestion and its clearly not intentional. With no mouth the Kamasati do not show any physical reaction but their hundreds of whisker length tendrils spread out to get a sense of their surroundings while they speak with this being. <We are grateful to feel the mind of another pantheon so completely! It is good to connect. Cousin is a fitting word. How does it feel to connect to so many within the galaxy? How have you been adjusting to this galaxy of once collective nations who have lived only with isolated minds?>

The Kombuch + Everyone not blocking psychic connections.

The Kamasati glided forward at the mention of the mind of this Ruffletail and requiring a specific connection, they reach out. The Kamasati present went from speaking to individual minds to everyone. It would feel like a wave crescendoing and suddenly a thought manifested so they could all communicate. A tiny web of thoughts formenting in the room manifests. As long as one did not resist or have some means to block these thoughts now the center of the web was all tied to the "gods". Of course if someone is incapable of attaching ones mind to the whole this too would concern the Kamasati.

<We will act to discover the truth, it will be our gift to the dreamer Lyrae and a means for all of us to better understand the vast differences between dreamers in this galaxy.> It was incomplete so many of these minds were immensely alien. The vast variety made it hard for these groups to communicate between eachother psychically unless they ATTEMPTED to use their own minds to do so. <If it is acceptable this is your event are you willing to let us press forward and attempt to discover the truth for all of you?>

They then look to the Kombuch, <Is this an invasion of some sort for you? We do not want to declare war on fellow dreamers if we can help it. We require your permission as well if we are going to push forward for this mind.>

2019-07-20, 12:50 PM
As King-General Krazkul steps off his ship and steps toward the Lyraen he looks up at the the city carved in the rock taking notes on the architecture and deciding that he should hire an architect when he returns.
Hello Lyrae. I am glad to have been invited to this... gathering. I hope you excuse our lack of... sophistication when it comes to this topic. We have our set values but not much of a belief system.

2019-07-20, 01:09 PM
Lyrae and the Melfynians

Lyrae nods in greeting and gestures vaguely in the direction of the city. "Ool is a good Lyraen, but not the most philosophically minded. I am sure that you could easily find him in the city. Just look for the place that seems most exciting. Unfortunately, only a few of his more philosophically minded family are here with us in the room. I will, of course, send word that you wish to see him, though. I'm sure he will be very gratified by your high praise."

Lyrae and Krazkul

"You are welcome, General. Please, make yourself at home. I believe our peoples are in much the same boat, then." She gives him a small smile. "Perhaps we shall both learn something from this."

She claps her paws together. "However, with your arrival, I believe we have everyone here who is coming. If you will give me but a few moments, we shall begin.

Lyrae and the Syndrome

"Ah. Yours is a different bond, then," Lyrae says, "Upon merging, Rii and Lyrae became as one. Both were willing partners, I assure you. The particular process that I have created will not work if either party has any reservations and is not fully willing."

Unfortunately, a side-effect of that process is that the unfortunate, would-be Ascended One dies while Lyrae remains mostly unharmed, but she neglects to mention that.

Lyrae, the Kombuch, et al

Lyrae takes a deep breath and eyes the Kamasati. A few Lyraens shift uncomfortably at the thought of their creator, goddess, and empress letting the race that, for all intents and purposes, is public enemy number one into her mind. However, she nods slowly. "That would be...acceptable. So long as it will not harm Ruffletail. Even if evil has been done, I will not right a wrong with another wrong."

She looks to Ruffletail and an apologetic smile crosses her face. "No matter the answer, I suppose, you came to me to ask for my help with your, ahem, original people, correct? Then perhaps I can set your mind at ease a little. What help I can give, they will have. And I will not oppose further...unions like you, assuming that all parties involved enter them willingly."

"Let us set that matter aside, for now," she says, "And move on to the matter at hand."


And with that, the conference officially begins. Each representative is invited in turn to give a presentation on their culture's beliefs, practices, and modes of thought, to which Lyrae and all the Lyraens will listen to in respectful silence. Questions will come after they are done.

They cannot stop the other guests, however, from interjecting themselves.

OOC: Basically, when you can, present your philosophy and, if you see another that you feel your delegates would comment on, feel free to mark that off.

2019-07-20, 10:10 PM
Syndrome and Lyrae

"Our bond is not so. Just over one hundred cycles ago, I agreed to take on bond and crew. Orange-Crimson-Dawn is my fourth such bond. We may share sensations, thoughts, even our bodies, but we are still separate. If I were to go far from her, we would lose our connection until we were once again in range."

2019-07-22, 06:48 PM
The Talks

Jeejee waited to for people to speak up, but it seemed that nobody seemed interested in stepping up first. She snorted and stood up to kick this off right proper.

"Hi-hi!" She spoke up, "Grymlans lived with strugglehard conditions. Manymuch years ago, a strange ship skyfalled, and caused Dirtcradle to become coldblighted. Faithbelief gave brighthope, but did not fill bellies or fixrig our problems. Manyproblems, and we failed manytimes. We thoughtchanged so failure notbad, good if one or many can learnlearn from it. We failed then, failed now, and will fail later, but always forwardmoving. With OwO's help we might seehear of others failings, and learn, adapt, and forwardmove, as they can with Grymlans. Always changing, always adapting, always forwardmoving."

