View Full Version : First time as a GM: Izzet Adventures on Ravnica part one

Great cthulhu
2019-07-14, 04:39 PM
So this was the first game I ever had DMed and It just happened to be GGR. I have had a lot of exprience as a player, but now it was time to test myself as a DM. I had always wanted to play a Ravnica quest, but there wasnt anybody to DM it so I decided to DM myself. I managed to wrangle about four friends. 11th level party on Ravnica Their characters are as follows:

Engi: An Izzet wizard/scientist who works with divinity science
Project PLL: A simic hybrid barbarian/sorcerer given as a gift to Engi by the simic
Ferrel: A high elf in the Izzet who works in Engi's lab
Guttersnipe: Who is currently absent as his player was not there. He works for the izzet.

The game began on ravnica, a few years after the war of the spark. It has been rebuilt and under Niv-mizzet's guidance has become better than ever. The game started with Engi, who was chilling in his lab when a message came to him inside of his lab's pipes (you know, like the ones in the banks) He opened the letter and found that he was invited to a meeting inside an Azorius courthouse. The letter also said that he was legally entitled to a magic item called the flesh rod, which he must protect.

He walked to the courthouse and entered the meeting chamber to find seven identical copies of Jace sitting at seats in a boardroom table. behind the table was a growth tank containing Project PLL, the second character in the campaign. Jace told Engi that he must protect the flesh rod in his lab at all costs, and that he take PLL along as a strong companion. He also told Engi that despite the fact that he and his clones were a programmed illusion and that jace was busy on another plane, the Arresters about to storm the room were not

Nine lawmages entered the room. After multiple attempts at hold person The Lawmages managed to paralyze Engi and seal off PLL in his tank. The arrest was unnecessary, it was purely for the amusement of Jace's simulacrum, who was watching using arcane eye.

The innocent adventurers were released outside of the court, and walked back to engi's lab. While there he was told by one of his scientist servants that an order had shipped in the storage basement. It was the flesh rod. He went up to his personal lab and received yet another letter. It told him that he was invited to a somewhat illegal scientific festival called the association of water. All the blue guilds are invited. This association of water contained a special exhibit displayed as a surprise. However, because of his superior knowledge, he was invited to see this exhibit before anybody else, starting tomorrow morning.

He was interrupted by mad cackling as he looked outside. He was greeted by a small army of Rakdos villains. The fiends brought with them a catapult of immense size to destroy Engi's giant lab. Escorted by multiple Izzet guards, Engi went downstairs and met with the criminals. Shuffling her way to the front was a blood witch called the "skin seamstress" (sounds pretty friendly) She told Engi that this was gang was sent by a demon lord named Heat who demanded that Engi surrender the flesh rod.

Engi did not

A fight began, starting with PLL, who ran and jumped into the army, electrocuting nearby performers with his skin and attacking the blood witch, taking a large chunk out of her. Then it was engi's guards turn. A galvanic blastseeker shot a fireball at the crowd, which took out a massive part of the group. The Soldiers meanwhile, flamethrowered the performers. On the Rakdos turn, the performers simply ran into the building fanatically, in which engi fireballed them, and destroyed them all. PLL killed the witch, and the fight was resolved. A thunder cannon mounted on the lab obliterated the catapult

It was far to easy, and Engi was informed that during the conflict, the rod was stolen in the process by Rakdos rogues. Angry, Engi decided the next morning to see the exhibit. He was taken to another lab, and introduced to a collosal cylander contaning an equally large creature. Dotted with tentacles and arms, with a head encased in a bony, faceless mask.

Engi was told that this creature's very presence was cancelling some spells, and the only way to cancel it was to seal it in ice. He also told Engi that Jace had specifically instructed them to destroy the creature, but they quote: "value science over orders" Engi asked them about his missing flesh rod, and they promptly told him that the magic item he was describing was given to the simic by the rakdos, which both agreed was a bit odd.

After leaving the Exhibit, Engi was greeted by jace and was given two missions: First he must locate and destroy the current holder of the flesh rod: Elvaria, a planeswalker from lorwyn; and move the specimen to Engi's lab in whatever way neccicery.

Engi attended the congregation of water, where he met Ferrel: the third player of the group who happened to be a colleage of engi's back at the academy. At first they dismissed each-other. Engi managed to find Elvaria, but she dimension doored away before he could talk. Minutes later, azorious lawmages stormed the building, and arrested everybody.

Engi, Project PLL, and Ferrell were all taken to jace, who scolded Engi for not managing to catch elvaria. However, he can atone himself by retrieving the creature. Jace revealed this creature was an Eldrazi, and ancient alien evil that exists between dimensions. This particular one was called a "void winnower" and it disables spellcasting. He told Engi that Ferrel will be accompanying him. Ferrel enthusiastically joined the party.

Using automated rigs, Engi, ferrel, and PLL managed to get the giant cylinder of ice to his lab, which ranged about half the size of the complex itself. (the lab was BIG) To pass his time, Engi spied on elvaria via scry, but he didn't succeed in getting any info on her location.

The player who played PLL got sick and had to leave, so Instead of being accompanied by PLL, Engi was accompanied by a nivix cyclops. Engi decided it was time for revenge, and set out to kill heat

The demon lord's tent was guarded by a few performers, but the adventurers destroyed them quickly, other than a blood witch, who tried to use suggustion on the nivix cyclops. The cyclops lost, and almost mega-punched Ferrel, but the fist stopped right before he hit her, as the cyclops rolled a natural one. He instead broke the control, and used his action to run up to the witch and punch her to death. It was fun for both me and the players to watch.

The tent was empty inside, save for a little prop of a castle. This castle had an entrance that revealed an underground network, where they got to a room with four tortured citizens hung on walls, and heat sitting alone at a table. Heat won initiative, and walked into another room. After rescuing the victims, the adventurers pursued.

They found themselves in a massive arena, flanked by two enormous furnaces. Sitting on a throne on a balcony was the demon lord Heat He announced himself "I am heat! Welcome to the furnace!" The furnaces eventually stopped burning, and a hatch opened up, letting the sunlight of the tent above fill the underground arena. Evil humans leaped out the furnaces to fight the heroes. The party knew that the head must be cut off the snake. Fireball, lightningbolt, chain lightning, and Heat was dead (or so the party thought) The followers enraged by their leaders death plunged themselves into the roaring furnaces, incinerating themselves, and winning the day for the izzet league.

Impressed by the heroes accomplishments, jace will give the players Izzet charms next adventure, and they will earn some renown in their respective guilds.

So what do you think of the adventure so far? Am I a competent DM? and what should I throw at the group next week?