2019-07-22, 07:01 PM
The Tezh
The connection to the Tezh created a feeling of elation. Fellow psychics was a draw of great peace to the living pantheon of the Kamasati. These beings seemed prominent as well and as this emotion is emitted its an incredibly powerful feeling that could affect those susceptible to psychic suggestion and its clearly not intentional. With no mouth the Kamasati do not show any physical reaction but their hundreds of whisker length tendrils spread out to get a sense of their surroundings while they speak with this being. <We are grateful to feel the mind of another pantheon so completely! It is good to connect. Cousin is a fitting word. How does it feel to connect to so many within the galaxy? How have you been adjusting to this galaxy of once collective nations who have lived only with isolated minds?>

Talotius tips forward from the 'shoulders' in a gesture of respect to the Kamasati representative. Psychic energies are those most easily able to pass the barriers of matter and so without explicit shielding from it, all Tezh are still receptive to its connection. Individual Tezh don't have the ability to broadcast very far usually compared to the brains of organics - which are made up of billions or more of cells in the machinery that makes creatures psychic or not, but since their frame carries thousands Talotius is able to reply directly in kind, albeit in a relatively quiet voice.

"We are Talotius, Speaker for the Tezh Consensus. We offer greetings to a fellow elevated sibling. It is a rarity for Us to be able to communicate natively while in this physicality, it is a delight to work outside the limitations of Our frame."

"It is very different to view the fundamental harmonic from this perspective, but it is also fascinating. Before we encountered the Stozudal we only knew of other Tezh, of the nature of the harmonic itself at our own realm of perception. Now we understand that there is much more to experience that we did not know about. Before that point, we had 'missed the forest, for the trees' we have heard the saying goes."

2019-07-22, 11:43 PM
Lyrae and the Gene-Bugs

Lyrae considers this and nods. "If I were so restricted," she said, "I would never be able to form a bond with anyone. But my will and sight extend, well, a very long ways. I should be able to visit the other side of the galaxy without issue."

The Conference

Of course Jeejee would be the first to speak. Lyrae smiles as she stands and recites the beliefs of her people, not needing the translator this time around. "So the Grymlans believe in progress," she says.

One of the Lyraens clears his throat. "If I may, High Scrapseeker, how do you know which way is 'forward', so to speak. What is the end goal of your progress?"

2019-07-23, 12:05 AM
Lyraen Conference Room - General Address

Talotius rises when it is Their turn to present to the group, turning slightly so that Lyrae - having invited them to this gathering - has the bulk of their attention.

"We all interact with physicality in some way; make use of the perception of a segment of electromagnetic spectrum that is called 'light', or directly interact with other matter via 'touch', or the function of chemical reactions that is commonly called 'smell'. All of these things seem different; one does not 'smell' a picture, or 'touch' a ray of light. But the biggest misconception there is that they 'seem' different.

"All here have among their people those who have mastered enough of physicality to understand atomic structure. We are sure that many have explored it deep enough to grasp the idea of fission and fusion; namely that energy and matter are never created or destroyed, only transformed. Whether this is used for power generation or weapons is irrelevant - it is fundamental to nature and every reaction can be carefully measured and accounted for, and we know many of our siblings have developed many tools to help them study and confirm it."

"We Tezh personify it. We exist at the fundamental harmonic of the universe: energy itself. We have been blind to the existence of our siblings, here in this room and all across Axiom, because we only knew energy and it's various forms without knowing the larger realm such shapes and eddies in our perceptions fed into."

"We look upon our siblings and do not see Rocthurhi, Lyraen, Grymlan, Kamasati, Syndrome and more. We see fellow beings composed of energy merely in different shapes; not in a metaphoric sense but quite literally. We can trace any particle of any being present back to the harmonic energy it plucks upon to take on the properties of mass and matter."

"We Tezh do not share the philosophy of 'One' in a mystical, congenial, or religious capacity. Our philosophy is not about 'truth', it is about fact. We offer knowledge of the irrefutable reality that matter IS energy, and that we are all beings OF that energy. For those that take Our teachings to heart - that regardless of origin, location, composition, etc We are all fellows born of the same harmonic - we open Ourselves to them. We will all teach, protect, share, and learn from each other."

"We will never seek to squash or shackle others into conformity. Some might say that Our scientific teachings strip the wonder out of existence. We can speak to our enjoyment of existence only growing the more we learn of the beautiful complexities we have found in physicality after our partnership with the Stozudal. If our siblings wish to pursue their own view of existence, We respectfully disagree with them but that is their prerogative. We are confident that those who seek as hard as possible can only reach one conclusion: We are all energy - we are all One."

"We thank you, Lyrae, for inviting Us here and granting us the opportunity to share this day, and We thank all Our present siblings for their time and attention." Talotius finishes and lowers to their previous height - 'seating' Themself back at the table once more.

2019-07-24, 07:41 PM
The General Talks.

Jeejee thought for a moment at the question put to her by Lyrae. "Progress has no endgoal. Seekfind, thoughtchange, talkyfight, all lead to further progress defined by the wantneeds at the time. To reach perfection would mean nochange, nochange means death."

2019-07-24, 08:54 PM
Lyrae, the Kombuch, et al

Lyrae takes a deep breath and eyes the Kamasati. A few Lyraens shift uncomfortably at the thought of their creator, goddess, and empress letting the race that, for all intents and purposes, is public enemy number one into her mind. However, she nods slowly. "That would be...acceptable. So long as it will not harm Ruffletail. Even if evil has been done, I will not right a wrong with another wrong."

She looks to Ruffletail and an apologetic smile crosses her face. "No matter the answer, I suppose, you came to me to ask for my help with your, ahem, original people, correct? Then perhaps I can set your mind at ease a little. What help I can give, they will have. And I will not oppose further...unions like you, assuming that all parties involved enter them willingly."

"Let us set that matter aside, for now," she says, "And move on to the matter at hand."

The Kombuch and Lyrae

All three members of the kombuch delegation erupt into ripples of light across their bodies as the Kamasati reach out to the room. For a brief moment they are the mental equivalent of a roaring crowd over the psychic connection before they manage to hush themselves and receive the message. Ruffletail and the Ioninian nod in unison, first to Lyrae then to the Kamasati.

"We gladly submit to such a test."

"We look forward to a demonstration of your abilities."

2019-07-24, 10:29 PM
The Tezh

<Yes it is wonderful to be able to connect with so many, that see the world from so many vantages. It is unique, we are all connected and it's good to know you see the harmony and beauty of its sibling.> This exchange of energy through transmitting thoughts seems to continue to emenate joy from the Kamasati Kuuru. <Tell me though cousin what are your feelings on the material conflicts and desires of these dreamers...> Since they are connected he makes dreamer fit with an image of the endless spectrum of races they had encountered as everyone viewed them. The composite truth of each race manifesting in their minds.

The Kombuch Concerns

<Our connection does harm to no one, in fact it can awaken races to many truths, dreamers and dream children alike if they can let it in.> With this the Kamsati Kuuru approached this being and reached out and immediately they were struck with a truth, this wasn't one mind sharing a body with another, this was a colony of a dozen minds and the Kamsati were momentarily consumed by their thoughts on all manner of things before they finally touched minds with them.

<We are the Kamasati we will be looking to speak with Ruffletail> The mind explodes out and goes through the thoughts of the many different beings present in this colony and at the root they found this being. This lone mind, it had quickly become part of the colony but the strand was in there and so they grab it and pull it forward to the present, there was a static to it some interference as the minds reacted to this strange pull but soon enough as all things come forward

they are connected in the web and before all is ruffletail the single mind of the colony. We make sure Lyrae can see it as can all others who willingly connect to this being. <The Dreamer Lyrae has questions for you Dream child Ruffletail.>

The Debate/Discussion?

The two begin to erupt the flood in the minds of their compatriots so they can speak their truth to the gathering of believers. So they can connect their minds to their own divinity and spread the will and the way they hoped Lyrae would see as endlessly valuable and adopt. These two Kuuru began to relay their belief system and how it worked in detail.

<We want those present to understand this truth is difficult to grasp as it contains infinity. Our companions spoke of the one, the energy that exists in the universe and we do not deny its existence, but it does not forment truth or answer anything but building blocks that exist. The why is a wholly other matter and that is what we explain. These are the questions our truth answer.>

A feeling of joy is extended out into everyone's mind as they continue. <We were manifested by the old dreamers, some call them the callers. They forged us from the energy the One idealogues promote. They manifested that energy into the truth and that truth is all of us, all of the races who have begun to advance, and then they left us tools to become what they are. We now must care for our dream children, those young races that have manifested around us. This is the truth of infinity. This is the truth of the spiral dancers of the Kamasati Pantheon we were all the dream children and now the dreamers are gone and we have taken their place. We are the dreamers now and care for the next, so we can care for those who have begun to grow. So it will be infinitely because it is all infinite. As our cousins the Tezh states, energy does not die it just changes and this is its will to continue forevermore. One day all the races that survive, those that complete their task will advance to the higher states of the Callers and we will leave behind these young races to do what we did and so on and so on through the endless spiral.>

They both turn to Lyrae their tentacles move toward the "god" of their people. <We do not deny you your godhood, in fact we very much believe its truth and accept it completely. We see you as the dreamer of the people you care for. You are their god and now you know the truth, you have the divine right to raise them up so one day they can all be gods as well. So they can lead the next young peoples on the dance along the spiral.>

With that out of the way they then address "demons" <We know you have some concerns when it comes to this term. We want to be clear, we believe all beings capable of thought, we even believe most creatures who live only on instinct are capable of some level of empathic connection and so none of these beings would be viewed as demons. A demon is a being completely incapable of connecting to the mind of an other. If it is impossible no matter the tools used to manifest this then they are incapable of connection. They will be lonely predators hunting and murdering because they can never know the anguish of loss. They can never feel a mind snuff out, they cannot truly understanding the savagry of such disfigurement to the whole and so are not capable of ascension. This makes them demons and they should be excised because they will forever be on this plane, they will consume the dream children and because they do not advance they can sicken the universe, over crowd it and destroy the infinite spiral. Returning matter to oblivion.>

2019-07-25, 12:15 AM
The Tezh

<Yes it is wonderful to be able to connect with so many, that see the world from so many vantages. It is unique, we are all connected and it's good to know you see the harmony and beauty of its sibling.> This exchange of energy through transmitting thoughts seems to continue to emenate joy from the Kamasati Kuuru. <Tell me though cousin what are your feelings on the material conflicts and desires of these dreamers...> Since they are connected he makes dreamer fit with an image of the endless spectrum of races they had encountered as everyone viewed them. The composite truth of each race manifesting in their minds.

{Conversation occurs before Talotius' presentation of Philosophy for Lyrae}
"We find both the limitations on perception and expansive ability to perceive while navigating physicality fascinating. It is very different from native Tezh experience and we have found much value in our various siblings varied concepts of existence."

The diplomat radiates an image back to the Kamasati of an infinite field of static, where each particular bit of noise is identifiable as energy in its different forms - a splendorous cacophony of signals from all directions with particular pinpoints being noted as fellow Tezh. From there the field draws back in ever widening scale until it is realized as the pinky claw of a Stozudal fisher, and then further to the eye of a great sea storm, and then out into the vastness of space.

The cloak'ish shape offers a slight shrug "We have found that at a minimal level each sibling seeks only to further its existence and that elevated siblings are no different, although they bring additional layers of complexity and awareness to their path through physicality. In the end we note that all these varied paths of existence are valid in and of themselves through sheer indisputable fact that they succeed at existing."

Images of simple animals feeding, mating, and generally living their lives are sent to the Kamasati. Next come mental snapshots of communal tribes sharing food, breeding resources, or shelter soon to be followed by violent warlords hoarding those same resources, and then the notion of every manner of spectrum in between. The overarching perspective is simple - every example exemplifies success at continuing to exist.

"We seek to share our understanding of how all of physicality connects, but that does not detract from their achievements in getting to a point of finding and continuing what works for them. Whether they understand or choose to accept their fundamental link to the harmonic and through that to each other or not, we recognize their success."

A panorama of thoughts cross the gap to Kuuru next. First the Stozudal - a great example of grasping what the Tezh teach even if they cannot see the minute detail and progressing in culture and technology. Next comes a system of pirates and brigands as the Tezh go beyond Yutov, they want what the Tezh possess but cannot let go of the fierce competition and hierarchy that defines their culture - eventually a middle ground is found; formalized challenges and rules of conduct complete with loopholes that allow one to be honorable or crafty but minimizes unwilling participants and casualties, and rituals for the dead are refreshed with an understanding of the sanctity of life and its loss and the transformation that happens in that process. Finally there is a race of such nihilistic hate for anything not them that no first-hand contact was ever had, only violent conflict at a distance in response to attempts at communication - rather than eradicating them they are blockaded within their home system by Tezh sensors and automated systems that hamper interstellar travel.

"Existence is most pleasant when it is harmonious, and while all Tezh share consensus as a whole we have learned in Our time in physicality that such unity is extremely rare due to the nature of our various siblings' perception of existence. We embrace all who are open to Our understanding of One, but we aspire to not smother their perspective and uniqueness in the process."

2019-07-25, 12:55 AM
The Tezh's Presentation

Lyrae nods in thanks and turns to the assembly of Lyraens on either side of her. "Well, my friends? What do you think?"

"It is...interesting," Ayl Lan says quietly, "You do make a good point. And, if we were restricted to pure physicality, perhaps one that would be irrefutable. But, if you do not mind me asking, where do the Tezh fit the soul into their philosophy?"

"That is the key, yes," Lyrae agrees, "You see, in our understanding, it is the soul that imparts the power to will to mere matter or, in your case, energy. Is there such a concept in your ideology?"

The Grymlan's Presentation

Lyrae blinks and shifts forward slightly. "But doesn't progress imply the movement towards something and away from something else? Is it only to satisfy the needs of the present time?"

The Kamasati's Presentation

The Kamasati's presentation is initially met with strong resistance, but it, surprisingly, softens as it goes along. They look at each other. This is not exactly what they were expecting. They were expecting monsters. This is better. Much better.

Lyrae, however, leans forward again, "Tell me," she says, "Someone incapable of connecting to the mind of another. In what sense do you mean 'connecting'. Is it merely as you yourselves do or is it more open than that?"

Lyrae blinks. She was expecting to have to connect directly with Ruffletail and search through her mind herself, but this is better. It is prudent, when you are unsure of someone, to not let them see the inside of your mind, she supposed.

She clears her throat. "Ruffletail, if that is still what you call yourself, can you hear me?"

2019-07-25, 01:23 AM
The Talks

Jeejee shook her head, "no, progress is muchmore than just herenow. Farfuture is too soft, manyvariables and wantneeds that change with manysteps to meetgoals. Sometimes wins and fails yield seekhidden goals that you wouldn't thinkthink of. That is purpose of Grymlan, or otherpeople, in OwO. Follow manysteps towards progress, seekfind newgoals, and returnshare with the rest of OwO." She smiled broadly, "then do it again."

2019-07-25, 03:03 AM
The Federated Churches of Origin's End
Before the Conference


Illuminate The Mind - Lyrae & The LightBearer

Masculine-Night-Born curls their tail in consideration, mulling over Lyrae's words for several moments before responding.
"Thank you, Rii Lyrae, for your light." Masc-Night-Born's face tightens as they realize how that could be misconstrued when speaking to Someone who was also literally a star, before chuckling to themselves at the idea. "Mrhh - it would be better to say that to be granted insight into your view of the world illuminates my own, and I'm happy you felt able to share it with me. In fact, I think our views are quite similar, in the fundamental values we hold; for myself, I would phrase it as 'bringing out the light in others'. Teaching, nurturing, showing them how to strive for Enlightenment in their own way. Light illuminates best when it contains the broadest possible spectrum of colors - though please don't mistake this for claiming your physical light is too narrow!" Night-Born's cheeks pull up, scales shifting with what seemed like a smile - the expression wasn't totally dissimilar from the equivalent Lyraen expression, but neither did the facial movements map particularly well. The undulations in their tail, on the other hand, were suspiciously similar to that of laughter, and the sparkle in the LightBearer's eyes made it clear they were trying to inject some levity and mirth into the conversation.
"For me, I try to grow closer to Divinity by learning and understanding, and helping others do the same. To be a LightBearer is to take upon oneself the task of bringing Light to others, of trying to help them discover what ways they can best reach towards the Divine. It means taking on the responsibility of sharing the knowledge you have with those who don't."


To Fight, To Bleed, To Learn - Rothuun & The EdgeSkimmer


A More Perfect World - Tezh & The Manifestist

~~~During The Conference~~~

Grace thought the priests were displaying remarkable patience waiting for their contemporaries in other ideologies to finish. At least compared to how they had acted with each other on the way here, and how the Convocation often acted. Some part of her posited the possibility of the novelty factor being the cause. This didn't seem unlikely; most theologians knew quite well what the (loudest parts of the) ideological opposition believed. This was new, and therefore required more consideration. It was certainly a welcome change. The muted bickering over who would present for the Federated Churches grew, slowly, more audible as the time they needed to present their ideologies approached. Each of them presenting in the same manner as any single one of the other representatives present would be inappropriate given the scale of representation; but any shorter was reductive and overly simplistic, as though their individual beliefs were not as legitimate as those of the others present. Grace sighed internally, though she kept a sensor tuned towards the debate for when they would almost inevitably turn to her as arbitration, as they had tried to so many times on the flight over.

It was a surprise, therefore, when they came to a majority agreement concerning the best way of speaking about their beliefs; when they came to Grace, it was not to request arbitration, but representation. She was a neutral party between them, speaking on behalf of the Godspeaker. Moreover, Grace was a Living-Reliquary, and thus more suited than most to speak on Divinity to those who did not have the prior context for the Rhoshan understanding of such. Then they could each talk of their own understanding of such. So, when the time came, she was the one to rise, and speak first, looking over those assembled as she constructed the best ways of communicating this sentiment.

"The Federated Churches of Origin's End have no singular doctrine and understanding that may be said to hold true across every understanding of faith, and this Conference is neither the time nor place to try to examine each of the hundreds upon hundreds of belief systems that live on Rhosh and elsewhere - our own government is built on such a principle and has not come to a consensus in the last fifty Galactic years despite many times over the number of individuals present now being involved in the discussion.Nevertheless, there are, broadly speaking, beliefs most frequently held in common between the churches, and what might be called a central idea threading through the vast majority of Rhoshan culture; the Church representatives accompanying me will aim to explain how their particular belief system expounds upon this ideal."

Grace waits for a calculated period of time to allow translation, parsing, and digestion of that statement before continuing. "For most of the Churches, and in particular, for all those present and many of their most similar contemporaries, the concepts of Divinity and Creation are inextricably linked. The act of Bringing-Into-Being what previously Was Not as a Divine act, and the understanding of Divinity being an expression of this, is key. In most cases, this extends beyond mere physical creation. Where the Tezh see that all the universe down to the most fundamental particles is energy in varying forms, one might say that the Churches see the universe as being fundamentally composed of information. To discover what was unknown is an act of Creation; for some, whether it was known at some point previously matters, and for others it does not. Before I stray into digression further, however, I would ask you to instead listen to the Churches themselves describe what they hold to be true."

With that, she directs attention with one arm towards the rest of the seated theologians. First to rise is a slim-faced, dark-scaled Rass, wearing cloth robes covered in geometric patterns around reshaped metal, inlaid with even more intricate designs.
"My name is Feminine-Our-Victory HighTower GateReef, and I serve as representative of the Church of the Highest Tower. We hold the most adherents of any faith in the Mrosan system." Several of the other representatives seem annoyed at the statement, and at least one has to catch themselves in order to avoid bursting out. Feminine-Our-Victory either doesn't notice or ignores this, however: "As Living-Reliquary Grace-Which-Is-Beauty's-Sustenance explained so succinctly, we hold Creation to be Divine, and this lies at the core of our faith. To Create, then, is a Divine act, and so we recognize the sainthood of Creators, and the intrinsic Divinity of Created beings, most commonly referred to by the term 'Ordained Intelligence'. It is based on their wisdom and knowledge that our faith arises, and it is by their majesty and power that the modern Rhoshan people have come so far. To reach divinity, so high above those of us formed by Birth rather than Creation, one must build a structure to touch the heavens. So we come together, in faith and work, to build the tower together, even when we stand on different heights."

The Rass lifts herself up in the traditional manner before returning to her seat after a brief pause to allow for questions; the next to rise is a thickly built Rass wearing colorful, flowing clothing, whose scales seem both smaller and more numerous than those of the others present. Along their neck, a spiraling garment wraps around their neck, connecting a headpiece and their robes; from this spiral, a number of decorative weighted chains dangle.
"I am Masculine-Happiness Born-Of Feminine-Praise-Giving Born-Of Androgynous-Gods-Give-Strength-In-Loss NewCreation Yellow-Glade-River, and I represent the Church of the Newfound Creation. We agree with the Church of the High Tower that Creation is Divine, but where they demarcate what Creation does or does not 'count', excluding the bringing of new life into the world from consideration and merit as a Divine act, we impose no such separation on the forms of Creation. Neither do we glorify those who have Created above their peers who have yet to do so, diminishing their potential by marginalization. Birth is as much a form of Creation as any other, and so we are all capable of Creation, all of us sacred beings. To deny this is to allow oneself to be corrupted from that sacred state, and to deny your innate divinity or that of any other being is as heinous a crime as can be committed. Let no one tell you otherwise."

Masculine-Happiness holds themselves up - though they were waiting for questions, there seemed to be an element of...defiance, in the face of the glances some among their peers stared at them with. When they finally sat down again, there are several beats before the next rises, and several more before the several who rose simultaneously appear to sort out who would speak next. So far, and no farther, it seemed...

2019-07-25, 08:40 AM
The Kronin Presentation

Krazkul rises as his turn comes. "As requested I shall give a presentation on our empire's philosophy. We don't think to deeply about our reality and other matters since on our planet not only does it not really matter but is un-practical. Our planet is a harsh wasteland of razor sharp rock and burning hot lava. Where we come from there is no comfort or entertainment technology. We live to survive. From the moment they can walk our children are trained to fight and survive in the harshest environments. When they come of age they are sent off on their own into the wasteland beyond our civilization for 30 rotations of our planet. The ones who are not even by a Kzrakt Dragon or fall in a pit of lava are accepted into society. It is this discipline and harsh upbringing which shows our philosophy. Our drive to survive on such a harsh terrain.

On our planet we value those who can fend for their selves. If yo cant survive on your own and are picked off you didn't deserve life. If you go down in battle you go down fighting and die with honor. If you back down or run then you arnt strong enough to survive and the punishment is 40 rotations in the spires, the most dangerous place on the planet, a vast field of razor sharp glass and spires of obsidian. Not to mention terrible creatures. If the out cast returns they will be re-accepted.
In addition to those natural beliefs brought about by the hardships of our planet, our society has strict rules that build upon our philosophy mainly, you must obey the officers on the rank above you immediately and no questions asked. Even in every day life. Our society functions like an army, because they are one and the same. Each person is assigned a rank. The highest, King-General, has command over everyone else, next is the admiral, gestures to Nozdak, all the way down to Civilian-Warrior. Our nation is built with discipline and order. If you disobey you are punished the same way as a deserter. We all trust that the person above us is capable. When I die in battle Nozdak will become King-General and so on.
That is about all I can think to share with you He abruptly returns to his seat.

2019-07-25, 09:39 PM
The Tezh's Presentation

Lyrae nods in thanks and turns to the assembly of Lyraens on either side of her. "Well, my friends? What do you think?"

"It is...interesting," Ayl Lan says quietly, "You do make a good point. And, if we were restricted to pure physicality, perhaps one that would be irrefutable. But, if you do not mind me asking, where do the Tezh fit the soul into their philosophy?"

"That is the key, yes," Lyrae agrees, "You see, in our understanding, it is the soul that imparts the power to will to mere matter or, in your case, energy. Is there such a concept in your ideology?"

Talotius rises when addressed by the Lyraens, and when queried they take a moment or two in silence to form their answer - the Aether stone's motes glimmering back and forth before the lights become synchronized again.

"Tezh do not have a concept of the intangible 'soul' in a spiritual sense as many of our siblings do. We Tezh are innately energy which has taken the property of existence as opposed to matter or electromagnetic quanta. This may sound disinterested but that is only because it is a factual answer to a question and does not express the value We Tezh place on the extraordinary nature of self-actualizing energy."

"As we conveyed to Kamasati Kuruu earlier, we revere existence in all forms: great and small, whether at the native harmonic or at this larger realm of physicality. With the first direct contact and observations of the Stozudal, we noted that these same extant energies are overlaid onto their organic frames, though we could not converse directly with these energies as we could with other Tezh, nor could these energies migrate away from a damaged or failing frame as We can do. The energies of existence in physicality appear to be specialized and bound to their frames, but they are definitely the same energies which we Tezh observe in ourselves, and have now observed in all of our fellow elevated siblings. We respectfully theorize that we could detect similar energies in yourself - Lyrae - though it would be a new undertaking for Us to venture that close to a stellar mass and it would likely pose many challenges."

"Based on these facts and additionally how the Tezh value these energies as many others do, we feel it is appropriate to use a label such as 'soul' to describe the phenomenon by which a collection of matter becomes animated and interacts with its surroundings; the 'spark of life' if We may be poetic."

Talotius choral voice quiets after the monologue as They wait to know if they have provided the requested information or if there will be more questions.

2019-07-26, 12:56 AM
Lyrae and the Lightbearer

Lyrae chuckles. "Ah yes. The wonders of communication across language barriers." She gestures to the gift of the Vilari. "Fortunately, we will soon be able to translate each other's words without relying on an intermediary."

When he has said his piece, she nods. "Indeed. We are similar in many ways, though I prefer to style myself as a mother to the Lyraens. A nurturing, loving influence. Though I fear that, like all mothers, the days is coming soon when they will no longer need me."

The Grymlan's Presentation

"I see," Lyrae says, hands folded over each other in front of her face. She muses for a moment. "Any other questions?" she ask the Lyraens.

One of the Lyraens clears her throat. "High Scrapseeker," she says respectfully, "How...often do your people's projects, er, backfire?"

The Razz Presentation

Lyrae and the Lyraens listen to each presentation in turn, taking note of the differences. However, they are not able to follow the exact points of divergence and fine minutiae that distinguish the churches, at least not on the first hearing. "Interesting" one of the philosophers says, "I am very interested in the idea of creation as divine. It would make Lyrae's act a method of supreme divinity."

"And give us the haughty idea that we can do the same," another retorts.

Lyrae raises an eyebrow at them. "But one worth exploring more, yes?"

"Yes," the Lyraens agree.

The Kronin Presentation

"A practical approach," one of the Lyraens says with a nod. He looks quite interested in it. "In wartime, we have adopted similarly brutal modes of thought, especially when it requires swift action and discipline."

"Such things were necessary then," Lyrae says, "But for us, they are not necessary now." She inclines her head to the Rothuun. "Thank you. I believe I understand your people better now."

The Tezh Presentation

Though it was not intended to do so, the Tezh's words strike a chord with the Lyraens, a chord that they are not comfortable with. "Do you mean to say," one says, "That the soul, the basis for sentience and mark of an elevated species, is nothing but an energy pattern?"

"It could be...brain-waves?" another theorizes, "A physical manifestation, but not the soul itself."

2019-07-26, 01:25 AM
Main Talks

Jeejee perked up at the question. "Oh, yes-yes, all-times. Goodgood learningtimes too. Learngood to forsee mishaps, craftbuild around them, with reduntant systems. Crafthome Shinystar is capable of darkflight while missing nearly 50% of its thrust systems and 30% of other systems." she shrugged, "assuming the GLD is still on the ship."

2019-07-26, 10:50 AM
The Tezh Presentation

Though it was not intended to do so, the Tezh's words strike a chord with the Lyraens, a chord that they are not comfortable with. "Do you mean to say," one says, "That the soul, the basis for sentience and mark of an elevated species, is nothing but an energy pattern?"

"It could be...brain-waves?" another theorizes, "A physical manifestation, but not the soul itself."

"Brain waves require a brain structure which We Tezh and Lyrae herself, unless there is a stellar body organization pattern we have not identified, do not possess. Brain waves are a neuro-chemical interface to an organic frame similar to wiring and software for a mechanical one, they are unique to the frame and the identity that inhabits it but they are not the existence itself. Brain waves are only symptomatic of it being present" Talotius responds to the Lyraen who posited it.

The Aether stone tips forward in an approximation of a nod towards the Lyraen who had asked about the soul being an energy pattern "That is mostly correct, although as with many things it is but a beginning - a corner view of a larger and very complicated whole."

"To elaborate - physicality has many things that interact, nearly all of it happens through sheer automatic/predictable patterns. Chemical reactions will always occur a certain way, mass will always navigate gravity wells a certain way, radioactive decay is consistent, and so forth. These things stem from the harmonic and are present, observable, and repeatable in physicality... and that is all."

"Then there is 'existence': another possible though exceedingly rare property which energy from the harmonic can take on. Whether free floating like Tezh or bonded to some other structure like Stozudal, takes that physicality and breaks from the simple patterns of predictable force/reaction previously mentioned. We have found these fields of energy bonded with all manner of what gets called 'life' among our elevated siblings; predator and prey, colonies and nomads, gigantic and diminutive. But that which is connected to our elevated siblings has been the most nuanced and complex."

"An apt comparison is the electromagnetic spectrum itself; if you were to assign single cell prokaryotes that very clearly hunt to infrared, migrating herds of creatures towards the middle of the spectrum - yellow perhaps, and those which the Tezh refer to as 'elevated siblings' with advanced structures of civilization, complex motivations/behaviors, and awareness of the future for planning could perhaps go into ultraviolet."

"All of these things are structures of physicality that obey physical properties, rules, reactions and more - and yet they have something more to them, they have 'existence'; a sense of self, however simple, which brings self-determination and self-actualization."

"To return to the question of brain waves: Our medical specialists have observed cases where a body persists - 'alive' in every respect in that it does not stop functioning and decay, but it does nothing else. Triggers fire according to autonomic functions that a normal being would have no control over anyway, but that is all."

"We have found that the vast majority of these organic frames no longer carry readings of the energy we call 'existence' even though they still have traces - if greatly diminished - of brain waves, though we do not know of the exact mechanism through which they become un-linked. In the cases where the energy is present, we have often been able to locate the fault in the organic frame and resolve it to at least some degree - granting the being within the ability to either recover entirely or restore enough capability that they may address any final pressing issues before full frame failure; 'death'."

2019-07-26, 08:31 PM
Lyrae blinks. She was expecting to have to connect directly with Ruffletail and search through her mind herself, but this is better. It is prudent, when you are unsure of someone, to not let them see the inside of your mind, she supposed.

She clears her throat. "Ruffletail, if that is still what you call yourself, can you hear me?"

Ruffletail appeared alone, clean, in Lyrae's mind's eye. Her coat was free of kombuch, but not what one would consider healthy. It was patchy, and matted.

"Greetings, Exalted Lyrae. We hope this will be satisfactory. This is how I appeared before meeting my symbiotes. I was unwell, dying. No one forced them on me. I was dying in a gutter when I first heard their voices. They are small things, like children, but their presence is comforting. W̶͇͉̻͍̑̈́̚ͅȩ̶̨͕̻̩̣͚͕̑͆̔ were so alone.

You left something empty inside us. I never felt whole, but ţ̵̡̡̢̡̧͕̞̮̩͈̻̥͓̦̭͓̥̣̄̓́̓̋̈́̄̋́̍̓̑h̷̺͈̺̥͕̣́̍̈́̊̀̇͂̂̕ ̨̰̣̭͇̥̩̹͚̗̼̞͜͜ę̵̨̛͉͎̦̼̫̠̽̈́̋̍̈́͑ͅÿ̷̰̞̻̞̓̊ are here now. W̸̢̢̡̢̛͙̲͔̰̰͓̰̲̲̝͓̳͓̄̎̆̌̒̍̂̀͑͘͜͜͠ͅͅẻ̶͍̝͎̹̀͗̐͌̒̃͒͜ ̢̢̙̹̮͎̩̳͉̤̠͉͉̥̰̘ͅ ̸̛͕̹͉̪̯̳̪̬̩̠̰̥̥̅̇͐̐̋̀̈̊͑̚͠ả̴̂͌̀̿̍͗͐͒̓͑̈́́̓̐̇́̇̂̋̚͝ ̨͚̟̗͕̤͖̪͔͑̈́̽̓͊́ř̶̢̧͓̖̹̜̮̣̜̣̠̙̤̇̊̃̀͒͂̑̈́̾́̎̉̓̓̓̉̑͠͝ ̡̖̹͉̗̰̜̯̺̟̙̹̗̖e̵̛͇̳̫̠̲͕̍̐̍̒̓̈́̂̓̉̈́͒̑̈́̅̈̐̊̑̈́́̆͠ ̵͕͇̲̩̦̭̠̼̥̬͎͓̣̗̤̩̹͚͇͈̭̻̘̱̿̽͛́̃̎͗̂̊̈̉̃̃͂͊͜͝w̷̄̒͂̑̓̿ ̡͍̭̥̫͉̹̝̣̞͕̩̻̰̟͕͇̗̋̉͂̈́͆̓͘͝͝ͅh̴̢̛͓͙͊̃͆͒̄̎̑́̍̄̉͛͗̇̀͝ ̤̣̰̮̺̜̪̖̬̳̖͎̯o̷̤̙̥̊͊̆̃́͑̄̊͗͌̿̑̓̽͌͗̊̎̓̄͛͘̚ĺ̸͊͗̊͛̏͌ ̨̝̺͒͌̋ẻ̴̗̣͖͋̌͂.̴̛̳̠̟̙̟͉͚̽͛̏̒̓̃̽̓̅̓̊̊̒̊̅́̈̚͘̕͝ ͉̲̺"

2019-07-26, 09:21 PM
Lyrae Presentation

<Connection can mean many things. Due to our advanced abilities it may appear we demand life to conform to us but that is not the case. Simple empathic connection is more then enough to feel the pain and suffering of loss. The joy of the whole can be transmitted truthfully, without lies.> The Kamasati answer before they relax some. <There is debate among many of our kind that believe that even advanced emotional states could be considered worthy of empathic connection. Demons are linked with voracious hunger, with absolutely no empathic or emotional ties and feel nothing... EXTREME logic at the cost of all emotional imput, or connection might also lead to a demonic race though again its all theoretical among those who consider such things. Gods discuss the nature of existence as well, and are fascinated in the more.>

<It is difficult to maintain this connection. There seems to be a deeply ingrained "whole" and a symbiosis, one mind is not surviving without another. Ruffletail cannot be seperated... I believe it would harm maybe even kill all involved. Not that we presume motive, we just want all information to be available.>

2019-07-26, 11:52 PM
The Grymlan Presentation

That answer is not reassuring to the Lyraens. "I admire your...enthusiasm," the speaking Lyraen says, having worked very hard to put some positive spin on that, "Thank you for your, er, forthrightness."

"Do many of your people die?" another blurts out.

The Tezh Presentation

Unfortunately for the Lyraens, though this runs very contrary to their beliefs, they have nothing they can really say against it other than, 'you're wrong'. And 'you're wrong' is never a compelling counterpoint. However, in response to their last point, Ayl Lan clears her throat. "That...sounds like death," she states, "Speaking of which, do you have any doctrine on what happens to...an unlinked soul? A dead one?"

The Kamasati Presentation

The answer seems to be drawing the Lyraens out of their hostility. At the very least, the Kamasati faith does not seem so monstrous now. "And this...connection. Would it require, er, integration into a psychic web, as the media has reported? Or is it not so invasive?" the Lyraen questioner asks.

The hackles rise on Lyrae's back as Ruffletail speaks. A chill travels up her spine. She sits very, very still for a long moment. At last, she speaks to the Kamasati, "Thank you, but I will not insist you try. I promised I would not kill Ruffletail and I will not rescind that now. If wrong has been done, another will not right it."

She sighs heavily and reaches up for her mask. Her fingers trace across its surface, finding the familiar grooves in it, each containing a memory. She speaks slowly, each word measured and weighty. "The simple truth of the matter is that, one way or another, I failed you Ruffletail."

"There's nothing I can do for you," she says, "And I'm not sure...if there's anything to be done now. But you have given me a very important piece of information." Her eyes take on a fiery aura of determination. "There is an entire planet full of my children who are trapped in poverty, dying in gutters, as you say. This. Will. Not. Stand."

"What do you need? It will take time, but what do you need?"

2019-07-27, 12:20 AM
The Talks

"Yesyes, craftfailure beyond saferig tends to be hurtkilly or at least manyiagos of feelhurt." Jeejee answered, "Muchsad but its truetrue. We can't saferig for allfails. Every Grymlan knows this, but we thinkknow that as long as endgoal is worth liferisk, it is valueworthy of our efforts."

She chuckles, "But, critbad craftfailure isn't as common as one would thinkthink"

2019-07-27, 12:29 AM
The Grymlan Presentation

There is a long pause. Ayl Lan clears her throat. "I have a question," she says, "Are you, and I don't mean to be rude, entirely insane or is this normal?"

"Oh no. It's quite normal," Lyrae says, "Pay it no mind."

One of the males speaks up. "I, for one, would love to discuss this further at a later date. After the conference, perhaps?"

2019-07-27, 01:16 AM
The Tezh Presentation

Unfortunately for the Lyraens, though this runs very contrary to their beliefs, they have nothing they can really say against it other than, 'you're wrong'. And 'you're wrong' is never a compelling counterpoint. However, in response to their last point, Ayl Lan clears her throat. "That...sounds like death," she states, "Speaking of which, do you have any doctrine on what happens to...an unlinked soul? A dead one?"

Talotius stands silent and motionless for a brief moment, as if trying to read the Lyraen reaction and get a feel for them before speaking.

"While We use our teachings of One to do work for the betterment of all, we do not seek to supplant the nature of existence and the cycle of physicality. As mentioned previously we will seek to aid siblings who's frames are injured or ill, but that is merely a gesture of care and compassion that they already exhibit towards each other and it is only our difference in perception and skill in certain regards that makes our results notable."

Talotius pauses for another moment, then speaks with a sense of weight and reverence - it is clear that the Tezh are not alien to the concept of loss. "You ask about observing doctrine when existence of a sibling becomes un-linked from the organic frame: we do nothing, though that was not always the case."

"In our early time with the Stozudal, we were eager to assist our newly discovered elevated siblings in all possible manners. It was a very frequent request to restore balance and health to an organic frame and so we did. From that we rapidly learned about organic interactions, genetics, and all manner of ways they become damaged and fail. Inevitably, there was a case where such an un-linking event was observed. We recorded this and shared the information with the individual's family - who immediately asked us to restore them. We could not at that time, but we began collecting data points on other such un-linkings from then forward. Tezh are able to migrate between frames - linking or un-linking - as needed or desired, it seemed that such a thing should be possible for any sibling - especially when only re-linking to their original frame."

"When We conveyed this to Our Stozudal peers they were ecstatic at the possibilities. However after much time and many attempts at the behest of Stozudal in need We chose to discontinue the effort and advised them similarly. Tezh and all our many siblings share these extant energies, and all are traceable to the harmonic; but it is clear that the energies present in physicality based siblings are specialized and do not recover well from even brief moments of being un-linked."

"The failures involved in learning this only brought more grief and we began to understand how disruptive it would be to them as a people if death could be 'fixed'. It is likely that we could eventually succeed if we ignored such experiences, but We choose this path instead."

"Now, when we observe situations where existence is not present in an elevated sibling despite the organic frame continuing to function, we convey this to their peers and let them move through whatever process is fitting for them."